Modern cloud economics means unlocking the business value of the cloud for enterprise mission-critical workloads. This is a C-suite’s guide to building and executing an enterprise cloud strategy that delivers the cloud’s full business value potential.
The current circumstances have accelerated the pace of digitization across every industry. In the ‘new normal’, cloud adoption is no more bracketed as a technologically forward move for progressive enterprises. It has become an imperative for all enterprises to survive, innovate and grow. And the interest and focus of cloud adoption in enterprises are now steered towards mission critical domains as a next logical step in their digital transformation journey.
Adopting cloud in mission critical domains is, however, proven to be challenging due to the requirements and risks unique to these domains. Large majority of enterprises lack confidence that they have the right guiding principles and capabilities to overcome challenges to achieve the expected value outcome. In absence of these drivers for success, a decision to adopt cloud in mission critical still largely depends upon the will and risk appetite of C-suite toward making trade-off between higher returns and higher risks. This suggests that adhering to the generally accepted principles of cloud economics underpinning cloud's benefits and costs as well as risks and returns advantages, is no longer adequate for enterprises to unlock full business value potential of cloud across the broader business and functional domains.
The hyperscale cloud providers are not standing by in the sideline. Their second-generation cloud offerings are being built to enable enterprises to apply the extended principles of cloud economics, that is, the principles of Modern Cloud Economics, for addressing the unique requirements, challenges and concerns of adopting cloud in mission critical. When applied in concert, these principles, and the associated enablers, can break the barriers for cloud adoption in mission critical, thereby raising organizational capability to unlock full business value potential of cloud across the enterprise.
Oracle’s second-generation cloud, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), has been recognized as the most mature among such offerings in the market today, providing the enablers across all principles of Modern Cloud Economics. OCI has been built ground-up by embedding these principles into the core designs of its technology, operational, commercial and value management enablers; therefore, making a holistic adoption of cloud and business value realization achievable.
Cloud is a business value creator, not a cost center, and the primary focus of cloud adoption in enterprises is on achieving full business value potential created by cloud spend, instead of reducing the IT cost per year or month. Achieving full business value potential of cloud for mission critical domains remains to be a challenging undertaking for any enterprise. Success requires embracing the principles of Modern Cloud Economics and shifting of the organization to new technology, operational and financial management practices, that is, the practice of DevSecFinOps. Any enterprise cloud strategy encompassing mission critical, therefore, must adopt these principles as a base framework for target operating model design. And the cloud sourcing strategy must ensure the selection of cloud service provider offering the enablers across all principles of Modern Cloud Economics.
The appetite for cloud adoption in enterprises is at an inflection point. Adopting cloud is no longer an option, but it is a mandate. And adopting cloud in mission critical domains is the next logical step for enterprises to gain competitiveness in the ‘new normal’.
In the last few years, enterprises have experimented with adopting cloud across the peripheral applications for team collaboration, back-office efficiency, and front-office enablement. Based on the proven benefits from this phase, C-suite is now looking at cloud as an enabler to answer many top-of-mind questions, such as:
Technological advancements in cloud have also brought in nuanced capabilities to address a larger base of applications and workloads. In fact, the question of ‘on-premises vs. cloud’ is no longer relevant. Taking Oracle’s Dedicated Region Cloud at Customer offering as an example, enterprises now have an option to buy as-a-service and deploy a full public cloud region on-premises in their datacenters.
And then came the pandemic in 2020. The resulting ‘new normal’ has forced a step-change in digital acceleration with technology adoption leaping forward a few years in a time span of a few months1. This means the post COVID-19 world will likely pose an even starker divide between digital leaders and laggards. Enterprise technology demand has surged especially for cloud infrastructure, security and collaboration tools2 to respond to the disruptions caused by the pandemic—enabling remote workforce, scaling rapidly, amongst others. This coupled with the mandate to drive higher efficiency and effectiveness from ‘every dollar spent’, due to revenue headwinds, have forced enterprises to explore cloud adoption in a more holistic manner.
Today adopting cloud is no longer an option, but it is a mandate—over 70 percent of executives consider large-scale cloud adoption to be a strategic business decision for survival, innovation and competitive differentiation3.
Exhibit 1: Adopting cloud is no longer an option, but it is a mandate
Over 70% of executives consider large-scale cloud adoption is a business decision
Factors accelerating cloud adoption:
But for many enterprises, approximately 60 percent or more of applications and workloads still remain on-premises4, and a majority of which is mission critical in nature, be it core banking, order processing, billing, product lifecycle management, supply chain management, enterprise resource planning, and many others. And because of their highly complex and monolithic architectures, these on-premises mission critical applications and workloads have kept cost of running the business high and rigid, and hamstrung the speed of digital transformation undertaking.
