Oracle JDeveloper 11g and Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) 11g

Known Issues for JDeveloper and ADF 11g (PS3)

last updated: 15-APRIL-2011



This document lists known issues for this release. As new issues arise, they will be added to this document. We welcome and encourage your feedback.

Your input helps us make the product better. Please use the JDeveloper community discussion forum on OTN for questions and answers, as well as to

let us know what you think!


Please read the installation guide for details on system requirements and specific installation instructions for various platforms.

Installing JDeveloper on Mac OS(8283602)

Some additional steps are required to install JDeveloper on Mac OS beyond what is documented in the installation guide. Please refer to the installation guide ( for additional details on installing JDeveloper for Mac OS X.

1. Make Java 6 the default VM.

  • Run Java Preferences (in /Applications/Utilities/Java)
  • Move the Java SE 6 (64 Bit) to the top of the Java application versions list (General tab)

2. Create a symbolic link for classes.jar

  • Enable root user:
    • Open the Directory Utility app from Applications - Utility
    • Ensure the settings are unlocked (click the lock if necessary)
    • Choose Edit > Enable Root User and provide the root user password.
    • Note, you can return to this same screen to disable root user after creating the symbolic link
  • Create the symbolic link: cd /SystemLibrary/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home/
    su root
    mkdir jre
    CD jre
    mkdir lib
    CD lib
    ln -s ../../../Classes/classes.jar rt.jar

An additional step is required to successfully run applications on Mac systems that have Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 4 installed (8681385):

  1. Open the jdev.conf file. The file is located in the MW_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin/ directory.
  2. Add the following line to the jdev.conf file: AddVMOption

Missing “OK” button on the Import and Export dialogs when starting JDeveloper in Japanese locale (10624081, 10630322)

If you start Oracle JDeveloper in Japanese language on MS Windows (jdev -J"-Duser.language=ja”), the OK button is not visible on the Import and Export dialogs. To workaround, either re-size the dialog so the OK button re-appears or double-click the file name in the dialog to select it.

IDE and Java SE Development

Exceptions when adding certain character sequences to property files (10309132)

Two back-slashes on a line, followed by another non-empty line, in a name/value pair file, such as a .properties file, will cause Exceptions to be thrown when that .properties file is edited in JDeveloper.

An example of such a file is:

def1 = value1
def2 = value2

Database Development

JDK Version for JDeveloper and for the Database Must Compatible When Deploying Java to the Database (9937599)

If you get ORA-29552: verification warning: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError when deploying Java to the database, you need to change the version of the JDK used for that project to a version compatible with that used by the database.

This version of JDeveloper uses Java JDK Version 1.6. The following table shows Java JDK version used by different database versions:

RDBMS Version Java JDK Version
9.2 1.3.1
10.2 1.4.2_04
11.1 1.5.0_10
11.2 1.5.0_10

For information about changing the Java SE on a project by project basis, see the topic in the online help "Setting the Target Java SE for a Project".

Warning Messages When Migrating from JDeveloper 10.1.3 (11668213)

When you migrate an application that contains offline database objects from JDeveloper 10.1.3 you will see one or more warnings in the messages log:

oracle.jdevimpl.offlinedb.browser.DBObjectFileWrapper getProvider

WARNING: Offline Database file does not exist for file filename [offlineObjectType]

These appear because of the different way that offline databases are handled in this version, and can be safely ignored.

Problems running WLS on Windows 7 64-bit or Mac (9466912, 8969281)

JDeveloper does not look at the value of CLASSPATH or JAVA_HOME to determine its classpath or jdk; it stores this information in proprietory locations. The WebLogic domain installation scripts, however, extend the supplied value of the CLASSPATH and JAVAHOME variables, and WebLogic domain creation will fail if JAVAHOME contains ')' or CLASSPATH contains a space. The former happens when, for example, the 32bit JDK is installed in its default path,

for example:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_18

The latter if an application such as Apple QuickTime adds itself to the to the CLASSPATH environment variable, for example:

CLASSPATH=.;C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\

In either of these cases, creation of the Integrated WebLogic Server domain fails with a message similar to:

[waiting for the server to complete its initialization...]

\Java\jre6\lib\ext\ was unexpected at this time.

Process exited.

The workaround is to install the JDK in a path withpout ')', and remove the Apple QuickTime entry from the classpath, and restart JDeveloper.


Modify the Application's connections.xml file for Deployment to IBM WebSphere (9716825)

If you are deploying your application to an IBM WebSphere application server, you must modify the application's connections.xml file before you deploy. JDeveloper automatically creates entries in connection.xml that is compatible with WebLogic Server. You must modify this file to be compatible with WebSphere.

JDeveloper creates a connections.xml with entries similar to the following:

<StringRefAddr addrType="jndiName">

In the visual editor, change the StringRefAddr addrType="jndiName" tag Contents value similar to the following:

<StringRefAddr addrType="jndiName">

Deploying to IBM WebSphere When Using ADF Security Requires web.xml Edit (10022119)

When you enable ADF Security for your web application, the web.xml file includes the Java EE security constraint allPages to protect the Java EE application root. By default, to support deploying to Oracle WebLogic Server, JDeveloper specifies the URL pattern for the security constraint as / (backslash). If you intend to deploy the application to IBM WebSphere, the correct URL pattern is /* (backslash-asterisk). Before you deploy the application to WebSphere, manually edit the web.xml file for your application to change the allPages security constraint as follows:

   . . .

Incomplete Fusion Web Application Fails to Start on IBM WebSphere Application Server with NoClassDefFoundError

A complete Fusion web application is an application that uses the ADF Controller, ADF Model, and ADF Faces modules. A Fusion web application that does not include the ADF Model Runtime fails to start with an NoClassDefFoundError on the IBM WebSphere application server. This happens because the IBM WebSphere application server's JVM attempts to locate all classes rather than just those that the application uses.

Two workarounds are available to resolve this issue:

  • Add the ADF Model Runtime library definition to the application's project.
  • Set the --noverify JVM option for the IBM WebSphere application server

Client Accessing SOAP ADF BCService needs ADF Connection MBeans Listener added to web.xm (10023056)

If a client that runs on the server-side needs to access SOAP-supported ADF BCService, the application requires a web module and you must add an ADF Connections MBeans listener to the web.xml file.

   <description>ADF Connection MBeans</description>
   <display-name>ADF Connection MBeans</display-name>

Deploying EJB 2.1 applications to WebSphere (9648976)

In order to deploy an application that uses EJB 2.1 artifacts to WebSphere, you must:

  1. Generate the EAR to a file in JDeveloper.
  2. Log in to the WebSphere admin console and choose WebSphere Enterprise Application.
  3. Choose Install, and select the EAR file location.
  4. Choose Details for the deployment steps (not Fast Path), and choose to generate default bindings and maps.
  5. Click Next and choose step 3, Provide options to perform EJB deployment.
  6. In the Classpath setting add the three JAR filenames <path>/_adfm.jar, _<path>/amEJBCommon.jar, and <path>/amEJBEJB.jar.
  7. Complete the remaining steps to deploy the application successfully.

Using SSL for Weblogic App server connections (10171280)

If you are working behind a proxy server you need to enable Use HTTP Proxy Server and set the appropriate values in the Web Browser Proxy page of the Preferences dialog, which is available from the Tools menu. In addition, if you are deploying to a Weblogic server connection configured to use SSL you should use the form *.<company_name>.com in the Exceptions field otherwise the connection will fail.

Web Services Development

Ignore warning message displayed when upgrading JAX-RPC web service in JDeveloper (8912681)

When upgrading a JAX-RPC Web service developed using JDeveloper from Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J) to Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.x, the following warning may be displayed. This warning is displayed when the OC4J Web service contains whitespace or carriage return characters within the code. This warning can be ignored.

WARNING: A Text node was set to a value that is all whitespace. The DOM will be out of sync with the Text Buffer. The Text Node on reparse will also be removed from the DOM.

Web service test page may reference incorrect namespace when nesting complex type is an array (9066072)

When testing Web services in JDeveloper, if you have a schema with nested levels of complex type and the nested type is an array, the generated test SOAP message may use the outermost namespace in the inner nested type instead of the actual namespace of the child element.

For example:


Instead of the correct ns2:nested2 namespace, the SOAP message is being generated ns1:nested2 namespace, as shown below:


As a workaround, manually correct the inner ns1:nested2 references to ns2:nested2 in XML format before testing.

Avoid creating multiple top down web services in the same project/package (7165531)

Unless they are operating on the same schema avoid creating multiple top-down web services in the same project as each successive top-down service may overwrite the ObjectFactory class created by the previous one if generated into the same package.

Manually edit the header details if invoking WLS stateful (conversational) web services from HTTP Analyzer (7388843)

When calling conversational web services from HTTP Analyzer, the request message headers for the 'continue' methods need to be manually updated with the conversation id that is specific to that particular conversation. This value is available from the response SOAP message of the method that starts the conversation.

From the response message of the conversation start method, copy the xml tags similar to the one below:

<conv:ContinueHeader xmlns:conv="">

From the HTTP Content tab in HTTP Analyzer, insert the above tags within the header element of the SOAP request message, as below:

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
   <!- other header elements-->
   <conv:ContinueHeader xmlns:conv="">
   <!- message data details ->

Services migrated from a previous JDeveloper release are not guaranteed to deploy and run in WLS

Because of the OC4J proprietary nature of some of the properties set on web services that were created with previous JDeveloper releases (which supported OC4J), it is likely that there will be problems when attempting to deploy and run such services on WLS (including the integrated WLS that is bound with JDeveloper). Known problems include JAX_RPC services that have annotations, stateful services, DIME encoding, OWSM Policy (both 10.1.3 and 11 styles including WS-Security and WS-Reliability).

Cannot deploy and run JAX-RPC with bare array types as method parameters (7493019)

When using JAX-RPC web services deployed to weblogic using the generators in JDeveloper you may have trouble with method signatures that contain "bare" array types. For example: public class Hello

These will either not deploy or when deployed will not work properly with errors complaining about mapping issues. There are a few workarounds for this problem:

  1. Only do wrapped parameters, when starting from a java class Create a bean object that contains all the properties. When creating the web service make sure you select Document/Literal rather than Document/Wrapped to prevent double wrapping.
  2. Make sure you don't allow properties to be unwrapped when doing "top down" On the mapping options page when generating a Java web service from a WSDL make sure you uncheck the "Unwrap Wrapped parameters" box on the "Specify Default Mapping Options" page of the wizard.
  3. Use the weblogic jwsc ant task The ant task will generate a working service from the bare list types but the schema for the WSDL will generate synthetic Java schema types which may not be what the user wants.

JAX RPC stateful service: JAX WS client is throwing exception (7533170)

It is not possible to successfully invoke a JAX-RPC style conversational (stateful) web service deployed in weblogic server from a JAX-WS style proxy client. The design time JAX-WS proxy creation does not currently warn the user if the supplied WSDL document contains conversational behavior advertisement. Even though the tool leads to a successful generation of JAX-WS client artifacts, invoking the service from this client results in a SOAPFaultException. Only the conversation 'start' methods will get executed successfully. Invoking any other conversational methods after a conversation 'start' method will result in error.

The workaround is to use a JAX-RPC style proxy client to call a stateful service deployed in the weblogic server.

JAX-WS async client for a 10.1.3 BPEL process will not run by default (7422130)

The BPEL server included in 10.1.3 SOA only knows how to use the '2003 draft version of the WS-Addressing specification. The JAX-WS async client will be default generate a client that by modifying the WS_ADDR_VER constants to support either the final '2005 or the member submission '2004 version of the specification. To support the '2003 version the user will need to make some minor modification to the code in order to invoke the process properly.

