Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates are logged below, with the most recent updates at the top.


What's Changed


30 JUN 2017

Initial Document Creation

Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud, July Update

This document outlines the announcements and fixed issues in the upcoming Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud and Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud updates.

Announcements and New Features

Planning and Budgeting Cloud and Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud

Monthly Update Schedule

Oracle will apply the latest updates to your test environment on Friday, July 7, 2017 and to your production environment on Friday, July 21, 2017. The update will be applied during your normal daily maintenance window.

The Oracle Help Center, which provides access to updated documentation, will also be available on July 7, 2017.

New EPM Automate Utility Version

A new version of the EPM Automate Utility is available with this update. This version includes the clearcube command, which uses the settings specified in a Planning job of type clear cube to delete specific data from input and reporting cubes.

You must install this version of the utility to use the updated command. See these sections in Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud:

New REST API: Clear_Cube

You can now use a REST API to clear specific data within input and reporting cubes. (This does not delete the application definition in the application's relational tables.) See CLEAR_CUBE in the Oracle Cloud REST API for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud guide.

Planning Clear Cube Job Now Clears Relational Data and Essbase Data

The Clear Cube job options have been updated to enable you to clear both Essbase and relational data. Previously you could only clear Essbase data. To view the updated Clear Cube job options, click Application, then Overview. From the Actions menu, select Clear Cube. On the Clear Cube page, click Create, complete the job name, select the cube, then select from the clear options displayed. Oracle has also provided two modes for clearing partial data for aggregate storage cubes. Selecting Partial Data (Basic Mode) enables you to use the member selector to specify the regions to be cleared. Selecting Partial Data (Advanced Mode) enables you to clear Essbase data by using an MDX expression in the text box provided.

For more information, see “Creating Clear Cube Jobs” in Administering Planning for Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud.

Updated Provisioning Report

The Provisioning Report has been redesigned to include the number of unique users provisioned with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Services roles. The report now identifies the total number of provisioned users.

Ability to Add Existing Cards, Clusters, Tabs, and Sub Tabs to Navigation Flows

While creating or editing your navigation flows, you can add existing cards, clusters, tabs, and sub tabs. To search for and add existing cards, clusters, tabs, and sub tabs, launch the Navigation Flow Designer (click Tools, and then click Navigation Flow). Create a new navigation flow or open an existing navigation flow to edit it. Click Add Existing Card/Cluster, and navigate to the card or cluster you want to add. Existing tabs and sub tabs can be selected for tabular cards by clicking the Add Existing Tab or Add Existing Sub Tabs option.

For more information, see “Designing Custom Navigation Flows” in the Administering guide for your EPM Cloud service.

New Predictive Planning Client

The Predictive Planning for Smart View client has been updated to be compatible with the latest release of Oracle Smart View for Office.

Predictive Planning Chart Interaction and Other Enhancements

Predictive Planning has been updated to include new features:

Member Name May Contain Comma

In this update, Data Management now supports member names with commas when loading data to the following services:

Export a Grid Design in Financial Reporting Web Studio to Excel

Starting in Release 17.07, you can export a report's grid design information as it appears while viewing the grid in Financial Reporting Web Studio to Excel.

Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Only

Weekly Planning in Financial Business Process

In the Financials business process of Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Services, weekly planning enables you to plan and forecast at the weekly level. Forms are designed so you can view weekly level plan and forecast data. You can also leverage the rolling forecast range at a weekly granularity and plan continuously at a weekly level for 13, 26, or 52 weeks. When you update the current time period, forms are updated to add or drop time periods to reflect the updated plan, forecast, or rolling forecast range.

New Workforce Dashboard

If you enable the Projects and Workforce business processes, a new analysis dashboard in Workforce called Review Employee Assignments shows you how employees are assigned across projects. On this dashboard, you can also review employee’s utilization on various projects and reassign employees to projects as needed. This feature is available only for the Projects and Workforce business processes enabled after the July monthly update.

Data Import Templates Available from Financial Business Process

For the Financials business process in Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud, data import templates are now available for download from within the application. The templates are generated based on the features you’ve enabled. From the Configure page for Financials, from the Actions menu, select Download Data Load Templates.

Removal of Support

Standard Interface (Planning and Budgeting Cloud Workspace Interface)

This change affects Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service customers who activated their subscriptions on or before July 31, 2016 only.

The Simplified Interface, an option available in the service since November 2014, will be established as the standard across the service. As a result, the current Standard Interface, which is also known as the Enterprise Planning and Budgeting Cloud Workspace, will not be supported starting with the December 2017 update to the service (December 1, 2017 for test instances and December 15, 2017 for production instances). After the deployment of the November update to production instances on November 17, 2017, bugs or enhancements for the Standard Interface will not be addressed.

To prepare for this change, have your users familiarize themselves with the Simplified Interface using the following information sources:

Financial Reporting Studio Desktop Client

Oracle is committed to providing a simple and intuitive user experience. To achieve this, Financial Reporting Web Studio, available since March 2016, will become the only environment for designing and building reports.

