Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates are logged below, with the most recent updates at the top.


What's Changed


27 OCT 2016

Data Security Administration: Job Roles that have been Removed

Updated to reflect that the Intercompany Accountant role has NOT been removed / replaced in R11.

21 JUN 2016

Simplified User Experience for Billing and Simplified User Experience for Accounts Receivable

Updated reference to the ‘Receivables User Interface Changes’ support document.

24 MAY 2016

Integration and Extensibility Updates

Added New Section.

12 APR 2016

Invoices Work Area: Recent Infotile

Additional capabilities added in Update 4.

12 APR 2016

Page Layout and Icons

Added new section.

18 MAR 2016

Upgrade/Update Tasks

Added new section.

18 MAR 2016

Account Group and Account Monitor Enhancements

Added Tips and Considerations section.

01 MAR 2016

Initial Document Creation.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle Financials Cloud Release 11. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

Give Us Feedback

We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at

Upgrade/Update Tasks

This section gives you information to help you plan, deploy and validate your upgrade to this release.

For Oracle ERP Cloud, we have published Oracle ERP Cloud: Performing Your Release 11 Upgrade on My Oracle Support.

This document includes a list of all Pre- and Post-Upgrade steps for ERP.

Included with these steps are a set of product-specific checklists to help you evaluate your upgrade readiness on a product-by-product basis. These checklists are helpful if you only use a small subset of the ERP products, as each checklist combines all upgrade steps into one product-specific section for you (including any common steps that would be relevant).

A sample ERP Upgrade Project Plan is also included for your use.

We frequently update this document so don’t forget to check back and get the latest information before you start your upgrade.

Release Feature Summary

Some of the new Release 11 features are automatically available to users after the upgrade and some require action from the user, the application implementation administrator, or Oracle.

The table below offers a quick view of the actions required to enable each of the Release 11 features.

Action Required to Enable Feature


Automatically Available

End User Action Required

Administrator Action Required

Oracle Service Request Required

Common User Experience Features

Home Page

Page Layout and Icons



Panel Drawer

Shorthand Aliases

Simplified Access to Rapid Implementation

Financial Reporting Center

Common Security Features

Improved Data Security

Integration and Extensibility Updates

New guides to support integration and extensibility

Report Listings


Advanced Collections


Simplified User Experience


Assets Work Area

Additions Infotile

Transfers Infotile

Adjustments Infotile

Retirements Infotile

Depreciation Infotile

Assets Inquiry Page

Capital Asset Additions

Asset Conversions

Asset Physical Inventory

Tax Books Using Secondary Ledgers

Budgetary Control

Future Budget Spending Controls

Budgetary Control Error Handling

Budgetary Control Infolets

Budget Adjustments

Budget Import Analysis

Purchase Receipts

Procure to Pay – Project Burden Costs Encumbrance Accounting

Enhanced Data Security

Cash Management

Cash Positioning and Forecasting

Cash Management Dashboard

Cash Balance Infolet

Missing Statements Infolet

At Risk Infolet

5 Day Forecast Infolet

Unreconciled Infolet

Intraday Bank Statement Support

Bank Transfers

Ad Hoc Payments

External Cash Transactions Attachments


Expenses Work Area

Expense Items Infotile

Expense Reports Infotile

Approvals Infotile

Cash Advances Infotile

Trips Infotile

Spend Analysis Reporting

Submission of Expense Reports with Corporate Card Transactions

Policy Compliance for Airfare and Car Rental Expenses

Recurring Expenses

Mileage Tracker

Contingent Worker Expense Reports

Encrypted Corporate Card Numbers

Update of Expense Accounts

General Ledger

Account Group and Account Monitor Enhancements

General Accounting Infolets

Close Calendar Infolet   

Open Subledgers Infolet

AP and AR Reconciliation Infolets

Intercompany Reconciliation Infolet

Journals and Intercompany Transactions Infolet

Revenues Infolet

Expenses Infolet

Allocations Infolet

Enterprise Structures Report

Journal Approval Enhancements


Invoices Work Area

Scanned Infotile for Payables Manager

Scanned Infotile for Payables Specialist

Recent Infotile

Holds Infotile

Approval Infotile

Prepayments Infotile

Payments Infotile

Enhanced Invoice Approval

Invoice Updates in Interface Tables

Business Unit Assignment for Unmatched Scanned Invoices

URL Attachments to Existing Invoices

Using a Web Service


Billing Work Area

Incomplete Infotile

Approval Infotile

Research Infotile

Import Exceptions Infotile

Accounts Receivable Work Area

Receipt Batches Infotile

Lockbox Exceptions Infotile

Unapplied Receipts Infotile

Unapplied Credits Infotile

Simplified Transactional User Interfaces

Search Open Receivables for Application by Customer Site

Enhanced Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Reporting

Customer Listing Report

Subledger Accounting

Custom Formulas

Expanded Subledger Journal Entry Descriptions

Improved Online Accounting Messages


Tax Estimation on Sales Order

Enhanced Rapid Implementation Spreadsheets

Modified Representation of Party Tax Profiles

Enhanced Tax Registrations

Simplified Tax Line Override Setup

Enhanced Control Over Tax Calculation Errors

Payables Tax Reconciliation with General Ledger Report

Financials for Asia/Pacific

Maintain item model and tax denomination at item level with SCM GDFs

Financials for Europe, Middle East, and Africa

Audit File for France

DAS2 Reporting enhancements for France

Trading Partner Declaration for Italy

User Experience Changes for EMEA

Common Technologies and User Experience

This section gives an overview of common features available in Release 11. These are the overall investments in technology and user experience that Oracle has focused on in this release.

Common User Experience Features

In Release 11 we have modernized and simplified the user experience with

Home Page

The new home page was first available in Release 10. It has been extended in Release 11 to include a pagination control that appears at the top of the page to switch between the springboard page and new infolet pages.

The home page enables you to take a quick glance at your work-related conversations and announcements and provides you with easy access to perform your regular work functions. Use the icons on the springboard to easily access relevant work areas and dashboards. Alternatively, use the Navigator to access any additional applications.

Steps to Enable

No steps are necessary to enable this feature.

Tips and Considerations

Key Resources

Page Layout and Icons

Release 11 introduces a new look and feel to the pages in Oracle Financials Cloud.

Fields, buttons and regions may have moved on the page in order to provide a more effective and accessible work area on any device.

A new set of icons with a simplified appearance have been introduced in Release 11, allowing you to perform actions and functions on the page.

Steps to Enable

No steps are necessary to enable this feature.

Tips and Considerations

Key Resources


The pagination control on your home page gives you access to infolets related to your user role. Select the pagination dot at the top of the home page to view infolets relating to general accounting, budgets, or cash management activities.

General Ledger Infolets

Infolets allow users to view information at a glance from different sources in an efficient, timely, and engaging way directly from the home page. If something needs your attention, get more detailed information by using either the arrow in the lower corner of the infolet, hovering over the infolet, or clicking the center of the infolet.

Steps to Enable

Infolets are available in Oracle Financials Cloud Release 11 for General Ledger and Intercompany, Budgetary Control, and Cash Management. Please refer to the product-specific sections for steps to set up each infolet.

Tips and Considerations

The Infolet Repository displays the infolets available for each infolet page

Key Resources


Infotiles allow you to scan information in greater detail from a single page, and are designed specifically for users who need to orient themselves quickly in intense, repetitive, and focused tasks. As you navigate among infotiles, related details are refreshed in the content area of the page. You can glance to see what is going on and then scan for details, regardless of the size of the data. Infotiles are available in the Assets or Accounts Payable landing pages and the Billing or Expenses work areas.

Infotiles on the Expenses work area

Steps to Enable

No steps are necessary to enable this feature.

Infotiles are available in Oracle Financials Cloud Release 11 for Assets, Expenses, Payables and Receivables. Please refer to the product-specific sections for details about each infotile.

Panel Drawer

The Panel Drawer is an anchored component on the right side of a page that can contain one or more vertical tabs. These tabs allow you to perform actions such as search, run reports, and view integrated conversations in the context of the current task. Use the slide-out panel drawer to access features directly from any screen without leaving the current application or navigating through different roles or hierarchies. The new panel drawer comes collapsed by default. Simply click on the panel icons and the panel drawer will open.

Actions Panel

To maximize on-screen real estate for work activities, tasks have been moved from the task pane on the left to the slide-out Actions panel on the right. Click on the Actions icon to expand the Actions panel and view the tasks available for your user role.

Actions panel

Search Panel

The Search panel allows you to perform a local search based on the work area you are currently using. For example, in the Billing work area, you can quickly search for a transaction by Transaction Number, Transaction Date, or Bill-to Customer Account Number using the Search panel. Click on the Search icon to expand the Search panel and perform a search.

Search panel

Reports and Analytics Panel

You can run any reports and analytics available to your user role from the Reports and Analytics Panel. Click on the Reports and Analytics icon to expand the panel and select reports and analytics you want to view.

Reports and Analytics Panel

Steps to Enable

No steps are necessary to enable this feature. The new panel drawer comes collapsed by default. The panel drawer will open when you click on the panel icons.

Account Shorthand Aliases

You can enter account segment values faster and easier by using account shorthand aliases during entry of journals and other accounting transactions. An account alias is a word or code that represents a complete or partial account combination. The account aliases allow you to complete journal entries by selecting descriptive labels instead of remembering complex account combinations. The underlying account segment values default automatically into the data entry fields. This feature helps you to minimize data entry errors, thereby avoiding a subsequent need to correct or reverse journals.

Use Alias during Journal Entry

Steps to Enable

The application implementation administrator must enable the shorthand alias feature in the Key Flexfield Structure Instance page in Functional Setup Manager.

  1. Check the Shorthand alias enabled box and click the Save and Close button.
  2. Redeploy the chart of accounts structure.

In the Manage Shorthand Aliases page in Functional Setup Manager, select your chart of accounts structure instance and click the Search button to view existing aliases. Click the Add (+) icon to add new aliases.

Simplified Access to Rapid Implementation

With the simplified Setup and Maintenance work area, we have made it easier for you to add and access the Rapid Implementation task list for implementing Financials.

When initiating your implementation project, you can directly add and display the list of Rapid Implementation tasks. All the tasks are ordered in their correct sequence.

Setup and Maintenance work area

  1. To quickly add the Rapid Implementation task list to your implementation project, navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Click the Implementation Projects button.
  3. Click the Create icon and enter the basic project information.
  4. Click the Save and Open Project button.
  5. Click the Select and Add icon in the Task Lists and Tasks table.
  6. Search for the Task List called Define Financials Configuration for Rapid Implementation, select it, then click the Done button.

Select and Add Define Financials Configuration for Rapid Implementation Task List

After you have started your implementation project, you can quickly access your Rapid Implementation task list from the Search field on the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, enter the following search string in the Search field Define Financials Configuration for Rapid Implementation and click the Search icon or Enter key.
  2. Click the Define Financials Configuration for Rapid Implementation task.
  3. Select a row for more information on a specific task.

Because the tasks in the task list are not grouped, it makes it easier for you to review and select the individual tasks.

Define Financials Configuration for Rapid Implementation Task List

Steps to Enable

There are no steps needed to enable this feature.

Tips and Considerations

Financial Reporting Center

The new Financial Reporting Center replaces the prior version by bringing together report output across all Oracle Cloud applications into a single, central location for customers to access. You can easily retrieve the output for reports you access most often, add reports to your Favorites so that you can easily find them, and browse through a list of all reports that you have access to.