In the callback handler you need fix the code that requests the relatesToHeader as shown here:

// HeaderList ...
//Header relatesToheader = headerList.get(WS_ADDR_VER.relatesToTag, true);
//String relatesToMessageId = ralatesToheader.getStringContent();
String relatesToMessageId = RelatesTo.getValue();

This uses the header which get automatically bound to a method parameter. Now the BPEL service explicitly defines both the ReplyTo and MessageID headers in the WSDL so the default proxy generator will map these to method parameters. Assuming that you accept this default you need to pass both the replyTo address and the message ID in as parameters to the method rather than as header as you will see in the generated code. The only exception for this is the WS-Addressing action header which if it is required should be set using the '2003 namespace. Here is an example that invokes a loan process that has the required edits.

americanLoan = new AmericanLoan();
LoanService loanService = americanLoan.getLoanServicePort();

// prepare Message Id

AttributedURI messageId = new AttributedURI();
messageId.setValue( "uuid:" + UUID.randomUUID() );

// prepare ReplyTo

AttributedURI address = new AttributedURI();
EndpointReferenceType replyTo = new EndpointReferenceType();
replyTo.setAddress( address );

// prepare action header

WSBindingProvider wsbp = (WSBindingProvider)loanService;
new StringHeader(
new QName( "", "Action" ),
"" ));

// Prepare payload

LoanApplicationType payload = ...

// Invoke service with replyTo and messageID parameter
loanService.initiate(lt, replyTo, messageId);

Creating Web Service Proxies for Multiple Web Services with the Same Endpoint (10096477)

The following information should be added to the section "How to Use an XML Catalog File":

NOTE: When creating the client and proxy classes for multiple web services on a local system that share the same endpoint, to ensure that URL is unique for each web service in the jaxws-catalog.xml file, the service QName is appended as anchor text.

Spring and Weblogic SCA Development

JDeveloper hangs when using Spring tooling without an active network connection (10050723)

When you editing a spring bean definition you might experience hangs as the code incorrectly tries to download files from the internet.

(In particular datatype.dtd) You need an active network connection to make use of the Spring tools.

Team Productivity Center Issues

OSLC RTC: LOV for "Planned For" does not show values correctly (9938565)

At present, the list of values (LOV) for "Planned For" items in the Rational Team Concert connector shows releases from all projects, not the project to which the work item belongs.

To duplicate the issue: Define different releases for different projects. Find one work item (for example, Task or Defect) and then click the "Planned For" LOV on the work item detail page. Click the Clear button and observe the result list. It shows all releases from all projects.

It should only show the release defined for the project this work item belongs to.

This is a defect in Rational Team Concert. If you have access to the Jazz tracking Web site, please refer to the following bug:

OSLC RTC: "Team Area" field value is not being saved (9928916)

When you create a new work item in the RTC connector of Team Productivity Center, the value specified for "Team Area" in OSLC RTC connector detail page is not saved.

This is a defect in Rational Team Concert. If you have access to the Jazz tracking Web site, please refer to the following bug:

Oracle Team Productivity Center backward compatibility support (10137759 and 10137740)

In prior releases ( and older), a Team Productivity Center client from an older release cannot connect to a Team Productivity Center server from a newer release. The client must upgrade to at least the same release number as the server. In order to upgrade the client, however, users must upgrade JDeveloper. Many customers cannot upgrade JDeveloper immediately.

Beginning with release, the Oracle Team Productivity server supports backward compatibility mode. The server will accept connections from any older clients that have been enabled for this support as well. Currently, Team Productivity Center server from the release will only accept connection from clients up to release This means customers with Team Productivity Center clients with release can connect to TPC server from release and older, but cannot connect to TPC server from release Customers must submit a patch request to the Oracle Support team to have the fix for bug 10064542 backported to TPC release or older in order to connect to Team Productivity Center server release or newer.

Membership in jira-administrators required to assign Oracle Team Productivity Center users to a JIRA issue (10270480)

Using the JIRA Web user interface, any user in the groups jira-developers or jira-administrators is able to browse full list of the group

jira-users to assign an issue to any one of them.

Due to a restriction in the JIRA API, users of Oracle Team Productivity Center must be members of the group jira-adminstrators before they can have access to the full list of users when they open a list of values (LOV) to assign users to an issue.

As a workaround, make sure to add any Team Productivity Center user who will have responsibility for assigning users to an issue being tracked in JIRA to the group jira-administrators.

Special Considerations Using SVN when creating repositories with Oracle Team Productivity Center (10270523)

If you are administrator for a team that uses the Subversion version control system with Oracle Team Productivity Center, you need to follow two-step process for the creation of the repository connection, that is different from the process for working with other types of repositories:

  1. Create a versioning connector of type 'SVN' in the Repositories tab of the Team Server Administration Dialog.
  2. From the Teams tab, select the Team Repositories tab and enter the URL to the server.

This lets the team use the URL to the area of the repository that is of relevance to them. It might be that they wish to use the 'root' of the repository or perhaps to restrict the view of the repository to just that relevant to the team.

ADF Desktop Integration (ADFdi)

Excel Validation and ADF Table Component's Placeholder Row (7509432)

Excel validation does not get applied to the placeholder row in an ADF Table component that contains data. (bug 7509432)

Given an ADFdi Table component with Excel "Data Validation" rules applied to one or more columns: if the user downloads data and then inserts new rows just under the header row, the new rows do not have the Excel Data Validation. Additionally, if the workbook developer performs the same set of steps in test mode and then returns to the designer, the data validation rules are lost altogether.


Do not insert rows just under the column headers. Instead, insert new rows anywhere in the middle or at the end of the table.

Known Limitations on changing ADFdi components at runtime (6196783, 6032482, 6161839, 9649021)

  • Moving a Column in a Runtime ADF Read-only Table Component (bug 6196783)

    If the user of the worksheet containing a Read-only Table component uses Excel's cut-and-insert operations to move a column to be the left-most column of the table, an exception occurs on the next download.

    To resolve the situation, the user should close the workbook without saving the changes.

  • Change Tracking After Moving a Column to the End of an ADF Table Component (bug 6032482)

    Change tracking is disabled if an end user moves a column to the end of an ADF Table component at runtime. Subsequent edits to cells in the moved column do not mark the row as changed.

  • Deleting an Integrated Excel Worksheet at Runtime (bug 6161839)

    Oracle ADF Desktop Integration does not support the deletion of integrated worksheets at runtime.

    If the user deletes an integrated worksheet, un-handled exceptions will occur.

    Workaround: close the workbook without saving any changes.

  • Altering column A on integrated worksheets that include ADF Table or ADF Read-only Table components (bug 9649021)

    If your integrated worksheet includes an ADF Table or Read-only Table, column A is automatically hidden at runtime and used for internal housekeeping. The information in this column is essential to the proper functioning of the table. So, users must never alter or delete the contents of this column deliberately. Doing so will compromise the table component leading to unexpected errors and/or data corruption.

Unexpected exception when using Excel filters in test mode (7134292)

Summary: Unhandled Excel exception when returning from Test mode to design-time mode if Excel filtering is applied to a table. (bug 7134292) Steps:

  1. Create a workbook with a table
  2. Click the run button to enter test mode
  3. Select the header row of the table
  4. Enable Excel filtering ("Sort & Filter" in the Home tab)
  5. Use Excel filter to display a subset of the rows in the table
  6. Click the Stop button to return to design-time mode

At this point, an unexpected exception occurs.


To resolve the situation, dismiss the error dialog and remove the filter from the table. Then, click the Stop button again to return to design-time mode.

ADFdi Excel Context Menus Do Not Hide or Show Properly (7511508)

Microsoft Excel does not invoke the "before right click" event when a user invokes a context menu from a keyboard. Users should use either the keyboard or the mouse's right-click button to invoke a cell's context menu. Do not use both in the same user session. This behavior occurs at design time and runtime in integrated Excel workbooks. (bug 7511508)

Conditional Formatting in Integrated Excel Workbooks (6869548)

Oracle ADF Desktop Integration does not support the conditional formatting features provided in Excel by clicking Home > Conditional Formatting. (bug 6869548)

Workaround: Use Excel named styles in combination with ADFdi expressions in the component's style properties

Failure Details for Foreign Key Violations Not Displayed Properly (8262587)

Users may encounter unexpected reports of errors under certain circumstances during the Upload operation for an ADF Table component. The Upload operation processes rows in batches. After posting changes from a batch, ADFdi executes the action specified by the CommitBatchActionID. Errors that occur during the commit action may continue to be reported on subsequent batch commit actions, even though those batches of records do not contain the error. (bug 8262587)

Cause: any pending model changes that exist when the CommitBatchActionID gets called are not automatically reverted when commit fails.

Workaround: Create a custom action for the CommitBatchActionID that first attempts to commit the pending model changes. However, if an exception occurs during commit, the custom method should first rollback the pending model changes, so that any subsequent batch commit attempts can succeed. Note: it is important that the commit exception gets re-thrown after rollback so that the commit error(s) will get reported as expected on the client.

Using variableUsage element causes null pointer exception in ADFdi remote servlet (6377073)

Summary: ADFdi does not support variables in the page definition declared with the syntax of variableUsage. (bug 6377073)


If the developer creates variableUsage in the ADFdi-related page definition, it will produce NullPointerExceptions in the server at runtime.


Instead create variables using the <variable> element in the page definition.

Known issues related to displaying web pages using the Dialog action (7205486, 9647738, 9648186, 9718945)

  • HTML 'select' components in web pages do not respect z-order as expected when the page is displayed from Dialog actions (bug 7205486)

    Given a web page with layered and overlapping components that is displayed in the .NET Web Browser control used in the Dialog action, it has been shown that HTML 'select' components may appear unexpectedly "on top" of other components. The controls are not respecting the "z-order" configuration as expected. Reference:

    Workaround: To avoid this problem, use web page control types that are not affected by the problem.

  • Application state not shared when Dialog Page property uses a task flow URL (bug 9647738).

    If the developer uses a task flow URL (eg. /faces/adf.task-flow?...) in a Dialog action with ShareFrame = true, the application state may not be shared as expected between the task flow pages and the worksheet. Workaround: use a jspx page in the Dialog Page property.

  • Task Flow with page fragments (bug 9648186).

    If the developer attempts to use a task flow with page fragments in a popup Dialog action, the Dialog may not close when expected.

    Workaround: use a jspx page in the Dialog Page property.

  • If the end user displays a web page from a Dialog action and then allows the web app session to timeout, there may be a loss of necessary context if the server renews the session automatically. In such cases, Table.RowDownSync may not produce the expected result. (bug 9718945)

    Workaround: enhance the web page's bean code to detect a change in the current row and cancel the dialog.

Known issues with the design-time property inspector and expression builder features (6314302, 7269921)

The property inspector and expression builder features in the ADFdi Designer are driven off of the saved component metadata. As a result, there are some

known issues when dealing with new objects or values. In each case, the work-around is to save the object and then re-open.

Sample issues:

  • New components in the expression builder (bug 6314302)

    An expression builder invoked from a newly-inserted ADF table-type component's property that supports EL expressions does not display the newly-inserted ADF table-type component in the Components node of the expression builder.

  • Cannot select UniqueAttribute for a new Table (bug 7269921)

    An error message appears requesting that you first specify a value for the ADF Table component's TreeID property when you attempt to set a value for a newly-inserted ADF Table component's UniqueAttribute property. This error message appears even though a value is set for the TreeID property.

Known issues with design-time collection editors (8254551)

  • At design-time, some property inspectors provide access to "collection editors" (bug 8254551)

    For example, the Workbook properties include "Branding Items". The items can be edited in a pop-up collection editor.

