Oracle® Application Express Patch Set Notes

July 2015

These patch set notes accompany the Oracle Application Express patch set. The Oracle Application Express patch set is a cumulative patch.

1 Patch Set Overview

Patch sets are a mechanism for delivering fully tested and integrated product fixes. Patch sets provide bug fixes only; they typically do not include new functionality and they do not require certification on the target system. Patch sets include all of the libraries that have been rebuilt to implement the bug fixes in the set. All of the fixes in the patch set have been tested and are certified to work with each other. Patch sets contain the same set of generic fixes across all platforms. Patch sets may also include additional patches specific to the platform on which they are released.

The Oracle Application Express patch set can be applied to Oracle Application Express release 5.0 or later. Apply the patch to the Oracle database where the Oracle Application Express schemas are installed. This patch will determine if additional languages are installed, and will apply the patch for those languages as well. Oracle Application Express release 5.0 is supported on Oracle Database 11g Release or later, including Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition, Standard Edition One, and Express Edition (Oracle Database XE).

When determining whether to install this patch set, or install the entire Oracle Application Express 5.0.1 release from Oracle Technology Network (OTN), consider the following rules:

  1. If you have Oracle Application Express release 5.0 or later installed, download the Oracle Application Express 5.0.1 patch set and apply it.
  2. If you have Oracle Application Express release 4.2.6 or earlier installed (including Oracle HTML DB release 1.5), download and install the entire Oracle Application Express 5.0.1 release from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN).
  3. If you do not have Oracle Application Express installed, download and install the entire Oracle Application Express 5.0.1 release from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

2 Pre-Installation Tasks

Complete the following pre-installation tasks before installing the patch set.

2.1 Identifying the Oracle Application Express Installation

This is not a complete software distribution. You must connect to an existing Oracle Database where the Oracle Application Express schemas are installed and run the apxpatch.sql or apxpatch_con.sql (for CDBs) installation script.

2.2 Downloading and Extracting the Installation Software

Download the patch set to a computer with access to the Oracle Database. You will also need access to the Oracle home.

To download and extract the patch set installation software:

  1. Download the patch set installation archive to a directory that is not the Oracle home directory or under the Oracle home directory.
  2. Unzip and extract the installation files as follows:

    1. Microsoft Windows - Double-click the file
    2. UNIX or Linux - Enter the following command:

      $ unzip

2.3 Optionally Backing Up the Oracle Database

The Application Express engine is a collection of tables and packages that reside wholly within the Oracle Database user accounts APEX_050000 and FLOWS_FILES. This patch set updates the underlying tables and packages within the APEX_050000 account. If your installation fails, you will not be able to rollback the patch set installation process. Therefore, Oracle recommends that you perform a complete backup of your Oracle instance before you install the patch set. Note that after the patch set is installed there is no way to remove it.

If you choose to perform a backup, restart the Oracle Database in restricted session mode to prevent any user access (that is, developer and end user) while applying the patch set.

2.4 Preventing Access to Oracle Application Express

It is important that no developers or end users access Oracle Application Express while you are applying the patch set. This section describes how to prevent access to Oracle Application Express if your configuration includes Oracle REST Data Services (formerly Oracle Application Express Listener), embedded PL/SQL gateway, or Oracle HTTP Server and mod_plsql.

2.4.1 About Disabling the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway

If your configuration includes the embedded PL/SQL gateway, you need to disable HTTP on the Oracle XML DB Protocol Server. The embedded PL/SQL gateway runs on the Oracle XML DB Protocol Server in the Oracle database. To disable it, you change the port number to 0. Before doing so, first verify the port number. Verifying the Port Assigned to Oracle XML DB Protocol Server

To verify the port number assigned to HTTP on the Oracle XML DB Protocol Server:

  1. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS. For example:

    1. On Windows:

      SYSTEM_DRIVE:\ sqlplus /nolog
      Enter password: SYS_password
    2. On UNIX and Linux:

      $ sqlplus /nologSQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA
      Enter password: SYS_password
  2. Enter the following statement to verify the port number:


    If the port number returns 0, the Oracle XML DB Protocol Server is disabled. Disabling HTTP on the Oracle XML DB Protocol Server

To disable HTTP on the Oracle XML DB Protocol Server:

  1. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS. For example:

    1. Windows:

      SYSTEM_DRIVE:\ sqlplus /nologSQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA
      Enter password: SYS_password
    2. UNIX and Linux:

      $ sqlplus /nologSQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA
      Enter password: SYS_password
    3. Run the following statements:


2.4.3 Stopping Oracle HTTP Server

If your configuration includes Oracle HTTP Server and mod_plsql, you need to stop Oracle HTTP Server.

