Revision History

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17 JAN 2017

Initial Document Creation


This guide outlines the new or improved functionality, including support for the Order to Cash business flow, in Oracle Supply Chain Management Cloud Release 12. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

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Release Feature Summary

Some of the new Release 12 features are automatically available to users after the upgrade and some require action from the user, the company administrator, or Oracle.

The following table provides a quick view of the actions required to enable each of the Release 12 features.

Action Required to Enable Feature


Automatically Available

End User Action Required

Administrator Action Required

Oracle Service Request Required

Order Management

Send E-Mail Notifications Based on Order Status Events

Create Business Rules Using Visual Editor

Manage Order Changes More Efficiently

Customize Pages for Optimized User Experience

Enhance Collaboration Using Oracle Social Network

Integrate Faster with External Capture and Fulfillment Systems

View Printed Order Summary

Delete Orders from Interface Tables


Customize Pages for Optimized User Experience

Calculate Transfer Prices


Expand Configurator Rules Functionality Through Extension Rules

Utilize Selectable Images in Product Configuration

Leverage Transactional Item Attributes in Configurator Rules

Customize Pages for Optimized User Experience

Global Order Promising

Use Web Services to Check Availability and Schedule Orders

Promise Orders When the Global Order Promising Server is Down

Promise Orders Based on Planned Supply from Planning Central

Promise Orders for External Systems

Inventory Management

Expense Internal Material Transfers

Enhance Collaboration Using Oracle Social Network

Additional Web Services

Support Oracle Integration Cloud Service

Support B2B Electronic Messaging

Comply with Italian Packing Slip Requirements

Deploy Shipping Facilities More Quickly

Cost Management

Cost Expense-Based Internal Material Transfers

Simplify Your Standard Cost Updates

Define Retroactive Standard Cost Effectivities

Preview Standard Cost Impact on Inventory Valuation

Use Mapping Sets to Simplify Setups in Subledger Accounting

Easily Analyze On-Hand Inventory Valuation

Supply Chain Financial Orchestration

Calculate Transfer Price Using Pricing Strategy

Define Enhanced Financial Orchestration Qualifiers

Dual View of Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Flow

Support Expense Destination Transfer Orders

Collaboration Messaging Framework

Define B2B Trading Partners and B2B Messaging Configuration

Advanced Fulfillment

Use Internal Material Transfer Flows

Transfer to Expense Destinations

Create and Update Internal Material Transfers Using an Open Interface

Support Additional Transfer Costs

Supply Chain Orchestration

Purge Orders

Create Business Rules Using Visual Editor

Applications Security

Improved Data Security Model

User Account Management

Administrator Password Management

User Password Management (Self-Service)

User Account Locking

Enhanced Role Visualization

Tabular Role Hierarchy View

Search in Role Hierarchy Visualization

User Name Generation Rules

Password Policies

Notification Templates

Upgrade-Safe Management of Factory Shipped Roles

Bridge for Microsoft Active Directory

User Password Changes Audit Report

Integrate Custom Identity Management Solution

Password Reset

Security Console

New Function Security Privileges for Applications Security

Order to Cash

Modern order-to-cash business flows must operate in a multi-faceted, dynamic environment. These business flows must support:

To facilitate these business flows, Oracle provides a multichannel order management capability with a central order hub at its core. This hub includes capabilities for order capture and fulfillment orchestration, pricing, product configuration, inventory management, and order promising.

Oracle’s innovative supply orchestration architecture provides the flexibility required for differing order policies and promising and fulfillment methods, while managing any exception conditions that may arise.

Order Management

Oracle Order Management Cloud is the center of your multichannel order-to-cash system. It provides the central order hub and associated services, such as order capture, pricing, and configuration. You can receive orders from external sources, modify them in Order Management, and then process them for fulfillment. Alternatively, you can enter and process orders directly in Order Management. Order Management provides prebuilt integrations with other Oracle Cloud services, and supports centrally managed orchestration policies, global supply availability, status monitoring, and exception order management.

This release increases the flexibility of order to cash process by extending integration architectures and enhanced user experience.

Send E-Mail Notifications Based on Order Status Events

Timely customer communication of order status and situations that may affect delivery is critical to improving customer satisfaction. Administrators can set up e-mail notifications to the customer contact for the order and the ship-to contact for the shipping notice when key events occur during order fulfillment. Administrator users can format e-mails using Microsoft Word and embed order attributes into the e-mail notification. You can now send a ship notice e-mail as soon as an order has shipped.

You can use the following page to select order status for e-mail notifications:

Use the following page to select the Hold event for e-mail notifications:

Use the following page to select the line status for e-mail notifications:

The following screenshot is a sample e-mail notification for order status:

Steps to Enable

  1. Select the events for which you want to send e-mail notifications using the Manage Business Event Trigger Points page or the Edit Status Rule Set page.
  2. If required, use MS Word to customize the sample e-mail notifications predefined in the Oracle BI Publisher Supply Chain catalog.

Key Resources

Create Business Rules Using Visual Editor

Order Management answers the business need for improved flexibility, and the ability to configure business rules is a key driver of this flexibility. This feature provides the ability to:

Order Management allows business users to create rules without technical assistance using the intuitive rules builder user interface. It also improves the quality of process flow definitions, reduces errors, and saves both implementation time and cost.

The following page illustrates how easy it is to view the rules and their active or inactive status:

The following page illustrates how to create rules:

The following page illustrates how to choose the values for attribute comparison:

The following page shows how to view warnings, if any, while editing rules:

Steps to Enable

  1. Create business rules using visual editor. There are no ready-to-use predefined rules.

    Key Resources

    Manage Order Changes More Efficiently

    Order change management enhancements include the ability to allow external systems to send only changed order lines and assign individual fulfillment orchestration processes to split lines. This provides more streamlined integration with external order capture systems and allows split lines to take advantage of existing Order Management features (for example, view fulfillment progress of each split line, find alternate supply sources for exception order lines).

    The following diagram illustrates the benefits of enhanced change and cancel capabilities for order revisions:

    The following diagram illustrates the attribute updates on split fulfillment lines:

    The following screenshot displays the updates on a split fulfillment line in an order revision:

    Steps to Enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Key Resources

    Customize Pages for Optimized User Experience

    The specific needs and preferences for the look and feel of the Order Management system can vary by organization and changes can improve end-user efficiency and accuracy. With this enhancement, administrators can customize Order Management page layouts including hiding infrequently used attributes, changing the default widths of columns and panels, reordering the columns in a table, and rearranging the tab layout on a page. This results in improved end-user experience and productivity.

    To customize pages, administrator must first create a sandbox and activate it. Next, from the Order Management work area landing page, click Customize Pages in the User Settings and Actions menu (menu beside user name). You can use Design Mode to add new content to the Order Management landing page. You can also use Select Mode to modify content on all other work area pages.

    Steps to Enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Tips and Considerations

    The Order Management work area landing page allows adding content as shown in the following screenshot:

    The following types of content may be added:

    Key Resources

    Enhance Collaboration Using Oracle Social Network

    Real-time communication between fulfillment personnel helps to rapidly identify and resolve problems and explore alternate solutions, thereby increasing customer satisfaction. The Oracle Social Network is an embedded, central method of capturing interactions between users. It associates these 'conversation threads' with specific transactions (such as an order) or specific parties (such as a customer).

    With this feature, users can:

    With Oracle Social Network enabled for Order Management, all users involved in the order to cash process, such as order managers, warehouse managers, billing managers, and end customers, have a forum to discuss sales orders and make business decisions efficiently and keep the conversation linked to the associated content for easy reference.

    You can access Oracle Social Network conversations directly from the Order Management work area:

    You can search and edit conversations about Sales Orders through the Oracle Social Network portal:

    Steps to Enable

    1. Enable Oracle Social Network for the Sales Order object from the Setup and Maintenance page using the Manage Oracle Social Network Objects task.
    2. Choose Sales Order Attributes to enable for Oracle Social Network.

    Tips and Considerations

    Key Resources

    Integrate Faster with External Capture and Fulfillment Systems

    One of the key benefits of working in the cloud is rapid implementation. To leverage this benefit, the following capabilities have been added:

    These capabilities reduce integration costs and implementation times to external systems.


    Reduce integration costs and implementation times for external order capture and fulfillment systems by leveraging Oracle Integration Cloud Service (ICS) to visually map and integrate Order Management business events and web services with external systems.

    You can integrate Order Management with your channel systems for:

    Submitting sales orders from a channel system to Order Management so that the orders can be processed by Order Management. This is done in ICS by browsing the Oracle ERP Cloud catalog and selecting Sales Order Service and the CreateOrders operation while creating integration.

    Fetching the order details or determining whether changes are allowed. This is done in ICS by browsing the Oracle ERP Cloud catalog and selecting Order Information Service and the operation that you need to invoke while creating integration. Browsing the services and their operations in the integrations area of ICS is shown below:

    Once you configure the endpoint of your external system to call an operation from either the Sales Order Service or the Order Information Service, you can visually map the data elements on both sides for both request as well as response using a drag and drop mapper in ICS. The following screenshot illustrates mapping data elements of the source and target schemas in ICS:

    Once you activate the integration, you will get a URL to invoke the integration (that is, the operation mapped under Order Information Service) from your external system.

    You can also subscribe to the Order Status Updated event to get status change notifications from Order Management. To do so, browse the Oracle ERP Cloud catalog in ICS, and choose the With Business Events option for Configure a Request. Browsing business events in the Integrations area of ICS is illustrated as follows:

    Steps to Enable

    Subscription to the Order Status Updated business event requires you to enable the status related event triggering points using the Manage Business Event Trigger Points task as shown in the following screenshot:

    The fulfillment line level status values, for which you would like to receive a business event notification, are enabled via the Manage Orchestration Process Definitions task as follows:

    1. Search and select the appropriate orchestration process and select the Edit action.
    2. In the Process Details region, select the Status Conditions tab and the Fulfillment Line Status Values sub-tab.
    3. Click the Edit Status Rule Set button to open the setup page.
    4. Select the check box under the Notify External Systems column for the appropriate fulfillment line status values for which to generate event notifications.


    The following diagram illustrates how Order Management leverages Collaboration Messaging Framework (CMK) to receive order documents from trading partners:

    Use the following page to load the order to the interface tables:

    Use the following page to manage undelivered collaboration messages:

    Use the following page to manage failed collaboration messages:

    Use the following page to manage collaboration messaging history:

    Steps to Enable

    1. Enable the Order to Cash flow for business-to-business messaging.
    2. Manage service providers, if applicable.
    3. Manage trading partners.
    4. Manage customer collaboration configuration.

    View Printed Order Summary

    Order information needs to be shared with a variety of internal and external consumers, each with their own formatting preference. Order Management users can selectively view a PDF order summary for review, or send it to customers using e-mail. Predefined document formats are included, or users can create their own using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher. Ease of sharing this information improves overall process efficiency.

    The action menu on the Create Order page is as shown in the following screenshot. Use the Create Document action to create a PDF order summary.

    You can view document in the PDF reader as follows and save or print it:

    You can e-mail the document to customer:

    Steps to Enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Delete Orders from Interface Tables

    Orders imported into Order Management from external systems are first loaded into interface tables, and then into the Order Management tables. Even after successful order creation, the orders can be retained in the interface tables in case of order import errors and intentional retention. You can enable this feature using a scheduled process that provides the flexibility to delete orders from the interface tables using various selection criteria.

    You can use the following page to schedule a process to delete orders from interface tables:

    Steps to Enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Key Resources


    Oracle Pricing Cloud provides an advanced, flexible price management capability so that you can price products and services for each targeted customer segment while supporting your corporate pricing practices. The price administration functionality allows you to design pricing rules that meet your specific revenue and business objectives. The pricing architecture allows you to configure and customize the software so that you can implement your new pricing rules and processes.

    Oracle Pricing Cloud is included with the Oracle Order Management Cloud subscription.

    Customize Pages for Optimized User Experience

    To adapt Pricing to the specific needs of an organization, administrators can customize price administration page layouts. This includes hiding infrequently used attributes, marking attributes as required, changing the default widths of columns and panels, reordering the columns in a table, and rearranging the tab layout on a page.

    Steps to Enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Calculate Transfer Prices

    Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Cloud is a powerful tool that enables you to set up and automate the rules and processes that govern the financial orchestration flows for intercompany transactions. With the integration to Supply Chain Financial Orchestration, you can now use Pricing on internal orders to:

    A new service mapping (Material Transfer) and a pricing algorithm (Price Material Transfers) have been introduced in Pricing to enable the integration with Supply Chain Financial Orchestration and the calculation of transfer prices.

    This new feature enables you to model all of your internal order pricing scenarios in a central price management application.

    For more details, see the section on Supply Chain Financial Orchestration in this document.


    1. Ensure that the Line Strategy matrix type is mapped to a matrix class.
    2. Define the rules to determine the line-level pricing strategies in the Manage Pricing Strategy Assignments page.



    Oracle Configurator Cloud is a powerful selling and configuration product that enables you to model products and services that are configurable, multi-option, and customizable. Using underlying constraint-based technology, you can model complex customizable products as a series of rules and options. These options guide customers to the best solutions and ensure that only valid configurations can be created. This integrated, flexible process eliminates order errors and rework costs. It also automates the order-to-production process to reduce overall sales cycle times.

    Expand Configurator Rules Functionality Through Extension Rules

    Configurator runtime logic can be complex and difficult to model through configurator statement rules. Extension rules allow you to expand configuration behavior at runtime to model logic that is more complex. These user-defined extension rules, based on the Groovy programming language, can be associated with a model item or any of its components. Extension rules are executed every time the value of the associated item changes in the configuration at runtime. This allows you to augment the functionality of your runtime Configurator beyond what is provided natively through configurator rules.

    Use the following page to add an extension rule:

    Use the following page to define an extension rule:


    No steps are required to enable this feature.


    Utilize Selectable Images in Product Configuration

    The configuration user’s experience is greatly enhanced by the inclusion of images. Selectable images can be included in the Configurator runtime user interface to drive product configuration and selections. New user interface templates called “Selectable Image Group” and “Selectable Image Group with Header” can be assigned to an option class or feature. This allows the product configuration modeler to associate images with the selectable options. When configuring a product at runtime, users can now select these images to choose their options.