Financial Reporting Center, Favorites Filter Selected

Steps to Enable

  1. There are no specific setup steps to access the Financial Reporting Center for users with the following roles: General Accounting Manager, General Accountant and Financial Analyst. These users will have an icon on their Springboard and a link in their Navigation menu called Financial Reporting Center to access it directly.
  2. For users who do not have one of these roles, refer to the Appendix for details on the duty role and/or privilege associated with this feature.

  3. To enable Oracle Social Network (OSN) for Financial Reporting Center, go to Functional Setup Manager and open the task for Manage Oracle Social Network Objects for Financials. Expand the Financial Common Modules folder, and enable OSN for Reports for Automatic mode. Then scroll down the page and add the Report Name attribute.

Tips and Considerations

Report Details View

The Report Details View provides a common view of all reports that you have access to. From the Report Details View, you can:

Business Intelligence Publisher Report in Report Details View

Steps to Enable

There are no specific setup steps to access the Report Details View. All report output accessed from the Financial Reporting Center opens in the Report Details View.

Tips and Considerations

Common Security Features

Data Security Administration

A new data security model has been introduced in R11 for Oracle ERP Cloud. This feature is applicable to new customers only. Existing customers upgrading from previous releases will continue to utilize the old data role based model for their data security implementation.

In previous releases, users were assigned to specific data sets, such as business units, ledgers, warehouses, and so on via data roles that were automatically generated by data role templates.

In Release 11, new customers will not use data role templates; new customers will need to assign users directly to the job roles and to the appropriate data sets using the new Manage Data Access for Users page.

To access the Manage Data Access for Users page, navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Manage Data Access for Users task.

Manage Data Access for Users Page

This new feature is available to all products in Oracle ERP Cloud, including Financials, Procurement, Project Portfolio Management, Supply Chain Management, and Incentive Compensation. Specifically, this new feature is available to the following reference job roles:

Reference Job Role

Assignable Data Security Context

Accounts Payable Manager

Business Unit

Accounts Payable Specialist

Business Unit

Accounts Payable Supervisor

Business Unit

Accounts Receivable Manager

Business Unit, Reference Data Set

Accounts Receivable Specialist

Business Unit, Reference Data Set

Advanced Procurement Requester

Business Unit

Advanced Revenue Analyst


Advanced Revenue Manager


Asset Accountant

Fixed Asset Book

Asset Accounting Manager

Fixed Asset Book

Budget Analyst

Control Budget

Budget Manager

Control Budget

Collections Agent

Business Unit

Collections Manager

Business Unit

Corporate Card Administrator

Business Unit

Cost Accountant

Business Unit, Cost Organization, Reference Data Set

Expense Auditor

Business Unit

Expense Manager

Business Unit

Financial Analyst

Data Access Set

Financial Application Administrator

Business Unit, Reference Data Set

General Accountant

Data Access Set

General Accounting Manager

Data Access Set

Grants Accountant

Business Unit

Grants Administrator

Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Analyst

Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Application Administrator

Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Manager

Business Unit

Incentive Compensation Plan Administrator

Business Unit

Internal Auditor

Business Unit, Inventory Organization

Inventory Manager

Inventory Organization

Order Administrator

Reference Data Set

Order Manager

Business Unit

Procurement Preparer

Business Unit

Procurement Requester

Business Unit

Project Accountant

Business Unit

Project Administrator

Business Unit, Project Organization

Project Billing Specialist

Business Unit

Project Creator

Business Unit

Purchase Analysis

Business Unit

Receiving Agent

Inventory Organization

Shipping Agent

Inventory Organization

Shipping Manager

Inventory Organization

Supply Chain Application Administrator

Cost Organization, Inventory Organization, Manufacturing Plant, Reference Data Set

Tax Accountant

Business Unit

Tax Administrator

Business Unit

Tax Manager

Business Unit

Tax Specialist

Business Unit

Warehouse Manager

Inventory Organization

Warehouse Operator

Inventory Organization

NOTE: For existing customers upgrading from previous releases, some job roles have been removed.

For upgraded customers, several job roles have been removed because they shared the same privileges as other existing job roles. The following shows the list of job roles that have been removed:

Previous Job Role That Has Been Removed   

R11 Job Role Replacement

Billing Manager

Accounts Receivable Manager

Billing Specialist

Accounts Receivable Specialist

Chief Financial Officer

General Accounting Manager


General Accounting Manager

Revenue Analyst

Accounts Receivable Specialist

Revenue Manager

Accounts Receivable Manager

Steps to Enable

There are no steps needed to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Integration and Extensibility Updates

Content to help you customize, extend, and integrate with Oracle Applications Cloud is now available from the Oracle Help Center. This content was previously hosted in the Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications.

New guides to support integration and extensibility

The following guides are now available from the Oracle Help Center to support integration and extensibility:

how to find guides

  1. From the Oracle Help Center home page, navigate to Cloud > Applications.
  2. Select your application, for example Sales.
  3. Select the Books page.
  4. Find the new guides under the Development category.

Cloud Product Get Started Page

New Guides in Development Category

Report listings

You can view a listing of all available reports for a product from the Analyze and Report page for your cloud service.

Report Listings


Use the security reference guides available from the Books page to review job roles, duties, privileges, and security information for scheduled processes.

Security Guides


Oracle Financials Cloud offers an integrated financial management suite that is designed to automate, streamline, and manage financial processes end-to-end. It includes a broad suite of capabilities to simplify controls, increase productivity, and improve business decisions, including general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, fixed assets, expenses, collections, and cash management, as well as centralized accounting, tax, payment, and intercompany engines.

Advanced Collections

Advanced Collections provides a comprehensive solution to running day-to-day collection operations. It includes a host of capabilities that automate the collection process, allowing agents to focus on the work assigned to them and follow up on tasks. An agent can review customer information, record promises, submit payments, and request disputes. Its strategy management solution automatically identifies and applies a list of tasks that can be both automated and manual to improve the collection experience for both your customers and the collections agents. Smart processes are run in the background, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the collector.


Advanced Collections metrics provide the ability to measure and view the performance of the collections organization at various levels. It uses industry standard formulas to calculate these metrics. The metrics are also tracked historically. A new process is provided to calculate the metrics and a new user interface is also provided to view these metrics.

The metrics can be viewed across many dimensions which can be used to either aggregate or delineate the calculations. These dimensions include time, spatial / location, customer hierarchy and more. Using these metrics will allow organizations to better understand the health of their outstanding receivables, the efficiency of their collections organization and potential problem areas to apply more collections resources or alter collections strategies.

The following screen captures illustrate the feature and its benefits.

Key metrics delivered

These metrics can be viewed across various time dimensions such as Month, Quarter, and Year. Advanced Collections compares the current values with the prior period values (month, quarter, or year) and displays a green or red arrow.

In most cases a higher value indicates a negative performance change and is shown with a red up arrow, however in some cases a higher value indicates a positive change and is shown with a green up arrow.

For example, a collections manager can evaluate individuals, subgroups, and overall groups by viewing the Collections Effectiveness Index (CEI). CEI measures collections effectiveness, i.e. amounts that are collectible compared to those actually collected. This percentage expresses the effectiveness of collection efforts over time; consequently a higher current value represents a more effective collection effort which is shown with a green up arrow.

Conversely, when viewing the Promise metrics, an increase in the current value is shown with a red up arrow to represent an increase in broken promise count, amount, and percentage.

Steps to Enable

  1. Login as Functional Setup Manger.
  2. From Navigator > Setup and Maintenance.
  3. Search for Task Manage Collections Preferences.
  4. Set the following Collections Preferences:
  5. Click Save.
  6. Login as Collections Manager.
  7. From Navigator > Scheduled Processes
  8. Click button Schedule New Process.
  9. Enter name: Initialize and Load Collections Metrics and click OK.
  10. From Navigator > Collections Dashboard.
  11. Click on the Metrics tab.
  12. In the Search region, enter a Customer Name.
  13. In the Search region, enter a Business Unit.
  14. Click on Search button.
  15. View metrics across month / quarter / year dimensions.

Tips and Considerations

Simplified User Experience

Advanced Collections Release 11 features a new look and feel throughout the application user interface. This includes the Collections Dashboard, Collections Work Area and Setup and Maintenance for Advanced Collections.

The new look and feel will bring a familiar / common interface across the Oracle Financials Cloud applications as well as a number of productivity improvements.

Collections Work Area

Collections Dashboard

Setup and Maintenance

The following screen captures illustrate this feature and its benefits.

Transaction list view with in-line notes

Dedicated account level notes tab

Transaction lines sub-tab on transaction list view

Manage Collectors setup page

Steps to Enable

There are no steps needed to enable this feature.


Assets simplifies fixed asset accounting tasks and automates asset management. Using Assets as a unified source of asset data from both Oracle Applications Cloud and external feeder systems provides visibility into your worldwide assets. Standard management tasks, such as asset additions, asset transfers, disposals, reclassifications, financial adjustments, and legacy data conversions can be streamlined with automated business flows. Standard accounting, operational, and registry reports are available for ease of reconciliation and analysis.

Assets Work Area

A new user interface experience streamlines the management of your assets. The new Assets page provides a quick overview of your key fixed asset transactions like additions, transfers, adjustments, and retirements, allowing you to focus right away on what needs your attention. All of your transaction data is conveniently summarized into infotiles, providing you the option to drill into more details for further analysis and quick actions. The infotiles for Assets push critical information to enable you to take action to resolve exceptions and complete processing of asset data to ensure accuracy prior to period close.

New Assets Page

NOTE: The Asset Accounting Dashboard, Financial Transaction, Asset Tracking and Retirement work areas have been aggregated under the Assets work area.

  1. Access the Assets Page by clicking on the Fixed Assets icon on the springboard, then selecting the Assets icon.
  2. Assets Landing Page Navigation

  3. The new Assets page allows you to focus on a single asset book at a time. You can use the list of values to filter and review data for any specific Fixed Assets Book.

Assets Page Book Filter

Additions Infotile

You can quickly scan the asset addition information coming from payables invoices or projects using the Additions Infotile. Apart from the data coming from other subledgers, this infotile will also contain your conversion data from your legacy system or any other third party additions. Any online additions that have not yet been submitted are also included in the Additions Infotile.

Additions Infotile

Use the Incomplete count to review summary information of all incomplete addition lines requiring your attention. This information includes the count of incomplete additions with missing asset category, depreciation expense account and/or location, or even lines that are not yet set to the Post status. You can click the warning icon on the left of the addition line to see the recommended action.

Use the Exceptions count for timely review of addition lines with warnings or errors. This will allow you to resolve the exceptions in a timely manner.

Use the Ready to Post count to view the addition lines that are pending posting. Once posted, these lines will be created as assets.

NOTE: Any online additions that have not yet been submitted are also included in the Incomplete Count on the Additions Infotile.

The corresponding detail table lets you view and prepare addition lines, correct errors and exceptions. You can merge the addition lines to create an asset, or split one addition line to create multiple assets. You can add an addition line to an existing asset using the Add to Asset action.

Prepare All launches a spreadsheet which allows you to quickly fill out the required information, and even post these lines to create assets. You can also deal with any posting exceptions or errors on this page.

Detail Table for Additions Infotile

IMPORTANT: By default and based on context, some columns are hidden. Use the View menu to show, hide or reorder columns.

Adjustments Infotile

Use the Adjustments Infotile to view and prepare the incomplete mass adjustment transactions including, but not limited to, cost adjustments, book adjustments, reclassifications, revaluations, impairments, suspension and continuation of depreciation, etc.

Adjustments Infotile

You can complete the adjustment transactions from the corresponding detail table. You can complete your adjustment transactions in the spreadsheet by clicking on the Prepare button. Or, you can adjust each asset individually by clicking on the Transaction Type hyperlink. You can view the former details by clicking on theicon.

