Advanced Management Console 2.7 Release Notes

The Advanced Management Console is a commercial product available for Java users who have license for Java Standard Edition (SE) Advanced or Java SE Suite.

For an overview of the Advanced Management Console, see the Advanced Management Console product page.

What's New

This release adds the following features to Advanced Management Console 2.7:
  • Following features are added to partially support the planned upcoming release of Java SE 9:

    • The Advanced Management Console agents can detect Java SE 9 installations on managed desktops.

    • You can search for Java SE 9 installations on managed desktops in the console.

    • You can search for applications that run with Java 9 in the console.

  • Support for Non-enterprise JREs — Includes the following:

    • Executable (EXE) installers on Windows

    • Disk image (DMG) installers on Mac OS X

  • Container-based user authentication: This feature allows customers to configure user authentication in the WebLogic Server and leverage it in the Advanced Management Console.

  • Desktop group improvements — Includes the following:

    • Automatic desktop group updates

    • Desktop groups based on IP ranges

  • Provides the following options:

    • To turn off agent auto updates on managed desktops

    • To export failed Java Usage Tracker records to a file

    • To choose what Java Runtime Environment (JRE) types to track on managed desktops

    • To define a default deployment rule set, which can be deployed to a target automatically, as part of agent installation

Updated  Documentation

  Known Issues

  • JAMC-7282: When you set the Agent Auto Update flag in the Configurations > Agent Settings tab, agent in older releases, such as Advanced Management Console 2.4 don't get suppressed.
  • JAMC-6789: New Update Agent Intervals command doesn't cancel previous command.
  • JAMC-6111: The Advanced Management Console agent  fails to install non-enterprise jre9 on Windows.
  • JAMC-6107: The agent  fails to uninstall jre9 on Windows.
  • JAMC-6106: The agent doesn't detect msi installed jre9 as Enterprise install type on Windows.
  • JAMC-5518: In an OS X platform, the -forceremove command is not supported.

Fixed Issues The following table contains a list of issues that were addressed in Advanced Management Console 2.7:

JAMC-6422 Agent JRE scan not been triggered in scheduled time interval after the agent requests are made more random.
JAMC-6928 AMC 2.7 builds, such as build 25 don’t generate win32 agent bundle and generate only Mac OS X agent bundles.
JAMC-3061 The oj-row and oj-col options have been deprecated. You need to use flex layout instead.
JAMC-3921 On version update, all agents should not be updated simultaneously.
JAMC-4800 After ssl re-configuration on server, agent bundles were not re-generated to contain correct cert.
JAMC-4979 The Advanced Management Console doesn't support WebLogic cluster with two managed servers running on two different machines.
JAMC-4989 The Install and Uninstall JRE requests returns HTTP Bad request.
JAMC-–5243 Make agent requests less synchronous.
JAMC-5278 Basic reports counters are not atomic.
JAMC-5415 The Advanced Management Console fails to initialize with Oracle 11g due to the unsupported auto-generated identity column.
JAMC-5451 Agents cannot log in to Server.
JAMC-5472 Need to filter JUT records that are sent from non selected JREs.
JAMC-5478 Some information about jars and certificates is missed in REST responses.
JAMC-5497 Install JRE command failed to push non-enterprise install command since non-enterprise installer without configuration.
JAMC-5516 AMCAgent cannot be uninstalled if server is not running.
JAMC-5584 Wrong desktop group is removed when there are multiple desktop groups.
JAMC-5600 Restarted agent removes JRE entries for previously found JREs.
JAMC-5630 Agent cannot delete specific versions of JRE.
JAMC-5708 Cannot log into the Advanced Management Console WebUI when the Advanced Management Console is deployed into WebLogic cluster.
JAMC-5751 Missing hostname and IP address in console and report after upgrading to AMC 2.6.
JAMC-5913 SQL in AgensHandler.getUnsafeJREs() method is invalid to Oracle database.
JAMC-5929 Unable to add a Java Version for non-enterprise installer file on Mac OS X.
JAMC-5954 Some database resources may not be released in the server code.
JAMC-6057 Scheduled GetAgentUpdateTask may blocked by agent auto update delay time.
JAMC-6153 Disable RESTful service monitoring by default.
JAMC-6193 Optimize agentproperties index.
JAMC-6242 AuthDB.getSessionToken() calls currentTimestamp() twice.
JAMC-6298 Agent deletion methods perform extra work to logout agent.
JAMC-6299 AgentsHandler.setProperty() uses two database connections.
JAMC-6321 Cannot download agent bundle sometimes.
JAMC-6350 Excessive execution time taken for query against agents table.
JAMC-6416 Add indexes to AgentProperties and Agents.
JAMC-6423 Scheduled getCommands interval is not working as expected.
JAMC-6440 Memory leak with instances.
JAMC-6536 New database index too long for MySQL.
JAMC-6703 Agent restarts after it stops itself when an update needed and auto update is disabled.
JAMC-6730 javax.ejb.EJBException raised in the Advanced Management Console server when simulators were trying to get JRE installation properties.
JAMC-6940 Failed agent updates can leave agent in unpredictable state.
JAMC-7184 Agent update from 2.61-update to current version fails if keystore file doesn’t exist.
JAMC-7210 Agent service can’t be stopped on windows after agent upgrade from 2.6 to 2.7.
JAMC-3165 Load the list of available agent bundles from the server.
JAMC-3863 File not found is displayed when export the ruleset with an unsupported Deployment Rule Set version.
JAMC-4041 If JRE install command failed to update status at first after install, then the command status still shows in progress and doesn’t get updated anymore.

