This tutorial covers installation and configuration of Financial Close Management
Approximately 6 hours
In this tutorial, you install and configure the components required for Financial Close Management
Before starting this tutorial, you should:
1. |
Have access with sysdba privileges to an Oracle 11g ( or higher) database. |
2 . |
Have access with administrative rights to an external authentication provider, such as Oracle Internet Directory, Microsoft Active Directory, or SunOne. |
3. |
Have access to the installation files for the following software:
WebLogic is required as the Web application server for both the Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) components and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Suite. Your installation and configuration sequence may vary based on whether or not you have an existing WebLogic installation.
Sequence One
If you do not have an existing WebLogic installation, you may choose to install the EPM components first, because their install installs WebLogic automatically if it is not already present. Use the following installation and configuration sequence:
Sequence Two
If you have an existing WebLogic installation, you use the following installation and configuration sequence:
In this tutorial, we are going to follow installation and configuration sequence one.
You can install Financial Close Management in either a single-node or a multi-node configuration. In a single-node configuration, the EPM components and SOA Suite run on the same machine. In a multi-node configuration, the Financial Close Management server and the SOA Suite run on different machines.
This tutorial shows an example of an installation for a single-node configuration. For more Information on mutli-node configurations, see the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Installation and Configuration Guide.
To install the EPM components, you run the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Installer. Foundation Services and Financial Close Management are required components. If it is not already present, WebLogic is installed as part of the Foundation Services installation. You configure EPM components after you install and configure SOA Suite.
1. |
Navigate to the installation folder for the Hyperion software and click installtool.cmd.
2 . |
Select a language, and click Next.
3 . |
On the Welcome screen, click Next.
4 . |
On the Destination screen, select the location for the Middleware Home directory, and click Next. The default directory is c:\oracle\middleware.
5 . |
On the Installation Type screen, select Choose components individually, and click Next.
6 . |
On the Product Selection screen, select Foundation Components and Financial Close Management Web Application, and click Next.
7. |
On the Confirmation screen, click Next.
8. |
On the Summary screen, click Finish.
Installing and configuring SOA Suite requires you to perform the following tasks:
1 . |
In the folder to which you unzipped the utility, navigate to the rcuHome\bin folder and click rcu.bat.
2 . |
On the Welcome screen, click Next.
3 . |
On the Create Repository screen, select Create, and then click Next.
4 . |
On the Database Connection Details screen, enter the database connection details. Be sure to select SYSDBA as the role.
5 . |
At the prerequisites confirmation prompt, click OK. If a warning prompt regarding the character set is displayed, click Ignore.
6 . |
On the Select Components screen, in the Create a new prefix text box, enter a prefix for the schema tables.
7 . |
In the Component list, select Metadata Services, SOA Infrastructure, and User Messaging Service, and click Next.
8 . |
At the prerequisites confirmation prompt, click OK.
9 . |
On the Schema Passwords screen, select Use same passwords for all schemas, enter a password, and click Next.
10 . |
On the Map Tablespace screen, leave the default tablespace names and click Next.
11 . |
At the confirmation prompt, click OK.
12 . |
At the completion prompt, click OK.
13 . |
On the Summary screen, click Create.
14 . |
On the Completion Summary screen, click Close.
When you install SOA Suite, select the same Middleware Home directory that you specified for Financial Close Management. The Middleware Home directory contains the WebLogic installation, which is required for installing SOA Suite.
1 . |
Navigate to the Disk1 folder in the SOA Suite installation directory, and click Setup.exe.
2 . |
At the JRE/JDK location prompt, enter the location of the JRE. The default location is c:\oracle\middleware\jdk160_21\jre.
3 . |
On the Welcome screen, click Next. . |
4 . |
Select Skip Software Updates and click Next.
5 . |
On the Prerequisites screen, click Next.
6 . |
On the Specify Installation Location screen, verify that the Middleware Home directory is the directory that you selected when you installed the EPM Components, and click Next.
7 . |
On the Application Server screen, verify that the WebLogic Server is selected, and click Next.
8 . |
On the Installation Summary screen, click Install.
9 . |
On the Installation Progress screen, when the Installation Successful message is displayed, click Next.
