Managing the ASM Cluster File System (ACFS)

This tutorial shows you how to create and manage the ASM Cluster File System (ACFS).

Approximately 1 hour


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This tutorial covers how configure and manage the ASM Cluster File System In Oracle 11 Release 2 using the supplied utilities

The focus of this tutorial includes: creating ASM dynamic volumes, managing the ACFS, and using the snapshot feature. The supported utilities are demonstrated

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An Oracle Database 11g Release 2 database installation already exists. Oracle Grid Infrastructure has been installed, and an ASM instance configured.

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Before starting this tutorial, you should:


Have completed OBE Installing Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server through the topic "Configure EM Database Control to manage ASM"

This tutorial assumes the following conditions that are included in the OBE referenced above::

  • Grid infrastructure is installed,
  • ASM is configured with a diskgroup named DATA that includes 3 - 500MB ASM disks.
  • An additional 500 MB disk is available as a candidate ASM disk.
  • EM database control is configured to manage ASM
  • The database is installed with at least one tablespace on an ASM diskgroup.
  • Oracle Restart has been configured to restart :the orcl instance, the ASM instance, LISTENER, and LISTENERASM.

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Creating an ASM Clustered Filesystem (ACFS)

Oracle ASM Cluster file system (ACFS) is new in Oracle 11g Release 2. ACFS is intended as a general files system accessible by the standard OS utilities, ACFS can be used in either a single server of a cluster environment. Create the ACFS by creating the ASM dynamic volume and mounting that volume to the OS. Prior to using the ACFS file system four drivers must be loaded. On Linux they are: oracleasm, the ASM module; oracleadvm, the ASM dynamic volume manager module; oracleoks, the kernel services module; and oracleacfs, the ASM file system module. These modules are loaded during installation, but are not part of the Oracle Restart

In this topic you will use multiple tools to perform the operations.

Configuring the ACFS driver modules

Managing ASM volumes
Mounting the ACFS
Using EM to Create a Volume and Mount an ACFS

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To Configure the ACFS drivers, perform the following steps:


Open a terminal window, and become the root OS user. Use the su - root command



As the root user, determine if the required modules are loaded. They are oracleasm, oracleadvm, oracleoks, and oracleacfs. The following command shows all the modules known to the OS.



Reboot the server . Use the command




Open a terminal window, and become the root OS user. Use the su - root command



As the root user, determine if the require modules are loaded. the following command shows all the modules known to the OS. Notice only the oracleasm module is loaded, even though the ASM instance has been restarted automatically by Oracle Restart.




Manually load the modules required for ACFS, with the command:

/u01/app/grid/product/11.2.0/grid/bin/acfsload start -s


Configure a initialization script to load the ACFS modules at startup. In the /etc/init.d directory, create a file called acfsload with your editor of choice.

gedit /etc/init.d/acfsload

The file will contain the runlevel configuration, and the acfsload command. Place in the file the following lines


# chkconfig: 2345 30 21
# description: Load Oracle ACFS drivers at system boot

/u01/app/grid/product/11.2.0/grid/bin/acfsload start -s

Save the file and exit the editor.



Change the permissions on the acfsload script to allow it to be executed by root with the command:

chmod u+x /etc/init.d/acfsload



Create links in the rc2.d, rc3.d, rc4.d, and rc5.d runlevel directories. Use the chkconfig command to add and confirm the configuration.

chkconfig --add acfsload

chkconfig --list acfsload



Reboot to confirm that the ACFS drivers load.




Open a terminal window, and become the root OS user. Use the su - root command



As the root user, determine if the required modules are loaded. the following command shows all the module known to the OS.



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To Manage the ASM volumes, perform the following steps:


In a terminal window, as the oracle OS user. Set the environment for the +ASM instance with the oraenv script. Enter +ASM when prompted for the ORACLE_SID.

. oraenv



Using SQL*Plus connect as sysasm to create a ASM volume using the command

sqlplus / as sysasm



Using SQL* Plus view the properties of the ASM volume






Using the ASMCMD utility create a ASM volume of 100MB with the following commands:


ASMCMD> volcreate -G DATA -s 100M volume2



View the properties of the ASM volumes notice the volume sizes. Use ASMCMD command:

ASMCMD> volinfo -a

ASMCMD> exit



Remove the ASM Volume, VOLUME2, use the ASMCMD command in command line mode.

asmcmd voldelete -d DATA volume2


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To mount the ACFS, perform the following steps:


In a terminal window as the oracle OS user, create a set of directories to use as mount points. Create the mount points under the ORACLE_BASE/acfsdata directory. For this exercise create three directories:orabin, images, misc with the following commands.

mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/orabin

mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images

mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/misc



As the root user, create the ACFS filesystem on the ASM volume1to mount point /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/orabin using OS commands. The device name is found in the output of the volinfo command show previously. Note; the extension of the volume name, '-##' that is contained in the prior screenshot.

su - root

mkfs -t acfs -b 4k /dev/asm/volume1-###



As the root user, mount the acfs filesystem with the OS command

mount -t acfs /dev/asm/volume1-<###> /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/orabin