Exhibit 2: 60% of workloads still remain on on-premises, and majority is mission critical
Kept the RTB cost high and rigid, and hamstrung the speed of digital transformation
Therefore, enterprises are staring at a very real challenge to adopt cloud in mission critical domains in order to break structural cost rigidity as well as long innovation lead time in these domains and realize cloud’s full business value potential.
Adopting cloud in mission critical is, however, proven to be challenging for most enterprises due to the requirements and risks unique to these domains. Adhering to the generally accepted principles of cloud economics is no longer adequate to achieve the expected value outcome.
While cloud’s potential to unlock multi-dimensional business value is unquestionable, adopting cloud in mission critical domains remains to be a challenging undertaking for many enterprises. Full value realization is proven to be more challenging than originally expected. Today just 37 percent of enterprises has fully achieved their expected value outcomes from cloud, basically holding steady from 35 percent in 20185. This stagnation may be because many have not yet made serious attempts to adopt cloud in these domains – among those enterprises most affected by the pandemic, only 30-40 percent plan to move new types of workload to the cloud through lift and shift, decommission and replace on-premises with SaaS, refactor or rebuild6. But even those high cloud adopters seem to be struggling, with over half reporting they have failed to achieve the expected business value from their large-scale cloud transformation initiatives5.
One reason for this is because enterprises are presented with not only far stringent requirements around service levels (availability, performance, and manageability), security, data sovereignty and regulatory compliance, but also real concerns over the risks of losing architectural, operational, and financial controls.
Examples of the voices heard from C-suite include:
Only 29 percent of enterprises have confidence that, in their cloud transformation initiatives, they have the right guiding principles and capabilities to address concerns, overcome unexpected complications in migration, and deliver the expected value with the expected speed5. In absence of these drivers for success, a decision to adopt cloud in mission critical domains still largely depends upon the will and risk appetite of C-suite toward making tradeoffs between higher returns and higher risks.
Exhibit 3: Achieving cloud outcome in mission critical is proven to be challenging
Adhering to the generally accepted principles of cloud economics is no longer adequate
Barriers for cloud adoption in mission critical domains:
Achievement of cloud value outcomes stagnating at below 50%, with even “high cloud adopters” struggling. Only 29% having confidence in their cloud initiatives (Figures are for 2020)
This suggests that adhering to the generally accepted principles of cloud economics underpinning cloud's benefits and costs as well as risks and returns advantages, is no longer adequate for the enterprise to unlock full business value potential of cloud across the broader business and functional domains.
Second-generation cloud is being built to enable enterprises to apply the principles of Modern Cloud Economics to mission critical domains, thereby raising organizational capability to unlock full business value potential of cloud across the enterprise.
The hyperscale cloud providers are not standing by in the sideline. Their second-generation cloud offerings are being built to enable enterprises apply the extended principles of cloud economics, that is, the principles of Modern Cloud Economics, for addressing the unique requirements, challenges and concerns of adopting cloud in mission critical domains.
So, what are the principles of Modern Cloud Economics? Before addressing this question, let’s set the baseline by recapping on the generally accepted principles of cloud economics.
The generally accepted principles of cloud economics have been helping enterprises change technology and business value management approach to be more real time, collaborative and outcome oriented. These principles leverage the management best practices like Lean, Agile and Design-to-Value, and although it can be granularized, it is summarized into the following:
By adhering to these principles, enterprises have been able to adopt fundamentally new ways of working, shifting to new technology, operational and financial management practices, and embedding new capabilities and a sense of accountability across the organization. Specifically, enterprises have been able to:
Exhibit 4: Embrace the principles of Modern Cloud Economics (MCE)
To break the barriers and unlock more business value from unit cloud spend
... to break down cost rigidity and long innovation lead time in mission critical domains and shift to a real-time cloud financial and value management based on ‘unit economics’
1. Right-size on modern technology stack
2. Optimize usage continuously
3. Avoid bolting-on high availability, regulatory, and security measures
4. Minimize frictions to ensure migration velocity
5. Exploit infrastructure evolution as a catalyst for innovation
6. Select machine-power over manpower for service assurance
7. Delink data and network linear usage from cost
8. Avoid service deployment lock-in
9. Repurpose on-premises spend to acquire future cloud capabilities
10. Create real time transparency on usage, costs, and allocation
11. Collaborate cross-functionality to drive decision by business value
Now, to break the barriers for cloud adoption (in traditionally harder-to-touch and harder-to-move mission critical domains) and replicate the aforementioned changes to make cloud adoption become truly transformative, enterprises must embrace the principles of Modern Cloud Economics. Furthermore, enterprises must implement the associated enablers of second-generation cloud.
So, let’s look into each principle of Modern Cloud Economics.
Technology principles enable enterprises to apply the Design-to-Value and Lean management practices across the end-to-end cloud deployment life cycle from planning to provisioning to optimization to recycling. Aligning to technology principles help enterprises exploit the enablers of second-generation cloud, such as a wider range of standardized service instance families and supported virtualization modes, higher consolidation density of workload cores, vertical and horizontal auto-scaling, built-in high availability and security, etc.
The principles are the following:
1. Right-size on modern technology stack: Many of on-premises mission critical systems lack technology currency and have overprovisioned capacity statically provisioned for peak loads. Therefore, upon sizing these mission critical systems toward cloud deployment, enterprises must use a modern technology stack implemented in second-generation cloud as baseline for applying the right-sizing levers such as consolidating core units, ‘variablizing’ core run-time hours, substituting aged technologies and products, and auto-scaling between peak and off-peak.
2. Optimize usage continuously: In cloud, ‘you only pay for what you use’ is actually a myth, not the truth. You must pay for what you provision whether you actually use the provisioned instances or not. Therefore, as a base economic principle of operating in the cloud, enterprises must adopt a practice of continuously optimizing usage through removing, moving and resizing, such as terminating idle instances, removing idle and orphaned storage volumes, moving archived data to a lower-cost storage service, downsizing oversized instances, and changing the instance shape to the one matching the workload profile.
3. Avoid bolting-on high availability, regulatory and security measures: To help prevent enterprises from falling into many of the pitfalls that come from ‘bolting-on’ the required high availability, regulatory and security measures in mission critical workloads, the second-generation cloud intentionally build-in high availability, regulatory and defense-in-depth security enablers. These built-in enablers are continuously enhanced based on the latest best practice designs and often provided with no additional costs by the second-generation cloud provider like Oracle. This means enterprises no longer need to spend extra costs for ‘bolting-on’ the necessary measures to, e.g., keep up with ever-rising regulatory requirements and cybersecurity threats. Enterprises must, therefore, validate the maturity of built-in high availability, regulatory and security enablers upon selecting a second-generation cloud provider for mission critical domains.
Operational principles enable enterprises to strike the optimal balance between human-led and machine-led tasks in migration, service delivery and service operation.
The principles are the following:
4. Minimize frictions to ensure migration velocity: Ensuring migration velocity is the first line of defense against the risks of value leakage and ROI meltdown in migrating mission critical workloads to cloud. The probability of unexpected problems, delay and failed migration are far higher in mission critical because of the existence of many friction factors in on-premises baseline, such as interface dependencies, system scale and complexity, and lack of technology currency. Enterprises must, therefore, leverage the zero-downtime migration approach and factory-scale tools during the migration planning phase to identify and address all friction factors prior to the migration execution phase.
5. Exploit infrastructure evolution as a catalyst for innovation: Second-generation clouds natively integrate platform capabilities such as streaming, data catalogue, data flow and many others, into a core infrastructure technology stack, thereby allowing enterprises to leverage infrastructure as a catalyst to drive business innovation faster. By exploiting infrastructure evolution as a platform for innovation, enterprises no longer need to wait for IT to build necessary platform capabilities before being able to drive innovation. Today, the needs and interests of enterprises for data-driven innovation are shifting to mission critical core business domains. Therefore, instead of leveraging cloud infrastructure as a means only for ensuring stability in service operations, enterprises must exploit the evolving capabilities of second-generation cloud infrastructure as a platform for innovative service delivery and business value.
6. Select machine-power over manpower for enterprise-grade service assurance: The complexity, scale and security requirements of today’s mission critical workloads are no longer manageable cost effectively with human-led semi-automated operation. By leveraging built-in AI, Machine Learning and autonomous capabilities of second-generation cloud, enterprises can reduce a major sources of cost rigidity in mission critical domains, that is, high ‘cost of service assurance' i.e., maintenance and patching, enhancement releases, incident detection, disaster recovery and problem resolution. Enterprises also gain ability to auto-maintain technology currency behind deployed cloud services. Therefore, especially for mission critical domains, enterprises must shift from human-led semi-automated operation to machine-led autonomous operation to elevate business continuity while minimizing total cost of service assurance.
