Installing and Running a Packaged Application in Oracle Application Express 5.1


Before You Begin


In this tutorial, you learn how to perform the following tasks in Oracle Application Express 5.1:

  • Install and run a Productivity application from the Packaged Apps gallery.
  • Unlock the Productivity application for editing.
  • Install and run a Sample Application from the Packaged Apps gallery.

Time to Complete

Approximately 25 minutes.


Oracle Application Express is a rapid web application development tool for the Oracle database. Using only a web browser and limited programming experience, you can develop and deploy professional applications that are both fast and secure. Oracle Application Express is available with the Oracle Database, whether it's on-premises or in an Oracle Database Cloud Service.

Oracle Application Express includes two types of Packaged Apps:

  • Sample applications
  • Productivity applications

Both the Sample and Productivity applications are fully functional applications that have been designed to address a specific business need. The main difference between a Sample and Productivity application is the level of support. By default, Sample applications are fully editable. In contrast, you must unlock a Productivity application before you can edit it. Unlocking a Productivity application makes it ineligible for future upgrades or support by Oracle Support.

Please keep in mind the following while running this tutorial:

  • Logging into your Oracle Application Express workspace: Your Oracle Application Express workspace may reside in an on-premises Oracle Database or in Oracle Database Cloud Services. The login credentials differ depending on where your workspace is located:
    • Logging into Oracle Application Express in a Oracle Database Cloud Service:  Reference the Oracle Help Center for your Oracle Database Cloud Service. To do this, go to the Oracle Help Center for Cloud, and select Platform or Infrastructure (depending on your service). From here, select your Database Cloud Service and the Get Started page will appear.
    • Logging in to Oracle Application Express on-premises: From your browser, go to the location of your on-premises installation of your Oracle Application Express workspace provided by your Workspace Administrator.
  • Application ID: Your Application ID may be different when compared to the screenshots in this tutorial. Your Application ID can be any value assigned automatically while creating the application.
  • Schema: If you are accessing an Oracle Application Express workspace in Database Schema Service,  you have one schema assigned to you with a schema name that you cannot change. If you are accessing the workspace in an on-premises Oracle database, you may have more than one schema assigned to your workspace by the Oracle Application Express Instance Administrator.

What Do You Need?

  • Visit Oracle Help Center for Cloud.
  • Access to an Oracle Database 11g or later release, either on-premises or in a Database Cloud Service.
  • Oracle Application Express Release 5.1 into your Oracle Database (for on-premises only).
  • At least one Oracle Application Express user. To create a user, see Creating New User Accounts in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide.

Installing a Productivity Application from Packaged Apps

In this topic, you install a Productivity application from Packaged Apps provided by Oracle Application Express. Log in to your Oracle Application Express workspace, either on-premises or in Oracle Database Cloud Service, and perform the following steps:
  1. In the Application Express login page, enter the following login credentials and click Sign In:

    • Workspace: obe

    • Username: obe

    • Password: oracle

    Login page
    Description of this image
  2. From the Oracle Application Express home page,  click the down arrow next to the Packaged Apps tab and select Apps Gallery.

    Packaged Apps menu
    Description of this image
  3. Locate and click the Checklist Manager application icon.

    Checklist Manager icon
    Description of this image
  4. The Checklist Manager productivity application details are displayed. Click Install Application.

    Checklist Manager application details
    Description of this image
  5. Select Application Express Accounts for Authentication, and click Next >.

    Install Packaged Application - Step 1
    Description of this image
  6. Click Install Application.

    Install Packaged Application - Step 2
    Description of this image
  7. The Checklist Manager application is installed. Click the Run icon.

    Checklist Manager application successfully installed
    Description of this image
  8. Enter your Oracle Application Express credentials, and click Sign In.

    Checklist Manager login page
    Description of this image
  9. The Checklist Manager application's home page is displayed. Click the IT Projects 39% checklist.

    Checklist Manager application home page
    Description of this image
  10. This checklist represents IT projects. Each row represents a project and each column represents a task for that project. To change the Percent Completed of a task, click the respective circle.

    Checklist with completed percentage
    Description of this image
  11. The Change Percent dialog opens. Select a different percent value, and click Apply.

    Change Percent dialog box
    Description of this image

Unlocking an Installed Productivity Application

After a productivity application is installed, you can run the application directly. But, you must unlock it before you can edit it. To unlock an installed Productivity application, perform the following steps:
  1. Go back to the Oracle Application Express window where the Packaged Application details page is currently open with the details of Checklist Manager. Click Manage.

    Checklist Manager details page
    Description of this image
  2. Click Unlock.

    Checklist Manager manage page
    Description of this image
  3. Click Unlock Application.

    Unlocking Checklist Manager application
    Description of this image
  4. The application shows as Installed (Unlocked) in the Packaged Application Details page.

    Successfully unlocked
    Description of this image

Installing and Running a Sample Application from Packaged Apps

By default, Sample Applications are fully editable. You do not need to explicitly unlock them. Perform the following steps to install and run a Sample Application:
  1. Click the Packaged Apps Gallery breadcrumb.

    Description of this image
  2. Enter Sample in the search bar, press the Enter key. Locate, and click Sample Calendar.

    Packaged Apps Gallery search for Sample Calendar
    Description of this image
  3. The Sample Calendar sample application details are displayed. Click Install Application.

    Installing Sample Calendar
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  4. Click Next >.

    Install Packaged Application - Step 1
    Description of this image
  5. Click Install Application.

    Install Packaged Application - Step 2
    Description of this image
  6. The application shows as Installed (Unlocked) in the Packaged Application Details page. Notice that this application is unlocked by default. Click the Run icon.

    Sample Calendar Installed and Unlocked
    Description of this image
  7. The Sample Calendar application's home page is displayed. Notice the developer toolbar below the home page. This shows that the application is already unlocked.

    Sample Calendar home page
    Description of this image

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