This page describes how to set up and run JMF for Windows. JMF for Windows is an optimized implementation of JMF that contains class files and native libraries for running JMF players.
Run the installation program to extract JMF to a directory, such as
C:\Program Files\JMF2.1.1.
We'll refer to the directory as %JMFDIR%.
Verify that your CLASSPATH and PATH have been configured properly. During installation, InstallShield should automatically set up your CLASSPATH and PATH.
set CLASSPATH=%JMFDIR%\lib\jmf.jar;%JMFDIR%\lib\sound.jar;.;%CLASSPATH%
Your PATH should be set to include the JMF library files, if you had specified that they not be installed in the Windows\System directory:
set PATH=%JMFDIR%\lib;%PATH%
Running JMF
Running the RTP Applets and Applications
Running JMF with Netscape Communicator
If Netscape Communicator is already installed on your system when you install JMF, the JMF installation program (with your permission) sets up JMF to work with Netscape Communicator. If the installation program fails to detect Netscape Communicator during installation, there are two ways to get JMF to work with Communicator:
Note:These instructions assume that Netscape Communicator was installed in C:\Program Files\Netscape. If that's not true, substitute the appropriate directories.
Note: JMF requires access to several resources outside the normal Java sandbox. When Communicator brings up dialogs asking you to grant privileges to JMF applets, you should grant them. To avoid the repeated display of security dialogs, you might want to enable "Remember this decision" in the security dialog.
Running JMF with HotJava 1.1
hotjava -classpath %CLASSPATH%
Also take a look at the runme.bat in the directory where you installed JMF.