After completing this How-To, you should be able to understand:
You can control the display of a page in many ways. This "How-To" discusses some of the nuances behind laying out a page used for data input, otherwise known as a Form.
In Oracle HTML DB, information and form elements are presented on pages. Within a page, information is displayed within regions. Individual data points are displayed as items contained within regions. The look and feel of your page begins with the selection of the page template. This determines the overall look of the page and also determines the potential locations for regions.
The region template also impacts the look of your page by controlling the appearance of the region. The region template controls the look of the region, the size, determines whether there will be a border, a background color, and the fonts. A region template also determines the standard placement for any buttons placed in region positions. Item attributes affect the display of items on a page. For example, these attributes can impact where a label displays, how large an item will be, whether the item will display next to, or below, the previous item.
The discussion walks you through the process of defaulting a page and then customizing the layout. Following the discussion are tables that contain all the region and item level attributes that affect the look and feel of forms. Next are the specific instructions to follow to default the page within your own environment so that you can replicate this lesson and further refine the look and feel. Lastly is the DDL you can use to replicate the table used for this How-To.
To begin, create a page using the Form on Table or View Wizard. The following page was added to the demonstration application Sample Application that is included when a new workspace is provisioned. The page is based upon a new table name HT_EMP.Note that the table contains some basic employee details that will allow the demonstration of checkboxes, radio groups, select lists, textareas, and display only items.
Notice that the page defaults with one item per row and labels displayed to the left of the items. The item labels default to the column names with initial capitalization and with the underscores (_) replaced with spaces. You can override this default behavior by configuring UI defaults for the table. For more information on UI defaults, see chapter 5, "Using SQL Workshop to Manage Database Objects" in the Oracle HTML DB User's Guide.
By default, the Primary Key column does not display. Oracle HTML DB expects that the primary key will be system generated and is therefore not displayed. Note that it is included in the page, but as a hidden item. Also notice that any items based on date columns default to include a date picker. In the previous image, note the icon to the right of Hiredate and the audit columns. Lastly, notice that the Emp Special Info item was created as a text area because of the size of the base column. This item type allows for wrapping, rather than scrolling, of input text. It is a better choice for large text items.
The first step is to change the region title. As shown in Image 2, you set the region title on the Region Definition page.
To change the region title and change other region level attributes:
Next, temporarily change the region template.
Next, change the region template and the display point back to their original values.
You can change multiple item labels at once using the Page Items display. To access the Page Items display, navigate to the Page Definition. Under Items, click View in the upper right corner. The Page Items display page appears. Item attribute changes you may want to consider include:
Image 4 demonstrates:
Image 5 demonstrates how these item attribute changes can impact your application. Note that in Image 5, the items display on the correct lines but some items are pushed far to the right. This display is a result of the width of the Special Information item. Oracle HTML DB lays out regions as tables and the width of any given column is set to the largest display width of the items in that column.
Fixing Item Alignment
There are several ways to fix item alignment.
Changing Label Placement
You can choose to display item labels either above, below, or to the left of each item. You can also specify to have the label display left, right, or center justified. For labels set to left, you can further specify the vertical alignment options of top, bottom or center. For the Special Information label, the best approach would be to position the label above the item.
To change label placement:
If you changed the Horizontal / Vertical Alignment of the Special Information label to Above and ran the the page, the Manager item would again display too far to the right. This is because the Special Information item is set to span only 3 columns. With the label displayed above, you will need to change the Column Span to 4 and make the item wider to better fill the space. Image 7 demonstrates what the page would look like you have changed it from 60characters wide to 90.
Making Items Display-only and Adding New Region
There are two columns in the HT_EMP table that are for auditing. These are Record Create Date and Record Update Date. The value of these columns is set with triggers and they should not be updateable by users. This section describes how to make items display-only and then how to add them to their own region.
To make items display-only:
Next, create and then move the audit items out into their own region.
To create a new region:
To move the items to another region:
Note that you can optionally add a colon (:) at the end of the label to separate it from the value that will display. Image 8 demonstrates these changes.
Because all users may not wish to view the audit information, you can change the region template so that the audit information only displays when the user desires to see it. To accomplish this, change the region template for the Audit Information region to Hide / Show Region. This allows the user to click on a plus (+) sign to expand the contents of the region or click on a minus (-) sign to hide it. Image 9 demonstrates the contents hidden and Image 10 demonstrates the contents shown.
Regions can also have headers and footers. These typically contain text or html that displays at either the top or bottom of the region. The header and footer are accessed on the Region Definition page. Image 11 demonstrates the addition of a footer to the Audit Information region. The text of the footer is wrapped with the italic html tag and there is an imbedded a break. Without the manual break, the text would wrap depending on the allowable width of the region (which is defined in the region template).
Image 12 demonstrates what the footer will look like.
