Known Issues for Oracle SOA Products and Oracle AIA Foundation Pack for 11g Release 1 (

This document lists issues and workarounds for Oracle SOA and Oracle AIA Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 (

For a list of issues and workarounds pertaining to Oracle SOA Installation, Upgrade, High Availability, Enterprise Deployment, Performance Tuning, and Web Services, as well as SOA on IBM Websphere, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Release Notes.

On this page: (Last updated: 03-July-2013)

AIA Foundation Pack

Installation Fails with <AIA_Home>\Infrastructure\Install\AID\AIAPLWImportData.xml:48: exec returned: 1 error message

  • Bug: 12806332
  • Added: 19-September-2011
  • Platform: All

This error occurs because there is an issue with your environment and database set up.

Workaround:You need to configure timezone related startup parameters before you start the servers and install again.

To set up a timezone perform the following tasks:

  1. Login to WebLogic console.
  2. Navigate to Environment, Servers, soa_server1 (or your SOA Server).
  3. Click the Server Start tab.
  4. In the Arguments field enter -Duser.timezone=XYZ.

Where XYZ should be a valid timezone value in the database. Before you enter the value, check the timezone value in the AIA database.

To check the timezone value, connect to AIA database and run ALTER SESSION SET TIME_ZONE = '<Your Timezone>';

For example ALTER SESSION SET TIME_ZONE = 'America/New_York'. If it does not throw any error, use the value. If it throws an error, apply DST patches for the database. For example Note 975450.1 - DSTv13 update for the Oracle Database.

AIA Lookup Values in Project Lifecycle Workbench and CAVS Are Displayed in English Even When Your Locale Is Non-English Admin Language

  • Bug: 12840782
  • Added: 19-September-2011
  • Platform: All

When you access Project Lifecycle workbench UI and CAVS, the table gets populated with values in English language even if your locale is any of the nine other admin languages that include German, French, Spanish, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese. This happens because values in AIA lookup table are stored in English language.

Warning in Installation Log

  • Bug: 12985128
  • Added: 19-September-2011
  • Platform: All

When you install, install log shows the following warning "WARNING: UNRECOGNIZED OPTION STAGE IS BEING IGNORED".

Workaround: Ignore this warning as it does not affect any functionality. No workaround required.

Configuration Fails as RAC Does Not Support SID

  • Bug: 13434421
  • Added: 27-November-2011
  • Platform: All

Deployment Configuration Wizard looks for System Identifier (SID) for Database details. However, the configured RAC does not support SID and you will not be able to proceed with the configuration.

Workaround: Silent mode of configuration with the following workaround:

  1. Open the file.
  2. Search for ./runInstaller -invPtrLoc $AIA_HOME/oraInst.loc -jreLoc $JAVA_HOME -weblogicConfig and add -novalidation to it.
  3. Run through the Deployment Configuration Wizard. Note: The values of the Databases you configure are not validated. Ensure they are right.
  4. Open the AIAInstallProperties.xml from the AIA_INSTANCE/config directory
  5. Change the participatingapplication\<participatingapplicationname\db\jdbc-url property to jdbc:oracle:thin:@<Database Host>:<Database Port>/<Database service name>.

Failed Configuration of Pre-built Integration Shows as Configured When You Rerun Deployment Configuration Wizard

  • Bug: 13434355
  • Added: 27-November-2011
  • Platform: All

When configuration of a pre-built integration fails, Deployment Configuration Wizard still makes changes to AIAInstallProperties.xml. Because of this, when you rerun the Deployment Configuration Wizard, it assumes that pre-built integration is completely configured.

Workaround: Re-launch Deployment Configuration Wizard and reconfigure the failed pre-built integration. There is no loss of functionality.

Cannot Specify Participating Application Information in Deployment Configuration Wizard If the Participating Application Is Down

  • Bug: 13434385
  • Added: 27-November-2011
  • Platform: All

AIA Foundation Pack, Deployment Configuration Wizard does not let you suppress validation of participating application and configure.

Workaround: You can suppress validation of participating application using the steps described in “Performing Silent Installation and Deployment of Foundation Pack” of Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation and Upgrade Guide for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack 11g Release 1 (

If you are configuring the participating application for the first time, and you need to suppress validation of participating application, take the silent installation template from your pre-built integration team.

Installer Does Not Tell You Why a Managed Server Is Not Added to the Managed Server List in the SOA Server Details Screen

  • Bug: 13434393
  • Added: 27-November-2011
  • Platform: All

If any of the managed servers are down, the drop down for Managed Server does not auto-populate cluster names. This happens because the installer checks whether the managed servers are up and running to ensure that installation does not fail because the managed servers are down.

Workaround: If you do not see a managed server, start the server and select it when it gets populated.

AIADemo Does Not Update aiainstallproperties.xml in Metadata Service Repository

  • Bug: 13434397
  • Added: 27-November-2011
  • Platform: All

AIADemo does not update aiainstallproperties.xml in Metadata Service Repository. As a result AIADemo details do not get reflected in product information in AboutAIA.

Workaround: No workaround required as it does not affect functionality.

Prerequisites Required for Opening Demo Files and Composites in Oracle JDeveloper

  • Bug: 13434400
  • Added: 27-November-2011
  • Platform: All

When you try to open demo files in JDeveloper, you get an error relating to adf-config.xml. The mentions that the credential will not connect to the MDS so this file needs to be changed.

Workaround: Replace this file with adf-config.xml present in $AIA_INSTANCES/config/MDSConfig/.adf/META_INF.

Open the file and add the line <property value="<MDS_PASSWORD>" name="jdbc-password"/> at two occurrences beneath <property value="<MDS_USER>" name="jdbc-userid"/>

Exception: Internal Error While Activating AIAJMSSERVER (JMS Server)

  • Bug: 13434407
  • Added: 27-November-2011
  • Platform: All

When the domain is set up in development mode but if you start the installation in production mode, AIADataStore does not get created under the domain and the exception is logged in the log files.

Workaround: Create a folder under the domain home with the name AIADataStore before you start the installation.

SOA Suite and BPM Suite Common Functionality

Dropping the Partition from the WFTASK Table Causes a Unique/Primary Key Violation

  • Bug: 14609815
  • Added: 4-October-2012
  • Platform: All

If you drop the partition from the WFTASK table, you receive a unique/primary key violation.

ORA-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys

Because of this, you are unable to drop the WFTASK partition.


  1. Log into SQL*Plus as the SOAINFRA user.
  2. Disable the constraints:


  3. Drop the partition. For instructions, see section "Verifying and Dropping Partitions" of the Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle BPM Suite.
  4. Enable the constraints:


Replay Activity Is Displayed as Faulted in Oracle Enterprise Manager Even Though No Fault Occurred

  • Bug: 14081332
  • Added: 15-June-2012
  • Platform: All

When a replay activity in a BPEL process of a SOA composite application is invoked, it is displayed as faulted under the Faults tab of the BPEL process instance in Oracle Enterprise Manager, even though an actual fault has not occurred.

This is the expected behavior. The fault is displayed because the BPEL process service engine is re-executing the scope activity. When you add a replay activity to a BPEL process, the internal implementation of <bpelx:replay name="replay_name"/> uses the underlying BPEL fault <throw faultName="bpelx:replay"/>.

Because the service engine executes the activity by throwing a fault and builds an implicit catch block for the enclosing scope activity, this fault is displayed in Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Spring Service Component Does Not Support the Running and Terminated Instance States

  • Bug: 13996131
  • Added: 15-June-2012
  • Platform: All

The spring service component does not support the running and terminated instance states. Because the spring service component is synchronous, by design, there is no support to terminate the synchronous, running instance. Therefore, you cannot abort the running instance and cannot have a terminated state for the spring service component.

Outbound MTOM Invocation Support for SOAP and Fanouts Support for SOAP with Attachments

  • Bug:14049704
  • Added: 11-May-2012
  • Platform: All

Chapter "Managing Large Documents and Large Numbers of Instances" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite includes the following errors:

  • The description for the capabilities of bindings in Table 45-2 of section "SOAP MTOM" states that outbound MTOM invocations are not supported. This is incorrect. Outbound MTOM invocations are supported.
  • Table 45-5 of section "SOAP with Attachments" states that fanouts are not supported. This is incorrect. Fanouts are supported.

Events Published and Subscribed to in the Same Process Are Not Delivered

  • Bug:14005025
  • Added: 11-May-2012
  • Platform: All

If an event is published and subscribed to in the same process, the event is not delivered to the subscriber to avoid any cyclic execution. This is by design.

Workaround: If you require this functionality, you can delegate event publishing to a separate process.

DIME Attachments Are Not Supported

  • Bug: 13894523
  • Added: 12-April-2012
  • Platform: All

Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME) attachments are not supported in Oracle SOA Suite 11g.

Using Abstract WSDL Files of an Invoked External Reference Partner Link That Becomes Unavailable

  • Bug: 13933984
  • Added: 10-April-2012
  • Platform: All

If you use a concrete WSDL file to invoke an external reference partner link, and the invoked partner link is undeployed or the server on which it is running is shut down, you receive a null pointer exception when you attempt to retire the invoking composite.

For example, assume you perform the following steps:

  1. Deploy composite GetCreditRating.
  2. Deploy composite InvokeCreateRating.

    InvokeCreateRating invokes composite GetCreditRating as an external reference partner link on the same server or a remote server.

  3. Undeploy GetCreditRating or shut down the server on which it is running.
  4. Attempt to retire composite InvokeCreateRating or shut down the server on which it is running.

    You receive a null pointer exception that references GetCreditRating service artifacts.

    This issue occurs when the WSDL file of the external reference partner link (GetCreditRating) is no longer online. The reason for this exception is the dependency on the concrete WSDL file of the external reference partner link (can be another SOA composite). If this external reference is unavailable when the invoking composite loads/retires, the operation fails.

Workaround: Use an abstract copy (local copy) of the invoked WSDL file to prevent exceptions during the retirement of a composite or shutdown of a server. When you use an abstract WSDL file, it is identified as a local copy and keeps the target external reference partner link active.

  1. When configuring the external reference partner link in the Create Web Service dialog, select the copy wsdl and its dependent artifacts into the project checkbox.

    When design is complete, you see two WSDL files in the Application Navigator in Oracle JDeveloper. For example:

    • Webservice.WSDL (the local copy of the target WSDL file)
    • WebserviceRef.WSDL

    This creates an abstract WSDL and references it to your composite.

This design protects against external dependencies during startup/retirement/shutdown. During runtime, the actual concrete WSDL file is used for invocation.

Dequeuer Returns the Same Message in High Concurrency Environments with Oracle Database 11.2

  • Bug: 13729601
  • Added: 20-February-2012
  • Platform: All

The dequeuer returns the same message in multiple threads in high concurrency environments when Oracle database 11.2 is used. This means that some messages are dequeued more than once.

For example, in Oracle SOA Suite, if Service 1 suddenly raises a large number of business events that are subscribed to by Service 2, duplicate instances of Service 2 triggered by the same event may be seen in an intermittent fashion.

The same behavior is not observed with a database or in an 11.2 database with event 10852 level 16384 set to disable the 11.2 dequeue optimizations.

Workaround: Perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the 11.2 database:


  2. Specify the following SQL command in SQL*Plus to disable the 11.2 dequeue optimizations:

    SQL> alter system set event='10852 trace name context forever, level 16384'scope=spfile;

  3. Restart the database.

Interested Transaction List (ITL) Contention and Timed Out Exceptions During Heavy Loads

  • Bug: 13592824
  • Added: 20-January-2012
  • Platform: All

During periods of heavy message processing, you may observe ITL contention in the database and the following timed out exceptions in the SOA server logs:

Caused by: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 
        org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException Internal
        Exception: java.sql.SQLTimeoutException: ORA-01013: user requested  cancel of current
        operation  Error Code: 1013 Call: UPDATE DLV_MESSAGE SET RES_SUBSCRIBER = ?,
        STATE = ? WHERE (MESSAGE_GUID = ?) bind => [3 parameters bound] Query: UpdateObjectQuery(com.collaxa.cube.persistence.dto.DeliveryMessage@18114b98) 
        at org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException.sqlException 
        at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.executeDirect 
        at org.eclipse.persistence

Workaround: Connect to the Oracle SOA Suite schema:

  1. In SQL*Plus, connect to the database as the Oracle SOA Suite schema user:

    CONNECT username/password@net_service_name | //Host:Port/service_name]

  2. Execute the following SQL commands:


matches() XPath Extension Function Returns True for Empty String Pattern

  • Bug: 13585806
  • Added: 20-January-2012
  • Platform: All

The matches() XPath extension function causes an empty string to match successfully to any input string. This is because matches() uses the Java Matcher.find() method for string comparisons. This method considers an empty string as a substring of the string that is compared. Therefore, this method returns true.

For example, assume you have the following code:


In this code, the ns6:ResourceRoleIndicator element is optional. If you remove ns6:ResourceRoleIndicator, the test expression should evaluate to false. However, it evaluates to true.

Because of this, you may encounter flows where the pattern XPath expression points to a missing element in the payload, which internally gets converted into an empty string. Therefore, it successfully matches to any provided input value.

Workaround: Contact Oracle Support Services for the patch for Bug 13556242.

Using Double Slashes for Directory Paths in XPath Functions on Windows Can Cause Errors

  • Bug: 13531499
  • Added: 06-January-2012
  • Platform: All

The use of slashes to represent directory paths in XPath extension functions on Windows operating systems can be interpreted in two ways:

  • With double slashes. For example, file://c:/Ftab.txt.
  • With single slashes. For example, file:/c:/Ftab.txt.

If you specify double slashes and receive an error message, try specifying single slashes.

For example, the following use of double slashes does not work:

oraext:get-content-from-file-function("file://c:/Ftab.txt","file: //c:/Ftab_1.xsd","root")

Whereas, the following use of single slashes works correctly:

oraext:get-content-from-file-function("file:/c:/Ftab.txt","file: /c:/Ftab_1.xsd","root")

Cannot Create a Test Instance when Logged in with the Monitor Role in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control

  • Bug: 13519490
  • Added: 06-February-2012
  • Platform: All

Table C-1, "Role Functionality Matrix" of Appendix "Oracle Enterprise Manager Roles" of the Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle BPM Suite indicates that you can create instances using the Test Web Service page when logged into Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control as a user with the monitor role. This is not the case. If you attempt to create a test instance when logged in with the monitor role, you receive the following error:

Either the WSDL URL is invalid or the WSDL file is not valid or incorrect.

        - oracle.wsm.policymanager.PolicyManagerException: WSM-02079:
        Failed to connect to Policy Manager instance due to error "java.rmi.AccessException:
        [EJB:010160]Security Violation: User: 'monitor' has insufficient permission to
        access EJB: type=<ejb>, application=wsm-pm, module=wsm-pmserver-wls.jar, ejb=PolicyService, method=getCompatibleClientPoliciesAsString, 
        methodInterface=Remote, signature

All Non Active Instances Selection of the Delete with Options Dialog Is Disabled

Bugs: 13478163

  • Added: 06-January-2012
  • Platform: All
  • In the Delete With Options dialog on the Instances page of the SOA Infrastructure or SOA composite application home page, the All Non Active Instances selection of the Preset Batches dropdown list for the Common Delete Options radio button is disabled for this release. In addition, do not use this option programmatically with the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Management Java API Reference for Oracle SOA Suite.

    As a workaround, perform the following steps in the Delete With Options dialog:

    1. Select the Delete All Instances That Match These Criteria radio button.
    2. Specify the time filter criteria, and click Delete.

    All instances are deleted based on the filter criteria.

    Composite Instance Creation in Oracle Enterprise Manager is Disabled in an SSL-Enabled Environment

    Bugs: 13387571

  • Added: 09-December-2011
  • Platform: All
  • If you enable SSL ports for the Administration Server and all Managed Servers, you cannot create a test instance of a SOA composite application in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

    For example, perform the following steps:

    1. From the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, disable the non-SSL ports and enable the SSL ports for the Administration Server and all Managed Servers.
    2. Deploy a composite from Oracle JDeveloper.
    3. On the Configuration page during deployment, select the Always use SSL checkbox.
    4. Attempt to create an instance of the deployed composite in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control and note that the Test button at the top of the SOA composite application home page is disabled.
    5. Click the disabled Test button, and note that an error message similar to the following is displayed:

      Unable to retrieve composite details.  
                      Error retrieving Composite E2ETestComposite (1.0) details from     soa-infra runtime.
                      This could happen due to the errors in soa-infra initialization.
                      Please view the log files for details. 
                      EJB Exception: ; nested exception is:   

    Default/Last Active Revision of a Composite Is Not Identified When Retiring All Composites in a Partition

    Bugs: 13368213

  • Added: 09-December-2011
  • Platform: All
  • Be aware that when you select Retire All from the Composite Control list on the home page of a SOA partition in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, all composites in that partition are retired with no warning message to indicate that the default/last active composite is being retired.

    This is the expected behavior when performing a bulk retirement of all composites in a partition.

    Same Deployment JAR File Name is Displayed for Projects in the SOA Bundle

    Bugs: 13396758

  • Added: 09-December-2011
  • Platform: All
  • The names of the deployment JAR files created for a project in an application are displayed as the same in Oracle JDeveloper, when they should not be the same.

    For example, perform the following steps:

    1. Create an application named mdstest.
    2. Create BPEL processes named mdsproj1 and mdsproj2 in the application mdstest.
    3. Create a deployment JAR named archive1 for mdsproj1 and mdsproj2.
    4. Create a SOA bundle by including the archive1 JAR of mdsproj1 and mdsproj2.
    5. When the SOA bundle is deployed, the archive1 of mdsproj1 is displayed under the MDS connection > applications tree. The archive1 of mdsproj2 is not displayed.

    The deployment JAR file created for the two projects in the application should not have the same name.

    Display or Saving of Dictionaries in Oracle SOA Composer is Unsuccessful After Failover

    Bugs: 13352663 and 13352664

  • Added: 09-December-2011
  • Platform: All
  • When there is an Oracle Real Application Clusters outage, the following errors occur in Oracle SOA Composer:

    • The complete list of dictionaries deployed on the server is not displayed in the Select a dictionary to open dialog box. If you change the options in the Show dropdown list between All, Composite Rules, and Shared Rules, an error message is displayed.
    • If you select Save Dictionary in Oracle SOA Composer, an error message is displayed and changes to your dictionary are not saved.

    As a workaround, wait a few seconds and retry the above action that failed. The action succeeds this time.

    Duration Period Details Are Not Displayed on the Partition Home Page

    • Bug: 13328823
    • Added: 09-December-2011
    • Platform: All

    On the partition home page in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, the instance and faulted instance count messages do not contain the duration period in the title.

    For example, perform the following steps:

    1. Enable the following properties on the SOA Infrastructure Common Properties page:

      1. Select the Restrict display of instances and faults to the last check box and specify a duration period (for example, the last 30 minutes).

      2. Enable the Disable fetching of instance and fault count metrics check box.

    2. Go to the partition home page.
    3. Click the link of an instance or faulted instance count. Because you enabled the properties described in Step 2, links are displayed instead of actual instance and faulted instance counts.

      The message that appears is entitled Number of Instances. It should be entitled Number of Instances (For the last 30 minutes).

    Non-ASCII Characters in BPEL Activities are Unreadable After Copying and Pasting

    • Bug: 13371870
    • Added: 09-December-2011
    • Platform: All

    Copying and pasting non-ASCII characters in BPEL activities in Oracle JDeveloper can result in unreadable data. This issue occurs when the system locale is non-UTF8.

    For example, assume you perform the following tasks:

    1. Start Oracle JDeveloper in its native encoding (for example, euckr for ko_KR).
    2. Create a BPEL process with an English name (file names are all in English).
    3. Add an assign activity with an English name.
    4. Copy and paste the activity, and note that this action is successful.
    5. Add an assign activity with a Korean name.
    6. Copy and paste the newly created activity, and note that its name is unreadable. If you also copy and paste an assign activity with names containing Chinese, Japanese, and European words, the same problem occurs.

      In addition to activity names, other data is also unreadable after copying and pasting, including link names and non-ASCII data in the from element of an assign activity.

    Workaround: Set the system locale to UTF8 on Linux systems before starting Oracle JDeveloper. On Windows operating systems, however, there is no workaround for this issue.

    Restrictions on Changing Log File Directories

    • Bug: 12746127
    • Added: 25-July-2011
    • Platform: All

    Do not change the location of log directories unless absolutely necessary. If an absolute path for the log directory is specified, and not a relative path, composite deployment fails.

    Workaround: If any change to the SOA server log path is required, then the new path must be a relative path (relative to the SOA server directory), and not an absolute path.

    Fusion Order Demo JMS Adapter Destination Value in Deployment Plan is Hard-Coded

    • Bug: 12316777
    • Added: 6-May-2011
    • Platform: All

    The deployment plan shipped with the Fusion Order Demo ignores the JMS adapter destination value and replaces it with a hardcoded value:

    <wsdlAndSchema name="FulfillmentBatch_jms.jca">
       <jca:property name="DestinationName">

    Therefore, if you change the destination value used by the JMS adapter, the JCA file included in the composite's JAR file reflects the changed value. However, when you deploy the new version of the composite and select the corresponding reference in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, the old destination value in the deployment plan is still displayed.

    Workaround: Change the destination value in the deployment plan or in the file.

    ant Compilation Error with SOA Composite Applications on Linux

    • Bug: 10255512
    • Added: 06-May-2011 Platform: Linux

      You can receive the following compilation error when using ant to compile a SOA composite application.

      Error(12,61): Parse of component type files failed, check the adf-config.xml
      file : "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:

      This can occur if you have a .ant directory with older versions of JAR files that gets added to the classpath. The ${user.home}/.ant/lib directory is a standard location used by ant that is always added to the classpath when running ant.

      Workaround: Perform one of the following steps:

      • Rename the .ant directory (for example, to .ant_old).
      • Specify the -nouserlib option when running ant from the Linux command prompt. In Oracle JDeveloper, this option is accessible by right-clicking your project, selecting Project Properties > Ant > Classpath, and deselecting the Include Jar Files from User Home checkbox.

      The composite then compiles successfully.

      Mediator Instances Can Display as Running After Transaction Completion

      • Bug: 8420049
      • Added: 06-May-2011
      • Platform: All

      An Oracle Mediator service component relies on a successful commit of a local transaction to know whether an instance is recoverable. Even if a graceful shutdown is correctly implemented, and all transactions are allowed to complete (within the given time out window), there can still be a local transaction that is denied because it fails to occur within the time out window. For example, assume the following:

      1. A database adapter posts a message.
      2. An Oracle Mediator service component receives the message, sets its state to running, and invokes a BPEL process service component, whose state is also set to running.
      3. A JMS adapter is invoked, and encounters and throws an exception. The reference fault tables are updated.
      4. The BPEL process receives the exception, marks its state as completed with a fault, and rethrows the exception to the Oracle Mediator.
      5. The BPEL process triggers an asynchronous persistence of its audit information as the global transaction is rolled back.
      6. Oracle Mediator receives the exception and persists the fault information in its error tables (in a separate local transaction).
      7. Oracle Mediator sets its state to faulted.

      If the server is shut down before the transaction can complete (for example, between Steps 5 through 7), the Oracle Mediator instance can remain in a running state. The corresponding composite instance whose state is inferred from the components also displays as running. As the global transaction is rolled back, the message can be retried and reprocessed by the inbound adapter. Note that in this scenario, no mediator instances are lost.

      Importing Shared Schema from MDS Does Not Copy the Schema Imports

      • Bug: 9587562
      • Added: 06-May-2011
      • Platform: All

      If you import shared schema from MDS (with schema imports within), only the base schema is copied and the schema imports are ignored.

      Workaround: Manually localize the schema.

      National Language Support Date Format and the Looped Purge Script

      • Bug: 12358938
      • Updated: 06-May-2011
      • Platform: All

      You may encounter error ORA-01861 while running the looped purge script due to a mismatch in the date format. If your NLS_LANG setting represents a non-English language (for example, Japanese_Japan.AL32UTF8), set NLS_DATE_FORMAT to "YY-MON-DD" temporarily for the session in which you are running the purge script.


      For information about the looped purge script, see Chapter "Managing Database Growth" of the Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle BPM Suite.

      PermGen Space Out-of-Memory Error when Using the Sun JDK

      • Bug: 8589284
      • Added: 06-May-2011
      • Platform: All

      When the Sun JDK is used as the JVM for the SOA managed server, Oracle recommends that the following memory settings be used. If proper memory settings are not used, repeated operations on task detail applications (human workflow) can result in PermGen space out-of-memory errors.

      1. For UNIX operating systems, open the $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ file.
      2. For Windows operating systems, open the <em>DOMAIN_HOME</em>\bin\setSOADomainEnv.cmd file.
      3. Increase the following values:

        if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" != "Oracle" ] ; then
          DEFAULT_MEM_ARGS="${DEFAULT_MEM_ARGS} -XX:PermSize=128m
          PORT_MEM_ARGS="${PORT_MEM_ARGS} -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"

        to these values:

        if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" != "Oracle" ] ; then
          DEFAULT_MEM_ARGS="${DEFAULT_MEM_ARGS} -XX:PermSize=512m
          PORT_MEM_ARGS="${PORT_MEM_ARGS} -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"

      Increasing the XA Transaction Timeout Value

      • Bug: 8576274
      • Added: 29-April-2011
      • Platform: All

      If you send notifications for parallel task assignments in human workflow, you can see the transaction close, SQL exceptions appear, and notification processing take a long time at runtime. If this occurs, increase the XA transaction timeout for an XA data source in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. When set, this value overrides the value of the global transaction timeout.

      1. Click Lock and Edit.
      2. Choose Services > Data Sources.
      3. Click the specific data source.
      4. Click the Transaction tab.
      5. Select Set XA Transaction Timeout.
      6. In the XA Transaction Timeout field, specify the value of the transaction timeout.
      7. Click Save.
      8. Log into SQL*Plus.
      9. Set the distributed_lock_timeout value.

        SQL> alter system set distributed_lock_timeout=value scope=spfile;

        Oracle recommends that you set distributed_lock_timeout to a value greater than or equal to that set in Step 6.

      10. Shut down and restart your database after running this command.
      11. Verify that the setting has changed.

        SQL> show parameter distributed_lock_timeout;
      12. Set this parameter to the same value for all instances in an Oracle Real Application Cluster.

      Handling Business and Remote Faults in the Calling BPEL Processes

      • Bug: 8578316
      • Added: 06-May-2011
      • Platform: All

      Oracle recommends that you handle both business and remote faults in BPEL processes during design time. If remote exceptions are not handled in the calling BPEL process, you can see discrepancies in the overall SOA composite application instance state and the server component instance states associated with the composite. For example, assume the composite instance is in a faulted state, while the service component instances are in a completed state. If the caller handles the remote exceptions, then the states of composite and component instances are accurate.

      Storing Artifacts in Source Control and Deploying Them with the ant Utility

      • Bug: 8599824
      • Added: 06-May-2011
      • Platform: All

      If you store application artifacts in a source control system that you later want to reuse for deployment with ant, the following changes are required if the application has metadata service (MDS)-based references.

      Assume the original Oracle JDeveloper application has file-based MDS references, such as the following:

      <metadata-store-usage id="mstore-usage_1">
                    <property value="${oracle.home}/integration"
                    <property value="seed" name="partition-name"/>

      Modify this code to use database-based MDS references in the Application_Directory/.adf/META-INF/adf-config.xml file, as shown below:

      <metadata-store-usage id="mstore-usage_1">
                    <property name="jdbc-userid" value="${mdsuser}"/>
       <property name="jdbc-password" value="${mdspassword}"/>
                    <property name="jdbc-url"
                     <property name="partition-name" value="soa-infra"/>

      Check the modified application with these adf-config.xml entries into a source control system. The following concrete example of a modified adf-config.xml file is provided.

      <metadata-store-usage id="mstore-usage_1">
                    <property name="jdbc-userid" value="soainfra_mds"/>
                    <property name="jdbc-password" value="soainfra_mds"/>
                    <property name="jdbc-url"
                    <property name="partition-name" value="soa-infra"/>

      You can use a variable for the user ID and password and replace the values prior to ant deployment in the application.

      If the MDS database has a JNDI name, then use the following entries in adf-config.xml:

           <property name="jndi-datasource" value="${}"/>
           <property name="partition-name" value="soa-infra"/>

      XML_DOCUMENT_REF Table is Not Purged When the Looped or Parallel Purge Script Is Run in an Upgraded Oracle SOA Sute Environment

      • Bug: 11797953
      • Added: 06-May-2011
      • Platform: All

      When you run the looped or parallel purge script in an Oracle SOA Suite environment that was upgraded from, the XML_DOCUMENT_REF table is not purged.

      For example, assume you perform the following steps:

      1. Upgrade an Oracle SOA Suite environment with initiated instances to version and create additional instances of all SOA composite applications.
      2. Run the following scripts in your environment:
        • soa_purge_scripts.sql
        • common/debug_on.sql
      3. Check the records in the XML_DOCUMENT_REF table.
      4. Run the looped or parallel purge script and recheck the XML_DOCUMENT_REF table.
      5. Note that the XML_DOCUMENT_REF table has not been purged.

      Workaround: You can use a DELETE or TRUNCATE SQL query to remove records from this table only after running the looped or parallel purge script.

      SOA Composites Do Not Deploy for an SSL-enabled Database on Windows

      • Bug: 11060696
      • Added: 06-May-2011 Platform: Windows

        When SSL is configured between the database and Oracle Fusion Middleware on Windows, SOA composite applications do not deploy to the SOA Server. This issue only occurs on Windows; composites deploy correctly on Linux.

        Google Chrome Browser Limitation on Displaying XML

        • Bug: 11897467
        • Added: 06-May-2011
        • Platform: All

        Consider the following:

        1. At the top of the home page for a SOA composite application, click the Show WSDL and endpoint URI icon. The Service Endpoint and WSDL dialog displays with links for the endpoint and WSDL.
        2. Click the WSDL link. Instead of the WSDL file contents being displayed, only a link is displayed.

        Workaround: Right-click and select View Page Source to display the WSDL. Alternatively you can install a plug-in to see XML in the Google Chrome browser.

        Cannot Undeploy All Composites at the Partition Level with the Undeploy SOA Composite Wizard in SSO-enabled Environments

        • Bug: 11825391
        • Added: 06-May-2011
        • Platform: All

        You cannot undeploy all composites at the partition level with the Undeploy SOA Composite wizard in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control in SSO-enabled environments. You can only undeploy a single composite at a time with this wizard.

        Workaround: Perform the following steps:

        1. Delete the partition and create a new one.
        2. Go to the SOA composite application home pages for each composite and undeploy each composite one-by-one.

        Message Schema in UTF-16 Encoding Can Cause a Runtime Exception

        • Bug: 10178726
        • Added: 06-May-2011
        • Platform: All

        You may encounter the following runtime parsing error if a message schema is encoded in UTF-16.

        Unable to parse schema <name>.xsd

        To resolve this error, change the schema encoding to UTF-8. In Source view in Oracle JDeveloper, set the encoding declaration in the XML prologue to encoding='UTF-8' for the message schema.

        Maximum Heap Memory Size Recommendations on Windows 2008 Server

        • Bug: 12377414
        • Added: 29-April-2011 Platform: Windows 2008 Server

          If you are running Oracle SOA Suite on a 64-bit Windows Server 2008 host, setting the heap memory size to 2G in the DOMAIN_HOME\bin\setSOADomainEnv.cmd file causes the server to crash.

          Workaround: Set the heap memory size to 1.5G. For example:

          -Xmx:1536M –Xms:1536M –Xgc:genpar

          where -Xmx is the maximum heap memory size.

          Google Chrome Browser Limitations with SOA User Interface Tools

          • Bug: 12347025
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          The Google Chrome Browser is not supported for use with the following user interface tools:

          • Oracle BPM Worklist - Approval Management extension (AMX) history graphs do not properly display.
          • Oracle B2B user interface - B2B metadata fails to be imported.
          • Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control - BPEL 2.0 onAlarm and sequence activities do not display in the flow diagram. Also, multiple nested loops do not properly display in the flow diagram. In addition, if you click an activity in the flow diagram and then click Copy details to Clipboard, an error message is displayed.
          • Oracle SOA Composer

          Removing Extra Set Text Dialog Characters

          • Bug: 9062901
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          Adding &amp; to the Text field of the Edit Text dialog in Oracle JDeveloper adds extra characters to the XSL file. For example, perform the following steps:

          1. In the XSLT Mapper, right-click a string element in the target pane.
          2. Select Set Text > Enter Text.
          3. In the Edit Text dialog, enter &amp; in the Text field, and click OK.
          4. Go to the Source view of the XSL file, and see that an extra amp; is appended.

            <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no">&amp;amp;</xsl:text>

          Workaround: In Source view of the XSL file, remove the extra character amp; that was appended in the previous steps. The source view now looks as follows:

          <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="no">&amp;</xsl:text>

          Composites with Large While Loop Cases Cause Time Outs and Memory Errors

          • Bug: 9477914
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          If your SOA composite application includes large while loop cases, you can receive time outs and out-of-memory errors due to large numbers of audit events accumulating. To support these environments, you can decouple the audit trail from the BPEL process service engine transaction by tuning the following properties at the BPEL process service engine level:

          • auditFlushEventThreshold: Controls how often the service engine flushes the audit events. When the audit event limit is reached, the service engine triggers a store call. Tune this size based on the application. The default value is 300 audit events.
          • auditFlushByteThreshold: Controls the approximate size of the batch. After each event, the size is calculated, including the details size. If the sum of the batch byte size exceeds the value of this property, a flush is triggered. The default value is 2 MB.

          To set this property at the BPEL process service engine level:

          1. Right-click soa-infra and select SOA Administration > BPEL Properties.
          2. Click More BPEL Configuration Properties.
          3. Click the properties described above.
          4. In the Value field, specify an appropriate value and click Apply.

          Note: These properties only impact the BPEL process audit trail. Human workflow, business rules, and Oracle Mediator are not affected by these settings.

          Extra Business Event with Oracle Database and One and Only One Level

          • Bug: 9558493
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          If you subscribe to a business event with Oracle Mediator, select a consistency level of one and only one, and use a release Oracle database for the SOA Infrastructure schema, the first event published produces two business events.

          For example, if 20 messages are published, the subscriber receives 21 messages.

          This issue occurs only with release of the Oracle database and only one time after a restart of both the SOA Infrastructure database and the SOA Server. After that, the correct number of business events are inserted.

          Inconsistent States for SOA Composite Application Instances in Recovery

          • Bug: 9574804
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          When a SOA composite application instance is being recovered, callback messages and activities are displayed as Running, but invocation messages are displayed as Faulted in the State column of the Dashboard tab of a SOA composite application.

          SOAP 1.2 <stackTrace> Fault Element Is Not Returned to the Caller

          • Bug: 9528496
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          A fault from a SOAP 1.2 Web service contains a <stackTrace> element as part of the <exception> element. The <stackTrace> element provides debug information and assistance in understanding a fault. If you invoke a Web service directly from a client and a fault occurs, the <stackTrace> element is provided.

          However, if a SOA composite application invokes a Web service (for example, through a BPEL process or Oracle Mediator) and a fault occurs, the <stackTrace> element is not passed back to the caller.

          This is the expected behavior.

          Composite State Not Updated After BPEL Recovery of Faulted Instance

          • Bug: 9035478
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          The state of a failed SOA composite application instance is not updated after you successfully perform a recovery from the Recovery page of the BPEL service engine. For example, assume you perform the following steps.

          1. Enable payload validation on the SOA Infrastructure Common Properties page in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console.
          2. Invoke an instance of a SOA composite application. If payload validation fails (for example, because required elements in the schema are missing), a failure occurs at the BPEL service component level during execution of an invoke activity.

            The instance is displayed as faulted in the Dashboard and Instances pages of the composite.

          3. Go to the Recovery page of the BPEL service engine and note that the same instance is pending recovery.
          4. Disable payload validation on the SOA Infrastructure Common Properties page.
          5. From the Recovery page of the BPEL service engine, select the instance and click Recover. This recovers the instance.
          6. View the completed instance in the flow trace. However, note that the instance state is not updated and is still shown as faulted, whereas the instance has actually recovered and completed successfully.

            This is the expected behavior. BPEL recovery created a new BPEL instance, which completed successfully. However, the previous BPEL instance (the one that failed schema validation) is still shown as faulted. The overall composite instance is counted as faulted, since one of its two component instances (the previous BPEL instance) is faulted.

          WSDL Interface and EJB Version 2 Are Not Supported During Runtime

          • Bug: 10266818
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          The Create EJB Service dialog enables you to select the following combination:

          • The WSDL radio button selection in the Interface section.
          • The EJB2 selection from the Version dropdown list.

          This combination is not supported during runtime.

          Composite Instance Is Flagged as Faulted Even After Fault Is Caught

          • Bug: 9941332
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          After manually recovering a fault, a composite instance state in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console can still display as faulted. For example, assume you perform the following steps:

          1. Deploy a SOA composite application.
          2. Test the web service from the Test Page in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console by deliberately passing a float value for an input string.

            A fault is correctly generated and the fault policy is applied. The composite instance is in a state requiring recovery.

          3. Recover the fault by modifying the payload and passing an integer value for input.

            The composite instance state changes to faulted.

          4. Check the flow trace and it shows that the fault has actually recovered.

          The instance tracking infrastructure does not maintain the relationship of upstream and downstream components. When an upstream component recovers from the recovery required state and a downstream component is in the faulted state, the faulted state cannot be reset; only the recovery required state is reset by the component of the recovery required instance. The downstream component of the faulted instance does not know that the message is replayed; therefore, the composite instance is not reset from the faulted state.

          Faulted Instances Waiting for Manual Recovery Are Shown as Running

          • Bug: 9474574
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          Faulted instances that are waiting for manual recovery are shown when you search for running instances. For example, if you go to the Instances page of the SOA composite application and specify a search criteria to find running instances, the faulted instances waiting for manual recovery are shown.

          Composites Calling Other Composites with Concrete WSDL Files

          • Bug: 9585631
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          If you use concrete WSDL files, be aware that the order of startup for SOA composite applications is not guaranteed.

          For example, if one SOA composite application calls a second SOA composite application with a concrete WSDL file, and the first SOA composite application gets started before the second SOA composite application, an error occurs. This is because the first SOA composite application cannot load the second SOA composite application's WSDL file.

          Transactional Adapter Status Displays as Complete Even If Rollback Occurs

          • Bug: 9298953
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          If a transaction rollback occurs because of a business fault or exception, the instance trial for a transactional adapter does not indicate whether or not there was a rollback.

          For example, assume you have an asynchronous BPEL process invoking a database adapter service. An assert expression is defined in the invoke activity. If the assert expression returns false, then all transactional invocations should roll back. However, the flow trace shows a status of completed for the database adapter service.

          Accessing Components from SSO-Enabled Oracle Enterprise Manager

          • Bug: 8498628
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          If you log in to an SSO-enabled Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console and click the links to the following components, you are directed to non-SSO URLs for these components, and prompted to log in again.

          • Oracle BPM Worklist
          • Oracle B2B
          • Oracle BAM
          • SOA Composer

          Failure to Add and Update WSDL Binding After Migration

          • Bug: 9012064
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          When you open Oracle JDeveloper and attempt to migrate a 10.1.3 application that includes WSIF binding information to version 11g, migration creates a web service reference with no WSDL binding information (binding.wsif) in the composite.xml file. When you then attempt to update the reference with the same WSDL in Oracle JDeveloper, the binding information is not saved, and you receive a compilation error.

          This is because Oracle JDeveloper is handling the typical migration use case in which the reference is updated with a new WSDL location (same WSDL, but in a different location). Therefore, when you do not change the WSDL location, nothing happens.

          Workaround: Perform either of the following steps:

          1. Delete the reference and create a new one using the same WSDL.
          2. (Easiest) Copy the WSDL to a different file name, but do not change its contents. Then, update the reference using this WSDL copy. This changes the location of the WSDL and correctly creates the

          Understanding BPEL Global Transaction and Adapter Local Transaction Issues

          • Bug: 8476752
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          BPEL processes run in global transactions, while other Oracle SOA Suite components, such as adapters, run in local transactions. This can cause inconsistencies with the information displayed in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console.

          For example, assume you have a main synchronous BPEL process that invokes an asynchronous BPEL process. There is one database adapter insert in the main synchronous BPEL process before the invocation of the asynchronous BPEL process. There is a second database adapter insert in the asynchronous BPEL process, at which point a fault is expected to be thrown.

          The expected behavior is as follows:

          • An initial insert into the database is performed from the main process that completes successfully as expected.
          • The second insert also executes in the asynchronous process, but after encountering the fault, the BPEL process rolls back the initial insert.

          However, in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console, the second database insert also shows as having completed successfully, instead of the having faulted.

          This is because the database adapter invocation is logged (instance tracked) in a local transaction that is not part of the global BPEL JTA transaction. Therefore, the database adapter invocation completes successfully, but the subsequent BPEL process incurs a global rollback.

          <invoke name="Invoke_1" inputVariable="Invoke_1_insert_InputVariable"
             partnerLink="db" portType="ns1:db_ptt" operation="insert"/>
          . . .
          . . .
             <throw name="Throw_2" faultName="bpelx:rollback"/>

          At that point, instance tracking has already recorded the outbound invocation as successful (in a local transaction). If the adapter throws an exception, instance tracking logs this as a fault. Also note that some partner links may invoke a file adapter, which cannot be rolled back, even if the BPEL process later throws a bpelx:rollback.

          Descriptions for Data Source JNDI Fields Are Interchanged

          • Bug: 8399320
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          In the SOA Infrastructure Common Properties page of Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console, the descriptions for Server Data Source JNDI and Server Transaction Data Source JNDI are interchanged. However, the Configure links go to the correct locations.

          Granting the Same Role to the Same User Twice Causes Unclear WLST Message

          • Bug: 8454184
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          1. Create a domain with Oracle WebCache and extend it with Oracle SOA Suite.
          2. Associate the Oracle WebCache application with LDAP and grant the admin role to a user (for example, user name test) in Oracle Internet Directory using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST).
          3. Grant the same role (admin role) to the same user again (test).

            You expect to see a WLST error message such as the following:

            This particular user already has admin role to access your application

            Instead, you receive the following message, which is inaccurate:

            Command FAILED, Reason: Cannot add principal to application role

          Flow Trace Fails to Load with Numerous Correlated Composite Instances

          • Bug: 10077813
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          The flow trace in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console can fail to load in scenarios in which you have numerous correlated composite instances (for example, 100). This is because multiple midprocess receive activities result in separate ECIDs. Creating a consolidated audit trail involves sending separate requests for each ECID (for example, 100 separate queries for audit trails).

          Workaround: Perform the following steps to increase the transaction timeout parameter.

          1. Open the fabric-ejb.jar file.
          2. Within this JAR file, open the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file.
          3. Set the transaction timeout parameter to a higher value.

          Technology Adapters

          User's Guide to Technology Refers To UOO for Release

          • Bug: 16985158
          • Added: 17-September-2012
          • Platform: All

          The JMS Adapter Unit of Order feature, mentioned in the User's Guide to Technology Adapters, is not available in this release.

          Configuring Oracle JMS Adapter with Active MQ JMS

          This section describes how to configure Oracle JMS Adapter with Active MQ JMS.

          Perform the following steps:Copy the following files to the <SOAInstall_DIR>/user_projects/domains/<DOMAIN_NAME>/lib folder:

          • /<YOUR-ACTIVEMQ-INSTALL-LOCATION>//activemq-core-4.1.1.jar
          • /<YOUR-ACTIVEMQ-INSTALL-LOCATION>//backport-util-concurrent-2.1.jar
          • /<YOUR-ACTIVEMQ-INSTALL-LOCATION>//activeio-core-3.0.0-incubator.jar
          • /<YOUR-ACTIVEMQ-INSTALL-LOCATION>//commons-logging-1.1.jar

          Configure the connector factory by modifying the weblogic-ra.xml file in AS11gR1SOA/soa/connectors/JmsAdapter.rar as shown in the following example:


          Alternatively, to configure a new connection factory by using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, use the steps mentioned in the User's Guide for Technology Adapters Section 2.18, "Adding an Adapter Connection Factory".

          Configuring the 11G Server to Access Queues Present in 10.1.3.X OC4J

          You can configure your 11G server to access queues present in 10.1.3.x OC4J with the following steps, which include:

          • Copying Jar files into the domains folder of the WebLogic Server
          • Adding connector factory to the weblogic-ra.xml file

          Copy Jar Files into the domains Folder of the Web Logic Server

          Copy the following jar files under the domains/<DOMAIN_NAME>/lib folder of the WebLogic Server:

          • $J2EE_HOME/lib/jms.jar
          • $J2EE_HOME/lib/jta.jar
          • $J2EE_HOME/oc4jclient.jar
          • $AS_HOME/opmn/lib/optic.jar
          Add Connector factory in the weblogic-ra.xml File

          The next step is to add the Connector Factory in the weblogic-ra.xml file:


          where <PROVIDER_URL>=opmn://localhost:6003 or, ormi://localhost:12401 to use against a specific node or, opmn:ormi://localhost:6003:oc4j_soa to use against the oc4j_soa instance.

          Accessing Distributed Destinations (Queues and Topics) on the WebLogic Server JMS

          A distributed destination is a set of destinations (queues, set of physical JMS queue members, or topics, set of physical JMS topic members) that are accessible as a single, logical destination to a client.

          Note: For more information on distributed destinations, and a definition of terms used in this context, visit the Using Distributed Destinations pages at

          The JMS Adapter can process messages addressed to a distributed destination member after receiving available notification; it can process available, unavailable, and failure notifications related to a distributed destination member.To have the JMS Adapter process such messages, you must provide additional properties to provide access to distributed destinations ( queues or topics) with the JMS Adapter.

          When you provide additional queues or topics, you can separate multiple FactoryProperty values with a semicolon. See the following example.

            <value>ClientID=SOACLient2; TopicMessageDistributionAll=true</value>

          Providing JMS Adapter Access to Distributed Destinations

          You use three FactoryProperty parameter values to provide adapter access to distributed destinations, to specifically enable the Client ID to be shared by multiple connections, to enable the sharing of Durable subscriptions among multiple subscribers, and to specify whether you want one copy of a message per application or per endpoint. The properties include:

          • ClientIDPolicy

            Use the FactoryProperties parameter ClientIDPolicy property with a value of UNRESTRICTED to enable the Client ID to be shared by multiple connections. The default, if no value is specified, is UNRESTRICTED. The non-default value is RESTRICTED. The default is used in almost all uses, so typically you do not have to set it. See the following example:

          • SubscriptionSharingPolicy

            Use the FactoryProperties parameter with a value of SHARABLE to enable the sharing of Durable Subscriptions among multiple subscribers.

            A value of SubscriptionSharingPolicy EXCLUSIVE means you cannot share Durable Subscriptions among multiple subscribers. If you do not specify a value, the default is SHARABLE; in most cases, you do not have to change the value.

          • TopicMessageDistributionAll

            See the section on Distirbuted Topics for more information on the TopicMessageDistributionAll FactoryProperties parameter. You can set it as in the following example:


          The JMS Adapter with Distributed Queues and Distributed Topics

          Specific inbound and outbound queue and error handling behaviors apply to the JMS Adapter with JMS Distributed Queues and Distributed Topics.

          For inbound queues, the JMS Adapter creates an inbound poller thread and registers a notification listener with the WebLogic Server JMS on endpoint activation; it unregisters notification listener upon endpoint deactivation.

          The JMS Adapter handles errors in the Distributed environment in the same fashion as such errors are handled in a non-Distributed environment: retriable exceptions lead to message retry; non-retriable exceptions lead to message rejection.

          There is no change from the behavior of other Adapters to JMS adapter behavior when the Adapter produces a message to a Distributed Queue.

          JMS messages for Distributed Destinations are produced by creating a MessageProducer for the Distributed Destination and not for a specific member.

          Outbound errors are processed based on fault-policies previously defined for the outbound reference.

          For inbound adapters with distributed topics, the JMS Adapter registers a notification listener with the WebLogic Server JMS on endpoint activation. The JMS Adapter creates an inbound poller thread for each available notification received from WebLogic Server JMS for a Distributed Topic member.

          The inbound poller thread stops working and necessary cleanup is performed if an unavailable notification is received for the member for which the poller thread was created. The durable subscription is maintained in a similar fashion as in a non-Distributed topic scenario.

          The Adapter unregisters the notification listener upon endpoint deactivation. Any message arriving at a Distributed Topic is processed based on the various settings used and the type of Distributed Destination in use: either one copy of a message per application, or one copy of a message per adapter endpoint.

          The behaviors for each of these types of Distributed Destination are provided below.

          One Copy of a Message Per Application (Default Behavior)

          The default behavior for WebLogic Server Partitioned Distributed Topics when used with the JMS Adapter is to provide one copy of a message per application. Each message must be processed exactly once (that is, there is no duplicate processing.). In this scenario, where there is one copy of a message per application, the client id and subscription name are the same for every Distributed Destination and each adapter instance creates subscriptions on every member. The name is unique and immutable across server restarts.When using Partitioned Distributed Topics you must configure the JMS adapter to use unrestricted clientid and shared subscription policy. These two are the default settings for Distributed Destinations.When using Replicated Distributed Topics, you must configure JMS adapter to use the unrestricted clientid and shared subscription policy, which are the default settings. In addition, you must specify the following message selector, NOT JMS_WL_DDForwarded when defining an activation spec.

          To achieve better performance, you should use Partitioned Distributed Topics.

          Refer to the following example, consisting of a snippet of a connection instance from the weblogic-ra.xml file for a local cluster:


          One Copy Of a Message Per Adapter Endpoint

          The second type of scenario you can employ with Distributed Topics is to have one copy of message per adapter endpoint. In this case, either the client id or the subscription name is unique for each adapter instance. The unique part of the member name is immutable across server restarts.

          When using Partitioned Distributed Topics you have to configure the JMS adapter to use unrestricted clientid and shared subscription policy, which are the default settings. At the same time, to achieve subscription name uniqueness, JMS adapter requires that the property TopicMessageDistributionAll (default value of false) is set to true. You can define this property by setting the FactoryProperties property of the connection instance in the weblogic-ra.xml file. An example usage (a snippet of connection instance from a weblogic-ra.xml file for a local cluster) is shown below.


          To achieve better performance, you should use Partitioned Distributed Topics.

          When using Replicated Distributed Topics, configure the JMS adapter to use unrestricted clientid and shared subscription policy, which are the default settings. At the same time, to achieve subscription name uniqueness, the JMS adapter requires that the property TopicMessageDistributionAll (default value of false) is set to true. You can define this property by setting the FactoryProperties property of the connection instance in weblogic-ra.xml. An example usage (snippet of connection instance from weblogic-ra.xml for a local cluster) is as shown below:

          <value> ClientID=SOAClient2;TopicMessageDistributionAll=true</value>

          In addition, you must specify the following message selector,NOT JMS_WL_DDForwarded when defining an activation spec.

          Specifying the Message Selector when Defining an Activation Spec

          Specify a message selector when defining an activation spec. The message selector is required when you create one copy of message per adapter Endpoint.

          To specify the selector, use the Adapter Wizard when modeling a composite application that reads from Replicated Distributed Topic The metadata for the message selector you specify are captured in the .jca file.

          Below is an example of a message selector defined in an activation spec.This message selector filters out the copy of the forwarded message when sending a message to a destination subscriber. This message selector is only applicable for when using Replicated Distributed Topics.

          <activation-spec className="oracle.tip.adapter.jms.inbound.JmsConsumeActivationSpec">
               <property name="DestinationName" value="jms/DemoInTopic"/>
               <property name="UseMessageListener" value="false"/>
               <property name="DurableSubscriber" value="dsub1"/>
               <property name="MessageSelector" value="NOT JMS_WL_DDForwarded"/>
               <property name="PayloadType" value="TextMessage"/>

          With Distributed Topics, retriable exceptions lead to message retry, while non- retriable exceptions lead to message rejection.

          Available/Unavailable/Failure notification does not impact the working of the outbound adapter reference. The message is produced by creating a MessageProducer for the Distributed Destination and not for a specific member.

          In the Distributed Topics environment, as elsewhere, an error is processed based on the fault policies defined for the outbound reference.

          Compatibility and Migration

          Remote Distributed Queue support is feasible back to the WebLogic Server JMS version 9.0, using the new DestinationAvailabilityListener API. A remote Distributed Topic cannot be supported if it is older than WebLogic 10.3.4, as “shared subscriptions”, “unrestricted client ids”, the “not forwarded” selector, and even “partitioned” Distributed Topics are not supported. Users will need to instead directly reference a DT member JNDI name, and deal with the single subscriber per subscription limitation.

          Application <durable_subscriber_name> Is Already a Subscriber For Queue

          • Bug: 12903224
          • Added: 15-September-2011
          • Platform: All

          When using the Oracle JMS adapter with an AQ/JMS provider and when the configuration involves multiple dequeuer threads in a multi-server cluster, the Oracle JMS Adapter logs the following exception.

          Caused by: oracle.jms.AQjmsException: ORA-24034: application <durable-subscriber-name> is already a subscriber for queue <queue-name>

          ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AQADM_SYS", line 6270 ORA-06512: at line 1 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AQJMS", line 129 ORA-06512: at line 1

          at oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.addDurableSubscriber( at oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.createSubInCompliantMode( at oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.createDurableSubscriber( at oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.createDurableSubscriber( at oracle.jms.AQjmsSession.createDurableSubscriber( at

          Workaround: The exception can be ignored, as on subsequent retry the subscription is created successfully.

          Application <subscriber-name> is Already a Subscriber For Queue

          • Bug: 12375483
          • Added: 26-October-2011
          • Platform: All

          The Oracle AQ adapter has been changed. It now creates a new subscriber as specifiedby the Consumer property when you are modeling an adapter service. Previously, the subscriber was not created by the adapter but it was expected that the subscriber is created before the adapter service was executed. Due to the change, if the subscriber for the Oracle AQ queue already exists, you see the following warning in the log files. Oracle Application Adapter scenarios that rely on Oracle AQ adapter for interaction with EBS queues will be impacted by this as well.

          <Subscriber <subscriber-name> already exists in the database. If the existing subscriber does not represent the correct subscriber, please undeploy the business process, remove the subscriber, and redeploy.>

          ORA-24034: application <subscriber-name> is already a subscriber for queue <queue-name>

          ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AQADM_SYS", line 5682

          ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_AQADM", line 314

          ORA-06512: at line 1....

          Workaround: As the warning states, if the subscriber is the correct one, no action is required.

          Updating Required JAR List When Accessing IBM MQ SERVER 7.0 via SOA JMS Adapter

          • Bug: 12349381
          • Added: 20-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          You must use the following required jar list when you use JMSadapter with MQ version 7.x (See the "Configuring Oracle JMS Adapter with IBM WebSphere MQ JMS" section in the Oracle Adapters User's Guide for more information.)

          Non-XA Data Sources

          • /<YOUR-MQSERIES-INSTALL-LOCATION>/java/lib/
          • /<YOUR-MQSERIES-INSTALL-LOCATION>/java/lib/
          • /<YOUR-MQSERIES-INSTALL-LOCATION>/java/lib/
          • /<YOUR-MQSERIES-INSTALL-LOCATION>/java/lib/dhbcore.jar

          XA Data Sources

          • /<YOUR-MQSERIES-INSTALL-LOCATION>/java/lib/
          • /<YOUR-MQSERIES-INSTALL-LOCATION>/java/lib/
          • <YOUR-MQSERIES-INSTALL-LOCATION>/java/lib/
          • /<YOUR-MQSERIES-INSTALL-LOCATION>/java/lib/dhbcore.jar
          • /<YOUR-MQSERIES-INSTALL-LOCATION>/java/lib/

          Managed Connection Factory Name Has to Be Modified in Case of Migrated AQ Adapter Composites

          • Bug: 12369977
          • Added: 20-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          If you migrated AQ Adapter projects from Release 10.1.3.x to Release 11g, you need to manually update the managed connection factory from

          <non-managed-connection managedConnectionFactoryClassName="">


          <non-managed-connection managedConnectionFactoryClassName="">

          so you can use AQadapter in non-managed mode . Note that non-managed mode is not recommended and not supported in a production environment.To run the adapter in managed mode, you need to configure the connection factory JNDI in the WebLogic Server console.

          AQJMS Dequeue Failed Error When Redeployed By Adding Durable Subscription

          • Bug: 10434614
          • Added: 28-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          When an AQJMS Topic inbound process that is without a durable subscription is already deployed to the server, and is redeployed, adding a durable subscription to the Inbound Topic, the following error occurs when the message is dequeued.

          Caused by: oracle.jms.AQjmsException: JMS-120: Dequeue failed at oracle.jms.AQjmsError.throwEx( at oracle.jms.AQjmsConsumer.jdbcDequeue( at oracle.jms.AQjmsConsumer.receiveFromAQ( at oracle.jms.AQjmsConsumer.receiveFromAQ( at oracle.jms.AQjmsConsumer.receiveFromAQ( at oracle.jms.AQjmsConsumer.receive(

          DBADAPTER W.R.T. Sybase DB Gives Problem With BIGDATETIME & BIGTIME Data Type

          • Bug: 13392049
          • Added: 29-November-2011
          • Platform: All

          BIGDATETIME and BIGTIME are new datatypes introduced in SYBASE 15.5. These should work acceptably with the Oracle Database Adapter.

          If the Database is used as Inbound and Outbound and records from an inbound table are read and inserted in outbound table, the use of BIGDATETIME and BIGTIME data types create am error.

          Steps to reproduce the error:

          1. Create two tables, each with BIGDATETIME and BIGTIME data type.
          2. Use one table as inbound and other as outbound.
          3. Poll records from first table and use merge operation to merge the read data in second table.
          4. At run time, you will see an error.similar to:
          Caused by weblogic.jdbc.sybasebase.ddc: [FMWGEN][Sybase JDBC
              Driver][Sybase]Syntax error during implicit conversion of CHAR value
              '2005-12-05T11:59:59.996-08:00' to a BIGDATETIME field.

          Poll Operation with Distributed Polling Fails in Sybase 15.5.X

          • Bug: 13405718
          • Added: 28-November-2011
          • Platform: All

          The expected behavior is that an error message should not be thrown when the distributed polling option is specified. The actual behavior is that the following error message is thrown when the distributed polling option is specified. Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: [FMWGEN][Sybase JDBC Driver][Sybase]Incorrect syntax near 'NOWAIT'.

          Steps to reproduce include the following::

          Step-1:Create a DB POLL scenario with sequence polling option.

          Run these scripts-

          create table POLLTAB (ID1 integer, ID2 integer, LAST_UPDATE datetime) insert into POLLTAB values(1,2,'10-dec-2005 01:00:00.0') insert into POLLTAB values(1,2,'11-dec-2005 01:00:00.0') create table SEQTAB (SEQUPDATE_DATE datetime, POLLTABID varchar(100)) insert into SEQTAB values ('12-dec-2005 01:00:00.0', 'POLLTAB')

          Step-2: At Step 10 of 13 of the Database Adapter Configuration Wizard, Select Disributed polling option. Queries will show up such as:-


          Step-3:Complete the wizard and deploy the project.

          Step-4: Insert record in POLLTAB

          insert into POLLTAB values(1,2,'13-dec-2005 01:00:00.0')

          Note: During deploy the error will only appear in the logs.

          DBADAPTER SP W.R.T. Sybase Did Not Recognize BIGDATETIME and BIGTIME Data Type

          • Bug: 13422263
          • Added: 28-Nov-2011
          • Platform: All

          BIGDATETIME and BIGTIME are new Data Types introduced in SYBASE 15.5.x. These should be identified by the Database Adapter Cobfiguration wizard. However,BIGDATETIME and BIGTIME are not identified by the DBADAPTER SP wizard.

          Date is Always Set To One Month Higher Than What is Set For the Message

          • Bug: 13450180
          • Added: 01-December-2011
          • Platform: All

          Refer to Bug-13435861. The date that is set through MQMD header is based on Gregorian Calendar. So, it is always set one month higher than that specified in the header. For example: If I set, to "12:24:2011" - the actual date that is set for the message is: January 24th, 2012. Similarly, if I set to "10:24:2011" - the actual date that is set for the message is: November 24th, 2011.

          Limitations of Dynamic Queue While Using MQ Adapter

          • Bug: 13464470
          • Added: 05-December-2011
          • Platform: All

          MQ Adapter supports Dynamic Queue with these limitations:

          • Dynamic Queue is supported only for Inbound operations and not for Outbound
          • The property InboundThreadCount has to be set to 1 in the Inbound JCA file.

          Configuring 11g to Access Queues/Topics Present in 10.1.3.X OC4J

          • Bug: 9544466
          • Added: 17-April-2012
          • Platform: All

          The following steps provide guidance in accessing queues/topics present in 10.1.3x Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J)


          1. Copy the jar files under the /domains/<DOMAIN_NAME>/lib folder of the WebLogicServer:
            • $J2EE_HOME/lib/jms.jar
            • $J2EE_HOME/lib/jta.jar
            • $J2EE_HOME/oc4jclient.jar
            • $AS_HOME/opmn/lib/optic.jar
          2. Add the Connector factory in the weblogic-ra.xml file.

          <connection-instance> <jndi-name>eis/oc4jjms/Queue</jndi-name>  <connection-properties>  <properties>  <property>  <name>ConnectionFactoryLocation</name>  <value>jms/XAQueueConnectionFactory</value>  </property>  <property>  <name>FactoryProperties</name>  <value>java.naming.factory.initial=com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory; java.naming.provider.url=<strong><PROVIDER_URL></strong>;;</value>  </property>  <property>  <name>AcknowledgeMode</name>  <value>AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE</value>  </property>  <property>  <name>IsTopic</name>  <value>false</value>  </property>  <property>  <name>IsTransacted</name>  <value>false</value>  </property>  <property>  <name>Username</name>  <value>oc4jadmin</value>; </property>  <property>  <name>Password</name>  <value>welcome1</value>  </property>  </properties>  </connection-properties>  </connection-instance>

          where <PROVIDER_URL> is opmn://localhost:6003or ormi://localhost:12401to use with a specific node, or opmn:ormi://localhost:6003:oc4j_soa to use with the oc4j_soa instance

          Adapter for Oracle Applications (Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter)

          Support for Business Events through Existing Partner Links

          • Bug: 13263084
          • Added: 27-October-2011
          • Platform: All

          Important: This workaround is applicable only if Adapter for Oracle Applications is being used for listening to Event Groups. It is NOT needed if the Business Event is not part of any Event Group that is being listened to.

          With the additional support for business event groups, perform the following steps to modify all existing partner links for outbound business events contained in an event group that is being listened to:

          1. Updating the JCA property "MessageSelectorRule" for the existing Business Event partner links. This can be achieved by performing either one of the following steps:
            • Rerunning the Adapter Configuration (Recommended): Rerunning or editing the configuration wizard for an existing partner link of an outbound business event (on Oracle JDeveloper would update the artifacts with the appropriate MessageSelectorRule.
            • Manually Updating the JCA Properties: Alternatively, modify the JCA property "MessageSelectorRule" for the business event partner link, located in the file XXX_apps.jca, as stated below:

              Change existing property from:

              <property name="MessageSelectorRule" value="tab.user_data.event_name = '<EVENT_NAME>'"/>

              To the following:

              <property name="MessageSelectorRule" value="tab.user_data.event_name = '<EVENT_NAME>' AND tab.user_data.getvalueforparameter('GROUP') IS NULL"/>

              <EVENT_NAME> is to be replaced with the name of the Business Event.

          2. Delete the Existing Subscriber on WF_BPEL_Q of the corresponding Oracle Applications.
            1. Undeploy the SOA Composite application containing the Business Event partner link.
            2. Delete the subscriber using the following snippet:

              begin subscriber :=$_agent('<CONSUMER_NAME>', NULL, NULL); dbms_aqadm.remove_subscriber(queue_name => 'WF_BPEL_Q', subscriber => subscriber); end;

              <CONSUMER_NAME>is to be replaced with the name of the subscriber. It can be found in the XXX_apps.jca file as the value for the JCA property 'Consumer'.
          3. Redeploy the SOA Composite application.

          "DataSecurityCheck" Requires "IRepOverloadSeq" to Be Passed for Overloaded Functions

          • Bug: 13263451
          • Added: 27-October-2011
          • Platform: All

          Adapter for Oracle Applications uses the following two new JCA properties to handle access control for overloaded PL/SQL APIs. This feature works in conjunction with the grants created from the Integration Repository user interface, and it does not depend on any profile options.

          • DataSecurityCheck
          • IRepOverloadSeq

          If a user wants the Function Security Authorization check to be performed, then the following property information needs to be added in the WSDL file (XX_apps.jca): <property name="DataSecurityCheck" value="yes"/>

          However, the other property IRepOverloadSeq is derived automatically by Adapter for Oracle Applications at the design time during creation of the partner link. Based on these two properties, the function security check would be performed for the username, which is passed as a header property.

          Please note that this security support would work with all interfaces which are available in the Integration Repository. For other interfaces, you need to enable the function security through the profile option "EBS Adapter for BPEL, Function Security Enabled" (EBS_ADAPTER_FUNCTION_SEC_ENABLED).

          Application Adapters for WebLogic Server

          Missing Libraries in setDomainEnv Causes Application Adapters AE to Fail

          • Bug: 13929048
          • Added: 08-June-2012
          • Platform: All

          This problem affects every release the adapters are certified for:,, and

          The following two libraries are missing when starting the starting the design tool for the Application Adapters WLS (Application Explorer) after installation:

          1. $MWH/Oracle_SOA1/soa/modules/oracle.soa.adapter_11.1.1/jca-binding-api.jar
          2. $MWH/Oracle_SOA1/soa/modules/oracle.soa.adapter_11.1.1/adapter_xbeans.jar

          In the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Adapters Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server, section 2.3.1 Starting Application Explorer, the guide states that users must run the to set the environment accordingly. The two libraries need to be added to the setDomainEnv scripts to avoid class loading exceptions.

          The following exceptions may occur when using the Application Explorer to generate EIS adapter artifacts:

                  INFO com.ibi.bse.gui.BseFrame:read manifest for iwae.jar
                  20120405-12:12:30 ERROR com.ibi.bse.ConfigWorker:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:  oracle/tip/adapter/api/exception/PCResourceException  at com.ibi.afjca.cci.IWAFConnection.createInteraction(
                  at  com.iwaysoftware.iwae.common.JCATransport.initJCA( at com.iwaysoftware.iwae.common.JCATransport.<init>(
                  at com.iwaysoftware.iwae.common.AdapterClient.<init>( 
                  at  at 
                  Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:  oracle.tip.adapter.api.exception.PCResourceException
                  at Method)  at  
                  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(  at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
                  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( 
                  ... 6 more

          Exception occurred during event dispatching:

          java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:  oracle/integration/platform/blocks/adapter/fw/metadata/AdapterConfigDocument$Factory
                  at (
                  at ( 
                  at (
                  at ( at (  at ( at<init>( at  at ( at com.ibi.afjca.cci.IWAFInteraction.execIWAE( 
                  at com.ibi.afjca.cci.IWAFInteraction.exec(  at com.ibi.afjca.cci.IWAFInteraction.execute(  at com.iwaysoftware.iwae.common.JCATransport.execute( at com.iwaysoftware.iwae.common.AdapterClient.generateWSDL( at com.ibi.bse.gui.ExportWSDLDialog.saveWSDL(  at com.ibi.bse.gui.ExportWSDLDialog.okButtonActionPerformed( at com.ibi.bse.gui.ExportWSDLDialog.access$000(
                  at com.ibi.bse.gui.ExportWSDLDialog$2.actionPerformed( at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed( at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed( at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed( at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed( at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased (
                  at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(  at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(  at java.awt.Component.processEvent( 
                  at java.awt.Container.processEvent( 
                  at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(  at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl( 
                  at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(  at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent( at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent( at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(  at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl( 
                  at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl( 
                  at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(  at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent( 
                  at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters( 
                  at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter( at java.awt.Dialog$  at java.awt.Dialog$  at Method)  at
                  at com.ibi.bse.ComponentNodeData.actionPerformed( at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed( at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed( at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed( at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed( at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(  at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick( at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased ( at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent( 
                  at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent( 
                  at java.awt.Component.processEvent( 
                  at java.awt.Container.processEvent( 
                  at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl( 
                  at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl( 
                  at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent( at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent( at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent( at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent( 
                  at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl( 
                  at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl( 
                  at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent( 
                  at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent( 
                  at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
                  at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
                  at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
                  at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( at 
                  Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:  oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.metadata. AdapterConfigDocument$Factory at$
                  at Method)
                  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( 
                  at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass( 
                  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
                  ... 73 more

          The exceptions are related to missing libraries in the classpath when starting the Application Explorer.

          The following libraries must be added to the classpath via the setDomainEnv script prior starting the Application Explorer:

          • jca-binding-api.jar
          • adapter_xbeans.jar

          Workaround: The installation guide will be updated in a future release.

          Application Server Legacy Adapters

          No issue has been discovered at the time of this release. As additional issues and workarounds are discovered after the release, they will be listed here.

          BPEL Process Manager

          Default Value for MaxRecoverAttempt Property Has Changed

          • Bug: 14851177
          • Added: 06-November-2012
          • Platform: All

          The default value for the System MBean Browser property MaxRecoverAttempt has changed from 0 to 2. The Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite incorrectly states that the default value is 0. Note that when you upgrade to 11g Release 1 (, the value for this property is not changed to 2.

          Incorrect Value for oneWayDeliveryPolicy Property in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite

          • Bug: 14186207
          • Added: 14-June-2012
          • Platform: All

          Section "Introduction to Execution of One-way Invocations" of chapter "Transaction and Fault Propagation Semantics in BPEL Processes" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite describes the sync.cache value of the oneWayDeliveryPolicy property.

