Oracle Cerner Support

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Client Support


If support is not available via phone, you may log a ticket through eService. The eService portal is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.

Oracle Health Community

Oracle Health Community is home to Oracle Cerner’s product offering and healthcare industry topic-based communities. Within these communities, Oracle Cerner associates, signed clients, and partners can access product documentation, ask questions, submit ideas, and connect with each other to share best practices.

Additional Oracle Cerner Support Resources

Log in to Model Experience

Model Experience is Oracle Cerner’s collection of strategic recommendations for leveraging Oracle Population Health Platform (HealtheIntent), Oracle Health Millennium Platform (Cerner Millennium), and Oracle Health CareAware Platform (CareAware) solutions to optimize client workflow.

Log in to client applications

Access and navigate many of Oracle Cerner's most commonly used sites and applications.

Log in to Project Portal

Project Portal is used to coordinate the people, workflows, system components, and decisions surrounding your project.

Log in to Lights On Network

Lights On Network provides enterprise-level data analytics to maximize the value of the EHR across your entire organization. This means a better experience for your providers, better results for your organization, and the most efficient system to support it all.

Status Dashboard

The Oracle Cerner Status Dashboard is a tool used by Oracle Cerner associates and clients to view the current status of Oracle Cerner solutions and services, including planned maintenance and service interruptions. Under preferences, you can select the services you want to follow and subscribe to receive notifications in your inbox.

Cerner Care

Cerner Care is a single sign on platform for most Oracle Cerner online applications and support websites for healthcare providers, healthcare IT professionals and partners. After setting up a Cerner Care account, you’ll be able to sign in once to access multiple web-based applications. You can log in using a single email address instead of having to manage multiple usernames and passwords for multiple applications.

Cerner Care FAQs

Where do I create a Cerner Care account?

You can go to a number of different websites to begin your Cerner Care account creation such as the examples below. When creating your Cerner Care account, it is highly recommended to only use your organization’s email domain for creation.

Which web-based applications can I access with my Cerner Care login?

  • uCern
  • eService
  • Lights On Network
  • Project Portal (formerly MethodM Online)
  • uLearn

I am having trouble logging into my Cerner Care account. What should I do?

There is a Forgot Password option on the log in screen. If you go through that process and are unable to successfully answer both of your security questions, you need to call Cerner Client Care at 1-866-221-8877, Option 6. The team is available Monday-Friday from 7am-7pm CST to assist.

How do I get support help during off peak hours?

If the Client Care team is not available, you may log a ticket via eService, selecting the option for “I have a Cerner business or relationship question” and choosing the Topic of eService. The eService portal is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.

I still see a message on the left prompting me to create my new Cerner Care account. Do I need to create a new Cerner Care account each time I log in?

No. Once you’ve created a Cerner Care account, simply use your email address and password to log in. You’ll continue to see the account creation reminder for a brief period of time, but you don’t need to create a new account each time.

What is a Oracle Cerner Web Security Officer and how do I sign up to become one?

A Web Security Officer (WSO) is a designated person(s) at an organization who is responsible for controlling the level of access granted to the organization’s users. There may be multiple WSOs at a single organization and each one must sign a legal agreement to maintain the appropriate level of security in respect to their organization’s users and Oracle Cerner’s sensitive content and applications. If you would like to be a WSO for your organization, please visit to sign up.

Support phone numbers around the world

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    • Africa

      Oracle Cerner, Millennium Support

    • Asia Pacific

      Oracle Cerner, Millennium Support

      Oracle Cerner, Millennium Support

      Oracle Cerner, Millennium Support
      +0800. 852.5059

    • Europe

      Oracle Cerner, Millennium Support, Health Services

      Oracle Cerner, Millennium Support, Health Services

      Oracle Cerner, Millennium Support

      Oracle Cerner Health Services

      Oracle Cerner, Millennium Support

      Oracle Cerner Health Services

      Oracle Cerner Health Services

      Oracle Cerner Health Services

      Oracle Cerner, Millennium Support

      Oracle Cerner Health Services

      Oracle Cerner, Millennium Support, Health Services

      United Kingdom
      Oracle Cerner, Millennium Support

    • Latin America and the Caribbean

      Oracle Cerner, Millennium Support

      Oracle Cerner, Millennium Support

    • Middle East

      Saudi Arabia
      Mobile phone and landline

      Mobile phone (Zain and Mobily)

      United Arab Emirates
      Oracle Cerner, Millennium Support

    • The United States and Canada

      United States / Canada
      Oracle Cerner, Millennium Support

      Oracle Cerner Health Services Support

      Physician Practice

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