In this tutorial, you learn how to integrate Oracle Essbase (Essbase) with Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition Plus (Oracle BI EE Plus).
This tutorial covers the following topics:
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Oracle BI Answers (Answers) is the Oracle BI interface within the Oracle BI Suite Enterprise Edition that is used to query your organization’s data. The results of your request can be saved, organized, shared, and integrated with other content. Answers allows you to explore and interact with information, and present and visualize your data using charts, pivot tables, and reports. You can save, organize, and share the results.
Requests that you create with Answers can be saved in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog and integrated into any Oracle BI home page or Oracle BI Interactive Dashboard (Interactive Dashboard). Further, your results can be enhanced through charting, result layout, calculation, and drill-down features.
Oracle BI Presentation Services (Presentation Services) generates the user interface (UI) in the Answers and Interactive Dashboards components used to visualize data from the Oracle BI Server (BI Server). When a user begins a session, Oracle BI Presentation Server (Presentation Server) submits the user's identity to the BI Server, authenticates the user, and then requests the BI Server to provide the databases, tables, columns, and so forth that the user is entitled to see. These objects are displayed in the UI as subject areas, folders, and columns. The BI Server also provides metadata information to the Presentation Server about column properties, such as data types, aggregation rules, and so forth.
You use the Oracle BI Administration Tool (Administration Tool) to build, manage, and maintain repositories. The Administration Tool is a Windows application that displays the Oracle BI Repository (BI Repository) into three separate panes named layers. These three layers are named Physical, Business Model and Mapping, and Presentation. A repository stores the business intelligence metadata that is rendered inside the Answers and Interactive Dashboards clients, as well as other clients.
Specifically, the Physical layer contains information about the physical data sources to which BI Server submits queries. The most common way to populate the Physical layer is by importing metadata from databases and other data sources. The ability to use multidimensional data sources allows the BI Server to connect to sources such as Essbase and Oracle OLAP to extract data. When you import metadata, many of the properties of the data sources are configured automatically based on the information gathered during the import process. These physical objects are displayed in a tree structure.
This tutorial provides the following:
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Instructions to connect to the Administration Tool |
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Steps to import two Essbase cubes into the Physical layer of the Presentation Services Catalog |
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Steps to copy the Essbase cubes from the Physical layer to the Business Model and Mapping and Presentation layers |
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Steps to create Answers requests and an Interactive Dashboard using the imported Essbase cubes |
In this OBE, you learn how to connect to the Administration Tool, access and import two Essbase cubes into the Presentation Services Catalog, develop Answers requests, and add those requests to an Interactive Dashboard.
The following is a list of software requirements:
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Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) System ( that includes the following components:
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Supported browsers include:
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Client operating systems:
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Oracle BI Suite EE Plus ( for Microsoft
Windows (For Oracle BI EE Plus requirements, click this link.) |
Before starting this tutorial, you should:
1. | Ensure that the following components are installed and configured properly:
2. | Ensure that you have the proper permissions for
configuring the BI Repository on your company's system and that SampleSales.rpd
provided with Oracle BI EE was installed and is active as the default
3. | Ensure that you have the proper permissions for administering Essbase on your company's system | ||||||||
4. | Ensure that MS Windows is installed (versions listed above in Software Requirements) | ||||||||
5. | Ensure that Java SDK 1.5.0 or later is installed | ||||||||
6. | Ensure that your screen resolution is set to at least 1024x768 |
7. | Identify the server location of your data sources (contact your local administrator) and ensure that the Demo.Basic and ASOsamp.Sample databases provided during the EPM installation have been installed | ||||||||
If you need additional information, consult the following:
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Documentation: To access the most current documentation for Oracle's Hyperion products, located on Oracle's Technology Network (OTN), click this link.
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The primary differences between setting up multidimensional data sources and setting up relational data sources are in the Physical layer. The setup processes in the Business Model and Mapping and Presentation layers for multidimensional data sources and relational data sources are almost identical. During the import process, each cube in a multidimensional data source is created as a single physical cube table. BI Server imports the cube, including its metrics, dimensions, and hierarchies.
Note |
Some companies model business hierarchies in relational databases using a table structure in which each row contains the key of its parent. Because different branches of such a hierarchy may have different depths from root to leaf, they are sometimes called “ragged hierarchies.” Although relational databases can model ragged hierarchies very easily with the recursive join on the parent organization key, it is difficult using standard SQL to traverse and query such a hierarchy. BI Server (release and above) will report columns below the leaf level as NULL. |
A measure hierarchy will be imported as a flat list (measure hierarchies are explored in a subsequent subtopic). |
This topic describes how to access the Administration Tool, import cubes, and create the Business Model and Mapping and Presentation layers.
