Installing an Application into Your Database Cloud Service
This tutorial covers how to install an application into your database cloud service.
Time to Complete
Approximately 20 minutes
The Oracle Database Cloud Service includes a set of business productivity applications. All of these applications are easy to use, support mobile devices, and can be provisioned in seconds.
In this tutorial, you install one of the packaged applications into your Database Cloud Service.
Before starting this tutorial, you should have performed the Signing Up for a Database Cloud Service tutorial.
Logging into Your Database Cloud Service
You will first need to log in to your Database Cloud Service. Perform the following steps:
Open a browser and enter the following URL:
Click Sign In.

Click Sign In to My Services.

Enter the username, password, and identity domain for your Database Cloud Service and click Sign In.

Select the database service name link.

Installing an Application into your Database Cloud Service
In this section, you install an application into your Database Cloud Service, review the Sample Database Application already installed when you created your Database Cloud Service and run the application. Perform the following steps:
From the Overview tile, you see useful information about your Database Cloud Service. Click the Open Service Console button.

Application Express appears. This Web application development tool lets you rapidly create new applications or install predefined applications from Oracle. Click the Application Builder button.

An overview of the applications and websheets currently installed are displayed. Notice that the Sample Database Application is already installed. Click Packaged Applications.

A list of packaged applications is displayed. In this case, select Checklist Manager.

Review the information about what this application does and then click Install Application.

There are 2 types of authentication you can set for this application, Oracle Cloud Identity Management and Application Express. Select the default Oracle Cloud Identity Management and click Next.
Note that if you use Application Express authentication, you will need to create and manage users in Application Express, versus managing users via the Identity Console.
Click Install Application.

You successfully installed a packaged application. You want to review the sample database application that was already installed. Select the Application Builder breadcrumb.

Your newly installed Checklist
Manager application and the Sample
Database Application application appear in the All
Applications tab. To run Sample Database
Application, click Run under
its icon.

The Sample Database Application is displayed.

- Login to your service
- Install a packaged application into your service
- Review the applications installed in your service
- Oracle Cloud Home Page
- To learn more about Oracle Application Express, refer to additional OBEs in the Oracle Learning Library
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