          This value is incorrect. The correct value name is async.cache.

          Accessing and Setting a Unit of Order Property for the JMS Adapter

          • Bug: 13726051
          • Added: 08-March-2012
          • Platform: All

          To access and set a unit of order property for the JMS adapter, you must set two different properties in Oracle BPEL Designer.

          For example, assume you have the following SOA composite application:

          demoQueue -> Inbound JMS adapter > BPEL process service component -> Outbound JMS adapter -> demoQueue2

          For demoQueue2 to successfully receive the value, set the following properties:

          • jca.jms.JMSProperty.JMS_BEA_UnitOfOrder
            1. Click the Property tab in the receive activity.
            2. Select jca.jms.JMSProperty.
            3. In the Value column for this property, double-click the row.
            4. Click the dots that are displayed to access the Adapter Property Value dialog.
            5. Enter the unit of order value, and click OK.
            6. In the receive activity, click OK.
            7. Click Source in Oracle BPEL Designer to access the BPEL process in source mode.
            8. Rename jca.jms.JMSProperty to jca.jms.JMSProperty.JMS_BEA_UnitOfOrder. The incoming unit of order value is available in this property.
            9. Return to Design mode in Oracle BPEL Designer.
            10. Assign this property to a variable. In the receive activity, the incoming unit of order value is obtained using property jca.jms.JMSProperty.JMS_BEA_UnitOfOrder.
          • jca.jms.WeblogicUnitOfOrder
            1. Click the Property tab in the invoke activity.
            2. Select jca.jms.WeblogicUnitOfOrder.
            3. In the Type column for this property, double-click the row.
            4. From the dropdown list, select output.
            5. In the Value column, click the dots that are displayed to access the Adapter Property Value dialog.
            6. Enter the unit of order value, and click OK.
            7. In the invoke activity, click OK.
            8. Assign the variable to this property. In the invoke activity, this property carries the unit of order value to the destination (outbound) queue (demoQueue2).

          Until Section of the Timeout Tab in a BPEL 2.0 Process Receive Activity Is Not Supported

          • Bug: 13358010
          • Added: 06-January-2012
          • Platform: All

          The Until section in the Timeout tab of a BPEL 2.0 process receive activity that lets you specify a deadline for an operation is not supported. Only the For section of the Timeout tab is currently supported.

          Cannot Delete BPEL Sensor Actions in Oracle JDeveloper

          • Bug: 13524175
          • Added: 06-January-2012
          • Platform: All

          You cannot delete BPEL sensor actions in Oracle JDeveloper. For example, perform the following steps:

          1. Add an activity to a BPEL process in a SOA composite application in Oracle JDeveloper.
          2. Create a sensor for the activity with multiple sensor actions (for example, database, JMS, and others).
          3. From the File main menu, select Save All.
          4. Close all the files.
          5. Double-click the BPEL process.
          6. Open the sensor for the activity.
          7. Delete one sensor action from the sensor.
          8. From the File main menu, select Save All again.
          9. Close all the files again.
          10. Double-click the BPEL process and open the sensor.
          11. Note that the deleted sensor action appears in the Edit Activity Sensor dialog.

          Workaround: Manually delete the sensor action configurations from the sensorAction.xml source file.

          Exit Activity with a Skip Condition in BPEL 2.0 Causes Instances to Go into a Wait/Running State

          • Bug: 13441415
          • Added: 09-December-2011
          • Platform: All

          Do not use a skip condition in an exit activity in a BPEL 2.0 process of a SOA composite application. Doing so causes the instance to go into a wait/running state.

          Skip Conditions in Email and User Notification Activities Do Not Deploy Correctly in BPEL 1.1 Processes

          • Bug: 13357948
          • Added: 09-December-2011
          • Platform: All

          If you specify conditions in the Skip Condition tab of email and user notification activities in BPEL 1.1 processes, you receive an error during deployment.

          Cannot Create an Assert Execution Count on an Assert Activity

          • Bug: 13357948
          • Added: 09-December-2011
          • Platform: All

          When testing BPEL process service components, you can specify an assert execution count to validate the number of times an activity is executed. However, you cannot specify an assert execution count on an assert activity.

          For more information about testing BPEL process service components, see Chapter "Automating Testing of SOA Composite Applications" in the Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite

          ClassNotFoundException Error with Custom Sensor Actions in BPEL 2.0 Processes

          • Bug: 13367410
          • Added: 09-December-2011
          • Platform: All

          You receive a ClassNotFoundException error when using custom sensor actions in BPEL 2.0 processes. Custom sensor actions work correctly in BPEL 1.1 processes.

          For example, perform the following steps:

          1. Create a BPEL 2.0 process.
          2. Create an activity, fault, or variable sensor.
          3. Configure a custom sensor action for the sensor.

            Class files for the sensor action target are in the SCA-INF/classes directory.

          4. Deploy the SOA composite application and test the process.
          5. Verify the sensor.

            Sensor values are not published. A ClassNotFoundException error is displayed, although the class files are in SCA-INF/classes.

          Oracle BPEL Process Manager 2.0 Limitations

          • Bug: 9735542
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          The following BPEL 2.0 features are not implemented in Oracle BPEL Process Manager:

          • Termination handlers
          • Message exchanges
          • Fault handlers and termination handlers in an invoke activity. (This is the same as the BPEL 1.1 implementation of Oracle BPEL Process Manager.)

            Workaround: Include the invoke activity in a scope activity.

          • Atomic assign activities. If an error occurs in the middle of an assign activity, all the changes roll back. This is the same as the BPEL 1.1 implementation of Oracle BPEL Process Manager.

          Checkpoint Activity Wrongly Appears in Oracle BPEL Designer Context Menu

          • Bug: 10229577
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          If you right-click inside your BPEL process in Oracle BPEL Designer and select Insert Into > Activities, note that checkpoint is incorrectly displayed in the list of activities. This activity is not supported, and selecting it does not insert it into the BPEL process.

          The checkpoint activity has been replaced by the dehydrate activity, which is also available for selection in the same context menu.

          Second XSD Created for API-Created, PL/SQL Partner Links with Complex Parameters

          • Bug: 10246232
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          If you create a PL/SQL partner link with complex parameters from the API, a new XSD file is generated. If you then open the partner link in Oracle JDeveloper and make no modifications other than completing the flow and clicking the Apply button in the Edit Partner Link dialog, a second XSD file is also created.

          Workaround: You must use the second XSD file.

          Audit Trail Details Display in Server Language Instead of Browser Language

          • Bug: 9298375
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          Audit trail information for a BPEL instance displays in the language of your server instead of the language of your web browser.

          Do Not Specify the wsa and bpel Property Prefixes with the bpelx:property

          • Bug: 9124369
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          Tables H-1 and H-2 of Appendix H, "Normalized Message Properties" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite describe the Oracle BPEL Process Manager and Oracle Web Services Addressing properties.To use these properties correctly with the bpelx:property in activities such as a receive activity, ensure that you do not include the wsa. or bpel. prefixes. For example:

          <receive name="receiveInput" partnerLink="bpelprocessb_client"
          portType="client:BPELProcessB" operation="process" variable="inputVariable"
                     <bpelx:property name="action" variable="v1"/>
                     <bpelx:property name="messageId" variable="v2"/>
                     <bpelx:property name="relatesTo" variable="v3"/>
                     <bpelx:property name="replyToAddress" variable="v4"/>
                     <bpelx:property name="replyToPortType" variable="v5"/>
                     <bpelx:property name="replyToService" variable="v6"/>

          Selecting the Key for an Entity Variable in the Browse Entity Variable Dialog

          • Bug: 9066090
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          When selecting the local part of an entity key by browsing entity variables, entity icons display in the expanded element tree. These icons are identified by a blue x inside parentheses, and indicate which elements include entity keys. Selecting these elements does not update the Key Local Part or Key Namespace URI fields in the Specify Key dialog. Instead, you must expand these elements to select the actual key to get the key's local part and namespace. For example:

          1. In the Bind Entity dialog, click the Add icon to invoke the Specify Key dialog.
          2. To the right of the Key Local Part field, click the Browse Entity Variable icon.
          3. Note that a blue x inside parentheses indicates which elements include entity keys. Do not select these elements.
          4. Expand these elements to display the entity keys available for selection.
          5. Select an entity key, and click OK.

            The Key Local Part and Key Namespace URI fields of the Specify Key dialog are populated with information about your selection.

          MIME Type for Voice Notification in BPEL Voice Activity Requires Modification

          • Bug: 9023004
          • Added: 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          In a BPEL voice activity, the MIME type for message content generated in the source code is in text/vxml format. However, the message sent from the composite to the voice XML driver must be in text/plain format. This is because the voice XML driver adds the voice XML wrapper to the message before sending it to the destination point.

          If the message content sent to the driver is in text/vxml format for the MIME type, a message delivery failure occurs.

          Workaround: Manually change the MIME type for the voice payload content to be text/plain in Source mode in Oracle JDeveloper.

          <scope name="VoiceApproval">
          . . .
          . . .
                <from expression="string('<strong>text/plain</strong>')"/>
                <to variable="varNotificationReq" part="VoicePayload"
          . . .
          . . .

          Client Java API Is Not Backward Compatible

          • Bug: 8554297 : 29-April-2011
          • Platform: All

          Custom applications coded with the Oracle BPEL Process Manager 10.1.3 Client Java API cannot currently be upgraded to the 11g Release 1 (,,, and Client Java API. Programs coded to the Oracle BPEL Process Manager 10.1.3 API must be rewritten. In addition, the current API is not compatible with the versions of the 11g Release 1 and API, although the differences are minimal.

          The version of the API in 11g Release 1 has been finalized. It has been fully supported since that release and is backward compatible from that release onwards.

          Business Activity Monitoring

          Columnar View Group Names and Aggregates Are Displayed Incorrectly in Poll Mode

          • Bug: 13366307
          • Added: 16-December-2011
          • Platform: All

          The columnar view can have data broken up into groups, and an option is available to display the aggregated values of each group at the end of the group. However, when using the columnar view in poll mode, the group names and aggregated values are displayed at the top, together, with the text for the values on top of the headings.

          Workaround: Make a slight adjustment to the location of the affected fields in headers and footers. This will reset the position of the group names and aggregate values throughout the report.

          To do this, go into create/edit mode. For one group, drag the group name, the aggregate (such as SUM or AVG), and the aggregate value to a slightly different location. The move can be very small. Save and view the report.

          BAM and SOA Must Be on Separate Managed Servers When Running on WAS-AS Edition

          • Bug: 13415170
          • Added: 16-December-2011
          • Platform: All

          You must create a separate managed server each for BAM and SOA when running on the WAS-AS edition. Running both on the same managed server is not supported.

          No Response With Open Folder Link

          • Bug: 13487953
          • Added: 16-December-2011
          • Platform: All

          In Active Studio, if you create a new folder in My Reports or Shared Reports, clicking on the Open Folder option does not open the selected folder.

          Workaround: Double-click the folder to open it.

          bam_odi_configuration Script Fails on Windows for WLS

          • Bug: 13526386
          • Added: 23-December-2011 Platform: Windows and WLS

            You might encounter errors when running the bam_odi_configuration script on Windows with WLS (beginning with PS5).

            Workaround: Use the manual installation instructions in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite. Refer to the section titled Installing the Oracle Data Integrator Integration Files and use How to Manually Install Integration Files. In addition, note the following additions to the documentation.

            Different directory location is possible: ORACLE_HOME/modules mentioned in the documentation could be in your ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/modules directory. The location depends on the products you install.

            Change to step 8 of the documentation: Use the following instead of step 8 in the manual installation instructions' subsection titled Copy files to Oracle Data Integrator Directories:

            • Copy the following file from ORACLE_HOME/bam/ODI/config to ODI_HOME/lib/config: BAMODIConfig.xml
            • Edit the BAMODIConfig.xml and edit this line, setting it to weblogic: <ServerPlatform>@@@ServerPlatform@@@</ServerPlatform>

            Error Using the UPDATELAYOUT Parameter with the ICommand Import Command

            • Bug: 12948881
            • Updated: 13-September-2011
            • Platform: All

            If you previously exported a folder of data objects, and you import it back using the -updatelayout parameter because there has been a change in the schema/layout of the data objects, you will encounter an import error message such as the following:

            Import of "Folder /public/DataObject/folder1" failed. BAM-02558: Import failed at or near line -1 of file folder1do.xml. [ErrorSource="ImportExport", ErrorID="Import.FailedFileInfo"] BAM-02518: unrecognized parameter: updatelayout [ErrorSource="ImportExport", ErrorID="ExportImport.InvalidParameter"]

            This is because the -updatelayout parameter is supported only on data objects and not on data object folders.

            Workaround: In the XML import file, remove the line that specifies the data object folder definition, for example:

            <Folder Name="/public/DataObject/Folder1" ID="1" Owner="OracleSystemUser" TypeRestriction="Dataset"/>

            Then import the data objects again by issuing the same import command.

            Insufficient Thread Pool Size for Active Data and Oracle BAM on IBM WebSphere

            • Bug: 13074810
            • Updated: 10-October-2011
            • Platform: All

            On platforms that do not support an async servlet protocol, such as IBM WebSphere 7.x, Oracle BAM relies on dedicated servlet threads to service open Oracle BAM reports, including active data.

            The symptoms of an insufficient thread pool configuration on IBM WebSphere are an unresponsive browser or absence of active data. Any browser-based user interaction with the Oracle BAM web applications will hang and eventually terminate with an error message.

            Workaround: Configure the Web container thread pool on IBM WebSphere to ensure that a sufficient number of threads will be available to service client requests for Oracle BAM reports. Instructions for configuring the Web container thread pool on IBM WebSphere can be found here:

            Status of Managed Servers Takes Time to Refresh in Oracle Enterprise Manager on IBM WebSphere

            • Bug: 13073322
            • Updated: 18-October-2011
            • Platform: All

            After installing Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle BAM on IBM WebSphere and starting the managed servers for Oracle SOA and Oracle BAM, note that it does take some time for the managed servers status to refresh to 'up' on the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

            Top Navigation Links and Images Are Not Working in Oracle BAM Web Applications Help Pages

            • Bug: 13336159
            • Updated: 02-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            When you click Help in the Oracle BAM Start page and the Oracle BAM web applications (Oracle Active Viewer, Oracle Active Studio, Oracle BAM Architect, and Oracle BAM Administrator), note that the navigation tab images at the top right corner of the help page in the browser window are not visible. Do not use those navigation links at the top right corner as they are not working correctly. The Previous and Next buttons (and the corresponding text links) on each help page, however, are working as expected.

            Business Process Analysis Suite

            No issue has been discovered at the time of this release. As additional issues and workarounds are discovered after the release, they will be listed here.

            Business Process Management

            Non-Migrated Instances Resume Even if They Are Specified to Leave As-Is

            • Bug: 13490399
            • Added: 24-December-2011
            • Platform: All

            If you resume a suspended component in BPM Workspace, then, even if you select Leave non-migrated instances as suspended, the non-migrated instances are resumed.

            Resources Directory Not Created by Default when Auto-Generating Task Form

            • Bug: 13490399
            • Added: 24-December-2011
            • Platform: All

            In this release, when auto-generating a task form, the Resources folder is not created by Oracle JDeveloper by default. To correct this, you need to ensure that the file "wf_client_config.xml" is in the WEB-INF/classes directory in the deployment. Follow these steps:

            1. Create wf_client_config.xml that is used to set soa server details and to set the type of protocol (SOAP/REMOTE).

              To set this file to class path, launch Jdev and create file wf_client_config.xml under some directory as $PROJECT_HOME/Application Sources directory so that the file will be in the WEB-INF/classes in the deployment.

              Following is the sample wf_client_config.xml:

              <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <workflowServicesClientConfiguration xmlns=
              <server name="default" default="true" clientType="SOAP">
              <serverURL>t3://<SOA SERVER HOST>:<SOA_SERVER_PORT>/soa-infra</serverURL>
              <rootEndPointURL>http://<SOA SERVER HOST>:<SOA_SERVER_PORT></rootEndPointURL>
              <identityPropagation mode="dynamic" type="saml">
                  <policy-reference enabled="true" category="security"

              Note: To switch to REMOTE mode, specify clientType="REMOTE" instead of clientType="SOAP"

            2. Configure ADF Security.
              1. From application Level menu, secure the application by choosing Secure > Configure ADF Security.
              2. From the Configure ADF Security dialog, do the following:
                1. Select ADF Authentication.
                2. Select HTTP Basic Authentication.
                3. Click Finish.
            3. Enable Cookies. To set cookies do the following:
              1. Launch Jdev and and open weblogic.xml (which is available under $PROJECT_HOME/Web Content/WEB-INF directory) in design mode.
              2. Go to Sessions > Cookies > Set the Cookie Name.
            4. Deploy the application to non-soa server.

            Thai Language Online Help Is Unavailable

            • Bug: 13368046
            • Added: 07-December-2011
            • Platform: All

            The Thai language version of the Business Process Composer and Business Process Management Workspace online help is not available in this release.

            Audit Trail Not Maintained for Previous Process Version

            • Bug: 13466122
            • Added: 06-December-2011
            • Platform: All

            Consider this scenario:

            • One version of a process is deployed.
            • An instance of that version is completed.
            • Later, a second version of that process is deployed.

            In this scenario, the first process instance shows the audit trail for the second version of the process rather than the first.

            Logging On to BPM Workspace Gets Out of Memory Error

            • Bug: 13387403
            • Added: 05-December-2011
            • Platform: All

            At times, when you log into BPM Workspace and select a task for viewing the details, the taskform keeps loading endlessly. If you check the server console, then you note that it throws OutOfMemoryError.


            1. Make sure that JRockit R28.2.0 is used for Oracle Weblogic Server.
            2. In the file, increase the Perm Gen space to -XX:MaxPermSize=768m.

            Characters in Comments Added to Flow-Alterred or Migrated Instances Become "?" When Using Native Server Encoding

            • Bug: 13369711
            • Added: 05-December-2011
            • Platform: All

            If the server encoding is native encoding, and if you are doing either "Alter Flow" for a process instance or "Migrate" for a pending process instance, then strings added in comments that are not recognized by server encoding become question marks (?).

            Audit Is Available When Turned Off

            • Bug: 13369711
            • Added: 05-December-2011
            • Platform: All

            Audit records are shown for all activities even when auditing is turned off in EM at both the BPMN engine and common soa-infra levels. Auditing is also shown even when auditing is turned off, and there is no measurement artifact in the process, and measurement is enabled.

            Cannot Add An Attachment Having the Same Name as Another

            • Bug: 13404430
            • Added: 05-December-2011
            • Platform: All

            Adding an attachment having the same name as another without deleting the previous one can cause unexpected results. If an attachment with the same name that you need to attach exists, then:

            1. Delete the attachment.
            2. Save the task.
            3. Add the new attachment.

            Manual Refresh Needed After Resuming a Pending Component

            • Bug: 13425069
            • Added: 05-December-2011
            • Platform: All

            After you resume a component from the pending components panel in the Process Tracking tab page, you must manual refresh BPM Workspace manually to show that the resumed component has been removed from the Pending Components panel. The Refresh icon is located on top of the Process Tracking tab page.

            Issue When Working with Business Process Composer or Workspace Installations Across Multiple Domains

            • Bug: 13330119
            • Added: 13-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            When working with Oracle Business Process Composer or Oracle Business Process Workspace installations across multiple domains, you must use separate browser sessions. Accessing different domains using the same browser session causes a conflict between the sessions that requires you to re-login.

            Workaround: Use separate browser sessions to access each domain.

            Potential problems when opening projects created in previous versions of Oracle BPM

            • Bug: 12931563
            • Added: 13-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            Previous versions of Oracle BPM enabled you to save a BPM project templates to regular projects. When opening a project in the current version that was once a project template where some flow objects were sealed, there may still be flags set within the .bpmn file. When opening a project, you may not be able to edit these flow objects in Business Process Composer.

            Workaround: Verify that there are no residual flags set within the .bpmn files for each process in your project.

            Loopback is not supported within a BPM process impementing activity guides.

            • Bug: 12907859
            • Added: 13-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            When process flow returns to a completed activity or task in an activity guide, new instance of the task gets instantiated. In the current version of Oracle BPM, two task instances are shown in the activity guide tree during runtime when loop back ocurrs in the process flow. Also, the completed activity guide is displayed incorrectly due to mismatch in the tasks remaining created at design time.

            Workaround: At design-time, ensure that the loopback condition does not occur within your BPMN processes.

            Approval Management Does Not Support Delegate and Escalate Actions on Tasks Assigned to a Position

            • Bug: 10098301
            • Added: 11-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            Approval Management does not support delegate and escalate actions on tasks assigned to a position since release

            Documentation Incorrectly States That Conversion from BPMN to BPEL Is Supported

            • Bug: 13353145
            • Added: 13-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            Section 3.3.6 of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Modeling and Implementation Guide for Oracle Business Process Management incorrectly states that you can convert from BPMN processes to BPEL processes. This functionality is not supported.

            Document How to Update the Workflow Configuration File in Oracle MDS

            • Bug: 12629334
            • Added: 11-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            You can customize approval management by configuring different hierarchy providers. To configure hierarchy providers you must edit the identity configuration file, workflow-identity-config.xml. This file is stored in Oracle MDS. To update this file you must export it, make the changes and then import it to MDS.

            To update the identity configuration file:

            1. Run the application located in AS11gR1SOA/common/bin
            2. Connect to MDS using the command: connect('weblogic','weblogic1','t3://<your_host>:7001')
            3. Export the configuration file using the command: exportMetadata(application='soa-infra',server='AdminServer',toLocation='<your_path>',docs='/soa/configuration/default/workflow-identity-config.xml')
            4. Make the changes to the workflow-identity-config.xml file.
            5. Import the configuration file using the command: importMetadata(application='soa-infra',server='AdminServer',fromLocation='<your_path>',docs='/soa/configuration/default/workflow-identity-config.xml')
            6. Exit the application using the command: exit

            XPATH Function getlastperformer Is Only Applicable to Tasks

            • Bug: 12632351
            • Added: 11-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            The XPATH function getlast performer is only applicable to tasks. It is not applicable to business process instances.

            Mismatched Operation Name Causes a Deployment Error

            • Bug: 12662284
            • Added: 11-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            If the operation name specified in the start event does not match the one defined in the wsdl file then this causes an error when you try to deploy the project.

            Instances from a Removed Asynchronous BPEL Process Remain Running After Redeploying

            • Bug: 13262155
            • Added: 11-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            After you remove an asynchronous BPEL process from a BPM project and then redeploy the project, the instances from the removed BPEL process remain active.

            Workaround Use a new revision when deploying a BPM project where you removed an asynchronous BPEL process.

            Boundary Event Seen as an X Icon in Audit Trail

            • Bug: 13263092
            • Added: 10-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            During migration of an instance, an activity removed from the new process displays an x icon in the process instance audit trail. This can be confusing because a boundary event displays the same icon even though it is not removed. Note that this is a user interface issue only and causes no loss of functionality.

            Issues with Input/Output Message in Audit Trail During Alter Flow

            • Bug: 13361923
            • Added: 10-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            Issue 1: Viewing comments after alterflow

            Comments applied during grab/migrate are not visible unless you select the tree view in the audit trail list. Within that tree view, expand the activity where comment is applied. The comment column in audit trail is then populated with the comment.

            Issue 2: Input output message shows the content of a previously selected record

            If, in the audit trail of an instance, the input/output message is for a previously selected record, then do the following:

            1. Refresh the process tracking table.
            2. Select any other record.
            3. Select once again the record whose message you want to view. This time the input/output content is correct.

