Yes, the product is also fully integrated in Oracle SQL Developer.
Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler is independent of SQL Developer and has no impact on the release cycle or installation of Oracle SQL Developer.
Yes, Oracle SQL Developer is still free.
Oracle Designer supports Design and Generation of Code for Data (Schema) and Application Development. SQL Developer Data Modeler does not include application design and code generation, instead SQL Developer Data Modeler focuses purely on the conceptual data modeling and database design and DDL script generation. Customers who are only focused on the data design might consider SQL Developer Data Modeler as an alternative to Oracle Designer for some of the following reasons:
SQL Developer Data Modeler has a Model Compare and Merge option. You can use this option to compare two SQL Developer Data Modeler models or to compare a model you just created or imported with an existing model. The Compare/Merge option can be found under the Tools -> Compare/Merge menu option.
Steps to create a new model or create a model by importing a script, from the dictionary or open an existing model
Yes, in the relational model there are a few auto-layout alternatives. Right-click for the context menu and select one of the layouts in "Auto Layout" menu.
"Use Synonyms" option is available when there are tables referenced by 10 or more foreign keys. Graphical synonyms are created for child tables and together with the parent table and foreign keys they are arranged as a separate group of tables. As result the global picture is simplified and is easier to understand and maintain.
There is an Undo and Redo choice on the edit menu. Not all operations are supported for UNDO/REDO.
SQL Developer Data Modeler stores each model in a standard file base repository. You can store models locally or on a central file server. The models can be source controlled using Subversion which is integrated in the product.
Yes, you can print it on paper or print to a file, using the print menu.
Yes, save your design to the reporting repository. Select File > Export > To Reporting Schema. Add a new connection. This connection can be a schema you already have access to or a new schema that will own the reporting repository for all your designs. If the repository does not yet exist into the schema, the first time you save your design to the connection, the reporting repository is created. On subsequent occasions, the design is just saved to the same schema.
You can now query the details of the tables in the schema using your favorite tool. Oracle SQL Developer has a set of predefined reports installed.
Invoke Oracle SQL Developer. (You can download this from OTN if you don't have it installed) and select Help -> Check for Updates. Now locate the file in the \datamodeler\reports folder, and complete the wizard. Restart SQL Developer. You should now see a set of reports, with your first Design included. Using SQL Developer you can add your own reports.
SQL Developer Data Modeler supports direct import from the Oracle Designer repository. The import from Oracle Designer is wizard driven. You need the SID, hostname and Designer username, such as the repository owner and the password to access the Designer repository.
The Data Modeler only imports unversioned or checked in objects. For an application system (folder) only objects belonging to the last checked-in version are imported. If you run into errors here, verify that the application system and files are checked in. If there are errors you may find that the following is true:
The Data Modeler imports following Designer objects:
The Data Modeler does not import tablespaces, views, stored procedures, packages or dataflow diagrams. These elements are planned for a future release.
A domain file is used to define the data types for your attributes or columns. Each domain has a name, a synonym, a logical data type, a size, precision, scale. In addition to these you can set:
SQL Developer Data Modeler does not include a default domains file. NOTE: This is a change from the early adopter releases which had a predefined domains file. This file still exists in the \datamodeler\domains directory and can be imported to provide a default set of values if required.
To create new domain definitions, select Tools > Domains Administration and click Add to create and add your own domains. These domains are added to the default file, defaultdomains.xml and can be used for all your projects./p>
To create a named domains file, select Tools > Domains Administration and click the Select button, next to the Domains File field. TYpe in a new file name and click open. Now you can add all the new domains to this file as described. In order to use the new file you need to import these domains into your current design, otherwise the default domains file is used.To import a domains file. select File > Import > Domains. You can accept all the domains or select those you want to import individually. /p>
SQL Developer Data Modeler does not import packages and functions at this stage.
SQL Developer Data Modeler does not import XMLTYPE tables.
In the Tools menu there are various default settings. Tools > General Options controls most general setting, such as file save and open locations. You can also set default model and diagram options and DDL script options.
There are a selection of sample models and files on the SQL Developer Data Modeler site. These are from the standard Oracle sample schemas that are shipped together with the Oracle Database 10g and Oracle Database 11g.
Globalization is supported. Designs are saved in Unicode, UTF-8.
Yes, Select the table and right-click and select DDL Preview
Yes, you'll find them in the physical model under views.
Yes, this is under Tools -> General Options
Yes, you can add or change the prefix for the relational models. Use the context menu on the relational model and select the Change Object Names Prefix option.