Document History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Update Version Notes
20 AUG 2018 Update 17D Revised update 17D.
01 SEP 2017 Update 17C Delivered new features in update 17C.
29 NOV 2018 Update 17B Revised update 17B.

Update 17D

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
20 AUG 2018

New Web Service to Update Invoice with Credit Card Information

Removed from update 17D.
22 DEC 2017 Line Level Approval Removed feature from update 17D.
14 NOV 2017 Customer and Supplier Balance Netting

Updated document.  Moved feature to Payables and Receivables sections.

06 OCT 2017   Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

We continue to add many new features to the Oracle Cloud Applications, and for some features, you can take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you by “opting in” to the feature when you’re ready. You can opt in to a feature in two ways:  by using the New Features work area, or by using the Setup and Maintenance work area.

To opt in using the New Features work area:

  1. Click the Navigator, and then click New Features (under the My Enterprise heading).
  2. On the New Features page, select the offering that includes new features you’d like to review.
  3. Click Opt In for any feature that you want to opt in to.
  4. On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for the feature, and then click Done.

To opt in using the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Click the Navigator, and then click Setup and Maintenance.
  2. On the Setup page, select your offering, and then click Change Feature Opt In.
  3. On the Opt In page, click the Edit Features icon.
  4. On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for any feature you want to opt in to. If the Enable column includes an Edit icon instead of a check box, then click the icon, select your feature options, and click Save and Close. 
  5. Click Done.

Feature Summary

Action Required to Enable Feature


None (Automatically Available)

Enable via Opt In UI Only

Enable via Opt In UI Plus Additional Steps

Not Enabled via Opt In UI but Setup Required

Issue Service Request

Common Technology and User Experience

Common Financials Features

Configure Auditable Setup Attributes and View Audit Report

Configurable Email Notifications


Advanced Collections

Enhanced Notes Capabilities for Streamlined Customer Account Management

Improved Collection Effectiveness by Expanded Scoring Data Points


Reset Basis at Period End for Transfers and Adjustments


Ability for Administrators to Assign Delegates

Attendee Data Capture for All Expense Categories

Configurable Fields for Cash Advances

Configurable Fields for Expense Reports

Enhanced Controls for Mobile Expenses

Merchant Data Capture for Entertainment Expenses

Pay Group for Corporate Card Issuer Payment Requests

Support for Gender-Based Expense Policies

General Ledger

Streamlined Reporting: Generation of Reports and Account Groups and Reporting Structure Preview in Rapid Implementation

Generate Financial Reports and Account Groups Process and Copy Account Groups

Manage Cross-Validation Rule Violations Process

Correct Misclassified Accounts Process

Delete Translated Balances Process


Customer and Supplier Balance Netting

Early Payment Discounts


Customer and Supplier Balance Netting

Enhanced Notes Capabilities for Streamlined Customer Account Management

Support Credit Checking Against Order Amount Limit

Revenue Management

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence: Standalone Selling Price Report Dashboard


Outsource Tax Processing and Reporting to Third-Party Tax Vendor Solution (Financials)

Transactional Business Intelligence for Financials

Customer Taxpayer Identification Number is Added in Receivables, Subledger Accounting and Revenue Management Subject Areas

Improved Cross-Functional Reporting Between Payables and Projects


Dynamic Discounting is Available in Payable Payment Disbursement Subject Area

Improved Cross Functional Reporting Across Payables Subject Areas

Invoice Image Routing is Available in Payables Invoices Subject Areas

One Time Payment Party Information is Available in Payables Subject Area


Customer Account and Transaction Details Are Enhanced in the Receivables Subject Area

Regional and Country-Specific Features

Financials for the Americas


Withholding Tax Reporting for Argentina


Withholding Tax Reporting for Chile


Withholding Tax Reporting for Colombia

Financials for EMEA


Correction Documents for Poland

JPK Reporting for Poland

Print Commercial Documents for Poland

Tax Point Date Adjustment

Common Technology and User Experience

Common Financials Features

Configure Auditable Setup Attributes and View Audit Report

You can now configure setup attributes for audit from the Setup and Maintenance work area to maintain internal control over the validity of the enterprise transaction system. After configuration, you can track changes to these attributes using the Audit Report.

The following business setup objects are enabled for audit:

Steps to Enable

Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area to configure the auditable setup attributes:

  1. Select the Manage Audit Policies task.
  2. Select the Configure Business Object Attribute.
  3. Select the product, business object, and attributes for audit enablement.
  4. Save the selection.

To view the audit report:

  1. From the Navigator, select Tools to open the Audit Reports.

Configurable Email Notifications

Oracle Financials Cloud now uses Business Intelligence Publisher for approval email notifications. The email templates are optimized for mobile devices and are easily configurable. Choose from a comprehensive list of attributes to modify the email notifications according to your requirements. You can change both layout and content – add images, change colors and styling, add or remove attributes or modify text.

Supported notifications include:

General Ledger
  • Journal Approval Notifications
  • Invoice Approval Notifications
  • Hold Resolution Notifications
  • Payment Approval Notifications
  • Expense Report Approval Notifications
  • Expense Reimbursement Notifications
  • Expense Audit and Receipt Management Notifications 
  • Cash Advance Notifications

Steps to Enable

The feature needs to be enabled using the Feature Opt In page in Functional Setup Manager. It is not enabled by default.

To enable the feature, complete these steps:

  1. Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Select Financials from the Setup drop down.

  3. Click on the Change Feature Opt In.

  4. On the Opt In: Financials page, click the Features icon for the product for which you wish to enable the feature (Payables, Expenses or General Ledger).

  5. On the Edit Features page, select the Enable option for each type of notification that you want to enable the feature for.
  6. Click on Done to go back to the Setup: Financials page.

There are no further steps needed to enable the feature.

Tips And Considerations

  1. Use the predefined email templates with no additional changes or modify them according to your business requirements.
  2. Preview your changed email templates before publishing.
  3. Revert to the classic approval notifications at any time by disabling the feature using the Feature Opt In page in Functional Setup Manager.

Key Resources


Advanced Collections

Enhanced Notes Capabilities for Streamlined Customer Account Management

Receivables and Collections users now have access to the same notes pertaining to Receivables transactions.

Receivables and Collections users can now enter internal comments and customer comments both when creating a dispute and tracking the dispute across related transactions. The enhanced dispute functionality includes:

Receivables and Collections users can now raise a partial dispute on a transaction by changing the default dispute amount to an amount between 0.00 and the original invoice amount, less the amount of any existing disputes already in the process of approval.

In Receivables, the user can query a transaction and review an installment note created in Collections.

In Receivables, the user can query a transaction and review a case folder note created in Collections.

In Collections, the user can query a transaction installment for a customer and review the case folder notes.

In Collections, the user can query a transaction installment for a customer and review the notes created for the Receivables transaction.

Receivables and Collections users can now enter internal comments and customer comments both when creating a dispute and tracking the dispute details across related transactions.

Receivables and Collections users can review customer comments and internal comments captured on the Manage Disputes page, as part of the approval workflow notifications.

Receivables and Collections users can review the dispute details, including the credit memo request number, dispute amount, credit memo reason, and internal comments, in the Notes window of the Review Transaction page.

Receivables and Collections users can review customer comments in the Review Transaction page of the credit memo after the dispute has been approved.

In Receivables, the user can change the default dispute amount. The user can enter an updated dispute amount anywhere between 0.00 and the original invoice amount, less the amount of any existing disputes already in the process of approval.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps needed to enable the enhanced notes capabilities for Receivables and Collections. This feature is automatically available in your Receivables and Advanced Collections products.

Improved Collection Effectiveness by Expanded Scoring Data Points

You can now use the following new scoring data points to build more sophisticated scoring formulas, increase score accuracy, and improve collections effectiveness.

Data Point Name Description

Customer Write Off Amount

Customer's total write off amount in the past 24 months in USD.

Account Write Off Amount

Account's total write off amount in the past 24 months in USD.

Site Write Off Amount

Site's total write off amount in the past 24 months in USD.

Customer Total Amount Past Due

Customer's total past due amount in USD excluding disputes, on-account or unapplied cash.

Account Total Amount Past Due

Account's total past due amount in USD excluding disputes, on-account or unapplied cash.

Site Total Amount Past Due

Site's total past due amount in USD excluding disputes, on-account or unapplied cash.

Customer Percent of Outstanding 30 Days Past Due

Percent of customer balance more than 30 days past due.

Account Percent of Outstanding 30 Days Past Due

Percent of account balance more than 30 days past due.

Site Percent of Outstanding 30 Days Past Due

Percent of site balance more than 30 days past due.

Customer Weighted Average Days Outstanding

Customer's average days late weighted by invoice amount.

Account Weighted Average Days Outstanding

Account's average days late weighted by invoice amount.

Site Weighted Average Days Outstanding

Site's average days late weighted by invoice amount.

Customer Weighted Average Days Paid

Customer's average days to make a payment weighted by payment amount.

Account Weighted Average Days Paid

Account's average days to make a payment weighted by payment amount.

Site Weighted Average Days Paid

Site's average days to make a payment weighted by payment amount.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Role Information

No new role access is needed to use this feature.


Reset Basis at Period End for Transfers and Adjustments

You can now specify following period conventions for your asset adjustments and transfers.

The following screenshots illustrate the feature and its benefits.

Choose a Convention and the Prorate Date From the Transfer Assets Page

Specify a Following Period Convention and Prorate Date From the Adjust Assets Page

You can also specify the conventions and prorate date for multiple assets from the Transfer Assets in Spreadsheet or Adjust Assets in Spreadsheet tasks.

Steps to Enable

From the Manage Asset Books page, open your book. Ensure the primary ledger currency for your book is either Zloty or Ruble.

Check the Allow convention for Adjustments and Transfers option.


Ability for Administrators to Assign Delegates

A delegate is a person who is authorized to perform expense entry for you. Previously, only individual users could designate expense entry delegates for themselves. Expenses now allows administrators to perform delegation on your behalf. An administrator can designate an expense entry delegate on behalf of any user in the company.

Steps to Enable

To assign delegates to employees and contingent workers, complete the following:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Delegations task.
  2. On the Manage Delegations page, click the Create icon to create a delegation for a user.
  3. In the Create Delegation dialog box, select the delegate from the Delegate choice list. The delegate is the person who is authorized to enter expense reports on behalf of another person.
  4. From the Assignment choice list, select the person for whom report entry is delegated. This person is the owner of the expense reports.
  5. Optionally, select the Accounting Access check box and the Project Access check box when applicable. Selecting the Accounting Access check box allows the delegate to override accounting information for any expense. Selecting the Project Access check box allows the delegate to charge expenses to projects.
  6. Save the details.

When an administrator assigns a delegate, you can see the delegate on the Manage Delegates page in the Expenses work area.

Manage Delegations

Create Delegation

NOTE: If you select the Accounting Access check box and the Project Access check box and the expense report owner does not have privileges to override accounting or enter projects, the delegate is still able to override accounting and enter projects.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to the following topics in Oracle Applications online help:

Role Information

The Manage Delegations task is accessible to users with the Expense Manager role.

Attendee Data Capture for All Expense Categories

Several industries have enacted gifts and entertainment regulations to provide transparency and to curtail the amount spent on individuals to prevent gift recipients from influencing business decisions. Expenses now makes it easier for you to capture attendee data for all expense categories to comply with local and industry-specific regulations. You can now assign an entertainment policy with only data capture controls to any non-entertainment expense categories. When you enter an expense associated with an attendees-only entertainment policy, the application enforces the entry of attendee and recipient details.

Steps to Enable

To enable an expense type to capture attendee and recipient details, you must set up an entertainment policy and assign the policy to an expense type.


  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Policies by Expense Category task.
  2. On the Manage Policies by Expense Category page, click Create Policy and select Entertainment to create a policy.
  3. In the Rate Definition section on the Create Policy page, deselect the Enable rate limit check box.
  4. In the Capture Attendee Information section, select the applicable information.
  5. Save the details.
  6. On the Manage Policies by Expense Category page, select the newly created policy and click Activate to make the policy available for use.

Creating an Entertainment Policy for Attendee Capture


  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Expense Report Templates task.
  2. On the Manage Expense Report Templates page, select the expense template and click the Edit icon.
  3. On the Edit Expense Template page, select the expense type to associate with the entertainment policy.
  4. On the Edit Expense Type page, select the Policy tab.
  5. In the Attendees Policy section, select the entertainment policy and enter the start date.
  6. Save the details.

Assigning Policy to an Expense Type

Role Information

You must have one of the following roles to configure entertainment policies:

Configurable Fields for Cash Advances

You can configure company-specific information capture for cash advances by enabling descriptive flexfields. The descriptive flexfield, Cash Advance, allows you to configure the following:

Steps to Enable

To enable additional fields for cash advances, you must set up and deploy the Cash Advance flexfield.


To set up the Cash Advance flexfield, complete these steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Descriptive Flexfields task.
  2. On the Manage Descriptive Flexfields page, enter Cash Advance in the Name field and search.
  3. In the Search Results section, select the Cash Advance flexfield and click the Edit icon.
  4. To enable fields that apply to all cash advances, create segments in the Global Segments section.
  5. To enable fields that vary by business units, complete these steps:
  1. To enable fields that vary by cash advance type, complete these steps:
  1. To enable fields that vary by a context, complete these steps:

      8. Save the details.

Context as Cash Advance Type

NOTE: You can define both global segments and context segments for the Cash Advance  flexfield if needed. You can configure only one context value set for the descriptive flexfield. For example, you cannot simultaneously configure Business Unit and another user-defined context as context for the Cash Advance descriptive flexfield.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to the following topics in Oracle Applications online help:

Role Information

You must have one of the following roles to configure descriptive flexfields:

Configurable Fields for Expense Reports

You can configure company-specific information capture at the expense report level by enabling descriptive flexfields. Descriptive flexfields at the expense report level can be used to capture additional travel and expense details that are specific to your company. The descriptive flexfield, Expenses Report Header, allows you to configure the following:

Steps to Enable

To enable additional fields at the expense report header level, you must set up and deploy the Expenses Report Header flexfield.


To set up the Expenses Report Header flexfield, complete these steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Descriptive Flexfields for Expense Reports task.
  2. On the Manage Descriptive Flexfields for Expense Reports page, enter Expenses Report Header in the Name field and click search.
  3. In the Search Results section, select the Expenses Report Header flexfield and click the Edit icon.
  4. To enable fields that apply to all expense reports, create segments in the Global Segments section.
  5. To enable fields that vary by business units, complete these steps:
  1. To enable fields that vary by a context, complete these steps:

      7. Save the details.

Context as Business Unit

NOTE:  You can define both global segments and context segments for the Expenses Report Header flexfield if needed. You can configure only one context value set for the descriptive flexfield. For example, you cannot simultaneously configure Business Unit and another user-defined context as context for the Expenses Report Header.

Key Resources

For more information, refer to the following topics in Oracle Applications online help:

Role Information

You must have one of the following roles to configure descriptive flexfields:

Enhanced Controls for Mobile Expenses

The Expenses mobile application has been enhanced to make it easy for you to approve expense reports and to provide additional security controls. You can now perform the following activities:

Steps to Enable


The ability to view PDF and Microsoft Word and Excel documents is automatically available when you download the latest Expenses mobile application from Apple's Appstore.


To prevent users from allowing the Expenses mobile application to store passwords locally, complete these steps: 

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Expenses System Options task.
  2. On the Manage Expenses System Options page, select No from the Allow Password Storage in Mobile Application choice list under the User Options for Expense Report section to prevent all users in your organization from storing passwords locally on their devices.
  3. Alternately, you can prevent users in specific business units from storing passwords on their devices. To set this option for specific business units, complete the following steps:
  1. Save the details.

Option to Disable Password Storage

When the Allow Password Storage in Mobile Application field is set to No, users do not see the Save Password Locally option and the Logout button in the Settings screen of their Expenses mobile application. Users are prompted to sign in each time they access the mobile application.

NOTE: By default, the Allow Password Storage in Mobile Application choice list is set to Yes.

Role Information

You must have one of the following roles to access the Manage Expenses System Options page.

Merchant Data Capture for Entertainment Expenses

To configure the Merchant field for entertainment expenses, Expenses has added Merchant as a configurable field for Entertainment expense category. Company policies may require certain entertainment expenses to enforce merchant data capture. You can now configure the Merchant field's visibility as Required, Optional, or Hidden.

Steps to Enable

To configure merchant field for entertainment expenses, complete these steps:

Key Resources

For more information, refer to the following topics in Oracle Applications online help:

Role Information

You must have one of the following roles to configure category-specific fields for entertainment expenses:

Pay Group for Corporate Card Issuer Payment Requests

Expenses has made it easier for you to group payments for your corporate card issuer payment requests by assigning a pay group. You can assign a pay group to corporate card issuer payment requests by selecting the applicable pay group on the Create Company Account page. The Process Expense Reimbursement process assigns the pay group to the payment requests for the corporate card issuer.

Steps to Enable

To assign a pay group to a company account, complete these steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Corporate Card Programs task.
  2. On the Manage Corporate Card Programs page, select the corporate card program and click the Edit icon.
  3. On the Edit Corporate Card Programs page, select the company account and click the Edit icon.
  4. In the Edit Company Account dialog box, select a pay group from the Pay Group choice list.
  5. Save the details.

Assigning a Pay Group

Role Information

The Manage Corporate Card Programs task is accessible to users with the Corporate Card Administrator role.

Support for Gender-Based Expense Policies

Expenses has added the new Gender rate determinant to the Accommodations, Miscellaneous, and Mileage expense policies to let you create a gender-based expense policy that supports local requirements and company policies. When you enter an expense associated with a gender-based policy, the application determines the allowed limit for you by using the gender captured in your person information in the Human Resources application. Managers can view policy violations that are automatically highlighted in approval notifications. Expense reports with policy violations can be selected for audit.

Steps to Enable

To enable a gender-based policy, you must set up an expense policy and assign the policy to the expense type.


  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Policies by Expense Category task.
  2. On the Manage Policies by Expense Category page, click Create Policy and select Accommodations, Miscellaneous, or Mileage to create a policy.
  3. In the Rate Determinants section on the Create Policy page, select the Gender check box.
  4. Optionally, select applicable rate determinants.
  5. Save the details.
  6. To download the Create Rates spreadsheet, click Create Rates.
  7. Define the rates and upload the spreadsheet. The Gender choice list displays the genders defined in the Sex lookup in the Human Resources application. To define gender-specific rates, select a legislation from  the Legislation choice list. The Gender choice list is filtered by the selected legislation.
  8. On the Manage Policies by Expense Category page, select the newly created policy and click Activate to make the policy available for use.

Gender Rate Determinant in Accommodations Policy


  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Expense Report Templates task.
  2. On the Manage Expense Report Templates page, select the expense template and click the Edit icon.
  3. On the Edit Expense Template page, select the expense type to associate with the gender-based policy.
  4. On the Edit Expense Type page, select the Policy tab.
  5. In the Attendees Policy section, select the entertainment policy and enter the start date.
  6. Save the details.

Role Information

You must have one of the following roles to configure gender-based expense policies:

General Ledger

Streamlined Reporting: Generation of Reports and Account Groups and Reporting Structure Preview in Rapid Implementation

The Streamlined Reporting enhancements are a set of solutions that jump start and ease report setups to provide instantly available financial reports. The report generation feature integrates with the Rapid Implementation Enterprise Structure setup to automatically generate Financial Reporting reports and Account Groups based on the specific accounting configuration created. An embedded report previewing feature provides additional validation of the reporting structure setup in the context of a sample report to facilitate any required re-alignment.

Steps to Enable


In the Natural Accounts worksheet of the Rapid Implementation Enterprise Structure Setup spreadsheet, in addition to providing your natural account segment value set and account hierarchy along with account type tags for the account values, tag the parent accounts that are your highest level and comprehensive revenue and operating expenses accounts. Use the expanded account types of Revenue - Top Revenue Parent Account and Expenses - Top Operating Expenses Account respectively. Optionally, also assign the expanded account type of Expenses - Top Cost of Sales Parent Account if this is applicable for your scenario.

