Document History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Update Version Notes
20 AUG 2018 Update 17D Revised update 17D.
11 AUG 2017 Update 17C Delivered new features in update 17C.
20 AUG 2018 Update 17B Revised update 17B.

Update 17D

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
20 AUG 2018

New Web Service to Update Invoice with Credit Card Information

Removed from update 17D.
22 DEC 2017 Line Level Approval Removed feature from update 17D.
14 NOV 2017 Customer and Supplier Balance Netting

Updated document.  Moved feature to Payables and Receivables sections.

06 OCT 2017   Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update.


The information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates.  Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information.  Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Common Technologies and User Experience

Common Financials Features

Configure Auditable Setup Attributes and View Audit Report

You can now enable the audit of selected setup and configuration attributes and view the report to improve control over important enterprise processes:

Configurable Email Notifications

You can now use configurable email notification templates for approvals in Expenses, Payables and General Ledger. You can either use the predefined templates as delivered, or modify them according to your business requirements using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.


Advanced Collections

Enhanced Notes Capabilities for Streamlined Customer Account Management

Receivables and Collections users now have access to the same notes pertaining to Receivables transactions.

Receivables and Collections users can now enter internal and customer comments in the Manage Disputes page. These comments are carried forward to the approval workflow notification internal notes. Dispute number, amount, and credit memo reason details are recorded in the notes of the original transaction.

Improved Collection Effectiveness by Expanded Scoring Data Points

You can now build more sophisticated scoring formulas, increase score accuracy, and improve collections effectiveness by leveraging newly available additional scoring data points, such as customer total amount past due and customer weighted average days paid.


Reset Basis at Period End for Transfers and Adjustments

You can now specify following period conventions for your asset adjustments and transfers.


Ability for Administrators to Assign Delegates

Expedite the new hire process by enabling administrators to assign expense entry delegates for employees and contingent workers. A new administrative task allows expense managers to assign delegates to their users across the company.

Attendee Data Capture for All Expense Categories

Comply with local regulations and reporting requirements and maintain transparency by capturing attendee data when applicable. You can now enforce attendee data capture and control the attendee data collected by configuring entertainment policies for all expense categories.

Configurable Fields for Cash Advances

Capture additional information by organization or by business unit in cash advance requests to support reporting and spend analysis. Expenses now allows you to collect additional information for cash advances with descriptive flexfields. You can configure additional fields by business units, by cash advance types, or by any other context.

Configurable Fields for Expense Reports

Capture information important to your organizations and business units in expense reports to enhance spend analysis. Expenses now allows you to capture additional information at the expense report level by enabling descriptive flexfields. You can configure the fields by business units or by any other applicable context.

Enhanced Controls for Mobile Expenses

Enhance usability and improve efficiency of your workforce with Mobile Expenses. Expenses mobile application now enables the following capabilities:

Merchant Data Capture for Entertainment Expenses

Improve reporting and spend analysis by capturing merchant information on select entertainment expense types. Expenses now enables you to enforce merchant data capture for entertainment expenses.

Pay Group for Corporate Card Issuer Payment Requests

Streamline the remittance process for corporate card issuers by assigning a specific pay group to payment requests for corporate card issuers. Using a pay group enables you to group payment requests to produce a remittance advice report for each payment.

Support for Gender-Based Expense Policies

Support local requirements where expense amount limits vary by gender. Expenses now enables gender as a rate determinant to define expense amount limits for accommodations, mileage, and miscellaneous expense categories.

General Ledger

Streamlined Reporting: Generation of Reports and Account Groups and Reporting Structure Preview in Rapid Implementation

The Streamlined Reporting enhancements are a set of solutions that jump start and ease report setups to provide instantly available financial reports. The report generation feature integrates with the Rapid Implementation Enterprise Structure setup to automatically generate Financial Reporting reports and Account Groups based on the specific accounting configuration created. An embedded report previewing feature provides additional validation of the reporting structure setup in the context of a sample report to facilitate any required re-alignment.

Generate Financial Reports and Account Groups Process and Copy Account Groups

The Generate Financial Reports and Account Groups process can be submitted at any time to automatically create Financial Reporting reports and Account Groups. The Copy Account Group feature allows you to leverage existing Account Groups and modify the copy to easily produce another report variation.

Manage Cross-Validation Rule Violations Process

Cross-validation rules determine whether a selected value for a particular segment of an account combination can be combined with specific values in other segments to form a new account combination. Use the new Manage Cross-Validation Rule Violations process to list and optionally disable account combinations that violate cross-validation rules for a given chart of accounts. The process also lets you preserve attributes of account combinations to prevent the Inherit Segment Value process from reenabling them.