    When making changes to existing items via this collection editor and then pressing the Cancel button, the changes to the collection are not canceled as expected.

    Workaround: cancel the parent property editor to cancel the undesirable changes from the collection editor.

Known issues with ADFdi List of Values components (8575731, 8651633, 8651645)

  • Changing list binding metadata can cause unexpected exceptions in workbooks run prior to the change (8575731)

    Scenario: the application is developed, workbooks published, app deployed, and the published workbooks have already been run by

    business users. Then, the application configuration is changed.

    Problem: the runtime ADFdi workbooks cache the binding container metadata from the application. If the application metadata is then changed, unexpected errors can occur.

    Workarounds: Fetch a new copy of the published workbook from the web app, or execute the ClearAllData command

  • Empty forms (8651633, 8651645)

    An Excel form cannot be configured to use model-driven list bindings if the form's bound iterator is expected to contain zero rows.

    Workaround: configure the Excel form to use a "dynamic" list binding instead.

Known Issues with SSL (7117108)

  • Integrated Excel Workbooks and HTTPS (bug 7117108)

    Attempts to connect to a web application from an integrated Excel workbook over HTTPS result in an error if the certificate is not present on the client machine.

    Error text:

    ADFDI-00134: An attempt to connect to the web application has failed.

    Solution: Navigate to a web page from the same application using Internet Explorer. This action will install the certificate locally.

    Subsequent attempts to use the integrated workbook will succeed.

  • Login dialog flashes briefly for web app w/no authentication but using https (bug 9536914)

    If your web application is configured to use SSL/HTTPS, but does not use authentication, the login dialog will appear briefly when the workbook establishes a connection and then close again in order to recognize the certificate.

Known issues involving master-detail worksheets (8770675)

  • Editing value defined in ViewLink between master and detail fails with exception (bug 8770675)


    The business user may see an error like "ADFDI-00117: An unexpected error occurred reading the DIRemoteServlet response." connected to a server error like "oracle.jbo.AttrValException: JBO-27014: Attribute XXX in AppModule.YYY is required."

    Editing the ViewLink attribute is not supported since it alters the selections in the child view object.

    Workarounds: Define the ViewLink attributes to be read-only. Or, use a Model configuration that does not include a ViewLink between master and detail.

Known issues involving the Read-only Table Component (7626970, 8272219)

The following known issues may be encountered when working with the ADF Read-only Table Component. To avoid these issues, consider using the ADF Table component in a read-only configuration.

  • Inserting Excel Rows into an ADF Read-only Table Component (bug 7626970)

    Inserting an Excel row into an ADF Read-only Table results in a new Excel row that behaves as if it were part of the downloaded data set.

    In fact, the new row exists only in Excel.

  • Server-side row set can be Positioned on Wrong Row When DoubleClickActionSet Invoked on ADF Read-only Table Component (bug 8272219)

    An ADF Read-only Table component only caches the original row set index in an integrated Excel workbook. Invoking a DoubleClickActionSet on an ADF Read-only Table component results in an attempt to position the server-side row using the cached row index. If the server-side row set changed in between the time the ADF Read-only Table component caches the original row set index and the DoubleClickActionSet is invoked, the server-side can be positioned on the wrong row.

Known issue with Excel's 'Page Layout' mode (7482216)

  • Summary: if the workbook developer switches the View mode of Excel to "Page Layout", ADF Button components may be rendered in an unexpected position (bug 7482216).

    Workaround: Switch Excel back to Normal View mode. Then, Run and Stop the workbook so that the buttons will redraw correctly.

Known Issues with expressions (9662032)

  • Non-standard expression forms can result in out-of-memory exceptions (bug 9662032)

    Certain non-standard expression forms have been shown to cause out-of-memory exceptions in very wide tables (many columns).

    Example: using an expression like '#{components.TAB949138577.MyAttr.readOnly}' inside an Excel formula to determine CellStyleName can cause this condition if the table contains hundreds of columns. Workaround: use the standard form of the expression. In this example, '#{bindings.TAB949138577.hints.MyAttr.readOnly}' does not cause the condition. Note: this standard form is created automatically by the Expression Builder dialog.

Known Issues at design-time (9737702)

  • Deleting cells (9737702)

    If the developer deletes a cell adjacent to the cell containing an ADF component and shifts that cell into the position of the deleted cell, ADFdi offers to delete the component.

Migrating from previous releases of Oracle ADF 11g (10358830)

  • ADFdi Shared Libraries. Starting in, ADFdi server components are delivered as part of the "JRF" and no longer need to be included explicitly in your web application. If you are creating new WLS domains using, the ADFdi shared libraries are included automatically. However, if you have already created your WLS domain using, you will need to perform a special step to upgrade that domain. For example, running the WLST command "updateJRF()". See 'Updating Fusion Middleware Shared Libraries' in the 'Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide' available on the Oracle Fusion Middleware Documentation Library link: Use the following path: Install, patch, and upgrade > Applying the Latest Oracle Fusion Middleware Patch Set > Post-Patching Tasks > Updating Fusion Middleware Shared Libraries.
  • Cannot upload saved changes from workbook after migration to (bug 10358830)

    Solution: Prior to upgrading to, be sure to upload or discard any pending changes in saved workbooks.

    After migration, be sure to re-download any data in saved workbooks.

  • Workbook Migration

    If you wish to use integrated workbooks created using or earlier with ADFdi, you will have to perform one or more migration steps. The migration can be performed at design-time and also on published runtime workbooks. It is preferable to convert design-time workbooks and re-publish so that end users do not have to experience the migration. In general, you cannot have two versions of ADFdi installed on the same computer. There is an exception in this case: you can leave installed while migrating workbooks to If you do so, you will avoid seeing several errors. However, if you have already uninstalled the old version, you will see 1 or 2 errors during the migration of each workbook as it tries to access the old version. These errors can be dismissed and ignored.

    Assuming that you are migrating workbooks at design-time, the steps are:

  1. Install the new ADFdi client
  2. Create a backup copy of the design-time version of your workbook
  3. Open the design-time version of your workbook
  4. Dismiss any error dialogs if the old client has been uninstalled
  5. When prompted to migrate, click "Yes"
  6. Test your workbook: review/adjust the column widths of your table's Changed and Flagged columns; review the runtime ribbon tab contents;

    adjust any labels as desired.

  7. Publish your workbook
  8. Repeat this process for each integrated workbook in your application

    Note: a migrated workbook can no longer be used with the old client.

ADFdi ribbon tab not displayed (add-in inactivated or disabled by Excel) (9778270)

Under certain circumstances, the ADFdi add-in for Excel may become inactivated or disabled (bug 9778270).

One symptom of this problem is that the ADFdi-related Excel ribbon tabs may not appear when expected.


  • In Excel, open Excel Options and select Add-Ins. Look for the ADFdi add-in ('Oracle ADF 11g Desktop Integration Add-in...') in the list.

    If you find it in the Inactive Add-ins section, attempt to re-activate it by selecting 'COM Add-ins' from the Manage menu and clicking the Go button.

    Ensure that the checkbox is checked in the 'Add-ins Available' list.

    If the ADFdi add-in appears in the Disabled Add-ins section, attempt to re-enable it by by selecting 'Disabled Items' from the Manage menu and

    clicking the Go button. Select the ADFdi add-in in the Disabled Items dialog and click the Enable button.

    Close Excel and then re-launch it to allow the ADFdi add-in to re-initialize and display the expected ribbon tabs.


  • Or, uninstall the ADFdi client software from the Windows Add/Remove Programs control panel, and then re-installing may not be sufficient, see instructions above for re-enabling the add-in).

Known issue with date-time values and time zone changes (10623397)

Consider the following sequence of events (bug 10623397):

  • The end user downloads data with the local laptop computer configured for one time zone (e.g. PDT)
  • The user saves and closes the workbook
  • The user travels to another timezone and adjusts the computer time zone to the local time zone (e.g. EDT)
  • The user edits some data and performs an upload

Result: Any date-time values from modified rows will be considered to have changed by the difference in the time zones.

Analysis: Date-time values in Excel do not have any notion of time zone. ADFdi always uses the local computer's time zone to adjust date-time values before communicating with the server.

Workaround: Complete the upload of any pending changes before altering the local computer's time zone settings. After altering the local computer's time zone settings, be sure to re-download worksheet data before making any modifications.

ADF Faces and Data Visualization

NLS issues with JDK 1.6-only locales (6859992)

Date and number formatting (convertDateTime, inputDate, etc.) do not work with the 17 new locales added in JDK1.6. Locales supported in JDK 1.5 do not have this issue.

Profiler file logger

The profiler file logger can be used only in a non-portal environment on FF and IE browsers with at least 1.5._06 JRE on the client box and privilege to write to the user home directory. The resulting file format is subject to change without any notice and not intended to be used with any xml parser tool. In order to use the feature, the user has to accept the certificate.

Hot keys

Application developers must be cautious when assigning access keys to menus. Hot keys may be intercepted by various browsers or even the operating system. One such hotkey, ALT-D, will send focus to the address bar in both IE and FireFox 2. For this hotkey, we have removed the references in our demos. But many more hotkeys may be restricted so it is a good idea to try them out on all of your supported browsers.

Active data service (6926281)

  • If Active Data Service is enabled in an application, there are certain ADS pages (/adwwls/ and adw.jspx) that should not be cached. If Oracle Web Cache runs for the application, need to add cache rule to exclude pages with name of /adwwls/ or adw.jspx.

Primary keys from model (6894412)

ADF Faces components expect applications to use primary keys on the model which are pre-populated for new records and do not change with any record updates. If an application cannot pre-populate primary keys in the data objects for any reasons and the data objects are bound to tables, trees or treeTables, it needs to have the following configuration to workaround potential failures due to primary key value changes:

  • The component inside a column for the primary key attribute should set "autoSubmit=true", and
  • The table, tree or treeTable should set "partialTriggers" property to include the component inside a column for the primary key attribute, and
  • Any selectOneChoice component inside a column should not set "required" property
  • Here is an example:
  • <af:table value="#{bindings.EmpView1.collectionModel}" var="row"
     ... partialTriggers="it1">
     <af:column sortProperty="Empno" sortable="true"
     <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.Empno.inputValue}"
     ... autoSubmit="true" id="it1">
     <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.Empno.validator}"/>
     <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
     <af:column sortProperty="Deptno" sortable="true"
     <af:selectOneChoice value="#{row.bindings.Deptno.inputValue}"
     <f:selectItems value="#{row.bindings.Deptno.items}" id="si1"/>

    Application view cache (6495920)

    The Application View Cache won't work for any page where the rendering of the component tree causes the structure of the component tree to change temporarily. Since this is often the case and the application developer has no way of telling when this will occur, USE_APPLICATION_VIEW_CACHE should never be used. It also only helps initial render performance and does not help the session size.

    Trinidad application and new Window detection (8677612)

    New Window Detection logic only works in Rich Client applications, but not in Trinidad applications For Trinidad applications, the following parameter should be added in web.xml to disable New Window Detection logic.


    Emailable page (8554509, 8868756, 8827678)

    The table component has some known issues in emailable page mode.

    • The Total/Subtotal rows of the table are not bold in Outlook (8554509)

      The application developer would need to define the bold style directly on their outputText.

    • The detailStamp, if disclosed, does not render as disclosed in emailable page mode in both Thunderbird and Outlook. (8868756)
    • columnStretching="last" does not work in emailable mode (8827678)

      since this happens in javascript and javascript is not supported by email agents. You need to set the width attribute on the af:column components.

    ADF Faces Repeated Components by af:forEach and af:iterator

    ADF Faces components do not support persisting customization changes if the component is contained inside of (anywhere in the subtree of) af:forEach or af:iterator. However, if the repeating component and the repeated component are located across document, for example, in different jsff or jspx files, then we can't detect this case and will allow the customization persistence.

