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Compatibility Guide for JDK 8

Compatibility is a complex issue. This document discusses three types of potential incompatibilities relating to a release of the Java platform:

  • Source: Source compatibility concerns translating Java source code into class files including whether or not code still compiles at all.
  • Binary: Binary compatibility is defined in The Java Language Specification as: 'A change to a type is binary compatible with (equivalently, does not break binary compatibility with) pre-existing binaries if pre-existing binaries that previously linked without error will continue to link without error.'
  • Behavioral: Behavioral compatibility includes the semantics of the code that is executed at runtime.

For more information, see Kinds of Compatibility, a section in the OpenJDK Developer's Guide.

The following compatibility documents track incompatibility between adjacent Java versions. For example, this compatibility page reports only Java SE 8 incompatibilities with Java SE 7, and not with previous versions. To examine Java SE 8 incompatibilities with earlier Java versions, you must trace incompatibilities through the listed files, in order.

Binary Compatibility

Java SE 8 is binary-compatible with Java SE 7 except for the incompatibilities listed below. Except for the noted incompatibilities, class files built with the Java SE 7 compiler will run correctly in Java SE 8. Class files built with the Java SE 8 compiler will not run on earlier releases of Java SE.

Source Compatibility

Java SE 8 includes new language features and platform APIs. If these are used in a source file, that source file cannot be compiled on an earlier version of the Java platform.

In general, the source compatibility policy is to avoid introducing source code incompatibilities. However, implementation of some Java SE 8 features required changes that could cause code that compiled with Java SE 7 to fail to compile with Java SE 8. See Incompatibilities between Java SE 8 and Java SE 7 and Incompatibilities between JDK 8 and JDK 7 for information.

Deprecated APIs are interfaces that are supported only for compatibility with previous releases. The javac compiler generates a warning message whenever one of these is used, unless the -nowarn command-line option is used. It is recommended that programs be modified to eliminate the use of deprecated APIs.

Some APIs in the sun.* packages have changed. These APIs are not intended for use by developers. Developers importing from sun.* packages do so at their own risk. For more details, see Why Developers Should Not Write Programs That Call 'sun' Packages.

For a list of deprecated APIs, see Deprecated APIs.

Behavioral Compatibility

In its simplest form, behavioral compatibility means that with the same inputs a program performs the same (or an equivalent) operation under different versions of libraries or the platform. There are aspects of the platform's behavior that are intentionally unspecified and the underlying implementation may change in a platform release. For this reason, it is recommended that code is written in such a way so that it does not depend on unspecified behavior: In this scenario, the problem is not an incompatibility in the platform, is it a bug in the code.

Java Class Files

The Java class file format has been updated for the Java SE 8 release.

The class file version for Java SE 8 is 52.0 as per the JVM Specification. Version 52.0 class files produced by a Java SE 8 compiler cannot be used in earlier releases of Java SE.

The following document has information on changes to the Java Language Specification (JLS) and the Java VM Specification (JVMS).


The Rhino javascript engine has been replaced with the Nashorn javascript engine. See the Rhino to Nashorn migration page.

Incompatibilities between Java SE 8 and Java SE 7

Java SE 8 is strongly compatible with previous versions of the Java platform. Almost all existing programs should run on Java SE 8 without modification. However, there are some minor potential incompatibilities in the JRE and JDK that involve rare circumstances and "corner cases" that are documented here for completeness.

This section describes Java SE 8 incompatibilities in the Java Language, the JVM, or the Java SE API.

Note that some APIs have been deprecated in this release and some features have been removed entirely. While these are incompatibilities, they have been called out in separate lists. For more information, see Deprecated APIs and Features Removed from JDK 8.

A Maintenance Release of Java SE 8 was performed in March 2015. Incompatibilities arising out of this release are marked accordingly.