The Generate Financial Reports and Account Groups process will use these parent accounts as the basis for deriving the accounts that are referenced in the reports it creates by taking the immediate descendants of these parent accounts to define the rows of the reports. The process automatically generates a set of Financial Reporting reports and Account Groups according to the accounting configuration defined in the Rapid Implementation spreadsheet after this is successfully submitted.

Depending whether both the top operating expense and top cost of sales accounts are tagged, different variations of the Financial Reporting income statements are generated. If the optional top cost of sales account is provided, the income statements Financial Reporting reports will also include a gross margin section. An individual set of Financial Reporting reports as listed below is generated for each ledger that is defined within that Rapid Implementation accounting configuration.

  1. Income Statement

  2. Consolidated Income Statement

  3. Rolling Quarterly Income Statement

  4. Rolling Monthly Income Statement

  5. Trial Balances by Ledger Currency

  6. Trial Balances by Entered Currency

The process also generates three Account Groups. These include two for the infolets, Revenues and Expenses, and one for the Close Monitor, Close Monitor Summary Income Statement. A set of these three account groups is generated for the balances cube, to be shared among all the ledgers that are part of that balances cube.

Rapid Implementation Enterprise Structure Setup Natural Accounts Worksheet


After completing the Rapid Implementation spreadsheet, click the Validate button in the COA, Calendar, and Ledger worksheet. The validation will go through all the worksheets and check if there are missing or inappropriate setups. If everything checks out and it finds no errors, you will be presented the option to preview some samples of the reports that will be generated. The preview reports will incorporate elements of the Rapid Implementation setup you have provided, including the derivation of the report rows based on the top parent revenue and expense account values you have tagged.

In addition to previewing the reports that will be automatically generated, this is also an opportunity to validate whether you have set up your natural accounts reporting hierarchy in a way that align to reporting needs because this will be reflected in the sample reports. If the natural account hierarchy requires adjustments, this is your chance to make those corrections before actually creating the account hierarchies in the application since this will only happen when you finally submit the accounting configuration in the Rapid Implementation spreadsheet. You can make modifications to your enterprise structure setup, validate the spreadsheet, and preview the revised sample reports for as many times as you need.

The validation routine marks errors as actionable items in a Validation Report worksheet that it dynamically generates for the workbook. You can review these anomalies and make the corrections as indicated. In the Field column, it will note the item that is an issue, and the text is a link. Clicking on it will navigate you to the appropriate field in the spreadsheet that you need to update.

Prompt to Preview Sample Reports After Successful Validation of Rapid Implementation Spreadsheet

Sample Reports Preview

Tips And Considerations

  1. Use the sample completed Rapid Implementation Enterprise Structure Setup spreadsheet provided in the Instructions worksheet in the workbook to familiarize yourself with the feature and see the resulting accounting configuration and generated reports corresponding to the definition in the sample spreadsheet.

Sample of Completed Rapid Implementation Enterprise Structure Setup Spreadsheet

  1. For the Revenues and Expenses Account Groups created by the report generation process, these will be automatically set as the defaults for your Revenues and Expenses infolets in the General Accounting Home Page if there is no existing Account Group already associated as the default. For the Close Monitor Summary Income Statement, this can be assigned to your ledger sets when you complete the Close Monitor setup.

Key Resources

The Instructions worksheet in the Rapid Implementation Enterprise Structure spreadsheet contains important information on how to use the spreadsheet and submit the accounting configuration. It also provides information on how to create additional account hierarchies, or additional account hierarchy versions. It describes the various business objects that are created as part of the accounting configuration, including how they relate to one another. Recommendations and best practices are also included to help you optimize your Rapid Implementation setup. Areas that require caution and special consideration when planning your setup are also noted in the instructions to help you avoid pitfalls.

Role Information

To successfully submit the Rapid Implementation Enterprise Structure Setup spreadsheet and generate the Financial Reports and Account Groups, the user will need to have the Application Implementation Consultant job role assignment because this feature is related to many setup elements that are secured by the various privileges assigned to this role.

Generate Financial Reports and Account Groups Process and Copy Account Groups

The Generate Financial Reports and Account Groups process can be submitted at any time to automatically create Financial Reporting reports and Account Groups. The Copy Account Group feature allows you to leverage existing Account Groups and modify the copy to easily produce another report variation.

Steps to Enable


To submit the Generate Financial Reports and Account Groups process, select the chart of accounts and accounting calendar which identifies the balances cube and ledgers for which you wish to generate the reports. Specify the top three parent revenue and expenses account values to base the generated reports.

The Generate Financial Reports and Account Groups process will use these parent accounts as the basis for deriving the accounts that are referenced in the reports it creates by taking the immediate descendants of these parent accounts to define the rows of the reports. The process generates a set of Financial Reporting reports and Account Groups for the selected balances cube and its ledgers.

An individual set of Financial Reporting reports as listed below is generated for each ledger that is part of the selected balances cube. Depending on whether both the top operating expense and top cost of sales accounts are tagged, different variations of the income statements are generated. If the optional top cost of sales account is provided, the income statement reports will also include a gross margin section.

  1. Income Statement

  2. Consolidated Income Statement

  3. Rolling Quarterly Income Statement

  4. Rolling Monthly Income Statement

  5. Trial Balances by Ledger Currency

  6. Trial Balances by Entered Currency

The process also generates three Account Groups. These include two for the infolets, Revenues and Expenses, and one for the Close Monitor, Close Monitor Summary Income Statement. A set of these three account groups is generated for the balances cube, to be shared among all the ledgers that are part of that balances cube.

When specifying each of the top parent account, you can pick the specific tree and tree version of the parent account that you wish to base the generated reports. Use the Search feature to look for the specific parent account by one or more criteria, using value, description, tree and tree version.

Generate Financial Reports and Account Groups

Specify Parent Account Value by Tree and Tree Version


Use the Copy Account Group feature to make a copy of an existing account group, which can then be readily modified to satisfy a different reporting requirement by having another Account Group variation. You can make a copy of any account group to which you have access, whether it is an Account Group you own, an Account Group that is shared with you, or an Account Group that is public. You will be marked as the owner of the copied Account Group, which will be set to Private Access by default but can be changed to the setting that you like.

Copy Account Group

Tips And Considerations

  1. When specifying the top parent accounts to submit the Generate Financial Reports and Account Groups process, you can pick a specific tree and tree version for each parent account. All three parent account values can be from different trees and tree versions, although ideally, you would choose a common tree and tree version for all of them so that the hierarchy basis of all the rows in the report is consistent.
  2. The Generate Financial Reports and Account Groups process will create an initial set of Financial Reporting reports for each ledger included in the request submission. To prevent the unchecked proliferation of such Financial Reporting reports, unless the original reports created were renamed or deleted, a resubmission of the report generation process will not generate new Financial Reporting reports for the ledgers. In contrast, for Account Groups, a new set will be generated for the balances cube with each submission of the report generation process.
  3. For the Revenues and Expenses Account Groups created by the report generation program, these will be automatically set as the defaults for your Revenues and Expenses infolets in the General Accounting Home Page if there is no existing Account Group already associated as their defaults. For the Close Monitor Summary Income Statement, this can be assigned to your ledger sets when you complete the Close Monitor setup.

Role Information

To submit the Generate Financial Reports and Account Groups process, the user needs to be assigned either the Financial Analyst, General Accountant, General Accounting Manager, Financial Application Administrator or Application Implementation Consultant job role. To work directly with the account groups and Financial Reporting reports created, the user needs to be assigned either the Financial Analyst, General Accountant or General Accounting Manager job role.

Manage Cross-Validation Rule Violations Process

Cross-validation rules determine whether a selected value for a particular segment of an account combination can be combined with specific values in other segments to form a new account combination.

Use the new Manage Cross-Validation Rule Violations process to list and optionally disable account combinations that violate cross-validation rules for a given chart of accounts. The process also lets you preserve attributes of account combinations to prevent the Inherit Segment Value process from reenabling them.

Steps to Enable

  1. Select the ‘Manage Cross-Validation Rule Violations’ process from the Scheduled Processes work area.
  2. Select the chart of accounts for the applicable cross-validation rule.
  3. Select All or select a specific cross-validation rule.
  4. For the Disable Accounts parameter, select from among the following options:

       5. Submit the process and review the output file.

Tips And Considerations

  1. After you define a cross-validation rule, you can run the Manage Cross-Validation Rule Violations process to:
  1. The process evaluates all account combinations that are enabled and not end-dated when the process is submitted. The process is also affected by the Enabled option on the Manage Cross-Validation Rules page.

Key Resources

Role Information

The Manage Cross-Validation Rule Violations Process is secured by the Manage Oracle Fusion General Ledger Account Combinations privilege. This privilege is associated with the Enterprise Structures Administration Duty, which is assigned to the job role of Financial Application Administrator and Application Implementation Consultant.

Correct Misclassified Accounts Process

When you create a value for a segment that's assigned the natural account segment label, you must select an account type, such as Asset, Liability, Expense, Revenue, and Owner's Equity. Account combinations subsequently created with that segment value inherit the assigned account type. For example, you assign segment value 1000 the account type of Asset and then create account combination 01-000-1000-000-000.  Account combination 01-000-1000-000-000 is classified as an asset.

If you assign an incorrect account type to a natural account segment value, accounting entries are recorded incorrectly and financial statements are inaccurate. Misclassified accounts are also potentially handled incorrectly at year end, with actual balances either getting zeroed out to retained earnings, or accumulating into the next year.

Use the new Correct Misclassified Accounts process to correct account types for account combinations. Misclassified accounts occur when the inherited account type of the corresponding natural account segment value is set incorrectly. The process also lets you preview the correction results.

Steps to Enable

To submit the Correct Misclassified Accounts process, take the following steps.

  1. Select the ‘Correct Misclassified Accounts’ process from the Scheduled Processes work area.
  2. Select the value set for the natural account segment.
  3. Select the value from which account combinations must inherit the account type.
  4. Select whether to preview the affected account combinations or whether to reclassify the affected account combinations.
  5. Submit the process and review the output file.

Tips And Considerations

Key Resources

Role Information

The Correct Misclassified Accounts process is secured by the Manage Oracle Fusion General Ledger Account Combinations privilege. This privilege is associated with the Enterprise Structures Administration Duty, which is assigned to the job role of Financial Application Administrator and Application Implementation Consultant.

Delete Translated Balances Process

The Delete Translated Balances process provides the ability to completely reset translations in the event that significant changes are made to the accounting configuration. In these cases, it is not sufficient to just submit a translation again after making the change, but requires that all previous translated balances be deleted first. These scenarios include making changes to the following:

Steps to Enable

To submit the Delete Translated Balances process, take the following steps.

  1. Select the Delete Translated Balances process.

  2. Specify the ledger, target translation currency and earliest translation period for which you want to delete translated balances and submit the process. The To Accounting Period has to be the latest accounting period for which the ledger has translated balances for the given currency.

  3. Make the applicable accounting configuration changes, taking into account all other necessary steps to accomplish such a change. Refer to the appropriate documentation for the complete set of steps for the given scenario.

  4. Rebuild the General Ledger balances cube by submitting the Create General Ledger Balances Cube process to ensure that the balances cube maintains translated balances that are consistent with future translations.

Delete Translated Balances Process Submission

Tips And Considerations

NOTE: After running the Delete Translated Balances process, it is very important to run the Create General Ledger Balances Cube process to rebuild the balances cube and ensure that translated balances are also completely reset in the balances cube.  Otherwise, results from subsequent translations may not be correctly reflected in the General Ledger balances cube.

Role Information

The Delete Translated Balances process is secured by the Delete Translated Balances Program privilege. This privilege is associated with the General Accounting Functional Administration Duty, which is assigned to the job role of Financial Application Administrator and Application Implementation Consultant.


Customer and Supplier Balance Netting

Use the Customer and Supplier Balance Netting feature to enable the automatic netting of Payables and Receivables transactions within a business enterprise and issue payments and receipts for the netted amounts.

Netting agreements can be defined that incorporate the netting business rules (such as transaction selection criteria) to support your payment practices.

The netting process automatically creates the Payables payments and Receivables receipts required to clear a selected number of Payables and Receivables transactions.  The functionality allows you to fine tune netting settlements, prior to completion.

The following diagram represents the basic operations:

The feature allows you to quickly settle both AP and AR transactions for your trading partners who are both a customer and supplier.  The settlement can be automatically emailed to your trading partner and the internal netting report and listing allow you to be able to keep track of the details of the settlement (such as trading partners, invoices, transactions, settlement date.)

The netting agreement controls how a group of trading partners net Payables and Receivables transactions.  You can create a netting agreement for each group of trading partners that agrees to net transactions.  Netting agreements include the business rules that define the types of transactions that may be selected for netting, and which suppliers and customers can be netted.

You can use netting groups to allow the Netting Manager to optionally create settlements for multiple agreements at the same time.  Implement netting groups to group together similar business related agreements for settlements.

Steps to Enable

For details, refer to this document.  The document covers :

Tips And Considerations

Refer to the 'Customer and Supplier Balance Netting Topical Essay' for detailed implementation guidance :

In addition to the setup mentioned, the document covers :

Key Resources

Role Information

Assign the Netting duty role ‘Customer and Supplier Balance Netting’ to only those users who will create Netting Agreements and Netting Settlements. The same users must also be given access to the Payables and Receivables roles (Accounts Payable Manager, Accounts Receivable Manager or Specialist Payables/Receivables roles), and have data access to all business units that will be used in the Netting process.

For details, please refer to the Fusion Security Topical Essay at

Early Payment Discounts

You can pay invoices early in return for real-time discounts. Payments made early are offered discounts on a real-time basis every single day of the payment cycle. Eligible discounts decrease on a sliding scale depending on what the supplier is willing to accept. The variable annual percent rate (APR) with the days accelerated is used in determining the discount amount and payment amount.  

For example, the payment of an invoice of $10,000.00 when accelerated 15 days using the APR of 36% will have $150.00 discount amount.

Steps to Enable


A license for Adaptive Intelligent is required.


The feature needs to be enabled using the Fusion Cloud Functional Setup Manager Feature Opt In page.

The steps are:

  1. Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Select Financials in the dropdown at the top of the page.
  3. Click Change Feature Opt In.
  4. On the Opt In: Financials page, click the Features icon for Payables.
  5. On the Edit Features: Payables page, select the Dynamic Offers for Early Payment Offers.
  6. Click Done to go back to the Setup: Financials page.

There is no additional step needed.

Tips And Considerations


Customer and Supplier Balance Netting

Use the Customer and Supplier Balance Netting feature to enable the automatic netting of Payables and Receivables transactions within a business enterprise and issue payments and receipts for the netted amounts.

Netting agreements can be defined that incorporate the netting business rules (such as transaction selection criteria) to support your payment practices.

The netting process automatically creates the Payables payments and Receivables receipts required to clear a selected number of Payables and Receivables transactions.  The functionality allows you to fine tune netting settlements, prior to completion.

The following diagram represents the basic operations:

The feature allows you to quickly settle both AP and AR transactions for your trading partners who are both a customer and supplier.  The settlement can be automatically emailed to your trading partner and the internal netting report and listing allow you to be able to keep track of the details of the settlement (such as trading partners, invoices, transactions, settlement date.)

The netting agreement controls how a group of trading partners net Payables and Receivables transactions.  You can create a netting agreement for each group of trading partners that agrees to net transactions.  Netting agreements include the business rules that define the types of transactions that may be selected for netting, and which suppliers and customers can be netted.

You can use netting groups to allow the Netting Manager to optionally create settlements for multiple agreements at the same time.  Implement netting groups to group together similar business related agreements for settlements.

Steps to Enable

For details, refer to this document.  The document covers :

Tips And Considerations

Refer to the 'Customer and Supplier Balance Netting Topical Essay' for detailed implementation guidance :

In addition to the setup mentioned, the document covers :

Key Resources

Role Information

Assign the Netting duty role ‘Customer and Supplier Balance Netting’ to only those users who will create Netting Agreements and Netting Settlements. The same users must also be given access to the Payables and Receivables roles (Accounts Payable Manager, Accounts Receivable Manager or Specialist Payables/Receivables roles), and have data access to all business units that will be used in the Netting process.

For details, please refer to the Fusion Security Topical Essay at

Enhanced Notes Capabilities for Streamlined Customer Account Management

Receivables and Collections users now have access to the same notes pertaining to Receivables transactions.

Receivables and Collections users can now enter internal comments and customer comments both when creating a dispute and tracking the dispute across related transactions. The enhanced dispute functionality includes:

Receivables and Collections users can now raise a partial dispute on a transaction by changing the default dispute amount to an amount between 0.00 and the original invoice amount, less the amount of any existing disputes already in the process of approval.

In Receivables, the user can query a transaction and review an installment note created in Collections.

In Receivables, the user can query a transaction and review a case folder note created in Collections.

In Collections, the user can query a transaction installment for a customer and review the case folder notes.

In Collections, the user can query a transaction installment for a customer and review the notes created for the Receivables transaction.

Receivables and Collections users can now enter internal comments and customer comments both when creating a dispute and tracking the dispute details across related transactions.

Receivables and Collections users can review customer comments and internal comments captured on the Manage Disputes page, as part of the approval workflow notifications.

Receivables and Collections users can review the dispute details, including the credit memo request number, dispute amount, credit memo reason, and internal comments, in the Notes window of the Review Transaction page.

Receivables and Collections users can review customer comments in the Review Transaction page of the credit memo after the dispute has been approved.

In Receivables, the user can change the default dispute amount. The user can enter an updated dispute amount anywhere between 0.00 and the original invoice amount, less the amount of any existing disputes already in the process of approval.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps needed to enable the notes capabilities between Receivables and Collections. This feature are available with your Receivables and Collections installation.

Support Credit Checking Against Order Amount Limit

Receivables Credit Checking Service now supports checking the requested amount against the Order Amount Limit captured in the customer or customer account profile. You can define an order amount limit (in addition to the credit limit) to better control the processing of orders with large amounts.

The Credit Checking Service performs the order amount check in addition to the existing credit limit check. If both checks pass, a credit authorization is created. If either of the checks fails, credit authorization is not created, the credit check does not pass, and a credit case folder is created for the customer or customer account.

Similar to other customer or customer account profile attributes, the new attribute Order Amount Limit can be defined using the Edit Customer and Edit Customer Account pages, the Customer Import FBDI spreadsheet, or the Customer Profile Service.

Steps to Enable

Follow these steps to set up the Order Amount Limit for a customer or customer account:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Customers page (accessible from the Billing work area, the Credit Reviews work area, and the Setup and Maintenance work area).
  2. Query the customer or the customer account.
  3. On the Edit Customer or Edit Account page, go to the Profile History tab. (If no profile exists, open the related Create Profile page.)
  4. Enter the Order Amount Limit for the customer or customer account.
  5. Save your work.

Role Information

Credit Manager, Accounts Receivable Manager, or Accounts Receivable Specialist can access the related Create Profile, Edit Customer, and Edit Account pages to maintain Order Amount Limit.

Revenue Management

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence: Standalone Selling Price Report Dashboard

Use the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) Standalone Selling Price Report Dashboard to analyze the standalone selling prices (SSPs) for a selected effective period or a range of selected effective periods. The dashboard aids in the analysis of exactly how the standalone selling prices were calculated by providing a drill down to the standalone sales transaction data used to derive the standalone selling prices.

Use the Standalone Selling Price Report for analysis and auditing, or you can copy the report and use it as a starting point to create a report that will meets your own unique reporting needs.

Access the Standalone Selling Price Report From Reports and Analytics Under Tools Within the Navigator

Select the Pre-Built Standalone Selling Price Report From the Revenue Management => Standalone Selling Price Shared Folders

The Standalone Selling Price Report enables you to review the standalone selling prices for the selected effective periods. You can filter the report output by attributes such as item, item group, memo line, item classification, performance obligation template, pricing dimension, SSP Profile, and SSP Representation.

Standalone Selling Price Report Output Sample

Drill down to the Observed SSP Details report, which provides details of the individual sales used to systematically derive the observed standalone selling price.

Observed SSP Details Report Output Sample

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.  On installation of the release, the dashboard and report is available to you.

Tips And Considerations

Report can be edited or modified after copying or saving the report from the shared folder to your personal folder.


