Technical Article

Code Conventions for the JavaServer Pages Technology Version 1.x Language

By Kam Hay Fung, Java Technology Consultant and Mark Roth, JavaServer Pages 2.0 Specification Co-Lead, February 2003

As JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology is becoming widely adopted in web-based applications, many JSP programmers and web developers embarking on developing and maintaining these applications face a dilemma like that of many Java programmers: "How do we structure JSP code that is easier to read, write and maintain consistently?"

In this article, we propose a set of standard conventions for writing JSP pages (versions 1.1 and 1.2) that should be followed on a typical software project using web components. The article draws on the Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language as a template to identify various important elements that should be addressed in a coding conventions specification (relevant to JSP technology). In particular, it addresses file names and organization, indentation, comments, directives, declarations, scriptlets, expressions, white space, naming conventions, and programming practices. As this is our first attempt at presenting a set of JSP coding conventions, we're quite interested in any feedback you may have on these recommendations. Please send all feedback to

The JavaServer Pages 2.0 Specification, while fully backwards compatible with version 1.2, allows for a script-free programming style (without declarations, scriptlets and expressions) and has a number of new features that are expected to evolve these conventions. Where possible, this article chooses conventions that will leverage the new JSP 2.0 technology features.

Finally, we assume that you are familiar with JSP technology, Java technology and Java code conventions as already adopted by your organization for your projects. If not, we recommend that you start with JSP technology here.

Why Have Code Conventions?

Code conventions are important to programmers and web content developers for a number of reasons:

  1. They improve the readability of software artifacts
  2. They reduce training management and effort
  3. They leverage organizational commitment towards standardization

File Names and Locations

File naming gives tool vendors and web containers a way to determine file types and interpret them accordingly. The following table lists our recommended file suffixes and locations.

File Type File Suffix Recommended Location
JSP technology .jsp <context root>/<subsystem path>/
JSP fragment .jsp <context root>/<subsystem path>/
.jspf <context root> /WEB-INF/jspf/<subsystem path>/
cascading style sheet .css <context root> /css/
JavaScript technology .js <context root> /js/
HTML page .html <context root>/<subsystem path>/
web resource .gif, .jpg, etc. <context root> /images/
tag library descriptor .tld <context root> /WEB-INF/tld/

There are a few things to keep in mind when reading the table above. First, <context root> is the root of the context of the web application (the root directory inside a .war file). Second, <subsystem path> is used to provide refined logical grouping of dynamic and static web page contents. For a small web application, this may be an empty string.

Third, we use the term JSP fragment to refer to a JSP page that can be included in another JSP page. Note that in the JSP 2.0 Specification, the term "JSP segment" is used instead as the term "JSP fragment" is overloaded. JSP fragments can use either .jsp or .jspf as a suffix, and should be placed either in /WEB-INF/jspf or with the rest of the static content, respectively. JSP fragments that are not complete pages should always use the .jspf suffix and should always be placed in /WEB-INF/jspf. Fourth, though the JSP specification recommends both .jspf and .jsp as possible extensions for JSP fragments, we recommend .jspf as .jsf might be used by the JavaServer Faces specification.

Finally, it is in general a good practice to place tag library descriptor files and any other non-public content under WEB-INF/ or a subdirectory underneath it. In this way, the content will be inaccessible and invisible to the clients as the web container will not serve any files underneath WEB-INF/.

An optional welcome file's name, as declared in the welcome-file element of the deployment descriptor ( web.xml), should be index.jsp if dynamic content will be produced, or index.html if the welcome page is static.

When internationalizing JSP files, we recommend that you group JSP pages into directories by their locale. For example, the US English version of index.jsp would appear under /en_US/index.jsp whereas the Japanese version of the same file would appear under /ja_JP/index.jsp. The Java Tutorial provides additional information about internationalizing Java code in general.

File Organization

A well-structured source code file is not only easier to read, but also makes it quicker to locate information within the file. In this section, we'll introduce the structures for both JSP and tag library descriptor files.

