Technical Article

An Introduction to Near-Field Communication and the Contactless Communication API

By C. Enrique Ortiz, June 2008

Near-field Communication (NFC) is characterized as a very short-range radio communication technology with a lot of potential, especially when applied to mobile handsets. Imagine yourself using your cellphone to interact with posters, magazines, and even with products while at the store, and with such interaction initiating a request or search for related information in real-time. Other usages of NFC include the electronic wallet to make payments using your handset, the same way you do with your credit card. With NFC all this is possible. But NFC is still a young technology. That said, NFC-enabled handsets are being introduced into the market, and deployments and pilots around the world are occurring. This article explores NFC and how you can leverage it in your Java application by using the Contactless Communications API.


What Is NFC?

Near-field Communication or NFC is a standard defined by the NFC Forum, a global consortium of hardware, software/application, credit card companies, banking, network-providers, and others who are interested in the advancement and standardization of this promising technology.

NFC is a short-range radio technology that operates on the 13.56 MHz frequency, with data transfers of up to 424 kilobits per second. NFC communication is triggered when two NFC-compatible devices are brought within close proximity, around four centimeters. Because the transmission range is so short, NFC-based transactions are inherently secure; more on this shortly.

How do NFC compares to the other short-range communication technologies? The following table provides a quick comparison:

Figure 1: Comparing NFC to other close range communication technologies (Source: NFC Forum)

When compared to the other short-range radio technologies, NFC is extremely short ranged and what I call people-centric. Some of the other short-range communication technologies have similar characteristics, for example RFID, while others are completely different yet complimentary to NFC; for example Bluetooth and Infrared. A good scenario of such compliment is the combination of NFC and Bluetooth, where NFC is used for pairing (authenticating) a Bluetooth session used for the transfer of data.

NFC Standards

NFC is a standard, and is ISO standards-based. The ISO 14443 Type A and Type B standards + FeliCa is a four-part international standard for contact-less smart cards operating at 13.56 MHz in close proximity with a reader antenna. The ISO 18092 standard defines communication modes for NFC Interface and Protocol.

NFC Modes

The NFC forum defines three communication modes, as illustrated next:

Figure 2: NFC Communication Modes (Source: NFC Forum)


  • Peer-to-Peer mode is defined for device to device link-level communication. Note that this mode is not supported by the Contactless Communication API.
  • Read/Write mode allows applications for the transmission of NFC Forum-defined messages. Note that this mode is not secure. This mode is supported the Contactless Communication API.
  • NFC Card Emulation mode allows the NFC-handset behave as a standard Smartcard. This mode is secure. This mode is supported by the Contactless Communication API.

NFC Terminology

  • NDEF - NFC Data Exchange Format - standard exchange formats for URI, Smart Posters, other
  • RTD - Record Type Definition - An NFC-specific record type and type name which may be carried in an NDEF record
  • NDEF message - Basic message construct defined by this specification. An NDEF message contains one or more NDEF records
  • NDEF record - Contains a payload described by a type, a length, and an optional identifier
  • NDEF payload - The application data carried within an NDEF record

Next let's take a look at the Contactless Communication API, the anatomy of a NFC-based application, and how to use the API for NFC communication.

The Contactless Communication API

The Contactless Communication API Java specification, led by Nokia and defined under the Java Community Process as JSR-257, defines a set of APIs for proximity, contactless-based communication. The API consists of five Java packages, as follows:

Table 1 - JSR 257 Java Packages

Java Package Interfaces Classes Exceptions
A mandatory package that contains all the target discovery and classes common to all targets
TagConnection TargetListener TargetProperties TransactionListener DiscoveryManager TargetType ContactlessException
An optional package for communicating with NDEF formatted data tags
NDEFRecordListener NDEFTagConnection NDEFMessage NDEFRecord NDEFRecordType  
An optional package for communicating with RFID (no NDEF formatted data) tags
An optional package for communicating with external smartcards
An optional package for reading and generating visual tags
ImageProperties VisualTagConnection SymbologyManager VisualTagCodingException

* Note that the only mandatory package is javax.microedition.contactless

The Contactless Communication API allows you to Discover and Exchange data with contactless targets such as NDEF tags, RFID tags, and external smartcards. The API also provides support for visual tags. The following diagram illustrates the relationships between the different API classes and interfaces:

Figure 3: Contactless Communication API Relationships (Source: JSR-257 Specification)

Next let's cover the anatomy of a typical contactless/NFC-based MIDlet.