Correct Misclassified Accounts Process

Use the new Correct Misclassified Accounts process to correct account types for account combinations. Misclassified accounts occur when the inherited account type of the corresponding natural account segment value is set incorrectly. The process also lets you preview the correction results.

Delete Translated Balances Process

The Delete Translated Balances process provides the ability to completely reset translations in the event that significant changes are made to the accounting configuration. In these cases, it is not sufficient to just submit a translation again after making the change, but requires that all previous translated balances be deleted first. These scenarios include making changes to the following:


Customer and Supplier Balance Netting

Use the Customer and Supplier Balance Netting feature to enable the automatic netting of Payables and Receivables transactions within a business enterprise and issue payments and receipts for the netted amounts.

Netting agreements can be defined that incorporate the netting business rules (such as transaction selection criteria) to support your payment practices.

The netting process automatically creates the Payables payments and Receivables receipts required to clear a selected number of Payables and Receivables transactions.  The functionality allows you to fine tune netting settlements, prior to completion.  

Early Payment Discounts

Oracle Payables Cloud now integrates with Adaptive Intelligent and supports sophisticated data science that drives the early payment discount offers.

Early payment discounts offer is established to accelerate payment in return for a reduced net payment amount. The earlier the payment, the greater the discount. The feature is also generally referred to Discount Management or Dynamic Discounting.

The discount amount is calculated by using a formula that incorporates the 'days paid early' and the variable annual percent rate (APR). This is different from the traditional static payment terms that uses pre-negotiated discount terms.


Customer and Supplier Balance Netting

Use the Customer and Supplier Balance Netting feature to enable the automatic netting of Payables and Receivables transactions within a business enterprise and issue payments and receipts for the netted amounts.

Netting agreements can be defined that incorporate the netting business rules (such as transaction selection criteria) to support your payment practices.

The netting process automatically creates the Payables payments and Receivables receipts required to clear a selected number of Payables and Receivables transactions.  The functionality allows you to fine tune netting settlements, prior to completion.  

Enhanced Notes Capabilities for Streamlined Customer Account Management

Receivables and Collections users now have access to the same notes pertaining to Receivables transactions.

Receivables and Collections users can now enter internal and customer comments in the Manage Disputes page. These comments are carried forward to the approval workflow notification internal notes. Dispute number, amount, and credit memo reason details are recorded in the notes of the original transaction.

Support Credit Checking Against Order Amount Limit

Receivables Credit Checking Service now supports checking the requested amount against the Order Amount Limit captured in the customer or customer account profile. You can define an order amount limit (in addition to the credit limit) to better control the processing of orders with large amounts.

Revenue Management

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence: Standalone Selling Price Report Dashboard

Use the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) Standalone Selling Price Report Dashboard to analyze the standalone selling prices for a selected effective period or a range of selected effective periods. The dashboard aids you in the analyzing how the standalone selling prices were calculated by providing a drill down to the standalone sales transaction data used to derive the standalone selling prices.


Outsource Tax Processing and Reporting to Third-Party Tax Vendor Solution (Financials)


Oracle ERP Cloud integration with comprehensive transaction tax management solutions provided by tax partners is currently available for tax content, tax calculation, tax determination, and tax reporting.  Customers can leverage these partner transaction tax solutions independently or together based on different transaction tax requirements across market segments and industries.

Following are the key benefits in adopting partner transaction tax management solutions:

Tax Content Offering

Tax Determination Offering

Tax Reporting Offering

  • Partner tax content service includes geographic tax jurisdictions, tax rates, and taxability rules for products and services with potential customer-specific changes.
  • Updates available on monthly basis for statute changes.
  • Cloud-to-Cloud integration of ERP Cloud and Partner Tax Application Cloud for transaction tax calculation.
  • Separate tax software integration components are not required on ERP Cloud.
  • Data flow between Oracle ERP Cloud and Partner Tax Cloud.
  • Signature-ready return for US sales and use tax filings.
  • Tax partner can manage the entire tax compliance function from tax returns generation to payment remittances.

Transactional Business Intelligence for Financials

Customer Taxpayer Identification Number is Added in Receivables, Subledger Accounting and Revenue Management Subject Areas

Taxpayer Identification Number has been added to paying and bill-to customer details in Receivables, Subledger Accounting and Revenue Management subject areas.

Improved Cross-Functional Reporting Between Payables and Projects

The Payables subject area has been enhanced to support payables reporting by projects and contracts.  In Payables Invoices - Transactions subject area, the 'Project Information' folder has been expanded to include information on project, expenditure type, and task.  Users with the appropriate Projects subject area access can access the Projects information in the Payables subject areas.


Dynamic Discounting is Available in Payable Payment Disbursement Subject Area

Dynamic discounting attributes have been added in the Invoice Paid Installments Details folder in the Payables Payment Disbursement Subject Area.  This provides reporting on dynamic discounting terms such as annual percent, days accelerated, and early payment offer.

Improved Cross Functional Reporting Across Payables Subject Areas

Common Invoice attributes have been enhanced across the Payables subject areas to provide better cross functional reporting among Invoice Holds, Installments, Payment Schedule, Payment, Prepayments and Payment Disbursements.

Invoice Image Routing is Available in Payables Invoices Subject Areas

Invoice Image Routing attributes have been added in Payment Disbursements and Payables Invoices Subject Areas including Invoice Holds, Installments, Prepayment Applications, Transactions, Trial Balances.  The attributes are available in the Invoice Details/Reference Information folder. 

One Time Payment Party Information is Available in Payables Subject Area

One Time Payment Party information has been added in all Payables subject areas.  Two new payable Party dimensions, Party and Party Site have been added to report information on one time payment supplier details including person, organization, address, and site information.


Customer Account and Transaction Details Are Enhanced in the Receivables Subject Area

Miscellaneous enhancements have been added to the Receivables Customer, Revenue Adjustments and Transactions subject areas.  They include descriptions for account profile and site profile class, sales person number, from/to dates and credit type and purchase order printing information.

Regional and Country-Specific Features

Financials for the Americas


Withholding Tax Reporting for Argentina

The following new withholding tax reports comply with fiscal reporting requirements in Argentina.


Withholding Tax Reporting for Chile

The following new withholding tax reports comply with fiscal reporting requirements in Chile.


Withholding Tax Reporting for Colombia

The following new withholding tax reports comply with fiscal reporting requirements in Colombia:

Financials for EMEA


Correction Documents for Poland

In Poland, corrections to previously issued VAT Invoices impacting tax related information require a separate, legal VAT document containing references to both the original (incorrect) information and the new (correct) information. With the Correction Documents for Poland feature, you can generate a separate VAT document to change an invoice already issued to a customer, to help comply with this legal requirement. You can apply invoice discounts, price adjustments or make additional corrections in the Review/Edit transaction pages before the Correction Document is issued to the customer.

JPK Reporting for Poland

Use this feature to generate outputs for Sales and Purchase Value Added Tax (VAT) Registers, and the Standard Audit File for Tax (SAFT) for Poland. This is known as Jednolity Plik Kontrolny (JPK) in Poland. It is the legally defined format (XML) for electronic submission to the tax authorities. The following extracts are supported:

The feature also includes a report for the JPK Sales and Purchase Register information in PDF format:

Print Commercial Documents for Poland

VAT Invoices and Correction VAT Invoices are legal documents in Poland. Use this feature to print transactions in Draft or Final mode using templates assigned at Document Fiscal Classification or Receivables Transaction Type level. After a document is printed in Final mode, you may reprint the document as a Duplicate.

The feature is delivered with the following layouts:

Tax Point Date Adjustment

You can now use the Tax Point Date Adjustment feature in Poland to change the tax point date of a Payables or Receivables transaction, and report the transaction in a period different from the one initially defined by your tax configuration.

Update 17C

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
11 AUG 2017   Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update. 


The Information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information. Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Advanced Collections

Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments by Segment

Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments by Segment allows collectors to categorize customers based on segments, such as business unit, profile class, or remaining amount due. Different scoring formulas and delinquent strategy groups can be assigned to segments. Collectors can also define predelinquency settings and assign predelinquent strategy groups to customers.

This feature provides collectors with flexibility to manage customer scoring and strategy assignments, thereby increasing collections efficiency and improving cash flow.


One Time Payments

The One Time Payment feature facilitates seamless processing of payments for transactions imported from third-party external systems. Transactions are imported from external systems into Payables as payment requests using a predefined File-Based Data Import (FBDI) template. These transactions can then be approved before payments are made. For electronic payments, payee and bank account information is automatically created during the import process, eliminating the need for manual intervention.  


Ability to Launch Simplified Customer Upload via Web Service

The ERP Integration service can now be used to run the Simplified Customer Upload process, automating the synchronization of customers from external source systems.

New Web Service Operations to Apply an Existing Receipt to Transactions

The Receivables Standard Receipt web service allows users to apply existing receipts to transactions from any external source using the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). Use the relevant attributes available within the Receivables Standard Receipt Application Service Data Object (SDO) to identify existing receipts and apply them to transactions.

Revenue Management

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Reporting - Subject Areas for Customer Contracts, Performance Obligations and Revenue

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Reporting - Subject Areas for Customer Contracts, Performance Obligations and Revenue enable you to support your organization’s immediate reporting needs with respect to the IFRS 15 and ASC 606 accounting standards pertaining to Revenue from Contracts with Customers. 

