JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Stock Valuation

Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Stock Valuation allows you to properly account for your inventory value no matter where it is located within your supply chain, in accordance with corporate and governmental standards, including Sarbanes-Oxley. It has the flexibility needed to accommodate the many stock valuation methods throughout distribution industries, allowing you to compile inventory reports and assess inventory value at the desired level and detail.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Stock Valuation is part of Oracle's JD Edward's EnterpriseOne supply chain management family of applications.


  • Value stock by individual product or by grouping similar products into product pools
  • Allocate costs by either inventory or a defined replacement costs, or by weighted average purchase prices
  • Calculate stock value on various periodic schedules such as monthly, quarterly, and yearly
  • Use concurrent valuation methods, including FIFO, LIFO, and weighted average cost
  • Precisely calculate any kind of inventory, including stock in transit; loans, borrows, and exchanges; exclusion of commingled inventory; and gains and losses associated with bulk stock