JSP File / JSP Fragment File

A JSP file consists of the following sections in the order they are listed:

  1. Opening comments
  2. JSP page directive(s)
  3. Optional tag library directive(s)
  4. Optional JSP declaration(s)
  5. HTML and JSP code

Opening Comments

A JSP file or fragment file begins with a server side style comment:


  - Author(s):
  - Date:
  - Copyright Notice:
  - @(#)
  - Description: 

This comment is visible only on the server side because it is removed during JSP page translation. Within this comment are the author(s), the date, and the copyright notice of the revision, an identifier and a description about the JSP page for web developers. The combination of characters " @(#)" is recognized by certain programs as indicating the start of an identifier. While such programs are seldom used, the use of this string does no harm. In addition, this combination is sometimes appended by " $Id$" for the identification information to be automatically inserted into the JSP page by some version control programs. The Description part provides concise information about the purpose of the JSP page. It does not span more than one paragraph.

In some situations, the opening comments need to be retained during translation and propagated to the client side (visible to a browser) for authenticity and legal purposes. This can be achieved by splitting the comment block into two parts; first, the client-side style comment:


  - Author(s):
  - Date:
  - Copyright Notice:

and then a shorter server side style comment:


  - @(#)
  - Description: 

JSP Page Directive(s)

A JSP page directive defines attributes associated with the JSP page at translation time. The JSP specification does not impose a constraint on how many JSP page directives can be defined in the same page. So the following two Code Samples are equivalent (except that the first example introduces two extra blank lines in the output):

Code Sample 1:

<%@ page session="false" %>

<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
<%@ page errorPage="/common/errorPage.jsp" %>

If the length of any directive, such as a page directive, exceeds the normal width of a JSP page (80 characters), the directive is broken into multiple lines:

Code Sample 2:

<%@ page    session="false"


In general, Code Sample 2 is the preferred choice for defining the page directive over Code Sample 1. An exception occurs when multiple Java packages need to be imported into the JSP pages, leading to a very long import attribute:

<%@ page    session="false"

                    com.mycorp.myapp.sql.*, ..."

In this scenario, breaking up this page directive like the following is preferred:

<%-- all attributes except import ones --%>

<%@ page 
<%-- import attributes start here --%>
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
<%@ page import="java.text.*" %>

Note that in general the import statements follow the local code conventions for Java technology. For instance, it may generally be accepted that when up to three classes from the same package are used, import should declare specific individual classes, rather than their package. Beyond three classes, it is up to a web developer to decide whether to list those classes individually or to use the ".*" notation. In the former case, it makes life easier to identify an external class, especially when you try to locate a buggy class or understand how the JSP page interacts with Java code. For instance, without the knowledge of the imported Java packages as shown below, a web developer will have to search through all these packages in order to locate a Customer class:

<%@ page import="*" %>

<%@ page import="com.thirdpartycorp.cashmanagement.*" %>
<%@ page import="*" %>

In the latter case, the written JSP page is neater but it is harder to locate classes. In general, if a JSP page has too many import directives, it is likely to contain too much Java code. A better choice would be to use more JSP tags (discussed later in this article).

Optional Tag Library Directive(s)

A tag library directive declares custom tag libraries used by the JSP page. A short directive is declared in a single line. Multiple tag library directives are stacked together in the same location within the JSP page's body:

<%@ taglib uri="URI1" prefix="tagPrefix1" %>

<%@ taglib uri="URI2" prefix="tagPrefix2" %>

Just as with the page directive, if the length of a tag library directive exceeds the normal width of a JSP page (80 characters), the directive is broken into multiple lines:

<%@ taglib


Only tag libraries that are being used in a page should be imported.

From JSP 1.2 Specification, it is highly recommended that the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) be used in your web application to help reduce the need for JSP scriptlets in your pages. Pages that use JSTL are, in general, easier to read and maintain.

Optional JSP Declaration(s)

JSP declarations declare methods and variables owned by a JSP page. These methods and variables are no different from declarations in the Java programming language, and therefore the relevant code conventions should be followed. Declarations are preferred to be contained in a single < %! ... %> JSP declaration block, to centralize declarations within one area of the JSP page's body. Here is an example:

Disparate declaration blocks Preferred declaration block
<%! private int hitCount; %>

    <%! private Date today; %>
    <%! public int getHitCount() {
            return hitCount;

        private int hitCount;
        private Date today; 
        public int getHitCount() {
            return hitCount;

HTML and JSP Code

This section of a JSP page holds the HTML body of the JSP page and the JSP code, such JSP expressions, scriptlets, and JavaBeans instructions.