10 . |
On the Installation Complete screen, click Finish.
After installing SOA Suite and running the Repository Creation Utility, you configure SOA Suite and create a WebLogic domain. You later extend this WebLogic domain for Financial Close Management.
1. |
Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle SOA 11g - Home1, and then Configure Application Server.
2. |
Select Create a new WebLogic domain, and click Next.
3 . |
On the Select Domain Source screen, select Generate a domain configured automatically to support the following products, then select Oracle SOA Suite, Oracle Enterprise Manager, Oracle WSM Policy Manager, Oracle JRF Webservices Asynchronous Services, and Oracle JRF, and click Next.
4 . |
On the Specify Domain Name and Location screen, enter a domain name and accept the default locations. You must use the same domain name when you configure the EPM components. In this example, the domain name is close_domain.
5 . |
On the Configure User Name and Password screen, enter a user name and password for the WebLogic domain administrator. You use this domain administrator name and password for the EPM components as well. In this example, the domain administrator name is weblogic.
6 . |
On the WebLogic Domain Startup Mode screen, select Production Mode, then select the Jrockit location, and click Next.
7 . |
On the Configure JDBC Component Schema screen, select each component schema and provide the database connection information, using the schema password that you entered in the Repository Creation Utility. When finished, click Next.
8 . |
On the Test Component Schemas screen, verify that the connections to your data sources are successful, and click Next.
9 . |
On the Select Optional Configuration screen, leave the default settings and click Next.
10 . |
On the Configuration Summary screen, click Create.
11 . |
On the Creating Domain screen, when the process is complete, click Done.
After configuring SOA Suite, you create files for the Web Logic Admin Server and SOA Server. The files enable you to start the services without having to enter a name and password each time. The user name and password stored in are encrypted after the first use. In order to create the required server folders, you must start WebLogic Admin server and SOA Server before creating the file.
1 . |
To start the WebLogic Admin Server, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Start Admin Server, where <domain> is the domain you created in the SOA configuration tool. Enter the Web Logic admin user name and password when prompted. |
2 . |
To start the SOA managed server, enter the following command at a DOS prompt: Enter the Web Logic admin user name and password when prompted.
3 . |
In Windows explorer, create a directory named 'security' as a subdirectory of c:\oracle\middleware\user_projects\domains\<domain>\servers\AdminServer,
4 . |
In a text editor such as Notepad, create a file named with the following content: username=<Web Logic admin user> where <Web Logic admin user> is the admin user for Web Logic and <Web Logic admin password> is the password.
5 . |
Save in c:\oracle\middleware\user_projects\domains\<domain>\servers\AdminServer\security,
6 . |
In Windows explorer, create a directory named 'security' as a subdirectory of c:\oracle\middleware\user_projects\domains\<domain>\servers\soa_server1.
7 . |
In a text editor such as Notepad, create a file named with the following content: username=<Web Logic admin user> where <Web Logic admin user> is the admin user for Web Logic and <Web Logic admin password> is the password.
8 . |
Save in c:\oracle\middleware\user_projects\domains\<domain>\servers\soa_server1\security.
After configuring SOA Suite, you must install the Fusion Middleware patches. You must stop the WebLogic Admin server and the SOA managed server before installing the patches.
1 . |
To stop the WebLogic Admin Server, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Stop Admin Server, where <domain> is the domain you created in the SOA configuration tool.
2 . |
To stop the SOA managed server, enter the following command at a DOS prompt:
3 . |
Download and follow the instructions for Installing the following patches, which is available from My Oracle Support at
Note: Before applying the patches, shut down SOA server and all other manager servers. For patch 11063511, set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to c:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_soa1. For patch 11864201, set ORACLE_HOME to c:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common. |
You must stop the WebLogic Admin server and SOA managed server before you configure the EPM components. The database schemas for the EPM components are created during the configuration process. During the configuration process you must provide valid Oracle database user names and passwords under which to create the schemas. You perform the Deploy to SOA configuration task after you restart WebLogic Server.
After configuring SOA Suite, you must install the Fusion Middleware patches. You must stop the WebLogic Admin server and the SOA managed server before installing the patches.
