Oracle SQLcl

Oracle SQLcl

Oracle SQL Developer Command Line (SQLcl) is a free command line interface for Oracle Database. It allows you to interactively or batch execute SQL and PL/SQL. SQLcl provides in-line editing, statement completion, and command recall for a feature-rich experience, all while also supporting your previously written SQL*Plus scripts.

Key Features

In-Line Editor

edit multi-line statements and scripts interactively at the SQLcl prompt

Change Management

native Liquibase integration, with automatic changelog generation for your Oracle Database objects

Command History

cycle through your 100 previous scripts/commands

Completion Insight

auto-complete object names or keywords using the tab key

New Commands

CTAS, DLL, Repeat, ALIAS, SCRIPT, FORMAT, and many more!

Client Side Scripting

execute javascript to manipulate query results, build dynamic commands, interact with the session, and much more

SQL*Plus Support

SQL*Plus environment settings, commands, and behaviors

Interact with SQLcl Experts and Users

Oracle Chatbot