The following two new subject areas enable you to gain complete insight into your accounting contracts:


District Tax Content Upload Support in ERP Cloud for Tax Partners

Within the United States, transaction taxes can be imposed based on a combination of counties, cities, and postal codes, as well as on unique tax districts. By leveraging the Tax Rapid Implementation feature, third-party tax partners can automatically load a high volume of district tax zones and taxes using spreadsheets for both initial creation and ongoing maintenance of Oracle ERP Cloud.

ERP Cloud for India


As India introduces the destination-based Goods and Services Tax (GST), the biggest indirect tax reform impacting a wide range of businesses, ERP Cloud for India offers a key solution to address the GST requirements.

Users can now configure different components of GST, including CGST (Central Taxes), SGST (State Tax), and IGST (Inter-State Tax), for both Procure-to-Pay and Order-to-Cash transactions using this strategic infrastructure. The following features are provided to help businesses achieve reporting and compliance goals:


This feature provides the ability to process a multitude of withholding transactions to meet business requirements. Transactions can be processed based on multiple factors including thresholds, tax on tax, and withholding buckets by tax registration numbers.

Transactional Business Intelligence for Financials

Additional Descriptive Flexfields for Financials OTBI Subject Areas

OTBI Subject Area Usability Enhancements

General Ledger

Accounting Segment Level Descriptions in General Ledger – Balances Subject Area

The General Ledger – Balances subject area has been enhanced to include segment level descriptions for the Balancing Segment, Cost Center Segment, and Natural Account Segment hierarchies.

Clearing Account Reconciliation Information in General Ledger and Subledger Accounting Journals Subject Areas

Clearing Account Reconciliation attributes have been added to the General Ledger - Journals Real Time and Subledger Accounting - Journals Real Time subject areas. 

Reconciliation Reference, Group, Status and Date are also added to GL Journal Details dimension folder.


Additional Purchase Order Information for Payable Invoice Transactions, Prepayment Applications and Invoice Holds Subject Areas

Additional purchase order information has been added to the Payable Invoice Transactions, Prepayment  Applications, and Invoice Holds subject areas.  Information includes purchase requestor, buyer, requisition, order last update and order line RCV transaction details.

Multi-Period Accrual Accounting Information in Payables Subject Areas

Multi-period accrual accounting information has been added in Payable Invoices Hold, Payable Invoices Transaction, and Payable Invoices Prepayment Application subject areas.  This provides reporting on multi-period payable accrual accounting segments and accrual accounting dates.

Subledger Accounting

GL Journal Details in the Subledger Accounting - Journals Subject Area

A GL Journal Detail folder has been added to the Subledger Accounting - Journals subject area.  This folder includes associated General Ledger journal details such as journal name, journal batch name, posting date, posting status, accounting sequence, journal header identifier, and journal line number.

Update 17B

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
20 AUG 2018

Ability to Settle Tokenized Credit Card Transactions from Third-Party System

Removed from update 17B.
07 APR 2017   Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update.


The Information contained in this document may include statements about Oracle’s product development plans. Many factors can materially affect Oracle’s product development plans and the nature and timing of future product releases. Accordingly, this Information is provided to you solely for information only, is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

This information may not be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates.  Oracle specifically disclaims any liability with respect to this information.  Refer to the Legal Notices and Terms of Use for further information.

Common Technologies and User Experience

This section gives an overview of common features available in Release 13. These are the overall investments in technology and user experience that Oracle has focused on in this release.

Common Financials Features

Enhanced Integration Between Financials Cloud and EPM

The current integration between Financials Cloud and EPM Cloud applications has been enhanced to provide a more seamless integration experience. The updated integration allows users to pick the desired source ledger from Financials Cloud, set up a few simple mappings, and then push a button to bring the data into EPM Cloud applications.

Set up simple mapping between the Planning application and Financials Cloud General Ledger to write back Budgets from Planning to Financials Cloud.

This integration, which can be run manually or scheduled for a specific time, no longer requires manual steps in Financials Cloud and EPM Cloud. The updated integration also sets up the drill definition automatically, which eliminates errors that may be caused when manually defining a drill definition.

Security is integrated between EPM and ERP to allow the same user to access information across these applications without separate sign on.

ERP Object Attachment Service

The ERP Object Attachment Service supports automatic upload of attachments to Oracle ERP Cloud and associates attachments to a particular business entity or collection of business entities.  Attachments are used to supplement and provide key additional information to enhance daily business operations and better track financial activities or events. 

The ERP Object Attachment Service is secured through Oracle Web Service Manager (OWSM). 