    Use the following page to add images to the selectable options in the model:

    Use the following page to change an item’s template to the Selectable Image Group or Selectable Image Group with Header template when designing the user interface:

    Use the following page to preview the changes in the user interface design:

    Use the following page to test your user interface changes:


    No steps are required to enable this feature.


    Leverage Transactional Item Attributes in Configurator Rules

    In some instances, you many need to capture additional information about an item during order entry; for example, to specify a broadband speed on an internet service or specify monogramming for item personalization. You may also want to leverage these details when configuring a product at runtime. You can define item transactional attributes on an item class to represent this additional information so that when an order for any item of that item class is captured, those attributes can also be captured on the order. For example, if you have an item that is of item class “Trophy,you can now define an attribute such as “Winner Name.” When you create an order for any item that is a “Trophy,” you can then capture, on the order line, the specific winner name that is to be applied to the trophy. With this release, you can use these item transactional attributes in configuration rules to drive component selection during runtime product configuration.

    Use the following page to leverage transactional item attributes in a rule:


    No steps are required to enable this feature.


    Customize Pages for Optimized User Experience

    Increasing the number of possible item attributes is very helpful, but if users are able to view all attributes, their efficiency could be reduced when attempting to locate the correct options. To address this, administrators can customize Configurator modeling page layouts, including hiding infrequently used attributes, marking attributes as required, and changing page formatting and data arrangement on each page. This streamlines users’ efficiency by customizing their user interface to their specific work demands.


    No steps are required to enable this feature.


    Global Order Promising

    Oracle Global Order Promising Cloud is an optional addition to Oracle Order Management Cloud that intelligently matches order demand with available supply. As each order arrives, Global Order Promising selects the best fulfillment approach, accounting for current and future availability, destination, expected delivery dates, and preferred delivery methods. Promising alternatives can include manufacturing or buying items to meet demand. You can also handle complex fulfillment scenarios, such as configure-to-order, contract manufacturing and drop shipment. When supply is limited, Global Order Promising can allocate fixed quantities or percentages to your preferred customers or channels. By promising orders more effectively, you can satisfy customers by quoting more accurate delivery dates, while better leveraging your all your supply sources.

    Use Web Services to Check Availability and Schedule Orders

    External order capture systems (such as e-commerce sites and mobile ordering applications) can now use web services to check supply availability and schedule orders for delivery without routing them through Order Management. They can also cancel or reschedule orders when conditions change. The following services are available:

    Global Order Promising can be called from external systems using the above public web services. In addition, the services can be used to inquire about the availability of supply for a potential order before the order is created in Oracle Fusion Order Management.


    No steps are required to enable this feature. You can call the publicly-enabled Global Order Promising web services using the appropriate technical mechanism.


    In this release, you cannot collect Sales Orders that are scheduled in external order management systems into GOP.


    Promise Orders When the Global Order Promising Server is Down

    Continuous access to availability checking and order scheduling is critical to many businesses, which need to be able to take orders even when a system fails or the server is otherwise down. Beginning with this release, Global Order Promising continues promising orders based upon lead-time availability until the server or backup server can be restarted. Affected orders may be rescheduled based upon supply chain availability search after server recovery, if desired. A more fail-safe order promising solution minimizes disruptions, so you can focus on growing your business.


    No steps are required to enable this feature.


    Promise Orders Based On Planned Supply from Planning Central

    Future supply might also include planned manufacturing work orders or planned purchase orders that have not yet been released or executed. Global Order Promising can collect these planned supply orders from Oracle Planning Central Cloud to schedule sales orders based upon this future supply. As a result, you can accurately promise long lead-time orders for items that are beyond the horizon of current inventory movement, manufacturing or purchasing activities.


    1. Save a Planning Central plan to the database using the Save Plan to Database planner action within Planning Central. Plan data is visible to Global Order Promising only after it is saved.
    2. Specify the Planning Central plan in the new attribute Plan Names in the existing ESS request Refresh and Start the Order Promising Server.


    You can select multiple plans to be published to Global Order Promising but you must ensure that the plans are functionally distinct. If there are common Items and Organizations across multiple plans, Global Order Promising will aggregate their Planned Order supply.

    You must ensure that Planned Orders in a Planning Central plan are feasible before publishing them as supply to Global Order Promising.


    Include Externally Managed Manufacturing Supplies in Promising Results

    Some companies may continue to operate on-premise manufacturing applications as they move order management to the cloud. This release extends the file-based upload of supply information in Global Order Promising Cloud to include manufacturing routings, resources, work orders, and related manufacturing data. This allows you to include production facilities managed by an on-premise manufacturing application (such as Oracle E-Business Suite Manufacturing) in your promising results. This release also includes support for importing shipping networks to complete the set of reference data file load sources.

    Global Order Promising offers a comprehensive supply picture by supporting your upload of select reference data and all transactional data using flat files. As such, you can promise against more accurate supply availability information in facilities managed using external enterprise systems.

    Key data that you can now load from external systems includes:


    1. Ensure that the organizations in your external systems are modeled in Oracle SCM Cloud as item organizations.
    2. Enable each external system as a collection source using the Manage Planning Source Systems page.
    3. Load all of the data you require from your external system using the standard file uploads.
    4. In the Planning Central work area, select the task Load Planning Data from Flat Files to complete the process of uploading your data.


    Even if you are promising exclusively for external organizations, you must maintain item and customer-related data in the Oracle Cloud Applications, and perform order management using Oracle Order Management Cloud.


    Inventory Management

    Oracle Inventory Management Cloud offers a complete materials management solution that allows your company to successfully manage the flow of goods: inbound, within the warehouse, and outbound. This functionality optimizes the flow of material so that it meets customer demand in a cost-effective manner.

    Expense Internal Material Transfers

    Employees or departments that need materials may use inventory from another location before purchasing additional quantities. When transferring material between facilities, the location providing the material needs to generate shipping documents and the location accepting the material needs to receive the material when it arrives.

    In this release, when you use transfer orders to transfer goods between facilities, you can expense material to a destination for those cases where materials are not tracked on-hand. This is common for goods received directly by employees or departments that use the goods immediately.

    This enhancement provides full shipping and receiving support for moving material between parts of an enterprise expensed at the destination. In particular, automatically generating shipping documents for outbound shipments significantly increases productivity and reduces errors.

    Steps to Enable

    The steps listed below will enable you to configure the interorganization parameter receipt required at expense destination:

    1. From the Main Menu Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.
    2. Enter Manage Interorganization Parameters in the Search field.
    3. Click the Manage Interorganization Parameters task.
    4. Enable the Receipt Required at Expense Destination parameter.
    5. Click Save and Close.

    The steps listed below will enable you to configure the intersubinventory parameter receipt required at expense destination:

    1. From the Main Menu Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.
    2. Enter Manage Intersubinventory Parameters in the search field.
    3. Click the Manage Intersubinventory Parameters task.
    4. Enable the Receipt Required at Expense Destination parameter.
    5. Click Save and Close.

    Tips and Considerations

    Not available.


    Enhance Collaboration Using Oracle Social Network

    Real-time communication between fulfillment personnel helps to rapidly identify and resolve problems and explore alternate solutions, thereby increasing customer satisfaction. The Oracle Social Network is an embedded, central method of capturing interactions between users. It associates these “conversation threads” with specific transactions (such as a receipt or shipment) or specific parties (such as a supplier, customer, or carrier).