Anatomy of a Contactless Communication API MIDlet

Let's now cover the elements of a typical mobile Java application (MIDlet) that uses the Contactless Communication API looks. This is illustrated next:

Figure 4: Anatomy of a Contactless Communication API-based Java MIDlet (Source:

where we have the following typical elements:

  • The Java Runtime with JSR-257 implementation,
  • the MIDlet application running on a handset,
  • RFID/NFC transponder, controllers, and baseband,
  • a SIM card, as well as secure and external elements.
External Readers Secure Elements
External readers include contactless payment readers in Point of Sale stations, ticketing systems on transportation systems, external radio, visual tags such as NFC, RFID and barcodes, or Smartcards Secure elements (SE) can be internal or external elements; example of a secure element is a Java Card-based smartcard. MIDlets can access secure elements by using the Security and Trust Services API (SATSA), and/or the Contactless Communication API (JSR 257). External readers access internal secure elements directly via the RFID circuitry (using the Card Emulation mode).

Next, let's take a look at how at how to use the Contactless Communication API.

Using the Contactless Communication API

The Contactless Communication API allows you to discover and exchange data with supported contactless radio and visual targets (tags). Applications using the Contactless Communication API typically follow the flow illustrated next:

Figure 5: Typical Flow of a Contactless Communication Application


  1. The first step is for the application to query the implementation to discover the target types that are supported by the handset,
  2. For each supported target type, the application can register a target listener to receive activity notifications. Alternatively, the application can register with the PushRegistry for activation due to target activity; supported target activities are NDEF and secure element in card emulation mode activities,
  3. As targets come into proximity, they are detected (discovered) by the implementation, which in turn notifies the application(s) by invoking the appropriate activity listeners. Alternatively the PushRegistry activates the MIDlet,
  4. For each discovered target, the application can learn the target's properties,
  5. The application can connect to, read, write and exchange data with the discovered target,
  6. When done, to release resources, the application closes any opened connections.

The following section covers the relationship between the Connectionless Communication API and the Generic Connection Framework.

The Contactless Communication API and the Generic Connection Framework

The Contactless Communication API extends the Generic Connection Framework (GCF) as shown next:

Figure 6: The Contactless Communication API and the Generic Connection Framework

The Contactless Communication API defines the following connection-related interfaces:

  • TagConnection defines the base interface for all RFID, smartcards, and NFC connections:
    • ISO14443Connection extends TagConnection and is used for contactless connection with ISO 14443-4 compliant contactless smart card
    • PlainTagConnection extends TagConnection and is used for contactless connection with RFID (non-NFC) tags
    • NDEFTagConnection extends TagConnection and used for contactless connection with NFC Forum formatted RFID tags and contactless smart cards
  • VisualConnection is used for contactless connection to a visual tag such as a bar code

To learn more about this connection framework see the article The Generic Connection Framework.

Discovering and Listening for Supported Targets To discover targets that are supported by the platform invoke the method DiscoveryManager.getSupportedTargetTypes(), which returns an array of TargetTypes. Then for each target type of interest it registers a target listener. The following code snippet shows the method registerTargetListener() that queries the platform for the supported targets, then for targets of type ISO 14443-4 (compliant contactless smart card), it registers a target listener:

Listing 1 - Discovering Targets and Registering Target Listeners

import javax.microedition.contactless.TargetListener;


DiscoveryManager dm = DiscoveryManager.getInstance();


 * Discover supported targets, registers listeners
 * @param targetListener the target listener
public void registerTargetListeners(TargetListener targetListener) {
    // Discover supported types
    TargetType[] tp = DiscoveryManager.getSupportedTargetTypes();
    try {
        // Register listener for each of the supported types
        for (int i=0; i<tp.length; i++) {
            if (tp[i].equals((TargetType.ISO14443_CARD))) {
                    targetListener, TargetType.ISO14443_CARD);
            } else...
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // ...

Note that the Contactless Communication API defines the following target types: ISO14443_CARD, NDEF_TAG, RFID_TAG and VISUAL_TAG.

Once the targets of interest have been discovered and the appropriate target listeners registered, as illustrated above, the implementation will invoke the method TargetListener.targetDetected(TargetProperties[]) as new targets are detected:

Listing 2 - Listening for Registered Target Listeners

import javax.microedition.contactless.TargetListener;


 * A new target has been detected. This method is invoked by
 * the platform.
 * @param prop the properties for the detected target
public void targetDetected(TargetProperties[] prop) {
    for (int i = 0; i < prop.length; i++) {
        // Get UID 
        String uid = prop[i].getUid();
        // Get Connection Classes
        Class[] classes = prop[i].getConnectionNames();
        // Get Target Types
        TargetType[] types = prop[i].getTargetTypes();
        // Connect to each Target
        String url = prop[i].getUrl();
        try {
            // Open NDEFTagConnection to the target
            NDEFTagConnection conn = 
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // ...

