
JDK 8u131 Release Notes

Java SE 8u131 Bundled Patch Release (BPR) - Bug Fixes and Updates

The following sections summarize changes made in all Java SE 8u131 BPRs. Bug fixes and any other changes are listed below in date order, most current BPR first. Note that bug fixes in previous BPR are also included in the current BPR.

To determine the version of your JDK software, use the following command:

java -version

Changes in Java SE 8u131 b34

Bug Fixes

BugId Component Subcomponent Summary
8173654 core-libs java.lang Regression since 8u60: System.getenv doesn't return env var set in JNI code
8075484 core-libs SocketInputStream.socketRead0 can hang even with soTimeout set
8180660 tools javac missing LNT entry for finally block
8164119 client-libs java.awt MoveToOtherScreenTest fails due wrong key attribute
8181192 client-libs 2d [macos] javafx.print.PrinterJob.showPrintDialog() hangs on macOS
8172297 xml jax-ws In java 8, the marshalling with JAX-WS does not escape carriage return
deploy webstart [regression] Fix of JDK-8174177 breaks existing scenarios of SingleInstanceService.
core-svc tools Fix usagetracker use of getEnvVar

Changes in Java SE 8u131 b33

Bug Fixes

BugId Component Subcomponent Summary
8175251 security-libs Failed to load RSA private key from pkcs12
8160696 client-libs java.awt IllegalArgumentException: adding a component to a container on a different GraphicsDevice
8168914 hotspot gc Crash in ClassLoaderData/JNIHandleBlock::oops_do during concurrent marking
deploy webstart JWS: SAXParseException due to JNLP file not escaped

Changes in Java SE 8u131 b32

Bug Fixes

BugId Component Subcomponent Summary
8145207 client-libs javax.accessibility [macosx] JList, VO can't access non-visible list items
8076554 client-libs javax.accessibility [macosx] Custom Swing text components need to allow standard accessibility
8165829 client-libs javax.accessibility Android Studio 2.x crashes with NPE at sun.lwawt.macosx.CAccessibility.getAccessibleIndexInParent
8076249 client-libs javax.accessibility NPE in AccessBridge while editing JList model
8164002 hotspot compiler Add a new CPU family (S_family) for SPARC S7 and above processors
8167102 client-libs 2d [macosx] PrintRequestAttributeSet breaks page size set using PageFormat
8061258 client-libs 2d [macosx] PrinterJob's native Print Dialog does not reflect specified Copies or Page Ranges
client-libs java.awt [macosx] Sometimes NSWindow.isZoomed hangs
8177449 core-libs java.time (tz) Support tzdata2017b

Changes in Java SE 8u131 b31

Please note that fixes from the prior BPR (8u121 b36) are included in this version.

Bug Fixes

BugId Component Subcomponent Summary
8164293 hotspot compiler HotSpot leaking memory in long-running requests
8043913 hotspot compiler remove legacy code in SPARC's VM_Version::platform_features
8049717 hotspot runtime expose L1_data_cache_line_size for diagnostic/sanity checks
8177817 hotspot runtime Remove assertions in 8u that were removed by 8056124 in 9.
8134119 hotspot compiler Use new API to get cache line sizes
8165482 hotspot compiler java in ldoms, with cpu-arch=generic has problems
8165342 javafx scenegraph NPE when JavaFX loads default stylesheet or font families if CCL is null

Java™ SE Development Kit 8, Update 131 (JDK 8u131)

April 18, 2017

The full version string for this update release is 1.8.0_131-b11 (where "b" means "build"). The version number is 8u131.

IANA Data 2017a

JDK 8u131 contains IANA time zone data version 2017a. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.

Security Baselines

The security baselines for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) at the time of the release of JDK 8u131 are specified in the following table:

JRE Family Version JRE Security Baseline (Full Version String)
8 1.8.0_131-b11
7 1.7.0_141-b11
6 1.6.0_151-b10

JRE Expiration Date

The JRE expires whenever a new release with security vulnerability fixes becomes available. Critical patch updates, which contain security vulnerability fixes, are announced one year in advance on Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts and Third Party Bulletin. This JRE (version 8u131) will expire with the release of the next critical patch update scheduled for July 18, 2017.

For systems unable to reach the Oracle Servers, a secondary mechanism expires this JRE (version 8u131) on August 18, 2017. After either condition is met (new release becoming available or expiration date reached), the JRE will provide additional warnings and reminders to users to update to the newer version. For more information, see JRE Expiration Date.



MD5 added to jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms Security property
This JDK release introduces a new restriction on how MD5 signed JAR files are verified. If the signed JAR file uses MD5, signature verification operations will ignore the signature and treat the JAR as if it were unsigned. This can potentially occur in the following types of applications that use signed JAR files:

  • Applets or Web Start Applications
  • Standalone or Server Applications that are run with a SecurityManager enabled and are configured with a policy file that grants permissions based on the code signer(s) of the JAR file.

The list of disabled algorithms is controlled via the security property, jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms, in the file. This property contains a list of disabled algorithms and key sizes for cryptographically signed JAR files.