    RUEI and UserActivity data

    Because of a limitation in the IE userData persistence behavior, the userActivity data for previous requests may be partially or sometimes completely unavailable when accessed from pages with a different URL than when it was originally saved.

Auto-ppr for ADFm bound boolean attributes in an ADF Faces form

If af:SelectBooleanCheckbox is used, the component needs to have partialTriggers on all buttons of the component's form.

Accessibility: Column headers for Total/Subtotal cells (6931494)

ADF Faces users can typically produce accessible table content by specifying column headers for every column in their AF:table. However, in certain complex cases, such as when the AF:table contains total or subtotal rows, the cell containing the labels for these rows may be inappropriately associated with the containing column's column header. For example, assuming a column contains employee names and has the header text "Employee Name", a cell containing the text "Total" will be inappropriately identified to screen reader users as being an "Employee Name". In order to avoid confusion, such cells should not be associated with any column header. ADF Faces does not provide any mechanism for suppressing column headers for such cells.

Accessibility: Keyboard selection request frequency (6238722)

When interacting with an AF:table, AF:tree, or AF:treeTable, using the up/down arrow keys to change the selection can result in a round trip to the server. ADF Faces already optimizes to reduce the number of round-trips by only sending a single request at a time, and also by dropping requests for intermediate selection states that occur while a request is outstanding. However, in some cases keyboard users may find the current behavior inefficient, since a request is sent to the server as soon as the request queue frees up. Ideally, no request would be sent until after the user has reached the item that they intend to select - ie. until after the user has paused keyboard activity for some short period of time.

Accessibility: Read-Only input components (5889673)

Currently read-only input components, such as AF:inputText, are rendered by ADF Faces as plain text. As such, there is a loss of information that may be meaningful to screen reader users - ie. screen reader users have no way to determine that the text in question corresponds to a input control. In addition, since plain text content is not included in the tab navigation order, screen reader users may fail to recognize that this read-only content is present on the page.

Accessibility: Expanding and collapsing nodes of AF:treeTable (8295444)

When disabling row selection in the AF:treeTable by setting the rowSelection attribute to "none", the resulting AF:treeTable content is not keyboard navigable. In particular, it is not possible to use the keyboard to navigate to and expand/collapse nodes in the AF:treeTable. This issue can be avoided by not disabling row selection for this component.

Automatic partial page rendering

There is a known limitation for Automatic Partial Page Rendering support on components which are associated with actions, examples are buttons, hyperlinks. This limitation occurs when the binding associated with the component is recreated, which should happen very rarely, e.g. dynamic form, dynamice region, DT@RT. There are two types of workaround that can be applied:

  1. Use manual PPR, set paritalSubmit="true" and configure partialTriggers on related components.
  2. Do not use PPR, set partialSubmit="false" on the related components.

StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in (9400134)

This error happens due to bug 6875866 (HotSpot compiler bug in String.indexOf() using SSE4.2 instruction-set on new Intel chips).


Add this line to the JVM options: -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics

then remove the cached CSS file, e.g.,



restart WLS, clear your browser cache and everything should be working.

Please note that the bug should be fixed with jdk6.18b02 but we see it on 6.18b07

UI Components State Sync When Sharing The Same Iterator Binding

When there are multiple components share the same iterator binding in one page, the application needs to use partialTriggers to sync up UI states.

One example is a form and a table based on the same iterator binding, the table's partialTriggers needs to point to the form's navigation buttons, for table selection to sync with form.

Multibyte Character Set Page Name: not supported for WebSphere Application Server

Due to WAS's specific implementation of HttpServletResponse class, server side redirect for UTF-8 encoded URL with MBCS characters does not work correctly. Because of this, when you access a page with multibyte character set name, you may get Http Error 404, or "Failed to find resource" error.

    ADF DVT Graph and Gauge (6904435, 6016950, 8275790, 8977003)

    • Firefox does not print Flash content, which is the default imageFormat for DVT Graph and Gauge. Flash content, including ADF DVT Graphs and Gauges, prints fine when the browser is IE. Applications should use printable page mode to print Flash content or set imageFormat to PNG. (6904435, 6016950)
    • There are known issues using Flash graphs in BiDi locales. The workaround is to use PNG graph image format. In PNG, static rendering is fully supported, but certain interactive features, such as seriesRolloverBehavior and animation, are not available. (8275790)
    • Graph can not load alert images in a portlet environment (8977003)
    • The following are now deprecated:
      • <dvt:numberFormat> tag is now deprecated. Developers should use the standard Trinidad converted tags, e.g. <af:convertNumber>.
      • imageFormat="AUTO" is now deprecated. Developers should use the new flash-player-usage context parameter in adf-config.xml.

    ADF DVT Gantt Chart (8914616, 8684652, 9027856, 9026200, 8862734, 9685840, 9083323, 9432601, 9868647, 10374397)

    • Label alignment does not shift when impossible to show label as defined. I.e. task with left-aligned label placed all the way to the left(8914616)
    • Issue when zoom using scroll wheel using Safari browser, CTRL-Scroll wheel is reserved for Browser font resizing (8684652)
    • Rollover text can appear beneath the chart right-mouse menu (9027856)
    • Incorrect tag documentation for the project gantt and initialdatefocus (9026200)
    • Some debug messages appear in console when creating a project gantt (8862734)
    • Regions in popup window not getting painted properly when launched from Gantt (9685840)
    • Null pointer exception collapsing rows in project gantt (9083323)
    • SchedulingGantt: NullPointerException sometimes gets thrown on data change event (9432601)
    • Time value in tooltip of DataChangeListener incorrectly calculated (9868647)
    • On-demand fetching/rendering renders entire chart. When using a non-hierarchical rowset and displaying dependency lines, the performance of the Gantt chart is slow as all the rows are being rendered on the client. The workaround is to either use a non-expanded hierarchical rowset and/or disable the display of dependency lines. (10374397)

    ADF DVT Pivot Table (8895660, 8316539, 8742733, 8998375, 9020333, 9047467, 9012546, 9475191)

    • In order to store edits, the PivotTable needs to be bound to a DataControl/Model that supports writeback operations. A Rowset based DataControl, like the BC4J based DataControl, is transformed into a cube and, due to the transformation, cannot support writebacks (8895660)
    • When using Internet Explorer in BIDI mode the PivotTable scrollbars can sometimes reset to their original position (8316539)
    • After editing a cell then sorting, column sorts on original value, not new value (8742733)
    • Sorting in PivotTable blows away existing sorts (8998375)
    • Pivot with keyboard can interfere with some graphics cards (9020333)
    • User resizes are sometimes forgotten (9047467)
    • Ability to make selections lost after pivot to PivotFilterBar (9012546)
    • af:convertNumber and af:convertDateTime do not work when used in a Pivot Table header cell. Currently there is no workaround, as the value is already formatted into a string and therefore not a number which can be converted. (9475191)

    ADF DVT PivotFilterBar (8777349, 9002516, 8777330, 8940695, 8914128, 8917681, 9672617, 9926815)

    • JAWS tabbing through the PivotFilterBar incorrectly reads the URL (8777349)
    • Arrowing during keyboard pivoting should be reversed for bidi cases (9002516)
    • Accessibility: The user cannot pivot items via the keyboard between the PivotTable and the PivotFilterBar (8777330)
    • ADF Table and other views may be refreshed when PivotTable with PivotFilterBar is updated (8940695)
    • PivotFilterBar attributes: visible, persist, dontPersist and shortDesc cause compile errors in the Jspx. Use backing bean instead to set the properties (8914128)
    • Keyboard pivoting from pivottable to pivotFilterbar component not working, vice versa works. Please use drag and drop operation (8917681)
    • Export of PivotTable data to Excel when stamping is used ends up with duplicated values in the cells (9672617)
    • Leading zeros are not carried from the pivot table to exported Excel (9927815)

    ADF DVT Databinding and Design Time (8965391, 8607695, 8926518, 8981666, 8862266, 8872334, 9708226)

    • When editing DVT Graph tags in the Source Editor and then using a custom button in the Property Inspector to configure a new child tag, the developer may encounter an exception. If that occurs, switch to the Visual Editor when using the Property Inspector to configure a child tag. (8965391)
    • In Step 2 of the DVT Pivot Table Binding Wizard, developers can specify an alternate attribute for attribute value labels to be rendered in the resulting Pivot Table header at runtime. However, in Step 3, if the Binding is configured for Insert Drilling, then it is possible that the specification of that alternate attribute will be discarded. If you encounter this scenario, you can use the following workaround:
      1. Edit the corresponding PageDef source;
      2. Find the corresponding element in thesection of the Pivot Table binding;
      3. Update the 'label' attribute of that element to the correct alternate attribute name. (8607695)
    • Changes made to an existing <dvt:search> child of a <dvt:hierarchyViewer> tag through the dialog are sometimes ignored. As a workaround, the developer can delete the <dvt:search> element through the Structure Pane, and then recreate it. (8926518)
    • DVT component tags do not support 'Convert' or 'Surround' options at design time. (8981666)
    • The Component Gallery for DVT Hierarchy Viewer does not include the 'Circle' layout type. You can choose this option in the Property Inspector after the tag is created on the page. (8862266)
    • Live data preview in the DVT Graph, Gauge, and Pivot Table binding dialogs is not available during design time if the application is configured with ADF Security. (8872334)
    • When creating a Pie Graph, mapping one or more Attributes to 'Slices' before mapping a numeric Attribute to 'Pie' can cause the Attribute Labels table to be incorrectly updated. The workaround is to set the 'Pie' numeric Attribute first, before mapping additional Attributes to the 'Slices'. (9708226)

ADF Share

New ADFShare dependency upon unified EL

For some usages of ADF, when the unified EL classes (javax.el.*) are not on the classpath (i.e. applications not running in the application server), this new dependency can result in a NoClassDefFoundError for javax.el.ELContext when oracle.adf.share.ADFContext is initialized. For JDeveloper projects the issue may be resolved by adding the 'JSP Library' to the project library. For applications running on the WLS platform, the issue may be resolved by adding '$WLS_HOME$/modules/javax.jsp_1.2.0.0_2-1.jar' to the classpath. For applications running on the WAS-ND and WAS-AS platforms, the issue may be resolved by adding $WAS_HOME$/plugins/javax.j2ee.jsp.jar to the classpath.

Console output suppressed after running WLST commands for managing URL connections

WLST commands for managing URL connections leave console output disabled after invocation, so other WLST commands that normally generate output, such as help() or ls() may appear to be broken. Subsequent commands should still be running, even though console output is not visible. Commands which leave output disabled include adf_createFileURLConnection(), adf_createHttpURLConnection(), adf_setURLConnectionAttributes() and adf_listURLConnection(). Workaround is to exit and start a new WLST session after invoking URL connection commands.

ADF Business Components

Resource Bundle Property Definition Not Overwritten (9792578)

If you change the Project Property settings to generate a different resource bundle type, JDeveloper currently does not overwrite the element in the component's XML definition file.

In your data model project, when you want to create localizable resource strings such as validation messages, you use the Resource Bundle page in the Project Properties dialog to specify a resource bundle type (properties text file, ListResourceBundle class file, or XLIFF based file) and other options. After you create the resource string in the overview editor for a particular business component (like the entity object), the overview editor saves the resource bundle definition in the component's XML definition file as the element. For example, for the DeptEO entity object, this definition appears for the ListResourceBundle class type resource bundle:


 <JavaResourceBundle MsgBundleClass="test.eo.common.DeptEOMsgBundle"/>

To change existing resource bundle properties in the Project Properties dialog, you must delete the original Message Bundle file, delete the element from each object's XML definition file, and then close and reopen the application in JDeveloper. After that you may change the resource bundle project properties and add new resource strings to the desired business components.