When the example page in this document is rendered, the expectation is that the user will enter a new record. If the user provides a valid Employee ID, the page will retrieve a record from the HT_EMP table and display it for update. It does this by using a before header process created when using the Form on a Table or View Wizard. The audit information is important for users while editing a record, but not while creating one. To have audit information only display when the user is editing a record, create a display condition for the Audit Information region so it only displays when the Employee ID is not null. The Employee ID is set by a trigger so it will only exist for records retrieved from the database. This Conditional Display can be accomplished by using a built-in condition that checks for the presence of a value for the item containing the Employee ID. The Conditional Display of a region is defined on the Region Definition page as shown in Image 13.
You have the option of diplaying regions in columns, rather than in rows. This section describes how to create another region to display "hint" text to the user.
To create a region to display hint text:
Image 14 demonstrates these changes. Note that this example includes manual breaks.
This section describes how to change item types to make data entry easier for the user. To change an item type, navigate to the Page Item Definition page and select another Display As option.
Radiogroup Because the Part or Full-time item only has 2 valid choices, it is a good candidate for either a Checkbox or a Radiogroup.
To change Part or Full-time to a radiogroup:
Notice that Full or Part-time is now a radiogroup and is stacked in one column. To have the choices display side by side, set the Columns to 2 under Lists of Values on the Item Definition page. You set this 2, because there are 2 valid values for this item. If there were more, and you wanted them all side by side, you would set the Columns to the number of valid values. Note that if you select to include displaying null as a value, remember to add one for that too. If you had 6 valid values and set Columns to 2, you would get two values side by side with 2 more sets below. Image 16 demonstrates the Radiogroup with the Columns set to 2.
Select List In the DDL listed below, notice that the department is validated by a check constraint. This could be implemented as a Radiogroup, a Select List or a Popup LOV. Because users can filter Popup LOVs, this is a good choice when there are a lot of rows to select from. Given that there are only four choices for Department, a radio group would also be a good choice. However, because a Radiogroup would take up extra space on the page, consider implementing Department as a Select List.
To implement Department as a Select List:
Checkbox The column EMP_TELECOMMUTE is perfect for a checkbox. When you change the Display Type, you can also move it up on the page and place is next to the Full/Part-time Radiogroup.
To implement EMP_TELECOMMUTE as a checkbox:
You can affect the look of the item label by using a label template. Sample Application includes two label templates, one for required items and one for optional items. They are used to identify which items on a form are mandatory. In Image 19, the Required Label template has been associated with each item whose base column is mandatory. As shown in Image 19, the Required Label template prepends a red asterisk (*) to the label. You may create your own label templates to control the look of labels using different fonts, borders, backgrounds, images, and so on.
The wizard used to create the form also created some buttons. These buttons display conditionally based upon whether the page is being used to create a new record (P900_EMP_ID is null) or the page is being used to update an existing record. These buttons were created as HTML buttons and placed at the top of the region. You can also place buttons at the bottom of the region, to the left or right of the page title, above the region, below the region, or in any button position defined in the region template. Image 20 demonstrates the resulting page with all the buttons moved to the bottom of the region. Buttons can also have templates associated with them to refine how they look. Image 20 also demonstrates changing the Button Style to Template Based Button and setting the Button Template to Opal Slices. Alternatively, you can create images and use those as buttons.
Buttons can also be created as items. This allows you to place them in the midst of items, rather than just in region positions. This is typically used when you want a button displayed just to the right of an item. Image 21 demonstrates this approach. Note the position of the Go button to the right of the Find field.
You can run the page and provide it with an Employee ID to retrieve. Typically, this would be done with a link from a report page but for this example, run the page and add ::::P900_EMP_ID:1
to the end of the url. This will make the url look something like
This will pass the value 1 to the item P9000_EMP_ID. In Image 22, Note that the Delete and Apply Changes buttons are displayed. The Create button had always been displayed before because the page was expecting a new record to be created. There is also a Record Create Date displayed but it is not obvious. It is display only, not updateable, which makes it look just like the label.
To make the information in the Audit Information region easier to read, you can make the labels or the data more pronounced. You can change the color, the font, or use bold. To make a label bold, you could create a new label template that would wrap the html tag for bold around the label and then associate that template with the items in the Audit Information region.
To make the data bold:
As shown in Image 23, notice that the date associated with Record Create Date is now bold.
There are more attributes that control the look and feel of a form. This How-To contained just one example form. Below are tables describing the attributes discussed in this document, along with others, that affect form layout. Also included are instructions for creating the DDL, and the default page used in this How-To and the DDL itself. After reading this How-To, you should be able to recreate all the changes described above and even make others.
Below is a summary of how specific region attributes affect form layout followed by how item attributes affect form layout.