To check if a weak algorithm or key was used to sign a JAR file, one can use the jarsigner binary that ships with this JDK. Running "jarsigner -verify" on a JAR file signed with a weak algorithm or key will print more information about the disabled algorithm or key.

For example, to check a JAR file named test.jar, use the following command:

jarsigner -verify test.jar

If the file in this example was signed with a weak signature algorithm like MD5withRSA, the following output would be displayed:

The jar will be treated as unsigned, because it is signed with a weak algorithm that is now disabled. Re-run jarsigner with the -verbose option for more details.

More details can be displayed by using the verbose option:

jarsigner -verify -verbose test.jar

The following output would be displayed:

- Signed by "CN=weak_signer" 
    Digest algorithm: MD5 (weak) 
    Signature algorithm: MD5withRSA (weak), 512-bit key (weak) 
  Timestamped by "CN=strong_tsa" on Mon Sep 26 08:59:39 CST 2016 
    Timestamp digest algorithm: SHA-256 
    Timestamp signature algorithm: SHA256withRSA, 2048-bit key

To address the issue, the JAR file will need to be re-signed with a stronger algorithm or key size. Alternatively, the restrictions can be reverted by removing the applicable weak algorithms or key sizes from the jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms security property; however, this option is not recommended. Before re-signing affected JARs, the existing signature(s) should be removed from the JAR file. This can be done with the .zip utility, as follows:

zip -d test.jar 'META-INF/.SF' 'META-INF/.RSA' 'META-INF/*.DSA'

Please periodically check the Oracle JRE and JDK Cryptographic Roadmap at for planned restrictions to signed JARs and other security components.
JDK-8171121 (not public)


New system property to control caching for HTTP SPNEGO connection.

A new JDK implementation specific system property to control caching for HTTP SPNEGO (Negotiate/Kerberos) connections is introduced. Caching for HTTP SPNEGO connections remains enabled by default, so if the property is not explicitly specified, there will be no behavior change.

When connecting to an HTTP server that uses SPNEGO to negotiate authentication, and when connection and authentication with the server is successful, the authentication information will then be cached and reused for further connections to the same server. In addition, connecting to an HTTP server using SPNEGO usually involves keeping the underlying connection alive and reusing it for further requests to the same server. In some applications, it may be desirable to disable all caching for the HTTP SPNEGO (Negotiate/Kerberos) protocol in order to force requesting new authentication with each new request to the server.

With this change, we now provide a new system property that allows control of the caching policy for HTTP SPNEGO connections. If jdk.spnego.cache is defined and evaluates to false, then all caching will be disabled for HTTP SPNEGO connections. Setting this system property to false may, however, result in undesirable side effects:

  • Performance of HTTP SPNEGO connections may be severely impacted as the connection will need to be re-authenticated with each new request, requiring several communication exchanges with the server.
  • Credentials will need to be obtained again for each new request, which, depending on whether transparent authentication is available or not, and depending on the global Authenticator implementation, may result in a popup asking the user for credentials for every new request.

JDK-8170814 (not public)


New system property to control caching for HTTP NTLM connection.

A new JDK implementation specific system property to control caching for HTTP NTLM connection is introduced. Caching for HTTP NTLM connection remains enabled by default, so if the property is not explicitly specified, there will be no behavior change.

On some platforms, the HTTP NTLM implementation in the JDK can support transparent authentication, where the system user credentials are used at system level. When transparent authentication is not available or unsuccessful, the JDK only supports getting credentials from a global authenticator. If connection to the server is successful, the authentication information will then be cached and reused for further connections to the same server. In addition, connecting to an HTTP NTLM server usually involves keeping the underlying connection alive and reusing it for further requests to the same server. In some applications, it may be desirable to disable all caching for the HTTP NTLM protocol in order to force requesting new authentication with each new requests to the server.

With this change, we now provide a new system property that allows control of the caching policy for HTTP NTLM connections. If jdk.ntlm.cache is defined and evaluates to false, then all caching will be disabled for HTTP NTLM connections. Setting this system property to false may, however, result in undesirable side effects:

  • Performance of HTTP NTLM connections may be severely impacted as the connection will need to be re-authenticated with each new request, requiring several communication exchanges with the server.
  • Credentials will need to be obtained again for each new request, which, depending on whether transparent authentication is available or not, and depending on the global Authenticator implementation, may result in a popup asking the user for credentials for every new request.

JDK-8163520 (not public)


New version of VisualVM

VisualVM 1.3.9 was released on October 4th, 2016 and has been integrated into 8u131.

See JDK-8167485


Bug Fixes

The following are some of the notable bug fixes included in this release:


Introduced a new window ordering model

On the OS X platform, the AWT framework used native services to implement parent-child relationship for windows. That caused some negative visual effects especially in multi-monitor environments. To get rid of the disadvantages of such an approach, the new window ordering model, which is fully implemented at the JDK layer, was introduced. Its main principles are listed below:

  • A window should be placed above its nearest parent window.
  • If a window has several child windows, all child windows should be located at the same layer and the window from the active window chain should be ordered above its siblings.
  • Ordering should not be performed for a window that is in an iconified state or when the transition to an iconified state is in progress.