JDeveloper Fails to Update AM Definition File After Overriding Base Class (10148949)

At runtime, your application may throw a class cast exception if you extend an Application Module in JDeveloper and that AM already has a base class definition. This error occurs because JDeveloper fails to update the ComponentClass definition in the AM XML definition file. For example, your team may use the Project Properties dialog to define a base class so that all generated application modules extend the same class. Later, you may try to override this base class for a specific application module using the Select Java Options dialog (launched from the Java page of the application module overview editor), but the XML definition fails to update with your selection. Note that this error in the XML will only occur when you intentionally do not select the "Generate Application Module Class" option in the Select Java Options dialog.

To ensure your application module extends the desired base class, you must edit the XML source in the overview editor for the application module. For example, edit the ComponentClass value to match the DesignTime Value:

 <Attr Name="_deployType" Value="0"/>
 <Attr Name="_superClassName"

JDeveloper Business Component Browser Running in 64 Bit Linux Environment Does Not Accept Password (10261172)

When you run the Business Component Browser to test your application module on a machine running under 64 bit Linux, a bug in the Linux OS prevents credentials from being entered in a password field that displays in a popup box. The nonobvious workaround for this issue involves changing the OS locale. By default, the OS sets the environment variable LC_ALL to "C". If you change it to "en_US" and then restart JDeveloper, the password field will accept input. To perform this action, at the 64 bit OS csh prompt, type:

setenv LC ALL en US

API Change Required for SDO Helper Related Code

ADF Business Component service interface now supports MDS integration, which allows users to build customizations of service schemas at runtime. With this new feature, you can no longer use SDO's global helper context in ServiceFactory clients. You must modify any source code in ServiceFactory clients using DataFactory.INSTANCE, XMLHelper.INSTANCE, XSDHelper.INSTANCE, etc. Instead, the SDO helper related code has to use the new oracle.jbo.client.svc.ServiceFactory APIs. For details, see the new getServiceProxy() call example in section 11.3.6 "How to Invoke Operations of the Service-Backed Components in the Consuming Application" in the Oracle Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle ADF.

Updatable Entity Usages

In the previous release of ADF Business Components, there was a bug that if you had a join view object (i.e. a non-expert mode view object with more that one entity usage) and any of the entity usages other than the first were marked updateable then we did not automatically mark the primary key attributes from the entity object as key attributes. If you have a view object that is incorrectly marked, then you should open the view object editor, select the key attribute on the attributes page and mark it as a key attribute.

ADF Customization (Seeded and User Customizations)

Deleting the Workspace-Level CustomizationLayerValues.xml File

If you want to remove a workspace-level CustomizationLayerValues.xml file, use the file system to delete the file, then close and reopen the application in JDeveloper. You cannot delete the CustomizationLayerValues.xml file from the Application Resources panel of the Application Navigator.

Cleaning MDS Runtime Customizations for Execution from JDeveloper

When you run an MDS-enabled application from JDeveloper in the Integrated Weblogic Server, runtime customizations are saved to a directory

configured on the Run > MDS page of the Application Properties dialog. The default location of the MDS Repository Directory is ORACLE_HOME\jdeveloper\systemXX.XX\o.mds.dt\adrs\Application\AutoGeneratedMar\mds_adrs_writedir. You can optionally provide an

alternative directory in the Override Location field.

To manually remove runtime customizations from the previous run, delete all files in the configured MDS Repository Directory location.

If you want to delete runtime customizations from the previous run every time you run the application from JDeveloper in the Integrated Weblogic Server, select Delete customizations before each run on the Run > MDS page of the Application Properties dialog.

ADF Security

Deploying to IBM WebSphere When Using ADF Security Requires web.xml Edit

When you enable ADF Security for your web application, the web.xml file includes the Java EE security constraint allPages to protect the Java EE application root. By default, to support deploying to Oracle WebLogic Server, JDeveloper specifies the URL pattern for the security constraint as / (backslash). If you intend to deploy the application to IBM WebSphere, the correct URL pattern is /* (backslash-asterisk). Before you deploy the application to WebSphere, manually edit the web.xml file for your application to change the allPages security constraint as follows:

 . . .

Migration of the jazn-data.xml File Fails With a Duplicate Permission Defined

Before you migrate the jazn-data.xml file to a production environment, you want to check that the policy store does not contain duplicate permissions for a grant. If you created a duplicate permission (one that has the same name and class), the administrator migrating the policy store will receive an error and the migration of the policies will be halted. You should manually edit the jazn-data.xml file to remove any duplicate permissions. For example, this sample shows a duplicate grant named "duplicatePolicy":


Before you can migrate the above sample, the file should appear as (with the extra "duplicatePolicy" permission deleted):


Non Web Application Authorization Grants to User or Enterprise Role (10219702)

For J2SE applications using ADF security, if you make authorization grants in the jazn-data.xml file to a user or to an enterprise role, then you need to add the property name "" with value="false" on "policystore.xml" serviceInstance in your application's src\META-INF\jps-config.xml file, as shown below:

<serviceInstance provider="policystore.xml.provider" name="policystore.xml">
 <property value="./jazn-data.xml" name="location"/>
 <property value="false" name=""/>

For example, if you use the jazn-data.xml overview editor to grant to users and then run the ADF BC Business Component Browser (a J2SE application), you would need to make this change. Note that this change is not necessary when the grants are made to application roles, when you are developing a Fusion web application, or when you develop any JEE web application that uses a non-XML based respository, such as the Oracle WebLogic Server LDAP repository.

JDeveloper Overview Editor Does Not Autodetect Resource Types for Entity Permissions (10404018)

When your application uses ADF Security to enable security for entity objects or their attributes, you use the Edit Authorization dialog to grant privileges (read, update, delete) to roles that your application defines. However, when you open the overview editor for the jazn-data.xml file, the Resource Type field (visible in the Resource Grants page) will not detect the needed permission classes EntityPermission and EntityAttributePermission and displays these items in red to indicate they are not found. If you need to use either of these resource types, click the "+" button next to the Resource Type list and locate these permission classes:

permission class (
permission class (

URL Security Constraint Generated by ADF Security Wizard May Need to be Edited For Custom Login or Error Pages

When you run the ADF Security wizard and choose the ADF Authentication option (because you do not want to enable ADF authorization) and your application uses a custom login page or a custom error page, you may need to edit the default Java EE security constraint added to the the web.xml file by ADF Security. The default URL pattern "/*" defined in the allPages security constraint covers everything under "/" and that may include the resources, such as images, CSS files, or JavaScript libraries, used by the login page:


If the pages you create use resources such as an image, CSS file, or JavaScript library, the default allPages security constraint in the web.xml file would prevent those resources from loading at runtime. To allow your application to display those resources, you should save the resources in a folder of their own and then edit the allPages security constraint so that the resources folder is not contained in the URL pattern.

Note that this resource issue does not apply when you run the ADF Security Wizard and choose the ADF Authentication and Authorization option. Specifically, in that case, the default generated constraint is on the ADF Authentication servlet and the constraint (/adfAuthentication) excludes any resources.

ADF Mobile Client (ADFmc)

ADF Mobile Client implements a subset of the ADF's Model View Controller architecture that runs on servers. Therefore, certain ADF functionality is not supported, and developers should not assume a functionality supported in the server-based ADF library is also supported in ADF Mobile Client. Developers are advised to review the ADF Mobile Client Developer Guide for exact list of supported ADF functionality.

Design Time Issues

Business Components from ADF Library wizard may fail when "All Technologies" tab was selected in the New Gallery (10038702)

When creating ADF Business Components from ADF Library, developer can either select this functionality from "Current Project Technologies" tab or from "All Technologies" tab. If "All Technologies" tab is selected, the subsequent wizard will fail with "Null Pointer Exception". Workaround is always to ensure the ADF Mobile Model technology scope is added to the project, and use the "Current Project Technologies" tab to launch the "Business Component from ADF Library" wizard.

Multiple Application Sources folder may appear in the Japanese version of JDeveloper (11058381)

In the Japanese version of JDeveloper, developer may see two Application Sources folder in the ADF Mobile Client projects. There is no workaround for this issue, and developers using the Japanese version should just pick one of Application Sources folder to work with. They are essentially duplicates of each other, with identical contents. Developer can add files to either folder, and content in both will be updated as expected.

Unable to delete bind variable definition from View Object -Query Tab - Edit Query - Bind Variable screen (10649863)

In the View Object editor, developer can delete existing bind variables from several places in the Query tab. If you click on the pencil icon to edit the query, the Edit Query screen will give you the option of removing the bind variable. However, if you attempt to remove bind variable here, it will not work. Workaround is to delete bind variable directly from the View Object - Edit Query - Bind Variables screen. The impact is fairly minor because in most cases you would directly delete the bind variable.

Unsupported SQL Bind Variable styles are listed in the Property Inspector (10174386)

ADF Mobile Client currently supports only Oracle Named bind variable style in the View Objects. This is based on limitations around the SQLite database. The View Object editor generally restricts developers to use supported bind variable style. However, when developer selects the Query tab in the View Object Editor, the Property Inspector will display un-supported bind variable styles. Developer should avoid using Property Inspect to set the Bind Variable style, to avoid using an unsupported bind variable format, which will result in runtime SQL errors.

User Interface Designer may scroll back to the top "Home" position unexpectedly when component attributes are set (10186250)

When developer updates the attributes of an user interface component using property inspector and then hit the enter key, the focus or selected component in the user interface designer may be reset to the "Home" or top position, instead of staying focused on the selected component. This does not have any other effect, except developer may need to re-select the component.

JDeveloper does not check for invalid mobile client database path (104196962)

In the ADF Mobile Client Database Connection definition screen, if the client database is populated by database initialization scripts, developer has to enter a database file path in the deployment profile. This developer-entered database path is not verified by JDeveloper. Developer should refer to device OS specific documentation for allowable locations and formats of the database file. For example, for BlackBerry devices, database file must reside in the SD Card. Path would have the format "/SDCard/", and also additional folders need to exist first.

SelectOneChoice option is displayed in the context menu for attributes that do not have List of Value (LOV) enabled (10365151)

When developer drag and drop data control based on View Object/Application Modules to the screen, a context menu is displayed to allow developer to pick the desired functionality. This content menu reflects components that can be supported by this attribute - for example, if List of Values (LOV) is set up for a particular attribute in the View Object, then selectOneChoice component is available in the content menu as an option. However, selectOneChoice option is still displayed for attributes that do not have List of Values (LOV) set up. There is no workaround for this issue - developer will need to ensure that they pick selectOneChoice only for the attributes configured with LOV.

Database initialization script path is not validated by JDeveloper (10419728)

ADF Mobile Client application can use a mobile client database initialized by DB initialization scripts. Developer would specify this path as part of the deployment profile. This path is based on the location of the script within the compiled MobileClient project file. For example, if developer places the DB initialization script in the META-INF folder in the project, then the path specified in the deployment profile should be /META-INF/. This path is not verified, however, and developer needs to manually ensure the correct path is entered.

Unable to view ADF Mobile Client DB connections in the Database Navigator View (10633856)

ADF Mobile Client Database connection specifies key information about the location of the mobile client database. Once created at either at the application or IDE level, it can be viewed and access from almost all expected locations, except from within the Database Navigator view. Workaround is that developer should simply view and access these database controls from within the wizard and from Application Resource Palette, but not from the Database Navigator. There is no other unexpected effect from this issue.