Oracle is providing additional time for users to transition from Financial Reporting Desktop Studio to Financial Reporting Web Studio. Tentative plans call for functional parity between Financial Reporting Web Studio and Financial Reporting Desktop Studio in late 2017, at which time, support for the desktop Studio will transition to the Web Studio and distribution of the Desktop Studio will cease.

Oracle recommends that you transition to using Financial Reporting Web Studio at the earliest opportunity. Please send questions and concerns to Oracle using the Provide Feedback option in the service.

File-Based Integration of Data Management with Oracle Fusion Financials Cloud

Oracle Fusion Financial Cloud Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting is now fully integrated with Data Management.

This enhancement brings the integration of Oracle Fusion Financials Cloud with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud on par with the current, out of the box, file-based integration. As a result, the file-based integration will be phased out starting the September update to the service.

If you are using file-based integration between Oracle Fusion Financials Cloud and Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud, Oracle recommends that you adopt this new integration as soon as possible.

Ability to Add Members to the Property Dimension in Workforce Business Process

Oracle is committed to providing customers with a robust, configurable Workforce framework. To ensure performance and best practice design for Workforce, Oracle will disable the ability to add members to the Property dimension starting in the August 2017 update to the service. The ability to add members to the Property dimension was an inadvertent feature, which can seriously impact performance.

To prepare for this change, you should remove all custom members added to the Property dimension and re-accommodate data and artifacts that leverage these custom members. As of the August 2017 update, custom members in the Property dimension will not be allowed and content upgrades will not be successful. Oracle recommends that you update your Workforce models as soon as possible.

Defects Fixed




In the Workforce business process of Enterprise Planning and budgeting Cloud, the tiered tax types are correctly calculated when an employee’s status (and therefore their salary) is changed.


Financial Reporting Web Studio now allows negative indentation.


You no longer receive an error on clicking the Statistics tab to check detailed information of plan type.


You no longer receive an error in Financial Reporting Web Studio when adding a second prompt using the same dimension but a different member.


When exporting an Essbase aggregate storage application to Planning, you no longer receive an error.


In the Planning Admin Extension, when working with single-currency applications, the base currency is now displayed for the Entity dimension.


When you use the batch scheduler to schedule a reporting batch to run and export to an external folder, you no longer get an error.


When you delete an application and then load another application, Financial Reporting reports are now displayed correctly in the Reports section of the application.


If the Prompt for POV check box is enabled, when you change the POV member in a report by typing the member name in the POV pop-up (instead of selecting it), the newly-selected member and the report now display correctly.


In Supporting Detail, you are now correctly prevented from adding a child row to a Total row.


In a Chrome browser with the User POV set to "on", PDF and HTML preview now work correctly.


An error no longer occurs when a non-administrator user invokes Member Selection from a worksheet containing shared members, whether invoked from shared members or base members in the grid.


Users are now prompted to select from low-level members in the POV that they have access to.


In rare cases, database refresh produced the error Unexpected EOF encountered during parallel restructuring. This fix prevents such rare database refresh failure errors.


You can now copy and paste an entire report containing a formula from Financial Reporting Web Studio into Excel.


When there is a large number(> 1000) of members in the selector, relaunching member selection for runtime prompts works as expected and an error is no longer displayed.


Secondary hierarchy alias member names are retrieved as expected when the alias member names are the same as the primary hierarchy member names.

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Performance improvements were made so that calculations run against Aggregate Storage Cubes now finish as expected.


In a form with a custom attribute assigned to members on the row, attributes that are set to not display on the form now correctly do not display.


After changing the alias table, if an Excel formula references a member name that does not appear in the new alias table, then a user-friendly message is now displayed.


In Workforce, a departed employees FTE is now correctly reflected in the Quarterly and YearTotal summary in the Analysis FTE and Headcount form as the last periods value.


When the Time Zone is set to Japanese (JT), weekly-recurring jobs that are scheduled in the Job Console to run on a different date/time than the server date/time are now correctly launched.


You no longer receive an exception when you apply amount mapping to every row from ASO to BSO applications.


After using Migration to import an application in which Predictive Planning options are set in System Settings, you no longer receive the following error:
The historical data source for predictions has not been configured, please contact your administrator.


You are now able to copy members from one cell to another in Financial Reporting Web Studio.


When the Time Zone is set to Japanese (JT), the Job Console now correctly displays job information in the Japanese time zone instead of the UTC time zone (Coordinated Universal Time).

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Aggregate storage cubes are no longer listed in the Smart View Panel when either one dimension or no dimensions are enabled in the cube


Gauge Chart Displays Zero Instead of Threshold Values

If you delete any of the Maximum Values, the chart subsequently displays zero for all thresholds.

Workaround: When updating the threshold values on a gauge chart type, do not delete the Maximum Value for any of the thresholds.


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