Integrated with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure FastConnect

Meeting the Expertise requirements below recognizes your company as having a commercially available Oracle Cloud Infrastructure network FastConnect interconnection service validated as Integrated with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Additional Resources
Expertise Qualifier Validation Guide

Connectivity Service

Commercially Available Connectivity Service Endpoints providing service to two (2) Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Regions Declared Geographic Support For OCI Endpoint Regions


Service Listing

Approved Listing in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure FastConnect provider website


Two (2) Qualified Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) FastConnect Opportunities




Revenue $2M in Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)*

Growth 20% Year-over-Year Growth*

Customer Go-Lives 2 Successful Implementation Go-Lives 2 separate Regional Markets where multiple Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Regions are available Customer Loyalty Index (CLI) ≥ 8 OR 2 Successful Implementation Go-Lives Minimum aggregate bandwidth of 40GB/s
Regional Markets where a single Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Region is available
Customer Loyalty Index (CLI) ≥ 8

Customer Use Case 1 Partner-Published Customer Use Case

API Integration Interconnection service integrated with the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure FastConnect API



All above Qualifiers must be within the same regional market


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