Outsource Tax Processing and Reporting to Third-Party Tax Vendor Solution (Financials)


Oracle ERP Cloud integration with comprehensive transaction tax management solutions provided by tax partners is currently available for tax content, tax calculation, tax determination, and tax reporting.  Customers can leverage these partner transaction tax solutions independently or together based on different transaction tax requirements across market segments and industries.

Following are the key benefits in adopting partner transaction tax management solutions:

Tax Content Offering

Tax Determination Offering

Tax Reporting Offering

  • Partner tax content service includes geographic tax jurisdictions, tax rates, and taxability rules for products and services with potential customer-specific changes.
  • Updates available on monthly basis for statute changes.
  • Cloud-to-Cloud integration of ERP Cloud and Partner Tax Application Cloud for transaction tax calculation.
  • Separate tax software integration components are not required on ERP Cloud.
  • Data flow between Oracle ERP Cloud and Partner Tax Cloud.
  • Signature-ready return for US sales and use tax filings.
  • Tax partner can manage the entire tax compliance function from tax returns generation to payment remittances.

Steps to Enable


If a customer elects to implement a tax partner calculation application with Oracle ERP Cloud, then the following additional setup steps must be performed in order to successfully enable tax partner calculation integration with Oracle ERP Cloud:

  1. Subscribe the applicable business unit(s) to the relevant country tax regime(s) for partner tax calculation integration using the Configuration Options tab on the Manage Tax Regimes page.
  2. All of the taxes under the relevant country tax regime(s) must be set as ‘Applicable’ by default, and they must be enabled for both ‘Simulation’ and ‘Transactions’ purposes. 
  3. Register the tax partner in Oracle ERP Cloud using the following web service:

Partner Tax Profile Service (Operation Name: registerTaxContentPartner)

This Register Tax Content Partner web service operation creates the tax profile for the third-party tax partner to support tax content and calculation services.


Parameter Name






Party Name

Company name of the third-party tax partner.




Provider Type Code

Primary use of the tax content provided by a third-party tax partner. Valid values are CONTENT, SERVICES, or BOTH.





The status that is returned.




  1. On the main Manage Configuration Owner Tax Options user page, select ‘Actions’ and ‘Manage Tax Partner Integration in a Spreadsheet’.  Once the Manage Tax Partner Integration ADFdi spreadsheet is launched, then specify the Tax Partner Name, Connection User Name, Connection Password, and End Point URL.Then, select the ‘Upload’ icon at the top of the template under the ‘MyWorkbook’ menu to load the settings:

Prerequisite Note:  A tax partner is responsible for their registration in Oracle ERP Cloud by using the Partner Tax Profile web service as outlined above.  If a tax partner registration has not been properly completed, the Tax Partner Name will not be available for selection in the Manage Tax Partner Integration ADFdi spreadsheet.

User Note:  If the Manage Tax Partner Integration ADFdi spreadsheet is not rendered or launched, please be sure to download the latest ADFdi plug-in from the main Oracle ERP Cloud Navigator under Tools and Download Desktop Integration Installer selection.

  1. From the Manage Configuration Owner Tax Options user page, select the create icon.  Then, populate the desired Configuration Owner, Application Name, Event Class, and Start Date.  In addition, select ‘Calculate tax by tax provider’ as the Regime Determination Set.  After selecting the Regime Determination Set, the ‘Enable Tax Partner’ link is active.
  2. Click on the ‘Enable Tax Partner’ link to access the window showing the tax partner currently registered for tax calculation purposes.  Only a tax partner previously registered for tax calculation will be displayed in this window.  For the registered tax partner, check the ‘Enabled’ checkbox, and then click on the ‘OK’ button.  Finally, click on ‘Save and Close’.

Prerequisite Note:  A tax partner is responsible for their registration in Oracle ERP Cloud by using the Partner Tax Profile web service as outlined above.  If a tax partner registration has not been properly completed, the individual tax partner will not be available to be enabled.

Transactional Business Intelligence for Financials

Customer Taxpayer Identification Number is Added in Receivables, Subledger Accounting and Revenue Management Subject Areas

Taxpayer Identification Number has been added to paying and bill-to customer details in Receivables, Subledger Accounting and Revenue Management subject areas.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Improved Cross-Functional Reporting Between Payables and Projects

The Payables subject area has been enhanced to support Payables reporting by projects and contracts. In the Payables Invoices - Transactions subject area, the Project Information folder has been expanded to include information on project, expenditure type, and task. Users with the appropriate Projects subject area access can access the Projects information in the Payables subject areas.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.


Dynamic Discounting is Available in Payable Payment Disbursement Subject Area

Dynamic discounting attributes have been added in the Invoice Paid Installments Details folder in the Payables Payment Disbursement Subject Area.  This provides reporting on dynamic discounting terms such as annual percent, days accelerated, and early payment offer.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Improved Cross Functional Reporting Across Payables Subject Areas

Common Invoice attributes have been enhanced across the Payables subject areas to provide better cross functional reporting among Invoice Holds, Installments, Payment Schedule, Payment, Prepayments and Payment Disbursements.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Invoice Image Routing is Available in Payables Invoices Subject Areas

Invoice Image Routing attributes have been added in Payment Disbursements and Payables Invoices Subject Areas including Invoice Holds, Installments, Prepayment Applications, Transactions, Trial Balances.  The attributes are available in the Invoice Details/Reference Information folder.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

One Time Payment Party Information is Available in Payables Subject Area

One Time Payment Party information has been added in all Payables subject areas.  Two new payable Party dimensions, Party and Party Site have been added to report information on one time payment supplier details including person, organization, address, and site information.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.


Customer Account and Transaction Details Are Enhanced in the Receivables Subject Area

Miscellaneous enhancements have been added to the Receivables Customer, Revenue Adjustments and Transactions subject areas. They include descriptions for account profile and site profile class, sales person number, from/to dates and credit type and purchase order printing information.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Regional and Country-Specific Features

Financials for the Americas


Withholding Tax Reporting for Argentina

The following new withholding tax reports comply with fiscal reporting requirements in Argentina.


This report is used to electronically report federal, zonal, and provincial withholding tax information into various AFIP applications that run under SIAP.

Run the report monthly before import the file into the correct AFIP application, if required. After the flat files are imported, the AFIP applications produce all required information, including flat files, and can also generate tax reports for control purposes.

The Argentine Payables Withholding Flat File has three formats, each for different jurisdictions:


Use this report to generate supplier withholding certificates. The withholding certificate is a legal document that you send to the supplier as a proof of withheld taxes on payments. The report produces one certificate per payment for each withholding tax type, province (if applicable), withholding category, and zone (if applicable).  The certificate contains standard information and information specific to the withholding tax type. The system generates a unique certificate number by withholding type and province.

Steps to Enable

  1. Select the Financials offering to enable Argentina in the Regional Localizations offering option.
  1. Assign the LAD Financial Reporting duty role to users to access these reports.


Withholding Tax Reporting for Chile

The following new withholding tax reports comply with fiscal reporting requirements in Chile.


This report (a.k.a. Libro de Retencion de Honorarios) is used to detail all the invoices paid during a particular period on which amounts were withheld. Use the Chilean Purchase Withholding of Fees Ledger report to show tax authorities that you withheld taxes for invoices subject to withholding tax. The report includes only invoices subject to withholding tax, identified by a document type of Professional Service Fee or Professional Services and Participation.


In Chile, you must send your suppliers withholding tax certificates to certify that you withheld taxes from the professional service fees and participation amounts you paid the suppliers. The withholding tax certificates show both the gross invoice amounts and the tax withheld for each month in the tax year.

If a supplier had only professional service fees in a particular tax year, you must send the supplier a Fees Certificate. If a supplier had both professional service fees and participation, you must send the supplier a Fees and Participation Certificate.

Use this report to print both kinds of withholding tax certificates.  The document type assigned to the invoices from each supplier is used to determine which withholding certificate to print for the supplier.


Use this report to review summarized information about each supplier for whom you generated an official certificate. For each certificate, the report shows the certificate number, the supplier, the last date the certificate was printed, the taxable amounts for professional service fees, and participation if applicable, and the amount of tax withheld.

Steps to Enable

Tips And Considerations

You can modify the predefined report formats to meet implementation-specific requirements or to comply with changes to local regulations.


Withholding Tax Reporting for Colombia

The following new withholding tax reports comply with fiscal reporting requirements in Colombia:


Use this report for managerial and auditing purposes. The report details tax withholding information for a taxable period. It can report on any tax withholding type. The report shows the document number, withholding accounting date, taxable base amount, and withholding amount by tax withholding type, accounting flexfield and supplier. The VAT Withholding Tax details also include the VAT amount. Totals for the supplier, accounting flexfield and tax withholding type are calculated.


Use this report to print supplier withholding certificates. For each withholding tax type, you provide withholding certificates for each supplier where you withheld taxes. The certificates are normally printed annually to cover all withholding taxes for a tax year; however, you can print this report for any supplier for any period.

The withholding certificate has the same general format for each of the withholding tax types, including the taxable period, company information, supplier information, city where the tax was withheld, and the city where the withholding tax was paid.

Withholding information includes the taxable base amount and withheld amount for each concept. The VAT withholding certificate includes additional information for each concept, such as the VAT amount and the reported tax rate for the tax code.

Steps to Enable

Tips And Considerations

You can modify the predefined report formats to meet implementation-specific requirements or to comply with changes to local regulations.

Financials for EMEA


Correction Documents for Poland

You can now use the Correction Documents for Poland feature to help you to comply with Polish legal requirements:

The following screenshot illustrates the feature submission:

In Scheduled Processes, select the Correction Documents for Poland process. Choose the transaction which you need to correct and enter the correction information. You can apply a whole price adjustment to make a full reversal of the invoice, apply a discount to all the invoice lines, or create a copy of the original invoice for making manual corrections in the Review/Edit Transaction pages.

Steps to Enable


Submit Correction Documents for Poland process. When the process is complete, the AutoInvoice process executes automatically and creates the correction invoice.

In the Review/Edit Transaction pages, incomplete the transaction, add the document fiscal classification, and make any additional corrections to the correction document before issuing the correction document to the customer.


Using Oracle Identity Management, assign the security privilege Create Correction Invoice for Poland to the role for your Accounts Receivable Manager.

Adding Security Privilege to a Role

Tips And Considerations

Complete all solution related setup for Receivables before using the Correction Documents for Poland feature.

Key Resources

JPK Reporting for Poland

Use JPK Reporting for Poland (Jednolity Plik Kontrolny - JPK) to generate outputs for Sales and Purchase VAT Registers, and the Standard Audit File for Tax (SAFT) for Poland. It is the legally defined electronic format (XML) for electronic submission to the tax authorities.

The feature includes the following extracts:

The feature also includes a report for the JPK Sales and Purchase Register information.


This process generates a JPK audit file for the accounting information with the following structure :

  1. General Ledger Trial Balance (ZoiS)  (PL: Zestawienie Obrotów i Sald)
  2. General Ledger Journals (Dziennik)  (PL: Dziennik Ksiegi Glownej), General Ledger Journals Control Totals (DziennikCtr) (PL: Sumy Kontrolne dla Dziennika Ksiegi Glownej)
  3. General Ledger and  Subledger Account Analysis (KontoZapis) (PL: Zapisy na kontach Ksiegi Glownej i Ksiegi Pomocniczych),  General Ledger and  Subledger Account Analysis Control Totals (KontoZapisCtrl) (PL: Sumy kontrolne dla tabeli KontoZapis)    

The data for the Accounting Books extract is selected based on the accounting periods.

The following is the process parameter screen for executing the JPK Accounting Books Extract for Poland:

The following screenshot contains the header and one account presented in the Trial Balance section.


This process generates the JPK file with Bank statements line information in predefined XML format.

The following is the parameter screen for executing the JPK Bank Statements Extract for Poland:

This is an example of the XML extract created:


This process generates the JPK file with Invoice listing information (called JPK-FA) in predefined XML format.

The following is the parameter screen for executing the JPK Invoice Listing for Poland:

The XML file contains VAT Invoice details with dates between parameters From Date and To Date. You decide which date is the basis for selection: Transaction Date, Accounting Date or Tax Point Date.


This process generates the JPK file with Sales and Purchase registers (called JPK_VAT) in predefined XML format.

The following is the process parameter screen for executing the JPK Sales and Purchase Registers for Poland:


This process generates the JPK reports for Sales and Purchase registers in PDF format.

The following is the process parameter screen for executing the Sales and Purchase VAT Registers for Poland:

The report displays in PDF format the transactions reportable in the selected period, based on data extract from the JPK Sales and Purchase VAT Registers for Poland file, with required details and summarization.

Steps to Enable

Create a custom Duty Role and assign the following privilege to it:

Detailed information on the required setup steps can be found in the Topical Essay:

Tips And Considerations

Complete all solution related setup for

Key Resources

Print Commercial Documents for Poland


This program allow you to select Receivables transactions to be printed, using Poland specific templates. There are parameters that define the source of the transactions, as well as filters to identify particular transactions to be printed. The printing process is executed in the following steps:

  1. The program determines the layout to be used for each document being printed. The logic followed is described below:
  1. The actual printing process is launched as Print Commercial Documents Child Process.
  2. The Process Execution Report is generated.

The transactions can be printed in Draft or Final mode. Draft mode is used to verify that the data is complete and correct before final printing. Once they are printed in Final mode, the Print status field of the printed transactions changes to Printed and these are no longer available for printing in Final mode. After an Invoice has been printed in Final mode, the user can print a copy of this output, marked as Duplicate by selecting the attachment of the printed invoice from the Edit/Manage Receivables Transactions page.

The user can also control the currency type to be used for the amounts.  The selection provided is for Entered or Ledger Currency.

The following is an example of the default template for VAT Invoice print for Poland:

User layouts can be designed using the BI Publisher tool, and they can be used once they have been registered with Print Commercial Documents for EMEA.


This report includes all transactions that are extracted to be printed based on the filters provided in the related parameters. This report validates the association between Document Fiscal Classification / Document SubType and the template used for the Invoice print process, and validates document fiscal information, including third party name, document number, and transaction date for the selected transactions.

Steps to Enable

Further information on the setup steps can be found in the following Topical Essay:

Tips And Considerations

Complete all solution related setup for Receivables and Correction Invoices before using the Print Commercial Documents feature.

Key Resources

Tax Point Date Adjustment

You can now use the Tax Point Date Adjustment feature in Poland to change the tax point date of a Payables or Receivables transaction, and report the transaction in a period different from the one initially defined by your tax configuration.

NOTE: If you adjust the tax point date of transactions already reported, you may need to resubmit the Tax reports for the impacted tax periods and issue separate Correction Documents to reflect the changes.


The tax point date of a Receivables transaction can be adjusted at header or line level.  Adjustments at header level update the tax point date on the tax lines of all transaction lines where the adjusted tax point date on the transaction line is null. Adjustments at line level update the tax point date of the tax lines for just that transaction line.

The transaction should have a tax point basis of Invoice, and a status of Completed.

After changing the tax point date in the Review and Edit Transaction pages, submit the Process Tax Point Date Adjustments process.

Adjusting Tax Point Date at Header Level


The tax point date of a Payables transaction can be adjusted at header or line level. Adjustments at header level update the tax point date on the tax lines of all transaction lines where the adjusted tax point date on the transaction line is null. Adjustments at line level update the tax point date of the tax lines for just that transaction line.

The transaction should have a tax point basis of Invoice, and a status of Validated.

After changing the tax point date in the Create and Edit Invoice pages, submit the Process Tax Point Date Adjustments process.

Adjusting the Tax Point Date at Header Level

Adjusting the Tax Point Date at Line Level

Steps to Enable


In Oracle Identity Management, assign the privilege Run Tax Point Date Adjustment Process to your Tax Manager role.

Find the Privilege

Add the Privilege to the Tax Manager Role

Tips And Considerations

Complete all solution related setup for Payables and Receivables before using the Tax Point Date Adjustment feature.

Key Resources

Update 17C

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
01 SEP 2017   Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

We continue to add many new features to Oracle Cloud Applications and we now give you the option to take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you. The ‘New Features UI’ is available to you from your cloud homepage, where you can make your choices and do any configuration necessary.

Release Feature Summary

Action Required to Enable Feature


Automatically Available

End User Action Required

Administrator Action Required

Oracle Service Request Required

Advanced Collections

Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments by Segment


One Time Payments


Ability to Launch Simplified Customer Upload via Web Service

Revenue Management

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Reporting - Subject Areas for Customer Contracts, Performance Obligations and Revenue


District Tax Content Upload Support in ERP Cloud for Tax Partners

ERP Cloud for India

Transactional Business Intelligence for Financials

Additional Descriptive Flexfields for Financials OTBI Subject Areas

OTBI Subject Area Usability Enhancements

General Ledger

Accounting Segment Level Descriptions in General Ledger – Balances Subject Area

Clearing Account Reconciliation Information in General Ledger and Subledger Accounting Journals Subject Areas


Additional Purchase Order Information for Payable Invoice Transactions, Prepayment Applications and Invoice Holds Subject Areas

Multi-Period Accrual Accounting Information in Payables Subject Areas

Subledger Accounting

GL Journal Details in the Subledger Accounting - Journals Subject Area

Advanced Collections

Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments by Segment

The Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments by Segment feature allows collectors to categorize customers based on segments, such as business unit, profile class, or remaining amount due. Different scoring formulas and delinquent strategy groups can then be assigned to segments. Collectors can also define predelinquency settings and assign predelinquent strategy groups to customers.

This feature provides enhanced flexibility to collectors for managing the scoring and strategy assignments of customers. This feature can also help increase collections efficiency and improve cash flow.

There are two major components to this feature:


Manage Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments is a new setup task that can be accessed using the Functional Setup Manager, in the Setup and Maintenance work area. The following three types of assignments can be captured:

  1. Default Assignments - default scoring formula and delinquent strategy group assignments by business level.

The predefined scoring formulas and delinquent strategy groups are populated by default. They can be changed to any scoring formulas or strategy groups according to business requirements.

  1. Delinquent Strategy Assignments by Segment - scoring formula assignments and delinquent strategy group assignments by segment.

Based on business needs, scoring formulas and delinquent strategy groups can be assigned by business level, business unit, or profile class.

Thresholds for remaining amounts due can be set up and delinquent strategy groups used when the amount is below or above the thresholds. The columns Amount Overdue Lower Threshold and Below Threshold Strategy Group are shown in the screenshot below. (For example, the first row in the table specifies that the strategy group Customer Low Strategy should be used, when the remaining amount due is below 700,000.00 USD, in the business unit Vision Operations for the business level Customer.)

There are two other hidden-by-default columns Amount Overdue Upper Threshold and Above Threshold Strategy Group. If needed, they can be used to capture an upper threshold for remaining amount due and the delinquent strategy group to be assigned when the amount is above the upper threshold.

  1. Predeqlinquent Strategy Assignments by Segment - predelinquency settings and predelinquent strategy group assignments.

In addition to managing the delinquent strategy assignments, define the amount and day thresholds to use in order to determine predelinquencies and to assign predelinquent strategy groups by business level and business unit. For example, if the Amount Threshold is 150,000.00 USD and the Day Threshold is 7, it means a transaction will be considered predelinquent when the remaining amount due is more than 150,000.00 USD and will become past due in 7 days.

NOTE: The delinquent and predelinquent strategy assignments by segment are optional. If they are not set up, the default assignments are used.


The Collections Delinquency Management process marks the delinquency and predelinquency status for transactions, customers, accounts, and sites based on the business level and the predelinquency settings, if any. This process can be scheduled to run on a regular basis.


The Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignment process retrieves the scoring formula and delinquent strategy group based on the Manage Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments setup, calculates the scores, and assigns the strategies to delinquent customers accordingly. If predelinquent strategy group assignments are defined, predelinquent strategies will be assigned as well. Delinquent strategies and predelinquent strategies can run in parallel for the same customer.


Predelinquent strategy assignments can be set up and viewed for each customer on the Collections Work Area landing page, as well as under the Strategies tab on the Customer page.

The manual strategy tasks generated based on the Manage Scoring and Strategy Assignments by Segment setup are displayed in the Strategy Tasks information tile and the associated table on the Collections Work Area landing page.

Steps to Enable

The Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments by Segment feature needs to be enabled using the Feature Opt-in page in Functional Setup Manager. It is not enabled by default.