Verify that the volume has been mounted with the OS command

df -h



The Oracle ACFS mount registry is supported for Oracle Restart configurations, but cannot automatically mount Oracle ACFS registered file systems. However, all Oracle ACFS file systems listed in the Oracle ACFS Mount Registry can be mounted with a single mount command. (The ACFS mount registry is supported for cluster configurations and automatically mounts ACFS volumes to the cluster wide mount points)

Register the ACFS volume1 with he ACFS mount registry to enable the automount workaround with the following command. Note Change the volume name extension to match the previous commands.

acfsutil registry -a /dev/asm/volume1-<###> /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/orabin


Note: After reboot or ASM restart the ACFS volume registered in the ACFS mount registry can be mounted with a single command executed by the root user:

mount –t acfs –o all none  none


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To use EM to Create a Volume and Mount the ACFS, perform the following steps:


Open a terminal window, as the oracle OS user. Set the environment for the orcl instance with the oraenv script. Enter orcl when prompted for the ORACLE_SID.

. oraenv



Start EM database control with the command:

emctl start dbconsole



Access EM database control in your browser with the URL https://localhost:1158/em, and then login:

  • User Name: SYS
  • Password: <sys_password>
  • Connect as: SYSDBA



On the database home page, in the General section click the ASM link:



On the Automatic Storage Management: page click the ASM Cluster File System tab.



On the Automatic Storage Management Login page, enter:

  • Username: SYS
  • Password: <sys_password>
  • Click Login



On the ASM Cluster File System page, click Create



On the Create ASM Cluster File System page, click Create ASM Volume.



On the Create ASM volume page, create a volume:

  • Volume: Volume3
  • Disk Group: DATA
  • SIze: 100 M

Click OK.



On the ASM Cluster File System page, give the volume a label.

  • Volume Label: IMAGES
  • Mount Point: /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images
  • Click OK



On the ASM Cluster File System Host Credentials: page, enter username and password for the ASM instance administrator

  • Username: oracle
  • Password: <your_password>



On the Automatic Storage Management: page, you will see a confirmation message.

  • Select VOLUME3 (the dismounted volume)
  • Click Mount



On the Mount ASM Cluster File System: /dev/asm/volume3-<##> page, enter the mount point.

  • Mount Point: /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images
  • Click Generate Command


On the Show Command page, the command to mount the ACFS filesystem is shown. Since this command must be run as the root, open a terminal window and become the root user. Paste the command that is shown into the root window and execute it. The command is:

/bin/mount -t acfs -rw /dev/asm/volume3-<##> /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images

The root window will look like this:

Exit the root window

On the Show Command page, click Return

On the Mount ASM Cluster File System: /dev/asm/volume3-<##> page, click Return



On the Automatic Storage Management: page, view the mounted filesystems. You should see two mounted filesystems.


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Managing the ACFS Filesystem

In this topic you use the ACFS file system. You create files in the file systems you have created. As a general purpose file system all the file system OS commands are available for use. In this exercise you will move a part of the ORACLE_HOME directory into an ACFS file system. ACFS does not support any part of Grid Infrastructure home directory in an ACFS, and does not support the / (root) directory in ACFS.

You will use ACFS advanced features such as snapshots and dynamic volume resize.

Resizing Volumes

Using OS commands with ACFS file system

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To resize an ASM volume, perform the following steps:

In this topic, add a disk to the ASM diskgroup and then increase the size of the VOLUME1 ASM volume.


Use EM database control. Navigate to the Database home page. Click Database tab.

On the Home page, click the link.



On the Automatic Storage Management: page click the Disk Groups tab.



On the Disk Groups tab, click the DATA disk group link. Click Add



On the Add Disks page, select the disk with the Path ORCL:DATA4. Click Ok.



Notice that the Used (%) is not balanced initially.

After a minute or so, click the Refresh button in your browser to check if the disk groups were rebalanced.

On this page click the breadcrumb at the top left of the page to return to the Automatic Storage Management: page.



On the Automatic Storage Management: page click the ASM Cluster File System tab.



On the ASM Cluster File System tab,

  • Select the mount point /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/orabin
  • Select Resize from the Actions list
  • Click Go



On the Resize ASM Cluster File System: /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/orabin page, change the size of the volume to 800 MB. Click OK.



On the ASM Cluster File System Host Credentials: page, enter username and password for the ASM instance administrator

  • Username: oracle
  • Password: <your_password>
  • Click Continue


On the Automatic Storage Management: page, Notice that the size of volume at the mount /u01/app/oracle/acsfdata/orabin is now 1 GB in size. The ASM volume manager allocates space in 256MB increments.