Mobile Client Task Flow XML Encoding is set to unsupported values when developer's PC is set to use double-byte character-based languages (11688787)

When the operating system of developer's PC is set to use any double-byte character languages (such as Chinese), the XML encoding is set to the character set of that double-byte language. This is not supported by the ADF Mobile Client runtime. Workaround is for developer to manually change the encoding of the Mobile Client Task Flow XML to UTF-8. This is typically the first line in the XML file, like "" - developer would need to use UTF-8 as the value for encoding.

Scanner Data Control does not refresh all of the fields in the scanner data control and bindings (11724452)

In an ADF Mobile Client application that contains multiple scanner data controls, certain data in one scanner data control may not get cleaned out properly after subsequent scans. There can be some stale data still displayed on the screen, if these data fields are bind to a different scanner data control. The workaround is to bind the user interface components to application variables instead of to scanner data control, and developer need to refresh the application scope variables directly.

Input Number Spin Box inside a Panel Form Layout does not expand with the screen width as expected (10416774)

In the BlackBerry mode of the UI designer, Input Number Spin Box inside a Panel Form Layout does not expand in width as expected, when the value of the Aligned attribute is set to "Top". However, when the application is running in simulator or device, the Spin Box would expand as expected. There is no workaround for this issue.

Setting font size of the labels in the Panel Label and Message component has no effect (10629322)

Setting the font size attribute in the Panel Label and Message component will have no effect on the label of the Panel Form Layout. To set the font size of the label part of the Panel Label and Message component, developer would set the labelFontSize attribute in the Panel Form Layout. This means developer cannot individually set the font size of each label. There is no workaround for this issue.

User interface designer unable to correctly display sub-menus (10186394)

When developer adds a sub-menu to a page and views the page in Windows Mobile mode of the UI designer, the sub-menu is displayed outside of the UI designer window in JDeveloper. This is because the UI designer is trying to imitate the multi-layer layout of Windows Mobile sub-menu items. The workaround is to horizontally scroll to see the sub-menu.

No component is selected or has focus after deletion of a component (10270781)

When developer removes a component from a page, no other user interface component receives focus or is "selected" in the various designers/structure panes. Developer must select a component to set focus on a component. This does not have any impact and does not change any part of the application. There is no current workaround for this issue.

Unable to scroll to view columns displayed outside of the User Interface Designer window (10630164)

When a Table component is wider than what the User Interface Designer can display, some of the columns in the table would be invisible. Currently there is no mechanism to allow developer to horizontally scroll to see these invisible columns. This does not impact the runtime behavior - on devices, user will be able to horizontally scroll to see additional columns. The workaround is to surround the Table component with a PanelGroupLayout component, and set the Horizontal Scrolling attribute to true.

Setting labelFontColor of one PanelFormLayout affects all PanelFormLayout on the same page in the UI Designer (10428397)

In the User Interface Designer, when developer sets the labelFontColor attributes of one Panel FormLayout components, it affects the display color of labels that do not belong to the selected PanelFormLayout on the same page. This impacts those PanelFormLayouts that do not have the LabelFontColor set, not the ones that already have a color set. This does not impact the runtime behavior of the application - labels on different PanelFormLayout would still respect its own LabelFontColor attribute.

In Windows Mobile mode of the UI Designer, extra spaces are displayed when label inside a PanelFormLayout is long (11673630)

In the Windows Mobile mode of the User Interface Designer, if the label is long, then extra spaces would be displayed on the screen above and below the label. This does not reflect the runtime behavior, and should be ignored.

In Windows Mobile mode of the UI Designer, setting ForegroundColor of the InputNumberSpinBox incorrectly sets the Arrow Color as well (10428326)

In the Windows Mobile mode of the User Interface Designer, setting the ForegroundColor of the InputNumberSpinBox sets not only the font color of the number, but also the arrow of the spin box. This does not reflect the runtime behavior and should be ignored.

Spacing around the sorting arrows in the Table component do not reflect actual spacing during runtime (10360687)

In the User Interface Designer, the arrows in the Table component do not reflect the spacing as rendered during runtime. There are more spaces available during runtime, allowing actual users to correctly use these sort arrows to sort data.

Contextual Event tab in the Page Data Bindings Definition Page is not hidden or disabled as expected (8763992)

Attributes listed in the Contextual Event tab in the Page Data Binding Definitions Page are not supported by ADF Mobile Client, as ADF Mobile Client current do not support raising custom business events generated from data binding events. However, the tab is not disabled or hidden as expected. Please do not set any attributes in the Contextual Event tab, as it will have no effect on the application.

UI Designer incorrectly allows negative values to be set for the Increment attribute of the InputNumberSpinBox (8578235)

The Increment attribute of the InputNumberSpinBox defines incremental values between each numbers in the spin box. This number must be positive. However, the User Interface Designer incorrectly allows the developer to set a negative value for this attribute. Please do not set this value to a negative number.

UI Designer incorrectly displays a value in SelectOneChoice component that has no SelectItem(s) (11770882)

When there is no SelectItem or SelectItems in a SelectOneChoice component, the User Interface Designer displays some default value/text in the SelectOneChoice box. This is incorrect - runtime behavior is that the SelectOneChoice box is blank as expected.

Create default View Object from context menu would result in a view object with incorrect bind variable style (11730528)

When developer select an Entity Object in JDeveloper and right click on the mouse, the Context Menu offers "Create Default View Object" as an option. Using this option would result in a View Object that has incorrect bind variable style. Correct style should be OracleName, but using this Context Menu item, bind variable style is set to JDBC. This would cause runtime errors when bind variables are added to this View Object. The workaround is to go to New Gallery, select the ADF Mobile Client Business Component category, and then select View Object to create a new View Object. In the subsequent wizard, you can then select an Entity Object for this View Object. This would ensure the correct bind variable style is set.

Unable to set default date/time format for timestamp fields in the ADF BC Editor (11742676)

In the View Object or Entity Object editors, developers can typically set the default date/time formats for a date/time field, as well as a timestamp field. However, for ADF Mobile Client business components, these options are disabled. There is no way for developer to set the default Date/Time format at the ADF BC level. The workaround is to set the date and time format in the User Interface designer, by using ConvertDateTime component in the Data/Time fields.

Business Tier-Spring Option item is incorrectly enabled for ADF Mobile Client projects (95566384)

Business tier-Spring Option in the project New Gallery does not apply to Application Mobile Client projects. However, they are enabled for ADF Mobile Client projects. Please ignore this entry.

Un-supported connection types are available in the New Gallery of an ADF Mobile Client application (9542311)

In the New Gallery of an Application Mobile Client application, certain un-supported connection types are displayed as valid options. Creating these connections will have no effect, and may cause unintended deployment issues. These un-supported connection types are: File System, UDDI, URL, WebDav, and WSIL.

Menu item label is displayed incorrectly in the menu designer when the Menu item label property includes the "<" character (11786401)

When the label property of a MenuItem component is set to a string containing the "<" character, the characters after the "<" character is truncated. For example, if the label is set to "Menu

Menu designer preview sometimes incorrectly displays labels as blanks (11796540)

When developer selects "Show Menu" in the UI Designer, a preview of the menu should be displayed. However, when the page is opened initially, selecting "Show Menu" would display menu label as blanks. This does not reflect the runtime behavior. The workaround is to simply select a different component in the same page, and the menu preview would display the item labels as expected.

Cannot directly drag and drop data control into a table as a column component (9430781)

Drag and dropping data control into the UI Designer would typically cause a context menu to be displayed, which allowed developer to create UI components that automatically binds to the selected data controls. When dragging and dropping an attribute from a data control into a table component in the UI designer, the expected behavior is that the new attribute would be added as a column to the table, as long as the table is based on the same data control. However, currently drag and dropping a data control into a table is generally not allowed by the UI Designer. The workaround is to add a column component to the table, add the new attribute to the Tree Binding backing the table, and then set the value of the new column to the new attribute in the Tree binding.

Deployment Issues

Developer needs to manually generate JAD files to deploy the runtime libraries for deployment over the web browser on BlackBerry devices (9726209)

To deploy any application to a BlackBerry device using the web browser, a BlackBerry specific file with the .JAD extension needs to be generated and uploaded to the web server. This file is used by BlackBerry devices to determine which application files to download. This file is not automatically generated for the runtime framework files. The workaround is for developer to use BlackBerry tools (JDE) to generate these files. Instructions on creating these JAD files can be found at these links:

Deployment error is not generated when invalid application name is used during deployment (10378843)

Various mobile operating systems have certain restrictions on what characters can be used in the application name. For example, "-" character is not allowed as the application name on a BlackBerry smart phone. Currently JDeveloper does not check for these invalid characters, and the deployment process would also succeed without returning any error messages. However, this application is invisible or disabled on the device. The workaround is to manually ensure that no invalid characters are used. General rule of thumb is to use numbers and alphabets only as application names.

Data synchronization deployment fails without error message when application already exists in the Mobile Server (11737068)

Each application's synchronization rules deployed to Oracle Database Mobile Server needs to have a unique application name. Developer may deploy synchronization rules from the same application multiple times to the Mobile Server. However, if developer creates a new application but give it the same name as an existing application that has been deployed to Mobile Server, then the deployment process would fail silently - synchronization rules are not deployed, but no visible error message is generated. The workaround is for developer to ensure that unique application names are used for different applications. Furthermore, if developer wishes to use the same application name, then developer will need to manually remove the application, publication, and publication items using Oracle Database Mobile Server console and the Mobile Workbench.

BlackBerry simulator does not correctly recognize updated runtime framework modules (10404141)

Between different releases of JDeveloper and ADF Mobile Client extensions, the runtime framework files will typically be updated for bug fixes, enhancements, etc. Installing these files typically involves developer to use the Tools Menu - Install ADF Mobile Client runtime to deploy the files. For BlackBerry simulators, however, this does not work - files are replaced but the simulator itself does not recognize the updated files. Workaround: to update the runtime framework modules (COD files) in a simulator that has previous runtime version installed, developer would first need to clean the simulator completely by running the "clean.bat" file in the simulator file directory, and then deploy the runtime framework files after the clean up process is complete.

Deleted deployment profiles are displayed in the Deploy Context Menu (9908563)

When deployment profiles are deleted, they should no longer be displayed in the Application Menu - Deploy context menu. However, sometimes they are still displayed but disabled. This is a minor UI issue, and the deleted profile is removed as expected.

ADF Mobile Client deployment profile is incorrectly displayed as a deployment option for all application types (9047281)

In the Applications New Gallery, developer can create deployment profiles for various types of applications built using JDeveloper. The ADF Mobile Client deployment profiles are displayed as an available option, regardless of the type of application that's currently selected in JDeveloper. There is no workaround for this issue.

Deployment Descriptors are incorrectly enabled for ADF Mobile Client applications (9542304)

Deployment Descriptor items in the New Gallery do not apply to ADF Mobile Client applications. However, they are available as valid options when an ADF Mobile Client application is selected in JDeveloper. Please do not create these items as they will have no effect.

Need to deploy Synchronization Client whenever a local database is used, even when database is not generated by Oracle Database Mobile Server (10386934)

Synchronization client needs to be deployed whenever the ADF Mobile Client application uses a local database. This is true even if the database is initialized with a database initialization script, and not coming from data synchronization. Workaround is to ensure Data Synchronization client is always deployed for an application using a local database.

No application icon is displayed on the BlackBerry 6.0 smart phone when the same file is used for focused and un-focused icon (11802145)

For an ADF Mobile Client application deployed to a BlackBerry 6.0 device, if the same file is used for focused and un-focused icon, then no application icon is displayed on the device's home screen. The application appears simply with its name without an icon. The workaround is to use different files for the focused (i.e. selected) and un-focused icon if the application may be deployed to a BlackBerry 6.0 device.