To enable the Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments by Segment feature, complete these steps:

  1. Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Select Financials in the dropdown at the top of the page.

  1. Click Change Feature Opt In.
  2. On the Opt In: Financials page, click the Features icon for Collections.

  1. On the Edit Features: Collections page, check the Enable check box for Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments by Segment.

  1. Click Done to go back to the Setup: Financials page.
  2. On the Setup: Financials page, select Collections as the functional area and choose to show all tasks.
  3. The setup task Manage Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments is displayed in the table.

  1. Click the task name to go to the Manage Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments page to set up the assignments.

Tips And Considerations


One Time Payments

The One Time Payment feature facilitates seamless processing of payments for transactions from third party external systems. This feature allows transactions to be imported into Payables from external systems as payment requests using a predefined FBDI template. The payees and any bank account information for electronic payments are created automatically when transactions are imported into Payables. These payment requests are created with distributions and validated as part of the import process. This eliminates the need for manual intervention when importing payment requests from their external systems.  Payment requests can be approved and updated, and attachments added. Separate payment runs can be processed for these transactions from the regular payments to suppliers.

Follow the steps below to process One Time Payments:

  1. Prepare the data using the predefined FBDI template. In the predefined template, you can specify information related to the payee, address, bank account, and remittance.
  2. Generate the CSV file.
  3. Load the data into the Payment Request Interface Tables using the scheduled process Load Interface Data for Import.
  4. Import the data into Payables using the Import Payables Payment Requests scheduled process. Check for rejections. If necessary, correct the data and resubmit.
  5. In the Invoice work area, make any necessary adjustments to the payment request.
  6. Have payment requests approved, if required, as per the approval rules defined.
  7. Schedule or run requests using Payment Process Request for One Time Payment either separately by specifying a user-defined source, or with other payments by not specifying a source.

Payables Payment Request Import FBDI

Steps to Enable

One Time Payments needs to be enabled using the Feature Opt-in page in Functional Setup Manager. 

Tips And Considerations

  1. The default liability and expense accounts for payment requests must be configured in the Common Options for Payables and Procurement.
  2. Process One Time Payments separately from other payment requests by using the Source criteria in payment process requests and the payment process requests template. Sources can be user defined.
  3. Only invoices with the type Payment Request can be entered into the FBDI payment requests template.
  4. To enter payment requests with multiple lines, enter different line information with the same transaction identifier and header information.
  5. Header amounts do not need to be entered separately. Payables adds up the line amounts and populates the amount in the header during import.
  6. FBDI contains some hidden columns. Provide values in these columns by unhiding the columns.


Ability to Launch Simplified Customer Upload via Web Service

The Launch Simplified Customer Upload via Web Service feature allows the Simplified Customer Upload process to be run using the ERP Integration service to automate synchronization of customers from source systems.

The Simplified Customer Upload process originally ran only from the Upload Customers from Spreadsheet page. The process ran in the background, creating a batch record prior to process submission.

With this feature update, Simplified Customer Upload can be run as a standalone process directly from remote systems, using the ERP Integration service.

To run the Simplified Customer Upload process using the ERP Integration service:

  1. Populate the simplified template. (UploadCustomersTemplate.xlsm)
  2. Upload the template to UCM using the uploadFileToUcm operation on the ErpIntegrationService.
  3. Submit a ESSJobRequest using the submitESSJobRequest operation on ErpIntegrationService.
    1. job package - oracle/apps/ess/financials/receivables/customerSetup/customerProfileClasses
    2. job definition - UploadCustomerEss
    3. job parameters - batchName, payload, batchId, "CREATE"                        
  1. Poll for the job status using the getESSJobStatus operation on ErpIntegrationService. If the status is not WAIT, BLOCKED, RUNNING, PAUSED, COMPLETED and READY, then it means the process has completed with success or error.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Revenue Management

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence Reporting - Subject Areas for Customer Contracts, Performance Obligations and Revenue

You can now analyze and create reports to address your organization’s reporting needs with respect to the ASC 606 and IFRS 15 accounting standard for Revenue from Contracts with Customers with two new Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence subject areas:

Use these new subject areas to analyze information on accounting contracts, performance obligations, and promised details, such as standalone selling prices, allocated revenue amounts, billed amounts, revenue recognized, satisfaction plans, and related accounting.

Use the standard features of Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence reporting technology to select the attributes you want from these new subject areas and to filter and group data according to your needs. The subject area attributes expose the same data as the fields you find in the Manage Customer Contracts page, making it easy to select just the right information for your reports.


The Customer Contracts Real Time subject area enables you to analyze accounting contracts, performance obligations, and promised details, including standalone selling prices, allocated revenue amounts, billed amounts, revenue recognized, satisfaction plans, and related accounting along with integrated source document data.

The subject area consists of the following folders:

Customer Contracts Real Time Subject Area


The Standalone Selling Price Real Time subject area enables enables you to analyze estimated and observed standalone selling prices for item group, item, or memo line by pricing dimension, item classification and effective period.  The subject area contains uploaded and system observed standalone selling prices.

The subject area consists of the following folders:

Standalone Selling Price Real Time Subject Area

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.


District Tax Content Upload Support in ERP Cloud for Tax Partners

In the United States, transaction taxes are statutorily imposed by many states, counties, and cities. either creating tax zones using different combinations of counties, cities, and postal codes, or designating unique tax districts. Taxes are calculated, reported, and remitted to municipal tax authorities for each separate transaction tax and tax zone or district.  Third-party tax partners can provide the tax content associated with states, counties, and cities, as well as for unique tax districts comprised of particular combinations of counties, cities, and postal codes.  Due to the immense volume of existing tax zones and districts throughout the United States, tax partners require a means to automatically load a high volume of district tax zones and taxes for both initial creation and ongoing maintenance for Oracle ERP Cloud customers.

The Tax Rapid Implementation feature has been extended to support the efficient spreadsheet upload of tax zone and tax district content provided by tax partners serving ERP Cloud customers in the following two key areas:

  1. Bulk upload of district tax zones throughout the United States comprised of any one of the following geographic combinations within an individual district tax zone:

Sample District Tax Zone Content Illustration:

  1. Bulk upload of unique district taxes which are automatically associated with the applicable district tax zone for which an individual district tax applies.

Sample District Tax Content Illustration:

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

ERP Cloud for India


ERP Cloud for India offers a key solution to address the Goods and Services Tax (GST) requirements. Different components of GST, including CGST (Central Taxes), SGST (State Tax), and IGST (Inter-State Tax) can be configured for both Procure-to-Pay and Order-to-Cash transactions using this feature. The feature also provides the following capabilities to help businesses achieve their reporting and compliance goals:


This feature provides the ability to process a multitude of withholding transactions to meet business requirements. Transactions can be processed based on multiple factors including thresholds, tax on tax, and withholding buckets by tax registration numbers.

Steps to Enable


  1. Configure the Tax Regime for India.
  2. Configure the Tax Business Unit and subscribe to the Tax Regime for India.
  3. Configure the Tax Types for India.
  4. Configure the Tax Reporting Codes for Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) reporting.
  5. Configure the Tax Statuses for India.
  6. Configure the Tax Jurisdictions for India.
  7. Configure the Tax Rates for India.
  8. Manage Tax Recovery Rates.
  9. Configure the Tax Rate Accounts for India.
  10. Configure the Product Fiscal Classification for Goods.
  11. Configure the Tax Registrations for reverse charge and reporting registration number purposes.
  12. Configure the Tax Determination Rules.
  13. Enable the taxes defined in the preceding steps.

NOTE: You have flexibility to create and update content for each of the above steps either using Rapid Implementation spreadsheets or directly in the application user interface pages.


  1. Enable the India Localization feature using the Feature Opt-in page in Functional Setup Manager.
  2. Setup a Withholding Tax Calendar.
  3. Complete the Configuration Owner Tax Options.
  4. Setup a Tax Regime for India.
  5. Setup the following Withholding Tax Types for the tax regime.
    1. Section 194J: Basic Withholding Tax
    2. Section 194C: India Multiple Threshold (MT) Withholding Tax
    3. Section 192A: India Tax on Tax Withholding Tax
    4. India Tax on Tax - Surcharge Tax
    5. India Tax on Tax Education Cess (CE)
    6. Higher Education Cess
    7. Section 194D: India D Withholding Tax
    8. Section 194A: India A Withholding Tax
  6. Setup a Tax Rate for each Withholding Tax Type above.
  7. Setup a Tax Formula for tax calculation.
  8. Setup a Tax Registration Status and Number for the first party and third party.
  9. Setup a Withholding Tax Classification that uses a tax rule to determine the tax rate.
  10. Setup Tax Rules to derive each tax rate as required based on relevant tax rules.

NOTE: You have flexibility to create and update content for each of the above steps either using Rapid Implementation spreadsheets or directly in the application user interface pages.

Transactional Business Intelligence for Financials

Additional Descriptive Flexfields for Financials OTBI Subject Areas

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

OTBI Subject Area Usability Enhancements

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

General Ledger

Accounting Segment Level Descriptions in General Ledger – Balances Subject Area

The General Ledger – Balances subject area has been enhanced to include segment level descriptions for the Balancing Segment, Cost Center Segment, and Natural Account Segment hierarchies.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Clearing Account Reconciliation Information in General Ledger and Subledger Accounting Journals Subject Areas

Clearing Account Reconciliation attributes have been added to the General Ledger - Journals Real Time and Subledger Accounting - Journals Real Time subject areas.  Reconciliation Reference, Group, Status and Date have also been added to the GL Journal Details dimension folder.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.


Additional Purchase Order Information for Payable Invoice Transactions, Prepayment Applications and Invoice Holds Subject Areas

Additional Purchase Order Information has been added to the Payable Invoice Transactions, Prepayment Applications and Invoice Holds subject areas.  Information includes purchase requestor, buyer, requisition, order last update and order line RCV transaction details.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Multi-Period Accrual Accounting Information in Payables Subject Areas

Multi-period accrual accounting information has been added to the Payable Invoices Hold, Payable Invoices Transaction, and Payable Invoices Prepayment Application subject areas.  This provides reporting on multi-period payable accrual accounting segments and accrual accounting dates.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Subledger Accounting

GL Journal Details in the Subledger Accounting - Journals Subject Area

A GL Journal Detail folder has been added to the Subledger Accounting - Journals subject area.  This folder includes associated General Ledger journal details such as journal name, journal batch name, posting date, posting status, accounting sequence, journal header identifier, and journal line number.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Update 17B

Revision History

This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All updates appear in the following table:

Date Feature Notes
29 NOV 2018 Bill Management Updated document. Removed references to credit card payments. 
25 OCT 2018 General Ledger Reporting Updated document.  Updated list of BIP report templates that include clearing account reconciliation information.
20 AUG 2018

Ability to Settle Tokenized Credit Card Transactions from Third-Party System

Removed from update 17B.
29 MAR 2018

Ability to Settle Tokenized Credit Card Transactions from Third-Party System

Updated document. Revised Tips and Considerations section to reference "Notes from Source".
18 DEC 2017 Enhanced Budgetary Control Processing and Reporting Updated document. Revised feature description.
31 AUG 2017 Enhanced Support for Tax Partner Integration Updated document.  Revised wording to reflect support for multiple tax partners.
27 JUN 2017 Asset Leases Updated document. Updated screenshots.
27 JUN 2017 Ability to Settle Tokenized Credit Card Transactions from Third-Party System Updated document. Added links to Key Resources.
21 APR 2017   Created initial document.


This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in this update, and describes any tasks you might need to perform for the update. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.


We welcome your comments and suggestions to improve the content. Please send us your feedback at

Optional Uptake of New Features (Opt In)

We continue to add many new features to Oracle Cloud Applications and we now give you the option to take advantage of new functionality at a pace that suits you. The ‘New Features UI’ is available to you from your cloud homepage, where you can make your choices and do any configuration necessary.

Release Feature Summary

Action Required to Enable Feature


Automatically Available

End User Action Required

Administrator Action Required

Oracle Service Request Required

Common Technologies and User Experience

Common Financials Features

Add Who Columns for Auditing

Enhanced Integration Between Financials Cloud and EPM

ERP Object Attachment Service

Inbound and Outbound Data File Encryption Using ERP Integration Service


Advanced Collections

Display On-Account and Unapplied Receipts in the Transactions View


Alias Support for Key Flexfields in Assets

Asset Leases

Automatically Derive Depreciation Expense for Assets

Payables Invoice Details During Asset Conversions

Redesigned OTBI Subject Areas for Assets

Spreadsheet-Based Mass Detail Changes for Assets

Bill Management

Bill Management

Budgetary Control

Budgetary Control Year-End Carry Forward

Enhanced Budgetary Control Processing and Reporting

Enhanced Attributes for Budgetary Control - Transactions Real Time Subject Area

New Budgetary Control - Balances Real Time Subject Area

Cash Management

Enhanced Bank Statement Handling and Reconciliation Features

Extended Cash Forecasts

Treasury Management Integration


Enhanced Compliance with Entertainment Policies

Improved Controls for Expedited Expense Reimbursement

Mobile Expenses Enhancements

Remittance Advice and Tokenization with Corporate Card Processing

General Ledger

Clearing Accounts Reconciliation

General Ledger Reporting

Journal Posting Improvements


Deferred Expenses

Duplicate Invoice Check

Supplier Balance Aging Report


Ability to Unapply Standard Credit Memos from Invoices

Credit Management

E-Mail Delivery of Statements

Revenue Management

Assign Items Automatically to Standalone Selling Price Profiles

Contract Revision Classification - Revision Intent Type

Integrate Data from Enterprise Contracts and Project Billing

Process Historical Data from Oracle EBS and Oracle Cloud

Revenue Basis Data and Billing Data Import Template Improvements

Reference Information for Contracts and Obligations

Revenue Contract Account Activities Report - Output Option

View Discarded Customer Contracts

Subledger Accounting

Export Accounting Entry View in Spreadsheet

Subledger Reporting

Usability Enhancements for Subledger Accounting - Journals Real Time Subject Area


Enhanced Support for Tax Partner Integration

Tax Box Allocations

Regional and Country-Specific Features

Financials for Regional Localizations

Exchange Rate Difference Invoices

Financials for the Americas


Document Numbering for Argentina

Transaction Tax Reporting for Argentina

Withholding Taxes for Argentina


Accounting (SPED) for Brazil

Order to Cash for Brazil

Procure to Pay for Brazil

Taxpayer ID and Tax Registration Validation for Brazil

Transaction Tax for Brazil

Withholding Tax for Brazil


Transaction Tax Reporting for Chile

Transaction Tax Reporting for Colombia

Withholding Taxes for Colombia

Financials for Asia/Pacific


Enhanced Depreciation Methods for Japan Tax Reforms

Fixed Assets Reports for Japan

"What If Analysis" Improvements for Japan Tax Reforms


VAT Processing and Reporting for Korea

Withholding Tax Processing and Reporting for Korea

Financials for EMEA


Audit File for France

Common Technologies and User Experience

Common Financials Features

This section provides an overview of common features in Oracle Financials Cloud Release 13, which represent overall investments in technology and user experience that are shared across Financials products.

Add Who Columns for Auditing

Auditing requirements are better supported by the addition of tracking columns in reporting.

Who columns have been added to OTBI subject areas for Payables Invoices and Expense Transactions in Release 13, allowing users to report on Created By, Last Updated By, Creation Date, and Last Update Date.

Reports can now include information about when transactions were created and modified and by whom for all the following entities in Financials:

Payables Invoices * and Payments


Budgetary Control

Cash Management


Subledger Accounting

Common Dimensions (Ledger, Ledger Set, Legal Entity)

Expenses *

* New in Release 13

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Enhanced Integration Between Financials Cloud and EPM

The current integration between Financials Cloud and EPM Cloud applications has been enhanced to provide a more seamless integration experience. The updated integration allows users to pick the desired source ledger from Financials Cloud, set up a few simple mappings, and then push a button to bring the data into EPM Cloud applications.

Set up mappings between the Planning application and Financials Cloud General Ledger to write back Budgets from Planning to Financials Cloud.

This integration, which can be run manually or scheduled for a specific time, no longer requires manual steps in Financials Cloud and EPM Cloud. The updated integration also sets up the drill definition automatically, which eliminates errors that may be caused when manually defining a drill definition.

Security is integrated between EPM and ERP to allow users to access information across these applications without separate sign on.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

ERP Object Attachment Service

The ERP Object Attachment Service supports the automatic upload of attachments for Oracle ERP Cloud business applications.  An attachment represents a collection of meaningful business information that is commonly captured as a separate file, text, or internet URL.  Use Attachments to supplement and provide key additional information to enhance daily business operations and better track financials activities or events. 

Business enterprises often require the capability to efficiently associate specific attachments with a particular business entity or collection of business entities. For example:

Steps to Enable


You must inherit the Load Interface Admin duty role ORA_FUN_FSCM_LOAD_INTERFACE_ADMIN_DUTY to the integration user.

For more information on the security considerations, see Oracle ERP Cloud Object Attachment Service.

Inbound and Outbound Data File Encryption Using ERP Integration Service

Data files can now be secured between Oracle ERP Cloud and on-premise, PaaS applications, and legacy systems. This ensures inbound or outbound data files are transmitted over the Internet securely to protect company sensitive information and financial transactions like journal entries, invoices, payments and bank records, data encryption is a critical and essential element in implementing your integrations with Oracle ERP Cloud.

This is supported by the ERP Integration Service that supports interfaces across Financials, Project Portfolio Management, Procurement, and Supply Chain Management. This service provides the ability to protect both inbound and outbound data files, in addition to SSL and Oracle Web Service Manager (OWSM) message protection policy over the internet.

The following diagram illustrates the File-Based Data Import (FBDI) import integration flow in the context of data encryption.

The following diagram illustrates the export integration flow in the context of data encryption (extracting data out from ERP Cloud).

Steps to Enable


Oracle ERP Cloud supports Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) unsigned encryption with 1024 key size. There are two types of encryption keys:

The Oracle ERP Cloud PGP public key is used to encrypt the data file and the respective private key is used by the import bulk data process to decrypt the data file before starting load and import process. The file stored in the content server, UCM, remains encrypted. 

ERP Cloud uses a customer PGP public key to encrypt the extracted file and upload to UCM.  Use the customer private key to decrypt the file in on-premise or PaaS systems.   


Certificates establish keys for the encryption and decryption of data that Oracle Cloud applications exchange with other applications. The Security Console is an easy-to-use administrative interface, accessed by selecting Tools > Security Console on the home page, or from the Navigator. Use the Certificates page in the Security Console functional area to manage PGP certificates..



From the Certificates page, select the Generate option. On the Generate page, select the certificate format PGP and enter values appropriate for the format.

For a PGP certificate, these values include:

Once the key is generated, export the public key to encrypt the FBDI data file.


Follow these steps to export the public key:


The customer public key is used by ERP Cloud to encrypt outbound files. The file is decrypted using the customer private key. Follow these steps to import the customer public key:

The Certificates page displays a record for the imported certificate, with the Private Key cell unchecked.

Key Resources

Refer to the following resources for further details on automating the bulk import process and bulk export process as well as encrypting data files:


Oracle Financials Cloud offers an integrated financial management suite that is designed to automate, streamline, and manage financial processes end-to-end. It simplifies controls, increases productivity, and improves business decisions through a broad suite of capabilities for general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, fixed assets, expenses, collections, and cash management, as well as centralized accounting, tax, payment, and intercompany engines.

Advanced Collections

Advanced Collections provides a comprehensive solution to manage day-to-day collection operations.  Automation capabilities for the collection process enable collection agents to focus on work assigned to them and follow up on tasks.  A collections agent can review customer information, record promises, submit payments, and request adjustments or disputes. Collections strategy management automatically identifies and applies a list of both automated and manual tasks to improve the collection experience for both customers and collections agents. Smart processes run in the background, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the collector.

Display On-Account and Unapplied Receipts in the Transactions View

The Transactions tab for customers provides an enhanced view displaying the on-account and unapplied receipts together with other types of transactions. This feature provides collection agents a more holistic view of delinquent customers.

To view the list of receipts, you can filter the transactions by Class or Receipt Date. Alternatively, you can use Query-by-Example (QBE) to search for a specific receipt.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.


