
JDK 9 Release Notes - Removed APIs, Features, and Options

This section describes the APIs, features, and options that were removed in Java SE 9 and JDK 9. Other sources of information about the APIs, features, and options removed in Java SE 9 and JDK 9 include:

  • What’s New in JDK 9 - Identifies APIs, features, and options that were removed in JDK 9 as well as provides links to the documents where they are described in detail.

  • JSR 379: Java SE 9: Annex 1 - Documents changes to the specification made between Java SE 8 and Java SE 9. This document includes the identification of removed APIs and features not described here.

You should be aware of the contents in those documents as well as the items described on this page.

The descriptions below also identify potential compatibility issues that you might encounter when migrating to JDK 9. See the JDK 9 Migration Guide for descriptions of specific compatibility issues.

The Kinds of Compatibility page on the OpenJDK wiki identifies three types of potential compatibility issues for Java programs used in these descriptions:

  • Source: Source compatibility concerns translating Java source code into class files.

  • Binary: Binary compatibility is defined in The Java Language Specification as preserving the ability to link without error.

  • Behavioral: Behavioral compatibility includes the semantics of the code that is executed at runtime.

See the Compatibility & Specification Review (CSR) page on the OpenJDK wiki for more information about compatibility as it relates to JDK 9.

Removed APIs, Features, and Options

 References to java.awt.peer and java.awt.dnd.peer packages were removed from the public API

All methods that refer to types defined in the java.awt.peer and java.awt.dnd.peer packages (the "peer types") were removed from the Java API in Java SE 9 . Application code which calls any such method which accepts or returns a type defined in these packages will no longer link. This is a BINARY incompatible change.

Additional information is provided here:

See JDK-8037739

 Remove the com.sun.image.codec.jpeg package

com.sun.image.codec.jpeg has been shipped as a non-standard API since JDK 1.2. It was always advertised as a stop-gap measure until a proper standard equivalent was provided. That replacement (javax.imageio) has been there since JDK 1.4. As a result JDK 9 finally removes the long deprecated com.sun.image.codec.jpeg API which has been flagged as intended for removal for several releases. Applications which still depend on it will need to be re-coded in order to run on JDK9.

See JDK-8038838

 JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE was removed in favour of WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE

The public static constant JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE was removed in favour of WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE.

See JDK-8073420

 Removed stopThread RuntimePermission from the default java.policy

The default java.policy no longer grants stopThread runtime permission in JDK 9.

In previous releases, untrusted code had the stopThread runtime permission by default. This allows untrusted code to call Thread::stop ( on threads other than the current one ). Having an arbitrary exception thrown asynchronously is not something that trusted code should be expected to handle gracefully. So this permission is removed by default in JDK 9. The following line is deleted from the file conf/security/java.policy : permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "stopThread";

See JDK-7067728

 "sun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax" system property is no longer supported

The system property sun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax was introduced as a temporary workaround to give customers time to remove their source dependency on calling ClassLoader.loadClass with the array syntax that is not supported since JDK 6. This temporary workaround is removed in JDK 9 and setting sun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax system property will have no effect to ClassLoader.loadClass. Existing code that calls ClassLoader.loadClass to create a Class object of an array class shall be replaced with Class.forName; otherwise it will get ClassNotFoundException.

See JDK-6516909

 The netdoc URL protocol Handler is removed

The netdoc protocol handler has been removed in JDK 9. Code that attempts to construct a with the netdoc protocol, for example "netdoc:" will throw a MalformedURLException.

The netdoc protocol was used to point to network documents either on the local file system or externally through an HTTP URL. This capability is essentially defunct and is not supported by Safari, Firefox, and other major browsers.

See JDK-8154234

 The lib/ file has been removed

The lib/ file has been removed from the Java run-time image. The lib/ file contained the default MIME content-types table used to map content type to file extension, etc, and is used primarily by the URLConnection API. The lib/ file was never intended to be user editable. Instead there is a system property, content.types.user.table, that allows one to define their own content types.

See JDK-8039362, for further details on the use of content.types.user.table.

See JDK-8039362

 Remove the JDK-Internal name service provider interface and default implementation

Previous JDK releases documented how to configure to use the JNDI DNS service provider as the name service. This mechanism, and the system properties to configure it, have been removed in JDK 9.

A new mechanism to configure the use of a hosts file has been introduced.

A new system property has been defined. When this system property is set, the name and address resolution calls of InetAddress, i.e getByXXX, retrieve the relevant mapping from the specified file. The structure of this file is equivalent to that of the /etc/hosts file.

When the system property is set, and the specified file doesn't exist, the name or address lookup will result in an UnknownHostException. Thus, a non existent hosts file is handled as if the file is empty.

See JDK-8134577

core-libs/java.nio removed

The poll based SelectorProvider has been removed in JDK 9. It has been superseded for several releases by improved or higher performance implementations on all supported platforms.

See JDK-8142872

 Remove HTTP proxying from RMI

The mechanism of proxying RMI requests through HTTP, which was deprecated in Java SE 8, has been removed in Java SE 9. This mechanism used a web CGI script called java-rmi.cgi. This script has also been removed. The default mechanism for transmitting RMI requests is now simply a direct socket connection.