Note that if the Oracle HTTP Server is listening on a port less than 1024, then these commands must be executed as a privileged user (such as root). Stopping Oracle HTTP Server 12c

To stop Oracle HTTP Server 12c, enter commands using the following syntax, where DOMAIN_HOME is the path to the Oracle HTTP Server domain:

  • Linux:

    $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ componentName
  • Windows:

    %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin\stopComponent.cmd componentName

In a default installation, componentName is ohs1 but may have been changed when running the Oracle HTTP Server Configuration Wizard. Stopping Oracle HTTP Server Included with Oracle Database 10g Release 1

To stop Oracle HTTP Server included with Oracle Database 10g release 1 (10.1), enter commands using the following syntax:

ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopproc ias-component=HTTP_Server

In the previous example, ORACLE_BASE is the path to the Oracle base directory.

3 Installing the Patch Set

To install the patch set:

  1. Set your current directory to the top-level "patch" directory where you unzipped the file.
  2. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS specifying the SYSDBA role. For example:

    1. On Windows:

      SYSTEM_DRIVE:\ sqlplus /nologSQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA
      Enter password: SYS_password
    2. On UNIX and Linux:

      $ sqlplus /nologSQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA
      Enter password: SYS_password
  3. Run apxpatch.sql. For example:

  4. Review the log file apxpatch.log for any errors.
  5. Follow the instructions in the next section, "Post-Installation Tasks".

4 Post-Installation Tasks

Complete the following post-installation tasks before using the upgraded software.

4.1 Updating the Images Directory

During an upgrade, you must incorporate the new images directory. Copy the patch/images directory into the images directory used for Application Express.

4.1.1 Updating the Images Directory When Using Oracle REST Data Services

If you are using the Oracle REST Data Services (formerly Oracle Application Express Listener), you need to create a Web Archive for Oracle Application Express images. For more information, see the Oracle WebLogic Server and Glassfish Server discussions, "Creating the Web Archive for Oracle Application Express Images" and the Apache Tomcat discussion, "Configuring Oracle Application Express Images" in Oracle REST Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide.

If you are running Oracle REST Data Services in standalone server mode, locate the path on the file system, that contains the existing Oracle Application Express images, and replace it with the images directory from

4.1.2 Updating the Images Directory When Running the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway

The images in an Oracle XML DB HTTP Server with the embedded PL/SQL gateway installation are in the XML DB repository. Updating the images is accomplished by running a SQL script located in the top level directory where the patch was unzipped.

To update the images directory:

  1. Set your current directory to the top-level "patch" directory where you unzipped the file.
  2. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS specifying the SYSDBA role. For example:

    1. On Windows:

      SYSTEM_DRIVE:\ sqlplus /nologSQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA
      Enter password: SYS_password
    2. On UNIX and Linux:

      $ sqlplus /nologSQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA
      Enter password: SYS_password
  3. Run apxldimg.sql passing the file system path to the "patch" directory where the file was unzipped as shown in the following example:

    1. On Windows:

      @apxldimg.sql SYSTEM_DRIVE:\TEMP\patch
    2. On UNIX and Linux:

      @apxldimg.sql /tmp/patch

4.1.3 Updating the Images Directory When Running Oracle HTTP Server

To update the images directory:

  1. To locate the images directory on the file system by reviewing the following files for the text alias /i/:

    1. Oracle HTTP Server 11g Release 1 or Oracle HTTP Server 12c - See the marvel.conf or dads.conf files.
    2. Oracle Application Server 10g - See the marvel.conf or dads.conf files.
  2. When you locate the images directory path, copy it to the existing ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME home.
  3. Depending upon your environment, run the following commands:

    1. Windows systems - Run a command from a command prompt similar to the following example:

      xcopy /E /I patch\images ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME\Apache\Apache\images
    2. UNIX or Linux based systems - Run a command similar to the following example:

      cp -rf patch/images ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME/Apache/Apache

    In the previous syntax examples, ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME is the existing Oracle Application Server or Oracle HTTP Server Oracle home. The location of the Oracle Application Express images directory may be different in your configuration.

