Oracle ASMLib Downloads for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

Note: All ASMLib installations require the oracleasmlib and oracleasm-support packages appropriate for their machine. The driver packages are named after the kernel they support. Run the "uname -r" command on your machine to determine your kernel version. The corresponding package has the name oracleasm-<kernel_version>.

The Oracle ASMLib kernel driver packages are installed using the YUM tool. To configure a server to be able to install install and update Oracle ASMLib kernel drivers, create a file named /etc/yum.repos.d/oracleasm.repo with the following content:

name=Oracle ASMLib Kernel Drivers for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5

If the /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle file does not exist on the target server, you can download it directly from the Oracle Linux Yum Server.

Once created, the corresponding kernel driver for the currently running kernel can be installed as root using the YUM tool:

# yum install oracleasm-`uname -r`

Check the Oracle ASMLib Release Notes for further details.

Oracle ASMLib 2.0

Intel IA32 (x86) Architecture

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