Tag Library Descriptor

A tag library descriptor (TLD) file must begin with a proper XML declaration and the correct DTD statement. For example, a JSP 1.2 TLD file must begin with:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

<!DOCTYPE taglib
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.2//EN"

This is immediately followed by a server-side style comment that lists the author(s), the date, the copyright, the identification information, and a short description about the library:


  - Author(s):
  - Date:
  - Copyright Notice:
  - @(#)
  - Description:

The rules and guidelines regarding the use of these elements are the same for those defined for JSP files/fragment files.

The rest of the file consists of the following, in the order they appear below:

  • Optional declaration of one tag library validator
  • Optional declaration of event listeners
  • Declaration of one or more available tags

It is recommended that you always add the following optional sub-elements for the elements in a TLD file. These sub-elements provide placeholders for tag designers to document the behavior and additional information of a TLD file, and disclose them to web component developers.

TLD Element JSP 1.2 Recommended Sub-element JSP 1.1 Recommended Sub-element
attribute (JSP 1.2) description  
init-param (JSP 1.2) description  
tag display-name, description, example name, info
taglib uri, display-name, description uri, info
validator (JSP 1.2) description  
variable (JSP 1.2) description  


Indentations should be filled with space characters. Tab characters cause different interpretation in the spacing of characters in different editors and should not be used for indentation inside a JSP page. Unless restricted by particular integrated development environment (IDE) tools, a unit of indentation corresponds to 4 space characters. Here is an example:

<myTagLib:forEach var="client" items="${clients}">

    <myTagLib:mail value="${client}" />

A continuation indentation aligns subsequent lines of a block with an appropriate point in the previous line. The continuation indentation is in multiple units of the normal indentation (multiple lots of 4 space characters):

<%@ page    attribute1="value1"


Indentation of Scripting Elements

When a JSP scripting element (such as declaration, scriptlet, expression) does not fit on a single line, the adopted indentation conventions of the scripting language apply to the body of the element. The body begins from the same line for the opening symbol of the element <%=, and from a new line for the opening symbol <%=. The body is then terminated by an enclosing symbol of the element ( %>) on a separate line. For example:

<%= (Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)
. =Calendar.SUNDAY) ?
. "Sleep in" :
. "Go to work" %>

The lines within the body not containing the opening and the enclosing symbols are preceded with one unit of normal indentation (shown as . in the previous example) to make the body distinctively identifiable from the rest of the JSP page.

Compound Indentation with JSP, HTML and Java

Compound indentation, for JSP elements intermingled with Java scripting code and template text (HTML), is necessary to reduce the effort of comprehending a JSP source file. This is because the conventional normal indentation might make seeing the JSP source file difficult. As a general rule, apply an extra unit of normal indentation to every element introduced within another one. Note that this alters the indentations of the final output produced for the client side to render for display. The additional indentations, however, are usually ignored (by the browser) and have no effect on the rendered output on the browser. For instance, adding more space characters before a <TABLE> tag does not change the position of a table. So, applying this convention for indentation makes this looks nicer:


        <%  if ( tableHeaderRequired ) { %>
                <th>Last Name</th>
                <th>First Name</th>
        <%  } %>
        <c:forEach var="customer" items="${customers}">
                <td><c:out value="${customer.lastName}"/></td>
                <td><c:out value="${customer.firstName}"/></td>

than this:


        <%  if ( tableHeaderRequired ) { %>
            <th>Last Name</th>
            <th>First Name</th>
        <% } %>
        <c:forEach var="customer" items="${customers}">
            <td><c:out value="${customer.lastName}"/></td>
            <td><c:out value="${customer.firstName}"/></td>


Comments are used sparingly to describe additional information or purposes of the surrounding code. Here we look at two types for JSP files: JSP and client-side comments.

JSP Comments

JSP comments (also called server-side comments) are visible only on the server side (that is, not propagated to the client side). Pure JSP comments are preferred over JSP comments with scripting language comments, as the former is less dependent on the underlying scripting language, and will be easier to evolve into JSP 2.0-style pages. The following table illustrates this:

Line JSP scriptlet with scripting language comment Pure JSP comment
<% /**  ...  */ %>

    <% /*  ...  */ %>
    <% //  ...  %>
<%--  ...  --%>


      -- %>


Client-Side Comments

Client-side comments ( <!-- ... -->) can be used to annotate the responses sent to the client with additional information about the responses. They should not contain information about the behavior and internal structure of the server application or the code to generate the responses.