See JDK-8066750

 Remove Packer/Unpacker addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyListener methods

The deprecated addPropertyListener and removePropertyListener methods have been removed from java.util.jar.Pack200.Packer and java.util.jar.Pack200.Unpacker. Applications that need to monitor progress of a packer or unpacker should poll the value of the PROGRESS property instead.

See JDK-8029806

 The system property has been removed

The zip library implementation has been improved in JDK 9. The new implementation does not use mmap to map ZIP file central directory into memory anymore. As a result, the system property is no longer needed and has been removed.

See JDK-8142508

 Remove LogManager addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyChangeListener methods

The deprecated addPropertyListener and removePropertyListener methods have been removed from java.util.logging.LogManager. Code that relies on a listener to be invoked when logging configuration changes should use the new addConfigurationListener and removeConfigurationListener methods instead.

See JDK-8029805

 Context.APPLET is ignored when creating a JNDI InitialContext

javax.naming.Context.APPLET has been deprecated. If the environment specified when creating an InitialContext contains Context.APPLET then it is ignored. Applets with JNDI configuration in applet parameters should use the Applet.getParameter(String) method to read the parameters and use the values to create the JNDI context.

See JDK-8051422

 CodeStore service has been removed

The possibility to provide provide subclasses of jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.CodeStore through the java.util.ServiceLoader API has been removed in JDK 9.

See JDK-8148148

 Removal of rarely used sun.misc.Unsafe methods

The methods monitorEnter, monitorExit and tryMonitorEnter on sun.misc.Unsafe are removed in JDK 9. These methods are not used within the JDK itself and are very rarely used outside of the JDK.

See JDK-8054494

 com.sun.tracing APIs are removed

The following unsupported APIs are removed:

  • com.sun.tracing
  • com.sun.tracing.dtrace
See JDK-8062303

 SA-JDI has been removed

The Serviceability Agent (SA) Core and PID debugger Connectors have been removed in this release. It is no longer possible to use a Java Debugger to attach to a core file or process with the SA mechanism.

See JDK-8158050

 Support for IIOP transport from JMX RMI connector is removed.

The JMX RMIConnector only supports the JRMP transport in JDK 9. Support for the optional IIOP transport has been removed in this release.

See JDK-8043937

 Removal of native2ascii tool

native2ascii tool is removed in JDK 9. JDK 9 supports UTF-8 based properties resource bundles (see JEP 226 and the conversion for UTF-8 based properties resource bundles to ISO-8859-1 is no longer needed.

See JDK-8074431

 management-agent.jar is removed.

management-agent.jar has been removed. Tools that have been using the Attach API to load this agent into a running VM should be aware that the Attach API has been updated in JDK 9 to define two new methods for starting a management agent:

  • agentProperties)
See JDK-8043939

 jhat tool removed.

The experimental/unsupported jhat tool has been removed.

See JDK-8059039

 serialver -show option is removed

The serialver -show option has been removed in this release.

See JDK-8042887

 extcheck tool removed

The extcheck tool has been removed in this release.

See JDK-8042888

 rmic -Xnew option is disabled

The experimental rmic -Xnew option has been disabled for this release.

See JDK-8146299

 Support for serialized applets removed

Support for serialized applets has been removed. The "OBJECT" attribute of the <APPLET> tag and "object" and "java_object" applet parameter tags will no longer be recognized during applet launching, and will be ignored.

See JDK-8074161

 Remove SafepointPollOffset flag

The -XX:SafepointPollOffset flag has been removed because it was introduced only to reproduce a problem with the C1 compiler and is no longer needed.

See JDK-8031203

 Remove BackEdgeThreshold flag

The -XX:BackEdgeThreshold flag has been removed because it is no longer supported. Users now need to use -XX:OnStackReplacePercentage instead.

See JDK-8021770

 Remove EnableInvokeDynamic flag

The -XX:EnableInvokeDynamic flag has been removed because the VM does no longer support execution without invokedynamic.

See JDK-8036956

 Remove Use486InstrsOnly flag

The -XX:+Use486InstrsOnly flag has been removed because it is no longer supported.

See JDK-6808665

 Remove per-compiler performance counters

Per-thread compiler performance counters have been removed because they became obsolete in the presence of more fine-grained and precise compilation events. The corresponding interface in* has been deprecated since it will no longer provide information without the performance counters. Users can get similar or more fine-grained information via global performance counters, the event tracing API (JFR) or -XX:+PrintCompilation.