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Importing an Essbase Cube into the BI Repository | |
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Creating a Measure Hierarchy | |
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Creating the Business Model and Mapping and Presentation Layers |
This subtopic shows you how to import two cubes into the Physical layer of the BI Repository, using the Administration Tool.
1. | From the Start menu, select Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > Administration. The Oracle BI Administration Tool appears. Click the Open Online ( You can open a BI Repository for editing in either online or offline mode. You use online mode to view and modify a BI Repository while it is loaded into the Oracle BI Server. Online mode allows you to perform tasks such as managing scheduled jobs, user sessions, and so on.
2. | Enter the password and click Open. The BI Repository layers appear. Note: The initial default installation password is Administrator. Verify the password with your administrator.
3. | Select File > Import > from Multi-dimensional.
The Import from Multi-dimensional dialog box appears.
4. | Enter the following information:
Click OK. The Select Source dialog box appears.
5. | A. Expand the localhost tree. Select the Demo database and click Import.
A localhost object is added to the Physical layer.
B. Select the ASOsamp database and click Import. Click Close in the Select Source dialog box. Note: Within the Physical layer of the BI Repository, the Physical Database corresponds to an Essbase Server instance; the Physical Folder corresponds to an Essbase Application; and the Physical Cube corresponds to an Essbase cube.
6. | A. Expand the localhost tree.
B. Double-click Connection Pool. The Connection Pool dialog box appears.
When you import an external multidimensional data source into the BI Repository, the Connection Pool is automatically set up in the Physical layer. You can add a connection pool manually as well. Click Cancel.
7. | A. Click the plus sign (+) to expand the Demo database and the Basic cube.
Right-click the Basic physical cube table and select Properties.
The Physical Cube Table - Basic dialog box appears. A physical cube table type is automatically set to Physical Table.
B. Click the Hierarchies tab. This tab displays all the imported hierarchies. Leave this dialog box open.
8. | The hierarchy dialog box lists all the defined levels for the selected hierarchy. The image below depicts an example of these levels for a modified Market hierarchy. The highest level for the hierarchy should be the first item in the list. Also note that this is a fully balanced hierarchy and the member type is appropriately set to ALL.
Note: If the dimension is known to be unbalanced, you should change Hierarchy Type to "Unbalanced." If the hierarchy contains duplicate or shared members, you should deselect
the "Use unqualified member name for better performance" check box.
This subtopic shows you how to create an alternative measure dimension.
1. | As mentioned in the introduction to this topic, measures by default are imported as a flat list versus a hierarchy. If the information that you need to present is more sophisticated, you need to rebuild the Measures dimension. This image is a sample report with flat measures that was built in Answers. This image depicts the same measures as an alternate measure dimension, but displays the data in a hierarchical, pivot-style where Gen 2, Accounts have been drilled on. A. Double-click the Basic database. Click the Hierarchy tab. Double-click the Accounts hierarchy. The Hierarchy - Accounts dialog box appears. B. Select Other from the Dimension Type drop-down list. Click OK.
2. | Oracle BI EE requires a measures dimension. In this tutorial, the Scenario dimension is used to satisfy this requirement. A. Double-click the Scenario dimension. The Hierarchy - Scenario dialog box appears. B. Select Measure Dimension from the Dimension Type drop-down list. Click OK twice.
3. | A. Select all flattened measures
as indicated in the following image.
The Oracle Essbase Administration Services outline (outline) for the Demo Basic cube displays the three measures that you need to add to the BI Repository.
B. Right-click Basic and select New Object > Physical Cube Column from the shortcut menu.
4. | The Physical Cube Column dialog box appears.
Enter the following information:
The dialog box should look like the following image:
Click OK. Add the Budget and Variance measures in the same manner. The following image shows the Physical layer after you add the three measures:
The Measures dimension is now complete.
This subtopic shows you how to create the Business Model and Mapping and Presentation layers.
1. | Because an Essbase cube corresponds to your business model, creating the Business Model and Mapping layer is simplistic because the metadata is implied by the structure of the Essbase cube. Drag the Demo physical model to the Business Model and Mapping layer. The business model and all its objects are created for you, including dimension hierarchies, logical dimension tables, logical fact tables, logical columns, logical joins, and so forth. Drag the ASOsamp physical model to the Business Model and Mapping layer.
