Installing and Configuring Oracle® Hyperion Financial Close Management in a Single Node Environment



This tutorial covers installation and configuration of Financial Close Management in a single node environment.

Time to Complete

Approximately 8 hours


In this tutorial, you install and configure the components required for Financial Close Management in a single node environment.


Before starting this tutorial, you should:


Ensure that the IPv6 Network is properly working if this feature in enabled on your machines – see Appendix D: IPv6 Network


Have access (with sysdba privileges) to an Oracle 11g ( or higher) or MS SQL Server 2005/2008 database.


Have access (with administrative rights) to an external authentication provider, such as Oracle Internet Directory, Microsoft Active Directory, or SunOne.


Have access to the installation files for the following software:
Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Installer Release
Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services Release
Oracle Hyperion Financial Close Management Release
Oracle SOA Suite 11g (
Oracle Repository Creation Utility 11g(
Oracle Data Integrator 11g (
Patch 16709748

Installation Types

You can install Financial Close Management in either a single-node or a multi-node configuration. In a single-node configuration, the EPM components and SOA Suite run on the same machine. In a multi-node configuration, the Financial Close Management server and the SOA Suite run on different machines.

This tutorial is an example of an installation for a single node configuration. For more Information on single node configurations, see the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Installation and Configuration Guide.

Installation and Configuration Sequence

WebLogic is required as the Web application server for both the Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) components and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Suite. Your installation and configuration sequence may vary based on whether or not you have an existing WebLogic installation.

Sequence One
If you do not have an existing WebLogic installation, you should install the EPM components first, because that installs WebLogic automatically if it is not already present. Use the following installation and configuration sequence:

Use the following installation and configuration sequence:

Sequence Two

If you have an existing WebLogic installation, you use the following installation and configuration sequence:

In this tutorial, we are going to follow installation and configuration sequence one.
For Linux versions of commands, refer to Appendix D: Linux Commands.


Installing EPM Components

To install the EPM components, you run the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Installer. Foundation Services and Financial Close Management are required components. If it is not already present, WebLogic is installed as part of the Foundation Services installation. You configure EPM components after you install and configure SOA Suite.

1 .

Navigate to the installation folder for the Hyperion software and run installtool.cmd.

Note: Througout this tutorial, for Linux versions of command, consult Appendix D: Linux Commands.


2 .

Select a language, and click OK.

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3 .

On the Welcome screen, click Next.

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4 .

On the Destination screen, select the location for the Middleware Home directory, and click Next.
The default directory is c:\oracle\middleware.

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5 .

On the Installation Type screen, select New installation, and click Next.

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6 .

On the Product Selection screen:

a. Deselect Check All.

b. Under Foundation Services select Foundation Components

c. Select Financial Close Management.

d. Select FDM Enterprise Edition (Oracle Database Client 32 bit and Financial Management ADm Driver will be auto-selected).

e. Click Next.

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7 .

On the Confirmation screen, click Next.

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8 .

On the Summary screen, click Finish.

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Creating the Database User

Follow the instructions provided in the appendices for creating the database users for your database:

Installing and Configuring SOA Suite

The following topics describe how to install and configure SOA Suite.

Running the Repository Creation Utility


In the folder to which you unzipped the utility, navigate to the rcuHome\bin folder and Run rcu.bat.



On the Welcome screen, click Next

Show Screenshot for Step


On the Create Repository screen, select Create, and then click Next.

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On the Database Connection Details screen, enter the database connection details, you wish to configure SOA.
Be sure to enter user with DBA or SYSDBA privileges and select SYSDBA as the role. Click Next to continue.

Example for Oracle database:

Show Screenshot for Step

Example for MS SQL database:

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5 .

At the prerequisites confirmation prompt, click OK. If a warning prompt regarding the character set is displayed, click Ignore.

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6 .

On the Select Components screen, in the Create a new prefix text box, enter a prefix for the schema tables.

7 .

In the Component list, under SOA and BPMA Infrastructure, select SOA Infrastructure, and click Next..

You will see that, User Messaging Service under SOA and BPM Infrastructure and Metadata Services under AS Common Schemas get selected automatically when you selected SOA Infrastructure.

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8 .

At the prerequisites confirmation prompt, click OK.

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9 .

On the Schema Passwords screen, select Use the same password for all schemas, enter a password, and click Next.

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10 .

On the Map Tablespace screen, leave the default tablespace names and click Next.

Note: The example below is for Oracle.

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11 .

At the confirmation prompt, click OK.

Note: The example below is Oracle.

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12 .

At the completion prompt, click OK.

Note: The example below is Oracle.

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13 .

On the Summary screen, click Create. This may take a while.

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14 .

On the Completion Summary screen, click Close.

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Installing SOA Suite

When you install SOA Suite, select the same Middleware Home directory that you specified for installing EPM Components. The Middleware Home directory contains the WebLogic installation, which is required for installing SOA Suite.