1. |
From the Windows Start menu, select Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then Foundation Services, and then EPM System Configurator.
2 . |
Select Create a new EPM Oracle instance, and click Next.
3 . |
Select Perform first -time configuration of Shared Services database, enter the database connection details for the Shared Service database, and click Next.
4 . |
Accept the default options under Hyperion Foundation. For Financial Close, select Deploy to application server and Configure Database. Do not select Deploy to SOA. Select Configure Content Management System location only if you are using a content management system. Click Next.
5 . |
Select Create Windows Services for configured components, and click Next.
6 . |
Select Perform first-time configuration of database, enter the connection details for the Financial Close Management database, and click Next.
7 . |
Select Deploy web applications to an existing domain, enter the information for the WebLogic domain that you created when you configured SOA, and click Next.
8 . |
Accept the default application server deployment settings, and click Next.
9 . |
Accept the default Configure Web Server settings, and click Next.
10 . |
Provide the necessary information if you want to be informed of security updates by email, otherwise click Next and answer Yes at the confirmation prompt.
11 . |
In the Password and Re-type Password text boxes, enter a password, and click Next.
12 . |
If you want to integrate Oracle Enterprise Content Management with your Financial Close Management application, enter the URL for Oracle Enterprise Content Management, and click Next.
13 . |
Review your selections, and click Next to launch the configuration.
14 . |
When the configuration is complete, click Finish.
After configuring EPM products, you need to run the EPM System Configurator again to deploy to SOA.
1 . |
To start the WebLogic Admin Server, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic,then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Start Admin Server, where <domain is the WebLogic domain you created with the SOA configuration tool.
2 . |
To start the SOA managed server, enter the following command at a DOS prompt:
3 . |
From the Windows Start menu, select Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then Foundation Services, and then EPM System Configurator. . |
4 . |
Select Modify an existing Oracle EPM instance, and click Next.
5 . |
Expand Financial Close, select Deploy to SOA, and click Next.
6 . |
On the Deploy to SOA screen, click Next.
7 . |
On the Confirmation screen, click Next to launch the configuration.
8 . |
When the configuration is complete, click Finish.
You perform the manual configuration tasks after installing and configuring SOA Suite and the EPM components.
To enable Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management, you must target WSM-PM and MDS-OWSM to Foundation Services.
1 . |
If the Weblogic Admin server is not already running, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Start Admin Server.
2 . |
Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then<domain>, and then Admin Server Console.
3 . |
Log on using the WebLogic administrator name and password that you specified for the domain.
4 . |
In the WebLogic Server Administration Console, under Domain Structure, click Deployments.
5 . |
In the Deployments table, click wsm-pm.
6 . |
Select the Targets tab.
7 . |
Select wsm-pm, and click Change Targets.
8 . |
In the Clusters Area, select Foundation Services, and click Yes.
9 . |
In the Target Assignments table, verify that Foundations Services is added to Current Targets for wsm-pm.
10 . |
In the Domain Structure area, expand Services and select DataSources.
11 . |
In the Domain Sources table, click mds-owsm and select the Targets tab.
12 . |
In the Clusters Area, select Foundation Services, and click Save.
1 . |
Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Admin Server Console.
2 . |
Expand Environment, and then Servers.
3 . |
Click soa_server1.
4 . |
In the Listen Address text box, enter the host name for the SOA server, and click Save.
5 . |
Expand Environment, then Machines, and click Local Machine..
6 . |
Select the Node Manager tab.
7 . |
In the Listen Address text box, enter the host name for the SOA server, and click Save.
To communicate with an external authentication provider, such as Oracle Internet Directory or Microsoft Active Directory, you must configure WebLogic. You must configure Shared Services to use the same external authentication provider. For more information on configuring Shared Services, see the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User and Role Security Guide.
1 . |
Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Admin Server Console.
2 . |
In the Domain Structure area, click Security Realms.
3 . |
Click myrealm.
4 . |
Select the Providers tab..
5 . |
Click New.
6 . |
Configure you authentication provider:
7 . |
Click OK.
8 . |
In the Authentication Providers list, click OID, MSAD, or SunOne.
