Automating Tasks in Oracle® Hyperion Financial Management, Fusion Edition 11.1.2

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This tutorial covers automating load and consolidation tasks in Financial Management.

Time to Complete

Approximately 30 minutes.


This tutorial covers creating a taskflow for automatically loading and consolidating data. You create a taskflow by defining it and adding a Stage 1 task to load data and a Stage 2 task to consolidate data. Next, you add a link to each stage. The link to the Stage 1 task enables the taskflow to proceed to the Stage 2 task if the Stage 1 task is completed successfully. The link to the Stage 2 task ends the automation process. Finally, you test the taskflow to ensure that it loads and consolidates the data automatically.


Your company asked you to create and test a taskflow that automatically loads and consolidates data for a parent entity.


Before starting this tutorial, you should:


Have access to or have installed Oracle® Hyperion Financial Management, Fusion Edition 11.1.2.


Have access to or have installed a Financial Management application (The SIMPLE application is used for this tutorial.)


Have created a parent entity (California is used as a parent entity for this tutorial.)

Creating a Taskflow

You create a taskflow by defining a taskflow and adding Stage 1 and Stage 2 tasks to it. Next, you add links to the Stage 2 and Stage 1 tasks.

Defining a Task Flow


On your desktop, perform the following actions:

a. Double-click the Workspace icon.

b. Enter user name trnadmin and password hyperion.

c. Click Log On to log on to Workspace.



In Workspace, select Navigate > Applications > Consolidation > SIMPLE.


In the SIMPLE application, select Administration > Manage Taskflows.

The Taskflow Listing Summary page is displayed.



Click New.

The Define Taskflow page is displayed.



Perform the following actions:

a. In the Name box, enter LoadandConsolidateCA.

b. In the Description box, enter " To automate loading and consolidating data for California."

c. Click Submit.

The Taskflow page is displayed.



Verify that the name of the taskflow is LoadandConsolidateCA, and that the name of the stage is Stage 1.

You successfully defined a taskflow.


Adding Stage 1 and Stage 2 Tasks


On the General tab, perform the following actions:

a. In the Name box, enter LoadData.

Tip: No spaces are allowed in stage names.

b. In the Description box, enter Load Data.

c. Under Run As, enter user name admin and password welcome1.



On the Processing tab, perform the following actions:

a. In the Application list, select the SIMPLE application.

b. In the Action list, select Load Data.

c. Enter or select the following parameters:

Parameter Type Entry/Selection
Data File Text box c:\SIMPLE\AllData.dat
Log File Text box c:\SIMPLE\AllData.log
Delimiter Text box ;
Mode Picklist Replace
Accumulate within File Picklist False
Contains Ownership Data Picklist False


On the Starting Event tab, perform the following actions:

a. In the Starting Event list, select ScheduledEvent.

b. Enter a start date and start time.

Tip: You can enter any date and time.

Note: The server date is the time on the Financial Management application server.



Click Add Stage to add the Stage 2 task to the taskflow.



On the General tab, perform the following actions:

a. In the Name box, enter ConsolidateCA.

Tip: No spaces are allowed in stage names.

b. In the Description box, enter Consolidate California.

c. Under Run As, select Initiator.

Note: The server date is the time on the Financial Management application server.



On the Processing tab, perform the following actions:

a. In the Application list, select the SIMPLE application.

b. In the Action list, select Consolidate.



Under Parameter Name, perform the following actions:

a. In the point of view (POV) list, select Url.

b. Click the Edit link.

The POV page is displayed.



Under POV, select the following dimensions:

  • Category: Actual
  • Year: 2010
  • Period: July
  • Entity: UnitedStates.California

Click OK.



In the Type list, select Picklist, and in the list to the right of the Type list, select All With Data.

You successfully added Stage 1 and Stage 2 tasks to the taskflow.


Adding Links to Stage 2 and Stage 1 Tasks

You add a link to stage 2 to end the automation and then add conditional links to stage 1.


Select ConsolidateCA, and click Add Link.



On the General tab, perform the following actions:

a. In the Name and Description boxes, enter End.

b. In the Receiving Stage list, select End.

You successfully added a link to the Stage 2 task.



Select LoadData.



Click Add Link.



On the General tab, perform the following actions:

a. In the Name and Description boxes, enter Success.

b. In the Receiving Stage list, select ConsolidateCA.

Note: You define the receiving stage as ConsolidateCA, because the taskflow proceeds to Stage 2 if the data load is successful.



On the Condition tab, perform the following actions:

a. In the Variable list, select LoadData_Result.

b. In the Relational Operators list, select Equal to.

c. In the Value list, select Success.

d. Click Add.



Under Condition, ensure that the condition displays LoadData_Result Equal to Success, and click Add Link.



On the General tab, perform the following actions:

a. In the Name and Description boxes, enter Failure.

b. In the Receiving Stage list, select End.



On the Condition tab, perform the following actions:

a. In the Variable list, select LoadData_Result.

b. In the Relational Operators list, select Equal to.

c. In the Value list, select Failure.

d. Click Add.



Under Condition, ensure that the condition displays LoadData_Result Equal to Failure, and click Save to save the taskflow.

The Taskflow Listing Summary page is displayed.


Testing the Taskflow

After creating the taskflow, you are ready to test it.


On the Taskflow Listing Summary page, select the taskflow, and click Run Now.

The system displays the following message: "Taskflow Initiated successfully."



Click OK.


Select Administration > View Taskflow Status.

The Taskflow Status Summary page is displayed.


Perform the following actions:

a. In the Status list, select All.

b. In the Application list, select SIMPLE.

c. In the Taskflow list, select LoadandConsolidateCA.

d. Click Search.

The taskflow is displayed as a line item.


Select the ID link to view information about the taskflow.

The Taskflow Participant Summary page is displayed.


Confirm that the task was completed successfully.


Select Administration > Task Audit.


Click View, and review the Load and Consolidate tasks in the Task Audit list.

You successfully created and tested a taskflow that automates loading and consolidating tasks.


In this tutorial, you learned how to:


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