Inbound and Outbound Data File Encryption Using ERP Integration Service

Since inbound or outbound data files are transmitted over the internet and often contain sensitive information and financial transactions like journal entries, invoices, payments and bank records, data encryption is a critical and essential element in implementing integrations with Oracle ERP Cloud. ERP Cloud Integration Service secures data files across Oracle ERP Cloud, On-Premise, or PaaS applications while supporting 100+ interfaces across Financials, Project Portfolio Management, Procurement and Supply Chain Management.

The ERP Cloud Integration Service provides the ability to protect both inbound and outbound data files, in addition to SSL and Oracle Web Service Manager (OWSM) message protection policy over the internet.

Add Who Columns for Auditing

Who columns are added in Payables Invoices and Expense Transactions OTBI subject areas to better support audit reporting.  Users can now report on Created By, Last Updated By, Creation Date, and Last Update Date for all entities in Financials.


Oracle Financials Cloud offers an integrated financial management suite that is designed to automate, streamline, and manage financial processes end-to-end. It simplifies controls, increases productivity, and improves business decisions through a broad suite of capabilities around general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, fixed assets, expenses, collections, bill management, and cash management, as well as centralized accounting, tax, payment, and intercompany engines.

Advanced Collections

Display On-Account and Unapplied Receipts in the Transactions View

The Transactions tab on the delinquent customer details page is now enhanced to display on-account and unapplied receipts together with other types of transactions. This feature increases collector efficiency and visibility through a more holistic view of delinquent customers.


Alias Support for Key Flexfields in Assets

Reduce data errors and improve usability of asset flexfields by using aliases for asset key flexfield combinations, such as asset physical locations or asset categories. For example, you can create an alias named 'HQ' to represent the physical location of your company's headquarters.

Asset Leases

Use the asset lease feature to:

Automatically Derive Depreciation Expense for Assets

When you select the Prepare Additions Automatically action from the Assets page, an asset's depreciation expense account will now be derived using the Subledger Accounting Transaction Account Builder.

Payables Invoice Details During Asset Conversions

Payables invoice details are now available when converting legacy assets when using file-based data import or spreadsheet templates.

Redesigned OTBI Subject Areas for Assets

The Assets OTBI architecture is now simplified to just two subject areas:

The intuitive reorganization of all of the attributes allows both exhaustive and more rapid ad hoc reporting.

Spreadsheet-Based Mass Detail Changes for Assets

You can now store up-to-date asset descriptive details using a file-based data import template. For example, you can update descriptive details such as the manufacturer and tag number in bulk.

Bill Management

Bill Management

Oracle Bill Management Cloud is an electronic bill presentment solution that allows organizations to reduce the cost of billing and collections, while improving the overall customer service. Bill Management is an enterprise management solution for business-to-business and business-to-consumer relationships. The solution provides self-service customer led bill management process through an easy-to-use mobile enabled user experience with real time account review, dispute monitoring, and online payments that are instantly reflected on the customer account. The resulting business process efficiency improvements increase customer satisfaction and deliver cost reductions by streamlining the overall accounts receivable operations.

Key features of Bill Management allow your customers to:

Budgetary Control

Budgetary Control Year-End Carry Forward

Easily identify surplus funds and purchase orders to carry forward to the next budget cycle using the following Budgetary Control Carry Forward set of processes:

Enhanced Budgetary Control Processing and Reporting

The new Budgetary Control enhancements to budgeting, reporting, and product integration enable you to:

Enhanced Attributes for Budget Control - Transactions Real Time Subject Area

New attributes are added to the Budgetary Control - Transactions Real Time subject area to enhance reporting on source transactions.  The enhancements include new attributes for requisition header, requisition lines, requisition project information and requisition distribution amounts; purchase order headcount, lines, distribution amounts; payable invoice distribution information; and manual journals.

New Budgetary Control - Balances Real Time Subject Area

A new Budgetary Control - Balances Real Time subject area is available to report budget balances. Users can report on budget, consumption, reservation category, available fund balances and control budget details.

Enhanced Attributes for Budgetary Control - Transactions Real Time Subject Area

New attributes are added to the Budgetary Control - Transactions Real Time subject area to enhance reporting on source transactions.  The enhancements include new attributes for requisition header, requisition lines, requisition project information and requisition distribution amounts; purchase order headcount, lines, distribution amounts; payable invoice distribution information; and manual journals.

Cash Management

Enhanced Bank Statement Handling and Reconciliation Features

Increase productivity and improve efficiency using enhanced bank statement handling and reconciliation features, such as importing non-standard bank statement formats more easily using new Excel spreadsheet upload capabilities. Access complete bank statement file information and attach documents and image files as desired, and automatically create cash transactions directly from GL journal entries. Reconcile using expanded support for dynamic flexfields, and enjoy improvements to manual reconciliation, bank transfer, and ad hoc payment capabilities.