4.2 Starting Oracle Application Express

This section describes how to start Oracle Application Express if your configuration includes Oracle REST Data Services (formerly Oracle Application Express Listener), embedded PL/SQL gateway, or Oracle HTTP Server and mod_plsql.

4.2.1 Starting Oracle REST Data Services

To learn more about starting the Oracle REST Data Services server (formerly Oracle Application Express Listener), see Oracle REST Data Services Installation and Configuration Guide.

4.2.2 Enabling the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway

Once disabled, you enable the embedded PL/SQL gateway by assigning a port number to the Oracle XML DB Protocol Server. Oracle recommends assigning the same port number as was previously assigned to the embedded PL/SQL gateway to ensure that bookmarks created by developers and end users are still valid.

To assign a port number to Oracle XML DB Protocol Server:

  1. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS. For example:

    1. Windows:

      SYSTEM_DRIVE:\> sqlplus /nolog
      Enter password: SYS_password
    2. UNIX and Linux:

      $ sqlplus /nologSQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA
      Enter password: SYS_password
  2. Run the following statements:


    For example:

Port numbers less than 1024 are reserved for use by privileged processes on many operating systems. To enable the Oracle XML DB Protocol Server on a port less than 1024, such as 80, see "Repository Access Using Protocols" in Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide and "Protocol Address Configuration" and "Port Number Limitations" in Oracle Database Net Services Reference

4.2.3 Starting Oracle HTTP Server

This section describes how to start Oracle HTTP Server.

  1. Starting Oracle HTTP Server 12c
  2. Starting Oracle HTTP Server with Oracle Database 10g Release 1
If the Oracle HTTP Server is listening on a port less than 1024, then these commands must be executed as a privileged user (such as root). Starting Oracle HTTP Server 12c

To start Oracle HTTP Server 12c, enter commands using the following syntax, where DOMAIN_HOME is the path to the Oracle HTTP Server domain:

  • Linux:

    $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ componentName
  • Windows:

    %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin\startComponent.cmd componentName

In a default installation, componentName is ohs1 but may have been changed when running the Oracle HTTP Server Configuration Wizard. Starting Oracle HTTP Server with Oracle Database 10g Release 1

To start Oracle HTTP Server shipped with Oracle Database 10g Release 1 (10.1), enter commands using the following syntax:

ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl startproc ias-component=HTTP_Server

In the previous example, ORACLE_BASE is the path to the Oracle base directory.

4.3 Adding New Translation Languages After Patching Oracle Application Express

For multi-lingual applications, the translated versions of Oracle Application Express implemented before patching are automatically patched when the core language is patched. However, if you wish to install a new translated version after patching, Oracle recommends downloading "Oracle Application Express 5.0.1 - All languages" from Oracle Technology Network. If you use the load_lang.sql script from an Oracle Application Express software distribution prior to Oracle Application Express release 5.0.1, you will need to rerun this patch to upgrade the new language to the current version.

5 Known Issues

This section describes known issues in the Oracle Application Express patch set.

This section is current as of the writing of this document. To view the most current listing of known issues, go to the Known Issues page available off the Downloads page. See:

5.1 Certain Fixed or Stickied Widgets Do Not Work in Dialog Pages

Interactive reports Fixed Headers, Region Display Selector Scroll mode, and other stickied content that rely on the window scroll bar will not function as expected in dialog pages.


Disable any option that enables the content to be stickied or ties into the page scroll. For example, set the interactive report Fixed Headers option to None or set the Region Display Selector mode to Standard.

5.2 Card Colors in Universal Theme Are Not Hooked into Theme Roller

The background colors for abbreviations and icons in the Cards template do not change, even if the Theme Roller color palette changes.

6 Fixed Bugs

Table 1 lists bugs fixed in the Oracle Application Express patch set.

