Technical Article

Sun Java Center - J2EE Patterns

From the Sun Java Center: by Deepak Alur, John Crupi, and Dan Malks
March 2001


First Public Release: Version 1.0 Beta

The J2EE Patterns presented here, a collection of J2EE-based solutions to common problems, reflect the collective expertise and experience of Java technology architects in the Sun Java Center over the past three years.

The Sun Java Center is Sun's consulting organization focused on architecting Java technology-based solutions for leading customers such as Ford Motor Company, J. Crew, U.S. Army, and E*TRADE. The Sun Java Center has been architecting solutions for the J2EE platform since its early days, focusing on achieving Quality of Service (QoS) qualities such as scalability, availability, performance, securability, reliability and flexibility.

Solving Typical Problems for Developers

These J2EE Patterns describe typical problems encountered by enterprise application developers and provide solutions for these problems. These solutions are based on:

  • On-going Sun Java Center work with numerous J2EE customers
  • Sun Java Center exchanges with other Java technology architects experiencing similar problems

The J2EE Patterns capture the essence of these solutions, and they represent the solution refinement that takes place over the course of time and from collective experience. To put it another way, they extract the core issues of each problem, offering solutions that represent an applicable distillation of theory and practice.

This work has focused on the J2EE area, especially J2EE components such as Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), JavaServer Pages and Servlets technologies. While working with J2EE customers to implement the various components, Sun Java Center consultants have come to recognize the common problems and difficult areas that may impede a good implementation. Sun Java Center consultants have also developed effective best practices and approaches for using the J2EE components in combination.

Presenting Best Practices

The J2EE Patterns presented here extract these "best practices" approaches and let you apply the patterns to your own particular application and accommodate your own needs. The J2EE Patterns express proven techniques clearly and simply, and make it easier for you to reuse successful designs and architectures. Simply put, use the J2EE Patterns so that you design your J2EE system correctly, successfully, and quickly.