The use of client-side comments is generally discouraged, as a client / user does not need or read these kinds of comments directly in order to interpret the received responses. An exception is for authenticity and legality purposes such as the identification and copyright information as described above. Another exception is for HTML authors to use a small amount of HTML comments to embody the guidelines of the HTML document structures. For example:

<!-- toolbar section -->

<!-- left-hand side navigation bar -->
<!-- main body -->
<!-- footer -->

Multiline Comment Block

A multiline comment block, be it JSP or client-side, is decorated with the dash character "-". In the XML specification, the double-dash string "--" is not allowed within an XML comment block. Thus, for compatibility and consistency with this specification, no double-dash string is used to decorate comment lines within a multiline comment block. The following table illustrates this preference using a client-side comment block:

Preferred Non-XML compliant

      - line 1
      - line 2

      -- line 1
      -- line 2

JSP Declarations

As per the Java code convention, declarations of variables of the same types should be on separate lines:

Not recommended Recommended
<%! private int x, y; %>
  • <%! private int x; %>
  • <%! private int y; %>

JavaBeans components should not be declared and instantiated using JSP declarations but instead should use the <jsp:useBean> action tag.

In general, JSP declarations for variables are discouraged as they lead to the use of the scripting language to weave business logic and Java code into a JSP page which is designed for presentation purposes, and because of the overhead of managing the scope of the variables.

JSP Scriptlets

Where possible, avoid JSP scriptlets whenever tag libraries provide equivalent functionality. This makes pages easier to read and maintain, helps to separate business logic from presentation logic, and will make your pages easier to evolve into JSP 2.0-style pages (JSP 2.0 Specification supports but deemphasizes the use of scriptlets). In the following examples, for each data type representation of the customers, a different scriptlet must be written:

customers as an array of Customers


        <%  for ( int i=0; i<customers.length; i++ ) { %>
                <td><%= customers[i].getLastName() %></td>
                <td><%= customers[i].getFirstName() %></td>
        <%  } %>

customers as an Enumeration


        <%  for ( Enumeration e = customers.elements();
                e.hasMoreElements(); ) { 
                Customer customer = (Customer)e.nextElement();
                <td><%= customer.getLastName() %></td>
                <td><%= customer.getFirstName() %></td>
        <%  } %>

However, if a common tag library is used, there is a higher flexibility in using different types of customers. For instance, in the JSP Standard Tag Library, the following segment of JSP code will support both array and Enumeration representations of customers:


        <c:forEach var="customer" items="${customers}">
                <td><c:out value="${customer.lastName}"/></td>
                <td><c:out value="${customer.firstName}"/></td>

In the spirit of adopting the model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern to reduce coupling between the presentation tier from the business logic, JSP scriptlets should not be used for writing business logic. Rather, JSP scriptlets are used if necessary to transform data (also called "value objects") returned from processing the client's requests into a proper client-ready format. Even then, this would be better done with a front controller servlet or a custom tag. For example, the following code fetches the names of customers from the database directly and displays them to a client:



    Connection conn = null;
    try {
        // Get connection
        InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
        DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("customerDS");
        conn = ds.getConnection();

        // Get customer names
        Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT name FROM customer");

        // Display names
        while ( ) {
            out.println( rs.getString("name") + "<br>");
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        out.println("Could not retrieve customer names:" + e);
    } finally {
        if ( conn != null ) 

The following segment of JSP code is better as it delegates the interaction with the database to the custom tag myTags:dataSource which encapsulates and hides the dependency of the database code in its implementation:


    var="result" />
<c:forEach var="row" items="${result.rows}">
    <c:out value="${}" />
    <br />

result is a scripting variable introduced by the custom tag myTags:dataSource to hold the result of retrieving the names of the customers from the customer database. The JSP code can also be enhanced to generate different kinds of outputs (HTML, XML, WML) based on client needs dynamically, without impacting the backend code (for the dataSource tag). A better option is to delegate this to a front controller servlet which performs the data retrieval and provide the results to the JSP page through a request-scoped attribute. See the Enterprise section of Java BluePrints for an example.

In summary:

  • JSP scriptlets should ideally be non-existent in the JSP page so that the JSP page is independent of the scripting language, and business logic implementation within the JSP page is avoided.
  • If not possible, use value objects (JavaBeans components) for carrying information to and from the server side, and use JSP scriptlets for transforming value objects to client outputs.
  • Use custom tags (tag handlers) whenever available for processing information on the server side.