Detail table for Adjustments Infotile

IMPORTANT: You may have to reorder the columns to see the Transaction Group for your mass transactions.

Transfers Infotile

You can use the Transfers Infotile to view the incomplete mass transfers. You can use the corresponding detail table to prepare the transfer transactions for finalization.

Transfers Infotile

You can complete the transfer of transactions from its corresponding detail table. You can complete the transfer of transactions in the spreadsheet by clicking on the Prepare button. Or, you can transfer each asset individually by clicking on the Transfer hyperlink. You can view the old assignments by clicking on theicon. Clicking on the blue dot will give you specific information about the old depreciation expense account.

Detail table for Transfers Infotile

Retirements Infotile

Use the Retirements Infotile to review all of your pending retirement transactions. Use the Incomplete count to review summary information of all of your incomplete retirement transactions including your mass retirements. Use the Exceptions count to view all retirements with warnings or errors for a quick and timely resolution. Use the Ready to Post count to view the retirements that are pending posting.

Retirements Infotile

Use the corresponding detail table to view all the information regarding the retirement cost, proceeds, and other details. You can prepare the lines online or in the spreadsheet and finally post them to finalize your retirement transaction.

Detail Table for Retirements Infotile

Depreciation Infotile

You can use the Depreciation Infotile to calculate depreciation and close your period for the Fixed Asset Subledger.

You can also view the counts of completed additions and retirements, and even drill down to view the details of the completed additions and retirements from this page.

Depreciation Infotile

Simplified User Experience

The Task Pane has been removed from the user interface in Release 11 to give a streamlined look and feel. However, the entries previously found in the Task Pane are still easily accessible from the panel drawer located on the right hand side of the page.

Single Task pane access to all pages

IMPORTANT: The Impair Assets and Revalue Assets tasks appear only when the corresponding features are enabled for the selected book.

Simplified Entry Page for Manual Asset Additions

Commonly used fields have been included upfront in the Add Asset page to make the additions process much quicker and streamlined. You can directly submit the asset addition from this page if you do not need to review or change any other asset details.

Simplified Add Asset Page

Transfer, Adjust or Retire Assets via Spreadsheet

You can accelerate entry of adjustment, transfer, and retirement transactions using spreadsheets. You can access these additional tasks from the panel drawer from the upper right hand corner.

Mass Transaction Access Changes

You can navigate to the mass transactions from the same page as regular adjustments, transfers, and retirements. Sample screenshots of the adjustment, transfer and retirement pages highlighting the basic vs. mass transactions user interfaces are shown below.

Navigation for single or mass adjustments

Navigation for single or mass transfers

Search for single or mass retirements

IMPORTANT: Searches collapse automatically in all search pages. Click on the Search button to view your search criteria at any time.

Steps to Enable

Tips and Considerations

Asset Inquiry Page

You can use the Asset Inquiry page to search your assets quickly and efficiently. You can view all the key aspects of your asset including descriptive, financial, source lines, assignments, cost history, depreciation, and transaction details.

Access the Asset Inquiry Page by clicking on the Fixed Assets icon on the springboard, then selecting the Asset Inquiry icon.

Assets Inquiry Navigation

Once you've executed your asset search in the Asset Inquiry page and reviewed key information about the assets, you can identify transaction and related accounting information within the Transactions tab.

Transactions Tab on the Asset Inquiry Page

You can view recent asset additions and retirements on the Asset Inquiry page.

Additional Tabs on the Asset Inquiry Page

IMPORTANT: The former Asset work areas for Inquire Asset, Inquire Transactions, and Recent Transactions have now been incorporated as tabs within the Asset Inquiry page.

Capital Asset Additions

Leverage additional project information to streamline the preparation of source lines. Use project, task, expenditure organization, and additional invoice line details when you review, prepare, and merge your fixed assets. These attributes are also available for inquiry after the creation of the asset.

Project, expenditure, and related invoice details during capital asset additions preparation

Steps to Enable

No steps are necessary to enable this feature.

Tips and Considerations

Key Resources

Exchange Rate for Reporting Currency During Legacy Conversions

Upload your fixed asset data from legacy systems with accurate reporting currency exchange rate using the File Based loader for Mass Additions. This feature will allow you to accommodate the historical conversion rate for each individual asset between your corporate and tax books.

File-based loader template for mass additions

You can define the reporting currency exchange rate or the cost of the asset in the reporting currency in the FA_MC_MASS_RATES tab in the Mass Additions file based loader.

Exchange rate information

Steps to Enable

No steps are necessary to enable this feature.

Tips and Considerations

Key Resources

Physical Inventory for Fixed Assets

Manage physical inventory process for your Fixed Assets. Expedite your physical inventory data entry and upload using pre-delivered spreadsheets. The system compares the physical locations with the locations you've assigned to assets in your asset books. You can view the results of this comparison and take corrective actions using spreadsheets.

Physical Inventory Comparison results

Steps to Enable

  1. You need to turn on the Allow Physical Inventory option for your asset corporate book.
  2. Allow physical inventory check box

  3. There are no additional setup steps to access the Physical Inventory for users with Asset Accounting Manager or Asset Accountant roles.

For users who do not have one of these roles, refer to the Appendix for details on the duty role and/or privilege associated with this feature.

Tips and Considerations

Asset Tax Books Using Secondary Ledgers

Comply with the widest possible tax reporting needs. Set up your asset tax book with a subledger conversion-enabled secondary ledger with any accounting structure or currency.

The following screen capture illustrates the feature and its benefits.

Combination of chart of accounts and currencies for tax reporting

Steps to Enable

No steps are necessary to enable this feature.

If an asset tax book with different chart of accounts and/or currency is required, you will have to set up your secondary ledger in General Ledger; and finally map your asset tax book to this GL secondary ledger.

Tips and Considerations

Key Resources

Budgetary Control

Budgetary Control is a complete and integrated solution that provides organizations with advanced budget preparation, proactive control and monitoring of budget consumption, and robust inquiry and reporting. It enables public sector, higher education, and commercial organizations to manage budgets and spending with better visibility into commitments, obligations, and expenditures, and comply with legal reporting requirements.

Future Budget Spending Controls

You can prevent budget consumption in future periods by controlling the release of budget amounts by period. A new option called Release Budget for Consumption is available on control budgets that have a source budget type of Control budget.

Depending on how you set the Release Budget for Consumption option, you can:

Release Budget for Consumption

Steps to Enable

To enable future budget spending controls:

  1. Create a summary control budget by specifying the Source Budget Type as Control budget.
  2. Select the source detail control budget in the Source Budget Name field.
  3. Set the Release Budget for Consumption option as When source budget period opens or Immediately, depending on the desired functionality.

Tips and Considerations

Budgetary Control Error Handling

You now gain better understanding and visibility of budgetary control validation error handling, transaction funds status, and the budget impact. A new region lists the transaction lines that do not impact control budgets and the associated causes. You can also easily view and understand project-related setup errors using the detailed messages that are provided when exceptions occur during the validation of project-related transactions.

Enhanced Budgetary Control Results

Steps to Enable

There are no steps needed to enable this feature.

Budgetary Control Infolets

We have introduced two new infolets that you can easily customize so you can track funds availability and funds consumption on your critical control budgets. You will find it quicker to access summarized funds information and further investigate funds availability in more detail.

The Budget Consumed infolet displays the budget consumption for a group of budget accounts you choose. You can expand the infolet to see the budget accounts with the highest consumption percentages for the control budget. On the expanded view, you can also view the funds available details by clicking on the budget account link.

Budget Consumed Infolet Displaying Front and Back

The Funds Available infolet displays the funds available amount and percentage for a specified budget account. You can click on the funds available amount link to view additional funds available details for the budget account.

Funds Available Infolet

Steps to Enable

To enable the Budget Consumed infolet:

  1. In the Create Budget Account Group page, create a budget account group.
  2. Select the Display on my infolet check box. This automatically includes the budget account group in the Budget Consumed infolet on the General Accounting infolet page. You can display a maximum of five budget account groups.

Display on My Infolet Option

To enable the Funds Available infolet:

  1. In the Create Budget Account Group page, create a budget account group. You do not need to check the Display on my infolet check box.
  2. Navigate to the General Accounting Infolets by selecting the pagination dot from the Springboard.
  3. Navigation to General Accounting Infolets

  4. In the General Accounting Infolets, select the Funds Available infolet, click on the orange arrow at the top right corner of the infolet, and select Edit Title and Views. Select the budget account group and budget account on the back view of the infolet. Click Save and Close. You can display a maximum of five Funds Available infolets with selected budget accounts from any budget account group.

Funds Available Infolet Back View

Budget Adjustments

You now have greater flexibility and control to make budget changes using the new Import Amounts as Additions button in the Enter Budgets in Spreadsheet ADFDi worksheet. This feature allows you to import incremental budget amounts to a control budget.

Import Amounts as Additions

Steps to Enable

There are no steps needed to enable this feature.

Budget Import Analysis

You can now gain immediate insight into budget balance impacts across related control budgets with the new Budget Import Analysis report. The Budget Import Analysis report displays the control budgets, budget accounts, budget periods and amounts that are impacted by each imported budget line item. The Budget Release for Consumption tab provides the budget release history and future budget release schedules.

Budget Import Analysis Report

Steps to Enable

There are no steps needed to enable this feature.

Tips and Considerations

This report is automatically generated whenever budget balances are imported into Budgetary Control and can be viewed in the Scheduled Processes window. You can also submit the Budget Import Analysis report yourself from the Scheduled Processes window.

Purchase Receipts

You can now perform budgetary control at the time of receipt for your purchase orders that are set up to accrue on receipt. When receipt distributions are created in Receipt Accounting, budgetary control validation occurs. Funds are reclassified from an obligation to an expenditure.

You can also perform budgetary control validation on:

The funds status results and the impact to funds available on budgets can be viewed by clicking on the funds reservation status link.

Receipt Fund Reservation Status

When you record the actual expense, a journal entry is created. If encumbrance accounting is enabled for the procure to pay flow, the Create Accounting program will create an encumbrance journal that reverses the obligation for the quantity received. Any modification to the receipt, such as a correction or return, will also be reflected in encumbrance accounting.

Steps to Enable

Enable Receiving for Budgetary Control

Tips and Considerations

Procure To Pay - Project Burden Costs Encumbrance Accounting

We have made it easier for you to track project burden costs as encumbrances with the enhanced integration for encumbrance accounting between Budgetary Control and Project Portfolio Management. When you create accounting for a requisition or purchase order, the Create Accounting program will also create an encumbrance journal for the project burden. A journal is created for the burdened and burden actual costs when the project expenditure is imported into Project Portfolio Management and accounted. In addition, an encumbrance journal is created to reverse the obligation burden.

Steps to Enable

To enable encumbrance accounting for project burden costs:

  1. Assign the Accrual with Encumbrance Accounting subledger accounting method to the ledger in the Ledger Options page.
  2. Enable encumbrance accounting for the ledger and assign the Reserve for Encumbrance Account that will be used to balance the encumbrance journal entries in the Manage Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting page.

Tips and Considerations

Enhanced Data Security

The Budget Manager role now automatically has access to Manage Carry Forward Rule for Budgetary Control. The Manage Carry Forward Rule for Budgetary Control privilege is granted to both the Budgetary Control Administration Duty and the Budgetary Control Management Duty. Prior to Release 11, only the General Accounting Manager role automatically had this access.

Steps to Enable

Cash Management

Cash Management is an enterprise solution for managing bank account activity and controlling cash positions. You have direct access to cash flow related transactions and can automatically reconcile them to your bank statement lines using Oracle’s patented methodology. You can quickly analyze cash positions and forecast cash requirements through configurable dashboards, pages and reports, ensuring liquidity and optimal use of your cash resources.