Invalid resource bundle files can be incorrectly included in deployment package (11802047)

In the Deployment Profile definition dialog box for an ADF Mobile Client application, the "Localization" panel displays a list of localized resource bundle that would get deployed with the application. Currently there is no check on the format and the names for these resource bundle files. Therefore, developer can add an invalid file as a resource bundle file, which would then get packaged into the application package. Including invalid files would generally not result in runtime errors.

Runtime Issues

Binding Operations "Create" and "Create With Parameters" are not supported (11820101)

Binding operations "Create" and "Create With Parameters" are not supported by ADF Mobile Client. Adding these operations and executing them will not have any effect. CreateInsert is recommended whenever adding a record is needed. However, "Create with Parameters" allows developer to initialize certain attributes when creating a new record - for example initialize "Created By" or "Create Date" fields in a table. To initialize fields without using "Create with Parameters", developer would need to use a combination of Managed Bean and Application Module code to initialize fields. Managed Bean could be invoked from either a command control on the screen or a "Method" control on the task flow, and the Application Module code is used to set/initialize the attributes on a View Object. An example can be found in the ADF Mobile Client samples delivered with the ADF Mobile Client extensions. Look for "ADF BC" sample application - open the Task Flow, and you will see SRs and SREdit views, and SetDefaults Method node. SetDefaults invokes a Managed Bean method called ADFBCBean.SetDefaults to invoke an Application Module method called SetDefaultValues. Leverage these samples to initialize values in your application.

Creating new records in a mobile database initialized using database initialization script requires manual generation of sequence tables if DB Sequence is used

ADF Mobile Client local database can be initialized either by data synchronization (with Oracle Database Mobile Server) or with database initialization scripts packaged with the application. When Mobile ADF Business Components create a new database record, and one of the field has the type "DB Sequence", ADF BC will automatically generated a new DB Sequence number using a database table that tracks sequence numbers. This DB Sequence table is automatically generated if database is created by database synchronization with Mobile Server. However, when database is initialized with database scripts, developers also must add DDLs that creates the DB Sequence table. An example of the DDL is as follows - please note <> indicates the strings developer needs to update. First create the sequence table as follows:


Next, add rows for each of the tables developer would want to create new record in. Each row should be added as follows:

Insert into C$SEQ_CLIENTS (NAME, CUR_VALUE, MAX_VALUE, MIN_VALUE, PUB_NAME, DB_NAME, INCREMENT_BY) values ('',200,5000,1,'','',1);

Lastly, there is a limit of 26 characters for the "Name" of the sequence. The logic for determining the "Name" field is as follows:

  • First, there is always a pre-fix of "S_" for all sequence names.
  • The name field is always all caps. name = prefix+ applicationName + '_' + tableName; (e.g. I_MYAPP_MYTABLE)

but, if it is more than 26 characters long, application name will be shortened (only if the app name is more than 6 chars) by removing the middle part, retaining first 2 characters and last 3 characters. ABCDEFGHIJK => AB_IJK If the name is still longer than 26 chars, table name will be shortened (only if the table name is more than 17 chars) by removing the middle part, retaining first 8 characters and last 8 characters. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST => ABCDEFGH_MNOPQRST e.g. Publication item name for app="MYAPPWITHLONGNAME" and table="MYTABLEWITHNAMETHATISREALLYLONG" becomes "I_MY_ONG_MYTABLEW_ALLYLONG"

Unable to specify today/current date in inputDate control on BlackBerry Smart Phone when the value is initially NULL

When the value of an inputDate is null, then when user clicks on the data control to specify a date value, this date value must be set to a value different from today's date. This is an issue associated with the BlackBerry operating system. If there is a field that can be Null and also needs to be set to the current date, developer must initialize date field with today's date using a Managed Bean and an Application Module custom module. The workaround is identical to the issue above "Binding Operations "Create" and "Create With Parameters" are not supported", i.e. initialize the values as a step in the Task Flow.

Application with Scanner Data Control may falsely log "Severe" error message in log files when scanner datacontrols are loaded.

When running an application with Scanner Data Control, the ADF Mobile Client log file may falsely log a "severe" error as follows:

[SEVERE - adfnmc.util - ScannerBeanDefinition - log] Data Control: was not found.

The data control will work correctly as expected. Please ignore this error message.

Specifying empty item in a LOV as the last item in the list will not work correctly (11823660)

When specifying a List of Value (in View Objects, etc), developer can specify an "empty" item in the LOV, which allows end user to select it to set the value of that field to Null. This empty item can either be represented as spaces or as a custom string on the top of the SelectOneChoice control. However, if developer elects to add the "Empty" item to the end of the list, then this would not work correctly. Empty item as spaces or as a special string will show up correctly on top of the LOV, but would not show up if it's at the bottom. There is currently no workaround for this issue - developer should always place these empty items on the top of the LOV.

Unable to store database or log file to the external SD Card on Windows Mobile devices when device already have an internal SD Card (10202814)

In certain Windows Mobile devices such as Motorola MC-75, the device itself ships with an internal Flash/SD Card. On these devices, ADF Mobile Client runtime would be unable to create/set the database or log file location to use the external SD Card on the device. It has to store database or log file in the main device memory. For example, you cannot set the database path to "\Storage Card\.db", and must set it to \\...>.

Synchronization credentials are not displayed in the integrated synchronization screen even when these credentials are saved (10160172)

Using the integrated synchronization screen, user can choose to save the credentials for future use, so subsequent synchronization sessions would automatically use this credential. However, if for any reason the synchronization screen is displayed in the future after credential has been saved, the saved value is not displayed in the screen. This forces user to have to enter the credentials again even if they saved credential before. There is no workaround for this issue - user would have to re-enter the credentials in order to continue. Typically synchronization screens should not be displayed once the credentials are saved, but it could occur if for some reason the local database file cannot be found by the application.

Uncommitted data displayed in a Table component ignores the column sorting order (9102513)

Uncommitted data in a Table component will appear on top of the table, regardless of the sort order for the table. For example, if an end user enters a new record, and navigates to a screen that displays that record in a table, then that record would be displayed on top of the screen. Even if user sort the table, this record would still show up on top of the screen. Workaround is to always commit data before navigating to a screen that contains a table component that may display new data.

Data Control Operations are not properly supported when invoked in the Task Flow (10350021)

From JDeveloper, developer can drag and drop an operation/method from the Data Control to the Task Flow Editor to add a Method invocation to the task flow. During runtime, the ADF Mobile Client runtime will correctly invoke this operation or method in the task flow, but any return value is lost and cannot be used in any page. The workaround is to invoke these operations from within a page, or developer would write a Managed Bean that invokes this Data Control operation or method, save the return to an applicationScope variable, and then invoke the Managed Bean in the Task Flow.

Date picker cannot be fully displayed in a Windows Mobile 320X320 emulator (11691715)

When user clicks on the date picker of any date field on the screen of a Windows Mobile 320X320 emulator or device, part of the date picker is outside the display area. There is no workaround for this issue, but impact should be minimal as there is no such device on the market today.

User cannot scroll the BlackBerry screen when any scrollable component is selected/touched on the screen (11780595)

On touch screen BlackBerry devices, users can typically click and drag on any part of the page to scroll to different part of the page, if the page is larger than the display area. However, if user touches/select the Table component or any other component that support scrolling within it, then the screen will not scroll. This is because the scrolling event is absorbed by the Table component itself, since it is a scrollable component. Workaround is to ensure such a scrollable component can never take up the entire screen, which would allow user to select any area outside the component to scroll the screen.

Timezone pattern "Z" is not supported in ConvertDateTime component during runtime (10383679)

When specifying time format in a ConvertDateTime component, "Z" typically represents a timezone format - for example,

z Time zone General time zone Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00

Z Time zone RFC 822 time zone -0800

Z timezone is not supported by the runtime.

Workaround is to use the lower case "z" to display timezone.

Unable to set a row as current row in a Table Component when the cell does not contain any components that can receive "focus" (9464055)

On Windows Mobile devices, if user uses a track pad/ball or something similar to scroll to a cell in the table, and that cell does not contain any component that can be selected/focused, ,then data can't be retrieved from the table bindings as expected. Workaround is to click/select on the cell itself. This is typically invisible to the users because typically users of touch-screen based Windows Mobile devices would click on a record to select it, and not rely on track pad/ball.

Database sort mode following an in-memory sort will not work (8788255)

In the Bindings custom Java code, developer can sort View Object data in two modes - Database and In-Memory. If the custom code performs a sort in Database Mode, and then in the In-Memory mode, then the second sort will not work. The workaround is to always sort in one mode, and not mix-and-match modes.

Extra spaces are displayed during runtime on BlackBerry devices when multiple controls are added to a PanelLabelAndMessage component (9096929)

When multiple UI controls are added to the PanelLabelAndMessage component, extra spaces are displayed within the PanelLabelAndMessage component during runtime. PanelFormAndMessage should typically only contain one component (OutputText) to support labels, and should not need multiple components. If multiple controls are needed, then the workaround is to place these components in individual/different PanelLabelAndMessage component, or outside of it if these components do not have to align with the label.

Sorting on table columns outside of initial display area will shift display position of the table (11707150)

A table on a screen may contain more columns than what the device can initially display, and user can scroll left or right to view these columns that are not initially visible. However, if user attempts to sort against any of these columns that are not initially visible, the current display position of the table is reset to the left most column. This means the selected/sorted column would most likely become invisible. Generally it is not good user interface design practice to place more columns in a table that can be displayed on the screen, as horizontal scrolling on mobile devices generally results in sub-optimal user experiences. There is no workaround for this issue at this time - this does not change the actual functionality of the table, and developers are advised to arrange tables in such a way to minimize need for horizontal scrolling.

Synchronization status screen may be closed before synchronization cycle is complete (9367471)

When user synchronizes data using synchronization screen from the ADF Mobile Client framework itself, a synchronization status window is typically displayed while data synchronization is taking place. However, on Windows Mobile devices, the synchronization status window may be closed before the cycle is complete, and user may temporarily see the synchronization login screen being displayed again, before the first screen of the application is shown. This typically does not cause major usability issues. However, if a workaround is desired, developer is recommended to develop their own synchronization login screen using the synchronization credential attributes available from the framework. Please consult the ADF Mobile Client developer guide for details.

Invalid entry in InputNumberSpinBox may be retained when control lose focus on Windows Mobile client (10428393)

InputNumberSpinBox supports maximum and minimum limits for values entered by the user. These two properties set the upper and lower limit values for the spin box value. User may either use up and down arrows to set the value, or directly type a value into the control. On Windows Mobile devices only, if user directly types a value into the control, then user can type a value outside the upper and lower limit of the value. If user then tabs/selects a different control on the page, then invalid value would be retained, ignoring the limits set in the control attributes. The workaround is to implement validation logic either in Managed Bean or in Entity Objects. If Entity Objects are used for the application, then implement the validation logic in entity object as a business rule would be the best alternative.

Default value of component properties are sometimes not applied as expected (10245166)

Values of the properties for UI components can generally be set to either Java code (Managed Bean) or EL Expressions. When Java code or EL Expressions evaluates/returns to a "Blank" or null string, the values of these properties are set to "Blank" or null, instead of to their default values. This can result in unexpected runtime issues and errors. For example, if developer sets the "rendered" property of an UI component to a Managed Bean method, and the method returns null instead of "true" or "false", then during runtime the rendered property would also be set to null, which would result in runtime error. The workaround is to ensure that Managed Bean or EL Expression always defaults/initializes to a valid value for that property.

Title for the error message pop-up box cannot be displayed on BlackBerry devices (8890180)

On BlackBerry devices, title for the error message pop-up box (for Entity Object validation error, for example) cannot be displayed. There is no workaround for this issue.