The method targetDetected() typically performs the following steps:

  • Method targetDetected receives the TargetProperties for detected targets,
  • For each detected target, its URL is retrieved from its properties object,
  • A connection to the target is made using the GCF,
  • Data as appropriate is exchanged,
  • Incoming messages are processed accordingly to its message attributes,
  • When done, all previously acquired resources are released, and connections are closed.

Please note that reading RFID tags require understanding how ISO14443 I/O and ADPU commands work; this is outside the scope of this article.

Listening for NDEF-specific Targets

The Contactless Communication API also provides for the discovery of NDEF-specific targets without having to know the target details; all it needs to know are the record (message) types and how to process them, resulting in a much simpler communication and data-exchange logic. To listen to NDEF-targets, implement the interface NDEFRecordListener and its method recordDetected(NDEFMessage ndefMessage). Register an NDEF-record listener by invoking the Discovery manager method addNDEFRecordListener(listener, recordType). The following code snippet illustrates this:

Listing 3 - Listening for NDEF Targets

import javax.microedition.contactless.ndef.NDEFRecordListener;


DiscoveryManager dm = DiscoveryManager.getInstance();


// Register NDEF_TAG target (smart poster) to discover
try {
    NDEFRecordType rt = new NDEFRecordType(
        NDEFRecordType.NFC_FORUM_RTD, "urn:nfc:wkt:Sp");             
    dm.addNDEFRecordListener(this, rt);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {

The following are the defined NDEF record types:

  • EMPTY- Record type name format identifier for the empty record.
  • EXTERNAL_RTD - Record type name format identifier for application specific record type names that follow the NFC Forum naming conventions.
  • MIME - Record type name format identifier for the MIME type defined in the RFC 2046.
  • NFC_FORUM_RTD - Record type name format identifier for the NFC Forum Record Type Description.
  • UNKNOWN - Record type name format identifier for the unknown record type.
  • URI - Record type name format identifier for the URI type defined in the RFC 3986.

From the JSR 257 Specification: If the format is EMPTY or UNKNOWN the name must be null. The record type names of NFC_FORUM_RTD and EXTERNAL_RTD record types must follow the naming rules defined in the NFC Forum RTD specification. The record type name must only contain characters in the US_ASCII character set.

Processing NDEFMessages

Once the NDEF listener has been registered, the platform will invoke the method recordDetected(NDEFMessage ndefMessage) for the requested NDEF, passing as argument an NDEF message for the NDEF target that became active and visible. The method recordDetected() then gets record and record type, and other information from the NDEF message, and processes the message according to message attributes.

Listing 4 - Processing NDEF Target Messages


 * Called by the platform, when the requested NDEF record type is 
 * discovered by the device from the contactless target.
 * @param ndefMessage the NDEF message to process
public void recordDetected(NDEFMessage ndefMessage) {
    // Get records and record types from NDEF Message
    NDEFRecordType[] rTypes = ndefMessage.getRecordTypes();
    NDEFRecord[] records = ndefMessage.getRecords();
    for (int i=0; i<records.length; i++) {
        // Handle data, based on type of NDEFMessage
        NDEFRecordType t = recordTypes[i];
        NDEFRecord r = records[i];
        byte[] id = r.getId();
        long len = r.getPayloadLength();
        byte[] p = r.getPayload();
        // Process the record
        // ...

The processing of the message payload will depend on your application; for example, after reading a URL, the application may post some information to that URL, or perhaps will open such URL in the web browser.

Using the Card Emulation Activity Notifications

In card emulation mode, a secure element on the device communicates and transacts with an external reader over RFID hardware. Applications are notified of such transactions, but don't participate on them. This is illustrated next:

Figure 7: Card Emulation Activity Notifications


  1. The internal security element interacts with an external reader,
  2. The application (MIDlet) is notified when the external reader has been detected,
  3. If needed, the application communicates with the secure element, using the Contactless Communication API ISO14443 connection interface, or SATSA if available.

The communication between secure element and the external readers is transparent to the application itself, and occurs using APDU commands similarly to how Java Cards communicate with external readers; for more information see An Introduction to Java Card Technology - Part 1. Note that the communication between the application and the secure element requires internal knowledge of the secure applet within the secure element.