Cash Management Infolets

As a cash manager you can now view a concise snapshot of your cash position, cash forecast, missing bank statements, and bank statement reconciliation status on the new Cash Management infolets page. The infolets provide access to the relevant pages and functions where you can address highlighted issues.

Cash Management Infolets Page

Cash Balance Infolet

The Cash Balance infolet gives you visibility into your overall cash balance across all of your accounts. The currency in which the amount displayed is configurable and is indicated by the symbol. All the balances used on the infolets are the last known balances reported on the bank statements, where the last known balance is of the balance code defined on the setup page.

Cash Balance infolet

Missing Statements Infolet

The Missing Statements infolet shows the number of bank accounts that are missing a bank statement. A bank account is included in the count on this infolet when the difference between the last known bank statement date and the current date is more than the threshold specified on the setup page.

Missing Statements infolet

At Risk Infolet

In this release, you can set a target balance for each bank account to indicate the desired minimum balance to maintain for the account. Bank accounts which fail to meet their target balance are highlighted on the At Risk infolet. The expanded view shows the top five bank accounts in descending order of variance highlighting the accounts which are most at risk. The blue portion of a bar on the graph represents the current balance and the red portion represents the deficit for the bank account. The currency used on the graph is the reporting currency specified on the setup page.

At Risk infolet –Expanded View

You can drill down from any of the above infolets to the Cash Balances page where you may initiate transactions to address any issues you notice.

5 Day Forecast Infolet

We have made it easier for you to quickly anticipate short term cash requirements across your legal entities using the cash forecast for the next 5 days. The dotted red line represents the sum of the target balance specified for each bank account. The currency used on the graph and the target balance for each bank account are specified on the setup pages. Details on the transactions affecting the projections for each legal entity can be obtained on drill down from this infolet. The forecast takes into account the likely cash inflows and outflows from transactions in Payables, Receivables, Payroll, and Cash Management.

5 Day Forecast infolet

Unreconciled Infolet

The Unreconciled infolet aids bank statement reconciliation by highlighting bank statement lines and system transactions which are not reconciled. You can directly access the Bank Statements and Reconciliation work area to perform manual or automatic reconciliation. The infolet looks at the bank statement lines and system transactions for the last 45 days. The amounts are shown in the reporting currency specified on the setup page.

Unreconciled Infolet Highlighting Bank and System Transactions

Steps to Enable

  1. Provide the setup options to control the Reporting Currency, Default Transaction Calendar, and Balance Date Threshold Days on the Specify Cash Positioning and Forecasting Options setup page. A user must be assigned the privilege Specify Cash Positioning and Forecasting Options to perform this setup.
  2. The Controls tab on the Create/Edit Bank Account setup page allows you to set up the Target Balance and Transaction Calendar for the bank account.
  3. Refer to the Appendix for details on the duty role and/or privilege associated with this feature.

Tips and Considerations

Cash Positioning and Forecasting

We have made it easier for you to review your bank accounts balances, cash projections, forecasts, and to create transactions through the new Cash Balances work area.

Cash Balances Work Area

The Cash Balances landing page provides you with an overview of your bank accounts. You can review the variance of the bank account balance compared to the target balance. Any bank accounts not having up to date statements are highlighted. You may filter the bank accounts displayed based on currency, bank, legal entity, last bank statement date, or balance ranges. Any combination of filters used can be saved and will be available on the Bank Account Group choice list for querying at a later date.

This work area leverages a multidimensional database (Transactions cube) which facilitates the analysis of bank account balances, bank statement lines, and transactions affecting your cash positions. Dimensions available out of the box include Bank, Legal Entity, Business Unit, Currency, Currency Type, Source of the Transaction, Reconciliation Status of the transaction, and Flow indicator for the bank statement line. The cube can re-use any existing Accounting calendars on the Time dimension reducing the setup required.

To cater for more complex analytics requirements, you can add new dimensions to the cube at any time. Flexible setup pages and cube maintenance processes allow you to delete the existing cube, add dimensions, extract data, and recreate the cube. The cube maintenance processes also perform automatic updates when new bank statements are loaded or external transactions created.

IMPORTANT: You may add new dimensions but the seeded dimensions cannot be deleted.

The Transactions cube provides you with the ability to perform ad hoc analysis in a spreadsheet using Oracle Hyperion Smart View (Smart View).

Cash Management Transaction Cube as seen in Smart View

Additionally, out-of-the-box Smart View reports allow you to review cash position for multiple bank accounts, and forecast short term cash projections for a bank account. You can seamlessly investigate the source of the balances displayed on the reports by drilling down to a page which shows the corresponding transactions. You have the flexibility to exclude any of the transactions from your cash position on this page.

Out-of-the-box Smart View Template Reports

Smart View Report on Cash Position by Bank Accounts

You can create Manual Transactions to quickly adjust cash projections by adding inflows or outflows for transactions which are not available within the application. These transactions are saved to another multidimensional database (Manual cube) and can be viewed at any time using Smart View.

IMPORTANT: Manual transactions are used only for reporting purposes and have no accounting impact.

You can view the cash position for your bank accounts for the current date on the Cash Position page. The projections on this page take into account any intraday statement data, External Cash Transactions, and Manual Transactions.

Cash Position page

You can assess the 5-day cash forecast for your legal entities based on the bank statement balances and transactions entered in Cash Management, Payables, Payroll, and Receivables. Based on the projected excesses or shortfalls in cash holdings, you can then plan short term liquidity management activities such as cash transfers or payments.

5 Day Forecast page

Steps to Enable

  1. Refer to the Appendix for details on the duty roles and/or privileges associated with this feature.
  2. On the Specify Cash Positioning and Forecasting Options setup page, provide the parameters to construct the Transactions and Manual cubes including:
  3. (Optional) On the Manage Cash Positioning and Forecasting Transaction Grouping setup page, provide the parameters to add new dimensions to the Transaction cube. Download the Smart View report template from the Create Cash Positioning Report setup task.

IMPORTANT: You will not be able to modify the above mentioned setup options if your cube has already been created. Run the Cash Position Data Deletion process to be able to update these pages. Once you update and save changes to the setup parameters, run the Cash Position Data Extraction process to create the cube.

Tips and Considerations

Bank Account Transfers

You can now transfer funds between your bank accounts to maintain target balances, meet financial obligations without overdraft, or better deploy excess funds. Bank Account Transfers generate two External Cash Transactions: one for the provider bank account and one for the receiver bank account. These transactions generate the accounting entries when reconciled with bank statement lines. The transactions leverage the balancing rules provided by Intercompany to generate the accounting distributions for both the sender and receiver bank accounts. You can seamlessly process the transfer using the Payment Methods defined in Payables setup pages. You may configure flexible approval rules to authorize the transfers in BPM Worklist.

Bank Account Transfer Creation Page

Steps to Enable

Tips and Considerations

Ad Hoc Payments

This feature allows you to cater to low-volume payments which are not associated with an invoice or purchase order. You have the flexibility to create and maintain payees who receive the payment without having to setup a supplier. Ad Hoc Payments can seamlessly use Payment Methods and options defined in Payables setup pages. You can also define flexible approval rules to authorize these transactions in BPM Worklist. External cash transaction generated for the Ad Hoc payment will generate the required accounting when reconciled.

Ad Hoc Payment Creation Page

Payee Creation Page

Steps to Enable

Tips and Considerations

Intraday Bank Statement Support

You can now have near real time cash flow information on your cash position pages and reports by taking into account intra-day bank activity. The existing bank statement processing programs have been enhanced to handle intraday statement loads and provide native support for ISO 20022 CAMT052 V2, SWIFT MT942, BAI2, and EDIFACT FINSTA formats. You have the flexibility to upload either incremental or cumulative intraday statements and also create intraday statements manually. The page to manage bank statements can now handle intraday statement search.

Options to Process Intra Day Statements

Steps to Enable

  1. Users who can currently create bank statements will have the necessary duty and privilege to create intraday statements.
  2. When creating new users, refer to the Appendix for details on the duty role and/or privilege associated with this feature.

Tips and Considerations

External Cash Transactions Attachments

You can now attach multiple documents to provide additional context or reference information when you create External Cash Transactions. Attachments may be added or deleted at any time for unreconciled external transactions.

Option to Upload Attachments for External Cash Transactions

Steps to Enable

  1. Users who can currently create external cash transactions will be able to upload attachments to external cash transactions.
  2. When creating new users, assign the duty role Bank Statement and Reconciliation Duty to perform this. Refer to the Appendix for details on the duty role and/or privilege associated with this feature.

Tips and Considerations

Setup Options in Payments

The setup options for payments have been enhanced to allow you to configure them for cash transactions. You can now specify if a particular Payment Method can be used for a certain type of cash transaction. You can also configure the Payment Method Defaulting Rules for cash transactions.

Cash Management Usage Rules for Payment Method

Payment Method Defaulting Rules for Cash Management transactions

Steps to Enable

  1. If the Cash Manager job role is assigned, there is no additional duty role needed in order to perform these setup options for payments.
  2. For users who do not have this role, refer to the Appendix for details on the duty role and/or privilege associated with this feature.

Simplified User Experience

We have made several changes to the transaction pages to make them easier to use and provide a contemporary look and feel.

Panel Drawer for Tasks and Reports

Steps to Enable

There are no steps required to enable these changes.


Expenses Work Area

The redesigned Expenses work area provides you with a clear overview of the status of your expense items, reports, cash advances, trips, and items that require your action. This information is summarized into five infotiles. All items that require your action are highlighted in red for clarity. Each infotile has a corresponding detailed view, which is displayed below the tile.

Expense Items Infotile

When you navigate to the Expenses work area, the default view is the Expense Items infotile. The detailed view of the Expense Items infotile shows all expense items that are not included in any expense reports.

The Expense Items infotile highlights three actionable items.

You can click the links on these actionable items to view the corresponding expense items and take additional actions or drill down for a detailed view. The Expense Items infotile displays 0 if there are no expense items that require any action.

New corporate card charges are denoted with the highlighted text New.

Expense Items Infotile

Expense Reports Infotile

The Expense Reports infotile summarizes the status of your expense reports that are not paid or ready for payment. A quick overview allows you to easily identify the reports that need your attention.

The Expense Reports infotile highlights three actionable items.

Number of expense reports that are awaiting approval by managers or auditors.

Expense Reports Infotile

You can click the links on these actionable items to view the corresponding expense reports. The Expense Reports infotile displays 0 if there are no expense items that require any action.

Approvals Infotile

The Approvals infotile summarizes the number of approval requests for expense reports and cash advances that await your action. The Sort By options allow you to sort the requests by multiple criteria.

Approvals Information Infotile

You can click the links on the counts to view the corresponding approval requests and take additional actions or drill down for a detailed view.

The Approvals infotile is displayed only if you have any approval requests that require your action.

Cash Advances Infotile

The Cash Advances infotile summarizes the status of your cash advances. You can scan through the overview to quickly identify cash advances that require your attention.

The Cash Advances infotile highlights four actionable items.

Total number of cash advances that are already paid to you and are available to be applied against expense reports.

Cash Advances Infotile

You can click the links on the counts to view the corresponding cash advances and take additional actions or drill down for a detailed view. The Cash Advances infotile is displayed only if your company allows cash advance requests through Expenses and if you have previously requested a cash advance. The Cash Advances infotile displays 0 if you don’t have any cash advances that require your attention.

Trips Infotile

The Trips infotile summarizes your trips by statuses. The corresponding detailed view provides you with a quick overview of the trips.

The Trips infotile highlights two actionable items.

Number of canceled trips. The number of canceled trips is highlighted in red.