JSP Expressions

JSP Expressions should be used just as sparingly as JSP Scriptlets. To illustrate this, let's look as the following three examples which accomplish equivalent tasks:

Example 1 (with explicit Java code):

<%= myBean.getName() %>

Example 2 (with JSP tag):

<jsp:getProperty name="myBean" property="name" />

Example 3 (with JSTL tag):

<c:out value="${}" />

Example 1 assumes that a scripting variable called myBean is declared. The other two examples assume that myBean is a scoped attribute that can be found using PageContext.findAttribute(). The second example also assumes that myBean was introduced to the page using <jsp:useBean>.

Of the three examples, the JSTL tag example is preferred. It is almost as short as the JSP expression, it is just as easy to read and easier to maintain, and it does not rely on Java scriptlets (which would require the web developer to be familiar with the language and the API calls). Furthermore, it makes the page easier to evolve into JSP 2.0-style programming, where the equivalent can be accomplished by simply typing ${} in template text. Whichever choice is adopted, it should be agreed on amongst web developers and consistent across all produced JSP pages in the same project.  It should be noted that the JSTL example is actually slightly different in that it gets the value of myBean from the page context instead of from a local Java scripting variable.

Finally, JSP expressions have preference over equivalent JSP scriptlets which rely on the syntax of the underlying scripting language. For instance,

<%= x %>

is preferred over

<% out.print( x ); %>

White Space

White space further enhances indentation by beautifying the JSP code to reduce comprehension and maintenance effort. In particular, blank lines and spaces should be inserted at various locations in a JSP file where necessary.

Blank Lines

Blank lines are used sparingly to improve the legibility of <strike>the</strike>a JSP page, provided that they do not produce unwanted effects on the outputs. For the example below, a blank line inserted between two JSP expressions inside an HTML <PRE> block call causes an extra line inserted in the HTML output to be visible in the client's browser. However, if the blank line is not inside a <PRE> block, the effect is not visible in the browser's output.

JSP statements HTML output to client

    <%= customer.getFirstName() %>
    <%= customer.getLastName() %>


    <%= customer.getFirstName() %>

    <%= customer.getLastName() %>
<%= customer.getFirstName() %>

    <%= customer.getLastName() %>
Joe Block

Blank Spaces

A white space character (shown as . ) should be inserted between a JSP tag and its body. For instance, the following




is preferred over


There should also be space characters separating JSP comment tags and comments:

- . a multi-line comment broken into pieces, each of which
- .occupying a single line. --%>
.a short comment

Naming Conventions

Applying naming conventions makes your web component elements easier to identify, classify and coordinate in projects. In this section, we will look at these conventions specific to JSP technology.

JSP Names

A JSP (file) name should always begin with a lower-case letter. The name may consist of multiple words, in which case the words are placed immediately adjacent and each word commences with an upper-case letter. A JSP name can be just a simple noun or a short sentence. A verb-only JSP name should be avoided, as it does not convey sufficient information to developers. For example:


is not as clear as


In the case of a verb being part of a JSP name, the present tense form should be used, since an action by way of backend processing is implied:


is preferred over


Tag Names

The naming conventions for tag handlers and associated classes are shown below:

Description Class Name
XXX tag extra info (extending from javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagExtraInfo) XXXTEI
XXX tag library validator (extending from javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagLibraryValidator) XXXTLV
XXX tag handler interface (extending from javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag/IterationTag/BodyTag) XXXTag
XXX tag handler implementation XXXTag

In addition, tag names must not violate the naming conventions of class and interface as specified in the relevant code convention for Java technology.

To further distinguish a tag-relevant class from other classes, a package suffix, tags, or taglib can be applied to the package name of the class. For example:


Tag Prefix Names

A tag prefix should be a short yet meaningful noun in title case, and the first character in lower-case. A tag prefix should not contain non-alphabetic characters. Here are some examples:

Example OK?
mytaglib no
myTagLib yes
MyTagLib no
MyTagLib1 no
My_Tag_Lib no
My$Tag$Lib no

JSP Pages in XML Syntax

JSP provides two distinct syntaxes: a "standard syntax" for writing JSP pages and an "XML syntax" for writing JSP pages as an XML document. JSP pages that are written using the standard syntax are referred to as "JSP pages." JSP pages that are written using the XML syntax are referred to as "JSP documents". This article primarily addresses JSP pages, but many of the concepts can be applied to JSP documents as well. Use of JSP documents is expected to increase as XML becomes more prevalent, and to address this the JSP 2.0 specification will introduce a much friendlier XML syntax.

