Deploying an Application to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service


Before You Begin


This tutorial shows you how to deploy an application to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.

Time to Complete

30 minutes


Oracle Application Container Cloud Service can deploy and run Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) and Node.js applications. First, to deploy your application, you compress the application in a zip or Gzipped Tar (TGZ) archive file, which includes required configuration information. Then, you use the Oracle Application Container Cloud Service graphical user interface (GUI) or the REST API to deploy your application.

In this tutorial, you can use your own application archive or you can use the provided sample embedded Tomcat web application as the archive file.


This tutorial covers deploying applications to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service. To deploy your application correctly, you must first develop and package it according to specific guidelines, which are explained in the following learning series. Select the learning series that most closely matches the application and framework that you want to create.

What Do You Need?

Deploying Your Application: Web GUI

  1. Package your own application in a zip or TGZ file or download the sample embedded Tomcat web application.

  2. Log in to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service with your credentials.

    Oracle Application Container Cloud Service login page
    Description of this image

    The Applications list view is displayed. The picture shows the first time the Applications List is loaded. The view provides additional links and an arrow icon indicating which button to click to get started.

    Applications list
    Description of this image
  3. Click Create Application, and select Java SE.

    Create Application button
    Description of this image
  4. In the Create Application dialog box, enter EmployeeWebApp for the application name, select Monthly for the subscription type, and enter Sample Tomcat application in the Notes field. For the Application Archive field, select Upload Application Archive.

    Create Application dialog box
    Description of this image

    The Create Application dialog now looks like this. Click the Browse button and select file.

    Application Archive dialog box
    Description of this image
  5. The Create Application dialog now shows the selected file. Under Instance, review the number of instances and the memory size, and make any necessary adjustments. Click Create to deploy your application to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.

    Application Archive dialog box with archive file displayed
    Description of this image
  6. A status message appears indicating the application is uploading.

    Create Application - Instance dialog box
    Description of this image
  7. After the application archived is uploaded, the service determines the archive is properly configured. If it is, the following dialog appears. Click OK.

    Create Application - Instance dialog box
    Description of this image
  8. The Applications page appears. A "Creating Application" status message is displayed at the top of the page while the application is deployed. It will take several minutes for the application to deploy.

    Create Application - Instance dialog box
    Description of this image

    After a few minutes, your application is deployed on the Oracle Application Container Cloud Service. The status message disappears showing the application Overview.

    Create Application - Instance dialog box
    Description of this image

Exploring the GUI for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service

After you configure and deploy the application through the web GUI, you’ll see configuration views that give you options and information about your current settings.

Overview View

This view is the default view for an application. It shows the number of running instances, instance memory size, instance metadata (for example, the time that the instance was started), and application metadata (for example, Java version, date and time deployed, and identity domain):

Oracle Application Container Cloud Service - Application Page showing Overview Tile
Description of this image

Deployments View

This view shows information about the current application’s deployment. The view focuses on configuration data which includes application metadata (for example, archive name and archive size), service bindings to other cloud services, global environment variables, the launch command for your instances, and the configuration files for each application instance (the manifest.json and deployment.json files are linked here).

Oracle Application Container Cloud Service - Deployments View
Description of this image

Administration View

The Administration View allows you to manage the underlying technology version you are using for your application. In this case, the tab allows you to choose the Java version you are using. You can upgrade to a new version of Java or roll back to an older version.

Oracle Application Container Cloud Service - Administration View
Description of this image

Logs & Recordings View

This view stores application-related log and performance information.

On the Logs tab, you can generate the log file from your instances and then download it to your local machine. You can also view a history of log captures.

Logs tab
Description of this image

On the Recordings tab, you can use Java Flight Recorder to record one minute of your application’s performance data, download the recording to your local machine, and analyze it in Java Mission Control.

Recordings tab
Description of this image

Deploying Your Application: REST API

In this section, you deploy your Java SE application to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service by using the REST API. For this deployment, use the cURL command-line tool, which runs on any major operating system (Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux). You can use your own application archive or you can download the sample embedded Tomcat web application, if you haven’t already downloaded it.

Here are the steps needed to deploy your application:

  1. Upload your application to the storage service.
  2. Deploy your application to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.

Uploading Your Application to the Storage Service

Before you can deploy your application, you must copy it to the storage service. You need your Oracle Cloud service credentials (User ID, password, ID domain) to use the REST API. With your credentials, you create cURL scripts to upload your application to the storage service.

Here are sample values that are used in the cURL script examples that follow. You'll use your own values instead of the sample values if you upload your own application.