9 . |
Select the Provider Specific tab.
10 . |
Enter the principal user name and credentials, and modify any other settings as required for your provider.
11 . |
Click Save.
12 . |
In the Domain Structure area, click Security Realms, and then myrealm.
13 . |
Select the Providers tab.
14 . |
In the Authentication Providers list, click OID, MSAD, or SunOne.
15 . |
In the Control Flag list, select Sufficient.
16 . |
Click Save.
17 . |
Click Logout.
18 . |
Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Stop Admin Server.
19 . |
Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Start Admin Server.
1 . |
Enter the following URL to start Oracle Enterprise Manager, replacing <host> with your host name: http://<host>:7001/em . |
2 . |
When prompted, enter the WebLogic administrator ID and password.
3 . |
Expand User Messaging Service.
4 . |
Right-click usermessagingdriver-email(soa_server1) and select Email Driver Properties.
5 . |
In the Driver-Specific Configuration section, enter the information for you email server, and select Clear Text for the password type.
6 . |
Click Apply.
7 . |
In the left panel, expand the SOA folder, right-click soa-infra (soa-server1), click SOA Administration,
8 . |
In the Notification Mode list, select Email.
9 . |
In the Email:From Address text box, enter a valid e-mail address.
10 . |
Click Apply.
11 . |
Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Stop Admin Server.
12 . |
Select Start, then Programs, then WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Start Admin Server.
You must set up the Keystore for message protection and configure the Credential Store Provider. The Financial Close Management client and the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management Web service use the following policies:
1 . |
At a dos prompt, enter the following command to add the JDK to the path: set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_21\bin\ The JDK must be included in the path in order to run the Java keystore utility. |
2 . |
Use the Oracle keystore utility to create a keystore on the Weblogic Admin server hosting your EPM System domain by navigating to c:\oracle\middleware\user_projects\domains\<domain>\config\fmwconfig (where <domain> is the WebLogic domain you created with SOA configuration tool), and enter the following command: This command creates a keystore with the name default-keystore.jks if it does not You can change the alias, password, and domain name as needed in the
3 . |
Enter the following URL to start Oracle Enterprise Manager, replacing <host> with your host name: http://<host>:7001/em . |
4 . |
Enter your Weblogic administrator name and password to login.
5 . |
In the navigation pane, expand Weblogic Domain, then select the WebLogic domain you created in the SOA configuration tool.
6 . |
Select WebLogic Domain, then Security, and then Security Provider Configuration.
7 . |
In the Keystore section at the bottom of the page, click Configure.
8 . |
In the Keystore Path text box, enter the path name for the keystore you created, and enter the keystore password in the password fields..
9 . |
In the Signature Key and Encryption key text boxes, enter the alias and password for the signature and encryption keys.
10 . |
Click OK. For a distributed environment, the keystore (default-keystore.jks) and the cwallet.sso files must be copied to each Web application server within the environment. Copy these files to the <domain>/config/fmwconfig folder, where <domain> is the domain you created using the SOA configuration tool. |
This procedure is required only if you are using Microsoft SQL Server as the database.
1 . |
Enter the following URL to start Oracle Enterprise Manager, replacing <host> with your host name: http://<host>:7001/em . |
2 . |
Enter your Weblogic administrator name and password to login.
3 . |
In the left panel, expand the SOA folder, right-click soa-infra (soa-server1), select SOA Administration,
4 . |
Click More SOA Infra Advanced Configuration Properties.
5 . |
In the Attributes list, click EdnJmsMode.
6 . |
In the Value list, select True, and click Apply. This setting does not take effect until SOA Server is restarted. |
if you are using Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Database and OAM for single-sign on, perform the following procedure.
1 . |
Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Admin Server Console.
2 . |
In the Domain Structure area, click Security Realms.
3 . |
Click myrealm.
4 . |
Select the Providers tab..
5 . |
Click New.
6 . |
In the Name tex box enter OAMIdentityAsserter, and in the Type list, select OAMIdentityAsserter.
7 . |
Click OK.
8 . |
In the Authentication Providers list, click Reorder.
9 . |
Order the authentication providers as follows: MSAD, OID, or SunOne (depending which you are using)
10 . |
Click OK.