The APDU commands are defined in ISO7816-4 specification.

The next diagram, taken from the article An Introduction to Java Card Technology - Part 1, illustrates the typical relationships of a Java Card application (in this case from the perspective of MIDlet playing the role of the "reader"), and the Secure Elements (playing the role of the "card-side"):

Figure 8: Typical Elements of a Java Card Application; Contactless Communication Application Scenario (Source:


  • On a Contactless (NFC) handset, the left-side could be an internal reader, the MIDlet itself, or and external reader (via NFC Card Emulation Mode),
  • The right-side, the "card", could be an internal or an external secure element, that is accessible via SATSA or JSR-257, or over RFID hardware,
  • All communication occur using APDU commands.

Registering for and Processing Card Emulation Activity

As previously mentioned, when in Card Emulation mode, applications can get notified when an external reader is detected, but the application itself doesn't participate in the transaction itself. Also, if needed, the application is responsible for communicating with the secure element using APDU commands, and for this the application must have internal knowledge of the applet running on the secure element. To register for card emulation activity notifications implement the interface javax.microedition.contactless.TransactionListener and its method externalReaderDetected(byte slot). Register a transaction listener by calling the Discovery manager method dm.addTransactionListener(...). The following code snippet illustrates this:

Listing 5 - Registering and Processing Card Emulation Activity

import javax.microedition.contactless.TransactionListener;


// Register Transaction Listener
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {


 * Called by the platform, when a card emulation event 
 * has happened on the RFID hardware.
 * @param slot is the slot needed to open the APDUConnection defined 
 *             in JSR 177 to the external secure element, may be 
 *             UNKNOWN_SLOT constant defined in this interface, if the 
 *             slot can not be identified.
public void externalReaderDetected(byte slot) {

    // Based on slot number above, using ISO14443Connection or SATSA 
    // connect to applet, query applet, update screen, etc.

For more information about Java Card and SATSA, see Resources section and the end of this article.

Using PushRegistry to Launch NFC Applications

Automatic application activation or startup is a very important aspect for the success and acceptance of NFC-based applications, as it allows for a better user experience; by just coming into proximity of (or touching) a reader or another NFC device, the application is automatically started. The PushRegistry facility that is part of the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) provides for the automatic application-launch based on timers and connection activity. Note that the Contactless Communication API extends the PushRegistry for application startup only for 1) NDEF record types and 2) for secure element (activity) card emulation mode communication.

The connection URLs used for the registration must follow proper naming convention, as specified by specification:

  • URL format for NDEF push connections: "ndef:"<record_type_format> ?name=<record_type_string> Where:
    • <record_type_format> is " rtd", " external_rtd", " mime", or " uri",
    • <record_type_string> is a UTF-8 String is the fully qualified name of the record type, as specified by the implementation, for example, urn:nfc:wkt:Sp (Nokia Smart-posters)
  • URL format for card emulation activity: "secure-element:"?aid=<aid_string> Where:
    • <aid_string> is a String containing the applet identifier (numerical characters) for the applet of interest, per ISO7816-5 specification

To ensure that the application when launched receives notifications related to discovered NDEF records or card emulation activity, it must register its NDEFRecordListener and TransactionListener as soon as it is started. To learn more about the PushRegistry see The MIDP 2.0 Push Registry.

Security Considerations

The Contactless Communication API is subject to the security policies of the underlying mobile platform. For MIDP, the following methods or operations require permissions:

Table 2 - Contactless Communication API MIDP Security Permissions

Method or Operation Permission
DiscoveryManager.getInstance() javax.microedition.contactless.DiscoveryManager
Write NDEFMessage message javax.microedition.contactless.ndef.NDEFTagConnection.write
Opening NDEFTagConnection
Opening PlainTagConnection
Opening ISO14443Connection
Opening VisualTagConnection

In this model, you request permissions via the JAD file or the JAR manifest, by creating MIDlet-Permissions property entries, using the permission names in the table above. Attempting to use a restricted operation without proper permission causes the system to throw a SecurityException.

For implementations of the Contactless Communication API on CDC profiles, the application must use security checks. The following methods require permissions:

  • DiscoveryManager.getInstance()
  • NDEFTagConnection.write(NDEFMessage message)


About the Author

C. Enrique Ortiz is a long time mobile technologist, developer, and writer. He maintains the About Mobility Weblog. He has been author or co-author of many publications, and has been an active participant in the Java mobility community. Enrique holds a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Puerto Rico and has more than 18 years of software engineering, product development, and management experience.