JDK Mission Control Checksum

Checksum for JDK Mission Control (JMC) 8.3.1 binaries

Filename Checksum
jmc-8.3.1_linux-x64.tar.gz sha256: 3cd40600a7544c771a111ddaa750dc7785c066d8838b8e181ed2ac07022dea88
md5: fde3ef055dcc4d64eca2b0e705b70225
jmc-8.3.1_macos-aarch64.tar.gz sha256: 41d5add99b24da77fc580ecf10d28a4843334faf2677af055d0d55cf379b2998
md5: 53d263e19aae80236d8484c6725b97e5
jmc-8.3.1_macos-x64.tar.gz sha256: 07fd19be68fe7357c745f0a87ffb860d7ac92ae4e94fce9f79e07ac375fb8576
md5: aac74776db30e8c3a9575b72397c5eeb
jmc-8.3.1_windows-x64.zip sha256: d924640fefbde15a30481141e94285f38e1183c01953d1d568ea3de248254b9d
md5: 33147a7b9d133b1a87e7364416dea613

On Linux use the sha256sum or md5sum command line utilities to verify the integrity of the downloaded file.
On OS X use the shasum -a 256 or md5 command line utilities to verify the integrity of the downloaded file

See the following articles for guidance on how to verify these checksums on other platforms: