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Announcing Tools for Graal Development Kit for Micronaut 4.7.3

With the latest release of the Tools for Graal Development Kit for Micronaut we provide support for the latest version of the Graal Development Kit for Micronaut (GDK) and a new tool, the Multicloud Tester…

Announcing Graal Development Kit for Micronaut 4.7.3

Announcing Graal Development Kit for Micronaut (GDK) 4.7.3 containing Micronaut® framework 4.7.3, software supply chain security enhancements, new hands-on labs, and more…

JDK 23.0.2, 21.0.6, 17.0.14, 11.0.26, and 8u441 Have Been Released

JDK 23.0.2, 21.0.6, 17.0.14, 11.0.26, and 8u441 Have Been…


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