    With this feature, users can:

    With Oracle Social Network enabled for Inventory Management, all users involved in the order to cash process, such as order managers, warehouse managers, billing managers, and end customers, have a forum to discuss sales orders and make business decisions efficiently – and keep the conversation linked to the associated content for easy reference.

    Oracle Fusion Inventory Management Cloud has enabled frequently-used business objects for use within Oracle Social Network. The business objects transfer order, receipt, inbound shipment, and outbound shipment are enabled for use in Oracle Social Network. For example, the business object transfer order can be configured in Oracle Social Network allowing user interactions to be captured for specific transactions. Fulfillment personnel can communicate with each other in the context of a specific inventory transaction. Inventory Management user interfaces such as the Edit Transfer Order provide access to Oracle Social Network.

    The following user interface shows how warehouse personnel can collaborate using real-time conversations in Oracle Social Network. The use case depicts a transaction received against a purchase order. The receiving agent uses Oracle Social Network to communicate to the buyer that the receipt transaction was received in full and all items have been inspected. Additionally, attributes on the receiving transaction, such as the receipt number and supplier name, are captured in Oracle Social Network. This allows the receiving agent and buyer to view the receiving transaction attributes within Oracle Social Network. In the event there was an exception against the receiving transaction, such as a damaged or missing material, the buyer receives updates in real time and can take corrective action. The integration between Oracle Fusion Inventory Management and Oracle Social Network enables warehouse personnel to monitor and communicate details related to materials management transactions.

    Steps to Enable

    The steps listed below will enable you to configure Oracle Social Network Objects for Supply Chain Management:

    1. From the Main Menu Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.
    2. Enter Manage Oracle Social Network Objects for Supply Chain Management in the Search field.
    3. Click on the Manage Oracle Social Network Objects for Supply Chain Management task.
    4. Click the Enable Object button.
    5. In the detail section, enable selected Business Object Attributes.
    6. Click Save.

    Tips and Considerations

    Not available.

    Key Resources

    Integrate and Enrich Your Materials Management Processes

    One of the key benefits of working in the cloud is rapid implementation. Inventory Management provides a rich set of web services that you can use to integrate with other Oracle, third-party cloud, and on-premise applications that support your supply chain.

    New integration features in this release include:

    The ability to support a wider variety of web services and integration methods reduces integration costs and implementation times to external systems.

    Use Additional Web Services

    Inventory Management has introduced a comprehensive set of web services to support setup and core transactions in Inventory Management and Receiving. The web services support real-time validation and editing needs of partner and PaaS (Platform as a Service). For example, values entered for a lot attribute can be restricted to a list of valid lots for that item in that organization.

    Alternatively, you can create material transactions such as receipts, inspections, returns, and cycle counts. Resources to post transactions provide the same behavior as the corresponding SOAP services except for providing the results back to the clients synchronously. REST resources can also be used to view lines to receive, lines to inspect, lines to put away, pick slips, cycle count sequences, and so on. This help to collect related transactions beforehand and can be used to achieve additional operational efficiencies, such as bulk picking, and building into a pallet while using a warehouse management system.

    Steps to Enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Tips and Considerations

    Not available.

    Key Resources

    Support Oracle Integration Cloud Service

    Oracle Integration Cloud Service simplifies how you use the Cloud for integration, letting you connect securely to applications and services both in the cloud and on-premises. Users can enable the receipt advice flow for external systems to make it available in Oracle Integration Cloud Service. Users have flexibility to control publishing of events for various receiving transactions. A new receiving parameter “Publish transactional business events” allows users to publish events for various receiving transactions. Receiving events, such as create ASN, cancel ASN, create receipt, create correction, and create put away, can be published.

    Steps to Enable

    The steps listed below must be performed to enable collaboration messaging.

    1. From the Main Menu Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.
    2. Enter Manage Receiving Parameters in the Search field.
    3. Select the Manage Receiving Parameters task.
    4. Enable the Publish transactional business events parameter.
    5. Select the Message Storage attributes.
    6. Enter the Outbound Sender details.
    7. Click Save and Close.

    Tips and Considerations

    Not available.

    Key Resources

    Support B2B Electronic Messaging

    Support is available for B2B electronic messaging for communication with business partners for order-to-cash and procure-to-pay business process flows. Users can manage supply chain business collaboration messaging across both internal applications of an enterprise as well as external business partners. External collaboration messaging includes both customers and suppliers. For example, the ASN (Advance Shipment Notice) is integrated with Fusion Collaboration Messaging Framework to produce an electronic message to communicate outbound shipment information to a customer. Supply chain administrators have the ability to manage collaboration messages including managing undelivered messages and reviewing messaging history.

    The following Inventory Management document types are supported:

    1. Process Receipt Advice Outbound
    2. Process Receipt Acknowledgment Inbound
    3. Process Shipment Inbound
    4. Process Shipment Outbound

    Steps to Enable

    The task Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration allows users to enable the trading partner and associated collaboration business process collaboration messaging. For example, electronic messaging can be enabled for the procure-to-pay collaboration business process for a given supplier.

    The steps listed below must be performed to enable collaboration messaging.

    1. From the Main Menu Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.
    2. Enter Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration in the Search field.
    3. Select the Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration task.
    4. Select the Collaboration Business Process.
    5. Select the Message Storage attributes.
    6. Enter the Outbound Sender details.
    7. Click Save and Close.

    Tips and Considerations

    Not available.

    Key Resources

    Comply with Italian Packing Slip Requirements

    Companies that operate globally need to support a range of regional operational requirements.  When shipping in Italy, specific requirements for Italian packing slips include the Documento di Trasporto (DDT). For example, shipments in Italy often involve multiple carriers, and the secondary carrier is included on the packing slip.

    With the packing slip enhancements in this release, you can:

    With the combination of the enhancements to the packing slip in Release 11 and Release 12, companies that ship out of Italian facilities can now produce compliant packing slips.  This enhancement furthers support for global companies to run their European supply chain operations.

    Steps to Enable

    The task Manage Shipping Parameters allows users to determine the fields to be displayed on the packing slip such as packing slip status, shipment description, and transportation reason. Additionally, users can select the packing slip document sequence category used for generating packing slip numbers.

    The steps listed below must be performed to enable the packing slip related parameters.

    1. From the Main Menu Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.
    2. Enter Manage Shipping Parameters in the Search field.
    3. Select the Manage Shipping Parameters task.
    4. Enable the Required on Packing Slip options.
    5. Select Packing Slip Document Sequence Category.
    6. Click Save and Close.

    Tips and Considerations

    Not available.

    Key Resources

    Simplify Setup of Shipping Facilities

    Companies with a large number of shipping facilities need tools to help automate configuration. 

    The Quick Setup feature guides you through the setup process, reuses existing setups, asks important questions, and, for some tasks, provides default values for setups according to recommended practices.  In Release 11, Quick Setup provided an automated approach to setting up objects in Inventory Management and Receiving. In this release, you can also use Quick Setup to default general shipping parameters and pick release attributes for the shipping parameters of inventory facilities.

    Realize the benefits of your implementation and deploy shipping facilities more quickly using this Quick Setup enhancement.

    Steps to Enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Tips and Considerations

    Not available.