Open Command prompt and Navigate to the Disk1 folder under SOA Suite installation directory and provide following command.
Setup.exe -jreLoc c:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_35 (if your JRE location is different than the example, replace with your JRE location)

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On the Welcome screen, click Next.

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3 .

Select Skip Software Updates and click Next.

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4 .

On the Prerequisites screen, click Next.

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5 .

On the Specify Installation Location screen, verify that the Middleware Home directory is the directory that you selected when you installed the EPM Components, and click Next. Be sure to modify the default Middleware Home location if needed.

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6 .

On the Application Server screen, verify that the WebLogic Server is selected, and click Next.

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7 .

On the Installation Summary screen, click Install.

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8 .

On the Installation Progress screen, when the Installation Successful message is displayed, click Next.

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9 .

On the Installation Complete screen, click Finish.

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Configuring SOA Suite

After installing SOA Suite and running the Repository Creation Utility, you configure SOA Suite and create a WebLogic domain. You later extend this WebLogic domain for Financial Close Management.


Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle SOA 11g - Home1, and then Configure Application Server.

Note: You can also start configuration using the config.cmd. For example; C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_SOA1\common\bin\config.cmd).



Select Create a new WebLogic domain, and click Next.

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3 .

On the Select Domain Source screen, select Generate a domain configured automatically to support the following products, then select Oracle SOA Suite, Oracle Enterprise Manager, Oracle WSM Policy Manager, Oracle JRF Webservices Asynchronous Services and Oracle JRF, and click Next.
You will see that, Oracle WSM Policy Manager and Oracle JRF get selected automatically when you selected Oracle SOA Suite.

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4 .

On the Specify Domain Name and Location screen, enter a domain name, accept the default locations, and click Next.

You must use the same domain name when you configure the EPM components. In this example, the domain name is base_domain.

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5 .

On the Configure User Name and Password screen, enter a user name and password for the WebLogic domain administrator,
and click Next.

You use this domain administrator name and password for the EPM components as well. In this example,
the domain administrator name is weblogic.

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6 .

On the WebLogic Domain Startup Mode screen, change the mode to
Production Mode if the default is Development Mode. Then select the Jrockit location, and click Next.

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7 .

On the Configure JDBC Component Schema screen, select each component schema and provide the database connection information,
using the prefix and schema password that you entered in the Repository Creation Utility. When finished, click Next.

Example for Oracle database:
Host Name: Enter Replace with the fully qualified domain name.
The database service name that you must use is available in C:\app\<user>\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\tnsnames.ora
Port: 1521
Schema password: Password for all schemas that you entered in the Repository Creation Utility.

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Example for MS SQl Server database:
Host Name: Enter Replace with the fully qualified domain name.
Port: 1433
Schema password: Password for all schemas that you entered in the Repository Creation Utility.

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8 .

On the Test Component Schemas screen, verify that the connections to your data sources are successful, and click Next.

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9 .

On the Select Optional Configuration screen, leave the default settings and click Next.

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10 .

On the Configuration Summary screen, click Create.

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11 .

On the Creating Domain screen, when the process is complete, click Done.

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Configuring EPM Components

The database schemas for the EPM components are created during the configuration process. During the configuration process you must provide valid Oracle/ MS SQL Server database user names and passwords under which to create the schemas.

Configuring Foundation Services, Financial Close Management and FDM


From the Windows Start menu, select Programs, then Oracle EPM System,
then Foundation Services, and then EPM System Configurator(all instances).

Note:You can also start the configuration utility using configtool.bat. For example, C:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\common\config\\configtool.bat).



Accept the defaults and click Next.

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Select Perform first -time configuration of Shared Services database, enter the database connection
details for the Shared Service database, and click Next. This might take several minutes.

Example for Oracle database (in this example the user name is fcm):
Server: Enter Replace with the fully qualified domain name. o
Port: 1521
Service Name or SID: The database service name that you must use is available in C:\app\<user>\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\tnsnames.ora
User Name: fcm
Password: welcome1

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Example for MS SQl Server database (in this example, the user name is fcm and the database name is HSSdb):
Server: Enter Replace with the fully qualified domain name. o
Port: 1433
Service Name or SID: FCMdb
User Name: fcm
Password: welcome1

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Accept the default options under Hyperion Foundation. For the products under Financial Close, and for FDM Enterprise Edition, select Deploy to application server
and Configure Database. Do not select Deploy to SOA or Deploy to SOA for FDMEE. Select Configure Content Management System
location only if you are using a content management system. Click Next.

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5 .

Select Create Windows Services for configured components, Enter Email Configuration details
and click Next.

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6 .

The database connection detailsare displayed for the
Close Manager, FDM Enterprise Editionand Reconciliation Manager databases,
and click Next.

Example for Oracle Database:

Show Screenshot for Step

Example for MS SQL Server Database

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7 .