It should be noted that the XML syntax used to author JSP pages is distinct from and is often confused with the XML view of a JSP page. The page author uses either the standard or the XML syntax to author a JSP page. The container then translates the JSP page into its XML view, which is exposed to Tag Library Validators.

JSP Document Structure

JSP documents have the following basic structure:

<? xml version="1.0" ?>

      - Author(s): 
      - Date:
      - Copyright Notice:
      - @(#)
      - Description:
    <jsp:root   xmlns:jsp="#"
        JSP Document ...

The first line is an optional XML Prolog that defines the page as an XML document. After the optional prolog comes the comments for the document. The element <jsp:root> defines this as a JSP document and must appear as the root element. The jsp namespace must be imported, and all tag libraries must be imported using this root element. The version attribute is required and specifies which version of JSP Specification is being used. The actual content of the JSP document appears as subelements of the <jsp:root> element. Standard XML indentation rules should be applied consistently across the document, using 4 spaces as a single indentation unit.

A JSP document must be a well-formed XML document, so some elements, such as <% %> must be replaced by their XML equivalent, such as <jsp:scriptlet />. See the JSP Specification for details.

XML Comments

The JSP Specification is unclear about whether XML-style comments are stripped on output, so to be safe if a comment is intended to reach the client, it should be enclosed in a <jsp:text> node, as follows:


          - Multiline comment
          - to be sent to client.

Java Code in JSP Documents

When writing Java code inside declarations, scriptlets, and expressions, a CDATA element should be used only when necessary to ensure your code does not break the document structure.


        for( int level = 0; level &lt; 3; level++ ) {
                "<h" + level + ">Text</h" + level + ">"

Unlike those in the standard syntax, XML indentation rules should be followed regardless of the contents of an element.

Programming Practices

In general, avoid writing Java code (declarations, scriptlets and expressions) in your JSP pages, for the following reasons:

  • Syntax errors in Java code in a JSP page are not detected until the page is deployed. Syntax errors in tag libraries and servlets, on the other hand, are detected prior to deployment.
  • Java code in JSP pages is harder to debug.
  • Java code in JSP pages is harder to maintain, especially for page authors who may not be Java experts.
  • It is generally accepted practice not to mix complex business logic with presentation logic. JSP pages are primarily intended for presentation logic.
  • Code containing Java code, HTML and other scripting instructions can be hard to read.
  • The JSP 2.0 Specification is deemphasizing scriptlets in favor of a much simpler expression language. It will be easier to evolve your JSP pages to JSP 2.0-style programming if Java code is not used in your pages.

See the Enterprise section of Java BluePrints for more guidelines and details.

JavaBeans Component Initialization

JSP technology provides a convenient element to initialize all PropertyDescriptor-identified properties of a JavaBeans component. For instance:

<jsp:setProperty name="bankClient" property="*"/>

However, this should be used with caution. First, if the bean has a property, say, amount, and there is no such parameter (amount) in the current ServletRequest object or the parameter value is "", nothing is done: the JSP page does not even use null to set that particular property of the bean. So, whatever value is already assigned to amount in the bankClient bean is unaffected. Second, non-elementary properties that do not have PropertyEditors defined may not be implicitly initialized from a String value of the ServletRequest object and explicit conversion may be needed. Third, malicious users can add additional request parameters and set unintended properties of the bean, if the application is not carefully designed.

If you still prefer to use property="*" in the jsp:setProperty tag for the purpose of producing neater code, then we recommend that you add a comment preceding the jsp:setProperty tag about parameters expected to be present in the ServletRequest object to initialize the bean. So, in the following example, from the comment we know that both firstName and lastName are required to initialize the bankClient bean:


  -  requires firstName and lastName from the ServletRequest 
<jsp:setProperty name="bankClient" property="*" />

JSP Implicit Objects

Direct use of JSP implicit objects to gain references to these objects rather than API calls is preferred. So, instead of using


to access the initialization parameter as provided by the ServletContext instance, one can make use of the readily available implicit object:


In the case that only the value of an initialization parameter is outputted, it would be even better to use a JSTL tag to access the initialization parameter:

<c:out value="${initParam['param']}" />


The uniform use of quoting is adopted. Quotations should be bound by two double-quote characters " instead of two apostrophe characters ' .