            Use Only a Valid Combination When Changing the Variables ownerType and owner

            • Bug: 13355820
            • Added: 10-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            You can change the values of the process instance variables ownerType and owner during runtime while performing a grab/migrate action in the BPM Workspace Process Tracking page. When you do this, you must use the valid combination of ownerType and owner -- for example:

            Valid combination: owner=jstein and ownerType=USER Invalid combination: owner=jstein and ownerType=ROLE

            Cannot Simultaneously Move a Token from Both a User Task Within a Subprocess and from the Subprocess Itself

            • Bug: 13336279
            • Added: 05-December-2011
            • Platform: All

            Moving a token simultaneously from both a user task within a subprocess and the subprocess itself may result in an error. You should move the token from either the subprocess, or from the user task, but not from both.

            You Can Neither Alter the Flow of an Errored Instance Nor Resume It

            • Bug: 13254650
            • Added: 05-December-2011
            • Platform: All

            You cannot alter the flow of an errored instance, nor can you resume it.

            Custom Page Name and Layout Changes While Navigating Between Pages in Edit Mode

            • Bug: 13253389
            • Added: 07-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            You can edit only one custom page at a time. You can create a custom page, edit it, add panels to it, and then save it. Then, after you have saved the previous page, you can select another page to edit or create a new page. However, if you do not save the previous page that you were editing, then the settings of the older page-- for example, the page name--are copied on to the new page.

            Unable to View Complete Error Message in Grab Panel

            • Bug: 13098620
            • Added: 07-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            When you attempt to alter the flow of a running instance, a Grab Confirmation dialog box tells you the result. If an exception is thrown, the error message may not bemcompletely visible in the Grab results panel. To view the complete message, hover over the cell and read the tool tip that appears.

            weblogic.xml Is Incorrect when Task Form Application Is Migrated from an Older Version in Oracle JDeveloper

            • Bug: 13051963
            • Added: 07-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            When task-details projects are either moved or deployed on the server based on Releases PS3 to PS5 onwards, then you must change the weblogic-application.xml file in the task details project to include the following:


            No Auto-Migration While Redeploying Incompatible Process with "Force Deploy" Property Set to TRUE

            • Bug: 12918436
            • Added: 07-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            If a process is incompatible with a new implementation, and if, during design time, the process is implemented with both "keep running instances" and "force deploy" set to true, then, on deployment, instances of that process go into pending migration and the component is suspended. The "force deploy" property is set in the composite.xml file in Oracle JDeveloper. The property is oracle.bpm.bpmn.force.deploy.

            BPM Workspace Page Takes Only One Entry in BPM_USERAPPLICATIONDATA; Limits Test-to-Production (T2P) Page Migration

            • Bug: 12876023
            • Added: 07-November-2011
            • Platform: All

            In BPM Workspace, no matter how many workspace pages are created, all the info is recorded in one row of BPM_USERAPPLICATIONDATA with:



            This limits the Test-to-Production (T2P) page migration to either all or nothing.

            It also limits the T2P page migration to replace all the existing pages.

            For example:

            Test env has following defined in page: "Widget1" , "Widget2" , "Widget3"
            Prod env has following defined in page: "WidgetA" , "WidgetB"

            In this example, T2P cannot just export "Widget1" and append to production which results to "WidgetA", "WidgetB", "Widget1". Only option after the export and import is that the production environment will have "Widget1", "Widget2", "Widget" defined, and "WidgetA", "WidgetB" removed.

            Data Association Dialog Shows Arguments for Script Task

            • Bug: 12651273
            • Added: 12-September-2011
            • Platform: All

            Even if the script task does not currently support arguments the data association dialog shows arguments. Using this arguments does not have any effect because the scrip task does not use them.

            Pending Migration Instance Details Show Actvity ID Instead of Activity Name in Open Activities

            • Bug: 12681352
            • Added: 12-September-2011
            • Platform: All

            After installing the OPatch and performing the BPM-specific post-installation steps, but before starting the soa_server1, delete the WLS tmp directory for Oracle BPM Workspace.

            In Upgraded Task Details, Reassign Action Completes but Throws an Error

            • Bug: 12347043
            • Added: 25-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            In task details upgraded from an earlier release, when you are executing the Reassign action an error says "Request Failed". Actually, the reassign completes, and when you click OK again, a popup says the task is already assigned.

            Workaround: Upgrade your taskflow applications by opening them in Oracle JDeveloper and redeploying the taskform.

            Migration Properties Document for T2P for Dashboards

            • Bug: 11832683
            • Added: 08-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            The T2P Migration document for Dashboards needs to explicitly specify the supported for the T2P utility for objectType DASHBOARD.

            Refresh Needed to View Process Instance after Invocation from Applications Panel in BPM Process Workspace

            • Bug: 11060337
            • Added: 08-February-2011
            • Platform: All

            In BPM Process Workspace, after you invoke a process instance from the Applications panel, the instance does not appear in the Process Instance table in the Process Tracking tab.

            Workaround: To view the process instance in the Process Instance table, refresh the browser.

            Process Tracking Page Refreshes Continuously

            • Bug: 11066631
            • Added: 08-February-2011
            • Platform: All

            At times, in BPM Process Workspace when there are no process instances running, the Process Tracking page refreshes continuously. This is a known issue.

            Error Creating a Business Object from an External XSD File

            • Bug: 11678299
            • Added: 11-Febrary-2011
            • Platform: All

            Creating a Business Object based on a schema type using a schema type that is not contained in the BPM project, causes a IllegalStateException.

            Workaround: The following procedure shows you how to modify a Business Object based on a schema type contained in the project to reference an external schema type.

            1. Create a Business Object based on an XSD type contained in the BPM project.
            2. Close JDeveloper.
            3. Edit the BPM project WSDL file to reference the external XSD:
              1. In the definitions element replace the xmlns:oj value with the namespace of the external type.
              2. In the xsd:import element replace the namespace and location with the values corresponding to the external type.
              3. In the bpmo:binding element replace the type value with the name of the external type.
            4. Save the BPM project WSDL file.
            5. Reopen JDeveloper.

            Do Not Edit the BPMN Process WSDLs Directly

            • Bug: 8925528 and 8976614.
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            You must always use the Process Editor to edit a BPMN process. Do not edit the BPMN process WSDLs directly. Doing so does not allow you to save the changes and causes multiple error messages.

            Cannot Edit Link Between BPMN Process and Business Rules in composite.xml

            • Bug: 9113859
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            The business rules task is used to incorporate Oracle Business Rules within a BPMN process. You can specify the business rule used as part of the configuration properties for the business rules task.

            However, you cannot edit this property in composite.xml. Use the Oracle BPM Studio user interface to edit or remove the reference to the business rule.

            Deleting Services or References from the SOA Composite Does Not Delete the Customized Service or Reference

            • Bug: 9125336
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            When you delete a customized service or a reference from the SOA Composite, Oracle BPM Studio does not delete the customized component from the business catalog. Before building the BPM project you must manually delete the customized component from the business catalog.

            The XPath Data Association Editor Does Not Validate Expressions

            • Bug: 9125830
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            The XPath Data Association Editor does not validate the expressions you use to assign values to arguments and data objects. You must ensure that the XPath expressions you use in an XPath data association are valid. Using invalid XPath expressions causes errors at run time.

            Deleting a Reference from the SOA Composite Does Not Remove It from the Human Task Payload Configuration

            • Bug: 9126659
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            Deleting a reference from the SOA Composite does not delete the reference from the payload of the Human Tasks that use the reference.

            After you delete a reference, you must remove the deleted reference from the Human Tasks using it.

            Data Associations for Elements of a Collection Are Not Available

            • Bug: 9165384
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            Data associations for elements of a collection are not available in this release. To assign a value to an element of a collection, use XLS transformations.

            Do Not Define Multiple Catch Events for the Same Error or Message

            • Bug: 9165488
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            Do not define multiple catch events for the same error or message. Only the first catch event fires; the remaining catch events are ignored.

            Changes to a Deployed Organizational Unit Are Not Supported

            • Bug: 9217073
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            When a BPM Project is deployed, any organizational units that do not exist are created. However, when redeploying a project, if any existing organizational units are changed, the changes will not be updated.

            These changes must be made by a business administrator using Oracle BPM Workspace as described in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Process Management.

            enableAutoClaim Property Is Set to True in Human Tasks Created Using Oracle BPM Suite

            • Bug: 9222851
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            When you create a Human Task using Oracle BPM Suite, the enableAutoClaim property is set to true by default.

            Configuring Data Associations for XML Schema Elements Based on Simple Data Types

            • Bug: 9223361
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            When configuring data associations for a flow object, you can map simple XML elements based on simple types to compatible basic data objects.

            The Initiator Node List Shows the Names of the Possible Initiator Flow Objects

            • Bug: 9229890
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            In the implementation properties of message events and send and receive tasks, the Initiator Node list shows the name of the initiator flow object. A BPMN process might contain multiple flow objects with the same name. It is a good practice to use a different name for all of the flow objects in the process. Not doing so causes the Initiator Node list to contain multiple items with the same name, making it difficult to identify the one you want to select.

            The Pushback Task Operation Is Not Supported In an Aggregation Context

            • Bug: 9451036
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            The Approval Management pushback task operation is not supported in an aggregation context. Use the request for information task operation instead.

            Must Assign Application Roles from the OracleBPMProcessRolesApp Context

            • Bug: 9474544
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            Using Oracle BPM Studio, you can map the roles defined in your process to application roles defined by Oracle WebLogic Server.

            However, you must ensure that the application roles you use are defined as part of the OracleBPMProcessRolesApp application context. Only application roles defined in OracleBPMProcessRolesApp are used at run time.

            Adding Counter Marks to Subprocesses Is Not Available

            • Bug: 9552475
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            Adding counter marks to subprocesses is not available for this release.

            The available workaround is to add the counter mark to add an activity immediately after the start event in the subprocess and add a counter mark to this activity.

            You Must Manually Remove Additional Slashes from the XSD file when Defining Human Tasks Assignments Based on Business Rules

            • Bug: 9580664
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            In BPM Suite if you define a human task assignments based on Business Rules, then you must edit the XSD of the decision service to remove the additional slashes from the import statements.

            For example, you must replace the following statement:


            with the following import statement:


            The Number of Business Indicators Per Project Is Limited

            • Bug: 9645599
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            You must not define more than twenty business indicators per project. The average length of the name of the business indicator must be 15 characters.

            Oracle BPM Studio Permits Users to Assign Invalid Application Roles to Swimlanes

            • Bug: 9474544
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            When assigning roles to swimlanes using Oracle BPM Studio, users can assign roles based on application roles that are not part of OracleBPMProcessRolesApp. This causes errors when deploying the Oracle BPM project.

            As a workaround, you should ensure that the application roles you assign to swim lane roles uses OracleBPMProcessRolesApp only.

            Cannot Import a BPEL Process to a BPA Server Multiple Times

            • Bug: 9726300
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            You can only import a BPEL process to a BPA server one time. After you import a BPEL process to a BPA Server, it is associated to that particular BPA instance.

            Starting an Event Subprocess from the BPM Process That Contains It Is Not Supported

            • Bug: 9785681
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            You cannot start an event subprocess by sending a message event from within the BPM process that contains the event subprocess. Because this release does not support correlations, a process instance cannot send event messages to itself.

            If you start an event subprocess by sending a message event from within the BPM process that contains it, then the BPM Engine does not run the event subprocess and it may stop responding.

            Sorting the Process Instances in a Guided Business Process by Instance ID Does Not Order Them in Numerical Order

            • Bug: 9794067
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            Sorting the list of process instances in a guided business process by their ID does not order them in numerical order.

            The sorting algorithm used to order process instances in guided business processes does not compare the whole number. It compares the first digit in the number ID.

            For example, sorting he following list of process IDs: 1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 12 produces the following result: 1, 11, 12, 20, 3, 5

            Timer Start Events that Specify Dates Previous or Equal to the Deployment Date Are Not Triggered

            • Bug: 10404509
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            The BPM Engine does not trigger timer start events that specify a date previous or equal to the deployment date.

            Limitations When Calling a BPMN Process from a Spring Component

            • Bug: 9840691
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            The following limitations apply when calling a BPMN process from a Spring component:

            • You cannot call a BPMN process from a Spring component that does not declare an interface.
            • You cannot create a Spring component reference based on a BPMN process interface. Currently Oracle BPM Studio does not provide a way to create Java classes based on BPMN process instances.
            • You must name the WSDL used to represent the Java interface of a Spring component with the same name of the Java interface. For example, if the name of the Java interface is then the name of the WSDL must be SpringInterface.wsdl.
            • The option Append Suffix in the Update WSDL Interface action is not supported because the name of the WSDL must match the name of the Java interface. If the user selects this option, then BPM Studio shows an error message stating this feature is not enabled.

            Patching an SOA Application with Shared Resource Bundles

            • Bug: 10636799
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            You can patch an SOA application with shared resource bundles so that you can reference resources in a shared location, instead of creating new resource bundles.

            To patch an SOA application with shared resource bundles:

            1. Create the java resource bundle files containing key-value pairs of the display fields.
            2. Compile the files and bundle the resource bundle classes into a jar.

              The following example shows a packaging structure:

              resource/oracle/bpel/activityguide/resource/AGResourceBundle.class resource/oracle/bpel/activityguide/resource/AGResourceBundle_fr.class

            3. Deploy the resource bundle to MDS:
              1. In Oracle JDeveloper, create a new Project deployment profile of archive type Jar.
              2. In the Contributors section, add the resource bundle you created.
              3. Save the profile.
              4. Create a new application deployment profile of archive type SOA Bundle.
              5. In the Contributors section, add the Jar profile you created to this SOA Bundle. If required, combine with SOA-SAR profile for combined deployment.
              6. Save the profile.
              7. Deploy the SOA bundle from Oracle JDeveloper to an SOA Server.

                Note: For details on how to deploy a resource bundle to MDS, see "Deploying and Using Shared Metadata Across SOA Composite Applications in Oracle JDeveloper" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

            4. In Oracle JDeveloper edit the composite.xml file.
            5. In the Structure window, right click the composite element.
            6. Select Insert Inside Composite.
            7. Select Property.
            8. Set name of the property to oracle.soa.composite.classloader.ext.dir and the value of the property to the package structure of the jar you created.

              The following XML fragment shows how to set the required property:

              <property name="oracle.soa.composite.classloader.ext.dir"> /apps/resource </property>

            9. Localize the display fields of the Guided Business Process in Oracle JDeveloper.
              • Choose External option during translation to indicate that an external resource bundle is used.
              • Provide the fully qualified name of the class in the resource bundle field. For example:


            Deploy Option Is Not Available in Approval WorkFlow Browser

            • Bug: 9197923
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            When you specify an approver who also has deployment permissions, the user will not initially see the deployment option. To be able to deploy the Oracle BPM project, the project must first be approved for deployment using the Oracle BPM WorkSpace application. Once the approval workflow is complete, the option to deploy the project is available.

            Chinese, Korean, and Character Input Problems in Flow Object Labels

            • Bug: 9464997
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            The Adobe Flash Player has a bug related to input for Chinese, Korean, and Japanese characters. This causes problems in Oracle Business Process Composer when editing flow object labels within the process editor.

            For more information see: To resolve this issue, use Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7.

            Initiator Pattern Is Not Permitted Within a Subprocess

            • Bug: 10330870
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            You should not use a user task with an initiator pattern within a subprocess. This is currently allowed during design and deployment using Oracle Business Process Composer and Oracle BPM Studio. Oracle BPM WorkSpace will show a link within a running process, but this link is invalid.

            Supported Version of Adobe Flash on Linux Systems

            • Bug: 10198949
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            Some Oracle Business Process Composer user interface elements are not displayed when using Linux.

            As a workaround, you must install Adobe Flash, version 10.1 or greater.

            Text Field Does Not Display Full Value for Participant Names

            • Bug: 10193619
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            When creating or editing human tasks using Oracle Business Process Composer, the text filed displaying the Value column is not wide enough to display the all the data.

            As a workaround, you can view the full text by positioning the mouse over the cell to display the tooltip.

            Process Workspace Login Error When Using External LDAP Directory

            • Bug: 10008507
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            If you are using an external LDAP directory, you may receive the following error message when logging in to Process Workspace: "No Role found matching the criteria".

            This may occur under the following conditions:

            • You have used Oracle WebLogic Server Console to configure a user base and a group base to search for and authenticate users.
            • The user base or group base has a referral to another user base or group base.

            In this case, the Process Workspace identity service does not list the users or groups and, as a result, the login to Process Workspace fails to authenticate the user.

            This can occur when there are two bases to be searched, one for users and one for groups, but the UR API is not properly set.

            To resolve this, in the Oracle WebLogic Server Console, provide a root-level search base for both users and groups so that referrals are resolved automatically since you are providing a higher node in the search tree.

            If this solution degrades performance as a result of a substantially larger search base, you can limit this search by editing specific property in the located at domain-home/config/fmwconfig/.

            The following is an example of an edited jps-config.xmlfile:


            Taskflow Links for Undeployed Processes Are Visible in Process Workspace

            • Bug: 10353724
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            If a project is deployed with its taskflows and then it is undeployed, it remains visible in the Applications panel of Oracle Business Process Management Workspace. To make it no longer visible, clear it from either Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console or the WFTASKDISPLAY table in the SOAINFRA schema.

            Oracle WebCenter 11g Patchset 2 with Process Spaces Does Not Work with Process Workspace Patchset 3

            • Bug: 10163188
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            Both components must be 11g Patchset 3.

            When Documentation Server Is Down, Launching a Group Space for an Instance Causes Error "Instance 'null' is not available"

            • Bug: 9502887
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            If you have a Process Spaces group space open and you bring down the documentation service, then, when you launch instance group space for an instance, you see that an instance group space is created. However, when you open the instance group space, you receive the error message "Instance 'null' is not available". This happens because the newly created group space does not have the custom attribute instanceId.

            For the workaround, the administrator should do the following:

            1. Navigate to Settings in the process instance group space.
            2. Navigate to custom attributes.
            3. Create the custom attribute instanceId and associate the process instance identifier as the value.

            File Size Limit for Process Attachment Is 2 MB

            • Bug: 9556656
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            If you attach a file to a process, the file must be no larger than two megabytes.

            For Large Number of Users Set Timeout to 5 Minutes Maximum

            • Bug: 9593950
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            If you have a large number of users, set the timeout to no more than 5 minutes. To do this, expand the BPM Workspace .ear file, open the web.xml file, and update the timeout parameter.

            Migration Properties Document for T2P for Dashboards

            • Bug: 11832683
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            The T2P Migration document for Dashboards needs to explicitly specify the supported for the T2P utility for objectType DASHBOARD.

            ORA-00001: unique constraint (SH_SOAINFRA.BPM_AUDIT_QUERY_PK) Violated when Exceeding the Quota

            • Bug: 9580853
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            If you encounter the following error in the log file:

            java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (SH_SOAINFRA.BPM_AUDIT_QUERY_PK) violated when exceeding the Quota

            then increase the quota by doing the following:

            1. Run the following SQL command:

              update BPM_AUDIT_SEQUENCE set seq_count = ( select max(query_id) from bpm_audit_query) +1 where seq_name = 'AUDIT_QUERY_SEQ';

            2. Restart the server.

            Discrepancy Between Message Recovery Status and Composite Status

            • Bug: 9776952
            • Added: 29-April-2011
            • Platform: All

            In some contexts, when a message recovery is performed successfully, the composite status displayed in Oracle Enterprise Manager is still show as Faulted.

            This occurs in the following context:

            1. Process A calls Process B with the DenyAll policy attached.
            2. Process A is invoked, but any messages to Process B are not delivered due to the DenyAll setting.
            3. The DenyAll policy on Process B is disabled, and the errors are recovered.
            4. The audit trail shows that the recovery was successful, however the composite status is still marked as Faulted.

            Business Rules

            Creating a Dictionary Link Between Two Projects Does Not Work at Run Time

            • Bug: 13413704
            • Added: 13-February-2012
            • Platform: All

            At design time, Oracle Business Rules allows you to link to a dictionary in the same application or in another application using the Links navigation tab in Rules Designer.

            However, this feature is not supported at run time (by using Oracle SOA Composer).

            Parent Taskflow of a Rules Dictionary Taskflow Needs to Be Notified When Handles a Save Operation

            • Bug: 11787788
            • Added: 13-February-2012
            • Platform: All

            When a Rules Dictionary Taskflow performs a Save operation, the parent tasklow (of the Rules Dictionary taskflow) needs to be notified.

            In the code, you need to add parent-action for both save with and without validation as the following:

            <parent-action id="updateMetadataDoneAct">
                   <parent-action id="updateMetadataNoValidateDoneAct">

            You can also add handlers as the following in adfc-config.xml to achieve this:

            <method-call id="afterSave">
                   <outcome id="__22">
                 <method-call id="afterSaveNoValidate">
                   <outcome id="__23">
                 <control-flow-rule id="__6">
                   <from-activity-id id="__7">*</from-activity-id>
                   <control-flow-case id="__10">
                <from-outcome id="__8">handleUpdateMetadataDone</from-outcome>
                <to-activity-id id="__9">afterSave</to-activity-id>
                   <control-flow-case id="__13">
                     <from-outcome id="__11">handleUpdateMetadataNoValidateDone</from-outcome>
                     <to-activity-id id="__12">afterSaveNoValidate</to-activity-id>

            Error When Trying to Locate a Schema in Projects Migrated from PS1 to PS3

            • Bug: 12868234
            • Added: 06-December-2011
            • Platform: All

            When you open a Oracle SOA Suite ( project in Oracle SOA Suite ( and click Reload All Facts, an error is displayed when you try to locate the schema in the Project directory and not in the XSD directory (where it is available). This is because the schemaLocation has not been updated to reflect the correct location.

            This error also occurs when you open Oracle SOA Suite ( project and create a testsuite.

            Workaround: You need to delete the facts pertaining to Oracle SOA Suite ( projects and regenerate them again from their source schemas.

            notserializableexception Is Thrown on Opening Dictionary in Oracle SOA Composer

            • Bug: 12415315
            • Added: 06-December-2011
            • Platform: All

            In a clustered environment, when you open a dictionary in SOA Composer by clicking a ruleset name in the Select a dictionary to open dialog box, a NotSerializableException is thrown.

            There is no loss of functionality because of the exception; the dictionary opens, however the selected ruleset is not displayed by default.

            Workaround: Select the dictionary by clicking the row and click the Open button.

            Difficult to Add a Variable Inside a Nested Case in Oracle SOA Composer

            • Bug: 12604367
            • Added: 11-September-2011
            • Platform: All

            You cannot add a variable definition directly inside a nested block.

            Workaround: The following are the workarounds for this issue:

            • Workaround 1: Add a variable definition first, and then surround it with parenthesis using the Surround condition(s) with parentheses (()+) icon at the top. However, this works only in the case of (...) but not with not(...).
            • Workaround 2: Add a nested (...) or not(...) block, add a variable definition inside the nested block, and then move the variable definition up by clicking the Move up (up arrow icon) icon at the top.

            Refresh Needed to View Updated Rules Test Variable Names in SOA Composer Decision Tables

            • Bug: 12894814
            • Added: 11-September-2011
            • Platform: All

            In Oracle SOA Composer, when using Oracle Business Rules test variables or inline aliases in rule and decision table conditions and actions, after you make changes to the variable names, the updated names do not appear in the decision table.