Region Attributes
Category | Attribute | Description |
User Interface Attributes | Template | Determines the look of the region. Select from the region templates defined in the application. The templates can be viewed by clicking on the template name from the templates page under the Applications tab. |
Sequence | Specifies the display order of the regions within the page. | |
Display Point | Identifies where, within the page, the region will be displayed. The possible display points for a region are determined by the page level template. The page level template is a page attribute. If no page level template is selected, the default page level template, defined in the Application Definition is used. The specific positions can be seen by selecting the flashlight to the right of this item. | |
Column | Specifies which column the region will be displayed in. If two regions are in the same display point, they can be placed next to each other by setting the second region to display in column 2. Many regions can display in each column and the display order of the regions within the region display point and column is controlled by the region display sequence number. | |
Region HTML table cell attributes | This is for additional attributes to be used in the HTML table cells when regions are displayed in multiple columns. The attributes control the cells in the table used to lay out a regions in multiple columns. | |
Conditional Display | Condition Type and Expressions | Conditions and appropriate expression(s) that determine whether the region will be displayed. |
Header and Footer Text | Region Header | HTML text to be displayed at the top of the region. This is just before the #BODY# content. |
Region Footer | HTML text to be displayed at the bottom of the region. This is just after the #BODY# content. |
Item Attributes
Category | Attribute | Description |
Displayed | Sequence | The order in which items are rendered within a region. |
Region | The region the item will be displayed within. All items must be in a region. | |
Begin On New Line | Determines whether this item will display on the same line as the previous item or whether it will display on the next line. | |
Begin On New Field | Determines whether this item will display in the next column or in the same column as the previous item. | |
ColSpan | Items are laid out in HTML tables. This defines the value to be used for the COLSPAN attribute of the table cell containing an item. | |
RowSpan | Items are laid out in HTML tables. This defines the value to be used for the ROWSPAN attribute in the table cell that the item displays in. | |
Label | Label | The label to be displayed along with the item. This can be left null. |
Horizontal/Vertical Alignment | Labels can be displayed above, below or to the left of the item. This controls the placement and the horizontal and vertical alignment. | |
Template | Select the label template. These are used to apply a consistent look and feel. | |
HTML Table Cell Attributes | Any additional attributes for the cell containing this item's label (e.g. nowrap="nowrap"). | |
Post Element Text | The text entered here will display immediately following the item. This can contain HTML, javascript or shortcuts. | |
Element | Width | This is the display width of the item. |
maxWidth | This is the maximum number of characters that the item can contain. When this is greater than the 'Width', the item will scroll to accept the additional characters. | |
Height | This is the height of the item, expressed in lines, rather than pixels. This is used to change the height of text areas and multi-select lists. | |
Horizontal/Vertical Alignment | This determines the alignment of the item. The default is left. | |
HTML Table Cell Attributes | Select or enter additional attributes to be included in the cell with the item (e.g. bgcolor="yellow"). | |
HTML Form Element Attributes | Select or enter additional attributes to be included in the form element HTML tag. You may include Javascript. | |
Form Element Option Attributes | Select or enter additional attributes for the HTML table cell used to display each individual option in a radio group or set of check boxes. | |
List of Values | Columns | For radiogroups and checkboxes. The number of columns to use to display the values defined in the List of Values. By default, all values will display in one column. |
Conditional Display | Condition Type and Expressions | Conditions and appropriate expression(s) that determine whether the item will be displayed. |
Read Only Display Settings | Read Only Condition Type | Conditions and appropriate expression(s) that determine whether the item will be displayed as Read-Only. This can be used to display certain items to a set of users as updateable and display that same set to others users as non-updateable. It can reduce the need to code duplicate interfaces for different users. |
Instructions for creating necessary object and the initial form
To create the HT_EMP table and associated objects:
This procedure creates a table with insert and update triggers, a sequence to populate the primary key and will inserts one row into the table.
To create the initial form:
Now you have page 900 and can proceed with recreating this How-To.
The following is the code to replicate the table used in the example.
create table ht_emp (
emp_id number primary key,
emp_first_name varchar2(30) not null,
emp_middle_initial varchar2(1),
emp_last_name varchar2(45) not null,
emp_part_or_full_time varchar2(1) not null check (emp_part_or_full_time in ('P','F')),
emp_salary number,
emp_dept varchar2(20) check (emp_dept in ('SALES','ACCOUNTING',
emp_hiredate date,
emp_manager number references ht_emp,
emp_special_info varchar2(2000),
emp_telecommute varchar2(1) check (emp_telecommute in ('Y')),
rec_create_date date not null,
rec_update_date date)
insert into ht_emp
(emp_id, emp_first_name, emp_middle_initial, emp_last_name, emp_part_or_full_time,
emp_salary, emp_dept, emp_hiredate, emp_manager, emp_special_info, emp_telecommute,
100000,'SALES',sysdate,null,'cell phone number is
home phone is yyy.yyy.yyyy','Y',
create sequence ht_emp_seq
start with 2
create or replace trigger bi_ht_emp
before insert on ht_emp
for each row
select ht_emp_seq.nextval
into :new.emp_id
from dual;
:new.rec_create_date := sysdate;
create or replace trigger bu_ht_emp
before update on ht_emp
for each row
:new.rec_update_date := sysdate;
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