Install JRE and Uninstall JRE dialog boxes can't get focused by keyboard.

JAMC-4379 Radio buttons on Install JRE or Uninstall JRE dialogs can’t get focus by keyboard.
JAMC-4387 JET 2.0.2: error in the console when selecting a rule set in Rule Sets tab.
JAMC-4408 Cannot sign rule set with keyboard operation.
JAMC-4417 Cannot add rule to rule set using keyboard operations.
JAMC-4438 Failed to update desktop group.
JAMC-4514 Please assign a static unique ID for the properties table title.
JAMC-4862 No error is displayed, if deployment rule cannot be created.
JAMC-4876 Need a REST API to get the list of the valid versions for a ruleset.
JAMC-4920 ConflictException is displayed when an application is run from multiple locations.
JAMC-4947 Select JRE config options not been cleared if no config available; and the Next button was not disabled even config is 'null', that will lead user to complete all install steps, but no install command pushed.
JAMC-4950 NPE if user has no roles assigned.
JAMC-4960 matchGuidToPattern should be replaced by new API guidToJavaVersion.
JAMC-4995 Error in Agent while unregistering JRE from server.
JAMC-5001 Method for default blocking rule checking is inappropriate.
JAMC-5077 New basic reports filter by application ID.
JAMC-5080 The sort functionality for the Rejected JUT record table doesn't work.
JAMC-5100 Nothing happened after click Save when user tries to create a configuration with name which already exist under same java version/platform.
JAMC-5110 The prompt message 'Enter a number between 1 and 2’ isn't correct in the Rejected JUT dialog box.
JAMC-5151 Fix for JAMC-1247 is incomplete, file path checks should be case insensitive.
JAMC-5157 The Advanced Management Console cannot be deployed to WLS with empty database.
JAMC-5159 Sometimes the Advanced Management user session is timed out immediately after logging into WebUI.
JAMC-5160 Sometimes cannot log into the Advanced Management Console WebUI with an LDAP user.
JAMC-5163 Agent scans recycle bins for JREs.
JAMC-5164 $.getJSON(...).success is not a function error is displayed in DM tab.
JAMC-5165 Rejected JUT records table: selected row sometimes remains selected after sort but properties button is disabled
JAMC-5166 When filtering rejected records by date/time, there is a difference between the client date/time and the JUT record date/time.
JAMC-5181 Layout problems with the login page.
JAMC-5217 The collection.models value should be assigned to the variable models.
JAMC-5304 Update JIC installer config name to duplicate successful on Oracle database.
JAMC-5341 When is as same as server's one, it will never be updated.
JAMC-5345 The Permission Denied dialog is displayed when a user with only role 'Rule Sets' is trying to access Configuration->Users.
JAMC-5355 Add possibility to set/update proxy for Agent bundles.
JAMC-5364 The Rejected JUT record table can't be sorted by columns except for 'When'.
JAMC-5386 Confusion about "web-enabled" when user chooses what managed JREs to track in agents.
JAMC-5387 not been removed when user deselect all JRE type.
JAMC-5388 Application un-merging API dose NOT check application type.
JAMC-5395 Session timeout hint should not be set in http session object.
JAMC-5425 Agent can hang if server asked to delay update for some time.
JAMC-5436 Incorrect desktops are displayed in desktop table after clicking the link Display data in Desktops tab on Status page.
JAMC-5437 Incorrect desktops are displayed in desktop table after clicking whatever link in the command table on the status page.
JAMC-5490 The value of Desktop Property Value Count on WebUI isn't correct.
JAMC-5496 Non-enterprise MAC OS X DMG imported with inconsistent Java version format.
JAMC-5503 The value of field complete_update in table desktopgroupupdate isn't populated correctly.
JAMC-5504 The latest 7u non-enterprise windows installer cannot be imported.
JAMC-5509 Unique constraint (AMC2.JICJV_JAVAVERSION_OS) violated when use JICTool import same version, bit, os JRE but different type.