Area: JVM

Java SE 8 Maintenance Release


Default methods in interfaces do not cause eager interface initialization


The presence of method bodies in interfaces (due to default methods and static methods) means that interfaces may have to be initialized prior to their static fields being accessed. The Java SE 8 Editions of the Java Language Specification and JVM Specification did not account for this, with the result that JDK 8 exhibited unspecified behavior. (During class initialization, any superinterface declaring or inheriting a default method was eagerly initialized). The correct behavior is to initialize an interface eagerly if it declares a default method, and otherwise lazily when its static field is accessed or its static method is invoked (whether by an invoke* bytecode, or via method handle invocation, or via Core Reflection).

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: JVM

Java SE 8 Maintenance Release


Support default and static interface methods in JDWP


Java SE 8 Language Specification has introduced static and default methods for interfaces. Since the JDWP APIs were not extended to reflect this addition, it was not possible for debuggers to invoke these methods.

The JDWP specification has now been updated to allow such invocations. In JDWP, a new command "InvokeMethod" is added to the "InterfaceType" command set. The JDWP version is increased to 8.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: JVM 


Verification of the invokespecial instruction has been tightened when the instruction refers to an instance initialization method ("<init>").

Nature of incompatibility


Area: JVM 


In Java SE 8 and above, the Java Virtual Machine considers the ACC_SUPER flag to be set in every class file, regardless of the actual value of the flag in the class file and the version of the class file. The ACC_SUPER flag affects the behavior of invokespecial instructions.

Nature of Incompatibility


Area: java / classes_text 


When formatting date-time values using DateFormat and SimpleDateFormat, context sensitive month names are supported for languages that have the formatting and standalone forms of month names. For example, the preferred month name for January in the Czech language is ledna in the formatting form, while it is leden in the standalone form. The getMonthNames and getShortMonthNames methods of DateFormatSymbols return month names in the formatting form for those languages. Note that the month names returned by DateFormatSymbols were in the standalone form until Java SE 7. You can specify the formatting and/or standalone forms with the Calendar.getDisplayName and Calendar.getDisplayNames methods. Refer to the API documentation for details.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Core Libs / javax.lang.model 


In Java SE 8, the value returned from javax.lang.model.type.TypeVariable.getUpperBound for TypeVariables with multiple bounds is different from the return value in earlier releases. An instance of the newly introduced IntersectionType is now returned, while originally an instance of DeclaredType was returned. This may cause a change in behavior of existing implementations of javax.lang.model.util.TypeVisitor: before, the visitDeclared method was invoked for the return value of TypeVariable.getUpperBound for type variables with multiple bounds, now visitIntersection is invoked. The difference can also observed by calling getKind() of the returned value.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Core Libs / java.lang.reflect 


The java.lang.reflect.Proxy class that implements non-public interface will be non-public, final, and not abstract. Prior to Java SE 8, the proxy class was public, final and not abstract.

Nature of Incompatibility



  • If existing code is using Proxy.getProxyClass and the Constructor.newInstance method to create a proxy instance, it will fail with IllegalAccessException if the caller is not in the same runtime package as the non-public proxy interface. For such code, it requires a source change to either (1) call Constructor.setAccessible to set the accessible flag to true, or (2) use the Proxy.newProxyInstance convenience method.

  • The new permission ReflectPermission("newProxyInPackage.{package name}") permission may need to granted if existing code attempts to create a proxy to implement a non-public interface from a different runtime package.

Area: Core Libs / java.lang.reflect 


The java.lang.reflect.Proxy(InvocationHandler h) constructor now throws a NullPointerException if the given InvocationHandler parameter is null.

Nature of Incompatibility



Existing code that constructs a dynamic proxy instance with a null argument will now get NullPointerException. Such usage is expected to rarely exist since a null proxy instance has no use and will throw a NullPointerException when its method is invoked anyway.



Area: Core Libs / java.math 


Prior to Java SE 8, when BigDecimal.stripTrailingZeros was called on a value numerically equal to zero, it would return that value. Now the method instead returns the constant BigDecimal.ZERO.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Core Libs / 


In previous releases, the HttpURLConnection Digest Authentication implementation incorrectly quoted some values in the WWW-Authenticate Response Header. In the Java SE 8 release, these values are no longer quoted. This is in strict conformance with the RFC 2617, HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication.