Assets simplifies fixed asset accounting tasks and automates asset management. Use Assets as a unified source of asset data from both Oracle Applications Cloud and external feeder systems to provide visibility into worldwide assets. Standard management tasks, such as asset additions, asset transfers, disposals, reclassifications, financial adjustments, and legacy data conversions can be streamlined with automated business flows. Standard accounting, operational, and registry reports are available for ease of reconciliation and analysis.

Alias Support for Key Flexfields in Assets

Reduce data errors and improve usability of asset flexfields by using aliases for asset key flexfield combinations, such as asset physical locations or asset categories. For example, you can create an alias named HQ to represent the physical location of your company's headquarters.

All the Assets transaction pages and spreadsheets now support aliases for asset key flexfields.

The following screenshot illustrates the feature and its benefits.

Expedite Asset Category selection in the Add Assets page

Steps to Enable

Navigate to the Manage Asset Key Aliases, Manage Location Aliases, or Manage Category Aliases pages in Functional Setup Manager to set up the aliases as required.

Asset Leases

Use the Asset Leases feature to:

The following screenshots illustrate the feature and its benefits.

Single View of Leases, Lease Payments, and Pending Lease Transactions

Captured Pertinent Lease Information

Enter the lease contract details such as the lease term, discount rate, lease classification, and payment schedule, or attach any documents such as the lease contract to your lease.

Liability and Lease Payments Tracked by Period, Interest and Invoice Due Dates

Generate the amortization schedule over the entire lease term and preview the amortization schedule before material changes.

The amortization schedule drives the schedule of lease payments, including the interest and principal amounts and lease liability balance.

Review Material Changes to Leases

Lease Termination (Planned or Unplanned) with Liability Impacts at Period End

Changed Financial Terms or Recurring Payments

Comprehensive Lease Inquiry Drilldown to Right-of-Use Assets and Their Amortization Schedules

Steps to Enable

  1. Allow leased assets for the asset book
  2. Confirm Manage Leases task appears for the book from the Assets Landing Page for the lease asset book.
  3. Review your leased asset categories ensuring the category type is Lease and Ownership is Leased.
  4. Review the lease accounts such as Asset Cost, Depreciation Expense and Depreciation reserve accounts. Assign the lease liability, lease clearing account, gain or loss on leased assets, lease interest expense for finance leases, operating lease expense for operating leases accounts.
  5. Setup the Payment Types Excluded from Liability and Payment Types Excluded from Cost from the Default Rules.
  6. Configure Lease Rules for the payment types

    Payment Types Without Any Liability Impact  

    Payment Types Without Asset Cost Impact

  7. Configure payment types without impact on lease costs.

Tips And Considerations

If you are configuring an existing job role, confirm that the Fixed Asset Transaction Management Duty is assigned.

The two privileges added for Asset Leases to the above duty are:

  1. Manage Fixed Asset Leases
  2. Submit Fixed Asset Lease Reports

Key Resources

Automatically Derive Depreciation Expense for Assets

Specify an asset's depreciation expense account be derived using the Subledger Accounting Transaction Account Builder by selecting the Prepare Additions Automatically action from the Assets page.

The following screenshot illustrates the feature and its benefits.


Define a base account by choosing your own account combination rule

Define segment level overrides for your base account



Edit Transaction Account Definition page


Assign the transaction account definition to the ledger

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Payables Invoice Details During Asset Conversions

Import invoice details for legacy asset additions using the File-Based Data Import spreadsheet templates.

The following screenshot illustrates the feature and its benefits.

Capture invoice details during asset conversions using the Mass Additions File-Based Data Import spreadsheet template

Similar improvements are available in the Additions Spreadsheet as well.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Redesigned OTBI Subject Areas for Assets

Assets subject areas for depreciation and asset transactions have been redesigned to better support the creation of asset reports. Asset analysis functionality has been consolidated into two subject areas.

Fixed Assets – Asset Depreciation Real Time: The comprehensive asset depreciation subject area better supports Assets reporting.

Fixed Assets – Asset Transactions Real Time: The asset transactions subject area enables detailed reporting of any type of transaction, or major metrics (e.g. cost) can be aggregated to see the net impact over an asset's life.

The intuitive reorganization of all of the attributes allows both comprehensive and more rapid ad hoc reporting.

The following screenshot illustrates the feature and its benefits.

Expedite depreciation and transaction ad hoc reports using drag and drop of attributes from the redesigned subject areas

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Spreadsheet-Based Mass Detail Changes for Assets

Update asset descriptive details using a file-based data import template.

The following screenshot illustrates the feature and its benefits.

Expedite bulk changes to descriptive details in Excel using the Asset Descriptive Details File-Based Data Import template

Steps to Enable

No steps required to enable this feature.

Bill Management

Bill Management is an electronic bill presentment solution that reduces the cost of billing and collections, while improving overall customer service. By using Bill Management your company can extend the footprint of Oracle Financials Cloud solutions to your own customers, for business-to-business and business-to-consumer relationships. The feature provides self-service customer-led bill management through an intuitive mobile-enabled user experience that provides real time account review, dispute processing and online payments which are instantly reflected on the customer account.

Bill Management

Bill Management is an easy-to-use real time solution that provides customer account information such as account overview, transaction history, dispute processing, and ability to make online payments which are immediately reflected in the customer accounts.


Use the Account Overview feature to review the customer account balances, manage outstanding transactions and credit memos. Use infotiles and keyword search criteria to search and view the related transactions. 

Make payments using the existing customer bank account information, or create new bank account details.


Using Bill Management registrations, Collections and Receivables managers can register and unregister any external user or customer accounts. A customer can create a contact for an account through either the Collections or Receivables Manage Customers process. An account contact with a valid email address is available for registration to Bill Management. In addition, register multiple users for the same account, or single user can be registered for multiple customer accounts.

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Search for the Manage Bill Management Registration task.

Steps to Enable

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Search for the Manage Receivables Lookups setup task.
  3. Search for the lookup type ARB_FEATURES on the Manage Receivables Lookups page.
  4. Add a lookup code BILL_MANAGEMENT  to this lookup type and save the changes.


Only external users can review, print, and make payments to the transactions in Bill Management.

  1. Navigator to Scheduled Processes page.
  2. Run Print Receivables Transactions.

NOTE: You can only run the Print Receivables Transactions once for one customer account.


Budgetary Control

Budgetary Control is a complete and integrated solution that provides organizations with advanced budget preparation, proactive control and monitoring of budget consumption, and robust inquiry and reporting. It enables public sector, higher education, and commercial organizations to manage budgets and spending with better visibility into commitments, obligations, and expenditures, and comply with legal reporting requirements.

Budgetary Control Year-End Carry Forward

Identify surplus funds and purchase orders to carry forward to the next budget cycle using the following Budgetary Control Carry Forward set of processes:

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Key Resources

Enhanced Budgetary Control Processing and Reporting

The new Budgetary Control enhancements to budgeting, reporting, and product integration enable:

Steps to Enable

Three of the features in this enhancement require setup steps. There are no specific steps to enable the other features.


Set the budgetary control reservation point for requisitions and purchase orders in the Edit Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting page.  Select Submission to perform budgetary control when you submit the transaction, prior to approval.  Select Approval to perform budgetary control on the transaction after it has been approved.


In the Create or Edit Control Budget page, define control budgets with override rules for requisitions and purchase orders and assign users to approve the override of insufficient funds. Transactions requiring override for insufficient funds will be routed for approval to the appropriate user.


In the Edit Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting page, open the Transaction Type Details window for the Requisitioning business function. Enable the Requisition for internal material transfer transaction subtype for budgetary control and encumbrance accounting to enable internal transfer orders.

In the Edit Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting page, open the Transaction Type Details window for the Receiving business function. Enable for budgetary control the Internal expense transfer receipt and/or the Internal expense transfer without receipt subtype for the Receiving for internal expense transfer transaction type depending on the type of receipts being used for internal transfer orders.

The new Requisition for internal material transfer and Receiving internal expense transfer receipt transaction subtypes in the procure-to-pay business functions will default as not enabled. You must enable this subtype to enable budgetary control and encumbrance accounting for internal transfer orders.

Tips And Considerations

New features implemented for budgetary control validation will only apply to new transactions.  Transactions previously validated will not be affected.

Receipt Accounting has seeded journal entry rule sets and event types for the new event class, Transfer Order Receipts. You can create custom journal entry rule sets for this new receipt type for the Accrual with Encumbrance Accounting subledger accounting method (SLAM).

Enhanced Attributes for Budgetary Control - Transactions Real Time Subject Area

New attributes are added to the Budgetary Control - Transactions Real Time subject area to enhance reporting on source transactions.  The enhancements include new attributes for requisition header, requisition lines, requisition project information and requisition distribution amounts; purchase order headcount, lines, distribution amounts; payable invoice distribution information; and manual journals.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

New Budgetary Control - Balances Real Time Subject Area

A new Budgetary Control - Balances Real Time subject area is available to report budget balances. Users can report on budget, consumption, reservation category, available fund balances and control budget details.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Cash Management

Cash Management is an enterprise solution for managing bank account activity and controlling cash positions. Get direct access to cash flow related transactions and automatically reconcile them to bank statement lines using Oracle’s patented methodology. Quickly analyze cash positions and forecast cash requirements through configurable dashboards, pages and reports, ensuring liquidity and optimal use of your cash resources.

Enhanced Bank Statement Handling and Reconciliation Features

Increase productivity and improve efficiency using enhanced bank statement handling and reconciliation features.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Extended Cash Forecasts

Improve operational insight with extended cash forecasts for any number of days/weeks/months/years.

Steps to Enable

Update your Smart View wizards per provided instructions.

Tips And Considerations

There is no practical limit to the amount of future information that can be retrieved from the ERP Financials database.

Treasury Management Integration

Integrate Treasury with ERP operations through Oracle's partnership with the leading Cloud Treasury applications,

Steps to Enable

Contact and your Oracle Sales Representative for licensing and other information.

Key Resources


Expenses streamlines and automates worker management of travel expenses. Workers can quickly enter expense reports anytime and anywhere with multiple entry options, including simplified online and spreadsheet entry options, as well as mobile entry for both the iPhone and Android. Configurable rules allow managers to enforce approval policies, per diem policies, and corporate expense policies for controlling enterprise spending. Oracle Expenses also supports corporate card transactions, travel integration with GetThere, and electronic image processing for faster reimbursement.

Enhanced Compliance with Entertainment Policies

Expenses has enhanced the spend controls for entertainment policies to help you better enforce policies. The entertainment expense category supports entertainment events with nonemployee attendees only, gifts to employees and nonemployees, employee team events, and events with both employee and nonemployee attendees.

The following capabilities are new:

Expense reports validate the required information and raise policy violations based on the configuration setup. Managers can review policy violations which are highlighted in the approval notifications. Expense reports with policy violations can be automatically selected for audit.

Steps to Enable

To define rate limits for employee attendees, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Policies by Expense Category page.
  2. Click the Create Policy button and select the Entertainment option.
  3. In the Create Entertainment Policy page, select the following in the Rate Definition section.
  1. In the Rate Determinants section, select the employee check box.
  2. Click the Save policy button.
  3. Click the Create Rates button to define the rate limits. You define the rate limits in the Employee table.

When you enter an expense report attached to this entertainment policy, the expense is validated against the rate limits configured in the Employee table.

Enforcing Employee Rates

Defining Employee Rates

To capture attendee information, perform the following steps:

Preventing Nonemployee Creation

To enable itemized expense types with entertainment category, perform the following steps:

Assigning Entertainment Policies

In expense entry, you can add attendees to entertainment expenses that are itemized on the Create Expense Item page by clicking the Attendees link.

Entering Attendees During Itemization

Improved Controls for Expedited Expense Reimbursement

Expenses has added new audit capabilities and provided additional configuration to expedite expense reimbursement and compliance with company policies. The key improvements include the following:

You can use either of the two methods to submit the expenses from a previous assignment for reimbursement. You can select the applicable corporate card transactions from the Manage Corporate Card Transactions page and submit them in a new report or add to an existing report. Transactions incurred during previous assignments are identified in the page. Alternatively, you can edit a Saved or Withdrawn expense report, add the expenses from a previous assignment, and submit them. The Add Expense Items window is restricted to show transactions from the same business unit as the expense report.

Steps to Enable


To restrict users to allocate expenses to cost centers only, perform the following steps:

The Override Expense Account Allocation privilege allows users to see the accounting segments in expense entry.

To define the profile option, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Profile Options page.
  2. Click the Create (+) icon to create a new profile option.
  3. Enter the Profile Option Code value as EXM_DISABLE_COMPANY_SEGMENT.
  4. Select Site as the Level value.
  5. Select the Enabled and the Updateable check boxes.
  6. Save the profile option.

To define the profile option value, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Administrator Profile Values page.
  2. Search for profile option code EXM_DISABLE_COMPANY_SEGMENT.
  3. Set this profile option value to Y at the site level.

When both the profile option EXM_DISABLE_COMPANY_SEGMENT is set to Y and the profile option EXM_ALLOW_FULL_ACCT_OVERRIDE is set to Y, then the profile option  EXM_ALLOW_FULL_ACCT_OVERRIDE  takes precedence.

You can now view and update the cost center in expense entry as shown below. The Expenses mobile application also displays only the cost center field when this feature is enabled.

Expense Entry with Cost Center Enabled


Previously, the terms and agreements acceptance and the company policy link were linked together. Now you can enable terms and agreements and the corporate policy link separately and configure the policy link and the displayed text by business unit.

The predefined profile option ORA_EXM_TERMS_AGRMT allows you to define the default text for terms and agreements and any business unit-specific text. If you do not create any business unit-specific text, the default text appears for all business units.

To use this feature, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Standard Lookups page.
  2. Search for the lookup type ORA_EXM_TERMS_AGRMT.
  3. Create additional lookup codes and descriptions for the profile option ORA_EXM_TERMS_AGRMT. The description is displayed as the terms and agreements text.
  4. Navigate to the Manage Expenses System Options page to assign the text to the company or the business unit.
  5. Select Yes from the Enable Terms and Agreements choice list to enable the terms and agreements check box.
  6. Select the applicable lookup code from the choice list if you want business-unit specific terms and agreements text.
  7. Enter the URL to corporate policies in the Enable Corporate Policy URL field.
  8. Save the details.

Defining Lookup Codes

Selecting Business Unit-Specific Text


To hide tax classification codes from expense entry while capturing merchant and receipt details, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Tax Fields from Setup and Maintenance work area. Select the business unit and enable the Display tax fields on expense report check box.
  2. Set the fields as Optional or Required based on your tax data requirements. Set the Tax Classification Code to Hidden.
  3. On the Manage Expense Report Templates page, assign tax classification codes for applicable expense types.


To allow processing of expenses before the hire date, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Profile Options page.
  2. Click the Create icon to create the new profile option EXM_ALLOW_PRE_HIRE_EXPENSE.
  3. Select Site as the Level value.
  4. Select the Enabled and the Updateable check boxes.
  5. Save the profile option.

To define the profile option value, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Administrator Profile Values page.
  2. Search for profile option code EXM_ALLOW_PRE_HIRE_EXPENSE.
  3. Set this profile option value to Y at the site level. 

When the profile option does not exist or the profile value is set to N, the expense reports containing expenses before the hire date are rejected by expense reimbursement processing with rejection code EXPENSES_BEFORE_HIRE_DATE.


This feature is available automatically.


To default the original receipt received date, select the When imaged receipts are received option from the Default Original Receipt Package Check-in Date choice list on the Create Expense Report Receipt and Notification Rule page.


This feature is available automatically.


This feature is available automatically.


This feature is available automatically.

Mobile Expenses Enhancements

Expenses mobile application has been enhanced to make it easy for you to submit expense reports, thereby allowing you to use your time effectively. You can now perform the following activities:

Touch the Itemize button to navigate to the Itemize Expenses screen. The total amount, itemized amount, and the balance are shown at the top of the screen for convenience. You can itemize an expense by touching the + icon.  Then touch the default expense type and the date to change the expense type and date respectively. You can add additional details by drilling down to the itemized expense item. Mark any itemized expenses as personal by selecting the expense type Personal.

If an expense requires itemization or if the expense is partially itemized, then the error Itemization out of balance is displayed on the View Expense screen. You can see a summarized view of itemized expenses on the Add or Edit Expense screen.



Settings Screen

Steps to Enable

This feature is automatically available when you download the latest Expenses mobile application from Apple's AppStore or Google's PlayStore.

Tips And Considerations

Remittance Advice and Tokenization with Corporate Card Processing

To enhance security and to use predefined remittance advice formats, Expenses now supports the upload of tokenized card numbers for American Express and Visa files, creation of remittance advice compliant with the Global Remittance Utility from American Express, and PGP encryption to receive encrypted corporate card transaction files. Additionally, companies can prevent employees from updating the merchant information on the card charges.

Steps to Enable


To enable tokenization for American Express GL1025 files and to generate remittance advice compliant with the Global Remittance Utility (GRU), perform the following:

When tokenization is enabled, the Upload Corporate Card Transactions process recognizes that the file contains token numbers instead of valid card numbers and processes them accordingly. There is no change to the upload process.

American Express now offers a new remittance advice program called Global Remittance Utility (GRU) to support remittance advice for tokenized GL1025 files. To generate a GRU file, you must run the scheduled process Submit Corporate Card Remittance File. The predefined remittance advice template, Disbursement Corporate Card Remittance Formats, is used by this process to create the remittance advice. You can customize this template to meet any additional specifications from the card issuer.


To enable tokenization for Visa VCF4 files, perform the following steps:


Expenses now supports upload of Visa, MasterCard, and Diner’s Club corporate card transaction files with PGP encryption. To enable PGP encryption, perform the following steps:


To disable merchant name update on corporate card transactions in expense entry, define the profile option EXM_DISABLE_CC_MERCHANT_NAME and set the profile option  value to Y.

To define the profile option, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Profile Options page.
  2. Click the Create (+) icon to create a new profile option.
  3. Enter the Profile Option Code value as EXM_DISABLE_CC_MERCHANT_NAME.
  4. Select Site as the Level value.
  5. Select the Enabled and the Updateable check boxes.
  6. Save the profile option. 

To define the profile option value, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, navigate to the Manage Administrator Profile Values page.
  2. Search for profile option code EXM_DISABLE_CC_MERCHANT_NAME.
  3. Set this profile option value to Y at the site level. 

General Ledger

General Ledger is a comprehensive financial management solution that provides highly automated financial processing, effective management control, and real-time visibility to financial results. Its unique reporting platform, natively built on top of a multidimensional data model, allows you to report and analyze financial results in real time to help you make better decisions faster. General Ledger’s extensive spreadsheet integration is comprehensive; you can configure your enterprise structures, such as your chart of accounts, hierarchies, accounting calendars, ledgers, legal entities, and business units. You can also upload high volumes of journals and budgets as well as report and analyze results from the efficiency of a spreadsheet.

Clearing Accounts Reconciliation

Clearing accounts reconciliation offers sophisticated automatic and manual methods to group, match and reconcile related 'in' and 'out' journal lines that no longer contribute to an account's ending balance. Resources can instead be deployed wisely towards analyzing those unreconciled journal lines that are both relevant and responsible for the buildup of the ending balance in a clearing account. This feature helps to shorten your period close cycle where account reconciliations are critical activities. Define reconciliation types that represent reconcilable clearing accounts (for example, asset clearing, accounts payable accrual, unbilled receivables) and their associated reconciliation rules, in one central setup location.  Enter journal lines with reconciliation references to automatically reconcile them with minimal user intervention and enhanced productivity. Use tolerances when performing manual reconciliation, to further enhance the success rate of journal lines getting reconciled.  You can correct previous reconciliations by subsequently reversing them. Run reconciliation reports and perform inquiries to retrieve and analyze reconciled and unreconciled journal lines.

The following steps illustrate the feature and its benefits: 

  1. Create reconciliation types to mirror the reconcilable clearing accounts and their associated reconciliation rules.

Reconciliation Type Defined at Chart of Accounts Level

  1. Enter the reconciliation reference in the Journal Lines section, as you create clearing account journals. Post the journals. Configure subledger accounting rules to automatically populate reconciliation references in subledger journal lines. Upload and import clearing account journal lines containing reconciliation references into GL, using spreadsheet-based methods (file-based data import, Oracle ADF Desktop Integration).