These rules are applied to every frame or dialog from the window hierarchy that contains the currently focused window.

See JDK-8169589


Correction of IllegalArgumentException from TLS handshake

A recent issue from the JDK-8173783 fix can cause issue for some TLS servers. The problem originates from an IllegalArgumentException thrown by the TLS handshaker code:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: System property jdk.tls.namedGroups(null) contains no supported elliptic curves

The issue can arise when the server doesn't have elliptic curve cryptography support to handle an elliptic curve name extension field (if present). Users are advised to upgrade to this release. By default, JDK 7 Updates and later JDK families ship with the SunEC security provider which provides elliptic curve cryptography support. Those releases should not be impacted unless security providers are modified.

See JDK-8173783


Bug Fix list

This release also contains fixes for security vulnerabilities described in the Oracle Java SE Critical Patch Update Advisory.

# BugId Component Subcomponent Summary
1 JDK-7155957 client‑libs java.awt closed/java/awt/MenuBar/MenuBarStress1/ hangs on win 64 bit with jdk8
2 JDK-8035568 client‑libs java.awt [macosx] Cursor management unification
3 JDK-8079595 client‑libs java.awt Resizing dialog which is JWindow parent makes JVM crash
4 JDK-8169589 client‑libs java.awt [macosx] Activating a JDialog puts to back another dialog
5 JDK-8147842 client‑libs javax.swing IME Composition Window is displayed at incorrect location
6 JDK-7167293 core‑libs FtpURLConnection connection leak on FileNotFoundException
7 JDK-8169465 core‑libs javax.naming Deadlock in com.sun.jndi.ldap.pool.Connections
8 JDK-8133045 deploy deployment_toolkit java.lang.SecurityException: Failed to extract baseline.versions error
9 JDK-8028538 deploy webstart Fedora Linux issue with jnlp‑servlet.jar demo source code license
10 JDK-8170646 deploy webstart JNLP fails to get loaded with old javaws when multiple jres (jre9 and jre8u111) installed
11 JDK-8075196 docs guides CosNaming's implementation doesn't comply with the specification
12 JDK-8161147 hotspot compiler jvm crashes when ‑XX:+UseCountedLoopSafepoints is enabled
13 JDK-8161993 hotspot gc G1 crashes if active_processor_count changes during startup
14 JDK-8147910 hotspot runtime Cache initial active_processor_count
15 JDK-8150490 hotspot runtime Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2016
16 JDK-8170888 hotspot runtime [linux] Experimental support for cgroup memory limits in container (ie Docker) environments
17 JDK-8166208 hotspot svc FlightRecorderOptions settings for defaultrecording ignored.
18 JDK-8161945 install install REGRESSION: 8u91 update of 32 bit JRE removes preferences of the 64 bit JRE
19 JDK-8172932 install install JRE installation fails with 1603 on Windows 10 with enabled Deviceguard
20 JDK-8089915 javafx web Input of type file doesn't honor "accept" attribute.
21 JDK-8090216 javafx web HTMLEditor: font bold doesn't work when an indent is set
22 JDK-8144263 javafx web [WebView, OS X] Webkit rendering artifacts with inertia scrolling
23 JDK-8150982 javafx web Crash when calling WebEngine.print on background thread
24 JDK-8164314 javafx web [WebView] Debug build is no longer working after JDK‑8089681
25 JDK-8165098 javafx web WebEngine.print will attempt to print even if the printer job is complete or has an error
26 JDK-8165173 javafx web canvas/philip/tests/2d.path.clip.empty.html fails with 8u112
27 JDK-8165508 javafx web Incorrect Bug ID in comment for JDK-8164076
28 JDK-8166231 javafx web use @Native annotation in web classes
29 JDK-8166677 javafx web HTMLEditor freezes after restoring previously maximized window
30 JDK-8166775 javafx web Audio slider works incorrectly for short files
31 JDK-8166999 javafx web Update to newer version of WebKit
32 JDK-8167098 javafx web Backport of JDK‑8158926 to JDK 8u mistakenly used preliminary patch
33 JDK-8167100 javafx web Minor source diffs introduced in backports of JDK-8160837 and JDK-8163582
34 JDK-8167675 javafx web Animated gifs are not working
35 JDK-8169204 javafx web Need to document JSObject Call and setSlot APIs to use weak references
36 JDK-8170585 javafx web Fix PlatformContextJava type leaking to GraphicsContext
37 JDK-8170938 javafx web Memory leak in JavaFX WebView
38 JDK-8173783 security‑libs IllegalArgumentException: jdk.tls.namedGroups
39 JDK-6474807 security‑libs javax.smartcardio (smartcardio) CardTerminal.connect() throws CardException instead of CardNotPresentException
40 JDK-8168774 tools javac Polymorhic signature method check crashes javac
41 JDK-8167485 tools visualvm Integrate new version of Java VisualVM based on VisualVM 1.3.9 into JDK
42 JDK-8167179 xml jaxp Make XSL generated namespace prefixes local to transformation process