Certain versions of some server implementations are known to expect the values to be quoted. HTTP requests to these servers might no longer successfully authenticate. Other server implementations that previously failed to authenticate because the values were quoted, might now successfully authenticate.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Core Libs / 


The default socket permissions assigned to all code including untrusted code have been changed in this release. Previously, all code was able to bind any socket type to any port number greater than or equal to 1024. It is still possible to bind sockets to the ephemeral port range on each system. The exact range of ephemeral ports varies from one operating system to another, but it is typically in the high range (such as from 49152 to 65535). The new restriction is that binding sockets outside of the ephemeral range now requires an explicit permission in the system security policy. Most applications using client tcp sockets and a security manager will not see any problem, as these typically bind to ephemeral ports anyway. Applications using datagram sockets or server tcp sockets (and a security manager) may encounter security exceptions where none were seen before. If this occurs, users should review whether the port number being requested is expected, and if this is the case, a socket permission grant can be added to the local security policy, to resolve the issue.

Nature of Incompatibility


Area: Core Libs / 


Prior to Java SE 8, the constructors that accept a argument declared that a can be thrown. However, that exception was never thrown by those constructors. In the Java SE 8 release, these constructors do not declare that a can be thrown. If you have existing code that explicitly catches SocketException or its superclass, remove the catch block for the exception before compiling with Java SE 8.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Core Libs / java.util.i18n 


The mechanism to select a LocaleServiceProvider has changed. LocaleServiceProvider implementations are now able to determine whether the given Locale can be supported by overriding the LocaleServiceProvider.isSupportedLocale method. However, overriding this method for strict locale extensions checking may involve some compatibility problems with existing applications if locale service providers are migrating from JDK 7. Refer to the descriptions of the LocaleServiceProvider class and its isSupportedLocale method for more details.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Client Libs / java.awt 


Prior to the Java SE 8 release, a manual check was required to ensure that keystrokes were of type AWTKeyStroke. This check has been replaced by a generic check in the Component.setFocusTraversalKeys() and KeyboardFocusManager.setDefaultFocusTraversalKeys() methods. A ClassCastException is now thrown if any Object is not of type AWTKeyStroke.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Security Libs / 


In Oracle's JSSE provider, a new system property, jdk.tls.rejectClientInitiatedRenegotiation, is defined to reject client initialized renegotiation in server side. If the system property is set to true, the server side does not accept client initialized renegotiation, and fails with a fatal handshake_failure alert if the receiving client initialized the renegotiation request.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: HotSpot / gc 


The command line flags PermSize and MaxPermSize have been removed and are ignored. If used on the command line a warning will be emitted for each.

Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=32m; support 
was removed in 8.0
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=128m; support 
was removed in 8.0

Nature of Incompatibility




Incompatibilities between JDK 8 and JDK 7

This section describes JDK 8 Incompatibilities in javac, in HotSpot, or in Java SE API.

Note that some APIs have been deprecated in this release and some features have been removed entirely. While these are incompatibilities, they have been called out in separate lists. For more information, see Deprecated APIs and Features Removed from JDK 8.

Area: JVM


Support default and static interface methods in JDI


Java SE 8 Language Specification has introduced static and default methods for interfaces. Both JDI specification and implementation have now been updated to allow such invocations. In JDI, the "com.sun.jdi.InterfaceType" class now contains an additional method "Value invokeMethod(ThreadReference thread, Method method, List<? extends Value> arguments, int options)".

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Core Libs / java.lang


The steps used to determine the user's home directory on Windows have changed to follow the Microsoft recommended approach. This change might be observable on older editions of Windows or where registry settings or environment variables are set to other directories.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Core Libs / java.lang.reflect 


Default methods affect the result of Class.getMethod and Class.getMethods

Nature of Incompatibility



The javadoc for the Class.getMethod and Class.getMethods refer to the definition of inheritance in the Java Language Specification. Java SE 8 changed these rules in order to support default methods and reduce the number of redundant methods inherited from superinterfaces (see JLS 8, 8.4.8). For example, say a class has two superinterfaces, I and J, each of which declare "int length();". Generally, we consider both methods to be members of the class; but if J also extends I, then as of Java SE 8, the class only inherits one method: J.length().