Table 1 Bugs Fixed in the Oracle Application Express Patch Set

Bug Number Description


Check boxes and radio groups in mobile apps have no label


Update item help for row version column (On DML Fetch And Process)


Application Express should hide report table space utilization percentage on Oracle Database Cloud


Date Picker show HTML tags in tooltip and screen reader output


Interactive Report - Icon View: Column names not substituted for some properties


Page Designer allows dynamic action on button which does not use #BUTTON_ID#


Define date format mask at interactive report column level


Cannot use computation in pivot row column nor in function column


Got ORA-06502 Error caused by Web service process without validation


Some ORA errors are not being handled by the error handling function


Use As Row Header does not work when row header column is Plain Text


Changing plug-in subscription with different internal name breaks application


Another window/tab is opened when edit data grid and added file


Application Express interactive report columns deleted when new computation column added


Invalid HTML output from Show_Help procedure


ORA-00904: 'R'.'ROWID': Invalid Identifier Error in interactive report using static LOV


Interactive report with fixed headers column widths get out of sync


Developer Toolbar issues in Internet Explorer with themes 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20


ORA-00979: Not A Group By Expression raised on Application Express Active Sessions page


Page Designer: Success notifications are sometimes incorrectly hidden


Slidetooltip plug-in outputs rows with missing labels and duplicate IDs


Cursor focus on first page item fails if first item is in breadcrumb region


CSS calendar should use NLS Settings instead of WWV_FLOW.G_BROWSER_LANGUAGE


Provide list of valid default date formats on workspace user edit page


Team Development Home page has minor cropping issue at 200% zoom


RTL menu and menu bar style issues


ORA-29368 occurs when entering a non-existed resource consumer group


Page Designer > Property Editor inconsistently focusable cross-browser


Dialogs launched from menu items do not return focus to menu


No item help for Authentication Attributes In instance Administration


Open Door Authorization Login page gives JavaScript error


The navigation list name containing Chinese characters displays incorrectly


Create Classic Report is not translated after click Use First... task


Property Editor - Quick Picks sometimes fail for dependent properties


Page Designer: No text editor used for custom plug-in attributes of type Textarea


Linking To Multiple Interactive Reports On A Page Does Not Work


Theme Roller Search icon in Firefox does not have the right padding


CSV download raises 500 error if region title has HTML tags with double quotes


Sample Geolocation Showcase - Name in plug-ins


D3 line charts missing label


Duplicate labels on Tabular Form elements in Sample Database App > States


IR[Report ID]_Rowfilter URL syntax sets all interactive reports on a page


Keyboard shortcuts in sub menu widgets wrap to new line


Sample Charts application is missing D3 collapsible tree chart plug-in


Rich Text Editor icons alignments not well aligned


Disabled menu items in Universal Theme are not themerolled


Parameters in static file request should be ignored


Application deletion results in Application Not Available For Edit error


Theme Roller cannot set theme as current if theme is not themerollable


Change to a different theme in Theme Roller cuts off the header


The exported workspace file name does not display correctly in ZHS16GBk


Multibyte name is displayed in encoding when copy an existing app in ZHS16GB


In sample dynamic action packaged app - Unable to delete employee in page 18


Clicking on All Bugs link in Bug Dashboard results in logging out


Application name does not display correctly on Supporting Objects page


Calendar is not displayed completely in Date Picker when running an application


Checklist Manager: Add row button is invalid for checklist


Theme Roller does not remove vista.min.css when switching to new theme


Sample Charts: Missing jquery.flot.axislabels.js on line chart page


Unknown is not translated in Print Server value on Instance Administration page


Application Express replaces '|' With ':' when following a deep link on login


Dynamic Action On Buttons - Copy to page fails to select button


Column filter does not display any '0' values


Meeting Minutes: Error on long breadcrumbs


Changing dates in P-Track administration: Notifications throws an error


Bug Tracker packaged application: Edit bug, category missing


Bug Tracker packaged application: Clicking on Cancel button on Validate Bug Page, back to same page