Inconsistent background color for SelectOneChoice control (11658265)

When increasing the height of the SelectOneChoice control, different background colors for the control may be displayed. Generally it is not necessary to set the height property for the SelectOneChoice control, since the height of the control is automatically set based on the text length. If there is need for the SelectOneChoice control to take more vertical space, then the workaround is to use a Spacer component to pad spaces as desired.

InputNumberSpinBox supports integer values only (10063488)

InputNumberSpinBox currently only supports integer values, and cannot accept floating point or decimal values. In other words, incremental value has to be one or greater, and min/max number has to an integer. If user enters a number contains decimals values, or if the value is set in EL Expression or Managed Bean as floating point values, runtime error will occur. There is no direct workaround for this issue currently, and developer is advised to use InputText control with Convert Number to support entry of decimal/floating point values.

Relative height of PanelGroupLayout is based on the overall screen height, not on its containing component as expected (9546402)

The height property of the PanelGroupLayout can be set to a relative value, i.e. as a percentage value. If the PanelGroupLayout is contained within another layout component (for example another PanelGroupLayout), then this relatively height is supposed to be based on the height of its containing element. However, currently the relative height property is based on the height of the screen/device viewport. For example, we have PanelGroupLayout1 and PanelGroupLayout2, where PanelGroupLayout2 is nested inside PanelGroupLayout1, and we set the height of both layout components to 50%. Furthermore, the overall height of the device screen is 480 pixels. The expected height of the PanelGroupLayout2 is 480 pixel X 50% X 50% = 120 Pixels. However, currently in the ADF Mobile Client, PanelGroupLayout2 height is 480 pixel X 50% = 240 Pixels instead. The workaround is to set the height of the layout components based on the overall screen height. Therefore, in the example above, if PanelGroupLayout2 should only take up 120 pixels, then set its height to 25% instead.

Disabled controls are not rendered to appear as disabled on Windows Mobile devices (10428003)

Disabled controls in Windows Mobile applications generally are expected to have a "disabled" appearance, which generally means the controls are grayed out. This gives user a visual cue that the control is disabled. However, for an ADF Mobile Client application, disabled controls are rendered the same way as enabled controls. These controls are not grayed out on Windows Mobile version of the application. Its runtime behavior is still correct, that a disabled controlled cannot be clicked or used. There is currently no workaround for this issue.

Screen reload/refresh is required to see the effect of value changes in InputNumberSpinBox and SelectOneChoice properties (10245174)

There are a few properties for the InputNumberSpinBox and SelectOneChoice controls that can affect its appearance on the screen - for example, its value, font size, color, etc. When the values of these properties are changed (for example in Managed Bean code), these controls are not re-draw or refreshed on the screen. The screen needs to be reloaded for user to see change in these properties. This does not impact the actual value of these properties - as soon as the Managed Bean code is executed, the values are updated as expected. This is strictly a screen refresh issue. The workaround is to force a reload/refresh of the screen when the property values are changed, by performing a page navigation back to the same page.

Inconsistency between design time and runtime for InputText Foreground color property (10428316)

Setting the InputText Foreground Color property in the UI Designer would update both label and value/field's color in JDeveloper. However, during runtime, only the value/field's color is set based on the Foreground Color property. This gives an incorrect visual cue to developers on label's font color. To set the font color of the labels, the developer must use a PanelFormLayout to contain the InputText component, and then set the LabelFontColor property of the PanelFormLayout.

Back button on Windows Mobile devices is not supported by ADF Mobile Client (9907883)

Certain Windows Mobile devices have a physical "Back" button, which generally allows user to undo/return to the previous screen. This "Back" button is currently not supported by ADF Mobile Client, and does not have any effect when user clicks on this button. To support users to return to the previous screen to mimic the behavior of the "Back" button, developer must either add a command control (i.e. CommandButton, MenuItem, CommandLink, etc) to the page itself to navigate to the previous screen.

Error message pop-up message box is incorrectly displayed with "Informational" icon (9502037)

During runtime, when Entity Object's validation rules are violated, a pop-up error message is displayed on the screen with details of the message specified by the developer. All of these error messages are currently displayed with "informational" icon only, not with "Error" or "Warning" icons as expected. There is currently no workaround for this issue. Developers are advised to pre-face the error message with the nature of the error, in order to ensure end user clearly understand the nature of the message. For example, preface the text of an error message with "ERROR: <error message>."

Placing PanelFormLayout inside a PanelLabelAndMessage component will result in runtime error (9130576)

Using the UI Designer, developers can place a PanelFormLayout control inside a PanelLabelAndMessage component, if the PanelFormLayout is contained within any other supported components. During runtime, when these controls are rendered on the device, the application will exit due to runtime error on the BlackBerry smart phone. To workaround this issue and still be able to nest these layout components, developer should nest the PanelFormLayout inside another PanelFormLayout, instead of inside the PanelLabelAndMessage. Please see example below:

This will result in runtime error:

<amc:panelFormLayout id="panelFormLayout1">

    <amc:panelLabelAndMessage label="label1"  id="panelLabelAndMessage1">

        <amc:panelGroupLayout id="panelGroupLayout2">

            <amc:panelFormLayout id="panelFormLayout2">




This will work:

<amc:panelFormLayout id="panelFormLayout1">

    <amc:panelLabelAndMessage label="label1" id="panelLabelAndMessage1">

        <amc:panelGroupLayout id="panelGroupLayout2">

            <amc:panelFormLayout id="panelFormLayout2">



Application startup hangs when there is no default activity defined in the Task Flow (10083771)

When there is no default activity defined in the Task Flow of an ADF Mobile Client application, application start up process will hang on the Windows Mobile devices, instead of displaying an error message. There is no direct workaround for this issue, and developers must always ensure an activity (i.e. view) is set as the default activity in the Task Flow.

OutputText alignment properties are not respected when these components are inside a PanelFormLayout (10080481)

When OutputText components are placed inside a PanelFormLayout component, the alignment properties of the OutputText components are not respected. Default alignment properties are used during runtime. If developer wishes to set the alignment of the outputText within a PanelFormsLayout, then developer may use Spacer components or multiple PanelFormLayout components to achieve desired effect.

Clicking on a CommandLink unexpectedly changes font style to Italic on Windows Mobile devices (10272380)

On Windows Mobile devices, when user clicks on a CommandLink in an ADF Mobile Client page, the font style of the CommandLink changes to Italic unexpected. This is a display only issue and has no other effects. There is no workaround for this issue.

Filtering table column containing date values must follow yyyy-mm-dd format (10400383)

ADF Mobile Client's table column component allows end user to filter table data based on user-specified string using either menu (BlackBerry) or an input text box in the table component itself (Windows Mobile). If the column contains a date field, then end user must enter the date in the yyyy-mm-dd format. For example, to filter data to display all dates later than January 1, 2010, end user must enter ">2010-01-01". There is currently no workaround for this issue - users must be instructed to enter the correct format to filter the data correctly.

Command button label is rendered differently between UI designer and runtime (11791942)

In the UI designer for ADF Mobile Client, if the CommandButton label text is greater than the width of the button itself, then the left part of the label text is displayed. However, during runtime, the center part of the label text is displayed. There is currently no workaround for this issue, but in general developer should always ensure the width of the label text can fit within the button itself. It is generally un-desirable to display only part of the label text.

¤ AND %formatting characters for the ConverNumber component are not support on BlackBerry version of ADF Mobile Client (11802533)

The ConvertNumber component supports several different modes for formatting the value of the InputNumber component. One mode is "pattern" mode, which allows developers to specify a pattern for number format. On the BlackBerry version of ADF Mobile Client, ¤ AND % characters are not supported. For example, patterns such as "¤#,###.##" or "%#,###.##" are not recognized and would not work on the BlackBerry device. There is currently no workaround for this issue.

Column to View Object attribute mapping do not work as expected for read-only View Objects based on SQL (11783525)

When creating a read-only View Object based on SQL statement, developer can enter a SQL such as "select * from <table name>" for the View Object. The View Object wizard would then allow developer to map table columns to View Object attributes, and also to change orders of the attributes. If developer changes the order of the attributes, then during runtime, table column to the View Object attribute mapping would not be preserved. For example, initially table column A,B,C is mapped to attributes X,Y,Z, and developer changes the order to B,A,C and Y,X,Z. During runtime, the attributes Y,X,Z are mapped to columns A,B,C. The workaround is that developer needs to specify column names in the SQL statement, and ensure that maps to the correct attribute in the View Object. Do not use wild card "select * from <table name>.

Spelling correction are not supported for the InputText fields on BlackBerry 6.0 device (11814728)

On BlackBerry 6.0 devices, one of the default context menu for any InputText field is to check spelling. Currently when end user selects the spell check context menu to check for the spelling, the spelling always succeeds regardless of the actual text in the field. There is no workaround for this issue.

Oracle Platform Security Services Issues

Migration of the jazn-data.xml File Fails With a Duplicate Permission Defined

When you migrate the jazn-data.xml file to a production environment, the migrator will throw an error and stop the migration of the policy store when a grant contains a duplicate permission. If the jazn-data.xml file contains a duplicate permission (one that has the same name and class), you should manually edit the jazn-data.xml file to remove any duplicate permissions. This sample shows a duplicate grant named "duplicatePolicy":


Before you can migrate the above sample, the file should appear as (with the extra "duplicatePolicy" permission deleted):


Translation and Globalization Issues

Over-translation issue in startDayOfWeek attribute of af:calendar tag (10634471)

The valid value for startDayOfWeek attribute is: sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat. In Property Inspector, these valid value are provided in a LOV. When Jdeveloper is started in Japanese locale, the LOV item in Property Inspector is localized, when choose the localized value from PI, there will be error thrown since the localized value is not valid value.

Workaround: Go to source code to enter the valid value directly instead of using PI.

Oracle Help for the Web (OHW-RC)

Enhanced wildcard search in help (9120145)

In the Search Navigator, you can also use the * wildcard character in your search string. Note that the support for the * wildcard character is available in between and at the end of the search string, but not at the beginning of the search string. For example, John*Doe and John* are valid search strings, but *Doe is an invalid search string.

Accessibility Issues

JSP and HTML visual editor toolbar not keyboard accessible (8351632)

When opening the visual editor you may not be able to see all the toolbar functions available and there is no visual indication

[... or =>] that more toolbar functions are available. You can, however, expand the window wider to see them all.

Viewing a page preview from the visual editor (8351673)

When viewing a page preview from the visual editor using the default browser users should:

  1. From the main menu, click Tools=>Preferences...=>Shortcut Keys
  2. Locate the JSP and HTML Visual Editor
  3. Preview in Browser and assign a key
  4. Click OK and push button to close preferences.

This option will now be keyboard accessible.

Message dropdown not accessible (8728885)

When working in a facelet and attempting to drop a JSF html message component onto the page, a dialog appears to allow the user

to specify the ID to which to attach the message. The workaround is to use the Property Inspector to change the 'for' property of h:message.

Miscellaneous Issues

StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in (10031360

This error happens due to bug 6875866 (HotSpot compiler bug in String.indexOf() using SSE4.2 instruction-set on new Intel chips). This is related to a JDK regression bug, 6875866.


To workaround it you need to use the -XX:-UseSS42Intrinsics option on two places:

  1. Project Properties -> Run/Debug/Profile -> Default (or whatever is your Run Configuration name) -> Edit... -> Java Options -> enter -XX:-UseSSE42Intrinsics in the text box.
  2. Edit <JDEV_HOME>/jdev/bin/jdev.conf and add this line: AddVMOption -XX:-UseSS42Intrinsics