Class.getMethod and Class.getMethods were not updated with the 8 release to match the new inheritance definition (both may return non-inherited superinterface methods). Typically, the distinction is of no consequence; and for compatibility, it is preferred that the identity and number of returned methods match Java SE 7 as closely as possible. However, when the overriding method ("J.length", above) is a default method, it is important to filter out other overridden methods ("I.length" above).

Starting with JDK 8u20, the implementation has been changed to perform this filtering step when the overrider is a default method.



Area: Core Libs / java.text 


When using the NumberFormat and DecimalFormat classes, the rounding behavior of previous versions of the JDK was wrong in some corner cases. This wrong behaviour happened when calling the format() method with a value that was very close to a tie, where the rounding position specified by the pattern of the NumberFormat or DecimalFormat instance was exactly sitting at the position of the tie. In that case, the wrong double rounding or erroneous non-rounding behavior occurred.

As an example, when using the default recommended NumberFormatFormat API form: NumberFormat nf = java.text.NumberFormat.getInstance() followed by nf.format(0.8055d), the value 0.8055d is recorded in the computer as 0.80549999999999999378275106209912337362766265869140625 since this value cannot be represented exactly in the binary format. Here, the default rounding rule is "half-even", and the result of calling format() in JDK 7 is a wrong output of "0.806", while the correct result is "0.805", since the value recorded in memory by the computer is "below" the tie.

This new behavior is also implemented for all rounding positions that might be defined by any pattern chosen by the programmer (non default patterns).

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Core Libs / java.util.collections 


In previous releases, some implementations of Collection.removeAll(Collection) and retainAll(Collection) would silently ignore a null parameter if the collection itself was empty. As of this release, collections will consistently throw a NullPointerException if null is provided as a parameter.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Core Services / 


The requirement for the Management Interfaces being public, which is stated in the specification, is now being enforced.

Non-public interfaces are not allowed to expose the management functionality. All the MBean and MXBean interfaces must be public.

The system property jdk.jmx.mbeans.allowNonPublic is used to revert to the old behavior allowing non-public management interfaces. This property is considered to be transitional and will be removed in the subsequent releases.

Nature of Incompatibility


Area: Client Libs / java.awt 


The java.awt.Component.setFocusTraversalKeys() method may throw ClassCastException (instead of IllegalArgumentException) if any Object in the keystrokes is not an AWTKeyStroke.

Nature of Incompatibility


Area: Security Libs / 

Synopsis has been added to list of restricted packages in JDK 8. Applications running under a SecurityManager will not be able to access classes in this package hierarchy unless granted explicit permission. The package is an internal, unsupported package and is not meant to be used by external applications.

Nature of Incompatibility:




Area: Other Libs / corba 


The JDK internal package and sub-packages have been added to the restricted package list and cannot be used directly when running with a security manager.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Tools / javac 


Type inference has been improved in Java SE 8. Perhaps the most important improvement in this area is the support for target typing. This means that when a method call is nested inside another method call, the inner method call can use the corresponding formal parameter type of the outer method call as its target type. This enhancement is aimed at removing annoying asymmetries between method contexts and assignment contexts, and is crucial to allow lambda expressions and method references to be used freely in client code.

One consequence of making type inference more powerful through target-typing, is that methods that were previously not applicable, will now suddenly become applicable, potentially leading to incompatibilities. Consider the following example:

class Test {
      static void m(Object o) { System.out.println("one"); }
         static void m(String[] o) { System.out.println("two"); }
        static Z g() { return null; }
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        m(g()); //prints 'two' - used to print 'one'

In Java SE 7, because of the lack of target typing, the inferred return type of a nested call g() was simply Object. This meant that javac only saw an applicable method - namely m(Object). Thanks to target-typing introduced in Java SE 8, javac can now leave the result of g() open (e.g. as an inference variable T) and match both methods. Then, since m(String[]) is a more specific declaration than m(Object), m(String[]) will be selected as the overload resolution result, resulting in a potentially incompatible behavior.