Reconciliation Reference on a Journal Line

Example of Another Clearing Account Journal with the Same Reconciliation Reference

  1. Run automatic reconciliation.

Navigate to > General Accounting > Journals > Clearing Accounts Reconciliation > Reconcile Clearing Accounts Automatically, or Navigate to > Tools > Scheduled Processes > Reconcile Clearing Accounts Automatically.

Automatic Reconciliation Processing Page

Automatic Reconciliation Execution Report

  1. Review reconciliation results.

Review the journals. Note also that you cannot reverse a journal that contains a reconciled journal line, unless the original reconciliation has first been reversed. The Reversible Detail column on the Manage Journals page provides this information.

Reversible Detail Information on a Journal

  1. Drill down on the first journal in the row to view the reconciliation details.

Reconciliation Details on a Reconciled Journal Line

  1. Incorrect reconciliations can be corrected by reversing reconciliation.

Navigate to > General Accounting > Journals > Clearing Accounts Reconciliation > Reverse Reconciliation to retrieve one or more reconciliation groups and the underlying reconciled clearing account journal lines. Select the check box to the left of the reconciliation group and click Reverse Reconciliation to complete the reverse reconciliation process. The reversed reconciled journals will go back to the overall pool of unreconciled journal lines. These journals can be reconciled again using the automatic or manual reconciliation process.

Reverse Reconciliation Page

  1. Perform a manual reconciliation.

Navigate to > General Accounting > Journals > Clearing Accounts Reconciliation > Reconcile Clearing Accounts Manually. Select journals by checking the boxes displayed on the left of the journal line records. Click Reconcile to complete the manual reconciliation.

Manual Reconciliation Page

  1. Reports


The Reconciled Transactions report provides details of clearing account journal lines that have been successfully reconciled by both automatic and manual reconciliation processes.  

Process Details for Reconciled Transactions Report

Example of Reconciled Transactions Report


The Unreconciled Transactions Report lists all unreconciled clearing account journal lines that have been rejected by either automatic or manual reconciliation processes, as well as those lines that have not yet been subjected to reconciliation. The sum of all the unreconciled lines should typically be equal to the closing balance of a clearing account.  

Process Details for Unreconciled Transactions Report

Example of Unreconciled Transactions Report

Steps to Enable

Both the ledger and natural account segment values that are subjected to reconciliation, must be enabled for clearing accounts reconciliation.

  1. Select the Enable Clearing Accounts Reconciliation option in the Reconciliations section on the Specify Ledger Options page.
  2. Set the Reconcile attribute of the natural account segment values, that are subjected to reconciliation, to YES on the Manage Values page.
  3. Run the Inherit Segment value Attributes process to subsequently update existing account combinations with the changes to the Reconcile attribute on the natural account segment values.

Once the previous steps have been completed, you can navigate to the Manage Clearing Accounts Reconciliation task. On that page, you can view and manage existing reconciliation types. Click the Add (+) icon to create reconciliation types and their associated rules, as required.

Tips And Considerations

  1. To easily distinguish reconciliation types on processing pages, add a suffix with the name of the chart of accounts or ledger to reconciliation type names.
  2. Before reversing clearing account journals, first perform a reverse reconciliation on the already reconciled journal lines. Use the Reversible Detail column on the Manage Journals page to understand why a clearing account journal cannot be reversed.
  3. Run the Enable Journal Lines for Clearing Accounts Reconciliation process to make posted historical journals eligible for clearing accounts reconciliation. The process updates journal lines that have neither an entered reconciliation reference nor a ledger that was previously enabled for reconciliation prior to posting the journals.
  4. Users must be assigned the Manage Clearing Accounts Reconciliation Setup privilege to set up and manage reconciliation types and their associated reconciliation rules. The predefined job roles of Financial Applications Administrator, General Accounting Manager, and General Accountant have this privilege assigned by default, either through the General Accounting Functional Administration Duty or the Period Close Management Duty. The Reconcile Clearing Accounts and Run Clearing Accounts Reconciliation Reports privileges, through the Period Close Management Duty, provide access to reconciliation processing pages and reconciliation reports, respectively. The predefined job roles of General Accounting Manager and General Accountant have these privileges assigned by default.

General Ledger Reporting

The General Ledger journal and account analysis reports list journal entries and account balances. In Release 13 the report extracts have been enhanced to include reconciliation information for clearing accounts.

The data model now includes the reconciliation date, reconciliation group, reconciliation reference, and reconciliation status attributes.

You can customize BIP templates of the following reports to include clearing account reconciliation information:

Steps to Enable

The setup of the clearing accounts reconciliation is described in What’s New document, Clearing Accounts Reconciliation section.

Key Resources

Journal Posting Improvements

Enhanced error reporting of journal posting issues helps users resolve issues quickly and independently.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps needed to enable this feature.


Payables captures invoice information seamlessly through integration with the latest imaging technology and reduces the time spent on invoice entry resulting in faster throughput. Payables enhances user productivity with Excel integration for invoice creation using Oracle ADF Desktop Integration. The Payables landing page and work areas provide a central location for users to perform tasks and monitor activities that require attention.

Deferred Expenses

Deferred Expenses (multiperiod accounting) allows you to create entries across more than one period for a single accounting event. For example, expenses incurred on annual maintenance contracts for equipment and rent paid in advance could be deferred and recognized across multiple GL periods. The entries would accrue based on the number of specified accounting periods.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this enhancement. When users enter a multiperiod accounting start and end date on the invoice system will automatically consider it for multiperiod accounting.

Tips And Considerations

  1. The seeded multiperiod accounting rules use the proration formula based on number of periods. You would need to customize the rules if you do not want to use proration based on periods.
  2. Multiperiod accounting entries will be generated only after the multiperiod invoice is accounted in final mode.
  3. Its always advisable to run the Multiperiod Accounting Program as part of your period close process after all the Payables transactions are entered, accounted and transferred to General Ledger.

Duplicate Invoice Check

The Duplicate Invoice Check is an additional feature that supplements the existing invoice number check to find potential duplicate invoices. You can identify invoices during the entry process that may have the potential to be duplicates based on the combination of supplier, invoice type, invoice amount, invoice currency, and invoice date attributes. During invoice creation you are alerted to a potential duplicate invoice being entered by a warning message. These alerts are maintained at the invoice level as references for future audit purposes.

Steps to Enable

You must create and enable the lookup type and lookup code to use this feature.

Tips And Considerations

  1. The feature only checks for standard and prepayment types of invoices.
  2. The feature does not check the invoice number as an attribute to identify potential duplicate invoice.
  3. The feature does not perform a check on auto generated invoices such as: pay on receipt, pay on use, intercompany, and debit memo invoices.

Supplier Balance Aging Report

The Supplier Balance Aging Report enables you to generate a supplier aging report based on a specific date. The report only considers the invoices that are accounted for in Payables and transferred to the General Ledger. Aging buckets for invoices are defined in the aging template. Invoices that do not fit into any of the defined aging buckets are listed in a new residual bucket. This ensures that the balance in the aging report matches up with the balances in the Payables Trial Balance Report.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this enhancement. This report is controlled by the existing privilege Submit Payables Invoice Aging Report which also provides access to the existing Payables Invoice Aging Report. This report can be submitted from Scheduled Processes.


Receivables provides a comprehensive solution for running day-to-day accounts receivable operations. It includes services for customer credit management, billing, and payment activities, revenue recognition and adjustments, reviewing receivable balances, and reconciliation to the general ledger. Receivables provides SmartReceipts, an automated cash application solution that is unique in the industry. Role-based work areas for Billing and Accounts Receivable provide vivid, real-time displays of transaction and customer account information. You can actively monitor all of your receivables events and drill down to details using the sophisticated and easy-to-use reporting tools.

Ability to Unapply Standard Credit Memos from Invoices

  1. Use the Unapply Standard Credit Memo feature to search for and unapply standard credit memos.
  2. You can now unapply a standard credit memo from the Manage Credit Memo Applications page.
  3. When you unapply a standard credit memo, the following actions take place:

The Unapply Standard Credit Memo feature:

Steps to Enable

There are no steps to enable the Unapply Standard Credit Memo feature. The feature is available with your Receivables installation.

You may need to review the setting of the Invoice Accounting For Credit Memo profile option:

Credit Management

Credit Management provides the information and tools to monitor and evaluate the credit worthiness of customers and make informed credit decisions. With a wealth of timely internal and external data, you can balance growth with financial stability by tailoring credit policies to your business needs and market conditions. As part of the Oracle Financials Cloud Credit-to-Cash solution, the Credit Management feature helps to improve cash flow, increase billing efficiency, optimize customer relationships, and instill corporate and fiscal discipline.

This feature provides rich and easy-to-use credit management capabilities in the following four areas:


Customer profiles and customer account profiles now support a full list of credit-related attributes: Credit Analyst, Credit Review Cycle, Last Review Date, Next Review Date, Credit Classification, Credit Limit, Credit Currency, Tolerance, Risk Code, Credit Rating, Credit Hold, Include in Credit Check, Conversion Rate Type, and Expiration Offset Days.

You can choose to maintain these credit attributes in customer profiles or customer account profiles, or both. The values set in a customer profile by default apply to all accounts of the customer. If necessary, you can set different values on individual customer account profiles. Most importantly, the credit limit of a customer account defines the total credit that this one account can consume; the credit limit of a customer defines the total credit all of its accounts can consume. Setting the credit profiles for customers or customer accounts is the prerequisite to most credit management functionality, including credit checking, periodic credit review generation, and auto-assignment of credit analysts.

You can set or update these attributes using either the Manage Customers page or the Customer Import spreadsheet (FBDI). Most of these attributes can also be defaulted based on the Receivables customer profile classes.


You can conduct credit reviews on a customer or customer account. Each review is represented by a credit case folder. Depending on the process, credit case folder creation is either automatic or manual.

Use the Manage Credit Case Folder Templates setup task to define credit case folder templates to capture the default scoring model and the data points to include in a case folder. When a case folder is created automatically, a template is selected based on the credit classification of the customer or customer account and the review type (such as a periodic review). The template scoring model and data points are applied to the case folder accordingly. Each case folder is also automatically assigned a credit analyst based on the Credit Analyst setting in the customer or customer account profiles.


The new Credit Reviews work area provides credit analysts and credit managers with the necessary tools to review and manage credit case folders. From the work area landing page, you can search case folders, view high-level information about the case folders, and take actions such as creating a new case folder, reassigning case folders to another analyst, and closing case folders. Predefined default searches are provided for credit analysts and credit managers to help manage their work queue.

You can drill down to the case folder details page, which displays all the necessary information for a credit review:

The available actions in the Actions menu are:

Integration with Oracle Social Network (OSN), attachments, and notes are all available on case folders to assist credit analysts with their daily tasks.


You can define credit scoring models using the Manage Credit Scoring Models setup task. Scoring models are used to calculate credit scores based on the values of the set of data points you select. The Credit Management feature provides commonly-used data points in categories that include Aging, Billing and Payments, Business Information and Credit, Financial Data, and References. Values of the aging and billing data points are derived automatically based on data in Receivables Cloud. Values for other data points can be entered manually or imported from third-party sources using Credit Data Import. Credit Data Import uses the standard file-based data import (FBDI) technology, and provides an Excel spreadsheet for uploads.

Steps to Enable


The new job role Credit Manager grants access to all credit management functionality. You can assign this role to your credit analysts and managers. Alternatively, you can create customized roles using certain credit management privileges to suit the needs of your Credit department.


Follow these steps to enable the Credit Management feature:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Search for the setup task Manage Receivables Lookups.
  3. On the Manage Receivables Lookups page, search for the AR_FEATURES lookup type. (If the lookup type AR_FEATURES does not exist, create it first using the setup task Manage Standard Lookups.)
  4. Add a lookup code AR_CREDIT_MGMT to the AR_FEATURES lookup type and save the changes.


Follow these steps to define credit scoring models:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Search for the setup task Manage Credit Scoring Models. You can also search for the task list Define Credit Management Configuration. This task list contains two tasks: Manage Credit Scoring Models and Manage Credit Case Folder Templates.
  3. On the Manage Credit Scoring Models page, click the Add icon to go to the Create Credit Scoring Models page.
  1. On the Create Credit Scoring Model page, enter the scoring model details and save the changes.


Follow these steps to define credit case folder templates:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
  2. Search for the setup task Manage Credit Case Folder Templates. You can also search for the task list Define Credit Management Configuration. This task list contains two tasks: Manage Credit Scoring Models and Manage Credit Case Folder Templates.
  3. On the Manage Credit Case Folder Templates page, click the Add icon to go to the Create Credit Case Folder Template page.
  1. On the Create Credit Case Folder Template page, enter the case folder template details and save the changes.

E-Mail Delivery of Statements

  1. Use the E-Mail Delivery of Statements feature to automatically deliver statements directly to customers using e-mail. Using e-mail delivery expedites the delivery of statements to customers and reduces costs by omitting postal delivery of customer statements. Additionally, you help customers reduce costs by having an appointed contact receive the statements directly.
  2. The existing Consolidated Statement feature consolidates billing activity across customer sites into a single statement for the customer account. E-Mail Delivery of Statements automatically supports this feature by sending the consolidated statement to the designated statement site.

  1. The Create Customer Statements program has been enhanced to automatically e-mail statements as attachments to the designated customer contacts.  You can now define outbound parameters, such as your company e-mail address and reply-to address, and create unique text for the body of the e-mail for each organization receiving statements via e-mail.

If the e-mails to customers cannot be successfully delivered, the Reply-to E-Mail address specified under Receivables System Options will receive returned e-mails. The user who monitors that e-mail inbox can resend the e-mails from the local e-mail client. For this reason, it is important to set up Reply-to E-Mail correctly.

Alternatively, the user who monitors the status of scheduled processes can perform the resend. If e-mail delivery fails for any reason, the detailed output for the process will display a failure status. Clicking the Send icon will invoke a dialog to send the e-mails again without having to re-submit the scheduled process Create Customer Statements. The user only needs to enter the To, Reply-to, Subject, and the e-mail message text again.

  1. A statement is sent to customers in a timely manner using e-mail, and customers can download and view the statements at their convenience.

Steps to Enable

  1. To use the E-Mail Delivery of Statements feature, fill in the information under the Statement Delivery Using E-Mail section for the applicable business unit in the Billing and Revenue tab of the Receivables System Options page.

For each organization that sends statements via e-mail:

This information is included in the e-mail to the customer, along with the statement, when you run the Create Customer Statements process for this business unit.

  1. In the profile class assigned to each applicable customer, you must set the Statement Preferred Delivery Method field to E-Mail in order for customers to receive statements using e-mail.
  2. For existing customers, you can update the profile class to this option, and reapply the profile, thereby updating all customers using this profile.

  1. You can also update the profile on specific customer accounts or sites that choose to receive e-mailed statements.

  1. In the Customer Contact Point section of the Manage Customer page, you must enter the contact point information for each applicable customer. The Contact Point Type designates the contact’s e-mail address for receiving documents. The Contact Responsibility Type specifies the type of document; in this case, select the responsibility type of Statements for e-mail delivery of customer statements.
  1. If multiple contacts should receive a copy of the statement, then be sure each contact has an e-mail address and the responsibility of type Statements

Revenue Management

Assign Items Automatically to Standalone Selling Price Profiles

You can now assign items to your standalone selling price profile and upload standalone selling price values in one step using the Create Standalone Selling Prices spreadsheet:

The following screenshots illustrate this feature and its benefits.

Automatically assign items to the standalone selling price profile through the Create Standalone Selling Prices spreadsheet.

Edit Standalone Selling Price Profile User Interface

In the screenshot above the installation charge has not yet been assigned to a standalone selling price profile.  

Create Standalone Selling Prices Spreadsheet

In this example, a new item called Installation Charge POTS will be assigned to the standalone selling price profile along with a standalone selling price.

The item Installation Charge POTS is added along with its standalone selling price, and then is uploaded to Revenue Management for processing.

Steps to Enable

No steps needed to enable this feature. Enabled by default.

Tips And Considerations

Contract Revision Classification - Revision Intent Type

The ASC 606 and IFRS 15 accounting standards require entities to distinguish between revisions to contract data that reflect estimation accounting and those that reflect true contract modifications, because the standards' disclosure requirements require the entity to make specific disclosures on contract modifications. In other words, entities must distinguish between these two categories of revision:

In support of the reporting requirement, Revenue Management has introduced the Revision Intent Type. Revision Intent Type provides the ability to capture the intent from upstream source systems or automatically defaulting a revision classification assignment when processing contract revisions or manually assigning the classification using the Manage Customer Contracts page.

For organizations whose upstream source systems enable you to assign and provide the revision classification for contract revision lines, Revenue Management added a new attribute called 'Revision Intent' to support the capture and correction of the Revision Intent Type within the Revenue Basis Data Import File Based Data Import (FBDI) and the Correct Source Document Error spreadsheet integrator.

  Revenue Data Basis Import FBDI  Worksheet

For organizations where users are not able to assign a revision classification in the upstream source systems, Revenue Management provides the ability to systematically assign a default revision classification to the revision line based on the source of the line in the Manage Source Document Types page.

Manage Source Document Types

In the event the source system-originated revision intent or default assignment of the revision classification needs to be updated, Revenue Management provides the ability to change the classification for the line using the Manage Customer Contracts page.

Edit Customer Contract - Line Reference Details

The Revision Intent has also been enabled as a source to use to derive custom Subledger Accounting rules for Revenue Management.

Use the Revision Intent source as a condition:

Create Journal Line Rule - Source

Navigator > Setup and Maintenance > Implementation Projects

  1. Search for Financials; Click on Financials IP.
  2. Expand Financials in the search results table.
  3. Scroll down and expand the task Define Revenue Management > Define Subledger Accounting Rules > Define Subledger Accounting Methods > Manage Journal Line Rules.
  4. Go to the task 'Manage Journal Line Rules' and click ‘+’ to create a new rule.
  5. Provide the details in the header.
  6. In the Conditions tab, add the source 'Revision Intent at Contract Level'.  

Create Journal Line Rule - Conditions

  1. Define a condition using the Revision Intent and validate the rule.
  2. Attach the rule to the Journal Entry Rule Set.

The Revision Intent source can also be used in a similar way in the Description or the Account Rule.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Integrate Data from Enterprise Contracts and Project Billing

You can now import contract data from Enterprise Contracts and Project Billing Cloud to Revenue Management Cloud to perform iterative modeling.

Use Revenue Management to:

The following screenshot illustrates this feature and its benefits.

Manage System Options for Revenue Management

For integration with Enterprise Contracts and Project Billing, enable the source document type Oracle Fusion Contracts for the required ledger and provide the start date to extract data.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

In the Manage System Options for Revenue Management page you must provide the start date of integration of Enterprise Contracts and Project Billing Cloud sales data with Revenue Management. You'll need to identify the retrospective adoption approach your organization chooses and take that into account when considering the start date for historical source data to interface to Revenue Management.

Process Historical Data from Oracle EBS and Oracle Cloud

Import historical data from Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Cloud into Revenue Management Cloud to support iterative modeling during the transition period. Import historical revenue basis and billing source data that was created on or after 01 Jan 2014.

During the transition period you can integrate the historical source document data into Revenue Management to use for iterative modeling and comparative analysis. Historical data import helps ensure that accounting contracts are properly created, valued, and allocated, and that the appropriate accounting entries are generated.

Revenue Management uses the historical billing data to generate the conditional accounting that reduces balances for contract liabilities, contract assets, and contract discount liabilities. Revenue Management imports all subsequent contract revisions that are applied to the historical data in Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle ERP Cloud.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

In the Manage Revenue System Options and EBS AR System Options pages you have to provide the start date of integration from various sources.

Revenue Basis Data and Billing Data Import Template Improvements

The column descriptions in the Revenue Basis Data Import and Billing Data Import File-Based Data Import (FBDI) templates have been improved to help you enter the correct information that is required for each data column.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

Reference Information for Contracts and Obligations

You can now automatically populate the Contract or Performance Obligation Reference field by utilizing the Copy to Reference and Reference Prefix option.  Within each identification rule, you can select the matching group attribute with or without a descriptive prefix that is to be copied into the Reference field on the contract, performance obligation, or both.