Trips Infotile

Canceled Trips

You can click the links on the counts to view the corresponding trips and take additional actions or drill down for a detailed view. The Edit Trip page shows you the complete itinerary for each trip. The Trips infotile is displayed only if your company has enabled travel integration in the application and if you have booked trips previously. The Trips infotile displays 0 if you don’t have any trips that are in Booked or Canceled statuses.

Simplified User Experience

We have redesigned the expense entry experience and made it easier for you to enter expense reports and review your pending actions. The simplified work area consolidates actionable information in infotiles for clarity.

  1. New Navigation to Expenses Work Area
  2. The Expenses work area is now accessed from the About Me icon on the springboard.

    New navigation to Expenses Work Area

  3. Expenses Product Tour
  4. We have made it simpler for a new user to get acquainted with the Expenses application and enter expense reports. New users who have no expense reports or expense items in the application are taken directly to a page with short cuts to important actions, such as creating an expense report, creating expense items, and managing bank accounts. A product tour and other helpful material to get you started are available on this page. As soon as you create expense items or expense reports, you are taken to the Expenses work area which provides a quick overview of your expenses.

    Expenses Product Tour

  5. Enhanced Expense Item and Expense Report Entry Pages
  6. The enhanced expense items and report entry pages now make it easier for you to create expenses.

    Create Expense Report

    We have made multiple improvements to the expense reports page for quick and easy expense report creation. The key improvements are as follows:

  7. Actions and Search
  8. You now access additional tasks associated with Expenses and search using the panel drawer. The Actions menu provides access to important tasks, such as Create Expense Item, Create Expense Report, and Request Cash Advance. You can also access the product tour from the Actions menu.

    The panel drawer allows you to access additional tasks, such as Create Expense Items in Spreadsheet, Manage Bank Accounts, and Manage Delegates.

    The Search icon on the panel drawer lets you search for expense reports, expense items, corporate card transactions, and cash advances.

    Actions Menu and Panel Drawer

  9. Improved Manage Bank Accounts Page
  10. The improved Manage Bank Accounts page gives you a quick overview of existing bank accounts that are used for expense reimbursement. You can change your primary bank account directly from this page.

    Bank Accounts for Expense Reimbursement

  11. Redesigned Manage Delegates Page

The improved Manage Delegates page gives you an overview of your delegates. The Manage Delegates page allows you to view users who can enter expense reports for you and users who have authorized you to enter reports on their behalf.

Manage Delegates

Steps to Enable

There are no steps to enable this feature. All users on previous releases are upgraded to the new look and feel automatically.

Spend Analysis Reporting

Expenses now provides two subject areas for expense managers and line managers to configure value-added reporting to analyze employee expenses. The subject areas can be accessed from the Reports and Analytics icon on the springboard.

You can use the subject areas to:

Employee Expense Overview Real Time

Steps to Enable

  1. Expense Managers and Line Managers needing to create ad-hoc reports for Expenses subject areas should have the BI Author role assigned to their users.
  2. Refer to the Appendix for details on the duty roles and/or privileges associated with this feature.

Tips and Considerations

The subject areas are secured by business unit for the Expense Manager role and by supervisory hierarchy for the Line Manager role.

Submission of Expense Reports with Corporate Card Transactions

You can now download corporate card transactions to your mobile Expenses application for Android (in addition to your iPhone Expenses application), review and edit expense details, tag them as personal, and submit them in an expense report from your Android device. To eliminate duplicate expense submission from mobile devices, the Android Expenses application automatically finds potential matches between the mobile device expenses and the downloaded corporate card transactions. Additionally, you can submit mileage expenses from your Android device.

Steps to Enable

This feature is automatically enabled on your Android device when you download the latest Oracle Fusion Expenses Android application from Google Play.

Key Resources

Policy Compliance for Airfare and Car Rental Expenses

Expenses has added additional spending controls to enforce company policies. You can now create expense policies for airfare and car rental. Policy violations are automatically highlighted in approval notifications for easy review by managers. You can also configure expense reports to be automatically selected for audit when there are policy violations.

To define simple rate limits, you select the rate currency and enter the rates in the Create Rates dialog box.

Simple Rate Policy

If your rates vary by other criteria, you select the applicable rate determinants and then click the Create Rates button on the Create Policy page. The page downloads a spreadsheet for entering rates. You enter the rates and upload the spreadsheet, which provides the convenience of working in Microsoft Excel and using its capabilities.

For airfare policies, there is no spreadsheet upload option.

Your managers and auditors can view policy violations in approval notifications and expense reports and take necessary actions. In addition, a number of past violations are also highlighted for managers.

STeps to Enable

To enable policies, you must perform the following tasks. You can access these tasks from the Define Expense Policies and Rules task list.

  1. Manage Policies by Expense Category: Define airfare and car rental policies and activate them for use. You can also assign a single policy to multiple expense types when applicable.
  2. Manage Expense Report Templates: Define expense types and assign policies. When an expense types is itemized, you can assign a policy at the parent expense type level or at the itemization expense type level. You cannot assign a policy at both levels.

If applicable, you can optionally perform the following setup task:

  1. Manage Expense Fields by Category: Enable additional information that you want to capture in expense entry for airfare and car rental expenses.

    Key Resources

    Recurring Expenses

    Recurring expenses allows you to automatically schedule an expense at periodic intervals. This option is available only for cash expenses. You can schedule an expense to recur weekly, biweekly, and monthly.

    To create a recurring expense, you first create an expense item. From the Expenses work area, select the item and select the action Mark as Recurring Expense.

    Recurring Expense Item

    The expense is now identified in the work area as a recurring expense. When the expense is submitted, the next instance of the expense item is created. New instances of a recurring expense are highlighted with New.

    Recurring Expense on Expenses Work Area

    Steps to Enable

    To allow users to create recurring expenses, you must perform the following steps:

    1. On the Manage Expenses System Options page, set the Enable Recurring Expenses option to Yes. You can enable recurring expenses for the entire company or for specific business units.

      Enabling Recurring Expenses

      Tips and Considerations

      Key Resources

      Mileage Tracker

      Your iPhone Expenses application now makes it easier to track travel distance and automatically create a mileage expense. To start tracking mileage, you start the mileage tracker icon from the springboard grid. The mileage tracker keeps track of your route. It automatically pauses when you stop. When your trip is complete, simply click the stop button and the application automatically calculates the mileage. It also captures the start and end location. You can further add details if needed.

      Mileage Tracker

      Steps to Enable

      This feature is automatically available when you download the latest Expenses application from Apple’s App Store.

      Contingent Worker Expense Reports

      To improve operational efficiency, your company can now allow contingent workers or contractors to submit their business expenses in Expenses and process them for reimbursement to their employers. Contingent workers are employed by third-parties, who are suppliers to your company.

      Steps to Enable

      To allow contingent workers to submit expense reports, you must perform the following steps:

      1. Create the person as a contingent worker.
      2. In HCM, you must hire the person with a worker type of Contingent worker.
      3. Set up the contingent worker’s employer as a supplier in Payables.
      4. Ensure you enter the following information for the supplier:
      5. Associate the contingent worker with a supplier.
      6. In Expenses, associate the contingent worker with the supplier by navigating to the Manage Expense Contingent Workers link in the Auditing work area Tasks pane.
      7. When contingent workers submit expense reports, they are routed for manager approval and auditing if required. On approval completion, run the Process Expense Reimbursements process to create invoices in Payables or to extract these expense reports for payment in a legacy or third-party application.

      Tips and Considerations

      Key Resources

      Corporate Card Transactions Upload with Encrypted Corporate Card Numbers

      Expenses has added support for corporate card transaction files with encrypted corporate card numbers. Your company can now upload MasterCard CDF3 files and American Express GL1025 files with encrypted corporate card numbers.

      The following formats for encrypted card numbers are supported:

      When encrypted corporate card numbers are uploaded, they are stored in the secured corporate card store as follows:

      Last eight digits of the employee number is concatenated with the four unmasked digits.

      Steps to Enable

      There is no setup or process change to receive corporate card transaction files with encrypted card numbers.

      Tips and Considerations

      Key Resources

      Update of Expense Account Segments

      You can now allow your users to modify all of the expense account segment values of their expense items to reflect accurate charge allocations while creating an expense item or report.

      Steps to Enable

      To allow users to modify all accounting segments, you must perform the following steps:

      1. Allow users to see the accounting segments in expense entry. Refer to the Appendix for details on the duty roles and/or privileges associated with this feature.
      2. Set the profile option EXM_ALLOW_FULL_ACCT_OVERRIDE to Yes.

      Setting Profile Option to Enable Full Account Segments

      You can now view and update the accounting segments in expense entry as shown in the following screenshot.

      Full Accounting Segments in Expense Entry

      Key Resources

      General Ledger

      Account Group and Account Monitor Enhancements

      Account groups are easy-to-use reporting components that save queries on account balances that require regular monitoring. The balances within the account monitor can be set to Always Display or only display when the threshold condition is met.

      The results of the account group balances inquiry are displayed in the Account Monitor in the General Accounting Dashboard. In Release 11, the account groups can also be displayed on the Revenues, Expenses or Allocations infolets by selecting the new Display In setting on the Edit Account Group page.

      In Release 11, the following enhancements were made to account groups:

      1. You can now share your account group definition with other users with the Access dropdown.
      2. The account group can be used interchangeably for all ledgers that belong to the same balances cube with the new option to dynamically derive the ledger for the query.
      3. You can give each account group row a short name that is easily recognizable and will be displayed in infolet details.
      4. Additional comparison options are now supported, including Not Equal and Equal.

      Tips and Considerations

      General Accounting Infolets

      A new user interface streamlines the management of your accounting and period close activities by providing the information you need to get a full picture of your financial state. General Ledger infolets provide key financial information, so that you can focus on what needs your attention. These infolets are configurable by defining account groups that meet your specific needs. The compact display of varied facets of information is ideal for mobile devices.

      General Accounting Infolets

      Close Calendar Infolet

      The Close Calendar infolet tracks what day in the close cycle you are at, based on your preferences for Ledger and Accounting Period.

      Close Calendar Infolet

      Steps to Enable

      1. Navigate to the General Accounting Infolets pages by clicking the pagination dot.
      2. In the upper right hand side of the screen, click on your name to reveal the Settings and Actions window and click on the Set Preferences link to display the General Ledger preferences page.
      3. In the Ledger for General Accounting Dashboard, choose the ledger from the drop down list that you wish to display in the Close Calendar infolet.

      The system defaults the period in the Close Calendar infolet based on the current date, but you can choose a different period by selecting the period from the Override Accounting Period for General Accounting Dashboard drop down list.

      Open Subledgers Infolet

      You can now more closely monitor your close process by reviewing which subledgers are still open in this Open Subledgers Infolet. You can click on the ledger link in the infolet to show some additional information.

      Open Subledgers Infolet

      Steps to Enable

      AP and AR Reconciliation Infolets

      You can accelerate reconciliations by quickly reviewing the balances in general ledger and subledgers for payables or receivables accounts using the AP or AR Reconciliation Infolet. You can drill into a waterfall graph that breaks down the balance variance into different reconciling categories. With links to the reconciliation reports, you can easily access the transaction details needed to resolve outstanding items.

      AP Reconciliation and AR Reconciliation Infolets

      Steps to Enable

      1. Choose the Run Extract option from the Actions menu to calculate your ledger’s latest accounts payable or accounts receivable reconciliation balances for the period.
      2. When the process has completed, select the Refresh option to show the results in the infolet.

      Intercompany (I/C) Reconciliation Infolet

      The I/C Reconciliation Infolet displays the total of all intercompany receivables variances and the total of all intercompany payables variances to provide an easy insight into your intercompany reconciliation. You can expand the infolet to see the top four variances, and further drill down to the reconciliation report to view transaction details.

      I/C Reconciliation Infolet Expanded View

      Steps to Enable

      1. Run the reconciliation report by clicking the Run Extract option from the infolet menu. This submits the process with the following parameters defaulted for you based on the ledger, accounting period and ledger currency from your dashboard:
      2. Select the Refresh option to populate the calculation results into the infolet.

      Journals and I/C Transactions Infolet

      You can quickly evaluate the magnitude of outstanding journals and intercompany transactions through the Journals and I/C Transactions Infolets. To filter the transactions shown, you can use the flip view of the infolets to configure the Age and Amount thresholds by clicking the white arrow on the lower right corner of the infolet. The expanded view shows a graphical breakdown of the outstanding items by different categories.

      Journals Infolet

      I/C Transactions Infolet Expanded View

      Steps to Enable

      There are no specific steps required to enable these infolets.

      Revenues Infolet

      Your top and bottom performing revenue accounts are highlighted for you in this Revenues Infolet. The performance is measured by the variance between the current period result and a budgeted amount or a prior period result. You can expand to a list of all revenue accounts you are tracking and drill to Account Monitor to view more details.

      Revenues Infolet

      Steps to Enable

      Expenses Infolet

      You can have a quick glance at your top expense account using the Expenses Infolet. The expense account with the most unfavorable variance, as defined in your account group, is displayed on this infolet. You can expand to a list of all expense accounts you are monitoring and drill to Account Monitor to see more details.

      Expenses Infolet

      Steps to Enable

      Allocations Infolet

      You can easily identify residual amounts from your allocation pools through the Allocations Infolet. It also shows how many accounts out of the group still have outstanding balances. This count is represented in the uncolored part of the donut, whereas the number of accounts that no longer have a residual is represented by the colored part. You can expand to a list of the allocation pool accounts with their individual remaining balances.

      Allocations Infolet

      Steps to Enable

      1. Create an account group with Display In as Allocations and designate it as your default.
      2. When defining your Allocations account group, you should set the Change criteria for the allocation pool accounts to be Not Equal to 0. This instructs the account group to only return allocation pool accounts that still have remaining balances, which are then tracked in the Allocations Infolet.

      Enterprise Structures Report

      You can now validate your enterprise structures configuration using the Enterprise Structures Setup Report. This report helps you to easily perform off-line analysis of the setups by using a printed copy of the report and optionally, to store it as an auditable document for future reference. The report can be run on-demand from the Scheduled Processes page. The output provides a detailed listing of the chart of accounts structures, segments, value sets, ledgers, legal entities, business units, segment values, and account hierarchy information. The output can be obtained in multiple formats such as HTML, PDF, RTF, Excel (*.xlsx), PowerPoint (*.pptx) and CSV.

      Steps to Enable

      There are no steps needed to enable the feature and it is automatically available.

      Journal Approval Enhancements

      Options are now available on the journal approval rules configuration page to prevent the submitter of a journal batch from approving it. On evaluation of the approval rules, if the journal batch submitter is found to be one of the approvers, then you can choose to skip the journal submitter as an approver and assign the approval task to other approvers or automatically route the approval task to the submitter’s manager.

      Options to Skip Journal Batch Submitter in the Approval List

      You can now review the details of the journals and journal lines included in a journal batch online and email journal batch approval notifications. This will facilitate quicker action on approval requests by eliminating the need to access the journals work area to view these details.

      Enhanced Online Journal Approval Notification

      Steps to Enable

      There are no steps required to enable these enhancements.


      Payables captures invoice information seamlessly through integration with the latest imaging technology and reduces the time spent on invoice entry resulting in faster throughput. Payables enhances user productivity with Excel integration for invoice creation using Oracle ADF Desktop Integration. The Payables landing page and work areas provide a central location for users to perform tasks and monitor activities that require attention.

      Invoices Work Area

      You can now use the Invoices page to manage your daily work and process invoices efficiently. Information tiles show scanned invoices, recent invoices, invoices on hold, invoices pending approval, prepayments, and payments. Each information tile allows users to review invoice information in greater detail and complete pending tasks directlyall from a single page.

      Accounts payable managers and accounts payable specialists have access to different information tiles based on their job roles.

      Access the Invoices page by clicking the Invoices icon on the springboard.


      Scanned Infotile for Payables Manager

      As an accounts payable manager, you can control the processing of scanned invoices that are pending in the scanned invoices queue. Incomplete invoices that are pending action from a specialist are categorized into the following aging buckets: 0-7 days, 8-14 days, and 15+ days. You can query an invoice to view the assignee, and if required, you can take the appropriate action by providing the missing information and completing the invoice.

      Scanned Infotile for Accounts Payable Manager

      Steps To enable

      There are no steps needed to enable this feature.

      Tips and Considerations

      Scanned Infotile for Payables Specialist

      As an accounts payable specialist, you can use the Scanned infotile to expedite the processing of scanned invoices. You can view the number of incomplete scanned invoices in your queue and take action to complete the scanned invoice.

      Scanned Information Tile for Accounts Payable Specialist

      Steps To enable

      There are no steps needed to enable this feature.

      Tips and Considerations

      Recent Infotile

      You can use the Recent infotile to effectively manage invoices that you created or updated recently (choose between the last 7 days, 5 days, 3 days, or 24 hours). You can easily review how many invoices are incomplete or complete, and then you can directly take actions like Validate and Post to Ledger to complete the invoice.

      Recent Infotile

      Steps To enable

      There are no steps needed to enable this feature.

      Tips and Considerations

      Holds Infotile

      You can use the Holds infotile to quickly identify the number of invoices that have been placed on hold. Invoices are grouped into the following hold reason categories: Validation, Purchasing, and Other. You can select a category to review the invoices and quickly release the holds.

      Holds Infotile

      Steps To enable

      There are no steps needed to enable this feature.

      Tips and Considerations

      Approval Infotile

      You can use the Approval infotile to review the invoices that are pending your approval, and you can approve or reject them with one click. You can control the entire approval process by reviewing the invoices that are pending approval from others or that are rejected.

      Approval Infotile

      Steps To enable

      There are no steps needed to enable this feature.

      Tips and Considerations

      Prepayments Infotile

      You can use the Prepayments infotile to gain better visibility into supplier prepayments and know how many prepayments are available for application. Prepayments are grouped into the following aging buckets: 0-30 days, 31-60 days, and 61+ days, so you can easily know if an older prepayment has not yet been applied and make sure a supplier is not overpaid.

      Prepayments Infotile

      Payments Infotile

      You can use the Payments infotile to streamline your payment process by managing the invoices due in a week directly on the infotile. You can query and make payments for the installments coming due to avoid late payments and better plan your cash requirements.

      Payments Infotile

      Steps To enable

      There are no steps needed to enable this feature.

      Tips and Considerations

      Enhanced Invoice Approval

      Invoice approval has been enhanced to allow users to approve or reject an invoice from the Edit Invoices page. Prior to this enhancement, you could only approve or reject invoices from the email approval notification or the work list notification page.

      Approve or reject invoice approval actions on the Edit Invoice page

      Steps to Enable

      1. Select the Enable invoice approvals option on the Manage Invoice Options page to initiate approval for invoices.
      2. Configure approval rules for Payables invoices in the Oracle Business Process Management page.
      3. To perform the Approve or Reject actions from the Edit Invoice page, the approval status on the invoice must be Initiated.

      Tips and Considerations

      Key Resources

      Invoice Updates in Interface Tables

      In this release, you can update invoices in the interface table through a web service. This allows you to more easily integrate with third party software applications. After you transfer invoice data from the third party system into the interface table in Payables, you can still update any field on an existing invoice in the interface table through programmatic integration, thereby reducing manual work for users. By using the web service, the invoice update process can be fully automated.

      Steps To enable

      1. Refer to the Appendix for details on the duty role and/or privilege associated with this feature.
      2. The web service is ready for use with no additional setup required.

      Tips and Considerations

      Key Resources

      Business Unit Assignments for Unmatched Scanned Invoices

      You can now provide the business unit information for invoices while emailing the scanned invoice images.

      This is particularly useful when a customer has configured multiple business units and unmatched invoices are created for these business units using invoice imaging. When emailing invoice images, users can simply provide the business unit ID in the email subject to ensure efficient routing.

      Steps To enable

      Tips and Considerations

      Key Resources

      URL Attachments to Existing Invoices Using a Web Service

      You can create URL attachments for existing invoices through a web service, reducing manual work for users. These URL attachments are accessible from the Payables user interface as standard attachments.

      This allows you to integrate with third party content management systems that hold your invoice images, so that the image is accessible throughout the life cycle of the invoice. By using the web service, this attachment process can be fully automated.

      Steps To enable

      1. Refer to the Appendix for details on the duty role and/or privilege associated with this feature.
      2. The web service is ready for use with no additional setup required.

      Tips and Considerations

      Key Resources


      Receivables provides a comprehensive solution for running day-to-day accounts receivable operations. It includes a host of services for customer billing and payment activities, revenue recognition and adjustments, accounts receivable balances, and reconciliation to the general ledger. Receivables introduces SmartReceipts, an industry leading automated cash application solution. Role-based work areas for Billing and Accounts Receivable provide vivid, real-time displays of transaction and customer account information. Convenient infotiles provide pertinent summary data. Click on an infotile to display detailed information, including focused to-do lists of transactions, receipts, and other activities requiring immediate attention. You can actively monitor all of your receivables events and drill down to details using the sophisticated and easy-to-use reporting tools.

      Billing Work Area

      Use the new Billing work area to gain comprehensive control and visibility into your billing department. You can efficiently prioritize your work with at-a-glance reviews of your current receivables transaction data, conveniently summarized into four Infotiles. The summary information on each Infotile appears in the corresponding detail table for review. Take immediate action on pending items, or drill down to individual pages for more complex activities.

      Access the Billing work area by clicking on the Receivables icon from the springboard, and then select Billing.

      Billing Work Area Navigation

      In the Billing work area, use the page level business unit list of values to filter and review data for any specific business unit.

      Billing Work Area Business Unit Filter

      Incomplete Infotile

      Use the Incomplete Infotile to review summary information of all incomplete transactions requiring your attention. This information includes the count of incomplete transactions with a transaction date within the past 10 days, and a separate count of incomplete transactions with a transaction date older than 10 days. The corresponding detail table lets you complete transactions, delete unwanted transactions, or drill down to view transaction details.

      Incomplete Infotile

      Approval Infotile

      Use the Approval Infotile to review information about adjustments pending your approval, facilitating a quick turnaround of approval requests. This information includes the count of adjustments pending approval with an adjustment date within the current accounting period, and a separate count of adjustments pending approval with an adjustment date in previous accounting periods. The corresponding detail table lets you approve adjustments, reject adjustments, request more information, or drill down to view adjustment details.

      Approval Infotile

      Research Infotile

      Use the Research Infotile to review the information about adjustments pending research. This information includes the count of adjustments pending research with an adjustment date within the current accounting period, and a separate count of adjustments pending research with an adjustment date in previous accounting periods. The corresponding detail table lets you resubmit an adjustment after research or drill down to view adjustment details.

      Research Infotile

      Import Exceptions Infotile

      Use the Import Exceptions Infotile to review the counts of AutoInvoice exception rows. The rows are summarized by transaction source, creation date, and currency. This information helps you to resolve exceptions in a timely manner.

      Clicking on the Number of Exceptions hyperlink launches the AutoInvoice Error Correction spreadsheet, an Excel spreadsheet with Oracle ADF Desktop Integration enabled. The spreadsheet lists all of the exceptions from the Import AutoInvoice process, for review and correction. Once completed, the corrected rows can be uploaded and resubmitted for AutoInvoice processing from the Excel spreadsheet.