This is a known behavior of Java SE 8 and easy to workaround by using the following idiom:

m((Object)getT()); //will produce JDK 7 behavior

Nature of Incompatibility


Area: Tools / javac 


The type rules for binary comparisons in the Java Language Specification (JLS) Section 15.21 will now be correctly enforced by javac. Since the JDK 5 release, javac has accepted some programs with Object-primitive comparisons that are incorrectly typed according to JLS 15.21. These comparisons will now be correctly identified as type errors.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Tools / javac 


As of this release, parameter and method annotations are copied to synthetic bridge methods.This fix implies that now for programs like:

@Target(value = {ElementType.PARAMETER})
@interface ParamAnnotation {}
@Target(value = {ElementType.METHOD})
@interface MethodAnnotation {}
abstract class T<A,B> {
    B m(A a){return null;}
 class CovariantReturnType extends T<Integer, Integer> {
     Integer m(@ParamAnnotation Integer i) {
         return i;
    public class VisibilityChange extends CovariantReturnType {}

Each generated bridge method will have all the annotations of the method it redirects to. Parameter annotations will also be copied. This change in the behavior may impact some annotations processor or in general any application that use the annotations.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Tools / javac 


Recognition of the undocumented target values "1.4.1", "1.4.2" and "jsr14" have been removed from javac. The "1.4.1" and "1.4.2" targets used more up-to-date code generation idioms than "1.4". The combination of options "-source 1.4 -target 1.5" will use those newer idioms, but also output a more recent class file format. The "jsr14" option was a transitional private option for when generics were first being added to the platform. Now generics should be compiled with a target of 1.5 or higher.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Tools / javac 


The following code which compiled, with warnings, in JDK 7 will not compile in JDK 8:

import java.util.List;
class SampleClass {
    static class Baz<T> {
        public static List<Baz<Object>> sampleMethod(Baz<Object> param) {
            return null;
    private static void bar(Baz arg) {
        Baz element = Baz.sampleMethod(arg).get(0);

Compiling this code in JDK 8 produces the following error: error:incompatible types: Object cannot be converted to Baz
    Baz element = Baz.sampleMethod(arg).get(0);
Note: uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
1 error

In this example, a raw type is being passed to the sampleMethod(Baz<Object>) method which is applicable by subtyping (see the JLS, Java SE 7 Edition, section An unchecked conversion is necessary for the method to be applicable, so its return type is erased (see the JLS, Java SE 7 Edition, section In this case the return type of sampleMethod(Baz<Object>) is java.util.List instead of java.util.List<Baz<Object>> and thus the return type of get(int) is Object, which is not assignment-compatible with Baz.

For more information, see the related email exchange on

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Tools / javac 


Definite assignment analysis applies to final field access using 'this'


Traditionally, the Java language prohibited access to a blank final field that is definitely unassigned, but only when the field is accessed via a simple name such as 'x'. In Java SE 7, the rules were tightened to further prohibit access when the field is accessed via 'this.x'. (See Any program that is legal under the old rules but illegal under the new rules is unsafe, since it would necessarily access a blank final field that is not definitely assigned.

Starting with JDK 8u20, the javac compiler has been updated to implement the Java SE 7 rules.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: Tools / javac 


Interfaces need to be present when compiling against their implementations


When compiling a class against another class implementing an interface which is defined in yet another class file, such class file (where interface is defined) must be available in the class path used by javac during compilation. This is a new requirement as of JDK 8 - a failure to do so will result in a compilation error.


import p1.A;

class Client {
   void test() {
       new A.m();


package p1;

public class A implements I {
   public void m() { }


package p1;

public interface I {
   void m();

If neither p1/ nor p1/I.class are available when compiling, the following error will be displayed: error: cannot access I
       new A().m();
  class file for p1.I not found

Nature of Incompatibility


Area: XML / JAXP 


The Xalan Extension functions in JAXP have been changed so that, when a SecurityManager is present, the default implementation will always be used. This change affects the NodeSet created by DOM Document. Before the change, the DOM implementation was located through the DOM factory lookup process. With this change, when running with a SecurityManager, the lookup process is skipped and the default DOM implementation is used.