    Key Resources

    Cost Management

    Your company materials management and manufacturing operations require careful cost management when running operations in the cloud. Oracle Cost Management Cloud provides a comprehensive set of capabilities that enable you to effectively manage cost planning, landed cost, and product costing activities.

    Oracle Cost Management Cloud is included with the Oracle Inventory Management Cloud subscription.

    Cost Expense-Based Internal Material Transfers

    This release adds support for internal material transfers delivered to expense destinations. Such transfers – with and without explicit receipts – are costed and may be analyzed in the In-Transit Inventory Valuation Report. In addition, when you enter internal freight charges on an internal shipment, the freight charges are now expensed and accounted in the sending inventory organization, allowing you to charge for the freight cost incurred for shipments.

    Steps to Enable

    The steps listed below will enable you to map the internal freight charges coming on shipment to a cost element in Costing:

    1. From the Main Menu Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.
    2. Enter Manage Cost Component Mappings in the Search field.
    3. Select the Manage Cost Component Mappings task.
    4. Search for and select Cost Component Group used in the Cost Profile definition.
    5. Go to the Cost Component Codes tab and provide a mapping for the predefined INTER_ORG_FREIGHT cost component code with a cost element.
    6. Click Save and Close.

    Tips and Considerations

    Creation of mapping is required if freight cost is to be tracked through the item cost structure.

    Key Resources

    Simplify Your Standard Cost Updates

    Prior to this release, the tasks related to the entry and rollup of standard costs for manufactured items were performed in separate application pages. All standard cost entry tasks are consolidated and are now performed directly in the Manage Cost Scenario page. When creating a cost scenario for a cost organization/cost book combination, you specify the applicable standard costs at the cost element level for materials, resources and overheads. Then you perform and view the results of a cost rollup. Finally, you publish the standard costs to accounting.

    You can define standard costs on the Manage Cost Scenario page at one of the following valuation unit levels:

    A new process is now available that allows you to undo the previously published costs in a scenario, and to revise and republish them after a prior cost update. The consolidation of standard cost tasks into a single page allows you to more efficiently enter and publish your standard costs.

    Steps to Enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Tips and Considerations

    Use separate Cost scenarios for planning costs of regular and configured items.

    Key Resources

    Define Retroactive Standard Cost Effectivities

    Standard costs occasionally need an effectivity date that is in the past. This occurs when a new standard costed item is created and immediately transacted in inventory or manufacturing without a defined standard cost. You can now enter standard costs for items whose effectivity date is in the past. This capability allows you to more quickly address raised exceptions due to missing standard costs in transactions.

    steps to enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Tips and Considerations

    Use the Undo cost update process to reverse the effects of unintended cost updates.

    Key Resources

    Preview Standard Cost Impact on Inventory Valuation

    Unless care is taken, mass changes of component and assembly standard costs can create unexpected and adverse impacts in the reported amounts of inventories in corporate financial statements. Entry errors when revising item standard costs or work definitions can lead to incorrect transaction costs and on-hand inventory valuations.

    Before publishing standard costs to accounting, you can preview the financial impact of standard cost changes to on-hand inventory valuations. The Compare Standard Costs page now displays the pending inventory valuation changes when revising standard costs in a cost scenario. Analyzing the results of the preview of pending changes in standard cost allows you to easily detect and proactively eliminate unintended changes to cost.

    Steps to Enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Tips and Considerations

    Not available.

    Key Resources

    Use Mapping Sets to Simplify Setups in Subledger Accounting

    The Subledger Accounting application provides you with increased flexibility, control, and accuracy for generating accounting entries by allowing you to configure account defaulting rules based on key attributes of a transaction. However, for more complex customer implementations, setting up Subledger Accounting rules is time intensive. To facilitate the setup and maintenance of account rules for inventory and manufacturing transactions, seeded mapping sets provide you with an efficient way to define a segment or account combination value. This value can be for one or more transaction values or reference attributes.

    This release adds predefined mapping sets for each of the more than 60 accounting line types that Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting support.

    Steps to Enable

    1. Assign one or more chart of accounts to the mapping sets.
    2. Choose an account combination for each of the assigned chart of accounts.

    Tips and Considerations

    Predefined mapping sets use 3 to 5 transaction attributes for each mapping set. If you have a business need to use flexible rules that require more than the transaction attributes available in the seeded mapping rules, create custom account rules or mapping sets to use the 600+ transaction attributes available in Cost Accounting and Receipt Accounting.

    Key Resources

    Easily Analyze On-Hand Inventory Valuation

    Excess levels of inventory expose your company to financial liabilities in the form of obsolete stock as well as excess levels of working capital investment. To facilitate the monitoring of your investment in inventory you can now query and view on-hand inventory valuation on the Review Inventory Valuation page. You can view and analyze the on-hand costed quantities, unit costs, and valuations as of a current or past date.

    Steps to Enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Tips and Considerations

    Not available.

    Key Resources

    Supply Chain Financial Orchestration

    Trade that occurs between internal parties requires complex financial relationships. Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Financial Orchestration is a configurable application that manages these relationships. This functionality allows you to separate your physical flow of goods from the financial accounting of these goods.

    Oracle Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Cloud is included with the Oracle Inventory Management Cloud subscription.

    Calculate Transfer Price Using Pricing Strategy

    Transfer pricing rules can be complex. Further, the way that the price is calculated can vary by many attributes, such as the parties or item category involved in the sale. Prior to this release, users with a lot of variation or a lot of complexity needed to use a third party pricing engine to accommodate more complex internal pricing scenarios. With this release, users can now choose to use the advanced pricing capabilities of Oracle Fusion Pricing to calculate the transfer prices on any financial route.

    Business attributes of financial orchestration transactions can be modeled as dimensions on the pricing strategy assignment. This allows the system to derive the optimal pricing strategy for transfer price calculations.

    The base price in Pricing can be a price list, a cost list, the price in the purchase order line, or the price in the sales order line for which the financial orchestration is applicable. The transactions’ business attributes can also be used to specify rules. For example, a rule can be created to derive one or more price charges that can be applied over the base price.

    The following screenshot depicts assigning a pricing strategy for financial orchestration with the Internal Transfer pricing context.

    The following screenshot depicts defining a source document price based charge in a price list:

    Steps to Enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Tips and Considerations

    Not applicable.

    Define Enhanced Financial Orchestration Qualifiers

    Often, the financial path that a given transaction must take can vary based on attributes of the transaction, such as item number, ship from, or ship to address. You can use financial orchestration qualifiers in Supply Chain Financial Orchestration to determine the applicability of the financial flow to a business transaction. This feature is now enhanced with set of advanced business attributes to provide more flexibility in identification of financial orchestration flow pertaining to a business flow.

    The following new business attributes are available now for the different business process types of a financial orchestration flow:




    Internal Transfers

    Drop Ship

    Item Number





    Item Class





    User Item Type





    Destination Type (Expense/Inventory)



    Ship-to Party Number



    Ship-to Address



    Ship-to Country



    Sold-to Party Number



    Supplier Number


    Supplier Site Code


    Supplier Country


    Steps to Enable

    No separate steps are required to enable this feature.

    Tips and Considerations

    Not Applicable.

    Dual View of Supply Chain Financial Orchestration Flow

    Prior to this release, the financial orchestration flow pages were optimized for primary routes that have multiple financial flows (multi-node). This result in the page showing three different objects in a hierarchy: the financial orchestration flow header, the primary routes, and the financial routes. This may be a complex user interface in a simple implementation where no financial intermediary organizations are involved.

