This OBE describes how to perform Oracle Application Server provisioning operations using Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Release 2. Using Grid Control, you can patch and clone Oracle Application Server software.
Approximately 1 hour
This OBE covers the following topics:
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Overview | |
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Prerequisite | |
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Scenario | |
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Backing Up Oracle Application Server | |
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Patching Oracle Application Server | |
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Cloning an Oracle Application Server Oracle Home | |
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Summary | |
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Related information |
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The screenshots will not reflect the specific environment you are using. They are provided to give you an idea of where to locate specific functionality in the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control console.
Administrators spend a significant amount of their time installing, configuring, and patching software. Grid Control automates these common operations through its provisioning capabilities which include Oracle Application Server cloning and patching. Using these capabilities, administrators can dramatically reduce the time and expense to deploy and patch systems.
Before performing the tasks mentioned in the OBE, you should have already discovered at least one Oracle Application Server instance by installing a Management Agent. You can also navigate to the Targets -> Application Servers subtab and select Oracle Application Server from the Add drop-down list and navigate through the wizard to add the instance.
Linda's manager informed her that Oracle just released an
interim patch for an Oracle Application Server issue they
were experiencing in their production environment. Linda needs to apply
the patch to the middle tier in the stage environment. Of course, prior to patching,
Linda follows her company's best practice of backing up the application server.
After patch application and verification in the stage environment,
Linda then needs to provision the patched application server to the IT organization.
Its always good practice to perform a backup of software before it is to be patched. Enterprise Manager enables administrators to automate backup of the Oracle Application Server. When backups are performed, it is important to keep in mind the Oracle home you are backing up; the Oracle home will determine what is included as part of the backup:
Perform the following steps to backup the Oracle Application Server:
1. |
Open the browser and enter the following URL: http://<management service hostname>.<domain>:<port>/em/ The default port value on a clean machine is 7777. However, if there are other instances running on the machine, then the port may be different. The login page will be displayed. Enter the User Name and Password, and then click the Login button.
2. |
Click the Targets tab.
3. |
Click the Application Servers subtab.
4. |
Click any one of the listed Application Server instances.
5. |
Click the Administration property page.
6. |
Before you actually take a backup you have to first configure the Oracle Application Server instance for Backup and Recovery operations. Click the Configure Backup/Recovery Settings link under the Backup/Recovery section.
7. |
Select the Override Preferred Credentials option button. Specify
the credentials provided to you and click the Continue button.
8. |
Specify the Log File Location as $ORACLE_HOME/logs and Configuration Files Backup Location as $ORACLE_HOME/config_file. Replace the $ORACLE_HOME with the absolute ORACLE_HOME path. Click the OK button.
9. |
You have successfully configured backup and recovery settings. Click the Schedule Backup link under the Backup/Recovery section to perform a backup.
10. |
Schedule a Full Online Backup and select the Override Preferred Credentials option button. Specify the credentials provided to you and click the Continue button.
11. |
Schedule the backup operation for immediate execution and click the OK button.
12. |
Monitor the progress of the backup job by clicking on the job name in the confirmation message.
13. |
On the Jobs page click the job name to see the job status.
14. |
From here you can now monitor the progress of the job execution.
15. |
When the job status shows Succeeded your backup job is completed successfully. Click the Step:backupWithoutBlackout link to view the output log.
16. | You can use this page to view log information
about steps that were executed to run a job. It shows the status, targets,
start and end time, the elapsed time, and log information (output and error)
for each step.
Oracle provides patches to fix one or more bugs for a released Oracle product. It could be a patchset or an interim patch. A patchset is a collection of patches that are installed by Oracle Universal Installer. It updates the software and version numbers of the components that are patched. An interim patch is a bug fix or set of bug fixes made available to customers who for business reasons cannot wait until the next patchset or new product release to get a fix. An interim patch is available from Oracle MetaLink as an individual patch. The version number of the patched product is not updated when an interim patch is applied.