JAMC-5513 Add check for existing default DRS in Signing dialog.
JAMC-5514 Change the default DRS check boxes in rule set signing dialog to JET checkboxes.
JAMC-5520 JET upgrade causes broken display of buttons in the dialogs in creating and updating desktop groups.
JAMC-5527 Make database requests atomic – AgentHandler.
JAMC-5539 JRE scan fails on Windows.
JAMC-5558 Reduce amount the network requests that separately retrieves DRS for every ruleset.
JAMC-5567 The action item Set Auto Update for Desktop(s) should be enabled by default if there are agent(s) in the desktop table.
JAMC-5573 AgentVersionFilter doesn't filter URLs correctly.
JAMC-5574 Agents with auto-update set to false should not be allowed to download updates.
JAMC-5576 AgentsResourceTest fails.
JAMC-5588 Create group with IP range processes overlap data incorrectly.
JAMC-5591 Invalid CIDR value for IP range should be identified.
JAMC-5603 Correct the selection in Property View mode for group updating.
JAMC-5607 Setting unsigned ruleset as default ruleset should return error.
JAMC-5608 Risk of setting 2 default rulesets with current implementation.
JAMC-5610 GET default DRS should return a ruleset instead of ruleset ID.
JAMC-5612 Invalid value for defaultDrs parameter in ruleset signing request should return HTTP_BAD_REQUEST.
JAMC-5615 The SetAutoUpdate command isn't displayed correctly in command table on Status page.
JAMC-5616 Two comments for the Set Auto Update for Desktop(s) dialog box.
JAMC-5621 Both desktop group Delete and Update buttons should be ENABLED after switching from properties view to Table view.
JAMC-5623 DeploymentRulesetsHandler.getDefaultDRSId(long rulesetId) can return drsid of any signed ruleset.
JAMC-5626 The SetJavaAutoUpdate command isn't displayed correctly in command table on Status page.
JAMC-5633 JDK9 version-string is not fully supported.
JAMC-5638 An Internal Server Error is found when configuring agent proxy on WebUI.
JAMC-5655 The Select JRE to Install option should be empty and the Next button or next train items should not be available when switch to non-enterprise tab without valid JREs.
JAMC-5656 The Next button or next train items should not be available when 0 desktops selected for non-enterprise.
JAMC-5658 The existing agent proxy can't be removed on WebUI in some scenarios.
JAMC-5668 Format of full java version is not correct.
JAMC-5673 Sometimes the Edit button on the Configuration Settings page doesn't work.
JAMC-5697 Agent Auto Update: change TRUE / FALSE to Enable / Disable.
JAMC-5700 Agent reports additional double quotes for JAVAVENDOR and JVMVENDOR when scan JRE9.
JAMC-5702 Command startTimeOffset parameter should not accept negative value.
JAMC-5704 If proxy was set before bundle's initialization, then the proxy setting would not work.
JAMC-5713 Each agent should only communicate with the load balancer when AMC is deployed into WebLogic cluster.
JAMC-5776 Cannot launch JICTool.
JAMC-5781 A Bad request (400) is returned when creating a desktop group based on IP Address.
JAMC-5804 Sometimes the user needs to click the button Apply on the Agent proxy setting dialogs twice to apply the change.
JAMC-5813 The non-enterprise JRE 8u20 and 8u33 64bit cannot be imported.
JAMC-5887 Redirected filter for JRE architecture 64 is 32.
JAMC-5890 Update application name and pattern API returns application instance without canonical path.
JAMC-5891 The agent may report javavendor and jvmvendor Unidentified for 8u or lesser, and the info not been corrected after rescan.
JAMC-5893 The keys to switch between user and help should be reverted.
JAMC-5897 Make database requests atomic – ApplicationsHandler.
JAMC-5898 Do not append '0' to jep223 versions which only contain a major version.
JAMC-5919 Logo of Oracle doesn't show fully on Edge 25.
JAMC-5922 JREScanner should look for JAVA_VERSION and not JAVA_FULL_VERSION
JAMC-5934 Menu button is not localizable.
JAMC-5947 POST JRE without minor version failed.
