Learning Management Integration

Innovating for the Global Campus

Oracle's PeopleSoft Student Administration Integration Pack (SAIP) helps you more efficiently integrate and manage teaching and learning systems with your student administration system. Based on widely adopted technical and industry specifications, SAIP provides an open, standards-based integration from PeopleSoft Campus Solutions to popular vendor-supplied and open source learning management systems.

  • Learning Management Integration
  • Learning Management Integration
  • Learning Management Integration
  • Learning Management Integration
Stay Connected:
  • Centralized and automated integration between and among different applications
  • Flexible - change vendors, processes, and support different departmental requirements simultaneously
  • Evolutionary - add new technologies and features when available, whenever you need them

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Campus Mobility Solutions

Campus Mobility Solutions

The most flexible solution for your mobility needs.

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Press release:

Oracle Plays Leading Role in Developing Specifications for Interoperability with Learning Management Systems.

Read the story


Compliant with IMS LIS standards, Oracle has partnered with the following learning management systems to deliver integrations between their LMS solutions and Campus Solutions:

Visit the IMS Global Learning Consortium website to obtain more information about the learning interoperability standards.

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