  • App Name: EmployeeWebApp
  • Archive File Name:
  • Path to Local File: target/
  • User Name: johndoe
  • Password: johnpassword
  • Identity Domain: john-acct01
  • Host Name:

This example shows the script structure that creates a storage container:

curl -i -X PUT \
  -u User-Name:Password \

After you create the storage container, you can upload your application archive to the storage container.

This example shows the script structure that uploads your application archive to the storage container:

curl -i -X PUT \
-u User-Name:Password \
https://hostname/v1/Storage-Identity-Domain/App-Name/Archive-File-Name -T Path-to-local-file/Archive-File-Name

This example script uses the provided sample values to create the storage container:

curl -i -X PUT \
  -u johndoe:johnpassword \

This example script uses the provided sample values to upload the sample application to the storage service:

curl -i -X PUT \
  -u johndoe:johnpassword \ -T target/

Deploying Your Application to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service

To deploy your application, you need to include standard information in your script. The following example script shows placeholders for the required information:

# Mock Deployment Script
url -i -X POST  \
  -u User-Name:Password \
  -H "X-ID-TENANT-NAME:Identity-Domain" \
  -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
  -F "name=App-Name" \
  -F "runtime=java" \
  -F "subscription=Monthly" \
  -F "deployment=@deployment.json" \
  -F "archiveURL=App-name/Archive-File-Name" \
  -F "notes=Your Notes here" \

Here are a few key points about this example:

  • -H specifies headers that are added to the HTTP request.
  • -F allows cURL to submit data like it's coming from a form (so, POST as the HTTP method).
  • archiveURL specifies where your archive file is located. The URL consists of your application's name, a slash, and the archive's file name.

Note: Rather than using default values for your application, you can specify the deployment.json file at deployment.

Here's a sample deployment script that contains actual data, including the deployment.json file:

# Deployment Script
url -i -X POST  \
  -u johndoe:johnpassword \
  -H "X-ID-TENANT-NAME:john-acct01" \
  -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
  -F "name=EmployeeWebApp" \
  -F "runtime=java" \
  -F "subscription=Monthly" \
  -F "deployment=@deployment.json" \
  -F "archiveURL=EmployeeWebApp/" \
  -F "notes=REST app for testing" \

After your application is deployed to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service, view any application details in the web GUI.

Specifying the deployment.json File

When you deploy your application, you can reference a deployment.json file. The file provides configuration settings for the container that your application runs in. The settings include the memory size of the application and specific information about the environment.

Example deployment.json File

    "memory": "2G",
    "instances": "1",  
    "environment": {
    "services": [{
        "identifier": "ProdService",
        "name": "Jaas Service",
        "type": "JAAS"
        "username": "username",
        "password": "***"  

JSON Fields

  • memory defines the size of the applications container. Valid values are 1G to 7G.
  • instances are the number of application instances to run.
  • notes are notes about the deployment plan.
  • environment:
    • key is the name of an environment variable that the application uses.
    • value is the value of the environment variable that the application uses.
  • services:
    • identifier is the user-defined name.
    • name is the name of the service.
    • type is the type of service.
    • username is the name used to access the service (optional).
    • password is the password for the service (optional).

Here's the actual deployment.json file used for an application:

    "memory": "2G",
    "instances": "1",
        "TEST_ENV_VAR": "TestValue"

When you deploy the application, just reference the file in the cURL script. Then the file's settings are used to deploy the application.

Updating Your Application: REST API

Updating your Configuration with deployment.json

To update your application's deployment configuration, execute a command like the following:

curl -X PUT \
-u johndoe:johnpassword \
-H "X-ID-TENANT-NAME:john-acct01" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data"\
-F deployment=@deployment.json" \
-F "notes=notes for deployment" \

In the URL, the identity domain and the application’s name specify what is updated. The deployment.json file contains your changes to the configuration. Changes restart your application or start new instances.

Redeploying your Application

To update the entire application, use the following command:

curl -X PUT \
-u johndoe:johnpassword \
-H "X-ID-TENANT-NAME:john-acct01" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data"\
-F "deployment=@deployment.json" \
-F "archiveURL=/EmployeeWebApp/" \
-F "notes=notes for deployment" \

In the URL, the identity domain and the application’s name specify what is updated. The deployment.json file contains your changes to the configuration, but the file isn’t required. If you don’t want to change the deployment settings, don’t specify a file. In this case, your application restarts.

Want to Learn More?


Curriculum Developer: Michael Williams