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To use OS commands with the ACFS filesystem, perform the following steps:


The ACFS volumes were mounted by root and owned by root. To allow general use by other OS users change the permissions to allow anyone to read, write and execute the images directory. change the permissions so that the orabin directory is owned by oracle:oinstall with the permissions 755. Use the following commands:

su - root

chmod 777 /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images

chown oracle:oinstall /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/orabin

chmod 755 /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/orabin




Open a terminal window as the OS user named oracle. Copy a file into the IMAGES ACFS volume. change directory to the images directory and list the contents

cp /home/oracle/wkdir/acfs/ /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images

ls /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images



Change directory to the images volume and extract the files from the zip file.

cd /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images




View an image file, and then close it. The Firefox browser will open a gif file.

  • Click the browser button
  • Enter the URL: file:///u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images/gridInstall/asm.gif
  • Close the browser



As the root user, copy the /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin directory to the ACSF /u0/app/oracle/acfsdata/orabin directory.

  • Become the root user with the su command
  • Change directory to the /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1 directory
  • Confirm the working directory
  • Copy all the files from bin to /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/orabin preserving permissions

su - root

cd /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1


cp -rp bin/* /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/orabin




In a terminal window as the oracle OS user, with the environment set to the orcl instance, stop EM database control with

. oraenv

emctl stop dbconsole


Shutdown the orcl instance use

srvctl stop database -d orcl



Move the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory




Create a symbolic link from the original ORACLE_HOME/bin to the ACFS orabin directory.

ln -s /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/orabin $ORACLE_HOME/bin



Attempt to use SQL*Plus from the ACFS orabin directory

  • Use the which command to determine which directory in the path will be used
  • Start sqlplus

which sqlplus

sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> startup

SQL> exit



Start EM database control with the command:

emctl start dbconsole

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Using ACFS Snapshots

In this topic you create an ACFS snapshot, delete a file, and restore the file from the snapshot.

Creating an ACFS Snapshot

Restoring from an ACFS snapshot

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To Create an ACFS snapshot, perform the following steps:

ACFS snapshots may be managed with either acfsutil utility or Enterprise Manager. Both methods are shown in this topic.


Using EM database control, navigate to the Automatic Storage Management: page and the ASM Cluster File System tab.

  • Select the filesystem /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images
  • Click Create Snapshot



On the Create Snapshot on ASM Cluster File System: /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images page

  • Enter snapshot Name: snapshot_1

  • Click Show Command, to view the acfsutil command to create this snapshot.

  • Click Return
  • Click Ok

On the ASM Cluster File System Host Credentials: page, enter username and password for the ASM instance administrator

  • Username: oracle
  • Password: <your_password>
  • Click Continue



On the Automatic Storage Management: page, Notice that the number of snapshots is 1 for the /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images filesystem.



In a terminal window as the oracle user, delete the file asm.gif from the /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images directory.

rm /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images/gridInstall/asm.gif



In a terminal window become the root user and view the commands available in the acfsutil utility.

su - root

acfsutil -h



Create another snapshot in the /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images file system. Use the acfsutil command:

acfsutil snap create snapshot_2 /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images


View the snapshots with OS commands: Each snapshot contains all the files that were in the original filesystem at the time the snapshot was created. though to conserve space on the block that have been changed from the original are recorded in the snapshot. The snapshot contains the original block the filesystem holds the changes.

ls -l /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images/.ACFS/snaps



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To Restore from a Snapshot, perform the following steps:

First, restore the file using OS commands, and then Use EM to find the file in the snapshots.


In a terminal window as the oracle OS user, you discover the asm.gif file is missing.

cd /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images

ls gridInstall/asm.gif



Check the snapshots to determine if the file asm.gif can be restored

ls .ACFS/snaps/*/gridInstall/asm.gif

The SFPILE is +data/spfile.ora



Copy the asm.gif from snapshot_1 to the original location.

cp .ACFS/snaps/snapshot_1/gridInstall/asm.gif gridInstall/asm.gif



View the asm.gif file with the browser. Enter the URL file:///u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images/gridInstall/asm.gif



Using EM database control search snapshot_2 for the asm.gif file.

Using EM database control, navigate to the Automatic Storage Management: page and the ASM Cluster File System tab, Click the snapshots link (shows the number of snapshots for this filesystem ) for the /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images filesystem. Enter the host credentials if asked.



On the ASM Cluster File System: /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images page: Snapshots tab, click Snapshot_2



On the Search and List: Directory page,

  • Enter the Search in Directory: /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images/.ACFS/snaps/snapshot_2/gridInstall
  • Enter the File or Directory Name: asm.gif.
  • Click Go.



The file was not found. Search snapshot_1.

On the Search and List: Directory page,

  • Change the Search in Directory to: /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/images/.ACFS/snaps/snapshot_1/gridInstall
  • Click Go

Now that the file has been found it can be restored using OS commands.

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To return the OBE environment to the same state it was in at the beginning of this exercise, perform the following steps:


Close all windows. Open one terminal window and as the root user execute the following command:

su - root




If you wish to replay this OBE, reboot and return to the first topic.

If you are finished with this OBE, continue to the cleanup section of the OBE Install Grid Infrastructure for a Single Server, to finish the cleanup of the OBE environment


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In this lesson, you learned how to:

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To learn more about ASM and Grid installation you can refer to:

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