Contract Identification Rule

Create Performance Obligation Identification Rule

When you select Copy to Reference for a grouping attribute in the rule, the value of the grouping attribute is populated in the Reference field on the customer contract. You can then use this value in the Advanced Search feature or change it using the Manage Customer Contracts page.

Manage Customer Contracts

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Revenue Contract Account Activities Report - Output Option

The Revenue Contract Account Activities Report provides contract and performance obligation account balance and transaction activity to support analysis and auditing. This report is now available in a flat file report format, in addition to the existing default spreadsheet format. You can use the flat file report format to assist in handling large numbers of records.

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this feature.

View Discarded Customer Contracts

Use the Discard Customer Contracts program to dismantle already identified customer contracts and reassemble the original source document lines into a new customer contract.  

Select the Discarded status in the Manage Customer Contracts user interface to view discarded contracts in read-only format.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.

Role Information

Users with the job roles Revenue Manager or Revenue Analyst can execute the View Contract Activity action.

Subledger Accounting

Subledger Accounting provides configurable rules that automatically transform subledger transactions into subledger journal entries. The flexible rules define accounting policies and generate accounting for legal and corporate reporting needs and reconcile accounting to transaction data using predefined functionalities.

Export Accounting Entry View in Spreadsheet

You can now view the exported accounting entry line detail attributes displayed as separate columns in the spreadsheet. This makes it easier for you to filter any column in the spreadsheet for further analysis.

View Accounting in Spreadsheet

Steps to Enable

There are no steps necessary to enable this enhancement.

Key Resources

Subledger Reporting

Subledger Account Analysis and Journal Reports list accounting entries from subledgers and those directly created in or imported to general ledger.

In Release 13 two underlying extracts of the reports are enhanced to include clearing accounts reconciliation information. The data model now includes the reconciliation date, reconciliation group, reconciliation reference, and reconciliation status attributes.

You can customize BIP templates of the following reports to include clearing account reconciliation information:

Steps to Enable

The setup of the clearing accounts reconciliation is described in What’s New document, Clearing Accounts Reconciliation section.

Key Resources

Usability Enhancements for Subledger Accounting - Journals Real Time Subject Area

New dimension folders are added to enable reporting on supporting documents and supporting reference balances. To simplify the subject area, code columns, such as balance type code and fund status code are now hidden. Instead customers can use related description columns for these code columns for reporting. Any existing reports that use these hidden code columns will continue to function. These description columns have Double Column feature enabled that automatically supports multi-language translation in string filtering.

Steps to Enable

No steps are required to enable this feature.


Tax provides a centralized, global solution for managing your transaction-based tax requirements across Oracle Applications Cloud. Tax automates transaction tax calculation, tax determination, and tax reporting functions across business documents, such as sales invoices, purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and supplier invoices. You can quickly configure your transaction taxes according to local and international tax requirements using the Rapid Implementation spreadsheets.

Enhanced Support for Tax Partner Integration

Steps to Enable

  1. To use the Tax Content service with either the native Oracle ERP Cloud tax calculation application or tax partner calculation application:

NOTE: There is an option to automate these tasks via web service.

  1. To use the Tax Calculation service from tax partners for both real-time and batch transaction tax calculations:
  1. To use the Tax Reporting service with Vertex Indirect Tax Returns:

Tax Box Allocations

The Tax Box Allocation feature is enhanced in Release 13 to allow annual reporting of tax and taxable amounts grouped under tax boxes.

The Tax Box Return Preparation Report now lists taxable and tax amounts grouped by tax declaration box numbers for periodic or annual allocations.

The R13 enhancement includes changes to the existing parameters and introducing new parameters. The Reporting Periodicity parameter allows you to choose between periodic and annual allocations. A new parameter Tax Calendar Year allows you to choose reporting year for annual allocation amounts. Use Tax Calendar Year parameter to report transactions on annual basis. Use Tax Calendar Period parameter to report transactions for a specific period.

The following table shows the combination of parameter values that are valid, other combinations will not list data.

Reporting Periodicity Tax Calendar Year Tax Calendar Period
Periodic N/A Period (e.g. May-17)
Annual Year (e.g. 2017) N/A

The report output sample:The report now supports reporting of detail, summary and both detail & summary of tax and taxable amounts. A new parameter Summarization level has three options: Detail, Summary, Both.

Steps to Enable

You can define the Tax Box Allocation rule to be used for annual allocations or periodic allocations. The Report Periodicity field indicates the reporting frequency for which the tax boxes will be used. The possible values are Periodic and Annual.

For the implementations with the same set of tax boxes for periodic and annual reporting and the same rules of their designation, you create the tax box allocation rules with the Report Periodicity either ‘Periodic allocation’ or ‘Annual allocation’. In this case the tax box allocation rules defined with the Report Periodicity ‘Annual allocation’ becomes also valid for periodic reporting and vice versa.

Tips And Considerations

Customize the Tax Box Return Preparation Report BIP template to meet your tax reporting legal format.

Key Resources

Regional and Country-Specific Features

Oracle Financials Cloud provides features that integrate with your procure-to-pay and order-to-cash business flows for regional and country-specific statutory and business requirements.

Financials for Regional Localizations

Exchange Rate Difference Invoices


  1. Calculate the gain/loss due to the exchange rate difference. This difference occurs because of the exchange rate fluctuation between invoice creation date and the actual payment accounting date for foreign currency business transactions. Exchange rate difference gain/loss is subject to VAT in some countries like Turkey.
  2. Exchange rate difference invoices, credit memos or journals are created based on the processed documents.

  3. A report can also be generated to review the exchange rate difference documents processed. 


  1. The program selects and processes eligible gains/losses recorded for a supplier or customer enabled for exchange rate difference invoice generation.
  2. It creates either a primary ledger currency standard invoice or credit memo, if you choose to generate an invoice; or a primary ledger currency journal, if you choose to generate a journal. If both is chosen as a value for creation option parameter, then eligible invoices, credit memos and journals are created as expected.
  3. The program can be run in preview mode first and then in final mode, or directly in final mode.


  1. The report prints the eligible gain/loss lines processed by the Process Exchange Rate Difference program.
  2. The details are printed for each trading partner and site.
  3. It summarizes complete details for the exchange rate difference invoices, credit memos, and journals along with tax components in the primary ledger currency.
  4. The invoice or credit memo number and journal names are only printed, when the report is run for processed records.



  1. Create foreign currency invoices and payments in final accounted mode. Payments must have the exchange rate gain/loss recorded.
  2. Optionally run the Process Exchange Rate Difference program in preview mode to review the gain/loss lines that will become exchange rate difference invoices, credit memos and journals, when the program is run in final mode.
  3. Optionally run the Process Exchange Rate Difference report, running the program in preview mode to review the expected exchange rate difference invoices, credit memos and journals, when the program is run in final mode.
  4. If the processed exchange rate difference gain/loss lines contain errors, then correct the errors and rerun the report in preview mode to review the processed lines again.
  5. If the processed exchange rate difference gain/loss lines are correct, then run the Process Exchange Rate Difference program in final mode.
  6. The program output generated as part of the final mode processing displays the details of the processed documents.
  7. You can run the Process Exchange Rate Difference report, after running the Process Exchange Rate Differences program in final mode, to review the exchange rate difference invoices, credit memos and journals created.
  8. For payables, close the exchange rate difference invoices and credit memos by creating a payment.

NOTE: For Receivables, you do not have to create receipts as the open receivables setup at transaction type level is not selected.

Steps to Enable

See Exchange Rate Difference Invoices Topical Essay with step-by-step screenshots of the setup for Exchange Rate Difference processing. 


Setup the Turkey specific global descriptive flexfield context present on the following user interfaces to provide additional information for processing.

  1. Manage Receivables System Options
  2. Manage Receivables Customer Profile Classes
  3. Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement
  4. Manage Suppliers
  5. Define Supplier Site
  6. Create Transactions, Manage Transactions
  7. Create Invoices, Manage Invoices


Modify the journal entry rule set for Payables and Receivables subledger applications definition:

  1. Derive the exchange rate difference clearing gain/loss account instead of the realized gains/losses account when the exchange rate gain/loss is accounted as part of the payment accounting.
  2. Offset the exchange rate difference clearing gain/loss account with the realized gains/losses account referenced above in the exchange rate difference transaction, credit memo or journal created.


For the following two scenarios, the setup is used to achieve different tax accounts in the exchange rate differences credit memo:

  1. Exchange rate gain in Payables.
  2. Exchange rate loss in Receivables.


Define journal categories for exchange rate difference gains/losses journals that are created by the Process Exchange Rate Differences program.


The AutoInvoice process creates the exchange rate difference invoices and credit memos in Receivables. Complete these setups for AutoInvoice:

  1. Descriptive flexfields
  2. AutoInvoice grouping rules
  3. Imported transaction sources
  4. Invoice and Credit Memo transaction types


The exchange rate invoices and credit memos created need to be closed by in Payments using either a manual payment or a payment process request.

This closes the exchange rate difference invoices and credit memos without impacting the supplier balances.

Complete these setups in Payments for a Payment Process Request:

  1. Define bank account with clearing gain/loss accounts.
  2. Define payment methods.
  3. Define payment request templates.
  4. Schedule payment process request.


  1. Product : Financials for EMEA
  2. Duty Role : EMEA Financial Reporting Duty
  3. Privilege Title : Prepare Exchange Rate Differences

Tips And Considerations

Complete all solution related setup for the subledger application for which processing is needed before running the process.

Key Resources

Refer to the following links and documents:

  1. Exchange Rate Difference Invoices Topical Essay
  2. Exchange Rate Difference Invoices TOI
  3. Exchange Rate Difference Invoices New Feature Summary

Financials for the Americas

Financials for the Americas supports country-specific features and functions for the Latin America region. Oracle Financials Cloud Release 13 includes new country-specific features for Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia.


Document Numbering for Argentina

Documents numbers can now be automatically assigned to Receivables transactions based on the requirements for Argentina.

Steps to Enable


  1. Assign the Manage Localization System Options and Manage Fiscal Document Sequences privileges to users.
  2. In the Financials offering, enable Argentina in the Regional Localizations offering option.
  1. Once enabled, the Define Localization Configuration for Argentina task list is available when the Financials offering is added to the implementation project.
  2. From the task list access the Manage Localization System Option task and create a configuration for the Argentina Business Units.
  3. For the Business Unit, select the Enable Document Numbering option.
  4. Access the Manage Localization Document Numbering task and from the page level switcher, select Argentina to launch the Create Document Numbering in Spreadsheet dialog window.
  5. Select the Business Unit (BU).

NOTE: There are two spreadsheets to configure this feature.


  1. Specify the document letter.
  2. Enter Document Class and Transaction Type if you want to assign document sequence at a lower granularity. 
  3. Select from the available sequence names and specify the Branch Number.
  4. The Authorization Code is optional and, if specified, the numeric bar code is generated on submission of the spreadsheet. This numeric bar code is copied to the transaction header when a transaction is complete.
  5. You can also enter the end date and last sequence value.


  1. Select Setup for document numbering context values from the Configuration for list of values to display the spreadsheet.
  2. Select the Party Fiscal Classification value that indicates if your customer is registered, nonregistered, foreign and so on, and associate a document letter with it.  

Transaction Tax Reporting for Argentina

Use the following transaction tax reports to comply with fiscal reporting requirements in Argentina.  

The following reports are generated using seeded formats.

The following reports generate flat files in XML data format that can be used in conjunction with custom layouts.

Steps to Enable

  1. In the Financials offering, enable Argentina in the Regional Localizations offering option
  1. Assign the LAD Financial Reporting duty role to users to access these reports.

Tips And Considerations

Seeded report formats can be modified to meet implementation-specific requirements or when local regulations change.

Withholding Taxes for Argentina

To meet statutory requirements for processing withholding taxes, the following withholding tax features can be configured for Argentina:

Using the new withholding tax options, VAT Withholding tax is calculated only on VAT tax amount, not on the invoice line amount. The withholding rate is applied on the VAT tax amount at payment time, and only for specified types of taxes.

Using the new turnover withholding tax options, adjust the taxable basis for tax payers subject to Multilateral Agreements. Set up regime tax rules that will calculate the revenue percentage in each province, on each transaction, and process the withholding for the supplier in the ratio of revenue subject to each province. Establish regime rules that limit the amount and the proportion of the withholding taxable basis amount allocated between two jurisdictions.

Using new withholding tax options, process withholding at the time of payment, including pre-payments or multiple payments. The withholding is made on the total invoice amount and when multiple invoices from the same vendor are paid in one payment. Track thresholds and schedules by service classification for a document or period. When the sum of the payments is reached by withholding income tax rate schedule, apply the correct rates. The Taxable Basis will be calculated on the total amount of each item that is paid and the deduction of corresponding VAT.

Steps to Enable

In the Financials offering, enable Argentina in the Regional Localizations offering option.


To make withholding tax applicable on a specific transaction tax, use Manage Tax Determining Factor Sets to configure a new Withholding Tax Determining Factor Set with following details:

In Manage Tax Conditions Sets, configure a new Withholding Tax Condition Set using the Determining Factor Set defined in previous step:


Equal To

Value or Start from Range

Select the transaction tax

In Manage Tax Rules, configure the new Withholding Tax Applicability Rule using the Withholding Tax Determining Factor Set and Withholding Tax Condition Set defined in previous steps.


In Manage Withholding Taxes - Thresholds Controls, you have the option to configure the new fields Classification Type and Classification Code to evaluate a threshold by service classification.


For each service classification or a group of service classifications, configure a tax rate rule to identify the tax rate code and thereby the tax rate schedule to be applied on a transaction line.


In Manage Tax Exemptions - Third Party Tax Profile, select the tab Withholding Taxable Basis Exemptions to view any existing taxable basis exemptions for a specific supplier or enter new exemption percentages using the Manage in Spreadsheet option.


In Manage Withholding Taxes - Controls and Defaults, check the new option Allow invoice amount withholding when withholding is to be calculated on invoice amount from the first partial payment of the invoice.


Accounting (SPED) for Brazil

SPED (or Public System of Digital Bookkeeping) was created by the government of Brazil to unify the reception, validation, storage, and authentication of books and documents involved in the taxes and bookkeeping of companies, through a single computerized flow of information. The Accounting SPED (or ECD) is a SPED subproject where companies are required to build a text file from their accounting systems to report all accounting transactions once a year. This text file has a specific format and is uploaded to the Federal Tax Authority database in Brazil.

Use Accounting SPED to:

Steps to Enable

Tips And Considerations

Order to Cash for Brazil


Fiscal Documents are used in Brazil to comply with regulations of the tax authorities. They also have the purpose of registering a transfer of ownership over a good or a commercial activity provided by a company to an individual or to another company.

Use Fiscal Document Generation to create and manage fiscal documents for your sales invoices, internal transfer shipments, shipments of returns to vendors and internal transfer of fixed assets. The Fiscal Document Generation process is integrated with Receivables so that the appropriate fiscal attributes can be entered, taxes can be calculated, and a fiscal document can be generated for sales invoices before invoices are completed. The process is also integrated with Shipping so that fiscal attributes can be captured for shipments, and fiscal documents can be generated and managed before internal transfer and RTV shipments are released. For fixed asset transfers, the required transaction information is moved to Receivables, so a fiscal document can be generated based on a non-receivable invoice.

The entire fiscal document lifecycle is managed by Fiscal Document Generation:


Receivables has been enhanced to support business requirements for Brazil related to bank collection and interest calculation.

This feature allows you to:

Steps to Enable



Tips And Considerations

The collection document bank files are generated according to FEBRABAN standards (Brazilian Bank Federation). Implementation of specific bank formats can be worked with implementation partners.

For Fiscal Document Generation, partners must be able to get the fiscal document information from the extract file and communicate with tax authorities. Tax Authority return and communication issues must be notified to Fiscal Document Generation, so they can be handled properly.

Procure to Pay for Brazil


The Fiscal Document Capture application obtains a pre-validation from the tax authority of the fiscal document issued by a supplier, before capturing fiscal document information. Taxes applied on it are treated as the source of truth for accounting and reporting purposes. However, during fiscal document capture and processing, taxes are additionally calculated as per tax setup, compared with the supplier notified taxes, and a hold is placed if their difference is beyond tolerance limits. Tolerance limits for the difference between fiscal document taxes and calculated taxes are defined within Configuration Owner Tax Options, for the event class Fiscal Document Capture.

In the Manage Fiscal Document page, the tax amount notified on the fiscal document is captured in the Fiscal Document Tax Amount field and the amount calculated according to tax setup is displayed in the Calculated Tax Amount. 

If a fiscal document is received in physical format, then it is manually entered into Manage Fiscal Document page.  On invoking Calculate Tax or Validate actions, taxes are calculated as per tax setup.  Both the attributes Fiscal Document Tax Amount and Calculated Tax Amount capture the calculated value and users can review and correct fiscal document tax amount, if required.

Irrespective of the mode of fiscal document creation, only the taxes captured into Fiscal Document Tax Amount are processed to downstream transactions. After a fiscal document is registered and validated in the application, corresponding inventory details (through goods receipts) and supplier liability (through Payables invoices) are automatically created.

Taxes on receipt are handled during the receipt accounting process.  This treatment is based on the setup created within Configuration Owner Tax Options defined for the Billing Business Unit/Legal Entity.


In case of return receipts, a return shipment is created and a return fiscal document is generated against it.  Tax treatment in this case is similar to the standard approach.  Taxes are handled during the receipt accounting process and those captured on the original goods receipt are reversed.


If there is any discrepancy in the fiscal document sent by the supplier on any aspects relating to price, quantity or tax, then a complementary fiscal document is issued by the supplier for rectifying the same.  Where complementary fiscal documents involve price or tax corrections, the tax amount notified in the fiscal document is also taken as Calculated Tax Amount, as the transaction information would not be sufficient for invoking a tax call. 


If Fiscal Document Capture is not implemented, then you have the option to register a service fiscal document directly for a Payables invoice by classifying various charge types, calculating taxes (as per Brazil requirements), and capturing fiscal attributes.

In this process, associated charges on a transaction could be classified as Freight, Insurance, Packing Charges, Miscellaneous, and Commercial discount using the attribute value Fiscal Charge Type and allocating them to Item lines.  Based on the taxable basis formula associated with a tax, charge details allocated to an item line are included in the taxable basis formula.

In case of fiscal document capture using the Fiscal Document Capture application and interfaced to a Payables invoice, taxes applied on the fiscal document are always carried to the invoice.

However, for the applicable accounting, variances are calculated based on the difference between the taxes considered at the time of receipt.


Payables has been enhanced to support business requirements for Brazil related to supplier payments. Use the following features to manage bank collection documents, process payments through banks, and calculate interest and late charges according to local rules:

Steps to Enable


There are no steps needed to enable this feature and it is only available in the Fiscal Document Capture application.


Tips And Considerations

The payment bank files are generated according to FEBRABAN standards (Brazilian Bank Federation). Implementation of specific bank formats can be worked with implementation partners.

Taxpayer ID and Tax Registration Validation for Brazil

CNPJ, CPF, IE, IM and SUFRAMA are different types of tax registrations and taxpayer identifiers issued by the federal revenue bureau, fiscal authorities and government agencies in Brazil.

These are identification numbers required for companies doing business in Brazil whenever they are selling or shipping goods, providing services, paying taxes, requesting approval for fiscal document generation, collecting from customers or processing payments through banks, reporting taxes, and so on. ERP Cloud provides the infrastructure to capture, maintain, and validate such information for enterprise, suppliers, customers and other parties in the Manage Legal Entity Registrations, Manage Legal Reporting Unit Registrations, and Manage Tax Registrations of Legal Reporting Unit Tax Profile, Third-Party Tax Profiles and Third-Party Site Tax Profiles.

CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Juridica or LEGAL ENTITY NATIONAL REGISTRATION)

CNPJ is an identification number issued to Brazilian companies by the Federal Revenue Bureau in Brazil. Also, distinct CNPJ numbers are required for each company branch operating in a different address. The CNPJ of the fiscal document issuer is mandatory information for tax authorities and can also be required for bank collection and payment processing.

For first parties, CNPJ must be defined as Legal Entity and Legal Reporting Unit registrations during Manage Legal Entity Registrations and Manage Legal Reporting Unit Registrations tasks.