JAMC-5977 2 JNI exception pending defect groups in WindowsPlatform.cpp.
JAMC-5997 Port number inside config table is not updated after updating the server's port.
JAMC-6076 Usage reporting API cannot process records of JRE version without minor value when database is MySQL.
JAMC-6086 POST JRE without minor version to Oracle database failed.
JAMC-6139 No way to change the Advanced Management Console server port after initialization.
JAMC-6145 The New, Edit, Delete, and Add to Rule Set buttons cannot be select by keyboard at Rule Sets tab
JAMC-6148 The Rule Set Action cannot be selected by keyboard in Rule Sets tab in both Table and Details views.
JAMC-6160 The Edit button cannot be selected with keyboard at Rule Set Details view of Rule Sets tab.
JAMC-6194 AuthDB.getSessionToken() uses two database connections.
JAMC-6197 Add server-side check for ruleset being signed before updating default DRS.
JAMC-6203 Agent filter Java Usage Tracker (JUT) records by JRE path string may not correct on Windows.
JAMC-6205 Agents shouldn't get JUT settings in case of no JUT records to be sent.
JAMC-6220 POST JRE without minor version to Oracle database failed.
JAMC-6253 uninstall command detail validation not handle java 9 next version (like 9.0.1) correctly.
JAMC-6259 Create index for all foreign keys.
JAMC-6304 Improve JRE updates from agents.
JAMC-6310 Make AgentsHandler.getCommand() more efficient.
JAMC-6335 Eliminate isAgentValid and isJREValid checks from AgentsHandler.updateJREs.
JAMC-6344 AgentsHandler.createAgent() uses up two database connections.
JAMC-6348 ConfigHandler getJUTPropertiesFile should retrieve Java Usage Tracker config values in one call.
JAMC-6351 Create an index on basic reports to speed up JUT processing.
JAMC-6352 To enable manual upgrades of agent (for cases when auto update is disabled), rearrange startup tasks in agent.
JAMC-6354 Improve JUT reporting by reducing number of REST calls.
JAMC-6357 Minimize number of queries used to update command status in the database.
JAMC-6391 REST API's for updating agent properties don't need to return old values.
JAMC-6392 JRE Download : InstallerConfigsHandler.getProperties uses up two database connections.
JAMC-6737 Set system property before creating JVM.
JAMC-6761 When there are more than one "invalid number" tips, only the first one can be hidden after clicking cancel.
JAMC-6770 The properties button on JUT Record Rejection Details dialog can't get focus by keyboard.
JAMC-6774 VoiceOver cannot focus on popup window for rule set signing.
JAMC-6791 The Update Agent Intervals command details show unidentified in WebUI Status tab.
JAMC-6793 JAWS report the wrong operations for button set of display type.
JAMC-6803 A few tabs in the Advanced Management Console webui toolbar are still not focus traversable.
JAMC-6804 The agent interval input control should limit the value.
JAMC-6805 The agent should valid agentIntervals which got from server before update it to agent setting.
JAMC-6806 Some text for checkbox and radio button are not read.
JAMC-6811 The Add Criteria combo box can’t be collapsed.
JAMC-6812 The Windows agent not logging task schedule exceptions when the interval value is invalid.
JAMC-6819 When invalid number tip is showed, the Save button should be disabled
JAMC-6820 The agent logging every interval for Scheduling SendJUTRecords is not correct.
JAMC-6839 Reduce upper limit of agent update initiation window in UI.
JAMC-6849 Changing JREs to track cannot make the Save button enabled
JAMC-6850 The invalidation for Agent Update Initiation Period needs to improve.
JAMC-6893 Update command for nonexistent agent should return HTTP_NOT_FOUND.
JAMC-6930 Resource to get agent bundle url always return 2.61-update bundle even for invalid agent version.
JAMC-6934 The agent auto update from 2.6 to 2.7 b25 takes a long time.
JAMC-6952 Verify failed JAMC-6804 - [WebUI Agent Settings] agent interval input control should limit the value.
JAMC-6958 Performance: It takes two commands anywhere from 1 to 8 minutes to be displayed on WebUI.