    The new feature will provide a simplified, more intuitive view of the financial orchestration flow for simple implementations where the financial orchestration flows do not have multiple financial routes.

    When a new financial orchestration flow is created, the user will determine if multiple financial routes are allowed for the flow. The financial orchestration flows in which multiple financial routes are allowed will continue to use same behavior as in prior releases. However, single-node financial routes will now show only the financial routes directly under the financial orchestration flow header.

    When created, the financial flow will always be shown in the single-node view or multi-node view for both viewing and updating. This enables you to keep the single node flows simple while preserving the ability to define more complex flows when needed. The financial orchestration flow cannot be switched from single-node view to multi-node view or vice versa.

    Steps to Enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Tips and Considerations

    While creating the financial orchestration flow uncheck the Separate primary and financial route check box to enable a simplified view of the primary and financial route.

    Support Expense Destination Transfer Orders

    Companies need to be able to price internal transfers even when the material is expensed in the receiving organization. Financial orchestration for expense destination transfer orders is now supported. Unlike inventory destination transfers, a transfer order shipped to an expense destination may or may not be “received” at the destination.

    When a receipt is not required for a transfer order shipment, the financial orchestration is executed at the time of shipment irrespective of the ownership transfer event specified in the documentation accounting rules of the financial orchestration flow.

    Steps to Enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Tips and Considerations

    Not Applicable.

    Collaboration Messaging Framework

    You can use a common business-to-business (B2B) messaging framework to enable the automated flow of B2B messages for business processes such as order to cash. Oracle Collaboration Messaging Framework Cloud is tightly integrated with all SCM Cloud products to deliver a single, consistent B2B experience for Oracle customers and implementers of B2B messaging.

    All B2B messages are implemented using a global, industry-standard XML format: OAGIS 10.1. Pre-built integration with B2B service providers allows trading partners to maintain their existing B2B processes (and existing B2B format, such as EDI) to provide a complete, end-to-end B2B solution.

    Oracle Collaboration Messaging Framework Cloud is included with all Oracle SCM Cloud and Oracle Procurement Cloud subscriptions.

    Define B2B Trading Partners and B2B Messaging Configuration

    The Collaboration Messaging Framework allows you to define customers as trading partners and select which B2B messages apply for the trading partner. If a B2B service provider is used, you can select which B2B service provider is used by the trading partner.

    Order to cash B2B messages are:

    Functional Name

    OAGIS B2B Message

    Other B2B Standards
    (Provided Through Partner)

    Inbound Order


    EDI ANSI ASC X12 850


    Outbound Order Acknowledgement


    EDI ANSI ASC X12 855


    Inbound Change Order


    EDI ANSI ASC X12 860


    Outbound Change Order Acknowledgment


    EDI ANSI ASC X12 865

    Inbound Cancel Order


    Outbound ASN


    EDI ANSI ASC X12 856


    You can use the following page to enable business-to-business messaging for the Order to Cash flow:

    Use the following page to manage service provider configuration if a service provider is used. You must configure the delivery method details for the service provider and select the messages that the service provider supports:

    Use the following page to manage trading partner, including configuring the web service connector to the trading partner and selecting messages that the trading partner is capable of exchanging with you as the supplier:

    Use the following page to manage customer collaboration configuration. You can select the customers with whom you want to enable business-to-business collaboration. You must then associate the trading partner definition that was defined earlier to the customer, and select and enable the Open Applications Group Integration Specification (OAGIS) documents that you want to exchange with the customer:

    Steps to Enable

    1. Enable the Order to Cash flow for business-to-business messaging.
    2. Manage service providers if applicable.
    3. Manage trading partners.
    4. Manage customer collaboration configuration.

    Role Information

    The following function security privilege is required for this feature:

    Privilege Name and Code

    Job Role Name and Code

    Manage B2B Trading Partners CMK_B2B_TRADING_PARTNERS

    B2B Administrator


    Manage B2B Customer Trading Partners


    B2B Administrator


    Manage B2B Supplier Trading Partners CMK_B2B_SUPPLIER_TRADING_PARTNERS

    B2B Administrator


    Key Resources

    Advanced Fulfillment

    To reduce cycle times, deliver an excellent customer experience, and increase revenues, Oracle Supply Chain Management (SCM) Cloud supports advanced fulfillment strategies. These strategies include configure-to-order, drop-ship, back-to-back, and internal material transfer flows. Fueled by a powerful and innovative supply orchestration architecture, Oracle SCM Cloud has unsurpassed fulfillment capabilities.

    Use Internal Material Transfer Flows

    Internal material transfer is an end-to-end solution that orchestrates transfers according to business rules. It can also orchestrate across multiple supply chains. You can manage transfers separately, and you can combine them with sales orders to improve customer service.

    New features in this release include the following

    Using internal material transfers, you can centrally manage internal inventory transfers across Oracle SCM Cloud to improve efficiency in your supply chain and to optimize working capital.

    Steps to Enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Transfer to Expense Destinations

    Employees or departments that need materials may use inventory from another location before purchasing additional quantities. When transferring material between facilities, the location providing the material needs to generate shipping documents and the location accepting the material needs to receive the material when it arrives.

    In this release, when you use transfer orders to transfer goods between facilities, you can expense material to a destination for cases where materials are not tracked on-hand. This is common for goods received directly by employees or departments that use the goods immediately.

    This enhancement provides full shipping and receiving support for moving material between parts of an enterprise expensed at the destination. In particular, automatically generating shipping documents for outbound shipments significantly increases productivity and reduces errors.

    Steps to Enable

    The steps listed below will enable you to configure the interorganization parameter receipt required at expense destination:

    1. From the Main Menu Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.
    2. Enter Manage Interorganization Parameters in the Search field.
    3. Select the Manage Interorganization Parameters task.
    4. Enable the Receipt Required at Expense Destination parameter.
    5. Click Save and Close.

    The steps listed below will enable you to configure the intersubinventory parameter receipt required at expense destination:

    1. From the Main Menu Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.
    2. Enter Manage Intersubinventory Parameters in the search field.
    3. Select the Manage Intersubinventory Parameters task.
    4. Enable the Receipt Required at Expense Destination parameter.
    5. Click Save and Close.

    Tips and Considerations

    Not available.

    Key Resources

    Create and Update Internal Material Transfers Using an Open Interface

    In this release, support is provided to create, update, and cancel internal material transfers via spreadsheet or web service. Both the spreadsheet and the web service support expense destination transfers and additional transfer order charges. The import supply order file-based data import template has been extended to support the update and cancel supply operations, in addition to the create supply operation which was introduced in the prior release. The Integration Cloud Service (ICS) enabled web service is new in this release. The web service provides comprehensive support allowing the ability to create, update, and delete internal material transfers. Spreadsheet and web service support streamline integration to external systems and reduce integration costs.

    Steps to Enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Tips and Considerations

    Not available.

    Key Resources

    Support Additional Transfer Costs

    Additional transfer order charges can be applied to transfer orders. The charges are automatically interfaced to Oracle Fusion Cost Management Cloud when inventory shipping transactions are processed. The Spreadsheet and web service support is provided to create, update, and delete additional transfer order charges at the transfer order line level. Transfer order charges are supported for both expense and inventory destination transfer orders. The existing shipping cost functionality has been extended to support transfer order charges. Charges can be viewed, updated, and canceled within Oracle Fusion Shipping Cloud.