See JDK-8134607

 Remove deprecated command line flags

These internal command line flags, which have been deprecated or aliased since JDK 6, have been removed:

CMSParPromoteBlocksToClaim, ParCMSPromoteBlocksToClaim, ParallelGCOldGenAllocBufferSize, ParallelGCToSpaceAllocBufferSize, UseGCTimeLimit, CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled, ResizeTLE, PrintTLE, TLESize, UseTLE, MaxTLERatio, TLEFragmentationRatio, TLEThreadRatio

In addition to this, these internal flags have been deprecated:

CMSMarkStackSizeMax, ParallelMarkingThreads, ParallelCMSThreads, CMSMarkStackSize, G1MarkStackSize

See JDK-8061611

 Various GC combinations have now been removed

The GC combinations that were deprecated in JDK 8 have now been removed. This means that the following GC combinations no longer exist:

  • DefNew + CMS
  • ParNew + SerialOld
  • Incremental CMS The "foreground" mode for CMS has also been removed.

The command line flags that were removed are: -Xincgc, -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode, -XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection, -XX:+CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction and -XX:+UseCMSCollectionPassing.

The command line flag -XX:+UseParNewGC no longer has any effect. ParNew can only be used with CMS and CMS requires ParNew. Thus, the -XX:+UseParNewGC flag has been deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release.

See JDK-8044022

 VM Options AdjustConcurrency and PrintJVMWarnings are removed

The VM Options -XX:AdjustConcurrency and -XX:PrintJVMWarnings are removed from JDK 9.

The VM option -XX:AdjustConcurrency was only needed on Solaris 8/9 (when using the T1 threading library).

The VM option -XX:PrintJVMWarnings was a development option only used by unimplemented VM functions that have themselves been removed in JDK 9.

See JDK-8073861

 Remove Oracle Solaris ISA bin directories and links

On Oracle Solaris, the JDK and JRE no longer have an ISA (Instruction Specific Architecture) bin directory. The $JAVA_HOME/bin/sparcv9 and $JAVA_HOME/bin/amd64 directories, and the sym links in the directories, were present in JDK 8 to aid migration after 32-bit support was removed. Scripts or applications that rely on these locations should be updated to use $JAVA_HOME/bin.

See JDK-8029997

 lib/$ARCH directory removed from Linux and Solaris images

The lib/$ARCH directory, which used to contain native-code shared objects (.so files) for the VM and the libraries, has been removed and the contents has moved up one level into the lib/ directory.

See JDK-8066474

 JavaFX impl_* methods have been removed

Several deprecated and undocumented "impl_*" methods have been removed from JDK 9.

In prior releases, many public JavaFX classes in exported packages had public or protected implementation methods that were named with "impl_*" in the name, marked as "@Deprecated" with the stated intention of removing them, and hidden from the API documentation with the "@treatAsPrivate" javadoc tag.

These methods were never supported and were not intended to be used by applications. JavaFX applications that were using these undocumented methods will need to stop calling them.

See JDK-8144585

 JavaFX builder classes have been removed

The JavaFX builder classes, which were previously deprecated in JDK 8 with the stated intention to remove them, have been removed from JDK 9. JavaFX applications that use the builder classes should instead construct the needed scene graph objects directly and set the desired properties with the equivalent method calls.

See JDK-8092861

 Removal of

The API was a Mac-only API and was carried into JDK 7u4 with the port of Apple's JDK 6 code. This seldom-used and unsupported API has been removed in JDK 9. Developers are encouraged to use the standard java.util.concurrent.Executor and java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService APIs instead.

See JDK-8148187

 AppleScript scripting engine has been removed

The AppleScript engine implementing javax.script engine API has been removed without replacement. The AppleScript engine has worked inconsistently. The services configuration (META-INF/services) file was missing and only worked by accident when installing JDK 7 or JDK 8 on systems that had Apple's version of AppleScriptEngine.jar already on the system.

See JDK-8143404

 The jdk.Exported annotation has been removed

The JDK-specific annotation @jdk.Exported has been removed in JDK 9. The information that @jdk.Exported conveyed is now recorded in the exports declarations of modules. Tools that scan for this annotation should be updated to make use of the new API support in javax.lang.model and java.lang.module.

See JDK-8049422

 Remove the ExemptionMechanism.finalize() method

The javax.crypto.ExemptionMechanism.finalize() method has been removed from both the specification and the implementation.

See JDK-8159009


The class has been removed. This class, which is in the JDK-specific extensions to JAAS, was deprecated in JDK 8 and previously flagged for removal.

See JDK-8029904

 Remove Launch-Time JRE Version Selection

The Launch-Time JRE Version Selection also known as Multiple JRE or mJRE functionality will no longer be available with the java launcher. This means the java launcher will not invoke another JRE version, and will exit with an error.

The presence of "-version:x.y.z", "-jre-restrict-search" and "-jre-no-restrict-search" on the java launcher's command-line will cause it to exit with an error message. The environment variable "JRE_VERSION_PATH" will be ignored.

The Java Archive (jar) manifest entry "JRE-version" will cause the java launcher to emit a warning, and "JRE-Restrict-Search" will be ignored.

See JDK-8050071

 Visual VM removed in JDK 9

Visual VM is a tool that provides information about code running on a Java Virtual Machine. It was provided with Oracle JDK 6, Oracle JDK 7, and Oracle JDK 8.

Starting from JDK 9, the tool (jvisualvm) is no longer included in Oracle JDK. Users can still download the tool from the official project website at

See JDK-8160881