2. | Create the Presentation layer. Drag the Demo business model to the Presentation layer.
Drag the ASOsamp physical model to the Presentation layer. Save your changes. Select File > Save and click OK when prompted to check in your changes. You should also receive a message prompting you to check for global consistency. BI Repository metadata must pass a consistency check before you can make the BI Repository available for queries. The Consistency Check Manager allows you to enable and disable rules for consistency checks, navigate to and fix inconsistent objects, and limit the consistency check to specific objects. Click Yes. Note: When you make a change
to the repository, the Check In (
3. | You should receive a message stating that the business model is consistent along with a prompt to mark the model available for queries. Click Yes. Respond similarly for the ASOsamp business model. The Consistency Check Manager dialog box appears. If you receive errors or warnings, you can use this dialog box as a guide to correct the errors. Click Close. The BI Repository is now ready to be used for queries and should look like this:
Now that you have successfully created a Presentation layer for use in ad hoc queries, you can build additional relationships and fine-tune the BI Repository to better suit your needs.
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Creating a Drill Path in the BI Repository | |
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Creating a Sort Order |
This subtopic shows you how to create a drill path in the BI Repository, allowing you to seamlessly drill down into your data when you develop queries in Answers.
1. | The following image shows the outline for the ASOsamp.Sample cube—specifically, the Stores dimension. The Stores dimension has two associated attribute dimensions: Square Footage and Store Manager.
When imported into the BI Repository, these dimensions are flattened. For reporting purposes, you want to associate these hierarchies to the Stores hierarchy, which will allow you to seamlessly drill down through the levels. Begin by expanding the ASOsamp subject area within the Business Model and Mapping layer, then expand the Stores dimension as indicated in the image below:
2. | Double-click the Store object.
The Store Logical Level dialog box appears. (If you receive a read-only message, click Yes to check out the object.)
3. | Click the Preferred Drill Path tab, and then click Add.
The Browse dialog box appears.
4. | Expand the ASOsamp subject area and the Square Footage dimension.
Click Gen1, Square Footage, and then click Select. (If the Check out objects dialog box appears, click Yes.)
The Store Logical Level dialog box reappears with the selected drill path specified.
5. | Click Add again and expand the Store Manager dimension. Click Gen1, Store Manager and click Select. (If the Check out objects dialog box appears, click Yes.)
The Logical Level - Store dialog box reappears with the selected drill path specified.
Click OK. The drill paths are added. |
This subtopic shows you how to manually create a sort order in the Business Model and Mapping layer.
1. | When you sort a column in Answers, Answers returns dimension members in alphabetic (or numeric) order. However, Essbase users, such as individuals in the financial arena, may prefer to see dimension members in the order that they are physically stored in the outline. You can specify an alternate sort order in the Business Model and Mapping Layer, using the EVALUATE function. Expand the Demo subject area in the Business Model and Mapping layer and select Accounts.
Right-click and select New Object > Logical Column from the shortcut menu.
The Logical Column dialog box appears.
2. | A. Enter Sort Order in the Name field and click OK.
The column is added to the Accounts dimension.
3. | Expand the Sources folder.
Double-click the Basic source object. The Logical Table Source - Basic dialog box appears.
On the Column Mapping tab, select the Show unmapped columns check box. The Sort Order column appears.
4. | Click the Expression Builder
In the Expression Builder pane, enter the following code:
Note: "Localhost" is the name of the server for this tutorial. Click this link for additional information. Hint: You can use the objects and buttons at the bottom of the Expression Builder pane to build this expression. Additionally, in the tutorial, you can copy and paste the above code into the pane. Click OK. The Basic Logical Table Source dialog box reappears with the Sort Order column expression specified.
Click OK.
5. |
Next, you must associate the Sort Order column with the columns that you want to sort. Double-click Gen4,Accounts.
On the General tab, click Set to establish the sort order.
The Browse dialog box appears.
6. | Select the Sort Order column and click OK.
The Sort order column is associated to Gen4,Accounts and will display appropriately when used in Answers to run requests. Click OK again. Note: At this point, you might want to check in your
changes to the repository. Click the Check
In (
7. | Click File > Exit to close the Administration Tool. If prompted to save your changes, click Yes. |
This topic shows you how to create ad hoc queries using Answers and add these to an Interactive Dashboard.