    Steps to Enable

    The steps listed below will enable you to configure the intersubinventory parameter receipt required at expense destination:

    1. From the Main Menu Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.
    2. Enter Manage Shipping Cost Types in the Search field.
    3. Select the Manage Shipping Cost Types task.
    4. Click Save and Close.

    Tips and Considerations

    Not available.

    Key Resources

    Supply Chain Orchestration

    Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud provides the backbone infrastructure that delivers end-to-end supply execution and management across Oracle SCM Cloud. Supporting various business processes and flows, Supply Chain Orchestration receives supply requests from multiple Oracle SCM Cloud products. You can run business process steps and tasks across the Oracle SCM Cloud according to predefined orchestration flows. Supply Chain Orchestration provides visibility and alerts when exceptions or jeopardy conditions occur. It improves the efficiency of the supply chain and helps to reduce the cycle time that is required to get supply where it is needed so that it meets demand. Supply Chain Orchestration allows you to create both standard and configured products.

    Oracle Supply Chain Orchestration Cloud is included with the Oracle Inventory Management Cloud, Oracle Manufacturing Cloud, Oracle Order Management Cloud, and Oracle Procurement Cloud subscriptions.

    Purge Orders

    Purging old, legacy, or unwanted data improves both application performance and user productivity, as applications reduce the working set data and users do not see data that’s not relevant. This feature provides the capability to:

    Steps to enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Create Business Rules Using Visual Editor

    The ability to configure business rules is a key driver of the flexibility of Supply Chain Orchestration. This feature allows business users to create rules without technical assistance using the intuitive Rules Builder page. The new rules builder improves the quality of process flow definitions, reduces errors, and saves both implementation time and cost.

    Steps to enable

    No steps are required to enable this feature.

    Common Technologies

    At Oracle, delivering products that reflect a superior and secure user experience is the result of an enormous investment. To understand your pain points, we spent countless hours examining how people like you actually work and use our enterprise applications. We then work closely with product management, security experts, strategy, and development to design innovative applications that help you to be more productive, secure, efficient, and effective.

    Applications Security

    Oracle Fusion Applications Security provides a single console where IT Security Managers and Administrators can perform various functions including user lifecycle management, role definition, security policy management(both functional and data), role hierarchy maintenance, username and password policy administration, and certificate management. The console also enables users to simulate the effect of security changes, to run security reports, and download a connector for integration with Microsoft Active Directory.

    In Release 12, Oracle Fusion Applications Security offers several new capabilities that offer customers the following benefits:

    Administrators can also tailor username and password generation by choosing from a list of shipped policies.

    Please refer to the Upgrading Applications Security in Oracle ERP and SCM Cloud for any steps that may be required to prepare for and adopt this feature.

    Improved Data Security Model

    A new data security model was introduced in Release 11 that only applied to new Oracle ERP Cloud customers. In Release 12 all users will now be assigned to the appropriate data sets using the new Manage Data Access for Users page, without the need for assigning data roles generated from data role templates. Since data roles are no longer used, they will no longer be automatically generated upon the creation of a new data security element, such as a new business unit, a new ledger, etc.

    While customers who started using Oracle ERP Cloud in Release 11 have been introduced to this new model, customers who were using Oracle ERP Cloud prior to Release 11 have continued to use the data role based data security in Release 11. In Release 12, the usage of generated data roles for data security will be discontinued, and customers who are using the data role based model will be upgraded to use the new user-role-data assignment model.

    To access the Manage Data Access for Users page, you must navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Manage Data Access for Users task.

    Manage Data Access for Users Page


    As data assignments are specific to a role, a user must first be assigned to a role before data assignments can be created in the Manage Data Access for Users page. When selecting a role, the selection is limited to the roles that are currently assigned to the selected user.

    Only data roles generated from seeded data role templates will be upgraded, as the user-role-data assignment records require associated data security policies against the roles in order to drive data security, and the required data security policies will only be present against the corresponding seeded roles. Instructions to manually upgrade custom data roles will be provided in a separate upgrade document.

    User Account Management

    You can now create and manage implementation user accounts within Oracle Fusion Applications Security. You can assign roles to these user accounts using the following navigation: Tools > Security Console > User tab. You can also search, retrieve, and manage user accounts automatically created for employees, contingent workers, supplier contacts, or partner contacts.

    Search User Accounts Page

    Add User Account Page

    Steps to Enable

    There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

    Role Information

    The following function security privileges are required for this feature.

    Privilege Name and Code

    Job Role Name and Code

    Create User Account


    IT Security Manager


    Delete User Account


    IT Security Manager


    Edit User Account


    IT Security Manager


    View User Account


    IT Security Manager


    Key Resources

    For more information on the Security Console, go to the Help Center for the following guide:

    Administrator Password Management

    As an administrator, you can manage passwords of other users using the Security Console. You can auto-generate or manually enter a password for a user account. You can also define password lifecycle and complexity policies. Passwords will be automatically validated against these policies.

    Administrator’s Reset Password Page

    Steps to Enable

    There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

    Key Resources

    For more information on the Security Console, go to the Help Center for the following guide:

    User Password Management (Self-Service)

    You can now manage your own user account password using the Security Console. The password will be automatically validated against the defined password lifecycle and complexity policies.

    Self-Service Password Reset Page

    Steps to Enable

    There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

    User Account Locking

    As an administrator, you can now lock user accounts. If you lock a user account, you will be temporarily preventing the user from logging in with that user account. You can also unlock a locked user account.

    Lock User Account in Edit User Account Page

    Steps to Enable

    There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

    Enhanced Role Visualization

    You can now view only certain components of a role in the graphic visualizer. You can view only the privileges, aggregate privileges or roles assigned to a role. You can also view the graph in full screen mode and pan over a specific region in the graph.

    For complex roles, these features enable you to reduce the amount of information visualized and to focus on the area within the role hierarchy that requires your attention.

    View Only the Privileges for a Role

    View Only the Inherited Roles for a Role

    Pan and View Top Left Region of the Graph

    Steps to Enable

    There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

    Tabular Role Hierarchy View

    You can now view role hierarchies in a tabular view. You can switch between the graphic visualizer view and the tabular view. You can also export the date displayed in the tabular view.

    Tabular View of Direct and Indirectly Inherited Roles for a Role

    Tabular View of Direct and Indirectly Assigned Privileges for a Role

    Tabular View of Direct and Indirectly Assigned Users for a Role

    Export of Direct and Indirectly Inherited Privileges for a Role

    Steps to Enable

    There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

    Search in Role Hierarchy Visualization

    You can now search and quickly locate security artifacts (nodes) in the role hierarchy visualization. You can search for privileges, roles or users in the visualization.

    Search in Role Hierarchy Graph

    Steps to Enable

    There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

    User Name Generation Rules

    You can now define the user name generation rules used to auto-generate the user name in Oracle Fusion Applications Security. User name generation rules can be based on the user’s first and last names, e-mail or person number. You can also choose to use a system generated user name if the rule fails to generate a user name.