Select Deploy web applications to an existing domain, enter the information for the
WebLogic domain that you created when you configured SOA, and click Next.
Administrator User/Password: Use the WebLogic administrator username and password created from SOA configurator.
Domain Name: base_domain (use the existing domain that was created from SOA configurator)

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8 .

At the prompt regarding password validation, click OK.

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9 .

Uncheck Deploy the web application to a single managed Server and accept the
default application server deployment settings, and click Next.

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10 .

In the Web Server Type list, select Oracle HTTP Server, and click Next.

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11 .

Enter the local user credential (the local administrator user you are currently logged in to the machine) and click Next.

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12 .

Provide the necessary information if you want to be informed of security updates by email,
otherwise click Next and answer Yes at the confirmation prompt.

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13 .

Enter the Shared Services administrator user name and password, and click Next.

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14 .

If you want to integrate Oracle Enterprise Content Management with your Financial Close Management
application, enter the URL for Oracle Enterprise Content Management, and click Next.

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15 .

Review your selections, and click Next to launch the configuration.

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16 .

When the configuration is complete, click Finish.

Deploying to SOA

After configuring EPM products, you need to run the EPM System Configurator again to deploy to SOA.


Ensure that both Admin and SOA server are running before running
the EPM configurator.

  • To start the WebLogic Admin Server, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Start Admin Server for Weblogic, where <domain> is the WebLogic domain you created with the SOA configuration tool.
    Note: You can also start it with startWebLogic.cmd.
    For example: C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\startWebLogic.cmd.
    Enter the WebLogic admin user name and password if prompted.
    The process will take a few minutes and is complete when you see '<Server started in RUNNING mode>' in the command prompt box.

  • To start the SOA managed server, enter the following command at a command prompt:
    c:\oracle\middleware\user_projects\domains\<domain>\bin\startmanagedweblogic.cmd soa_server1,
    where <domain> is the WebLogic domain you created with the SOA configuration tool.
    When prompted, enter the WebLogic admin user name and password. The process will take a few minutes and is complete when you see '<Server started in RUNNING mode>' in the command prompt box.



From the Windows Start menu, select Programs, then Oracle EPM System,
then Foundation Services, and then EPM System Configurator(all instances).

Note: You can also start it with configtool.bat. For example; C:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\common\config\\configtool.bat).

3 .

Select the EPM Oracle instance to which this configuration would be applied, and click Next.

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4 .

Expand Financial Close Managenebt, then Close Manager and select Deploy to SOA.
Within Financial Close Management, expand Reconciliation Manager and select Deploy to SOA and
Deploy to SOA for FDM EE
and click Next.

Ensure that none of the options under Hyperion Foundation are selected.

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5 .

On the Deploy to SOA screen, click Next.

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6 .

On the Confirmation screen, click Next to launch the configuration.

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7 .

When the configuration is complete, click Finish.

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Performing Post-Installation Manual Configuration Tasks

You perform the manual configuration tasks after installing and configuring SOA Suite and the EPM components.

Start Admin Server


WebLogic Admin server must be running before you start manual configuration tasks.

a. To start the WebLogic Admin Server, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Start Admin Server, where <domain> is the WebLogic domain you created with the SOA configuration tool.

Note: You can also start it with startWebLogic.cmd. For example: C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\startWebLogic.cmd

b. When prompted, enter the WebLogic admin user name and password.
The process will take a few minutes and is complete when you see '<Server started in RUNNING mode>' in the the command prompt box.


Connecting External Authentication Providers to the Weblogic Server

To communicate with an external authentication provider, such as Oracle Internet Directory or Microsoft Active Directory, you must configure WebLogic. You must configure Shared Services to use the same external authentication provider. For more information on configuring Shared Services, see the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User and Role Security Guide.

The following instructions show an example of how to configure MSAD as the authentication provider.


Connect to WebLogic Console http://host:7001/console where host is the name of the Machine.



Log on using the WebLogic administrator name and password that you specified for the domain.


3 .

Click on Lock & Edit.

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4 .

In the Domain Structure area, click Security Realms.

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5 .

Click myrealm.

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6 .

Select the Providers tab.

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7 .

Click New.

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8 .

Configure your authentication provider.

For Microsoft Active Directory, in the Name text box enter MSAD, and
select ActiveDirectoryAuthenticator from the Type list.

Show Screenshot for Step

9 .

Click OK.

10 .

In the Authentication Providers list, click MSAD.

Show Screenshot for Step

11 .

Select the Provider Specific tab. Enter the principal user name and credentials, and
modify any other settings as required for your provider.

Show Screenshot for Step

12 .

Make sure you provide SAMAccountName as User Name Attribute  and in
User From Name Filter for MSAD instead of cn.

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13 .

Click Save.

14 .

In the Domain Structure area, click Security Realms, and then myrealm.

15 .

Select the Providers tab.

16 .

In the Authentication Providers list, click MSAD.

17 .

In the Control Flag list, select Sufficient.

Show Screenshot for Step

18 .

Click Save.

19 .

Click  Activate Changes.

Show Screenshot for Step

20 .

