Creating Asynchronous Methods in EJB 3.1



    This tutorial covers  creating a EJB 3.1 application that demonstrates  the use of  @Asynchronous annotation in an Enterprise Java Bean(EJB) class or specific method.

    Time to Complete

    Approximately 45 minutes.


    This example demonstrates the use of the EJB 3.1 @Asynchronous annotation in an EJB class or specific method.  In EJB 3.1, session beans support asynchronous method invocations. Bean methods annotated with @Asynchronous are invoked asynchronously. When a client invokes methods with the @Asynchronous annotation, the container immediately returns control to the client and invokes the method in a different thread. The method may return a future object to allow the client to check on the status of the method invocation, and retrieve result values that are asynchronously produced. EJB 3.1 supports this feature by using Future, which is part of standard java concurrency. Future represents the result of an asynchronous computation.

    Before EJB 3.1, if you want to execute an asynchronous processing you had to use JMS(Java Messaging Services) and a MDB(Message Driven Bean), not so easy and rather heavy in most cases. JMS should be really used where messaging is required – either publish/subscribe topics or point-to-point queues. Now with EJB 3.1, you can use a simple session bean with the @Asynchronous annotation on the method which must be called asynchronously. Two ways of asynchronous EJB invocations are used:

    • Fire-and-forget asynchronous methods having void return type.
    • Retrieve-result-later asynchronous methods having Future<?> return type.

    In this tutorial, you will create a Java EE 6 Web Application and add the following components to it - a Stateless Session Bean with two asynchronous methods.  We define a Servlet to call the asynchronous methods and to keep track of the invocation and completion times to demonstrate the asynchronous nature of the method calls. The index.jsp will contain a form with a submit button, Run allowing you to execute the application. The form will submit to the Servlet which invokes the asynchronous methods defined in the session bean and the response is re-directed to response.jsp. Information about the asynchronous handling procedure is displayed to users.  From this information, users will notice that the invoker thread and the called asynchronous thread are working concurrently.

    Hardware and Software Requirements

    The following is a list of hardware and software requirements:

    • Download and install Java JDK 7 from this link.
    • Download and install NetBeans 7.1.2 with Java EE which includes GlassFish 3.1.2 (Java EE download bundle) from this link. During installation, be sure to check the box to install GlassFish. JUnit is an optional installation and not required for this tutorial.


    Before starting this tutorial, you should:

    •  Have the software installed as listed under Hardware and Software Requirements section.
    •  Ensure NetBeans is running.

Create a Java  EE Web Application

    To create a Java EE  Web Application, perform the following steps in the NetBeans IDE.

    Create a new Web Application.

    Select File->New Project from the NetBeans menu.

    Select the Java Web category and a project type of  Web Application.

    Click  Next.

    Enter  project name as AsyncMethodEJBDemo. Click Next.

    Verify the following :

    GlassFish Server 3.1.2 is  selected as the server.

    Java EE 6 Web is selected as  Java EE Version.

    Click  Finish.

    You should now have a Web Application project with an index.jsp file.

Create a Session Bean

    To create a CalculatorBean session bean which contains asynchronous methods, perform the following steps in NetBeans IDE.

    Right-click  AsyncMethodEJBDemo project and select New->Java Class.

    Specify the Session Bean information as follows:

    Class Name: CalculatorBean

    Package Name: com.example

    Click Finish.

    Double-click in the Source Packages node to open  in the code editor.

    a.  Import the following packages.

    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.concurrent.Future;
    import javax.ejb.Asynchronous;
    import javax.ejb.AsyncResult;
    import javax.ejb.Stateless;

    b. Add @Stateless and @Asynchronous annotations to the class.


    CalculatorBean is a  stateless session bean and  is annotated with @Asynchronous to declare all of its  business methods as asynchronous.

    c. Implement  an asyncAdd method.

    public Future<Integer> asyncAdd(StringBuilder sb, int num1, int num2) {

    sb.append("start running asyncAdd in thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "<br/>");
    try {

    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    System.out.println("Error occured while trying to make this thread asleep.");
    int result = num1 + num2;
    sb.append("Addition calculation is finished: " + new Date() + "<br/>");

    sb.append("Finished running asyncAdd in thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()+ "<br/>");
    return new AsyncResult<Integer>(result);



    asyncAdd is a asynchronous method and  performs the addition of two integers and returns the result as a Future object.

    d. Implement an asyncSubtract method.

    public Future<Integer> asyncSubtract(StringBuilder sb, int num1, int num2) {

    sb.append("Start running asyncSubtract in thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()+"<br/>");
    try {

    // sleep to pretend this calculation needs some time to finish
    } catch(InterruptedException e) {
    System.out.println("Error occured while trying to make this thread asleep.");
    int result = num1 - num2;
    sb.append("Subtraction calculation is finished: " + new Date() + "<br/>");
    sb.append("Finished running asyncSubtract in thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName()+ "<br/>");
    return new AsyncResult<Integer>(result);


    asyncSubtract is a asynchronous method and  performs the subtraction  of two integers and returns the result as a Future object.