Non-uniform quoting Preferred quoting
  • <%@ page import= 'javabeans.* '%>
  • <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
  • <%@ page import="javabeans.*" %>
  • <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>

An exception is when apostrophes are needed, for example when double-quote characters are required within the scripting language:

<jsp:include page='<%= getFoodMenuBar("Monday") %>' />

Using Custom Tags

If a custom tag does not have a body content, the content should be declared explicitly with empty (rather than defaulting to the word "JSP") like this in the tag library descriptor:



This tells the JSP container that the body content must be empty rather than containing any JSP syntax to be parsed. The effect is to eliminate unnecessarily allocation of resources for parsing of empty body contents.

Empty tags should be in short XML elements, rather than using opening-closing XML element pairs to improve readability. So,

<myTag:hello />

is preferred over


Use of TagExtraInfo and TagLibraryValidator

Sometimes, the valid ways to use a tag library cannot be expressed using the TLD alone. Then, a TagExtraInfo class or a TagLibraryValidator class should be written and registered in the TLD so that errors in tag library can be caught at translation time.

Use of JavaScript Technology

JavaScript technology should be independent of particular features of browser types in order for the scripts to run properly.

Where it makes sense, it is a good idea to keep JavaScript code in individual files separate from JSP bodies, and use a statement like the following to import the JavaScript code into the JSP bodies:

<script language=javascript src="/js/main.js">

This improves the chance for the JavaScript code to be reused, maintains the consistent behavior of the JavaScript code across multiple JSP pages, and reduces the complexity of JSP pages.

Cascading Style Sheets

Use cascading style sheets to centralize control of common characteristics of headings, tables, and so on. This improves the consistency of presentation to the users and reduces maintenance effort and the code size of the JSP pages. So, instead of embedding the style information in the HTML tags like the one below:

<H1><FONT color="blue">Chapter 1</FONT></H1>

<H1><FONT color="blue">Chapter 2</FONT></H1>

Define the style information in a single style sheet myJspStyle.css which contains:

H1 { color: blue }

And apply the style sheet to the JSP page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/myJspStyle.css" type="text/css">

<H1>Chapter 1</H1>
<H1>Chapter 2</H1>

Use of Composite View Patterns

When a JSP page requires a certain and complex structure which may also repeat in other JSP pages, one way to handle this is to break it up into pieces, using the Composite View pattern (the Patterns section of Java Blueprints). For instance, a JSP page sometimes has the following logical layout in its presentation structure:

menu bar main body

In this manner, this composite JSP page can be divided into different modules, each realized as a separate JSP fragment. Constituent JSP fragments can then be placed in appropriate locations in the composite JSP page, using translation-time or request-time include JSP tags. In general, when static include directives are used to include a page that would not be requested by itself, remember to use the .jspf extension and place the file in the /WEB-INF/jspf/ directory of the Web application archive (war). For example:

<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jspf/header.jspf" %>

<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jspf/menuBar.jspf" %>
<jsp:include page="<%= currentBody %>" />
<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jspf/footnote.jspf" %>
<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jspf/footer.jspf" %>

Other Recommendations

In this article, we presented a set of recommended code conventions to produce JSP code and web component artifacts that are more maintainable and consistent. There are many other best practices if you choose to pursue this subject further. For instance, the JSP 1.2 specification has recommendations for:

  • Defining New Implicit Objects
  • Accessing Vendor-Specific information
  • Customizing a Tag Library

In addition, Java BluePrints offers best practices on a broader scale, such as the use of Model-View-Controller pattern (found in the Patterns section).

We're interested in your input on the conventions presented in this article and we'd like you to share what other recommendations you might have for JSP coding conventions. Please send your feedback to

Below, we present the source code to a full web application that demonstrates the code conventions presented above. You can download the a WAR file for this application here.

Code Examples

An example web application is presented here to demonstrate the conventions as outlined in this document. It consists of the following source code files and directory structures bundled in a .war file:



The index.jsp page uses a custom tag library (as identified by lotterylib.tld) to look up fake lottery results for every day of the current month, up to and including the current day. Then, it uses JSTL to do text formatting and looping to produce the results in HTML.


Acknowledgments are given to Gregory Murray (Java BluePrints Team), Damian Fauth (Sun Java Center) and Kate Morris (Sun Java Center) who provided invaluable comments on earlier drafts of this document.


  1. Hans's Top Ten JSP Tips.
  2. JavaServer Pages Specification version 1.2.
  3. Naming Conventions for Enterprise Applications.
  4. JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library.
  5. JavaServer Faces Technology.
  6. Java BluePrints.

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