Extended Cash Forecasts

Improve operational insight with extended cash forecasts for any number of days/weeks/months/years by customizing your Smart View Wizards.

Treasury Management Integration

Integrate your Treasury with your ERP operations through Oracle's partnership with the leading Cloud Treasury


Improved Controls for Expedited Expense Reimbursement

Expedite expense reimbursements with improved process controls and enhanced auditor capabilities. Configure Expenses to display business unit-specific policy links, restrict expense account allocation to cost centers during expenses entry, and prevent selection of tax rate codes while capturing applicable tax-related merchant details. Provide seamless expense reporting experience for globally mobilized employees and new hires. Additionally, perform the following actions as an auditor:

Mobile Expenses Enhancements

Enhance usability and improve efficiency of your workforce with Mobile Expenses. Expenses mobile application now enables the following capabilities:

Remittance Advice and Tokenization with Corporate Card Processing

Gain operational efficiency and control with the following corporate card enhancements:

Enhanced Compliance with Entertainment Policies

Entertainment and gift polices enable companies to comply with government regulations and maintain transparency. Define limits for employee attendees, restrict selection of non-employee attendees from a predefined list, mandate attendance of at least one employee and one non-employee as attendees, add attendees to itemized expenses, and control data entry requirements with new entertainment policy enhancements.

General Ledger

Clearing Accounts Reconciliation

Clearing accounts reconciliation offers sophisticated automatic and manual methods to group, match and reconcile related 'in' and 'out' journal lines that no longer contribute to an account ending balance. Resources can instead be deployed wisely towards analyzing unreconciled journal lines that are both relevant and responsible for the buildup of the ending balance in a clearing account. Clearing accounts reconciliation helps to shorten the period close cycle where account reconciliations are critical activities.

In one central setup location, define reconciliation types that represent reconcilable clearing accounts (for example, asset clearing, accounts payable accrual, unbilled receivables) and their associated reconciliation rules.  Enter journal lines with reconciliation references to automatically reconcile with minimal user intervention and enhanced productivity.  Use tolerances when performing manual reconciliation, to further enhance the success rate of journal lines getting reconciled.  Correct previous reconciliations by subsequently reversing them. Run reconciliation reports and perform inquiries to retrieve and analyze reconciled and unreconciled journal lines.

Journal Posting Improvements

Enhanced error reporting of journal posting issues helps users resolve issues quickly and independently.

General Ledger Reporting

The General Ledger journal and account analysis reports list journal entries and account balances. In Release 13, the following benefits have been added:


Deferred Expenses

You can now defer the recognition of expense or expenses incurred across multiple GL accounting periods. The feature requires the start date, end date, and the accrual account.

Duplicate Invoice Check

There is now an additional check for duplicate invoices during invoice creation. This check is based on a combination of supplier, invoices type, amount, currency, and date. 

Supplier Balance Aging Report

You can now generate an aging report on a suppliers balance based on a specific date. The Supplier Balance Aging report only considers the invoices that are accounted in Payables and transferred to the General Ledger. These balances will reconcile with the trial balance report.


Ability to Unapply Standard Credit Memos from Invoices

Use the Unapply Standard Credit Memo feature to update and maintain accurate customer balances by unapplying standard credit memos from invoices and turning them into on-account credit memos.

Credit Management

Credit Management provides the information and tools to monitor and evaluate the credit worthiness of customers and make informed credit decisions. With a wealth of timely internal and external data, balance growth with financial stability by tailoring credit policies to business needs and market conditions. As part of the Oracle Financials Cloud Credit-to-Cash solution, the Credit Management feature helps to improve cash flow, increase billing efficiency, optimize customer relationships, and instill corporate and fiscal discipline.

This feature provides rich and easy-to-use credit management capabilities in the following four areas:

E-Mail Delivery of Statements

The Create Customer Statements process now offers both printable statements and automatic e-mail delivery of statements to customers. Enable a customer account or site profile for statement delivery using e-mail and configure outbound e-mail parameters, including sender name and address, reply-to address, and e-mail subject and body text. Once submitted, monitor the delivery status of customer statements and resend e-mails as necessary.

Revenue Management

Assign Items Automatically to Standalone Selling Price Profiles

You can now assign items to your standalone selling price profile and upload standalone selling price values in one step using the Create Standalone Selling Prices spreadsheet:

Contract Revision Classification - Revision Intent Type

The ASC 606 and IFRS 15 accounting standard require entities to distinguish between revisions to contract data that reflect estimation accounting and those that reflect true contract modifications, because the standards' disclosure requirements require the entity to make specific disclosures on contract modifications. In other words, entities must distinguish between these two categories of revision:

In support of the reporting requirement, Revenue Management has introduced the Revision Intent Type. Revision Intent Type provides the ability to capture the intent from upstream source systems or automatically defaulting a revision classification assignment when processing contract revisions or manually assigning the classification using the Manage Customer Contract's User Interface.