Commercial principles enable enterprises to continuously leverage the optimal commercial frameworks of cloud service provider, based on the changing usage profiles and deployment requirements, thereby de-risking unexpected cost overruns as well as maximizing the combined financial productivity of on-premises licenses, annual license support and cloud subscription.
The principles are the following:
7. Delink data and network linear usage from cost: ‘Data-driven’ has become a critical requirement for digitalizing mission critical business and enterprise domains. Exponential and distributed growth nature of data and network usage can lead to unexpected cloud cost overrun due to increased usage. Enterprises must, therefore, select a cloud service provider that offers commercial enablers delinking unpredictable increases of data and network usage from cost and ensuring cost plannability and predictability.
8. Avoid service deployment lock-in: In mission critical domains, enterprises must retain flexibility to move workloads from cloud back to on-premises deployment or public cloud to on-premises public/private cloud deployment in the event of post-migration issues or tightening data sovereignty requirements. In the event of sudden surge of load, enterprises must also attain agility in acquiring necessary cloud services and scalability without precise upfront knowledge of workload usage pattern. Enterprises must, therefore, select a cloud service provider offering a flexible and fungible commercial framework covering all deployment models and cloud services as well as month-by-month usage fluctuation.
9. Re-purpose on-premises spend to acquire future cloud capabilities: In addition to the standard cloud rate optimization constructs, such as usage-based or time-based volume discount, custom pricing agreement, reservation and commitment, and Bring Your Own License (BYOL), some second-generation cloud providers like Oracle offer commercial constructs that offer substantial reductions in annual license support spends as a subsidy for future cloud capability acquisition. Enterprises must, therefore, leverage such commercial constructs smartly to maximize total financial productivity of on-premises spend and cloud subscription.
Value Management principles enable enterprises to adopt real-time cloud financial management based on ‘unit economics’, that is, measuring cloud spend against business value metrics and making better informed decisions with speed. Value Management principles also inculcate a culture of cross-functional collaboration as well as joint ownership and accountability over cloud financial management.
The principles are the following:
10. Create real time transparency on usage, costs and allocation to create a fast feedback loop for continuous usage optimization. Enterprises must maintain visibility into fully loaded costs for operating in the cloud and ensure cloud financial management decisions are based on fully loaded costs mapped and allocated to costs centers, applications, business units, and functional lines of business. Additionally, through showback and chargeback mechanisms, enterprises must provide guide rails for business users to understand their portion of cloud costs and usage behind it, and take accountability over spend, usage and cost recovery.
11. Collaborate cross-functionally to drive decision by business value: Cloud is a business value creator; not a cost center. Hence, the focus needs to be on increasing marginal benefit for ‘each dollar spent’ for cloud. To maintain this focus on maximizing the business value created by cloud spend, instead of minimizing the cost per year or month, cross-functional collaboration among executives, business units, IT, finance, procurement, and cloud service providers is critical. Therefore, enterprises must put in place the agreed-upon business value metrics for cloud usage and the cross-functional governance mechanism for driving decision based on the cost per business value metric.
The resulting effects of embracing these eleven principles of Modern Cloud Economics and implementing the associated enablers of second-generation cloud, would be:
Depending on the amount of stranded capacity existing in on-premises workload(s) baseline, enterprises may also be able to reduce TCO. This, however, is secondary to the business value realization and continuous ‘unit economics’ improvement.
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is the most mature among the second-generation clouds in the market today, providing the enablers across all principles of Modern Cloud Economics.
While OCI provides competitive offerings to serve peripheral domains in the same way other hyperscale cloud providers do, what differentiates OCI is its unique capabilities to help enterprises break the barrier for cloud adoption in mission critical domains. This is because OCI has been built ground-up by embedding the principles of Modern Cloud Economics into the core designs of its technology, operational, commercial and value management enablers, therefore making a holistic adoption of cloud and business value realization achievable for the enterprises
The architects of OCI have had a good understanding of the shortfalls of the first-generation clouds. They started with a clean slate after gathering requirements from over 200 enterprises. The OCI end-result was based on exceeding the demanding requirements expected by enterprises for deploying and operating their mission critical workloads in cloud.
The following are the key ‘built from the ground up’ enablers comprising the OCI foundations:
1. Right-size on modern technology stack:
2. Optimize usage continuously:
3. Avoid bolting-on high availability, regulatory and security measures:
OCI offers a range of operational enablers that help transform the operational practice while handling the highest level of security and performance requirements for enterprise mission critical domains. These enablers allow OCI to provide financially backed service level agreements (SLA) not only for availability but also for performance and manageability. This level of SLA coverage and commitment is not offered today by any other cloud infrastructure providers.