Click Logout.

21 .

Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>,
and then Stop Admin Server.

Note: You can also stop it with stopWebLogic.cmd. For example: C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\stopWebLogic.cmd).

22 .

Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>,
and then Start Admin Server for the WebLogic Server Domain.

Note: You can also start it with startWebLogic.cmd. For example; C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\startWebLogic.cmd).

When prompted, enter the WebLogic admin user name and password.
The process will take a few minutes and is complete when you see '<Server started in RUNNING mode>' in the command prompt box.

Configuring the external Provider with Shared Services


Start Foundation Services and Oracle Process Manager (OHS) from windows Services.

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Show Screenshot for Step



Connect to Shared Service Console http://host:port/interop/index.jsp where host is the name of the Machine and port is Listen port of FoundationServices0 managed Server in WebLogic console.

3 .

Login as admin.

4 .

Click on Administration and Select Configure User Directories.

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5 .

Click New and choose the Directory Type as MSAD, and click Next.

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6 .

Enter the following in the Server information tab:

  • Host
  • Port
  • Base DN
  • User DN
  • Credential

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7 .

Click “Next” to navigate to the MSAD User Configuration Tab and enter user information.

Show Screenshot for Step

8 .

Click “Next” to navigate to the MSAD Group Configuration Tab and enter group information.

Show Screenshot for Step

9 .

Click Save and Logout.

10 .

Restart the FoundationServices0 Managed Server.

Configuring the Keystore for Oracle Web Services Manager

You must set up the Keystore for message protection and configure the Credential Store Provider. The Financial Close Management client and the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management Web service use the following policies:


At a command prompt, enter the following command to add the JDK to the path:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_35\bin\

where C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_35\bin has to be your JDK path

The JDK must be included in the path in order to run the Java keystore utility.



Use the Oracle keystore utility to create a keystore on the Weblogic Admin server hosting your EPM System domain by navigating to c:\oracle\middleware\user_projects\domains\<domain>\config\fmwconfig (where <domain> is the WebLogic domain you created with SOA configuration tool), and entering the following command:

keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias orakey -keypass welcome1 -keystore default-keystore.jks -storepass welcome1 -validity 3600

Show Screenshot for Step

This command creates a keystore with the name default-keystore.jks if it does not
already exist and adds a new private key entry with alias 'orakey' and password
welcome1 to it. You will be prompted for additional information regarding your authentication provider.

You can change the alias, password, and domain name as needed in the

3 .

Enter the following URL to start Oracle Enterprise Manager, replacing <host> with your host name:


4 .

Enter your Weblogic administrator name and password to log in.


5 .

In the navigation pane, expand Weblogic Domain, and then select the WebLogic domain you created in the SOA configuration tool.

Show Screenshot for Step

6 .

Right-click on WebLogic Domain, then Security, and then Security Provider Configuration.

Show Screenshot for Step

7 .

Expand the Keystore section, and click Configure.

Show Screenshot for Step

8 .

In the Keystore Path text box, enter the path name for the keystore you created, and enter the keystore password in the password fields. In the Signature Key and Encryption key text boxes, enter the alias and password for the signature and encryption keys.

It should be noted that the "Keystore Path" requested by EM is relative to "C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\<domain>\config\fmwconfig" so it should be ./default-keystore.jks

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9 .

Click OK.

Delete Data Sources (Only for MS SQL Server)

After you install and configure SOA, you delete the EDNDataSource and EDNLocalTxDataSource data sources.


<If the Weblogic Admin server is not already running, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic,
then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Start Admin Server.

Note: You can also start it with startWebLogic.cmd. For example; C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\startWebLogic.cmd).

When prompted, enter the WebLogic admin user name and password.

The process will take a few minutes and is complete when you see '<Server started in RUNNING mode>' in the command prompt box.


2 .

Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then<domain>,
and then Admin Server Console.

3 .

Log on using the WebLogic administrator name and password that you specified for the domain.


4 .

Click Lock & Edit.

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5 .

In the Domain Structure area, expand Services and select DataSources.

Show Screenshot for Step

6 .

In the Datasources table, delete EDNDataSource and EDNLocalTxDataSource.


7 .

Click  Activate Changes.

Show Screenshot for Step

8 .

Click Logout.

Raising the Maximums for Connection Pools


Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>,
and then Admin Server Console.



Log on using the WebLogic administrator name and password that you specified for the domain.

3 .

Click on Lock & Edit.

Show Screenshot for Step

4 .

In the Domain Structure area, expand Services, and click on Datasources.

Note: For SQL Server Only: Skip  “Raising the Maximums for Connection Pools” for the deleted datasources
(i.e. for EDNDataSource and EDNLocalTxDataSource)

5 .

In the Name list, click EDNDataSource.

Show Screenshot for Step

6 .

Select the Connection Pool tab.


7 .

In the Maximum Capacity text box, enter 150.

Show Screenshot for Step

8 .

Click Save.

