Getting Started with Oracle Enterprise Manager Express
- Oracle Database 12c
- Have installed Oracle Database 12c.
This tutorial introduces you to Oracle Enterprise Manager Express, a Web-based interface for managing an Oracle database.
Time to Complete
Approximately 30 minutes
Oracle Enterprise Manager Express enables you to perform administrative tasks such as managing user security and managing database memory and storage. You can also view performance and status information about your database. In this tutorial you will perform configuration steps to enable you to access Enterprise Manager Express and view the Database Home page.
Software Requirements
The following is a list of software requirements:
Before starting this tutorial, you should:
Configuring the HTTP Port
You can access Enterprise Manager Database Express using the
URL that was displayed during installation. The default port
used is 5011. In case you want to use a different port, you need
to configure the port using the dynamic protocol registration
method. After the HTTP port is configured, you use it to access
Enterprise Manager Express. In this tutorial, you will configure
Enterprise Manager Database Express to run on port 8080.
Open a terminal window and log in as the oracle user. Change directories to the /usr/local/bin directory and execute the oraenv command to set the environment variables.

Verify that the listener is started by executing the lsnrctl status command.

Log in to SQL*Plus as the SYSDBA user and verify that the DISPATCHERS parameter in the initialization parameter file includes the PROTOCOL=TCP attribute.

Execute the DBMS_XDB.setHTTPPort procedure to set the HTTP port for Enterprise Manager Express.

Accessing the Database Home Page
The Database Home page is the main database management page in Enterprise Manager Database Express. To access the Database Home page, perform the following steps:
In your Web browser enter the URL to access Enterprise Manager: http://database-hostname:portnumber/em

Log in to Enterprise Manager Database Express with an authorized user account such as SYSTEM. Enter the username and password in the appropriate fields. Click Login.
The Database Home page is displayed. Continue with other tutorials in the series or log out of Enterprise Manager Database Express.
- Configure the HTTP port for Enterprise Manager Database Express
- Log in to Enterprise Manager Database Express
- Access the Database Home page
- Oracle Database 2 Day DBA 12c Release 1 (12.1)
- Lead Curriculum Developer: Donna Keesling
- Other Contributors: Bert Rich
In this tutorial, you learned how to:
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- Hiding Header Buttons:
- Click the Title to hide the buttons in the header. To show the buttons again, simply click the Title again.
- Topic List Button:
- A list of all the topics. Click one of the topics to navigate to that section.
- Expand/Collapse All Topics:
- To show/hide all the detail for all the sections. By default, all topics are collapsed
- Show/Hide All Images:
- To show/hide all the screenshots. By default, all images are displayed.
- Print:
- To print the content. The content currently displayed or hidden will be printed.
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