Integrate Data from Enterprise Contracts and Project Billing

Integrate contract data from Enterprise Contracts and Project Billing into Revenue Management Cloud Services.

Contract lines from Enterprise Contracts and Project Billing are interfaced to Revenue Management to ensure that accounting contracts are identified, allocated and revenue is correctly recognized for each performance obligation in an accounting contract.

Revenue Management generates the revenue, contract asset, and contract liability accounting entries to enable you to ensure compliance with IFRS 15 and ASC 606.

Process Historical Data from Oracle EBS and Oracle Cloud

You can import historical data from Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Cloud into Revenue Management Cloud to support iterative modeling during the transition period.

You can import historical revenue basis and billing source data that was created on or after 01 Jan 2014.

During the transition period you can integrate the historical source document data into Revenue Management to use for iterative modeling and comparative analysis. This helps ensure that accounting contracts are properly created, valued, and allocated, and that the appropriate accounting entries are generated.

Revenue Management uses the historical billing data to generate the conditional accounting that reduces balances for contract liabilities, contract assets, and contract discount liabilities.

Revenue Management imports all subsequent contract revisions that are applied to the historical data in Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle ERP Cloud.

Revenue Basis Data and Billing Data Import Template Improvements

The column descriptions in the Revenue Basis Data Import and Billing Data Import File-Based Data Import (FBDI) templates have been improved to help you enter the correct information that is required for each data column.

Reference Information for Contracts and Obligations

Revenue Management provides the ability to automatically populate the Reference with attributes used by the identification rule used to create the customer contract or performance obligation. 

Revenue Contract Account Activities Report - Output Option

The Revenue Contract Account Activities Report provides contract and performance obligation account balance activity to support analysis and audit process.

In addition to the existing default spreadsheet format, the flat file report format output option has been added to assist in the handling of larger result record volumes.

View Discarded Customer Contracts

The Discard Customer Contracts program provides users with the ability to dismantle already identified customer contracts.

Users can view the 'Discarded' contracts in the Manage Customer Contracts User Interface, in a read-only format.

Subledger Accounting

Subledger Reporting

Subledger account analysis and journal reports list accounting entries from subledgers and those directly created in or imported to general ledger. In Release 13, the following benefits have been added:

Usability Enhancements for Subledger Accounting - Journals Real Time Subject Area

New dimension folders are added for Sequences and Supporting Reference to report supporting documents and supporting reference balances. To simplify the subject area, code columns, such as balance type code and fund status code, are hidden in the subject area. Instead customers can use related description columns for these code columns for reporting. Any existing reports that use these hidden code columns will continue to function. These description columns have Double Column feature enabled that automatically supports multi-language translation in string filtering.

Export Accounting Entry View in Spreadsheet

The enhanced view of accounting entry in the spreadsheet now displays attributes as separate columns for enabling further analysis on the exported information.


Enhanced Support for Tax Partner Integration

Oracle ERP Cloud offers tax partner integration flows to streamline the entire tax compliance function. Use tax partner integration services to create and update geographies, tax jurisdictions, tax rates, and taxability rules for products and services. Use integrated Tax Partner Reporting Services to generate “Signature Ready” returns for US Sales and Use Tax filings. For advanced compliance needs, leverage Tax Partner Calculation Services seamlessly integrated with ERP Cloud.

Tax Box Allocations

The Tax Box Allocation and Reporting feature allows you to report on tax and taxable amounts under tax boxes. In Release 13, Tax Box Allocations feature offers the following benefits:

Regional and Country-Specific Features

Oracle Financials Cloud provides features that integrate with your procure-to-pay and credit-to-cash business flows to support regional and country-specific statutory and business requirements.

Financials for Regional Localizations

Exchange Rate Difference Invoices

Use the Exchange Rate Difference Invoices solution to:

Financials for the Americas


Document Numbering for Argentina

Comply with document numbering requirements enforced by the fiscal authorities in Argentina by using predefined rules and transaction information to automatically assign document numbers to sales transactions.

Withholding Taxes for Argentina

Calculate withholding taxes for your payments in Argentina using enhanced options to:

Transaction Tax Reporting for Argentina

Configure and generate statutory and business transaction tax reports required for compliance with fiscal and tax authorities in Argentina.


Accounting (SPED) for Brazil

Comply with accounting and reporting requirements specified under the Public Digital Bookkeeping System (SPED) in Brazil. Configure both accounting and user-defined report layouts. Ensure that output is generated with the correct content and in the required digitalized format to create reportable files. 

Transmit monthly and annual reports to SPED through the Validation and Signature Program and post them on the Federal Revenue Services site.  