The key enablers are:
4. Minimize frictions to ensure migration velocity:
5. Exploit infrastructure evolution as a catalyst for innovation:
6. Select machine-power over manpower for enterprise-grade service assurance:
OCI offers a range of commercial enablers to optimize rate, de-risk cost overruns and maximize financial productivity across the investments in Oracle on-premises licenses and cloud subscriptions.
The key enablers are:
7. Delink data and network linear usage from cost:
8. Avoid service deployment lock-in:
9. Re-purpose on-premises license support spend to acquire future cloud capabilities:
Oracle and its partners (e.g., Neos) offer a range of value management enablers that help link unit cloud spend to a business value metric, thereby making cloud a driver for innovation, growth and competitive differentiation.
The key enablers are:
10. Create real time transparency on usage, costs and allocation:
11. Collaborate cross-functionally to drive decision by business value:
More and more enterprises, around the globe, are migrating their mission critical workloads to OCI and starting to achieve the expected business value of cloud and the ‘unit economics’ improvement.
Although still at a nascent stage considering the total addressable base of mission critical workloads, more and more enterprises, around the globe, are migrating their mission critical workloads to OCI and starting to achieve the expected business value of cloud and the ‘unit economics’ improvement. Some examples include:
Some of these enterprises have even migrated from the first-generation clouds, be it public cloud or private cloud, because of their limited offering for the Modern Cloud Economics enablers.
The leading IT solution provider in Asia is one of these enterprises who decided to leverage OCI for core business growth, instead of continuing to maintain and enhance their own private cloud for it. The company has been leveraging the OCI enablers of Modern Cloud Economics to drive the growth of their core managed service business for domestic financial institution customers, that accounts for nearly half of their overall revenue. In evaluating the several options for infrastructure modernization, the company has found selecting OCI as the best way forward.
Besides OCI’s ability to fulfill stringent service assurance requirements demanded by the domestic financial institutions and the regulatory authority, the company has found a number of key built-in OCI enablers (summarized below) that would help them embrace what they considered as the two most important principles of Modern Cloud Economics: ‘Avoid bolting-on high availability, regulatory and security measures’; and ‘Minimize frictions to ensure migration velocity’. They’ve also realized that OCI, deployed as a dedicated on-premises public cloud region by leveraging its Dedicated Region Cloud at Customer offering, would not introduce any unwanted trade-offs around the loss of architectural, operational and financial controls for adopting cloud.
But above all else, what eventually pushed them forward was a growing realization of the shifting source of competitive differentiation for their core business. That is, their own recognition that their source of competitive differentiation is no longer about building and maintaining infrastructure on their own. They realized that it would be better off to leverage OCI since its built-in enablers were far more advanced than what they could bolt-on.
To unlock business value of cloud for mission critical, enterprises must embrace the principles of Modern Cloud Economics as a base framework for target operating model design and select the cloud service provider offering the enablers across all principles.
Cloud is a business value creator, not a cost center, and the primary focus of cloud adoption in enterprises is on achieving full business value potential created by cloud spend, instead of reducing the IT cost per year or month. Achieving full business value potential of cloud for mission critical domains remains to be a challenging undertaking for any enterprise. Success requires embracing the principles of Modern Cloud Economics and shifting of the organization to new technology, operational and financial management practices, that is, the practice of DevSecFinOps. The resulting effect would be:
Any enterprise cloud strategy encompassing mission critical, therefore, must adopt these principles as a base framework for target operating model design. And the cloud sourcing strategy must ensure the selection of cloud service provider offering the enablers across all principles of Modern Cloud Economics.
1. McKinsey & Company, “How COVID-19 has pushed companies over the technology tipping point and transformed business forever, October 2020; Harvey Nash & KPMG, CIO Survey 2020
2. Bain & Company, “Lockdowns Spike Spending on Collaboration and Software Tools”, June 2020
3. IDC, “U.S. Businesses Become Future-Ready with Large-Scale Cloud”, January 2021
4. IDC, Ovum, Logic Monitor
5. Accenture, Cloud Outcomes Research 2020
6. Bain & Company, “The Pandemic Isn’t Boosting Cloud Spending”, August 2020
Oracle Insight is an executive engagement and business value advisory team in Oracle. The team comprises of enterprise strategists with points of view and expertise in the leading and emerging technology business management practices. The team directly engage customer C-suite to identify unmet needs, paint the future state, identify what matters to move the needle, and jointly define a roadmap to achieve the expected business value from technology investments.
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