1 . |
Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Admin Server Console.
2 . |
In the Domain Structure area, expand Environment, then Services, then JDBC, and then Datasources.
3 . |
In the Name list, click EDNSource.
4 . |
Select the Connection Pool tab.
5 . |
In the Maximum Capacity text box, enter 150.
6 . |
Click Save.
7 . |
In the Domain Structure area, click Data Sources to return to the list of data sources.
8 . |
Repeat steps 3 to 6 to increase the connection pools for the EDNLocalTxSource and financialclose_datasource services to 150. If you receive resource errors specific to any of the following data sources, use the above procedure to increase their connection pools:
1 . |
Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Admin Server Console.
2 . |
In the Domain Structure area, expand Services, then JTA.
3 . |
In the Timeout Seconds text box, replace the default value of 30 with 300.
4 . |
Click Save.
You must start the servers required for Financial Close Management in the following order:
1 . |
To start the WebLogic Admin server, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Start Admin Server.
2 . |
To start Foundation Services, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then Foundation Services, and then Start FoundationServices.
3 . |
To start the Oracle HTTP server, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle Web Tier Instance, and then Start Oracle HTTP server.
4 . |
To start the SOA managed server, enter the following command at a DOS prompt:
5 . |
To start Financial Close Management Services, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then Financial Close, then Start FinancialClose.
This appendix contains information for using Microsoft SQL Server as the database.
You must create databases in SQL Server and run the Repository Creation Utility before you install and configure SOA Suite.
1 . |
Install SQL Server
2 . |
Create three databases: one for SOA, one for Financial Close Management, and one for Shared Services.
3 . |
Create a user with the db_owner role and make the user the owner of the three databases.
4 . |
Modify the properties of the database for SOA by using the following commands: ALTER database <database name> SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON ALTER database <database name> COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
5 . |
Modify the properties of the database for Financial Close Management by using the following command: ALTER database <database name> SET ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION ON
6 . |
Run the Repository Creation Utitlity to create the SOA-INFRA schemas for the SOA database.
You must Enable XA transactions for SQL Server in both SQL Server and at the operating system level. You should perform these procedures before you install and configure SOA Suite.
1 . |
Copy instjdbc.sql and sqljdbc.dll(for 32 bit OS) or 64sqljdbc.dll (for 64 bit OS Titanium based)or x64sqljdbc.dll(for 64 bit OS Intel based) from wlserver_10.3\server\lib into C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Inn for SQL Server 2005 or C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.<INSTANCE_NAME>\MSSQL\Binn for SQL Server 2008.
2 . |
Rename the 64sqljdbc.dll or x64sqljdbc.dll to sqljdbc.dll after copying.
3 . |
Run the following command from the command prompt: SQLCMD.EXE -S "DB_HOST\INSTANCENAME" -U SA -P SA_PASSWORD -i instjdbc.sql -o LOG_FILE SQLCMD.EXE is located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\ for SQLServer 2005 and C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\ for SQLServer 2008 . Note: In the above command "DB_HOST\INSTANCENAME" is the server name used to connect SQLServer using SQL Server Studio. Look for the messages creating JDBC XA procedures and instxa.sql completed successfully in the log. If the messages are present then the SQL ran fine and you can ignore any other messages in the log
4 . |
Select Start, then Programs, then Administrative Tools, then Component Services, and then Computers. |
5 . |
Right My Computer and select Properties.
6 . |
Select the MSDTC tab and click Security Configuration.
7 . |
Select Enable XA Tansactions.
8 . |
Click OK.
9 . |
Install and configure SOA Suite.
After you install and configure SOA, you delete the EDNDataSource and EDNLocalTxDataSource data sources..
1 . |
If the Weblogic Admin server is not already running, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Start Admin Server.
2 . |
Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then<domain>, and then Admin Server Console.
3 . |
Log on using the WebLogic administrator name and password that you specified for the domain.
4 . |
In the Domain Structure area, expand Services and select DataSources.
5 . |
In the Datasource table, delete EDNDataSource and EDNLocalTxDataSource.
In this tutorial, you have learned how to:
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Oracle | ![]() |