            Workaround: In the decision table, do one of the following to force the decision table to redraw and display the updated variable names:

            • Click the Switch Rows to Columns icon on the decision table toolbar.
            • Click the Show Conflicts icon on the decision table toolbar.

            Adding or deleting a rule, condition, or action also causes the decision table to redraw and hence display the updated variable names.

            The Copy to Project Checkbox is Not Selected by Default While Using URL Location for a Schema

            • Bug: 11675232
            • Updated: 03-February-2011
            • Platform: All

            While creating business rules, in the Import schema file dialog box, when you point to the URL location for a schema, the Copy to Project checkbox is not selected by default.

            Workaround: In the Import Schema File" dialog box, manually select the Copy to Project checkbox. This is the default selection for schemas imported from local file system (file:/......).

            RL.contains is Incorrectly Displayed in the List of Operators in Oracle SOA Composer

            • Bug: 11062184
            • Updated: 03-February-2011
            • Platform: All

            In Oracle SOA Composer, when writing the "if" part of a if-then rule, RL.contains is incorrectly displayed as one of the relational operators in the operator list.

            Too Many Open Files Message When Deploying a Business Rules Project

            • Bug: 9102568, 7418258
            • Added: 16-November-2009 Platform: IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), Oracle Solaris

              If you see the error "Too Many Open Files" while deploying an Oracle Business Rules Decision Component, you might need to increase the file descriptor limit.

              The "Too many open files" issue is due to JDK6 bugs. These bugs could occur at runtime or at compile time, depending on the number of JAR files used and a few other variations around the use of file descriptors by the JDK/JRE.

              Workaround: Increase the limit of file descriptors. Per-process, per-user file descriptor limit can be preconfigured by default to the value 1024. If you increase this limit to 4096 or larger, the new value should resolve this issue.

              These are the potentially relevant JDK6 bugs:

              And a blog entry describes this issue at:


              The command to increase per-process, per-user file descriptor differs across Operating Systems and shells. It is typically done with ulimit on UNIX platforms so consult the man pages for ulimit for your Operating System and shell.

              For example:

              $ ulimit -n 4096

              Business-to-Business Integration (B2B)

              Server Restart Required for Oracle B2B Server Property to Take Effect

              • Bug: 13644558
              • Added: 13-February-2012
              • Platform: All

              You need to restart the mamaged server (SOA Server) for Oracle B2B Server property oracle.tip.b2b.edi.binaryDocType to take effect.

              B2B Users Should Not Invoke Healthcare Postinstall Script

              • Bug: 13550031
              • Added: 19-January-2012 Platform: All Release:

                B2B users who do not want to use Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration should not invoke the postinstall script that is specifically for users of Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration

                Change in Names of Configuration Parameters

                • Bug: 12918690
                • Added: 06-December-2011
                • Platform: All

                The configuration parameter names FA Handled By B2B and Functional Knowledgement by B2B have been changed to FA Handled Automatically and Functional Knowledgement Automatically. There is no change in functionality.

                Oracle B2B Commandline Utility b2bvalidate Uses -dmdsreference as an Option

                • Bug: 12794661
                • Added: 06-December-2011
                • Platform: All

                The option -Dargs is not supported in the b2bvalidate commandline utility. Use -dmdsreference instead.

                Setting the b2b.syncappdelivery Property

                • Bug: 10429627
                • Added: 06-December-2011
                • Platform: All

                When using callouts, to enable delivery of messages to the back-end message queue, set this property to true. By default, this property is enabled (set to >code>true). To disable the message delivery, set this property to false.

                RosettaNet Headers Cannot Be Seen if Message Security Is Enabled

                • Bug: 12976817
                • Added: 06-December-2011
                • Platform: All

                You cannot see RosettaNet headers (Preamble, Delivery and Service) for any inbound or outbound message if the message security (encryption) is enabled.

                The packed message does not show any content in the Wire Message report because data is encrypted, and the payload link in the Wire Message report shows only the payload part and not the complete RosettaNet MIME message.

                Supported Document Types Are Not Refreshed After Switching Trading Partners

                • Bug: 13350675
                • Added: 06-December-2011
                • Platform: All

                If you add a document type under the Supported Document Types section in the Oracle B2B console, the content of Supported Document Types does not get refreshed when you switch from one Trading Partner (Host) to another Trading Partner (Remote).

                LDAP Cleanup Is Required to Avoid Monitor User to Have Administrator Privileges

                • Bug: 13342300
                • Added: 06-December-2011
                • Platform: All

                In some cases, as the following, in Oracle B2B, a Host Monitor user can perform an Administrator's task, such as creating new users and change own user roles:

                1. In a clean environment (LDAP, B2B install), log on to the Oracle B2B console as weblogic.
                2. Import any given schema.
                3. In the Partner tab, under Host, create a new user called myUser1 with the Administrator role.
                4. Save and login as myUser1 to ensure that the user has administrator privilegesn and log out.
                5. Log on as weblogic.
                6. Under Administration -> Purge, purge the Design Metadata.
                7. Re-create the user, myUser1 (under Host), but this time as a Monitor user.
                8. Save and log out.
                9. Log on as myUser1. Notice that the user has Administrator privileges (instead of monitor).
                This is an undesired situation.

                Workaround: On the LDAP server, ensure that you clean up the entry for the user (myUser1 that was created as Administrator) before creating a new user with the same name (but with different role.)

                Host Administrator Cannot Create User After Adding Document Type Support

                • Bug: 13255134
                • Added: 06-December-2011
                • Platform: All

                When a Host Admin user has a new document added to Supported Document Types, the Host Admin cannot add a new user.

                Signing AS2 Sync-ACK Needs a Trading Partner Delivery Channel

                • Bug: 12999861
                • Added: 06-December-2011
                • Platform: All

                If a signed AS2 sync-ACK is needed, the Trading Partner delivery channel should contain security details:

                • ACK signed flag should be checked in the channel
                • Signing certificate should be selected in the channel

                If the above configuration is not done, a runtime error is reported.

                Adding the b2bmonitor Role to a User Does Not Work for DB-Based Policy Store

                • Bug: 13026205
                • Added: 06-December-2011
                • Platform: All

                In Oracle B2B, a user needs to be granted the B2BMonitor role to be able to obtain the privileges of B2BMonitor. You can grant the B2BMonitor role to a user from the Oracle B2B console, and not from the Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Management console.

                No Support for Propagating JMS MessageID to JMS CorrelationID

                • Bug: 13430043
                • Added: 06-December-2011
                • Platform: All

                In the case of default JMS queues, Oracle B2B does not support the propagation of JMS MessageID from an outbound MLLP request to the JMS CorrelationID field in corresponding Inbound Acknowledgment.

                Oracle B2B Does Not Generate MessageID for JMS Internal Listening Outbound Channel

                • Bug: 13439585
                • Added: 06-December-2011
                • Platform: All

                When back-end applications communicate with Oracle B2B by using JMS queues, if the Use JMS ID flag is not set, then Oracle B2B should not use JMS Message ID for outbound message and should use B2B-generated Message ID for outbound message. If the flag is set, then Oracle B2B uses the JMS ID as B2BMessageID. However, currently, Oracle B2B does not generate Message IDs when the flag is not set.

                Oracle B2B Console Displays Empty Error Dialog for Remote Admin User

                • Bug: 13377596
                • Added: 06-December-2011
                • Platform: All

                In Oracle B2B console, for a Remote Admin user, when you click any available agreements under Partners/Agreements, and then click any of the Document Types pertaining to the agreement under the Agreement section, an empty error dialog is displayed.

                Oracle B2B User Interface Does Not Have Provision for the 'readonly' Parameter

                • Bug: 9669427
                • Added: 06-December-2011
                • Platform: All

                While creating a delivery or listening channel for a Trading Partner in the Oracle B2B UI, currently, you do not have any provision for specifying a ReadOnly parameter. This feature was present in Oracle SOA Suite 10g.

                Workaround: You can achieve the same functionality by setting the File Archival directory parameter available in the Oracle B2B UI.

                Clicking Different Tabs under Oracle B2B Displays Spurious Warnings in the Managed Server Console Log

                • Bug: 12648474
                • Added: 17-November-2011
                • Platform: All

                After you upgrade from Oracle SOA Suite to Oracle SOA Suite, clicking the different tabs in the Oracle B2B homepage results in several instances of the following warning in the Managed Server Console log:

                Could not find selected item matching value "" ...

                WLST Command reassociatesecuritystore Works Differently in Oracle B2B

                • Bug: 12396118
                • Added: 01-May-2011
                • Platform: All

                The WLST command reassociatesecuritystore that is used to reassociate a policy store with an LDAP Server works differently than what is described in Reassociation of Credentials and Policies in "Oracle Fusion Middleware Enterprise Deployment Guide for Oracle SOA Suite".

                For the command to work properly in Oracle B2B:

                Instead of using cn="jpsroot" or cn=<cn>, use jpsroot="dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com".

                For example:

                reassociateSecurityStore(domain="soainfra",admin="cn=orcladmin", password="welcome1",ldapurl="ldap://",servertype="OID", jpsroot="dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com");

                Incorrect Date Format in Command-line Purge Destroys Repository

                • Bug: 11701338
                • Added: 13-February-2011
                • Platform: All

                A user can destroy the entire Oracle B2B repository (both the design-time and run-time data) if an incorrect fromdate value is entered while executing a command-line purge.


                ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bpurge -Dfromdate="sddsdsd"


                ant -f ant-b2b-util.xml b2bpurge -Dfromdate="01/02/2009 12:00 AM"

                Oracle B2B Uses JMS as the Default Queue

                • Bug: 8935332
                • Added: 13-February-2012
                • Platform: All

                Oracle B2B uses JMS (B2B_IN_QUEUE and B2B_OUT_QUEUE) as the default queue. However, AQ (IP_IN_QUEUE and IP_OUT_QUEUE) is fully supported. If you want to use the default AQ queues, you can change the default queue setting in the Configuration tab in the Oracle B2B console.

                Complex Event Processing

                Solaris Platform-Specific Installer Is Not Supported on Solaris 11

                • Bug: 1345548
                • Updated: 6-December-2011 Platform: Solaris

                  The Solaris platform-specific installer for Complex Event Processing (CEP) is not supported on Solaris 11 due to the installer’s embedding the JRockit JVM. For example, installation using ofm_ocep_solaris_11. is not supported.

                  Workaround: To work around this issue, you can install CEP by using its generic installer, ofm_ocep_generic_11. Run the installer using a non-JRockit version of the Oracle JVM for Solaris (HotSpot JVM for Solaris). You can use a command such as the following:

                  java -d64 -jar ofm_ocep_generic_11.

                  Silent Mode Cannot Be Used to Create a Domain with Config Wizard

                  • Bug: 13472811
                  • Updated: 21-December-2011
                  • Platform: All

                  Due to an issue in this release, you will be unable to create a domain with the configuration wizard in silent mode. On Windows and Linux, the following will generate an error:

                  $MIDDLEWARE_HOME/ocep_11.1/common/bin/ -mode=silent

                  The error will be similar to this:

                  A fatal error has occurred. This application will terminate.

                  Workaround: Do not run the config wizard in silent mode.

                  JMS Adapter Will Not Recover Event That Causes an Exception

                  • Bug: 12873645
                  • Updated: 10-November-2011
                  • Platform: All

                  The JMS adapter is designed to respect transacted JMS session behavior (recovering input when the transaction is rolled back) when you set the adapter's session-transacted element to true. Due to an issue in this release, when an event provokes an exception during conversion, during processing by CQL, or within a user bean, that event is not recovered.

                  Multiple Processor Views with the Same Name Hinder EPN Display

                  • Bug: 13370547
                  • Updated: 10-November-2011
                  • Platform: All

                  In the Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse, the Event Processing Network (EPN) viewer might be unable to display the EPN view if there are multiple processors with the same view name. For example, the EPN XML code snippet below shows two views whose names are "SomeView".

                          <view id="SomeView">
                              <!-- View code -->
                      <!- More code -->
                          <view id="SomeView">
                              <!-- View code -->
                      <!- More code -->

                  Workaround: Ensure that each view has its own name.

                  JDK 7 Is Not Supported for Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse

                  • Bug: 13340853
                  • Updated: 10-November-2011
                  • Platform: All

                  Due to issues that make performance unreliable, this release does not support using JDK 7 with the Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse.

                  JDK 7 Must Be Used for Oracle CEP Server when Both IPv4 and IPv6 Support Is Needed on Windows

                  • Bug: 10215099
                  • Updated: 10-November-2011
                  • Platform: All

                  If your Windows installation of Oracle CEP server must support clients over both IPv4 and IPv6, the server instance must use JDK 7.

                  Limited Browser Support for Uploading an Application JAR Over HTTPS

                  • Bug: 12793925
                  • Updated: 10-November-2011
                  • Platform: All

                  Uploading an application JAR file over HTTPS by using Oracle CEP Visualizer is not supported in the following browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome 15, Apple Safari 5.1. For uploading over HTTPS, use Internet Explorer.

         Fails Due to Incorrect Classpath

                  • Bug: 13522497
                  • Updated: 21-December-2011
                  • Platform: All

                  The file included with this release has an incorrect classpath that causes the tool to fail. The script's classpath contains a reference to org.osgi.eclipse.equinox_3.5.1.jar, but should refer to org.osgi.eclipse.equinox_3.6.2.jar.

                  Ordinarily, with you can create an OSGi bundle wrapper, a bundle JAR you can deploy to an OSGi container.

                  Workaround: You can open the file and edit the classpath to include the correct JAR file. You can also use the Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse to create the bundle JAR file.

                  Event Processing Language (EPL) is Deprecated

                  • Bug: 13350828
                  • Updated: 10-November-2011
                  • Platform: All

                  Oracle Event Processing Language (EPL) is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Use Oracle Continuous Query Language (CQL) for new development.

                  Creating a Two-Way SSL Connection with WebLogic Server

                  • Bug: 12771217
                  • Updated: 10-November-2011
                  • Platform: All

                  While making a two-way SSL connection with WebLogic Server, use the following steps.

                  1. Copy the DemoTrust.jks and DemoIdentity.jks from weblogic server to the CEP domain and run the following command. The command is displayed here on multiple lines for readability, but it should be run on a single line.
                    keytool -importkeystore
                        -srckeystore <domain_home>\defaultserver\ssl\DefaultIdentity.jks
                        -srcstorepass DemoIdentityKeyStorePassPhrase
                        -srcalias demoidentity
                        -srckeypass DemoIdentityPassPhrase
                        -destkeystore <domain_home>\defaultserver\ssl\server.jks
                        -deststorepass welcome
                        -destalias demoidentity
                        -destkeypass welcome
                  2. Using the java command, pass the following properties to the script:
                    "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" %JVM_ARGS% %DGC% %DEBUG%
                        -jar "%USER_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\wlevs.jar" %ARGS%
                  3. In the WebLogic Server console, enable two-way SSL by setting “Two Way Client Cert Behavior” to “Client Certs Requested and Enforced”.
                  4. In the WebLogic Server console, if your client certificate doesn’t specify the hostname, set “Hostname Verification” to “None”.
                  5. If you are using your certificate instead of the certificate from “demoIdentity.jks”, you must import the certificate into the server’s trust store using the JDK keytool.

                  Enterprise Repository

                  Composite Harvest Ignoring WSDL Imports

                  • Bug: 12921813
                  • Added: November, 2011
                  • Platform: All

                  In SOA Suite Harvester, if a Composite XML includes WSDL imports, the Harvester ignores them. Now, the SOA Suite Harvester does not ignore the imports; the WSDL imports are introspected.

                  This issue is resolved in this release.

                  Filter by Service Categorization in Orrxu.xml Broken For OER

                  • Bug: 12921823
                  • Added: November, 2011
                  • Platform: All

                  When configuring the Exchange Utility, you can specify certain categorizations. Validations have been added to check that the categorization string entered exists in Oracle Enterprise Repository.If it does not, an error message displays. If no categorization value is entered, a warning displays but processing continues.

                  Browse Tree Does Not Work

                  • Bug: 12921837
                  • Added: November, 2011
                  • Platform: All

                  When you log into Oracle Enterprise Repository and do not select Enable Automatic Login, the Browse Tree does not display on the homepage.

                  This issue is resolved in this release.

                  Composites with Multiple Revisions Causes Conflict

                  • Bug: 12921856
                  • Added: November, 2011
                  • Platform: All

                  In the SOA Suite Harvester, a composite can have multiple versions, such as Composite (1.0) and Composite (2.0). When a composite is harvested, it creates child assets that are a part of that composite. When both of the composites are harvested, the child assets are related to both versions (Composite 1.0 and 2.0) in Oracle Enterprise Repository. This is incorrect, as each composite should have its own children.

                  This issue is resolved in this release.

                  Unicode Characters in Mailto Link

                  • Bug: 12937813
                  • Added: November, 2011
                  • Platform: All

                  In the Asset Editor, an envelope icon displays next to each user’s name. If you select the icon, an email opens, addressed to the user. If the email address contains Unicode characters, the address does not display properly.

                  This issue is resolved in this release.

                  Unicode Characters in Asset Type Schema

                  • Bug: 12937820
                  • Added: November, 2011
                  • Platform: All

                  If Unicode characters exist in an element of an asset type, the characters do not display properly when viewed from the Export Schema screen.

                  The Export Schema option is available from the Type Manager, which is accessible from the Asset Editor. To access this option, choose File->Export Schema.

                  This issue is resolved in this release.

                  Unicode Characters in Categorization Configuration

                  • Bug: 12937834
                  • Added: November, 2011 Platform: Al

                    When entering Unicode characters in the tModel Key v3 field, an error occurs. The tModel Key v3 field is available from the Configure Categorizations screen in the Asset Editor. To access this screen, choose Actions->Configure Categorizations from the Asset Editor.

                    This issue is resolved in this release.

                    Asset Editor 4000 Char Limitation on Asset Description

                    • Bug: 11850937
                    • Added: December, 2011
                    • Platform: All

                    In the Asset Editor, the Asset description attribute has a known limitation of 4,000 characters. When you harvest a WSDL with a description of more than 4,000 characters and then return to the Asset Editor to edit anything on this asset, clicking Save leads to re-writing the description of only up to 4,000 characters.

                    Cannot Use the UDDI Registry to Search for Services

                    • Bug: 12368396
                    • Added: December, 2011
                    • Platform: All

                    The "Working With UDDI Registries” section in the OER 11g Help documentation incorrectly states that one can "use the UDDI Registry to search for services and then import them into Oracle Enterprise Repository. (The UDDI Registry option must be enabled.)This procedure is performed in the Asset Editor."

                    This feature is not supported.

                    OER .Net Plugin Installer Fails Referencing vsusercontrollhost.dll

                    • Bug: 12567801
                    • Added: December, 2011
                    • Platform: All

                    The installation of the plug in failed, generating an error indicating a problem with VSUserControlHost.dll and a dependency on msvcr71.dll could not be resolved.

                    Workaround: Copy the newest version of msvcr71.dll from the location where the VS.NET is installed. Paste into the plug in directory and then rerun the installer. Select the repair function on the plug-in installer and reboot.

                    Plug-In Login Module Class Name Causes Classnotfoundexception

                    • Bug: 12641147
                    • Added: December, 2011
                    • Platform: All

                    In step 5 of section 3.1.2 “Enable LDAP Integration System Properties” in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository 11g Release 1 (, change the Plugin login module class name from com.oer.enterprise.authentication.server.loginmodule.LDAPLogin to com.flashline.enterprise.authentication.server.loginmodule.LDAPLogin.

                    NLS: Asset File Upload - File Name Garbled

                    • Bug: 12802884
                    • Added: December, 2011
                    • Platform: All

                    When you create an asset using Submit an Asset on the OER Console, you can upload a file with the asset while creating the asset. The name of file gets garbled when uploaded.

                    Error "The Source XML Mapping Specified Cannot Be Empty or Null

                    • Bug: 12814405
                    • Added: December, 2011
                    • Platform: All

                    OER provides an XML mapping file (customDataMigration.xml) to migrate the custom data and some of the 10g asset types to 11g types (that is, Endpoint: Web Service/ Interface: Web Service to Endpoint/Interface). If you run the tool without any custom data migration, just 10g to 11g types migration, you will get the following error:

                    4969 INFO Successfully previewed 31 asset(s) out of 31

                    4969 ERROR Artifact harvest failed due to: The source XML Mapping specified cannot be empty or null.

                    java.lang.RuntimeException: The source XML Mapping specified cannot be empty or null. at

                    Workaround: Comment out the "<customDataFields>" elements in the customDataMigration.xml.

                    Usage Data Is Not Migrated

                    • Bug: 12822142
                    • Added: December, 2011
                    • Platform: All

                    Usage data such as Asset Consumption /Asset download/Consumed projects are NOT migrated.

                    Unable to Access the Operational Data URL to Link Back to Enterprise Manager

                    • Bug: 9694669
                    • Added: 01-May-2011
                    • Platform: All

                    In the EM Integration configuration file, there is an XML element called URLBase. If you have an EM Console server that is set up for HTTPS with the element set to HTTP, then the link that is created in Oracle Enterprise Repository, which is used to point back to the EM Console, does not work. This is a known issue in 11g Release 1 (

                    DTMConfiguration Exception When Running Oracle Enterprise Repository with WebLogic Server 10.3.3 on IBM JDK for AIX

                    • Bug: 9729380
                    • Added: 24-May-2010 Platform: IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit)

                      When you run Oracle Enterprise Repository server with WebLogic Server version 10.3.3 on IBM JDK for AIX, then the following exception message is displayed:

                      org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMConfigurationException: No default implementation found
                      at org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMManager.newInstance(
                      at org.apache.xpath.XPathContext.<init>(
                      at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.<init>(
                      at org.apache.xalan.templates.StylesheetRoot.newTransformer(

                      Workaround: Before starting the Oracle Enterprise Repository server set the JAVA_OPTIONS parameter in as follows:

                      JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dorg.apache.xml.dtm.DTMManager= org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMManagerDefault $JAVA_OPTIONS" export JAVA_OPTIONS

                      Human Workflow

                      Cannot Select the Tasktype from Tasktype Browser when Creating Vacation Rule

                      • Bug: 14090553
                      • Added: 25-July-2012
                      • Platform: All

                      When creating Task Namespace,Task Definition Name,and Task Display URL conditions for a vacation rule in Oracle BPM Worklist, you do not have the option to select the tasktype from tasktype browser.

                      Deployment of Heavy and Complex Human Workflow Task Forms Fail on BPM Server

                      • Bug: 13465029
                      • Added: 09-January-2012 Platform: All 64-bit computers

                        On 64-bit systems, Oracle Business Process Management (BPM) Server shows java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space exception while deploying Heavy and Complex Human Workflow task forms. This is due to insufficient Max Permgen Space provided to SOA Server for deploying complex workflow task forms.

                        Workaround: Edit DOMAIN_HOME/bin/setSOADomainEnv.(sh|cmd) file to increase the MaxPermSize by 256m.

                        On Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit), change the PORT_MEM_ARGS value in setSOADomainEnv.cmd file as follows:

                        set PORT_MEM_ARGS=%PORT_MEM_ARGS% -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=768m

                        On HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit), IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit), Oracle Solaris, and Linux x86-64, change the PORT_MEM_ARGS value in file as follows:

                        PORT_MEM_ARGS="${PORT_MEM_ARGS} -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=768m"

                        Cannot Use Oracle JDeveloper to Search for Approle in an Environment with only SSL Enabled

                        • Bug: 13372192
                        • Added: 09-January-2012
                        • Platform: All

                        In an environment in which SSL ports are enabled and non-SSL ports are disabled, you cannot search for approle by using Oracle JDeveloper. Attempting to do so prompts a SOAP exception.