JAMC-6967 Method to check if agent JRE should be updated is incorrect.
JAMC-6977 Agent may hang there during agent update if delay time applied.
JAMC-7030 Navigation by keyboard is broken by add/remove buttons in the Create Rule dialog box.
JAMC-7045 Add aria labels for radio buttons in export dialog in Java Usage tab.
JAMC-7061 The Agent auto-update flag should be applied to older agents as well as 2.7+ agents.
JAMC-7075 The Agent Auto Update/Randomize Interval check box always been checked after page refresh even the value is false in the database.
JAMC-7107 Bad alignment of display type buttons in desktop and Java Usage tabs.
JAMC-7151 Message Drop Integration June 27th.
JAMC-7292 Agent auto update from older version to 2.7 which take two-step update, the middle version 2.61-update cannot be stopped.
JAMC-1301 No error/warning dialog when creating desktop groups with wrong information.
JAMC-1823 The checkbox options in the Desktop and Java Usage tab can't be selected by space.
JAMC-2556 The Add Criteria combo box cannot be collapsed.
JAMC-2584 Some tabs in webui toolbar are still not focus traversable.
JAMC-3217 Should move User info in Desktop properties view to the bottom part.
JAMC-3624 Correct details validation for UNINSTALL JRE.
JAMC-3716 Scrolling issues in JUT Rejected Records dialog box.
JAMC-3835 Error information in Create certificate for self signing dialog box should be hidden after reopening.
JAMC-3871 RulesetExportHandler.packAndSign family of methods should forward exceptions properly.
JAMC-3872 Java Usage Tab - Toolbar layout problems on Safari.
JAMC-3977 Exception should be handled when updated from AMC2.3 to AMC2.4.
JAMC-4322 All desktop groups are displayed in the first page.
JAMC-4423 Provide a way to update all desktop group mappings.
JAMC-4436 The desktop group table isn't refreshed automatically after updating the desktop group.
JAMC-4452 The expected error message isn't displayed when bulk updating desktop group without a CSV file being selected.
JAMC-4453 There are two dots at the end of the error message when failed to bulk updating desktop group.
JAMC-4559 The first sub-tab Agents Download is always displayed after refreshing configuration page.
JAMC-4714 The Uploading Java Installer file dialog, the message text display not complete.
JAMC-4906 The remove imported PKG from Installer tab confirm message still shows base MSI.
JAMC-4913 Create extension without location and codebase should return HTTP_BAD_REQUEST.
JAMC-4919 Empty values for java.webenabled filters should be treated as no filters.
JAMC-4943 Invalid keystore format leads to internal server error.
JAMC-4944 IP address protection: don't consider retired desktops.
JAMC-4985 DELETE agents API returns 500 error when agentid parameter is null.
JAMC-5003 Rejected records dialog is too small for table.
JAMC-5018 Change Mac OS X to OS X in Installers tab.
JAMC-5019 Some AgentsResource methods should be accessible to agents only.
JAMC-5152 Regression: unable to autosubmit by 'Enter' key on login page.
JAMC-5334 Flaw in handling containerAuthentication observable corresponding to Users -> Authentication Preference checkbox.
JAMC-5389 Un-merging result may cause unexpected merge in following update operation.
JAMC-5481 Some strings on Uninstall JRE dialog aren't translated.
JAMC-5491 Updating desktop groups based on IP address ranges doesn't work as expected.
JAMC-5495 The non-enterprise windows installer descriptions doesn’t distinguish 32bit, 64bit.
JAMC-5598 CSV parsing on desktop group creation doesn't abide by RFC4180.
JAMC-5640 There shouldn't any error messages on the Configure AMC Agent Proxy Settings dialog when both host name and port on the dialog are blank.
JAMC-5651 Add default value defaultdrs parameter for RulesetImportResource.importRuleset().
JAMC-5699 The Advanced Management Console Agent should log its version when it starts.
JAMC-5809 The error message displayed on WebUI isn't clear when creating desktop group with over lapped IP address.