Create a Servlet

    To create a Servlet, perform the below steps in NetBeans IDE.

    Right-click on the  AsyncMethodEJBDemo project and select New->Other.

    In the New File window, select a category of Web and a file type of Servlet.

    Click Next.

    Specify the Servlet  information as follows:

    Class Name: CalcInvokeServlet

    Package Name: com.example

    Click Finish.

    Perform the following changes to the CalcInvokeServlet.

    a.  Import the following packages.

    import javax.ejb.EJB


    b. Add a field of type CalculatorBean named calcBean.

    CalculatorBean calcBean;

    The session bean, CalculatorBean is injected into CalcInvokeServlet using an @EJB annotation.

    Modify the doGet() method in CalcInvokeServlet.

    a. Delete any IDE generated code in the doGet method.

    b. Expand the editor fold and add the below lines of code to the doGet() method to invoke asyncAdd method.

           StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.append("Begin addition calculation: " + new Date() + "<br/>");
            Future<Integer> addFuture = calcBean.asyncAdd(sb, 1, 1);

    c. Add the below lines of code to the doGet() method to invoke asyncSubtract method. 

        sb.append("Begin subtraction calculation: " + new Date() + "<br/>");
        Future<Integer> subtractFuture = calcBean.asyncSubtract(sb, 2, 1); 


    d. Add the below lines of code to doGet method to wait for the asynchronous methods of bean to finish calculation.

         sb.append("Do some other work and wait for results from " + "asynchronous calculations." + "<br/>");
         while (!addFuture.isDone() || !subtractFuture.isDone()) {
         try {

         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          System.out.println("Error occured while trying to make this thread asleep.");


    e. Add the below lines of code to the doGet method to forward the response to response.jsp.

        request.setAttribute("message", sb.toString());
        request.getRequestDispatcher("response.jsp").forward(request, response);

    Note: Add any other missing import statements.

Create a JSP

    To create response.jsp, perform the following steps in NetBeans IDE. This jsp page is forwarded from the servlet, and displays the messages printed.

    Right-click AsyncMethodEJBDemo project and  select New->Other.

    In the New File window, select a category of Web and a file type of JSP.

    Click Next.

    Specify the name as response and click Finish.

    Make the following changes to response.jsp.

    a. Modify the title of the page to Creating Asynchronous Methods in EJB 3.1.

    b. Modify the body section, add the below line of code.

    <% out.println(request.getAttribute("message")); %>

Modify index.jsp

    To modify index.jsp, perform the following steps in NetBeans IDE.

    Open the existing index.jsp file from the Web Pages portion of the AsyncMethodEJBDemo project.

    Make the following changes to index.jsp.

    a. Modify the title of the page to Creating Asynchronous Methods in EJB 3.1.

    b. Modify the heading  of the page to Click Run to execute this example


    Add a form to the body of the index.jsp page which contains a submit button named Run.

    <form action="./CalcInvokeServlet" >
               <input value="Run" type="submit"/>


Deploy the Web Application

    To deploy and run the application, perform the following steps in NetBeans IDE.

    Right-click AsyncMethodEJBDemo  project in the projects window and select  Build. 

    In the Output console, you see a message that AsyncMethodEJBDemo.war has been created.

    In the Projects window, right-click AsyncMethodEJBDemo and select Deploy.

    Verify  the deployed application in GlassFish server.

    a. In the Services tab, expand the Servers node.

    b. Expand the GlassFish Server node.

    c. In the GlassFish Server node, expand the Applications node, you  see AsyncMethodEJBDemo deployed.

    In the Projects window, right-click AsyncMethodEJBDemo and select Run.

    Verify the output, click Run.

    The output will be similar to, as shown below.

    Observe the output. 

    • Examine the starting and completion time of execution of asynchronous methods.
    • asyncAdd and asyncSubtract methods are being executed in different threads.


    In this tutorial, you have learned how to:


    • Create asynchronous methods in a stateless session bean.
    • Access the asynchronous methods  in a  Servlet.



    • Lead Curriculum Developer: Anjana Shenoy

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