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Creating a Simple Query and a Chart in Answers | |
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Creating a Pivot Table in Answers | |
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Adding Your Requests to an Interactive Dashboard |
This subtopic shows you how to create an Answers request. Answers provides details to business questions. It allows you to explore and interact with information, and present and visualize information using charts, pivot tables, and reports. You can save, organize, and share the results.
Requests that you create with Answers can be saved in the Presentation Catalog and integrated into any Oracle BI home page or dashboard. Results can be enhanced through charting, result layout, calculation, and drill down features.
1. | A. From the Start menu, select Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > Presentation Services. The Oracle Business Intelligence Log In window appears.
B. Enter Administrator in the User ID and Password fields and click Log In. The My Dashboard page appears.
C. Click the Answers link. The Answers Start page appears.
| ||||||||
2. | The Answers Start page is composed of two panes: Selection and Workspace. The Selection pane on the left contains the Catalog and Dashboard tabs from which you select items to manipulate. The Presentation Catalog (Catalog) stores the content created with Answers and Interactive Dashboards. The content can be organized into folders that are either shared or personal. Types of content that can be stored in the Catalog include requests created with Answers, HTML content, and links to other images, documents, and sites. A dashboard is made up of sections of information that can contain items, such as results from Answers requests, external Web content, HTML text, graphics, links to other sites, embedded objects such as requests, and so on. Dashboard content is organized into pages. Pages appear as tabs across the top of the screen in Interactive Dashboards.
The Workspace pane on the right contains a list of the actions you can perform and the subject areas that are available to you. Oracle BI presents data in subject areas. A subject area contains columns that represent information about the areas of your organization’s business, or about groups of users within your organization. Subject areas have names that correspond to the types of information they contain, for example, Marketing Contracts, Service Requests, and Orders. Columns also have names that indicate the types of information they contain, such as Account and Contact. The subject areas that you see in the image are the same ones represented in the Administration Tool.
The "feature links" listed at the top of the Workspace pane provide access to other Oracle BI functions.
| ||||||||
3. | Click the Demo subject area.
The Answers workspace page appears.
The Answers workspace displays the following tabs for working with a request:
Each tab contains on-screen information and buttons to help you create, access, and manage requests.
4. | The next few steps show you how to create a query that provides product family information for accounts, indicating the actual versus budget expenses. A. Click the Plus Sign
( B. Click Family in the Products folder to add it to the Criteria workspace. C. Click Gen4,Accounts in the Accounts folder to add it to the Criteria workspace. Gen4,Accounts is added to the right of Family. D. Click Actual and Budget in the Basic folder to add both to the Criteria workspace. Your workspace should look like the following image:
Click Display Results. Your query appears.
5. | By default, the query appears in the Compound Layout format, that is, a Title and a Table. A. Click the Edit View
B. Deselect the check box for Display Saved Name. Click OK. Your title is added to the report.
6. | Now add a chart to your report. By default, a chart is displayed as a Vertical Bar graph. A. Select Chart in the View menu.
The Chart View appears.
B. Select Line Bar Combo from the Graph drop-down list. Your Chart View should look like this:
7. | Add the Chart View to your layout. A. Select Compound Layout from the View drop-down menu.
B. Click the Add View link and select Chart to add the Chart View to the Compound Layout View.
The Chart View is added to the query layout.
8. | Save your report. A. Click the Save (
In the Name field, enter Budget_vs_Actual.
B. Click OK.
This subtopic shows you how to create a pivot table. Pivot tables allow you to view your data from different perspectives. They provide an interactive view that allows you to rotate the rows, columns, and section headings to obtain different perspectives of the data. Pivot tables are navigable and drillable, and are especially useful for trend reports.
1. | In this practice, you use the ASOsamp subject area to build a pivot table query. Click the Answers link.
Click the ASOsamp subject area link.
The Answers workspace page appears.
2. | The next few steps show you how to create a query that provides the regional store manager return information across the current three quarters. A. Click the Plus
( B. Click Region in the Geography folder to add it to the Criteria workspace. C. Click Quarters in the Time folder to add it to the Criteria workspace. D. Click Gen2, Store Manager in the Store Manager folder to add it to the Criteria workspace. E. Click Store Type in the Stores folder to add it to the Criteria workspace. F. Click Returns in the Sample folder to add it to the Criteria workspace. Your workspace should look like the following image:
Click the Results tab and select Pivot Table from the View menu.