Order to Cash for Brazil

Order-to-cash enhancements for Brazil ensure compliance with local business practices and government regulations for your order-to-cash transactions.


Comply with common, accepted business practices in Brazil by automatically generating and transmitting collection documents electronically to banks for collecting payments due from customers. Improve efficiency by automatically processing receipt files from banks for the associated collection documents. Automatically include taxes and short payments on collection documents submitted for receivables. Use city-specific calendars to identify local holidays and ensure due dates are accurately assigned, and late payment interest is correctly calculated and included in collection documents for bank transfers.


Comply with federal and local fiscal authority legal requirements for fiscal document generation, transmission and approval of sales, return shipments to vendors, and internal transfers of goods or assets between legal entities incorporated in Brazil.

Fiscal document generation features allow you to capture required information when you create invoices for transactions and then accurately and automatically generate document numbers and extract correctly formatted information for submission to partners to obtain tax authority approval of fiscal documents. Generate the required fiscal document for shipments due to internal material transfers and returns to vendors. Streamline processing when changes occur, and control updates during transaction processing for easy import approvals of supplier changes.

Procure to Pay for Brazil

Procure-to-pay enhancements for Brazil provide the ability to manage your procure-to-pay transactions and comply with local business practices and government regulations. Use the following new features to manage your procurement activities and pay suppliers.


Fiscal Document Capture (FDC) is a new product that supports the processing of fiscal documents received from suppliers for purchases made by companies operating in Brazil. Use the integration between Fiscal Document Capture and Tax to capture, calculate, verify and process taxes associated with inbound fiscal documents received from your suppliers.

Use Fiscal Document Capture to manage transactions with suppliers. The fiscal document is pre-authorized by tax authorities before it is sent to a customer with the purchased goods, and remains the source of truth for all legal reporting purposes.  As a receiving party, use Fiscal Document Capture to record and validate the transaction details, create corresponding receipts when required, and register liability against the supplier through the Payables invoice.


Manage collection documents received from a supplier and associated with an invoice or payment schedule in order to pay invoices or installments. If any invoices are paid late, interest is calculated and added to the invoice amount according to the agreed terms between the seller and the buyer and in compliance with the locally legislated business calendar. Use the following features to record a manual collection document or import an electronic collection document and associate the collection document with one or more invoices or installments:

Taxpayer ID and Tax Registration Validation for Brazil

Configure and apply validation rules for verifying taxpayer identification numbers and tax registrations in Brazil, for accurate tax calculations and reporting compliance. Ensure that taxpayer identification numbers and tax registration numbers comply with standard formats, structures, and setup rules to avoid duplication.

Transaction Tax for Brazil

Improve efficiency and automatically handle transaction taxes, including tax exceptions enforced by the federal, state, and local tax authorities in Brazil. Transaction tax features for Brazil calculate taxes on sales invoices and documents using a configurable, rules-based solution.

Withholding Tax for Brazil

Improve efficiency and automatically handle withholding taxes, including tax exceptions enforced by the federal, state, and local tax authorities in Brazil. Withholding taxes are calculated using a configurable, rules-based solution.


Transaction Tax Reporting for Chile

Configure and generate transaction tax reports to comply with regulatory reporting requirements.


Transaction Tax Reporting for Colombia

Configure and generate statutory and business transaction tax reports required for compliance with fiscal and tax authorities in Colombia.

Withholding Taxes for Colombia

Comply with withholding tax requirements using enhanced options for calculating withholding on VAT.

Financials for Asia/Pacific


Enhanced Depreciation Methods for Japan Tax Reforms

The 2007 Tax Reforms were published by the Ministry of Finance in Japan on 30 March 2007. The new depreciation rules increase depreciation expenses by abolishing the salvage value and increasing the depreciation limit on assets with the following new depreciation methods:

There is also a new depreciation method, JP-STL-EXTND, which extends depreciation for assets acquired before 1 April 2007.

Fixed Assets Reports for Japan

You can now use the following Assets tax reports for Japan to help you to comply with asset tax reporting:

"What If Analysis" Improvements for Japan Tax Reforms

You can now run what-if depreciation analysis using any of the new depreciation methods described in the 2007 Tax Reforms for Japan.


VAT Processing and Reporting for Korea

Use the following reports for Korea to comply with tax authority requirements for reporting VAT and invoicing information:

Withholding Tax Processing and Reporting for Korea

Use withholding tax reports for Korea to meet requirements for reporting:

The Korean withholding tax system necessitates reporting of additional information using the following report formats:

Financials for EMEA


Audit File for France

The Audit Report for France (Fichier d'Ecritures Comptables) now includes the reconciliation group and date of the reconciled journals, related to General Ledger clearing accounts, if these are configured.