Oracle PaaS Summer Camp - August 26-30, 2019
Lisbon Portugal
The PaaS Summer Camp is a one week training for cutting-edge software consultants, engineers and enterprise-level professionals. 
The #PaaSSummerCamp brings together the world’s leading Oracle experts in the fields of integration, process management, microservices, application development, content management and digital assistant. As you attended a previous training we want to give you the opportunity to register first.
Registration page cta-arrow
bullet Integration & Process: Integrate & Extend SaaS: ERP & HCM
bullet Application Development with Microservices and Containers
bullet Chatbot & Content Management
Quotes previous trainings:
bullet Best workshop in years. Rutger Hierck, Accenture
bullet Learning the future. Nicola D'Orazio, Capgemini UK PLC
bullet The best way to get yourself into the cloud! Jose Rodrigues, Link Consulting
Location & Schedule:
August 26-30, 2019

Lagoas Park Hotel
Lagoas Park - Oeiras
2740-245 Porto Salvo
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