This document lists the document formats that will be used by the Java Persistence API XML descriptors. The Java Persistence API requires that its XML descriptors be validated with respect to the XML Schema listed by this document.
Starting with the 2.1 version,
the Java Persistence API Schemas share the namespace,
Previous versions used the namespace
. Each schema
document contains a version attribute that contains the version of the
Java Persistence specification. This pertains to the specific version
of the specification as well as the schema document itself.
Each Java Persistence XML Schema document's file name contains the specific version of the Java Persistence specification to which it relates. This is introduced for convenience to locate specific versions of the schema documents. However, XML descriptor instances are not required to refer to a specific file. Instead, an instance must specify the version of the specification by using the version attribute. This allows XML descriptor processors to use the version information to choose the appropriate version of the schema document(s) to process XML descriptor instances.
This table contains the XML Schema components for Java Persistence 2.2.
Date Published | File Name | Description | Status |
August 4, 2017 | orm_2_2.xsd |
Object/relational mapping file schema | Final Release |
August 4, 2017 | persistence_2_2.xsd |
Persistence configuration schema | Final Release |
This table contains the XML Schema components for Java Persistence 2.1.
Date Published | File Name | Description | Status |
April 22, 2013 | orm_2_1.xsd |
Object/relational mapping file schema | Final Release |
April 22, 2013 | persistence_2_1.xsd |
Persistence configuration schema | Final Release |
This table contains the XML Schema components for Java Persistence 2.0.
Date Published | File Name | Description | Status |
December 10, 2009 | orm_2_0.xsd |
Object/relational mapping file schema | Final Release |
December 10, 2009 | persistence_2_0.xsd |
Persistence configuration schema | Final Release |
This table contains the XML Schema components for Java Persistence 1.0.
Date Published | File Name | Description | Status |
May 11, 2006 | orm_1_0.xsd |
Object/relational mapping file schema | Final Release |
May 11, 2006 | persistence_1_0.xsd |
Persistence configuration schema | Final Release |