9 .

In the Domain Structure area, click Data Sources to return to the list of data sources.

10 .

Repeat the above steps to increase the connection pool for the EDNLocalTxDataSource
service to 150.

If you receive resource errors specific to any of the following data sources,
use the above procedure to increase their connection pools:

  • mds-owm
  • mds-soa
  • EPMSystemRegistry
  • OraSDPMDataSource
  • SOADataSource
  • SOALocalTxDataSource

11 .

Click Activate Changes..

Show Screenshot for Step

12 .

Click Logout.

Raising the StuckThreadMaxTime

1 .

Select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects, then <domain>, and then Admin Server Console.

2 .

Log on using the WebLogic administrator name and password that you specified for the domain.

3 .

Click Lock and Edit.

4 .

In the Domain Structure area, expand Environment and select Servers.

5 .

In the server list, click ERPIntegrator0.

Show Screenshot for Step

6 .

Select the Tuning tab.

7 .

In the Stuck Thread Max Time textbox, enter 6000.

Show Screenshot for Step

8 .

Click Save.

9 .

In the Domain Structure area, click Servers to return to the list of servers.

10 .

Repeat the above steps to increase the Stuck Thread Max Time for soa_server1 and FinancialClose0.

11 .

Click  Activate Changes.

Show Screenshot for Step

12 .

Click Logout.

13 .

Stop Foundation Services from windows Services.

14 .

To stop the WebLogic Admin Server,press and hold Ctrl + C in the command window where WebLogic Admin server
has been started. When prompted, type 'Y' and hit the enter key to terminate the batch job.

15 .

To stop the SOA managed server,press and hold Ctrl + C in the command window where WebLogic Admin server
has been started. When prompted, type 'Y' and hit the enter key to terminate the batch job.

Starting the Servers

You must start the servers required for Financial Close Management in the following order:   

  1. WebLogic Admin Server
  2. Foundation Services managed server
  3. Oracle HTTP Server
  4. FDM Enterprise Edition
  5. Optional: Managed servers for integration products (for example, Financial Management or Financial Reporting)
  6. SOA managed server
  7. Financial Close Management Managed server

Note: Wait until each server status changes to the RUNNING state before you go to the next server in the sequence.


In the Domain Structure area, click Environment, then Servers to return to the list of servers.

You see the list of servers to be started:

Show Screenshot for Step

Note: Wait until each server status changes to the RUNNING state before you go to next server in the sequence.
Refresh the page to get the server status


2 .

To start the WebLogic Admin server, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects,
then <domain>, and then Start Admin Server.

Note: You can also start it with startWebLogic.cmd. For example; C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\startWebLogic.cmd).

When prompted, enter the WebLogic admin user name and password.
The process will take a few minutes and is complete when you see '<Server started in RUNNING mode>' in the command prompt box.



To start Foundation Services, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then epmsystem1, then Foundation Services,
and then Start Foundation Services.

Note: You can also start it with startFoundationServices.bat. For example C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\bin\startFoundationServices.bat).

4 .

To start the Oracle HTTP server, enter the following command at a command prompt:
C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\httpConfig\ohs\bin\opmnctl.bat startall

5 .

To start FDMEE Services, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then epmsystem1, then FDM Enterprise Edition, and then Start ERPIntegrator.
(You can also start it with startErpIntegrator.bat. For example: C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\bin\startErpIntegrator.bat).

6 .

To start the SOA managed server , enter the following command at a command prompt:
c:\oracle\middleware\user_projects\domains\<domain>\bin\startmanagedweblogic.cmd soa_server1
where <domain> is the domain you created using the SOA configuration utility.

When prompted, enter the WebLogic admin user name and password.
The process will take a few minutes and is complete when you see '<Server started in RUNNING mode>' in the command prompt box.

7 .

To start Financial Close Management Services, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System,
then epmsystem1, then Financial Close, then Start FinancialClose.
(You can also start it with startFinancialClose.bat. For example: C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\bin\startFinancialClose.bat).

Running the Validation Tool to Verify EPM Configuration

Perform the procedures below to validate the EPM configuration.


To start the EPM validator tool,select Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then Foundation Services, then epmsystem1, then EPM System Diagnostics.

(You can also start it with validate.bat. For example:

Example: C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\bin\validate.bat

This launches a new browser window with the validation status for each EPM component (all components should have a pass status, as in the following example:

Show Screenshot for Step



To run an EPM deployment report launch the following bat script:
%EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE%\bin\epmsys_registry.bat report deployment

Show Screenshot for Step

This produces a new browser window with the following report:

Show Screenshot for Step


Scroll to the end of the report and you should all passed and 0 failed.

Show Screenshot for Step


Running the Validation Tool to Verify Close Manager and Account Reconciliation Manager Configuration

Perform the procedures below to validate the configuration.

Validating Close Manager Configuration


Launch the validator tool from a web browser using the following the URL:

    • Where FCMHOST is the name of the machine where FinancialClose0 managed server is configured.
    • Where FCMPORT is Listening port of FinancialClose0 managed Server in WebLogic console.