      You can also use the Import Transactions button to submit the AutoInvoice process.

      Import Exceptions Infotile

      Use the Scheduled Processes work area, available from the Navigator, to query and monitor the status of all background processes. The updated Scheduled Processes work area replaces the Process Monitor section in the Billing work area.

      Scheduled Processes Navigation

      Steps to Enable

      There are no steps needed to enable this feature.

      Tips and Considerations

      Download ADF Desktop Integrator

      Key Resources

      Simplified User Experience for Billing

      This section describes the changes in Release 11 to the Billing user experience. For details, see Receivables User Interface Changes (Doc ID: 2106212.1) on My Oracle Support.

      1. Information previously in the contextual area is now available in the local area.
      2. A number of transactional pages now display information in the local area that was previously displayed in the contextual area. This brings all of your important information into the main sections of the page.

        Customer information is now a contextual action on the Bill-to Name, Ship-to Name, Name, or Account Number fields for the following:

      3. Simplified Page Layouts
      4. Improved Default View on Page Layouts

      The Search Transaction page has been simplified. Business Unit, Legal Entity, Transaction Class, Transaction Type, Balance Forward Billing Number, and Customer Reference are available as additional search attributes, accessible from Add Fields.

      Transaction Billing Work Area > Tasks tab > Credit

      Key Resources

      Accounts Receivable Work Area

      Use the new Accounts Receivable work area to gain comprehensive control and visibility into your accounts receivable. You can efficiently prioritize your work with at-a-glance reviews of your current receivables data, conveniently summarized into four infotiles. The summary information on each infotile appears in the corresponding detail table for review. Take immediate action on pending items, or drill down to individual pages for more complex activities.

      Access the Accounts Receivable work area by clicking the Receivables icon on the springboard, then select Accounts Receivable.

      Accounts Receivable Work Area Navigation

      In the Accounts Receivable work area, use the page level business unit list of values to filter and review data for any specific business unit.

      Accounts Receivable Work Area Business Unit Filter

      Receipt Batches Infotile

      Use the Receipt Batches Infotile to review summary information for all receipt batches requiring your attention: Manual receipt batches, Lockbox batches, and Automatic Receipt batches. The corresponding detail table provides separate information on receipt batches with the status Out of Balance, Ready to Post, Pending Approval, or Pending Confirmation. You can also use the detail table to sort columns, filter specific batches with Query by Example (QBE), use the action buttons on data in the table, or drill down for more details.

      Post a manual or a lockbox receipt batch with the Ready to Post status. Approve an automatic receipt batch with the Pending Approval status. Confirm an automatic receipt batch with the Pending Confirmation status. Alternatively drill down using the Batch Number hyperlink to review the batch and take action.

      Receipt Batches Infotile

      Lockbox Exceptions Infotile

      Use the Lockbox Exceptions Infotile to review summary information for the number of lockbox transmission files with errors and the number of receipts pending creation in each transmission file. The number of receipts pending creation due to lockbox transmission errors helps you determine the level of criticality for clearing out exceptions. Drill down on transmission errors using the Transmission Name hyperlink that launches the Error Correction spreadsheet, an Excel spreadsheet with Oracle ADF Desktop Integration enabled. The spreadsheet contains rows with exceptions for your review and update. Once completed, the corrected rows can be uploaded and resubmitted for Lockbox processing from the Excel spreadsheet.

      Lockbox Exceptions Infotile

      Steps to Enable

      There are no steps needed to enable this feature.

      Tips and Considerations

      Download ADF Desktop Integrator

      Key Resources

      Unapplied Receipts Infotile

      Use the Unapplied Receipts Infotile to review summarized receipt counts of your open receipts displayed in graphical representation and categorized into three date-range buckets: 0-6 days old, 7-10 days old, and >10 days old. Click on a specific date range bar on the graph, and the detail table filters the receipt data accordingly.

      The detail table also shows the count of application recommendations that were automatically generated for the receipt. Drill down using a Receipt Number hyperlink to navigate to the Manage Receipt page to review the details of the recommendations generated and to apply the receipt.

      Use the Reassign Receipts button on the work area to reassign receipts to another Receivables specialist.

      Review On-Account Receipts using the Unapplied Receipts Register (select Reports and Analytics from the Navigator).

      Unapplied Receipts Infotile

      Unapplied Credits Infotile

      Use the Unapplied Credits Infotile to review summarized credit memo counts of your open credit volumes displayed in graphical representation and categorized into three date-range buckets: 0-6 days, 7-10 days, and >10 days. Drill down using a Transaction Number hyperlink to navigate to the Apply Credit Memo page to review and apply the credit memo.

      Unapplied Credits Infotile

      Tips and Considerations

      The following functions are now available via the panel drawer in the Accounts Receivable work area:

      Simplified User Experience for Accounts Receivable

      This section describes the changes in Release 11 to the Accounts Receivable user experience. You can access these pages from the landing page or from the tasks on the Actions panel. For details, see Receivables User Interface Changes (Doc ID: 2106212.1) on My Oracle Support.

      1. Information previously in the contextual area is now available in the local area.
      2. A number of receipt processing pages now display information in the local area that was previously displayed in the contextual area. This brings all of your important information into the main sections of the page.

        The following is a list of the pages with readily available contextual information in the local area:

      3. Standardized Table Icons
      4. Accounts Receivable Work Area > Tasks tab > Manage Receipts

      5. Simplified Page Layouts
      6. Improved Default View on Page Layouts
      7. Accounts Receivable Work Area > Tasks tab > Manage Bills Receivable Portfolio

        The Accounted Amount Balance, Drawee Bank, Drawee Taxpayer Identification Number, and Last Approved Batch have been moved to hidden columns.

      Steps to Enable

      There are no steps needed to enable this feature.

      Key Resources

      Search Open Receivables for Application By Customer Site

      While applying a receipt to a transaction, you can now search for open receivables by customer bill-to site. This helps ensure that you apply the receipt to transactions belonging to the same customer bill-to site.

      Steps to Enable

      To apply a receipt associated to a customer site to a transaction of the same customer site, search for open receivables using the Bill-to Site field in the Search and Select: Application Reference window of the Manage Receipt page.

      Log into Receivables as the Receivables Manager/Specialist:

      1. From Navigator > Receivables Balances Work Area.
      2. Click on Create Receipt under Receipts in the task pane.
      3. Enter the necessary receipt information, including the Customer Site.
      4. Click on Submit and Apply Manually
      5. In the Manage Receipt page, click on the Add Application button.
      6. Click on the Application Reference Search icon.
      7. In the Search and Select: Application Reference window, enter a value in the Bill-to Site field.

      Bill-to Site search Parameter value provided for search.

      Enhanced Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Reporting

      You can now more easily analyze and report on customer information with three new Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence subject areas:

      Use these new subject areas to analyze information such as customer profile settings for payment and billing management, customer address and contact information, customer account relationships, and customer profiles for managing the calculation of taxes on Receivables transactions.

      Use the standard features of Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence reporting technology to select the customer attributes you want from these new subject areas and to filter and group data according to your needs. The subject area attributes use the same labels and expose the same data as the fields you find in the Receivables Create Customer page and Manage Customers page, making it easy to select just the right information for your reports.

      Customer Subject areas

      Receivables - Customer Real Time subject area is an example of how the reporting attributes are logically grouped by the folder hierarchy that aligns with Receivables Customer pages.

      Customer Listing Report

      Use the Customer Listing Report to review general customer information, as well as details of each customer account, address, contact, and bank account. The report includes columns for legacy system reference data, so that you can compare and verify uploaded customer data with data from other systems.

      The Customer Listing Report is based on the Receivables - Customer Real Time subject area.

      Customer Listing Report

      The first tab displays high-level summary information for each customer for quick confirmation of uploaded data. The subsequent four tabs provide more detailed information for each customer account and site.

      Steps to Enable

      1. Any user with the Accounts Receivable Manager or Accounts Receivable Specialist job role automatically has access to the Customer Listing Report and the new subject areas. For users who do not have one of these roles, refer to the Appendix for details on the duty role and/or privilege associated with this feature.
      2. NOTE: The BI Consumer Role gives all users access to the BI Catalog, but it is the Receivables Customer Analysis Duty role that lets users run Receivables reports and use the Receivables subject areas.

      3. The Customer Listing Report is available from the Business Intelligence Catalog under Shared Folders – Financials – Receivables – Billing folder.

      Tips and Considerations

      Key Resources

      Subledger Accounting

      Subledger Accounting provides configurable rules that automatically transform subledger transactions into subledger journal entries. The flexible rules define accounting policies and generate accounting for legal and corporate reporting needs and reconcile accounting to transaction data using predefined functionalities.

      Custom Formulas

      You can now define custom formulas and use their results as sources in subledger accounting rule definitions.

      This facilitates complex derivation logic for subledger journal entry amounts, accounts, and descriptions when values are not readily available in the source transaction systems.

      Within the formula expressions you can use various operators like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, greater than, smaller than, etc. to derive values from standard source(s) and constants. Calculations can be nested using parenthesis.

      Access the Manage Formulas page from the Setup and Maintenance work area.

      Manage Formulas page

      You can insert various date functions in the formula expression:

      You can also use conditional functions:

      You can build complex expressions using substring and concatenation of input source values, constants, and derived values to return an accounting segment value.

      You can also use numeric functions and seeded accounting calendar functions.

      You can assign a custom formula as a source in Accounting Attributes Assignments.

      You can then use the custom formulas in the definition of account rules, journal line rules, description rules, mapping sets, and supporting references.   

      Steps to Enable

      1. Users with the Enterprise Structures Administration, Financial Application Administrator or General Accounting Functional Administration job roles already have the correct privileges to define custom formulas. For users who do not have one of these roles, refer to the Appendix for details on the duty role and/or privileges associated with this feature.
      2. You may add the Manage Custom Formulas task to your implementation project in the Functional Setup Manager.

      Tips and Considerations

      Key Resources

      Expanded Subledger Journal Entry Descriptions

      Subledger applications Cash Management, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Tax have enhanced their seeded subledger journal entry header and line descriptions to include more meaningful information about the nature and reason for the source transaction.

      In the above Cash Management example, external transactions’ origin, transaction type, and reference values are included in the journal entry description.

      Steps to Enable


      Tips and Considerations

      Key Resources

      Improved Online Accounting Messages

      When online accounting fails for a subledger transaction (e.g. when run from the Manage Invoices page in Payables) you are now provided with detailed warning and error messages directly in the Accounting Lines screen accessed by clicking on View Accounting, rather than having to run the Create Accounting from the Scheduled Processes page to review details of the errors.

      Accounting Lines page

      The same detail-rich accounting messages are also displayed also in the Review Journal Entries page for all invalid subledger journal entries, including those created by running the Create Accounting scheduled process, not just through online accounting.

      Steps to Enable


      Tips and Considerations

      Key Resources


      Tax provides a centralized, global solution for managing your transaction-based tax requirements across Oracle Applications Cloud. Tax automates transaction tax calculation, tax determination, and tax reporting functions across business documents, such as sales invoices, purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and supplier invoices. You can quickly configure your transaction taxes according to local and international tax requirements using the Rapid Implementation spreadsheets.

      Estimated Tax On Sales Order

      You can now get an estimation of the applicable taxes on a sales transaction at the sales order level itself, based on the rules configured within the tax setup. This information helps you improve the financial accuracy and transparency on sales orders. From a usability standpoint, all the tax determinants are captured at the sales order line level, including the information related to tax exemptions, based upon taxes are calculated. The estimated tax amount is then summarized as part of the total sale order value.