Go Live Checklist: Detailedstatuslisttooltip Js error on home page


Workspace Request - Approved is not translated on Workspace Dashboard


Yes is not translated on the User Dashboard page


Cannot load > 32k spreadsheet data with copy and paste to an existing table


Developer Toolbar Quick Edit issue for some item types


ORA-6502 using APEX_Web_Service if response header value > 1024


Interactive reports incorrect headers when control break and aggregate enabled


Refreshing page fails after creating a trigger successfully in Object Browser


High Contrast Accessibility Mode has no effect in Builder and should be removed


High Contrast mode images not visible


Popup LOV hides the first entry when the windows gets too small


High Contrast mode border and layout issues


In High Contrast mode Developer Toolbar buttons do not show focus


In High Contrast mode many widgets have issues showing focus, selection state


In High Contrast Mode splitter is not visible


Grants Report only shows 15 rows with no pagination


Items containing SQL Or PL/SQL not using code editor


In High Contrast mode select list value not visible when select has focus


Splitter widget having issues when changing Application Builder language


Report download files are broken if database version <


Copy Page Wizard throws ORA-06502 Error on Lists and Auth Scheme steps


Interactive report pivot column link with column substitution does not work


Character Value Comparison Global attribute not used by tree region


Underscores/Descenders not visible in Theme 25


Inline select list does not display correctly in theme 42


Edit Authentication Scheme does not show all Session Not Valid attributes


APEX_JSON.PARSE errors when parsing Clobs if Oracle Database or earlier


Error: Item ID (<Number>) Is Not An Item Defined On The Current Page


Move Application Builder specific icon classes from app_ui To apex_ui


Overwriting a script from SQL Workshop Scripts does not work


Page Designer: Creating components via Create Menu button do not show success message


Universal Theme: Value Attribute Pairs template renders incorrectly when showing Nulls


Bug Tracker packaged application: 'Fixed In Release' needs to allow null value


List Region: Rendering of Simple List ignores First template


Slow performance in Create Application Wizard




Theme File Upload button has issues


NLS:Multibyte region name does not display correctly in ZHS16GBk


Password error in create workspace if Internal Auth Is LDAP or DB


APEX_WEB_SERVICE.MAKE_REST_REQUEST with basic authentication results in ORA-29267


Query Builder download results fails


Icon CSS classes are not copied by Copy Page/Region Wizard


Error editing static list of values in User Interface Defaults


Cannot delete Tree region where Selected Node Page Item is set


Calendar does not support multiple class names in List View


Fast Click breaks clicking on Windows 8 devices in Non-Internet Explorer browsers


Root Tree item does not show selection state


Browser text messages do not work if No NLS is used for App Language


APEX_JSON.TO_XMLTYPE fails if member names contain special characters


Adjust styles of Universal Theme Sample Application so that setting the style to Vista Looks better


Some regions do not render when "Show All" is hidden on Region Display Selector


Fast click on mobile breaks links with inline JavaScript blocks


Clicking On Implicit labels is broken


P-Track packaged application: Action items associated to milestones not showing up


P-Track packaged application: Action item flex column not displaying correctly


Universal Theme: Modal dialogs resize height upon opening


Interactive reports: JavaScript errors when Static ID contains space


Item ID is not an item defined...when pressing Enter on history of SQL Commands


APEX_WEB_SERVICE.MAKE_REST_REQUEST incorrectly sets content-length


Icon of buttons not displayed when using Alert Region template with hide icons


Oracle Internal Theme Images Directory (/i/themes/oracle/v1) missing in Application Express 5.0


Calendar widget obscured by interactive reports headers.


Universal Theme: Interactive report font sizes larger when using standard region


Create Master Detail Wizard throws error when no master report included


Close property in Dialog attributes breaks modal page


Multibyte export file workspace name does not display correctly


ORA-06502 raised for SQL statements containing umlaut in first line


Universal Theme - Interactive report dialogs no longer show error state


Universal Theme: Pivot View in interactive report does not enable user to scroll horizontally


Current workspace name containing multibyte characters display incorrectly


ORA-01403 Error occurs when clicking the feature name On Change History page


Sample Database Application default Nav Bar implementation set to 'Classic'


Server.Plugin API gives error when Poptions is omitted


Restful Services example Empsecformat/{Empname} does not handle duplicate data


Multibyte column name does not display correctly on the Load Data Wizard


Classic report does not show loading indicator when paginating, sorting, or refreshing




The schema name does not display correctly on the Edit Table Comment View


Full calendar CSS is overriding user specified colors and classes


Return To Page is not translated on View/Edit Feedback page


High Contrast Mode select list icon not visible


Add support for mail delivery In Oracle DBaaS


Universal Theme: List templates use incorrect #Image# substitution string


Universal Theme: Font Awesome icon font is hard coded for most icons


Multibyte page name does not display correctly on page directory


The automatically generated title does not display correctly in ZH16GBK.