This opens the Pivot Table Layout page.
3. | Examine the default pivot table that is created and displayed below the layout controls. Measure labels for the measures in your query appear in blue as columns in the pivot table. Row headings for the dimensional attributes in your query are displayed in gray as rows by default. The measures are displayed at the intersection of the rows and columns. As you modify the members in the pivot table, the changes are reflected in the Display Results area.
Drag Region to the Pages area. When you see a blue line appear around the control, you have a valid insertion point and can release the column.
4. | A. Drag Store Type to the Pages area and to the right of Region and release it when the insertion point line appears. You can constantly monitor your progress by using the Display Results area, or you can deselect the check box for faster performance.
B. Drag Quarters beneath the Measure Labels control and release when a valid insertion point line (as indicated in the image) appears.
Your pivot table should look like the following image:
5. | Examine the other regions. From the Region - Store Type drop-down list, select South - Brick & Mortar. Note: If you deselected the check box for Display Results, you must select it now. Your query should look like this image:
6. | Add the Pivot Table View. A. Click the Combine
individual views and arrange ( B. Click the Add View link and select Pivot Table from the View menu.
C. The Pivot Table View is added to the bottom of
the request. The Title and Table Views are not needed for this request.
Click the Delete (
7. | Save your report. A. Click the Save (
B. Click OK.
This subtopic shows you how
to add your two requests to a dashboard. An Interactive Dashboard is a page
in an analytics application that is used to display the
results of Oracle BI requests and other content. Based on your permissions,
you can view preconfigured dashboards, and create or modify dashboards.
Interactive Dashboards provide personalized views of corporate and external information. A dashboard consists of one or more pages, which appear as tabs across the top of the dashboard. Pages can display anything that you can access or open with your Web browser, such as saved Oracle BI requests, alerts from Oracle BI Delivers, images, charts, tables, text, and links to Web sites and documents. The type of content that a dashboard can contain are dashboard objects, content that is saved in the Presentation Catalog, BI Publisher reports, and views of folders in the Presentation Catalog.
The table below describes the common terminology used in developing Interactive Dashboards:
Term |
Description |
Columns |
Columns are used to align content on a dashboard. (Sections within columns hold the actual content.) You can create as many columns on a dashboard page as you need. Every new dashboard page automatically contains one empty column with one empty section in it. The columns used in Interactive Dashboards are not related to the columns used in Answers. |
Dashboard objects |
objects are items that are used only in a dashboard. Examples of |
Folders |
Folders are organizational constructs that hold content saved in the Presentation Catalog, such as requests created with Answers. A folder is similar to a UNIX directory, or a Microsoft Windows folder. |
Pages |
Pages contain the columns and sections that hold the content of a dashboard. Every dashboard has at least one page. In Interactive Dashboards, pages are identified by tabs across the top of the dashboard. Multiple pages are used to organize content. For example, you might have one page to store results from Oracle BI Answers that you refer to every day, another that contains links to the Web sites of your suppliers, and one that links to your corporate Intranet. |
Results |
Results, also called reports, are the output returned from the BI Server that matches the request criteria specified using Answers. The default format for viewing results in a dashboard is to show them in a table. (Your Presentation Services administrator may have configured a different default results view for your organization.) Results can also be shown in other formats, such as charts. You can examine and analyze results, and save, print, or download the results to a spreadsheet. |
Sections |
Sections appear in columns in the dashboard layout. They hold the content dragged and dropped from the selection pane, and are used to organize content within a column. |
1. | Click the Dashboards link to add your queries to the My Dashboard page.
Click Page Options > Edit Dashboard.
The Dashboard Editor window appears.
2. | Drag the Budget_vs_Actual request (located in My Folders) from the pane on the left to the gray workspace area on the right. This gray area is actually a "Section" placeholder.
Your request is added to Section 1.
3. | Click the Add Column (
4. | A. Drag the Quarterly Regional Store Manager Returns request to the new section. Your workspace should look like this:
B. Click Save. The My Dashboard page appears with your two reports added.
In this tutorial, you should have learned how to:
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Connect to the Administration Tool |
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Import two Essbase cubes into the Physical layer of the Presentation Services Catalog |
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Copy the Essbase cubes from the Physical layer to the Business and Model Mapping and Presentation layers |
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Create Answers requests and an Interactive Dashboard using the imported Essbase cubes |
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