                        Two Parameters Not Relevant in Federated Worklist Environment

                        • Bug: 13111612
                        • Added: 06-December-2011
                        • Platform: All

                        The following parameters are irrelevant in a federated Worklist environment:

                        • showCreateTODOTaskAction
                        • showAssignmentFilter

                        If these are set in a federated environment, they will not be reflected in the Action list in Worklist.

                        FYI Stage Disappears from Task Sequence When It Follows a Parallel Participant

                        • Bug: 13366984
                        • Added: 10-November-2011
                        • Platform: All

                        The FYI stage disappears from the task sequence when it follows a parallel participant and the parallel participant completes the task. This is apparent in the following scenario:

                        1. Create an application with Human Workflow.
                        2. Add stage1 with parallel users jcooper, jlondon, fkafka.
                        3. After stage1, add stage2, sequential with stage1. Stage2 has only FYI user jstein.
                        4. Deploy the application and invoke an instance.
                        5. Login to BPM Worklist as jcooper, and click history in Task Details. The stage 2 user jstein is visible.
                        6. After all of the parallel users in stage 1 complete the task, log in to BPM Worklist as stage2 FYI user jstein, and click the history.

                        Note that stage2 has disappeared from the task sequence.

                        Completed Task Disappears When There Are Both an FYI USER and a Non-FYI User After the Task

                        • Bug: 13366978
                        • Added: 10-November-2011
                        • Platform: All

                        Consider the following scenario in which a task disappears from the list of completed tasks:

                        1. Create an application with Oracle Human Workflow.
                        2. Add stage1 with single user jcooper
                        3. After stage1, add parallel stages: stage2, stage3, and stage4. These are sequential with stage1.
                          • In stage2, there is only an FYI user, jstein
                          • In stage3, there is only an FYI user, wfaulk
                          • In stage4, there is a single user, cdickens
                        4. Deploy the app and invoke an instance.
                        5. In BPM Worklist, log in as stage1 user jcooper and approve the task.
                        6. Change the "State" to "Completed" to list the completed task.

                        Note that the task has disappeared.

                        A Parallel Stage with Only an FYI User Shows as Sequential Stages in History

                        • Bug: 13366516
                        • Added: 10-November-2011
                        • Platform: All

                        When parallel stages have only one or more FYI users in each of stages, the stages show up as sequential in the history graph.

                        Reusable Worklist Task Flow Regions Need Entry in the web.xml File

                        • Bug: 13354559
                        • Added: 08-November-2011
                        • Platform: All

                        Newer versions of Oracle JDeveloper configure applications to use mode. To override that, include the following servlet and servlet-mapping entries in the web.xml file.


                        Incorrect Error Message When a Non-Existent UCM User Tries to Add UCM Attachments

                        • Bug: 12917983
                        • Added: 12-September-2011
                        • Platform: All

                        If you create a task with a single assignee that does not exist in UCM server, and you then enable UCM in the task editor without adding any extra properties, then, when you log into Worklist and try to add a UCM attachment, the following incorrect error message appears:

                        Error occurred while inserting a task attachment record.

                        Error occurred while inserting attachment liu10.txt for task a6ad8d42-f588-4e10-aacd-8f4542d2ca6d.

                        Check the underlying exception and the database connection information. If the error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.


                        Pass-through Scenarios Are Not Supported With Scalable DOM

                        • Bug: 13503420
                        • Updated: 03-January-2012
                        • Platform: All

                        Oracle Mediator components with the following characteristics fail to assign the message input to the output variable at runtime:

                        • The component is a pass-through component (that is, the Assign routing rules are implicit and undefined)
                        • The schema is Opaque
                        • The input is SDOM

                        Workaround: Contact Oracle Support to obtain a patch using bug reference 13409557. You can also define explicit Assign routing rules for Oracle Mediator components of this type, but this can cause performance issues for messages with large payloads.

                        populateLookupXRefRow Throws an Exception in Custom Mode

                        • Bug: 13358019
                        • Updated: 09-November-2011
                        • Platform: All

                        When you use the populateLookupXRefRow function in LINK mode and both the reference value and the value to be added exist in the database, the unique constraint exception is caught and the value to be added is returned by the function. In custom mode, the value to be added is not returned and an exception is thrown.

                        Duplicate Message Processing for Standard Resequencer Does Not Complete After Purging

                        • Bug: 13043897
                        • Updated: 04-November-2011
                        • Platform: All

                        When you run the purge scripts and remove Oracle Mediator sequenced messages, group information is retained for standard resequencers. If at a later time, a duplicate message is received with the same group ID and sequence ID as a message that was processed prior to the purge, that message is shown as Running in Oracle Enterprise Manager and the duplicate message is not processed. This only occurs when using the resequencer and does not cause any runtime failure.

                        Faults Continue to Appear on Faults Tab After Recovery

                        • Bug: 11894501
                        • Updated: 15-April-2011
                        • Platform: All

                        If you recover a faulted resequencer instance for Oracle Mediator and the first recovery fails, two recoverable faults appear in the instance flow trace of the Faults tab. If you then retry and succeed in recovering the instance, that instance still has the Recovery Required status on the Instances tab and the two recoverable faults still appear in the flow trace of the Faults tab.

                        This only occurs when using the resequencer, and it does not affect runtime performance.

                        Oracle Mediator Logs Errors After Daylight Savings Time Change

                        • Bug: 12328625
                        • Updated: 15-April-2011
                        • Platform: All

                        Oracle Mediator's container ID processes use timestamps that are regularly updated in a database table by each container in a cluster to determine whether they are alive or not. After changing to daylight savings time (that is, the clock moves forward) it is possible that some timestamps become invalid; for example, when the clock is moving forward from 2:00 AM to 3:00 AM, 2:10 AM is an invalid time. This can result in the following for Oracle Mediator runtime components:

                        • Existing running containers report ORA-01878 SQL errors in the log files for the duration of the container ID lease timeout interval, and they recover automatically after the timeout interval is over.
                        • If a container stops responding during the invalid time period, on restart that container might report the SQL error continuously and not recover automatically. This results in messages becoming stuck in the running state for resequencer and parallel routing mediator components.

                        Workaround: Run one of the following SQL commands against the SOAINFRA schema in your database after the change to daylight savings time.


                        For a SQL Server database: UPDATE MEDIATOR_CONTAINERID_LEASE SET RENEWAL_TIME = GETDATE()

                        For a DB2 database: UPDATE MEDIATOR_CONTAINERID_LEASE SET RENEWAL_TIME = current timestamp

                        Recoverable Case Instances for the Resequencer Are Tracked Incorrectly

                        • Bug: 9574644
                        • Updated: 15-April-2011
                        • Platform: All

                        In Enterprise Manager, the number of recoverable case instances shown for the Oracle Mediator resequencer equals the number of retries made to that instance rather than the number of actual recoverable instances. This information is for tracking purposes only, and does not result in duplicate messages being sent.

                        Multi-lingual Support Depends on Database Character Set

                        • Bug:8369798
                        • Updated: 15-April-2011
                        • Platform: All

                        To avoid any unexpected results when using the multi-language support feature for some functions in Oracle Mediator, ensure that these characters are supported by the character set of the database you are using. For example, for the Unit Test function, if the initial message payload in the unit test includes characters that are not supported by the database character set, the characters fail to display correctly in the unit test section of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console. This issue does not occur for a database that supports Unicode characters.

                        Oracle Mediator - BPEL Process Manager Callback Processing

                        • Bug: 8472652
                        • Updated: 15-April-2011
                        • Platform: All

                        If Oracle Mediator calls a BPEL process with callback processing and timeout, the best practice is to explicitly handle the callback exceptions returned from Oracle Mediator in the BPEL process. This ensures that the global transaction associated with callback processing gets committed and is not rolled back. This way, the timeout handler configured in Oracle Mediator will not kick in even if the callback handling in Oracle Mediator fails.

                        Oracle Mediator Components May Cause SOA Suite Server to Run Out of Memory

                        • Bug: 9067255
                        • Updated: 15-April-2011
                        • Platform: All

                        Oracle Mediator applications may run out of memory under heavy loads. For example, if the rate of incoming messages to Oracle Mediator is faster than the rate of callback messages, memory accumulation occurs in the Oracle Mediator cache.

                        Workaround: To fix this issue, change the cache size through the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console by adding the following property in the Parameters attribute of the Oracle Mediator configuration properties:


                        For example, if you set the value of the mediator.runtime_cache.limit property to 100, the number of objects that can be stored in the cache is limited to 100. You can switch off caching completely by setting this property to zero.

                        Oracle Mediator Advanced Functions Do Not Work in Design Time

                        • Bug: 9072259
                        • Updated: 15-April-2011
                        • Platform: All

                        Oracle Mediator advanced functions, such as mhdr:getCompositeName() and mhdr:getHeader, require a runtime context to execute. If these functions are run using the Mapper Test feature during design time, the target XML file is not generated and the following error is thrown:

                        XML-22044: (Error) Extension function error: Error invoking 'getComponentName':'

                        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0'

                        These functions work correctly in the runtime environment.

                        A Null Pointer Exception Occurs When There Are No Routing Rules

                        • Bug: 9557297
                        • Updated: 15-April-2011
                        • Platform: All

                        To have a valid configuration, each Oracle Mediator component must include routing rules. If a component has no routing rules, Oracle Mediator does nothing at runtime and a null pointer exception occurs at mediator.dispatch.CaseExecutionPlan.getEffectiveExecutableCases.

                        Service Bus

                        Bugs Fixed in Oracle Service Bus

                        The following bugs were fixed in Oracle Service Bus

                        • 8432331 - archiveclassloadercache should not use temp dir, /tmp/alsbtempjars
                        • 8659704 - document inability to use slashes in jndi names for jms transport
                        • 8732766 - xsd types not generated for the wsdl
                        • 9404570 - osb validate action failed for a valid xml document
                        • 9497911 - stuck threads in sftp proxy service when sftp server forces a disconnect
                        • 9676745 - 'alsb framework starter application' fails to start
                        • 9697376 - tuxedo transport: tuxedo-proxy is always returning 0 for tpurcode
                        • 9714661 - jms proxy/business cannot use tibco generic connection factory
                        • 9734474 - mq transport - openoptions
                        • 9828094 - stuck thread issue in osb in case of invalid url in business service or jms prox
                        • 9861056 - wlst domain creation for osb 11 not documented and doesn't work
                        • 9869551 - sftp transport - error file could not be renamed
                        • 9888603 - e-mail transport cannot handle mime multipart properly
                        • 9924197 - string index out of range: -1 in sftp transport
                        • 9935371 - negative uri load raises message lost
                        • 9942309 - direct binding: classcastexception when soap fault message is returned
                        • 10038224 - service bus console is very slow after importing aia 11g (aia3.0) schemas in os
                        • 10074425 - not possible using checkboxes with custom transport
                        • 10086559 - xslt-transformation is failing under linux
                        • 10109677 - document further the behaviour and usage of publish action
                        • 10116642 - broken pipe exception is causing socket leak
                        • 10118704 - messages are getting lost while activating osb session on jms topic proxy
                        • 10134395 - aq jms proxy service with durable subsciption doesn't pick messages from topic
                        • 10136563 - user must be in admin role to use deployment api
                        • 10142650 - osb does not propagate soap fault when tracing is enabled with full detail
                        • 10152445 - "mq connection queue manager name" missing from customization file
                        • 10156751 - xsl transformation fails for non-english characters
                        • 10172335 - jdbc connection leak with jmsreportingprovider
                        • 10176537 - osb ide problems with tuxedo business service
                        • 10222066 - osb 11g not using credentials when contacting osr registry
                        • 10224800 - osb doesn't use correct ccsid in response pipeline of mq proxy service
                        • 10233824 - osb11g email transport body content differs based on attachments
                        • 10239764 - provide way to capture wm for outbound responses and poller threads
                        • 10264176 - osb console behaves incorrectly when subjects have multiple principals
                        • 10296870 - tuxedo proxy cannot be modified when using ide
                        • 10363998 - rendering problem in xquery mapper in eclipse
                        • 10385265 - patch for bug 9888603 introduces issue with rich text email and attachments
                        • 10406606 - mapping in xquery transformation is lost
                        • 10622760 - can not compute effective wsdl for : proxyservice model/add
                        • 11654690 - osb java object returned from java callout does not maintain variable values
                        • 11735305 - mapper does not display xquery files with certain namespace usage in schema
                        • 11783827 - unable to harvest wsdl's with accented characters
                        • 11799318 - username not logged in access.log when using 2 way ssl client cert
                        • 11836827 - performance decrease in service bus transformation
                        • 11923213 - remote server cannot contact aggreagator when 2-way ssl is required and enforced
                        • 11937336 - conversion from jps subject to wls subject using opss getplatformsubject api fails
                        • 11938087 - file transport transportexception: unable to rename the file
                        • 12315712 - not possible to specify file system location for a project
                        • 12332991 - cannot extend wls domain to osb using wlst
                        • 12362492 - proxy call to http messageservice gets "the invocation resulted in an error: ."
                        • 12374469 - sftp transport does not set lastmodified date when using winsshd as sftp server
                        • 12376898 - alsbejbtransport recreated for each ejb transport on server reboot
                        • 12557984 - osb is passing truncated data (xop/mtom attachments ) to java callout
                        • 12560832 - build errors not displayed in oepe
                        • 12569980 - jca file adap should perform conditional validation of physical/logical dir prop
                        • 12594697 - owsm cusom assertion fails to catch faults in osb. works outside osb
                        • 12725999 - mfl transformation failure when the length is more than 1000
                        • 12734042 - "reply with failure" action cannot propagate error with response message type=no
                        • 12747853 - wls graceful shutdown fails when proxy polls aqadapter via jca transport
                        • 12753839 - transportmanager resourcelifecyclelistener updates cause incorrect state
                        • 12761679 - validation failure on element modifiedtimeinregistry during sbconfig import
                        • 12795956 - osb jms request-response not timing out in specified response timeout
                        • 12815071 - not able to see the namespace in oepe xquery mapping if the nested level is more...
                        • 12815447 - use new wls snmp api to deliver traps to server-scoped agents on managed servers
                        • 12910509 - bug 9958922 – provide the ability to override the replytoqueuemanager: redo
                        • 13027038 - outbound response mdb cannot use tibco generic connection factory
                        • 13246947 - saml token generation in proxy service

                        Upgraded Environments Point to Previous Coherence Version

                        • Bug: 14746251
                        • Added: 30-January-2013
                        • Platform: All

                        When Oracle Fusion Middleware is upgraded to version, a copy of the Coherence 3.6 JAR file remains in the Oracle Fusion Middleware file system. The jrf-coherence.jar file in oracle_common/modules/oracle.jrf_11.1.1/ continues to reference the old file, as can be seen in the server log files.

                        Workaround: Obtain patch 14746251 from the Patches & Updates page on Oracle Support.

                        Changes to Carriage Return Handling in XML in

                        • Bug: NA
                        • Added: 21-September-2012
                        • Platform: All

                        An update was made to Apache XMLBeans, which corrects handling of carriage return characters in an XML document. The update was made because XMLBeans did not properly escape carriage return characters (\r). If the document contained &#13;, it was correctly unescaped to \r when parsed into XMLBeans; however, \r was not escaped when it was streamed out. This resulted in an invalid XML document because \r is invalid in XML. After the fix to XMLBeans, \r is correctly escaped to &#13;.

                        If you upgrade to version and currently have a workaround for the above issue in place, you need to modify how return characters are handled. For example, if the workaround was to escape &#13; a second time to &amp;#13; in order for it to be streamed back out as &#13;, you need to remove the second escape to avoid validation errors.

                        Service Bus Installation Guide Incorrectly States that 64-bit IDE Not Supported

                        • Bug: 13573801
                        • Added: 13-January-2012
                        • Platform: All

                        The Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Service Bus ( incorrectly states that if you are installing Service Bus on a 64-bit machine you must select a Custom installation and deselect the IDE option. You can safely disregard those instructions. The Service Bus IDE, Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse (OEPE), is supported on 64-bit operating systems in Service Bus

                        Before installing the Service Bus IDE on a 64-bit operating system, install Oracle WebLogic Server and OEPE for the 64-bit platform you are using. You can download the installation files from the Prerequisites & Recommended Install Process section of the Oracle Service Bus Download page.

                        For a generic installation, install WebLogic Server first and then unzip the OEPE installation file ( (for 64-bit Windows) or (for 64-bit Unix)) into a new directory in the middleware home directory. This way, Service Bus will automatically detect the OEPE location. If you perform a custom installation of Oracle Service Bus, be sure to select Oracle Service Bus IDE on the Components to Install window of the installation wizard. On the Product Home Location window, the OEPE Location field is the OEPE home directory. To verify the IDE installation, launch Eclipse from the OEPE home directory. On the IDE, click Help > About Eclipse Platform > Installation Details. Oracle Server Bus Libraries and Oracle Service Bus Tooling should appear in the list.

                        Performance Patch

                        • Bug: 13573621
                        • Added: 01-March-2012
                        • Platform: All

                        Changes in Oracle WebLogic Server may impact performance for Service Bus services. A patch has been created to address this. Oracle recommends applying the patch for all platforms, including Exalogic deployments. Make sure to review the readme.txt file before installing the patch.

                        Note: This patch disables the Concurrent Request Manager capability in WebLogic Server.

                        IBM WebSphere MQ Support

                        • Bug: NA
                        • Added: 15-March-2012
                        • Platform: All

                        Support for IBM WebSphere MQ client and server software versions 5.3 and 6.0 will be deprecated according to IBM statements regarding the support lifecycle. To view information about IBM support for WebSphere MQ, see

                        OWSM Performance Impacts

                        • Bug: 13364492
                        • Added: 13-January-2012
                        • Platform: All

                        New features have been introduced to Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM) that may have minor impact to performance for Service Bus services that use OWSM policy. A patch will be made available and recommended.

                        Upgrade to Service Bus Requires Upgrade to WLS 10.3.6 to Ensure IDE Support

                        • Bug: 13147687
                        • Added: 13-January-2012
                        • Platform: All

                        Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 ( supports both Oracle WebLogic Server release 10.3.5 and 10.3.6. However, if you have already configured Oracle Service Bus 11g Release 1 ( with Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.5 and you want to update Oracle Service Bus with Oracle Service Bus IDE to 11g Release 1 (, then you must also update Oracle WebLogic Server to release 10.3.6. Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.5 is not supported in an Oracle Service Bus IDE 11g Release 1 ( environment.

                        Workaround: If you must update Oracle Service Bus to 11g Release 1 (, and you want to keep your Oracle WebLogic Server release at 10.3.5, then you must disable Oracle Service Bus IDE by manually deleting the following file:


                        HTTP Business Service Connection Timeout Not Honored on Windows 2008 64-bit

                        • Bug: 13097895
                        • Added: 13-January-2012 Platform: Windows 2008 64-bit

                          Connection timeouts set on HTTP business services ("Connection Timeout" property in the HTTP transport configuration) are not honored in Windows 2008 64-bit environments.

                          Error Indicators in the OEPE Project Explorer Appear Only at the Configuration Level Directory

                          • Bug: 13097882
                          • Added: 13-January-2012
                          • Platform: All

                          In the Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse (OEPE) Project Explorer view, when an error exists in a resource, an error indicator appears only on the configuration-level directory. No error indicators appear on directories or resources within the configuration to help pinpoint the error.


                          1. If you do not plan to work on WLST development, disable/uninstall the Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tools, which uses the PyDev feature that causes the issue. The scripting tools are located at OEPE_HOME/plugins/*.jar. Delete the scripting JAR files.
                          2. Uninstall the PyDev feature: In the OEPE menu bar, choose Windows > Preference > Install/Update, and click the Uninstall or update link. In the Installation Details window, uninstall the PyDev feature.

                          Updates to Message Protection Handling

                          • Bug: 12972692
                          • Added: 13-January-2012
                          • Platform: All

                          This issue affects Service Bus services that use message protection when you upgrade from previous versions of Service Bus 11g to Service Bus

                          In previous releases of Service Bus 11g, business services always enforced message protection using the keystore.recipient.alias property that identified a public certificate stored in the domain-level keystore.

                          In Service Bus, if a proxy service implements a message protection policy, the service's base64-encoded public certificate is published in the effective WSDL. The WSDL-bound certificate is the service's public key by default, as determined by the Encryption Key defined for the proxy service. Any business service created from that WSDL now uses the WSDL-bound identity certificate for message protection instead of the keystore.recipient.alias property.

                          If no certificate is bound to a WSDL, the keystore.recipient.alias property is used, as in previous releases.

                          Existing Server Extended with Oracle Service Bus for Developers Template Fails to Start

                          • Bug: 12343853
                          • Updated: 29-April-2011
                          • Platform: All

                          After extending an Oracle WebLogic Server domain with the "Oracle Service Bus for developers" domain template, and using Derby as the data source for the JMS reporting provider, the extended server fails to start because of errors related to Derby database initialization.

                          Workaround: Set the DERBY_FLAG to true in your DOMAIN_HOME/bin/setDomainEnv.cmd(.sh) script. For example:

                          set DERBY_FLAG = true

                          For Derby best practices and troubleshooting information, see "Running Multiple Development Domains with Derby" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Development Guide for Oracle Service Bus at

                          Console Logout Does Not Work when Logging In Through OAM

                          • Bug: 11729325
                          • Updated: 10-February-2011 Platform: Linux

                            When using Oracle Access Manager 10g or 11g to log in to the Oracle Service Bus Administration Console, clicking Logout does not end the session. It returns you to the Oracle Service Bus Administration Console home page, still logged in, rather than logging you out and returning you to the Oracle Access Manager login page.

                            Workaround: To end the Oracle Service Bus Administration Console session, close your browser.

                            Starting Managed Server with IPv6 Host and Port Throws BEA-000000 Error

                            • Bug: 10029204
                            • Updated: 14-January-2011
                            • Platform: All

                            In the development environment, when starting a managed server by passing the managed server's IPv6 address and port, Oracle Service Bus throws a BEA-000000 "Cannot contact Admin server" error.

                            To work around this issue, create a new key-pair, then reconfigure SSL on the Admin server so that the key-pair in the server-side SSL certificate uses the host name of your IPv6 managed server. Then restart your managed server.

                            For more information on SSL, see "Configuring SSL" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing Oracle WebLogic Server at

                            Session Activation Error Message in Firefox

                            • Bug: 9958876
                            • Updated: 14-January-2011
                            • Platform: All

                            When activating an Oracle Service Bus session in Firefox, session activation takes longer than three minutes and you see an error message stating, "Another session operation is in progress. Please retry later."

                            The error message is harmless, and you can ignore it. The server is still processing the session activation, and you can wait for activation to finish.

                            The error message occurs when the Firefox network connection is set to "Manual proxy configuration" and the "HTTP Proxy" value is used for all listed protocols. The message is triggered by Firefox's auto-refresh occurring in conjunction with the proxy settings.

                            If you want to ensure the error message does not appear rather than ignoring it, change the Firefox proxy settings to another option, such as "Auto-detect proxy settings for this network" or "Automatic proxy configuration URL." To access these options in Firefox, choose Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Settings.