    Show Screenshot for Step



Log in to Close Manager using Shared Services administrator credentials.

Note: If an external provider is configured, the log in can also be done with a user from the external provider.
But if there are issues with external provider configuration, the log in may not succeed. In such cases,
you can log in with any seeded user (seeded both on WLS and HSS native directory) and run the tool to identify
issues with external provider configuration.

Example to seed an “admin” user (who is default administrator in Shared Services) in WebLogic (this way, you can use the admin user
to log in to the validator):

a. Log in to the WebLogic admin console (http://<host>:7001/console where <host> is machine name for where admin server is running)

b. Click Lock and Edit.

Show Screenshot for Step

c. Go to the Domain Structure area and click Security Realms.

Show Screenshot for Step

d. Click the myrealm link.

Show Screenshot for Step

e. Go to the Users and Groups tab and click New under the Users tab.

Show Screenshot for Step

f. Enter admin in the Name field and enter the admin user’s password for the Password/Confirm Password fields
(or simply enter welcome1 for the password) .

Show Screenshot for Step

f. Click OK.

h. Click Activate Changes.

Show Screenshot for Step

3 .

After successfully logging in the following screen is displayed.

Show Screenshot for Step



To validate the close manager configuration, click the “Validate Financial Close Manager Configuration” button

Show Screenshot for Step



After validation, the configuration information will be displayed in a tabular form.
See the table below for more information on the results.

Show Screenshot for Step

The table below lists the information that is displayed.

Admin Server

Status (running/shutdown)

Foundation Services Server

DataSources targeted

Financial close Managed Server

DataSources targeted

SOA Server

DataSources targeted

FCM Web application

DB Type

Authentication Providers

Provider configured/ not
Control Flag (Sufficient/Not)

External Authenticators Lists the Authentication Providers
SOA Composites Check whether SOA composites Active/Not

Foreign JNDI

EDN JMS (in case of sql server)

IOWSM Keystore

Lists the external Identity store configuration. The tool only lists the values used for the configuration. It is the responsibility of the customer to make sure that the entered values are correct. Note: Warning can be ignored.


6 .

Validate the test schedule:
The second half of the page has a utility that will generate a test Main Orchestration Process, deploys it to soa server
and start a test task. The status for each task is displayed in a table below it and should there be any errors – the possible
cause of the error and the way to fix it will be displayed in the last column.

If you are running this part, make sure the user logged into the Diagnostic tool is a user that is also present in HSS.

To run validate the test schedule, click Validate Test Schedule.

Note: The button to run this test is enabled only if all the required configuration from the above table is in
place – marked with a check marks instead of an X.

Show Screenshot for Step

After validation, the configuration information will be displayed in a tabular form, Below is a list of the information displayed.

SOA Composite Deployment

Tells if the composite deployment to soa server is successful.

Business Event

Tells if the business event if fired successfully.

Composite Instance

Tells if the business event is able to start a Task correctly or not.

FCM Basic Task

Tells if the basic task is started and successfully set to Running Status.


The above task is submitted internally to confirm if Humanworkflow is working fine.



Validating Account Reconciliation Manager Configuration


Launch the validator tool from a web browser using this URL:

    • Where FCMHOST is the name of the machine where FinancialClose0 managed server is configured.
    • Where FCMPORT is Listening port of FinancialClose0 managed Server in the WebLogic console.

    Show Screenshot for Step

    Login with Shared Service administartor credentials.



To validate the account reconciliation manager configuration,
click the Validate Account Reconciliation Manager Configuration button.

Show Screenshot for Step

3 .

After validation, the configuration information is displayed in a tabular form. See the table below for more information on the results.

Show Screenshot for Step

Below is the information that is displayed:

Admin Server

Status (running/shutdown)

Foundation Services Server

DataSources targeted

Financial close Managed Server

DataSources targeted

SOA Server

DataSources targeted

ARM Web Application Version
DB Type
Authentication Providers

Provider configured/ not
Control Flag (Sufficient/Not)

External Authenticators Lists the Authentication Providers
SOA Composites

EDN JMS (in case of sql server)

Foreign JNDI

EDN JMS (in case of sql server)

OWSM Keystores

Lists the external Identity store configuration. The tool only lists the values used for the configuration. It is the responsibility of the customer to make sure that the entered values are correct.
Note: Warnings can be ignored.

Applying ADF Patch 16709748

Copy the downloaded patch to <MIDDLEWARE_HOME>\oracle_common\OPatch directory.
Shut down all the servers if any are running.
To apply the patch follow instructions given in the readme file of the patch.

Configuring Oracle Security Policy for FDMEE

Configuration of Oracle Security Policy with OWSM is required to enable communication between Account Reconciliation Manager and FDMEE.
Note: FDMEE is required only for the Account Reconciliation Manager module. It is not required for the Close Manager module.


