Based on Oracle Application Express (formerly called HTML DB) version 1.5
After completing this How-To, you should be able to understand:
How to create a report that's based on a dynamic query
Table of Contents
In HTML DB a report is simply the formatted result of a SQL query. You can generate reports by:
Selecting and running a built-in wizard
Defining a report region based on a SQL query
Defining a report region based on a PL/SQL function returning a SQL query
Certain applications require that report results are based on user input (see Figure 1). Typically, this requires a dynamic query which incorprates session state values. In this How To, we will create a report based on a PL/SQL function which generates a SQL Query at runtime.
Web browser such as Netscape 7+ or Internet Explorer 5.5+
Create a Dynamic Query Report
We will extend Sample Application that is included when a new workspace is provisioned. To create a dynamic query report, follow these steps:
In the 'Sample Application', create a Page as follows:
navigate to the Application Builder
click on Extend this Application link in the Tasks region
Figure 2 - Tasks
select Extend this Application with a blank page
Enter 600 as page number
Enter 'Ordered Products' as the page name
Select 'Do not use tabs' for the new page
Click Finish to create the page
Click Edit Page once you get to the success page
Create a dynamic query report using the following steps:
Navigate to the page definition for page 600
Under Regions, click Create
Choose Report as region type
Choose PL/SQL Function Returning SQL Query as the report implementation type
enter 'Ordered Products' as the region title and accept the default values for all other prompts
Enter following PL/SQL function body:
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q varchar2(4000);
q:=' select p.category, ';
q:=q||' p.product_name, ';
q:=q||' i.quantity, ';
q:=q||' i.unit_price ';
q:=q||' from demo_product_info p, ';
q:=q||' demo_order_items i ';
q:=q||' where p.product_id = i.product_id ';
if :p600_show != 'ALL' then
q:=q||'and p.category = :p600_show';
end if;
return q;
click the Create Region button to create the report
Add Item and Button
The PL/SQL function returning a SQL Query we are using above uses an page item. Follow these steps to create the page item:
Under Items, click Create
Enter P600_SHOW as item name, choose 'Select List' for Display As
Enter '- All Categories-' as NULL text
Enter 'ALL' as NULL value
Enter the following List of Values Query:
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select distinct category a, category b
from demo_product_info
order by 1
Enter 'Show' as label
Select 'Not Required Label' label template
Click Create Item button to complete the creation of the item
For the report to be driven by the product category select list, we need to submit the page. To make this happen, we will add a button as follows:
Under Buttons, click Create
select Create a button displayed among this region's items
enter P600_GO as button name
enter 'themes/opal/go.gif' as the button image name
click Create Button to complete the creation of this button
Now you can run the page, choosing different product categories to control the output of ths report. If you wish to enhance the look of the report, read the Customizing HTML DB Reports How To.