For customers, suppliers and other third parties, CNPJ should be defined as Taxpayer Identifier number at Manage Tax Registrations of Third-Party Tax Profiles and Third-Party Site Tax Profiles. This information is validated for uniqueness, format, and check digit requirements.

CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas - INDIVIDUALS REGISTRATION)

CPF is the registration number for individuals maintained as Suppliers, Customers, or other third parties involved in transaction flows. It is not maintained for Legal Entity and Legal reporting Units. CPF is assigned by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Bureau to individual tax payers, and it is necessary to perform any legal or commercial activity.

CPF should be defined as Taxpayer Identifier number at Manage Tax Registrations of Third-Party Tax Profiles and Third-Party Site Tax Profiles. This information is validated for uniqueness, format, and check digit requirements.

IE (Inscrição Estadual - STATE REGISTRATION)

The State Inscription Number is a registration assigned by state fiscal authorities for ICMS tax. All companies that are required to pay ICMS tax must be registered to have an IE registration number. Companies doing business in more than one state should have a different IE for each state. Also, State Inscription Numbers of first party and third parties are necessary for tax reporting and fiscal documents.

For first parties, IE should be defined as Legal Reporting Unit tax registration in Manage Tax Registrations of Legal Reporting Unit Tax Profile. For customers, suppliers and other third parties, IE should be defined as Tax Registration number in Manage Tax Registrations of Third-Party Tax Profiles and Third-Party Site Tax Profiles. This information is validated for uniqueness, format, and check digit requirements.


The Municipal Inscription Number is the tax payer identification number in the Municipal Tax Register. This registration is required for companies providing services and which are required to pay ISS tax to the city. Companies doing business in multiple cities should have a different IM for each city. Also, Municipal Inscription Numbers of first party and third parties are necessary for tax reporting and service fiscal documents.

For first parties, IM should be defined as Legal Reporting Unit tax registration in Manage Tax Registrations of Legal Reporting Unit Tax Profile. For customers, suppliers and other third parties, IM should be defined as Tax Registration number in Manage Tax Registrations of Third-Party Tax Profiles and Third-Party Site Tax Profiles. This information is validated for uniqueness.

SUFRAMA (Super Intendencia da Zona Franca de Manaus - MANAUS FREE TRADE ZONE AGENCY)

SUFRAMA is the “Manaus free trade zone agency” responsible for managing both incoming and outgoing goods in the area affected by the fiscal benefits. Companies in this area should register in SUFRAMA to get a registration number. This information is required for fiscal documents related to transactions with applicable tax benefits. The SUFRAMA registration of the ship-to party must be shown in those fiscal documents and for tax reporting.

SUFRAMA should be defined as Taxpayer Identifier number in Manage Tax Registrations of Third-Party Tax Profiles and Third-Party Site Tax Profiles. This information is validated for uniqueness, format, and check digit requirements.


The tax registration validation process verifies the tax registrations and tax payer IDs for Brazil based upon the validation rule setup. The process can also be utilized to configure additional user-defined validations.

Users may configure a validation failure to end with a warning or error.

Steps to Enable

To enable the CNPJ feature for Legal Entities and Legal Reporting Units:

  1. Navigate to Manage Legal Jurisdictions and create a Legal Jurisdiction with Territory as Brazil, Legal Entity Registration Code as CNPJ and Legal Reporting Unit Registration Code as CNPJ.
  2. Go to Manage Legal Entities and create the legal entity with Country as Brazil and the same Identifying Jurisdiction.
  3. Based on the Legal Jurisdiction configuration, CNPJ at both Legal Entity and Legal Reporting Unit levels are enabled as Legal Entity Registration and LRU Registration.

To enable IE and IM features for first party and third parties:

  1. Both tax registrations are pre-defined as Tax Reporting Types for Brazil.
  2. Navigate to Manage Tax Regimes, create a tax regime and assign to country Brazil. Use the same tax regime when entering the IE and IM as Legal Reporting Unit, Third-party, and Third-party site tax registrations.

To enable CNPJ, CPF, and SUFRAMA features for third parties:

  1. Those taxpayer IDs are pre-defined as Tax Reporting Types for Brazil.
  2. Navigate to Manage Party Tax Profiles and make sure the country is Brazil for Third-Party and Third-Party Site Tax Profiles. CNPJ, CPF, and SUFRAMA are enabled based on the country of Third-Party and Third-Party Site Tax Profiles.

Transaction Tax for Brazil

Oracle ERP Cloud offers comprehensive support for tax calculations and processing for Brazil.

Use the following enhanced features to ensure compliance with statutory regulations:

Certain taxes in Brazil like ICMS-ST require estimation of the final price of the product in the hands of the end user, for evaluating the tax amount on a transaction.  This estimated final price is arrived at by applying a value addition percentage, as notified by the tax authority, on the transaction amount.You can configure this setup through taxable basis formula. 

In the taxable basis formula, if the country associated with the tax regime is Brazil, then an option is enabled for specifying value addition information.  Different value addition percentages can be configured based on various transaction parameters like:

Priorities can be set for specifying the evaluation sequence of these transaction conditions.

Certain taxes in Brazil require application of notified thresholds on prices of items quoted on a transaction.  You can configure this setup through taxable basis formula. 

In the taxable basis formula, if the country associated with the tax regime is Brazil, then an option is enabled for specifying price threshold information.  It can be configured based on various transaction parameters like:

Priorities can be set for specifying the evaluation sequence of these transaction conditions.

Price threshold values can be defined on the basis of fixed price, or minimum or maximum threshold options.  If the fixed price option is set, then the specified price is used as item price for deriving the taxable basis amount for the transaction line.  If minimum or maximum thresholds option is used, then the item price is compared against the given range of values and appropriate value is considered if it goes beyond the given range.

Certain taxes in Brazil require inclusion of charges while calculating the taxable basis value of a transaction line.  You can configure this setup through taxable basis formula. 

If the taxable basis type within a taxable basis formula is specified as Line amount, then you have an option to add freight, insurance, packing charges, miscellaneous, and subtract commercial discount on the transaction line value.

If a transaction line is categorized into any of the above charge types i.e. freight, insurance, miscellaneous, packing charges, or commercial discount, and if the taxable basis formula of a tax is configured to consider these values during tax calculation, then the corresponding allocated values from these lines (to the Item lines) are added/subtracted while calculating the taxable basis value of that tax.

Whenever goods are shipped to a customer, or services are provided in Brazil, they should be supported by a fiscal document incorporating all the related information.  The generated fiscal document is to be pre-authorized by the tax authority, before it is sent to the customer through electronic mode (XML file) or as a physical copy.  Fiscal documents must include all applicable transaction taxes, correctly calculated based upon the requirements of the tax authorities.

Fiscal documents can be generated from one of the following sources:

The calculation of taxes on a generated fiscal document is standard with no changes for Brazil specific taxes.

For information on Fiscal Document Generation, refer to the Order to Cash for Brazil feature.

Tax treatment on fiscal documents received from suppliers ensures that taxes included on the documents received are retained as source of truth, but verified and reconciled to taxes calculated using the tax setup. When receiving a fiscal document from a supplier, the required transaction and tax determinants are captured and maintained in order to calculate the applicable taxes.

For fiscal document capture, taxes are calculated in the following steps:

To ensure the correct taxable basis:

To provide comparable values that can be used to verify the tax amount received on the fiscal document:


Special processing is performed for freight fiscal documents. When a freight fiscal document is received and matched with receipt lines associated with purchase orders, the details are sent to Payables during invoice creation. During the tax calculation, taxes calculated on the fiscal document are pro-rated to each invoice line.  This percentage also applies during the process of filling for recoverable taxes.


When processing Payables invoices for tax recovery, taxes calculated on the source fiscal document are pro-rated to invoice lines. If any of the taxes are for ICMS, PIS or COFINS on the freight fiscal document but not on the corresponding goods fiscal document, the tax lines are marked for tax recovery calculation.


Special processing is performed for managing complementary fiscal documents. A complementary fiscal document is received from a supplier when there is a price, quantity or tax amount change to a previous fiscal document already received. In case of quantity correction, taxes calculated on the original fiscal document are pro-rated to complementary fiscal document line based on quantity corrected. In case of price or tax corrections, taxes from the complementary fiscal document are updated on the original fiscal document as the basis for tax calculations, including new tax lines.

For information on Fiscal Document Capture, refer to the Procure to Pay for Brazil feature.

Steps to Enable

  1. In the Financials offering, enable Brazil in the Regional Localizations offering option
  1. Create a Transaction Tax Regime and assign the Country as Brazil. The specific features for transaction taxes for Brazil will be enabled in the Tax configuration.

Withholding Tax for Brazil

ERP Cloud offers comprehensive support for Brazil withholding taxes by handling tax thresholds, schedule rates, supplier exemptions, and allowing withholding calculation at both invoicing and receipt time.

The following withholding tax features can now be configured for Brazil:

This feature can be used for IRPF tax implementation which is an income tax for individuals and is withheld upon payment. There are deductions allowed for suppliers by their number of dependents. Dependents can be economically dependent persons, like children until 21 years old, or partners with no income.

Withholding tax calculation can be on gross amount including transaction taxes, instead of being on the total item lines amount.

This feature can be used for ISS tax calculation which is a municipal tax payable on services performed by companies or individuals. ISS is an inclusive transaction tax but depending on the type of service, city where the service was provided, city of the supplier, and supplier registration status, this tax can be withheld by customer.

The withholding solution is also extended to Receivables to comply with tax authority requirements for Fiscal Documents. You are now able to:

Steps to Enable

  1. In the Financials offering, enable Brazil in the Regional Localizations offering option:
  1. Create the Withholding Tax Regime and assign the Country as Brazil. The specific features for withholding taxes for Brazil will be enabled in the Tax configuration.


  1. In Manage Withholding Taxes page under the Tax Deductions tab configure the Fixed Deduction per Dependent.


To make a withholding tax applicable on a specific transaction tax, use the following steps.

  1. In Manage Tax Determining Factor Sets, configure a new Withholding Tax Determining Factor Set with following details:
  1. In Manage Tax Conditions Sets, configure a new Withholding Tax Condition Set using the Determining Factor Set defined in the  previous step:
  1. In Manage Tax Rules, configure a new Withholding Tax Applicability Rule using the Withholding Tax Determining Factor Set and Withholding Tax Condition Set defined in previous steps.


  1. When entering a Receivables invoice, select the Taxation Country as Brazil in the Miscellaneous tab of the Create Transaction page. The withholding taxes will be calculated and displayed in the Tax popup page.


Transaction Tax Reporting for Chile

Use the following transaction tax reports to comply with fiscal reporting requirements for Chile.  

Steps to Enable

Assign the LAD Financial Reporting duty role to users to access these reports.

Tips And Considerations

Seeded report formats can be modified to meet implementation-specific requirements or when local regulations change.

Transaction Tax Reporting for Colombia

Use the following transaction tax reports to comply with the fiscal reporting requirements of Colombia:

Steps to Enable

Assign the LAD Financial Reporting duty role to users for access to these reports.

Tips And Considerations

Seeded report formats can be modified to meet implementation-specific requirements or when local regulations change.

Withholding Taxes for Colombia

To meet the statutory requirements for processing withholding taxes, the following withholding tax features can now be configured for Colombia:

VAT Withholding tax is calculated only on VAT tax amount, not on the invoice line amount.

Thresholds and schedules can now be maintained and evaluated by product classification at a document or period level.

Steps to Enable


To make a withholding tax applicable on a specific transaction tax, in Manage Tax Determining Factor Sets, configure new Withholding Tax Determining Factor Set with the following details:

Determining Factor Class Tax Derived Factor
Tax Class Qualifier Select the Transaction Tax Regime
Determining Factor Name Tax

In Manage Tax Conditions Sets, configure the new Withholding Tax Condition Set using the Determining Factor Set defined in previous step:

Operator Equal To
Value or Start from Range Select the transaction tax

In Manage Tax Rules, configure the new Withholding Tax Applicability Rule using the Withholding Tax Determining Factor Set and Withholding Tax Condition Set defined in previous steps.


In Manage Withholding Taxes page under Thresholds Controls, you now have the option to configure the Classification Type and Classification Code fields to evaluate a threshold by service classification.


For each service classification or group of service classifications, configure a tax rate rule to identify the tax rate code and thereby the tax rate schedule to be applied on a transaction line.

Financials for Asia/Pacific

Financials for Asia/Pacific supports country-specific features and functions for the Asia Pacific region. Oracle Financials Cloud Release 13 includes new country-specific features for Japan and Korea.


Enhanced Depreciation Methods for Japan Tax Reforms

The 2007 Tax Reforms were published by the Ministry of Finance in Japan on 30 March 2007. The new depreciation rules increase depreciation expenses by abolishing the salvage value and increasing the depreciation limit on assets with the following new depreciation methods:

There is also a new depreciation method, JP-STL-EXTND, which extends depreciation for assets acquired before 1 April 2007.

The following screenshots illustrate the feature and its benefits.

Additional Columns in Additions Spreadsheet Expedites Japan Assets Additions

Additional Columns in the Additions Spreadsheet Eases Asset Additions for Japan

Intelligent Validations for the New Methods on the Prepare Source Line Page

Steps to Enable

 No steps are necessary to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Review the Annual Depreciation Rounding option in the Manage Asset Books page for your Japan asset books

Key Resources

Fixed Assets Reports for Japan

You can now use the following Assets tax reports for Japan to help you to comply with asset tax reporting:

The following screenshot illustrates the feature and its benefits.

Single Process to Submit the Tax Reports for Japan

Steps to Enable

No steps are necessary to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Review the Annual Depreciation Rounding option in the Manage Asset Books page for your Japan asset books

Key Resources

"What If Analysis" Improvements for Japan Tax Reforms

You can now run what-if depreciation analyses using any of the new depreciation methods described in the 2007 Tax Reforms for Japan.

The following screenshot illustrates the feature and its benefits.

Project Depreciation for JP-200DB XX or JP-250DB XX Japan Methods and Prepare for Assets in Extended Depreciation in Advance

Steps to Enable

 No steps are necessary to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

Ensure that you define your depreciation calendar for as many fiscal years as possible.


VAT Processing and Reporting for Korea

Comply with common business practices and tax reporting requirements in Korea using VAT reports, including the management and reporting of tax exemptions.

Use the specific reporting extracts available in this release to address statutory VAT reporting required for Korea:

Use the following reports used for statutory and internal audit purposes:

These reports provide output in paper format for summary of invoices by customers and suppliers. The report shows the summary for electronic invoices and itemization of non-electronic invoices.

Reports for tracking Tax Exemptions:

These reports have the paper summary report of (zero-tax) invoice by customer and supplier. All the invoices with Zero Tax (exempted) will be displayed. The reports provide a consolidated value of invoices for each supplier and customer.

Reports for Statutory Filing:

For companies filing electronically, the Korea Tax Authority requires a plain text file providing the same detail information in the Tax Invoice Summary by Customer and Tax Invoice Summary by Supplier reports. The non electronic invoices are itemized (party-wise) in the report output, and consolidated data (with totals of invoice values of all such transactions) is shown for electronic invoices. The details of industry classification and subclassification for the filing organization and customer and supplier are also included in the plain text formats.


This report supports the summary billing requirement. Based on the business process, companies are required to print and send an AR tax invoice to their customers for all output VAT transactions. When the customer has requested Summary Billing, they can request for several Receivables invoices to be combined into a single AR Tax Invoice to be printed in the specific invoice layout format. The report is used to generate the tax invoice for Summary Billing cases. This is done at the end of the month. The summary of all supplies along with invoice value and tax value is listed.

Set the Reporting Level parameter to Summary. To reprint an AR Tax Invoice that has already been generated, enter the Tax Invoice Number, and set the Reprint parameter flag to Y so that the exact information from the previous print will be reproduced. Select N to indicate adjustments to the parameters.


These reports support legacy data or external transactions, imported as tax journals or tax transactions from legacy systems. The transactions imported via taxable transaction spreadsheets or the Tax Entry Repository Data Upload spreadsheet are reported for these reports.

Steps to Enable


To use VAT Tax reports for Korea, the following setup must be performed before configuring and implementing the new reports.

Complete the Implementation Project for your organization before starting the specified setups. Also, ensure that the regime to rate tax structure for VAT implementation is defined.


Industry Classification / Industry Sub Classification Setup

The industry classification setup must be done for Legal Reporting Units and Third Party (Supplier and Customers). Go to the Navigator console > Setup and Maintenance > Manage Tax Reporting Types. There are seeded reporting types defined for Korea. The following reporting types must be used to define possible industry classifications and subclassifications:

There are also specifications about wholesale and retail liquor merchants. These are defined as the following reporting types:

Once the reporting codes are defined, these are assigned to Legal Reporting Units, suppliers and customers (third parties) using the Manage Party Tax Profile task.

Global Descriptive Flexfields

The following global descriptive flexfields must be entered on entities for correct reporting content:

Security Considerations

Perform the following steps to provide access to Korea VAT reports:

  2. From the Navigator console, navigate to Tools then to Security Console.
  3. The current duty role (APAC Financial Reporting) to run the Korea reports is an orphan duty role. You must inherit the following APAC Financial Reporting duty roles to user associated role before running Korea reports:

Key Resources

Withholding Tax Processing and Reporting for Korea

Comply with tax requirements for Korea using enhancements to report withholding taxes on supplier invoices and payments. You can now process the applicable withholding under the tax law in Korea. The reporting content provides support for reporting extracts and tapes for applicable Korean withholding categories, that is: General Withholding, Business Withholding, and surcharge reporting in the form of Resident Withholding.




ERP Cloud also provides flat files (known as tapes in tax parlance for Korea), which refer to electronic storage of all business withholding related information. It is an electronic file that a company sends to the tax authority.

All these forms have corresponding flat files, to be used for electronic filing.

Steps to Enable


To use VAT and Withholding Tax reports for Korea, the following setups must be performed before configuring and implementing the new reports:

Complete the Implementation Project for your organization before starting the setups. Also, ensure that the regime to rate tax structure for WHT implementation is defined.


Tax Reporting Type for Suppliers Classification

Go to the Navigator console > Setup and Maintenance > Manage Tax Reporting Type. The Tax Reporting Type is used to link suppliers for the reporting filter. The following reporting types are defined for classifying suppliers as residents/non residents for reporting purposes:

Tax Rounding

Go to the Navigator console > Setup and Maintenance > Manage Taxes. Define the Minimum Accountable Unit as 10 and Rounding Rule as Down for all three withholding taxes to meet rounding requirements for Korea.

Income Categories and Sub-Categories

Go to the Navigator console > Setup and Maintenance > Manage Product-Based Fiscal Classifications. Search for Product Category Fiscal Classification Codes > Search for Korea in the Country field.

The Product Category must be used to specify the Payables transaction as business withholding or general withholding. The reports are based on these seeded fiscal classification product categories for reporting transactions under specified reports.               

Resident Withholding as Surcharge on Income and General Withholding

Go to the Navigator console > Setup and Maintenance > Manage Tax Formulas. Define tax formula for Resident tax, where the taxable amount is tax amount from the prior tax paid.

Security Considerations

Perform the following steps to provide access to VAT and Withholding Tax reports for Korea.

  2. Go to the Navigator console > Tools > Security Console.
  3. The current duty role (APAC Financial Reporting) to run the Korea reports is an orphan duty role. You must inherit the following APAC Financial Reporting duty roles to user associated roles:

Key Resources

Financials for EMEA

Financials for EMEA supports country-specific features and functions for the Europe, Middle East and Africa region. Oracle Financials Cloud Release 13 includes new country-specific features for France.


Audit File for France

The Audit Report for France process creates a file, required by French tax authorities, in the prescribed format. In Release 13 the Audit Report for France is enhanced and now includes clearing account reconciliation information.

Column 14 ‘EcritureLet’ and column 15 ‘DateLet’ of the Audit Report for France display reconciliation group and reconciliation date respectively, for each of the reconciled clearing account journal lines. In case of unreconciled lines or if the reconciliation feature was not used, then these columns do not display the above information.

Steps to Enable

The setup of the clearing accounts reconciliation is described in What’s New document, Clearing Accounts Reconciliation section.

Key Resources