                            Password Field Not Editable in Domain Template on Linux

                            • Bug: 10394900
                            • Updated: 14-January-2011 Platform: Linux

                              On Linux, when creating a new domain using a developer template in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard, the password and confirm password fields are not editable, and you cannot enter a password to create a domain.

                              To work around this issue, do one of the following:

                              • To work around the issue each time it occurs: Click the close window "x" button in the upper right corner of the Configuration Wizard. In the confirmation dialog that appears, click "No" to return to the Configuration Wizard. Now you can enter the password and confirmation password. or
                              • To fix the issue permanently:
                                1. Kill a scim processes. For example, kill "pgrep scim"
                                2. Modify (or create) the file ~/.scim/config to include the following line: /FrontEnd/X11/Dynamic = true (follow case sensitivity)
                                3. If you are running VNC, restart the VNC server.
                                4. Run the Configuration Wizard again.

                              JAVA_HOME Incorrect in setDomainEnv After Domain Upgrade on 64-Bit Install

                              • Bug: 10404384
                              • Updated: 14-January-2011
                              • Platform: All

                              On 64-bit installations of Oracle Service Bus, after upgrading a domain from 11g Release 1 Patch Set 2 ( to 11g Release 1 Patch Set 3 (, the JAVA_HOME value in the upgraded domain's setDomainEnv.cmd/sh file is incorrect.

                              The reason JAVA_HOME is not set correctly on 64-bit installations is because the 64-bit installer does not include a JDK.

                              To work around this issue, edit the setDomainEnv.cmd/sh in the upgraded domain with the correct JAVA_HOME for the JDK you are using.

                              Oracle Application Adapter Installation Failure on Windows

                              • Bug: 10424957
                              • Updated: 14-January-2011 Platform: Windows

                                When installing the Oracle Application Adapters for use with Oracle Service Bus, such as the Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3, you receive the following error: "The ORACLE_HOME doesn't have the right version of SOA or OSB. The adapters cannot be installed."

                                Because the Oracle Application Adapters installer gets the JAVA_HOME value from the Windows registry, any space in the JAVA_HOME value in the registry causes the installation failure. For example, if the JavaHome value is C:\Program Files\Java\jre6, the space between "Program" and "Files" causes the failure.

                                To work around the issue:

                                1. Back up your Windows registry.
                                2. In Windows, choose Start > Run, enter regedit in the Run dialog box, and click OK.
                                3. In the registry editor, go to the following registry folder: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\version_number
                                4. Modify the JavaHome and RuntimeLib values so that they point to a path that does not contain spaces in the directory names. Changing the value may require you to either point to a different Java home without spaces in the directory names or rename the path of a Java home to remove spaces.

                                Inbound Adapters Throw Error on Payload Size Limit

                                • Bug: 9969535
                                • Updated: 14-January-2011
                                • Platform: All

                                When using the Oracle JCA adapters with Oracle Service Bus, Oracle Service Bus throws an error when the inbound payload size (DOM size) exceeds what is allowed by the payloadSizeThreshold adapter endpoint property.

                                To work around this issue, increase the size of the payloadSizeThreshold property on the JCA adapter endpoint configuration.

                                MQ Transport in Binding Mode Throws Error on Linux

                                • Bug: 10020344
                                • Updated: 14-January-2011 Platform: Linux

                                  When Oracle Service Bus and IBM WebSphere MQ are installed on the same Linux system, configuring the Oracle Service Bus MQ transport to run in binding mode causes an error.

                                  To work around this issue, perform the following steps:

                                  1. Make sure Oracle Service Bus and IBM WebSphere MQ are installed using the same user credentials.
                                  2. Add the MQ Java library path to the Oracle Service Bus DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ file. For example: -Djava.library.path=/opt/mqm/java/lib
                                  3. Oracle JRockit: When using Oracle JRockit on Linux, add the LD_PRELOAD property to as well. For example: LD_PRELOAD=${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/i386/

                                  Publishing Services to IPv6 Server Fails

                                  • Bug: 10032879
                                  • Updated: 14-January-2011
                                  • Platform: All

                                  Publishing services from the development environment to a domain that uses IPv6 addressing results in a MalformedURLException error.

                                  To work around this issue, when specifying the host name in the "Define New Server" window in the Servers view of the IDE, use either the server host name or specify the IPv6 server address in square brackets. For example: [2001:0db8:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff].

                                  Resources Disappear When Server Encoding Changes

                                  • Bug: 9488927
                                  • Updated: 14-January-2011
                                  • Platform: All

                                  After creating resources in the Oracle Service Bus Console, then changing the server encoding and restarting the server with the different encoding, only English language resources (if any) appear in the Oracle Service Bus Console. Non-English resources do not appear.

                                  For example, if you start the server using ja_JP.utf8 encoding and create resources in the Oracle Service Bus Console with Japanese, Korean, and English names, then restart the server using a different encoding such as ko_KR.euckr, only the English-name resources appear in the Oracle Service Bus Console.

                                  In this situation, the missing resources still exist but are not displayed because of the encoding change.

                                  To work around this issue, switch back to the original server encoding and restart the server. Oracle Service Bus does not support server encoding changes.

                                  Healthcare Integration

                                  Start JDeveloper in Preview Mode

                                  • Bug: 13801385
                                  • Updated: 1-March-2012 Platform: All Release:

                                    To ensure access to the healthcare adapter in JDeveloper, start JDeveloper in preview mode. For example: ./jdev -J"-DPREVIEW_MODE=true"

                                    Unable to Discard Beyond the 25th Message in Sequence Viewer

                                    • Bug: 13777933
                                    • Added: 29-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    In Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration, you cannot use the dashboard sequence viewer to discard messages beyond the 25th message.

                                    Resubmitting Failed Messages

                                    • Bug: 13745321
                                    • Added: 29-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    When you try to again resubmit a failed message sfter resubmitting it once, the message goes into the MSG_WAIT_TRANSMIT state and is treated as a new message.

                                    Workaround: If you want to resubmit a failed message for the second time, you should always resubmit the resubmitted message (the message that was resubmitted subsequent to a failure) and should not try to resubmit the failed message directly. The resubmitted message cannot be easily tracked from the reports page, so you can use the dashboard sequence viewer to find the newly created resubmitted message.

                                    Resubmit Count Is Not Incremented

                                    • Bug: 13745311
                                    • Added: 29-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    When you resubmit an application message, the resubmit count is not incremented and shown as zero. However, commandline utilities enable you to use exclresubmit and maxcount to resubmit messages. So, if you use maxcount and resubmit only a subset of failed messages, you will be unable to resubmit the messages using commandline with exclresubmit.

                                    Workaround: You should not use exclresubmit when performing commandline resubmit of messages.

                                    Establishing TCP Reconnection for Client Endpoints upon Server Restart

                                    • Bug: 13729924
                                    • Added: 29-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    For Client endpoints (outbound), whenever the servers are restarted, to re-establish the TCP connection with the external server (Listener), you need to:

                                    Disable and re-enable the Use JMS Queue as Default option under Settings > Runtime in the Administration tab of Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration console.

                                    This preceding step is mandatory. If you do not perform the step, once the servers restart, messages will not be sent successfully, although the Client endpoint is displayed as enabled in the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration console.

                                    Audit Policy Is Supported Only for the Default User

                                    • Bug: 13723449
                                    • Added: 16-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    Currently, the audit policies in Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration is supported only for the default user.

                                    Message Processing Overview Not in Sync with Message Volume Chart

                                    • Bug: 13719712
                                    • Added: 14-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    In a dashboard, after clicking the Refresh icon, the data displayed under Message Processing Overview is not in sync with the information displayed in the Message Volume chart.

                                    JMS Settings for Inbound Messages in Case of Server Crash or Fallover

                                    • Bug: 13699603
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    In the case of a server crash or fallover, messages do not get forwarded from the inactive JMS Queue(because of server shutdown) to the active JMSQueue. An additional JMS Queue setting is required to enable the inbound messages to complete processing in the case of server crash or fallover.

                                    You need to do the following:

                                    1. In the Weblogic Server console, navigate to Services->Messaging->JMSModules->SOAJMSModule->dist_B2BEventQueue_auto-> Configuration->General.
                                    2. In the Forward Delay field, enter any value (in seconds) greater than 0 .

                                    This is the time (in seconds) that the Queue waits for a consumer to attach a message before forwarding the message to another member queue with an active consumer.

                                    Test to Production (T2P) Does Not Update Large Payload and Callout Directories

                                    • Bug: 13696574
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    T2P does not automatically update large payload and callout directories. You have to manually update these post T2P in the production environment by using the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration console.

                                    Outbound Messages Remain in MSG_WAIT_TRANSMIT State

                                    • Bug: 13695933
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    At times, you may see that run-time messages remain in the MSG_WAIT_TRANSMIT state. This can happen if the Dispatcher is not started or it has stopped working.

                                    Workaround: In these cases, restart the Dispatcher.

                                    Test to Production (T2P) Does Not Update FTP User Password

                                    • Bug: 13696558
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    Typically, FTP endpoint parameters, such as FTP host and user name, automatically gets updated from test to production environment

                                    However, currently, T2P does not automatically update the FTP user password. You have to manually update the FTP user password post T2P in the production environment by using the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration console.

                                    Internal Receive from Channel Gets Disabled Post Upgrade

                                    • Bug: 13686347
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    When you upgrade Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration from version to, the internal receive from channel (internal listening channel) gets disabled.

                                    You need to enable internal receive from channels from the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration console, else you may encounter runtime errors.

                                    Error Message Purged from Report Remains in the Sequence Manager Table

                                    • Bug: 13710274
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    When you purge an error message from a report, the message is not deleted from the b2b_sequence_manager table. As a result, any subsequent messages that are sent are not delivered and these messages get stuck in the MSG_WAIT_TRANSMIT state.

                                    Workaround: You need to delete (purged) the error message from the Dashboard (Sequence Manager), and not from the report itself.

                                    Default Dashboard and Report Settings Are Changed in Production Environment

                                    • Bug: 13696484
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    In the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration console, in the production environment, the settings for the default dashboard is specified as None. In the Dashboard tab, you need to specify the name of the dashboard that you want to launch by default.

                                    Similarly, in the production environment, the settings for the default report is specified as Last 24 hours. In the Reports tab, you need to set the type of report that you want to launch by default.

                                    Any Change in Document Details Causes Redeploy of Endpoint Documents

                                    • Bug: 13696117
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    When you modify the document parameters under the document version, type, or definition in the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration console, the change causes an immediate redeployment of the supported documents for associated endpoints without any warning or confirmation prompts.

                                    Messages Getting Stuck in the MSG_WAIT_FA State

                                    • Bug: 13656089
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    With sequencing enabled, when inbound messages are sent to an Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration Server endpoint, if the connection is dropped, some messages get stuck in the MSG_WAIT_FA state due to the failure in sending Functional Acknowledgement because of the lost connection.

                                    Workaround: You can process the stuck messages by using either Purge or Resubmit in the Report tab to enable the flow of messages to move forward.

                                    Server Restart Required for Oracle B2B Server Property to Take Effect

                                    • Bug: 13644558
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    You need to restart the mamaged server (SOA Server) for Oracle B2B Server property oracle.tip.b2b.edi.binaryDocType to take effect.

                                    Coherence Initialization in a Cluster Setup

                                    • Bug: 13620702
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    In the Windows operating system, in a cluster environment, the Endpoint Coherence Cache of Oracle B2B should start up in a distributed mode. To achieve this, you need to:

                                    • Set the b2b.HAInstance property to true. This allows the Oracle B2B Coherence Cache to start up in a distributed mode.
                                    • While setting up the nodes of the cluster, you should configure the WKA settings for coherence distributed cache set up. For more information, see the Setting Up a Cluster chapter in Oracle Coherence Developer's Guide.

                                    Oracle Healthcare Commandline Utilities Does Not Have Validation for Batch Commandline Parameters

                                    • Bug: 13601735
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration does not provide validation for batch commandline parameters. You need to provide the valid parameter values, otherwise you may encounter unexpected behavior.

                                    Usage of Oracle B2B Console and Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration Console Together Is Not Supported

                                    • Bug: 13598854
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    As of the current release, there is no support for using both Oracle B2B and Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration simultaneously for single installation of Oracle SOA Suite. The metadata created by an Oracle B2B user is not supported for running Healthcare-related scenarios in the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration console and vice-versa.

                                    Date/Timestamp in Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration Audit Log Does Not Contain Timezone Information

                                    • Bug: 13589357
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    The date/timestamp in Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration audit log, which is available in fmw_home/user_projects/domains/domain_name/servers/managed_server_name/logs/auditlogs/SOA-HCFP/audit.log, does not contain the server timezone information.

                                    Acknowledgement Mode Values Are Not Localized

                                    • Bug: 13589326
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    When you create endpoints in a localized instance (localized in any of the nine Admin languages) of Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration, the values for the Acknowledgement Mode list are in the English language (not localized).

                                    Name and Description Labels in the Document Creation Page Are Displayed Vertically

                                    • Bug: 13589289
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    When you access the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration console in Korean (Ko), simplified Chinese (zh_CN), traditional Chinese (zh_TW), or Japanese (Ja) browser languages, while creating a custom document, the Name and Description field labels are displayed vertically. However, the issue is not reproducible in any of the European languages.

                                    Dispatcher Count Value Resets to Zero on Purging the Repository

                                    • Bug: 13579035
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    By default, Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration users need to use dispatcher count values as 1. The postinstall script, which is required to be run to set up Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration, changes the dispatcher count from 0 to 1. However, this count resets to 0 after you purge the entire repository.

                                    Failure Condition Check Boxes in Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration Audit Policy Page are Enabled

                                    • Bug: 13573090
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    The audit policy page for Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control console enables you to audit both Success and Failure conditions for each event (such as User Login and User Logout). You can configure the audit policy by selecting or deselecting the Success or Failure condition Enable Audit check boxes for these events.

                                    For the current release, only Success conditions are tracked. However, the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control console still allows you to select or deselect Failure conditions check boxes even though Failure conditions are not tracked.

                                    Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration Throws oracle.mds.naming.InvalidReferenceTypeException

                                    • Bug: 13563887
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    When you apply OPatch to Oracle SOA Suite and start the managed server before completing the postinstallation tasks, Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration throws the following exception:

                                    <Warning> <oracle.mds> <BEA-000000> <Error
                                    creating the checksum provider
                                    oracle.mds.naming.InvalidReferenceTypeException: MDS-01159: Expecting
                                    absolute document reference. Reference 
                                    "/soa/b2b/seed/protocol.xml#GRABTRANS.results" has local element reference
                                        at oracle.mds.naming.ResourceName.splitAbsRef(
                                        at oracle.mds.naming.DocumentName.create(
                                        at oracle.mds.naming.DocumentName.create( 

                                    Messages That Are Blocked in Sequence Are Reported As Sent

                                    • Bug: 13532714
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    In Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration dashboard, the status of even those messages that get blocked (which are actually not sent successfully) in the sequence are displayed as sent.

                                    Enabling FTP Sequencing

                                    • Bug: 13526698
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    To enable FTP sequencing in Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration, you have to configure the FTP listening channel with the following parameters:

                                    • Sequencing
                                    • TimeStamp Format
                                    • TimeStamp Offset
                                    • TimeStamp Source

                                    The following are sample values for the parameters:

                                    • Sequencing: true
                                    • TimeStamp Format: 43,55,'MMM d yyyy'
                                    • TimeStamp Offset: +0000
                                    • TimeStamp Source: MMM dd yyyy

                                    Please note that selecting only sequencing flag does not work.

                                    Business Message Detail Displays Interchange Control Number and Group Control Number

                                    • Bug: 13508343
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    The Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration console displays Interchange Control Number and Group Control Number in the Business message details. However, these numbers should not be displayed because these are EDI-specific data and are not present in HL7 messages.

                                    Changes Made to Dashboard Are Lost

                                    • Bug: 13463337
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    When you customize a dashboard in the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration console by modifying the available settings, the changes made to the dashboard are lost when you switch to other tabs, such as the Designer or the Reports tab, in the console.

                                    Number of Messages Shown in Dashboard Is Wrong When Endpoint Is Disabled and Then Enabled

                                    • Bug: 13426326
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    The number of messages displayed in a dashboard does not reflect correctly when an endpoint is disabled and subsequently enabled.

                                    For example, the dashboard for a given endpoint, which is confogured to show the messages published in the last hour, displays five messages. You then disable the endpoint and subsequently enable it. The dashboard does not display any message.

                                    Here, "Last Hour" means messages processed in the current clock hour, and not the message transactions within 60 mins of current time. For example, if a message was submitted at 4:55 PM and the endpoint was re-enabled at 5:01 PM, the last hour includes only transactions processed since 5:00 PM and will not included those submitted at 4:55 PM.

                                    Resubmit of Inbound Message, Which Failed Due to Duplicate Transaction, Passes

                                    • Bug: 13383138
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    A Wire message of an inbound 850 that had previously failed due to detection of the message as a duplicate passes on resubmit. Typically, a duplicated message should throw an error on Wire message resubmit, unless the original message is purged from the system.

                                    Change in Default Behavior of Dispatcher

                                    • Bug: 13261298
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    In the current release of Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration, the outbound/inbound dispatcher count is 0 by default. This causes an issue in Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration, because by default, sequencing is enabled in MLLP and TCP Healthcare transport protocols. So default values of the dispatcher and sequencing flags in transport are not in sync.

                                    Workaround: After you you install Oracle SOA Suite, run the postinstall script to set up Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration that among other actions, sets the Dispatcher count to 1.

                                    Endpoint Dashboards Are Not Imported

                                    • Bug: 13255434
                                    • Updated: 25-January-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    If you import a healthcare integration export file from a previous version, the endpoint dashboards created in the earlier version are not included in the import file. The dashboards need to be recreated in the new environment.

                                    11.1.x Database Requires a Materialized View Patch

                                    • Bug: 13255212
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    Oracle Database 11.1.x associated with Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration requires a Materialized View patch. Without this patch, the materialized view refresh is slower.

                                    Avoiding Stackoverflow Exception During Import

                                    • Bug: 12951614
                                    • Added: 11-September-2011
                                    • Platform: All

                                    When trying to import a big block of healthcare metadata, such as endpoints to an already-existing large metadata, you may encounter the Stackoverflow exception. For example, if you try to to import 200 new endpoints to an existing set of 600 endpoints, you may encounter the exception.

                                    Workaround: You need to add the following JVM argument in the file located at $DOMAIN_HOME/bin: PORT_MEM_ARGS="-Xss512k -Xms768m -Xmx1536m"

                                    Location of HL7 Document Configuration Export ZIP File

                                    • Bug: 12943051
                                    • Added: 14-February-2012
                                    • Platform: All

                                    The HL7 document configuration export ZIP file is required to populate the HL7 document structure. Once you run post-install script to set up Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration, you can find this file in the following folder: SOA_HOME/soa/thirdparty/soahcfp/hl7_doctypes

                                    Runtime Settings Might Not Appear on the Healthcare Integration User Interface

                                    • Bug: 12904895
                                    • Updated: 12-September-2011
                                    • Platform: All

                                    The runtime settings might not appear on the AdministrationSettingsRuntime page of the healthcare integration user interface.

                                    Workaround: If the runtime settings do not appear, follow the steps below to export the repository data, purge design-time data, and reimport the repository data.

                                    1. Launch the healthcare integration user interface in a web browser. The URL is http://<em>hostname:port_number</em>/healthcare.
                                    2. Under the Designer tab, click the Administration sub-tab and then double-click Repository Management.
                                    3. Click Export and then click Continue on the dialog that appears.
                                    4. Save the file to a temporary directory.
                                    5. Click Purge Design Metadata.

                                      Note: If you have any enabled endpoints, you need to disable them before you can purge the metadata.
                                    6. In the Import section, browse to and select the file you exported in steps 3 and 4 above, and then click Import.

                                    Oracle B2B Mapsets Are Visible on the Healthcare Integration User Interface

                                    • Bug: 12859777
                                    • Updated: 12-September-2011
                                    • Platform: All

                                    When you create a mapset using the Oracle B2B Console, those mapsets also appear, and can be edited, on the healthcare integration user interface. This include mapsets for messaging types that are not valid in the healthcare integration user interface (such as HIPAA). These mapsets can be viewed, but should not be modified, from the healthcare integration user interface.

                                    The Map EMS File Created from Specbuilder Does Not Contain Trigger Event

                                    • Bug: 12854042
                                    • Added: 11-September-2011
                                    • Platform: All

                                    When you create a map EMS file for mapping between a source and a target HL7 documents by using the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration user interface, the GuidelineInfo section of the map file contains only the message type (such as ADT) information. It does not capture information regarding the trigger event, such as A01. This creates a mismatch in the display of the document type in the healthcare integration user interface, because the DocType is set as ADT and not ADT_A01. So, a correct map file that is uploaded using the user interface will not automatically detect the source and target document definitions used in the map file. If there is no available ADT document, then the definitions will not get preselected in the user interface. Even if an ADT document is available, then the document type ADT will be selected and not the ADT_A01 as expected.

                                    Workaround: You need to apply a hotfix after installing the Oracle Document Editor that is bundled with the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration Feature Pack release. You can download the hotfix from under the patch number 12797702.

                                    Please note that because Oracle Document Editor is available only for the Windows platform, the hotfix is only applicable on the Windows platform.

                                    Exception Queue Cannot be Created and Specified in the Same Session

                                    • Bug: 12850898
                                    • Updated: 12-September-2011
                                    • Platform: All

                                    When you create an internal delivery channel using the Send to Internal function, you cannot specify that queue as the exception queue in the runtime settings. The queue does not appear in the drop-down list of options for the exception queue.

                                    Workaround: Log out of the healthcare integration user interface and then log back in again. The newly created queue appears in the drop-down list for the exception queue.

                                    Reports Appear to be Missing Messages

                                    • Bug: 12846032
                                    • Updated: 12-September-2011
                                    • Platform: All

                                    The reports on the healthcare integration user interface only display messages that have generated an associated business message. If an error occurs before a business message can be generated, then the message does not appear in the reports.

                                    Limited Number of Dynamic Tabs for Dashboard and Reports Can Be Opened

                                    • Bug: 12845568
                                    • Added: 11-September-2011
                                    • Platform: All

                                    When the maximum number of dynamic tabs are open in Dashboard or Reports tab, then you cannot open any more new dynamic tabs. The maximum number of dynamic tabs that can be opened at a time is 15.

                                    Workaround: You need to close few tabs to be able to open new ones.

                                    Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration Document Protocol Links Throws Error After Upgrade

                                    • Bug: 12777111
                                    • Added: 13-February-2012 Platform: All

                                      When you upgrade Oracle SOA Suite 11gR1 from version to, extend the Oracle Enterprise Manager domain with all the SOA components, and start all the servers, all the applications work fine. However, when you try to access the document protocol folders in the Oracle SOA Suite for healthcare integration console, you get errors such as the following:

                                      <oracle.adf.share.el.VariableResolverELContext> <BEA-000000> <The variable
                                      resolver, oracle.adf.model.binding.DCVariableResolverImpl, was used to 
                                      evaluate expression, payLoad.  All variable resolvers have been deprecated.  
                                      Please consult the documentation for the variable resolver and modify the
                                      expression to not depend upon the variable resolver.>

                                      Service Registry

                                      No issue has been discovered at the time of this release. As additional issues and workarounds are discovered after the release, they will be listed here.

                                      Enterprise Scheduling Service

                                      No issue has been discovered at the time of this release. As additional issues and workarounds are discovered after the release, they will be listed here.

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