Enterprise Manager provides you with many features to simplify the process of patching Oracle software. Some of them are listed below:
Before performing the following tasks, download the patch
5179517 from MetaLink and upload it to the patch cache. You will be applying
this interim patch to the Oracle Application Server instance directly from the
Patch Cache. Perform the following steps to patch the Oracle Application Server:
1. |
Click the Deployments tab to access the Patch Cache.
2. |
Click the View Patch Cache link under the Patching section.
3. |
Select the patch number 5179517 from the list and click the Patch button.
4. |
Select the instance assigned to you from the Available Targets table and click the Move button to move it to the Selected Targets table.
5. |
Click the Next button.
6. |
Specify the credentials provided to you and click the Next button.
7. |
Select the Apply option button. Before you apply the patch, you must first stop the Oracle HTTP Server, and then after patch application you can start the component backup up. Enterprise Manager allows you to add such pre/post scripts to the patch wizard to automate the entire process. Select the Custom Pre-Command/Script checkbox and enter the command
as %oraclehome%/opmn/bin/opmnctl
stopproc ias-component=HTTP_Server. Select the Custom Post-Command/Script
checkbox and enter the command as %oraclehome%/opmn/bin/opmnctl
startproc ias-component=HTTP_Server. Then, click the Next
8. |
Schedule the patch job for immediate execution. Click the Next
9. |
Review your options and click the Finish button.
10. |
Click the View Job button to monitor the progress of the patch job.
11. |
From here you can now monitor the progress of the job execution.
12. |
When the job status shows Succeeded your patch job is completed successfully.
Oracle home is the system context in which Oracle products
run. The context consists of the directory location where the products are installed,
the corresponding system path setup, and, where applicable, the program groups
associated with the products installed in that home, and the services running
from that home.
Cloning an Oracle home involves creating a copy of the Oracle
home and then configuring it for a new environment. If you are performing multiple
Oracle Application Server installations, then you may want to use this method
to create each Oracle home because copying files from an existing Oracle Application
Server installation takes less time than creating a new version of them. This
method is also useful if the Oracle home that you are cloning has had patches
applied to it. When you clone this Oracle home, the new Oracle home will have
the patch updates as well.
Enterprise Manager recognizes most Oracle products as "out-of-box clonable." This means that the installed Oracle homes of most Oracle products can be cloned as is, and do not require any additional support files to perform the cloning operation. You can use the Clone Oracle Home application to clone an Oracle home on a source host to the same or different destination hosts.
The benefits of cloning an Oracle home include the following:
Perform the following steps to clone
an Oracle Application Server Oracle Home:
1. |
Click the Targets tab.
2. |
Click the Application Servers subtab.
3. |
Click any one of the listed Application Server instances.
4. |
Click the Administration property page.
5. |
Click the Clone Oracle Home link under the Deployments section.
6. |
Select Installed Oracle Home from View Source Type drop-down list. Select your Oracle Home and click the Next button.
7. |
Specify the host credentials and click the Next button.
8. |
Specify the name as Cloned_AS_nnn where nnn is the 3-digit number
of your workstation. Specify the existing ias_admin
password for the source instance to be cloned and the new
ias_admin password for the destination instance. Click the Next
9. |
Accept the default name for the host. Specify the Oracle Home location and the Oracle Home name. Specify the username, password and the working directory. Click the Next button.
10. |
Check the Execute checkbox for running the script and click the Next button.
11. |
Schedule the clone job for immediate execution. Click the Next button.
12. |
Review your options and click the Finish button.
13. |
Click the View Job button to monitor the progress of clone job.
14. |
From here you can now monitor the progress of the job execution.
15. |
When the job status shows Succeeded your clone job is completed successfully.
In this lesson, you learned how to:
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Backup Oracle Application Server | |
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Patch Oracle Application Server | |
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Clone Oracle Application Server |
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To ask a question about this OBE tutorial, post a query on the OBE Discussion Forum. |
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