This change only affects those applications that use a 3rd party DOM implementation. In general, the NodeSet structure is expected to be compatible with that of the JDK default implementation.

Nature of Incompatibility


Area: XML / JAXP 


JDK 8 ships with JAXP 1.6 and so includes specification updates that mandate the use of java.util.ServiceLoader for finding service providers. Service providers across JAXP will now be located consistently following the process as defined in java.util.ServiceLoader. The changes may result in some subtle differences from implementations of JDK 7 where the provider-configuration file may have been located differently, for example, by using a different getXXX method of the ClassLoader than ServiceLoader.

Applications that implement their own Classloaders shall therefore make sure that the ClassLoaders' getXXX methods are implemented consistently so as to maintain compatibility.

The StAX API, JSR 173, defined newInstance and newFactory methods with a factoryId as a parameter. Since there was no constraint on what the value could be in the StAX specification, it implied it could be any arbitrary string. With JDK 8 specification change, in the context of JAXP, the value of factoryId must be the name of the base service class if it is intended to represent the name of the service configuration file, that is, if it is not the name of a System Property.

Nature of Incompatibility




Area: XML / JAXP 


The ClassLoader parameter is no longer ignored in factories.

The package contains factory classes (XMLEventFactory, XMLOutputFactory, XMLInputFactory) which define newFactory methods that take two parameters: a factoryId and a ClassLoader. In JDK 7, the second parameter (ClassLoader) was ignored by the factories when looking up and instantiating the services. This is no longer the case in JDK 8. Refer to the Java API documentation of those methods for more details.

Nature of Incompatibility




Features Removed from Java SE 8

Area: API / java.lang 


Thread.stop(Throwable) has been disabled


The Thread.stop method has been deprecated since release 1.2. This method now throws an UnsupportedOperationException.

Area: Core Libs / 


Removal of ftp from the list of required protocol handlers


ftp is a legacy protocol that has long been superseded by more secure protocols for file transfer (sftp for example). The ftp protocol has been dropped from the list of protocol handlers that are guaranteed to be present. It does not actually remove the protocol handler - applications that use this protocol will continue to work, but its presence is no longer required.



Area: Security Libs / 


The key length is an important security parameter to determine the strength of public-key based cryptographic algorithms. RSA keys less than 1024 bits are considered breakable.

In this update, certificates are blocked if they contain RSA keys of less than 1024 bits in length. This restriction is applied via the Java Security property, jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms. This impacts providers that adhere to this security property, for example, the Sun provider and the SunJSSE provider. The security property, jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms, also covers the use of the static keys (the key in X.509 certificate) used in TLS.

With this key size restriction, those who use X.509 certificates based on RSA keys less than 1024 bits will encounter compatibility issues with certification path building and validation. This key size restriction also impacts JDK components that validate X.509 certificates, for example signed JAR verification, SSL/TLS transportation, and HTTPS connections.

In order to avoid the compatibility issue, users who use X.509 certificates with RSA keys less than 1024 bits are recommended to update their certificates with stronger keys. As a workaround, at their own risk, users can adjust the key size restriction security property (jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms) to permit smaller key sizes.

Nature of Incompatibility


Features Removed from JDK 8

Area: Install


Builds with automatic update turned off are no longer provided.


To disable the automatic updating of the JRE, disable automatic updates and set the deployment.expiration.check.enabled property to false in the deployment configuration properties file. To disable automatic updates, remove the check from Check for Updates Automatically in the Update tab of the Java Control Panel. See Deployment Configuration File and Properties for information about the deployment.expiration.check.enabled property.