Unwanted refresh of parent interactive report, when child interactive report is refreshed on a page


3D mode setting not working correctly for stacked charts in Page Designer


Interactive reports: Focus should not always be set to first element


Developer Toolbar Quick Edit broken if page has an Inline dialog


ORA-01403 Error occurs when creating websheet on Websheet pages


Page Designer right-click select in tree and grid layout not working as expected


Restful Web Service Source code editor can not be enlarged


Report SQL statement containing Application Express URL wrapped by double quotes fails


Dynamic action new line at start of JavaScript expression causes problem


P-Track packaged application: Navigation menu items missing


Universal Theme: Child tree navigation label elements do not support badges


Sequence Error: APEX$_WS_SEQ when manually provisioning workspace


Unable to respond to a dialog closing when launched from a Navigation Bar item


Bug Tracker packaged application: Error on installation


Customer Tracker packaged application: Updating the Contact,Update section of customer shows session D


Report links to dialog pages are not dialog links when no items are set


Menu item based on action is not an anchor




Interactive report links do not include checksum if no page items are specified


Feedback-Feedback Timeline: An unexpected internal application error has occurred


Universal Theme: 'G', 'Y', And other hanging characters cut off in page title


Reading dialog cancel code for translated application fails for inline validation error


ORA-06502 if authorization scheme's PL/SQL code is > 4000 bytes and contains unicode


Ajax error when generating calendar


Universal Theme: Long Treenav labels do not wrap well


NLS: The User Interfaces do not display correctly in ZHS16GBk/JA16SJIS


Calendar does not display data in the first cell


P-Track packaged application: Categories badge shows incorrect number


APEX_JSON.WRITE(SYS_REFCURSOR): Inconsistent Output of Boolean values


Prompts for app substitution strings not displayed when installing supporting objects


Tree region should not be in Page Designer Gallery for mobile page


Theme subscription broken after app export / import

7 Other Issues and Changes

This section describes other issues and changes included in the Oracle Application Express patch set.

7.1 APEX_JSON: Data Type Detection in Write Procedures for XMLTYPE and SYS_REFCURSOR

The procedures write(<xmltype>) and write(p_name, <xmltype>) use XSL to transform XML into JSON. These procedures use the following value transformation rules:

  • If the value is empty, generate a NULL value
  • If upper(value) is TRUE, generate a boolean true value
  • If upper(value) is FALSE, generate a boolean false value
  • If the XPath number function returns TRUE, emit the value as is
  • Otherwise, enquote the value (that is, generate a JSON string)

The procedures write(<sys_refcursor>) and write(p_name, <sys_refcursor>) use their <xmltype> counterparts if the query contains object type or cursor values. Otherwise, they iterate through the result set and use the appropriate write() procedures for each column's data type. However, for columns of type VARCHAR2 the procedures generate boolean JSON values if the upper case of the fetched values is 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.

7.2 Universal Theme Changes


  • Tree Navigation:

    • Child/nested now support badges in labels.
    • Overly-long labels will now be truncated automatically without stretching the tree.
  • Mobile:

    • Microsoft Windows 8 Touchscreens and laptop hybrids no longer suffer from the "tap-then-click" event.
    • Fast-click adjusted to work with normal links and buttons.
  • Theme Roller:

    • Switching between Vista and Vita themes now adjusts the offset between the top navigation bar and the page.
    • Custom styles of Universal Theme Sample Application are now overridden by the Theme Roller styles.
  • Interactive Reports:

    • Font sizes are normal when using standard region.
    • Paginated reports overflow properly when maximized.
    • Pivot View in interactive reports regions now enables users to scroll horizontally.
    • Clear filter/setting button has the right padding in Vista theme style.
    • Horizontally scrolling interactive reports regions and classic reports is now significantly faster on mobile devices.
  • Misc Javascript:

    • Elements in the Hero Region are now focusable on page load.
  • Misc CSS:

    • AVP-List renders properly when null values are returned for anyone of its rows.
    • Date picker is placed on top of other elements.
    • Enabled contrast for disabled menu items.
    • Removed Font Awesome dependency in Universal Theme.
    • Increased line-height for page titles so 'g', 'y' and other lower characters are not truncated.
    • Icon color in Nav Bar menu now contrasts correctly with its background.
    • Select lists now displays as expected at larger sizes.
  • General Templates Additions:

    • Timeline for report regions.
  • Universal Theme Sample Application Templates additions:

    • Substitution string examples for reports and lists.
    • Template Option Template Option Examples for Buttons.
    • Migration Guide - Transitioning to Universal Theme application explains the advantages of the Universal Theme and how to switch to it:

8 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Application Express Patch Set Notes, Release


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