Running Automated Scripts to set Oracle Security Policy


Edit the file

a. Go to directory <EPM_ORACLE_HOME>/products/FinancialDataQuality/bin
b. Modify the file as following:

For WebLogic Admin server connection:

  • userName=adminUserName      (Replace adminUserName with your WebLogic admin user)
  • passWord=adminPassword        (Replace adminPassword with your WebLogic admin password)
  • adminServerURL=t3://localhost:7001    (Replace localhost with your WebLogic admin server host)

Note: Do not change ServiceEndPointSecPolicy and ServiceCallBackSecPolicy.


Run the wlsConfigARM.bat file:

a.Open a command prompt.

b. Change directory to <EPM_ORACLE_HOME>/products/FinancialDataQuality/bin.

c. Run wlsConfigARM.bat file and ensure that the script runs successfully

Show Screenshot for Step

3 .

Restart the FDMEE service and restart WebLogic admin server.



Check the status of the FDMEE server:
Login to WebLogic admin console (http://<host>:7001/console
where <host> is the machine name for where WebLogic admin server is running) and go to the Domain Structure area,
click Environment, and then Servers.
You should wait until FDMEE server status is changed to RUNNING.



Appendix A: Creating an Oracle Database User

This procedure explains how to create an Oracle database user.


To open the SQLPlus window, select Start, then All Programs, then Oracle - OraDb 11g_home1,
then Application Development, and then SQL Plus.



Login to SQLPlus as sys user and run the following:

create user fcm identified by welcome1;


Show Screenshot for Step

Appendix B: Configuring Microsoft SQL Server

This appendix contains information for using Microsoft SQL Server as the database.

Creating the Required Databases


Install SQL Server and log in to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio as sa user.



Create a login with the db owner role:

a. Go to the Object Explorer window and right-click on the Logins folder under the Security folder.

Show Screenshot for Step

b. In the General tab, select SQL Server authentication, and enter Login Name, password and Confirm password

Show Screenshot for Step


Select the Server roles tab, and then select the dbcreator and sysadmin Server roles.

Show Screenshot for Step


4 .

Click OK to create the user.


5 .

Create two databases: one for SOA, and one for Financial Close Management and Shared Services.
Set the login created earlier as the owner of the two databases.

 a. Right click on Database and select “New Database…

Show Screenshot for Step

b. Enter the database name and owner.

Show Screenshot for Step

c. Click OK to create the database.

6 .

Modify the properties of the database for SOAdb:

a. Click on the ‘New Query’ button in the upper left and choose ‘master’ database from the drop-down just below it.

b. Enter the commands below. replacing <database name> with the SOA Database.

ALTER database <database name> COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS

Show Screenshot for Step

c. Click on the Execute button to run the commands.



Modify the properties of the database for Financial Close Management by using the following commands:


Enabling XA Transactions

You must Enable XA transactions for SQL Server in both SQL Server and at the operating system level.
You should perform these procedures before you install and configure SOA Suite.


Copy instjdbc.sql from C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\server\lib into:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Binn for SQL Server 2005


C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.<INSTANCE_NAME>\MSSQL\Binn for SQL Server 2008 



Copy one of the following:
(for 32 bit OS)
or 64sqljdbc.dll (for 64 bit OS Titanium based)
or x64sqljdbc.dll (for 64 bit OS Intel based)
from C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\server\lib into
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Binn for SQL Server 2005
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.<INSTANCE_NAME>\MSSQL\Binn for SQL Server 2008.


After copying the file, rename the 64sqljdbc.dll or x64sqljdbc.dll to sqljdbc.dll.



Run the following command from the command prompt:
SQLCMD.EXE -S "<SERVER NAME >" -U SA -P SA_PASSWORD -i “<your SQL Server Path>\MSSQL\Binn\instjdbc.sql” -o c:\log.txt

SQLCMD.EXE is located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\ for SQL Server 2005 and
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\ for SQL Server 2008.

In the above command "SERVER NAME" is the server name used to
connect SQL Server using SQL Server Studio.

Example for SQL Server 2005:

Show Screenshot for Step

Example for SQL Server 2008:

Show Screenshot for Step


5 .

Look for the messages creating JDBC XA procedures and instxa.sql completed successfully in the log.
If the messages are present then the SQL ran succesfully and you can ignore any other messages in the log.

Show Screenshot for Step


6 .

For Windows 2008:

a. Select Start, then Programs, then Administrative Tools, then Component Services,
and  Computers,  and expand My Computer. and then expand Distributed Transaction Coordinator.

b. Right Click Local  DTC and select Properties

c. Select the Security Tab and then select Enable XA Transactions

d. Click OK

Show Screenshot for Step

Note: Click OK through the warning dialogs about service restarting.


7 .

For Windows 2003:

a. Select Start, then Programs, then Administrative Tools, then Component Services, and then Computers.

b Right click on My Computer and select Properties.