Area: Install / Solaris


Class Data Sharing file no longer created


Previously, the Solaris SVID package installer created the Class Data Sharing file. In JDK 8, 32-bit Solaris is no longer supported, so the Class Data Sharing file is not created by default. To manually create the Class Data Sharing, execute the command:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xshare:dump

When the command completes, the Class Data Sharing file is located at $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/server/{amd64,sparcv9}/classes.jsa.



Area: Deployment / Plugin 


Removal of the classic Java Plug-in.


The old Java Plug-in (the version available prior to Java SE 6 Update 10) has been removed from this release.



Area: Deployment / Plugin 


Removal of Java Quick Starter


The Java Quick Starter (JQS) service has been removed from this release.



Area: Deployment / Plugin 


Removal of Active-X Bridge


The Active-X Bridge has been removed from this release.



Area: Core Libs / sun.jdbc.odbc 


Removal of the JDBC-ODBC Bridge


Starting with JDK 8, the JDBC-ODBC Bridge is no longer included with the JDK. The JDBC-ODBC Bridge has always been considered transitional and a non-supported product that was only provided with select JDK bundles and not included with the JRE. Instead, use a JDBC driver provided by the vendor of the database or a commercial JDBC Driver instead of the JDBC-ODBC Bridge.



Area: Tools / apt 


Removal of apt Tool


The apt tool and its associated API contained in the package com.sun.mirror have been removed in this release. Use the options available in the javac tool and the APIs contained in the packages javax.annotation.processing and javax.lang.model to process annotations.



Area: Tools / java 


Removal of 32-bit Solaris


The 32-bit implementation of Java for the Solaris operating system has been removed from this release. The $JAVA_HOME/bin and $JAVA_HOME/jre/bin directories now contain the 64-bit binaries. For transitional purposes, the ISA (Instruction Specific Architecture) directories $JAVA_HOME/bin/{sparcv9,amd64} and $JAVA_HOME/jre/{sparcv9,amd64} contain symbolic links that point to the binaries. These ISA directories will be removed in JDK9.

The install packages SUNWj8rt, SUNWj8dev and SUNWj8dmo, which previously contained 32-bit binaries, now contain the 64-bit binaries. The install packages SUNWj8rtx, SUNWj8dvx and SUNWj8dmx have been removed.

The 64-bit binaries do not contain deployment tools such as Java Web Start and Java Plug-in, therefore desktop integration is no longer required.

Note that 64-bit Solaris binaries cannot load JNI libraries that are compiled and linked for 32-bit Solaris. Therefore any JNI library created for 32-bit Solaris needs to be re-compiled for 64-bit Solaris.



Deprecated APIs

Area: Core Libs / java.lang:class_loading 

Deprecated Feature

The endorsed-standards override mechanism allows implementations of newer versions of standards maintained outside of the Java Community Process, or of standalone APIs that are part of the Java SE Platform yet continue to evolve independently, to be installed into a run-time image.

A modular image is composed of modules rather than jar files. Going forward we expect to support endorsed standards and standalone APIs in modular form only, via the concept of upgradeable modules.

This feature is deprecated in JDK 8u40. This deprecation is made in preparation for modules in a future release of the Java SE Platform. For more information, see JEP 200 - The Modular JDK and JEP 220 - Modular Run-Time Images.

There is no change to the default behavior.



Area: Core Libs / java.lang:class_loading 

Deprecated Feature

The extension mechanism allows jar files containing APIs that extend the Java SE Platform to be installed into a run-time image so that their contents are visible to every application that is compiled with or runs on that image.

The extension mechanism was introduced in JDK 1.2, which was released in 1998, but in modern times we have seen little evidence of its use. This is not surprising, since most Java applications today place the libraries that they need directly on the class path rather than require that those libraries be installed as extensions of the run-time system.

This feature is deprecated in JDK 8u40. This deprecation is made in preparation for modules in a future release of the Java SE Platform. For more information, see JEP 200 - The Modular JDK and JEP 220 - Modular Run-Time Images.