      Create Sales Order: Transaction Tax Determinants

      Create Sales Order: Summarized tax amount as part of Sales Order total amount

      Enhanced Rapid Implementation Spreadsheets

      Use the enhanced rapid implementation spreadsheets to quickly set up tax details required to manage taxes on your transactions. The Tax Configuration workbook and the Tax Implementation workbook are enhanced to streamline the organization of the data as well as to include additional information required for configuring tax.

      1. Tax Configuration workbook: For better data grouping, data related to tax rules is now moved from the tax configuration workbook to the tax implementation workbook.
      2. Manage Tax Regimes: Download Tax Configuration Workbook

        Tax Configuration Workbook: removed Tax Rules worksheet

      3. Tax Implementation workbook: The following worksheets are new in the implementation workbook:
      4. Tax Implementation workbook: The Tax Account Assignments worksheet is now removed to avoid possible inconsistencies in the Ledger Account assignments. You can continue to setup the Ledger Accounts against a Tax, Tax Rate, and Tax Jurisdiction directly from the corresponding pages.

      Manage Tax Regimes: Download Tax Implementation Workbook

      Tax Implementation Workbook: New worksheets

      Modified Representation of Party Tax Profiles

      Configuring tax related information for a party is now simplified.

      1. The following new tasks are added to the Tax Configuration Task List:
      2. Use the separate setup tasks to provide run-time information such as Tax Registrations, Withholding Tax Registrations, Taxpayer Identifiers, and Tax Exemptions. This allows you to enable access to the run-time information to any user without exposing other key tax information related to the party.
      3. On the Defaults and Controls section, a new attribute: Tax classification code is added. You can set a value for this attribute; the value is used as a default for transactions based on the hierarchy specified within the setup for Application Tax Options. When the hierarchy within the Application Tax Options is set for supplier or supplier site (for payables and/or purchasing), customer or customer site (for receivables and/or project billing), this value is used as a default on the transaction, provided there are no migrated values available for party account site.

      Third-Party Tax Profiles: new Tax Classification Code field

      Business Unit Tax Profiles: Application Tax Options for Receivables

      Enhanced Tax Registrations

      You can use the new Manage Tax Registrations task for capturing tax registrations, taxpayer identifiers, and withholding tax registration information assigned by the tax authorities to customers or suppliers. Use the Manage Tax Registrations page to capture additional information related to validation digit for the taxpayer identifier. Party details like party name and party number are also displayed to establish the context of the party for whom the tax registrations are being created or edited.

      Define Tax Configuration task list: new Manage Tax Registrations task

      Manage Tax Registrations: Third-Party Tax Profiles

      Manage Tax Registrations: Third-Party Tax Registrations

      Manage Tax Registrations: Third-Party Taxpayer ID

      Manage Tax Registrations: Third-Party Withholding Tax Registration

      Simplified Tax Line Override Setup

      Tax setup relating to Tax Rate overrides is now simplified with minimum setup options. The following options are removed at the Tax Rate level to simplify the process:

      In previous releases, when the Allow Ad Hoc Tax Rate option was selected, the lookup value in the field Adjustment for Ad Hoc Tax Amounts was used by the application to control the change in tax value, either as a change to the taxable basis or to the tax rate value used.

      You can now override the tax rate percentage on a transaction without any specific restrictions. Any change to the calculated tax amount will always adjust the taxable basis of the transaction line.

      Tips and Considerations

      This setup simplification only applies to overriding tax rate percentage and tax amount. The setup for overriding calculated tax lines should still be enabled to allow overrides to tax details on a transaction.

      Enhanced Control of Tax Calculation Errors

      The new check box Show tax calculation errors on transactions is available on the Configuration Owner Tax Options page. With this option you can display or hide calculation related errors on your transactions.

      Configuration Owner Tax Options: Show tax calculation errors on transactions

      Payables Tax Reconciliation with General Ledger Report

      Use the new Payables Tax Reconciliation with General Ledger Report to reconcile the Payables tax transactions with the tax account balances in General Ledger. You can also simplify the reconciliation process by running the report for a specific Journal Entry Source, Ledger, Legal entity or General Ledger account.

      Payables Tax Reconciliation with General Ledger Report parameters

      Payables Tax Reconciliation with General Ledger Report output

      Steps To Enable

      Tips and Considerations

      Regional and Country-Specific Features

      Oracle Financials Cloud provides various features that integrate with your procure-to-pay and order-to-cash business flows to support regional and country-specific statutory and business requirements.

      Financials for Asia/Pacific

      Financials for Asia/Pacific supports country-specific features and functions for the Asia/Pacific region. Oracle Financials Cloud Release 11 includes country-specific features for China.

      Golden Tax Adaptor

      The Golden Tax Adaptor provides integration between Receivables and the Golden Tax software system developed by the Aisino Corporation, the leading provider of Golden Tax software to Mainland China. The Golden Tax Adaptor manages the conversion of Receivables transactions to VAT invoices for China.

      Maintain Item Model and Tax Denomination at Item Level with SCM GDFs

      Comply with the classification of items on VAT invoices for China by to maintaining item model and tax denomination information at the Master Item level using global descriptive flexfields.

      The use of global descriptive flexfields provides a more simplified experience for users.

      Additional Attributes entry on Item Level

      Steps to Enable

      There are no additional steps needed to enable this feature.

      Tips and Considerations

      Financials for Europe, Middle East, and Africa

      Oracle Financials Cloud Release 11 includes enhancements to tax reporting and other country-specific features for Europe.

      The following new reports have been enabled:

      The following existing features and reports have been enhanced:

      Audit File for France

      Comply with tax auditing legal requirement in France by producing documentation in a prescribed electronic format: Fichier d’Ecritures Comptables (FEC). The file contains general ledger and subledger accounting entries numbered in a chronological order. Reported accounting entries can be restricted to a specific Journal Entry Source or an individual Account.

      Audit File for France Parameters

      Steps to Enable

      Tips and Considerations

      Audit File for France Output in Excel File

      DAS2 Reporting Enhancements for France

      DAS2 reporting is an annual fiscal declaration that must be completed by every legal entity in France having paid a sum to independent consultants and individual subcontractors that exceeds a certain limit.

      Comply with latest legislative changes to DAS2 declaration including the latest French IRS technical specification, new header and footer level fields, supplier categories, service types, new minimum turnover threshold for declarations.

      The following reports have been enhanced in Release 11 to comply with the French legislatives:

      DAS2 Verification Extract for France Report including new parameters

      DAS2 Extract File Report for France parameters

      Steps to Enable

      Tips and Considerations

      Trading Partner Declaration for Italy

      Comply with the Italian tax legislation requirements by submitting the electronic file and audit reports for the following declaration types:

      The reports include issued and received invoices in accordance with specifications defined by Italian Revenue Agency.

      Trading Partner Declaration for Italy generates an electronic file for a given reporting entity, declaration type, transmission type, reporting period in a preliminary or final reporting mode.

      Trading Partner Declaration for Italy - report parameters

      Control Trading Partner Declaration for Italy and record the Transmission Number and Document Protocol Numbers received from the Italian Revenue Agency. Select these numbers when you submit the Trading Partner Declaration for Italy with one of the following transmission types:

      This overwrites or cancels the declarations submitted earlier.

      Steps to Enable

      1. Refer to the Appendix for details on the duty role and/or privileges associated with this feature.
      2. To report on a transaction in a particular declaration type, you must associate the tax reporting type ORA_IT DECLARATION TYPES and the corresponding tax reporting code to one of the following tax entities: Party Tax Profile, Process Result, Tax Rate, or Tax Status.
      3. To group invoices by taxable, nontaxable, exempt, and not subject to VAT for reporting in the Restricted Countries Transactions List Declaration, associate the tax reporting type ORA_IT DECLARATION GROUPS and the corresponding tax reporting codes to one of the following tax entities: Tax Rate Rule, Tax Rate, Tax Status Rules, Tax Status, or Tax Registration Rules.

      Tips and Considerations

      Simplified User Experience

      Page name and navigation changes in Release 11 were as follows:

      User Interface Changes

      Page name and navigation changes in Release 11

      Report Name Changes

      Report name changes in Release 11


      For upgraded customers who did not migrate to the Simplified Reference Role Model as described in the Upgrade Guide for Oracle Cloud Applications Security Release 10 document, you will need to manually assign the associated duty role or privilege for those new features you want to uptake in Release 11.

      The following table details the associated duty role and/or privilege for each new feature in Release 11:


      Feature Name

      Duty Role

      Privilege Title

      Privilege Name

      Financial Reporting Center

      Financial Reporting Center

      Access Financial Reporting Center


      Financials Common Modules

      Enhanced Data Security

      Manage Data Access For Users



      Assets Landing Page

      Asset Accounting Manager

      Physical Inventory

      Fixed Asset Transaction Management

      • Prepare Fixed Asset Physical Inventory in Spreadsheet
      • Compare Fixed Asset Physical Inventory

      Budgetary Control

      Enhanced Data Security

      Manage Carry Forward Rule for Budgetary Control


      Cash Management

      Cash Management Dashboard

      • Cash Positioning and Forecasting Management Duty

        Manage Cash Management Infolets   


        Cash Positioning and Forecasting

        Cash Positioning and Forecasting Management Duty

        Manage Cash Positioning and Forecasting Transactions


        Cash Positioning and Forecasting Multidimensional Cube Updates

        Cash Positioning and Forecasting Management Duty

        • Submit Cash Positioning and Forecasting Data Deletion
        • Submit Cash Positioning and Forecasting Data Extraction
        • Submit Cash Positioning and Forecasting Data Transfer

        Cash Positioning and Forecasting Reports, including Smart View reports

        Cash Positioning and Forecasting Management Duty

        Manage Cash Positioning and Forecasting Reports


        Specify Cash Positioning and Forecasting Options Setup Page

        Cash Management Administration Duty

        Specify Cash Positioning and Forecasting Options


        Manage Cash Positioning and Forecasting Transaction Grouping Setup page

        Cash Management Administration Duty

        Manage Cash Positioning and Forecasting Transaction Grouping


        Bank Account Transfers

        Cash Positioning and Forecasting Management Duty

        • Maintain Bank Account Transfer
        • View Bank Account Transfer

        Ad Hoc Payments

        Cash Positioning and Forecasting Management Duty

        • Maintain Ad Hoc Payments
        • View Ad Hoc Payments

        Intraday Bank Statements

        Bank Statement and Reconciliation Duty

        Payments Setup Options for Cash Transactions

        Payments Disbursement Administration Duty


        Spend Analysis Reporting - summary

        Expenses Summary Transaction Analysis Duty

        Spend Analysis Reporting - detail

        Expense Transactions Transaction Analysis Duty

        Update of Expense Account Segments

        Override Expense Account Allocation


        Invoice Updates in Interface Tables

        Create Payables Invoice by Web Service

        URL Attachments to Existing Invoices

        Create Payables Invoice by Web Service


        Customer Listing Report and OTBI Subject Areas

        Receivables Customer Analysis Duty

        Subledger Accounting

        Custom Formulas

        Accounting Hub Administration Duty

        • Manage Subledger Formula
        • Review Subledger Formula


        Payables Tax Reconciliation with General Ledger Report

        Tax Reporting Duty

        Run Payables Tax Reconciliation with General Ledger Report


        Financials for Europe, Middle East, and Africa

        Audit Report for France

        EMEA Financial Reporting Duty

        Prepare Financial Reports for France


        DAS2 Reporting for France

        EMEA Financial Reporting Duty

        Trading Partner Declaration for Italy

        EMEA Financial Reporting Duty

        Create Turnover Reporting for Italy


        Key Resources


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