    User Name Generation Rules Region in the Administration Page

    Tips and Considerations

    If your company submitted a service request for Oracle to set up a custom username generation rule, review the Validate User Lifecycle Settings topic in the Upgrade Guide for Oracle ERP and SCM Cloud Security.

    Password Policies

    You can now define policies for password management. These policies can define the duration for various password lifecycle events like password expiration and password warning generation. You can also set the complexity of generated passwords by choosing from a pre-defined list of rules.

    Password Policy Region in the Administration Page

    Steps to Enable

    There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

    If your company submitted a service request for Oracle to set up a custom password policy, review the Validate User Lifecycle Settings topic in the Upgrade Guide for Oracle ERP and SCM Cloud Security.

    Role Information

    The following function security privilege is required for this feature:

    Privilege Name and Code

    Job Role Name and Code

    Run Password Expiry Job


    IT Security Manager


    Notification Templates

    You can now define custom notification templates for user account life cycle events. You can also use pre-defined notification templates.

    These templates will be used to generate notifications for events like user account created, user password reset and user password expiry warning.

    Notification Templates Region in the Administration Page

    Edit Notification Template Page

    Steps to Enable

    There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

    If your company submitted a service request for Oracle to set up a custom notification template, review the Validate User Lifecycle Settings topic in the Upgrade Guide for Oracle ERP and SCM Cloud Security.

    Upgrade-Safe Management of Factory Shipped Roles

    You can now identify a predefined (factory shipped) Oracle role when viewing the role. Predefined Oracle roles are locked and you cannot customize the Oracle delivered functional and data security policies associated with these roles. You can, however, add data security policies to these roles.

    Predefined Oracle roles are displayed in a different color in the graph visualizer.

    Predefined Role Indicator in the Edit Role Page

    Predefined Role Indicator in the Role Hierarchy Graph

    Steps to Enable

    There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

    Bridge for Microsoft Active Directory

    Simplify Single Sign-On with Microsoft Active Directory by downloading and installing the Active Directory Bridge from the Security Console. Automatically synchronize user account information between Oracle Fusion Applications Security and Microsoft Active Directory.

    Active Directory Bridge Base Configuration Page

    Active Directory Bridge User Attribute Mappings Page

    Active Directory Bridge Synchronization Status Page

    Steps to Enable

    There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

    User Password Changes Audit Report

    You can now generate a report that lists password changes made by users. The report can be generated for changes made by specific users or for all changes made during a specific period.

    User Password Changes Audit Report Process Details Page

    Steps to Enable

    There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

    Role Information

    The following function security privilege is required for this feature:

    Privilege Name and Code

    Job Role Name and Code

    Run User Password Changes Audit Report


    IT Security Manager


    Steps to Enable

    There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

    Integrate Custom Identity Management Solution

    You can now optionally Integrate with your Identity Management solution for user and role management using industry standard System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) REST APIs and ATOM feeds.

    Steps to Enable

    There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

    Password Reset

    The password reset flow has been changed in Release 12. A notification email will be sent to the user who requests a password reset. The user will be required to click on this link, within a specific period of time, to change the password. This replaces the previous flow where users were required to answer a series of challenge questions to reset the password.

    Email Notification to Reset Password

    User Reset Password Page

    Steps to Enable

    There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

    Security Console

    The unified security administrator interface, combined with the ability to safely upgrade the reference security implementation will result in the following changes in functionality in the Security Console.

    Steps to Enable

    There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

    New Function Security Privileges for Applications Security

    This section provides product-specific information that you need when implementing new Release 12 features in your existing roles.

    If you are not using the predefined reference roles, then you need to add the function security privilege to relevant custom job roles.

    This table identifies the required function security privilege and the predefined role that automatically inherits the privileges during the upgrade.

    Privilege Name and Code

    Job Role Name

    Create User Account


    IT Security Manager

    Delete User Account


    IT Security Manager

    Edit User Account


    IT Security Manager

    View User Account


    IT Security Manager

    Enable Database Resource Management


    IT Security Manager

    Run Password Expiry Job


    IT Security Manager

    Run User Password Changes Audit Report


    IT Security Manager

    Appendix A: Function Security Privileges and Aggregate Privileges for Release 12

    This appendix provides security information that you need when implementing new Release 12 features in your custom job roles.

    The following tables identify the reference job role to which each privilege is assigned.  We recommend that you do not modify the reference security model. If you have created custom job roles, then you can add new privileges to those custom roles as needed.

    Table A-1 Function Security Privileges for Order Management

    Privilege Name and Code

    Job Role Name and Code

    Manage E-mail Notifications


    Order Orchestration Error Recovery Manager


    Order Entry Specialist


    Order Manager


    Delete Orders from Interface


    Order Entry Specialist


    Order Manager


    Print Order


    Order Entry Specialist


    Order Manager


    Table A-2 Function Security Privileges for Global Order Promising

    Privilege Name and Code

    Job Role Name and Code

    Load Planning Reference Data


    Order Promising Manager


    Load Planning Transaction Data   


    Perform Order Orchestration and Planning Data Load   


    Perform Order Promising Server Data Refresh   


    Table A-3 Function Security Privileges for Inventory Management

    Privilege Name and Code

    Job Role Name and Code

    View Inventory Transaction List of Values by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    Generate Item Serial by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    Create Inventory Transaction by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Generate Item Lot by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    View Item Lot and Item Serial List of Values by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    View Country of Origin List of Values by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    View Owning Party Site List of Values by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    Record Cycle Count by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    View Available Item Quantity by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Perform Pick Transaction by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    View Pick Slip Details by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    View Subinventory and Locator List of Values by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    Table A-4 Function Security Privileges for Receiving

    Privilege Name and Code

    Job Role Name and Code

    View Item Lot and Item Serial to Return List of Values by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    View Return Material Authorization List of Values by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    View Return Material Authorization Restricted Lot and Serial List of Values by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    View Receiving Receipt Lines to Put Away by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    View Advance Shipment Notice List of Values by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    View Inbound Shipment Item Lot and Item Serial List of Values by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    View Inbound Shipment List of Values by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    Create Receiving Receipt by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Receiving Agent


    Perform Receiving Receipt Transaction by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    View Item Lot and Item Serial to Issue List of Values by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    View Item Lot and Item Serial to Receive List of Values by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    View Purchase Order to Receive List of Values by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    View Transfer Order List of Values to Receive by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    View Receiving Option by Web Service


    Warehouse Manager


    Inventory Manager


    Warehouse Operator


    Receiving Agent


    Shipping Manager


    Shipping Agent


    Table A-5 Function Security Privileges for Supply Chain Orchestration

    Privilege Name and Code

    Job Role Name and Code

    Manage Supply Orchestration Web Services


    Web Services Application Identity (SCM)


    Purge Supply Order Interface Data


    Supply Chain Operations Manager


    Table A-6 New Function Security Privileges for Applications Security

    Privilege Name and Code

    Job Role Name

    Create User Account


    IT Security Manager

    Delete User Account


    IT Security Manager

    Edit User Account


    IT Security Manager

    View User Account


    IT Security Manager

    Enable Database Resource Management


    IT Security Manager

    Run Password Expiry Job


    IT Security Manager

    Run User Password Changes Audit Report


    IT Security Manager

    Create User Account


    IT Security Manager

    Delete User Account


    IT Security Manager


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