Deprecation of this feature required the following specification changes:

  • In java.lang.System.getProperties(), the specification for the java.ext.dirs system property was amended to include a deprecation notice indicating that it may be removed in a future release.
  • In java.util.jar.Attributes.Name, the EXTENSION_INSTALLATION, IMPLEMENTATION_URL, and IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR_ID fields were deprecated indicating that class path should be used instead.
  • In the JAR File Specification, all manifest attributes related to the ability of a JAR-packaged applet to depend on an installed optional package and to trigger downloading of optional packages were deprecated. This includes the following attributes: Extension-Name, Extension-List, <extension>-Extension-Name, <extension>-Specification-Version, <extension>-Implementation-Vendor-ID, <extension>-Implementation-Version, <extension>-Implementation-URL, Implementation-Vendor-Id, Implementation-URL, and Extension-Installation.

There is no change to the runtime behavior.



Area: Core Libs / java.lang 

Deprecated Method

The SecurityManager.checkMemberAccess method is deprecated. It has been error-prone to depend on the caller on a stack frame at depth 4. The JDK implementation no longer calls the SecurityManager.checkMemberAccess method to perform member access check; instead it calls the SecurityManager.checkPermission method.

Custom SecurityManager implementation that overrides the checkMemberAccess method may be impacted by this change as the overridden version will not be called.

Area: Core Libs / java.lang 



Deprecated Methods

checkTopLevelWindow, checkSystemClipboardAccess, checkAwtEventQueueAccess

Use Instead




Area: Core Libs / java.rmi 

Deprecated Feature

The HTTP proxying feature from RMI/JRMP is now deprecated, and HTTP proxying is disabled by default.



Area: Core Libs / java.rmi 

Deprecated Feature

Support for statically-generated stubs from RMI (JRMP) is now deprecated.



Area: Core Libs / java.util.jar 



Deprecated Methods

addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyChangeListener

These methods are expected to be removed in a future release of Java SE.

Use Instead

To monitor the progress of the packer, poll the value of the PROGRESS property.



Area: Core Libs / java.util.jar 



Deprecated Methods

addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyChangeListener

These methods are expected to be removed in a future release of Java SE.

Use Instead

To monitor the progress of the unpacker, poll the value of the PROGRESS property.



Area: Core Libs / java.util.logging 



Deprecated Methods

addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyChangeListener

These methods are expected to be removed in a future release of Java SE.



Area: Core Libs / 





Area: Core Services / 


The JSR-160 specification was updated so that the RMI connector is no longer required to support the IIOP transport. Oracle's JDK 8 continues to support the IIOP transport, however, support for the IIOP transport is expected to be removed in a future update of the JMX Remote API.



Area: Client Libs / javax.accessibility 

Deprecated Methods


Use Instead




Area: JavaFX / Scene Graph 



Deprecated Classes

All classes implementing the Builder<T> interface.

Use Instead

Use appropriate constructors and setters to construct objects.



Area: Security Libs / 

Deprecated Feature

The insertProvider.{provider name} target name is discouraged from further use because it is possible to circumvent the name restrictions by overriding the method. Also, there is an equivalent level of risk associated with granting code permission to insert a provider with a specific name, or any name it chooses.

Use Instead

The new insertProvider target name. Compatibility with existing policy files has been preserved, as both the old and new permission will be checked by the Security.addProvider and insertProviderAt methods.



Area: HotSpot / gc 

Deprecated Feature

The following garbage collector combinations are deprecated:

  • DefNew + CMS

  • ParNew + SerialOld

  • Incremental CMS

Corresponding command-line options produce warning messages and it is recommended to avoid using them. These options will be removed in one of the next major releases.

  • The -Xincgc option is deprecated

  • The -XX:CMSIncrementalMode option is deprecated. Note that this also affects all CMSIncremental options.

  • The -XX:+UseParNewGC option is deprecated, unless you also specify -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC.

  • The -XX:-UseParNewGC option is deprecated only in combination with -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC.

For more information, see <a href="//"></a>.



Area: HotSpot / gc 

Deprecated Feature

The foreground collector in CMS has been deprecated and is expected to be removed in a future release. Use G1 or regular CMS instead.