Show Screenshot for Step

c. Select the MSDTC tab and click Security Configuration.

Show Screenshot for Step

d. Select Enable XA Transactions

e. Click OK

Show Screenshot for Step


8 .

Restart SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) from Windows Services.

Show Screenshot for Step


Appendix C: IPv6 Network

This appendix contains information for testing IPv6 Network on your environment. If IPv6 is turned on for your machines, then you have to make sure IPv6 routing is properly working in your network. If your network doesn't support IPv6, then
you have to turn off IPv6 device(s) before you start EPM installation.

IPv6 Network Testing


Run "ipconfig /all" from a command prompt:

Show Screenshot for Step



If there is any device using IPv6 such as in the following example then you need to test IPv6 connection
from another remote machine,

Show Screenshot for Step


From the other remote machine, ping your machine (Machine A) from a comman prompt as follows:
 "ping -6 <Machine A>" where <Machine A> is the name or IP Address of Machine A.

Show Screenshot for Step



If ping returns "Ping request could not find host <Machine A>" then your network doesn't support IPv6 and
you must turn off IPv6 before you start EPM installation.

Show Screenshot for Step


Turning Off IPv6


From Local Area Connection Properties, deselect IPv6.

a. From Start menu, right click on Network and click on Properties.

b. From the Network and Sharing Center screen, click on Local Area Connection.

Show Screenshot for Step



From Local Area Connection Properties, deselect IPv6

Show Screenshot for Step


From a command prompt, run "ipconfig /all" and verify there is no process using
IPv6 (this check has to done every time you restart the machine).
For example the following illustrates that Teredo is still using IPv6:

Show Screenshot for Step



To disable devices using IPv6 do the following:

a. From the Start menu, select Administrative Tools, then Computer Management"

b. Go to Device Manager.

c. Select Show hidden devices from the View menu

d. Expand Network adapters.

e. Right-click on Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface (or any other device that is using IPv6) and disable it

Show Screenshot for Step


5 .

Run “ipconfig /all” again from the command prompt to make sure there are no longer any devices using IPv6.
If you find more, then repeat the above steps to turn it them off, until there is no device using IPv6.


Appendix D: Linux Commands

If loading the properties and running the py from the does not succeed, you may load the properties and execute the py script from wls.

Appendix E: Stopping and Restarting the Servers

When you restart the services, you must start the servers required for Financial Close Management in the following order:   

  1. WebLogic Admin Server
  2. Foundation Services managed server
  3. Optional: Managed servers for integration products (for example, FDMEE, Financial Management or Financial Reporting)
  4. SOA managed server
  5. Financial Close Management Managed server

Note: Wait until each server status changes to the RUNNING state before you go to the next server in the sequence.

1 .

To stop the WebLogic Admin Server, press and hold Ctrl + C in the command window where WebLogic Admin server has been started.
When prompted to terminate the batch job, type 'Y' and hit the enter key.
(You can also stop it with stopWebLogic.cmd. For example: C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\stopWebLogic.cmd).


2 .

To stop the SOA Managed Server, press and hold Ctrl + C in the command window where SOA Managed Server has been started.
When prompted to terminate the batch job, type 'Y' and hit the enter key.

3 .

Stop Foundation Services from the Services window.

4 .

To stop Financial Close Managment servers, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then epmsystem1, then Financial Close, then Stop Financial Close.

5 .

To stop FDMEE Services, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then epmsystem1, then FDM Enterprise Edition, and then Stop ERPIntegrator.
(You can also stop it with stopErpIntegrator.bat. For example: C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\bin\stopErpIntegrator.bat)

6 .

To start the WebLogic Admin server, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle WebLogic, then User Projects,
then <domain>, and then Start Admin Server.
Note: You can also start it with startWebLogic.cmd. For example; C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\startWebLogic.cmd).

When prompted, enter the WebLogic admin user name and password.
The process will take a few minutes and is complete when you see '<Server started in RUNNING mode>' in the command prompt box.


To start Foundation Services, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then epmsystem1, then Foundation Services,
and then Start Foundation Services.
Note: You can also start it with startFoundationServices.bat. For example C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\bin\startFoundationServices.bat).

8 .

To start FDMEE Services, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System, then epmsystem1,
then FDM Enterprise Edition, and then Start ERPIntegrator.
(You can also start it with startErpIntegrator.bat. For example: C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\bin\startErpIntegrator.bat)

9 .

To start the SOA managed server , enter the following command at a command prompt:
c:\oracle\middleware\user_projects\domains\<domain>\bin\startmanagedweblogic.cmd soa_server1
where <domain> is the domain you created using the SOA configuration utility.

When prompted, enter the WebLogic admin user name and password.
The process will take a few minutes and is complete when you see '<Server started in RUNNING mode>' in the command prompt box.

10 .

To start Financial Close Management Services, select Start, then Programs, then Oracle EPM System,
then epmsystem1, then Financial Close, then Start FinancialClose.


In this tutorial, you have learned how to:


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