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Tokyo, Japan —December 5, 2019
Oracle Corporation Japan today announced that Mynet Inc. has adopted Oracle Cloud Infrastructure as the online game operation platform for “Age of Ishtaria”. This will help players gain a better user experience while also delivering significant cost savings - for key operations, performance has improved 6X - ensuring the long-term future of game with savings reinvested into providing users with more fun through various events or campaigns.
Mynet runs a game service business that specializes in online game management. The company currently operates 36 game titles (as of November 2019). The company aims to provide gamers with an “exciting space over a longer time”. Its business model is based on creating a longer life for online games, by purchasing titles from game makers, working with them, and then increasing their value through its unique know-how, by redesigning games, developing new functionality, creating attractive new characters, and improving and expanding the game-play experiences.
For each title, Mynet selects the right infrastructure based on the characteristics of the game and the functionality and performance required. Currently, all of its titles have been migrated to the public cloud, due to its flexibility and ability to scale and match the increase and decrease in numbers of players at peak time and around special events, campaigns, and others activities. In online gaming, ensuring the stability of the gaming platform is an indispensable requirement, because it leads to an increased quality of user experience. Likewise delays in play and service interruptions caused by lack of resources result in players leaving and loss of revenue opportunities.
In addition, in order to secure the long-term future of game titles, it is also important to reduce infrastructure costs. Based on these conditions, Mynet sets a particular importance on the selection of the right infrastructure to provide the right balance of performance and cost to support the unique requirement and stable operation of game.
Mynet selected Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to support “Age of Ishtaria”, a fully-fledged action battle RPG, where the player becomes a knight and fights against a genie while traveling around different kingdoms. It offers various way to enjoy the game, such as the appearance of more than 1,000 characters, battle systems where players can fight each other online, and others. Another key characteristic of “Age of Ishtaria” is its Guild Battles system in which players fight each other in units of up to 20 on 20. During the battles, the data held by each user is rewritten at extremely short intervals, so high I/O performance is essential. In addition, Mynet was looking for a public cloud with superior cost performance and that could provide high I/O performance.
The company evaluated four public cloud service venders, and selected Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Mynet’s own team verified Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using a free trial to confirm its performance and the balance between low cost and high capabilities.
Mr. Yuki Horikoshi, General Manager of Engineering, Mynet Inc., said, “In online game operations, a stable environment is essential, and providing a space where users can enjoy the game over a long period of time is a benefit to customers. To that end, we adopt the optimal infrastructure for each game. When looking at the characteristics of “Age of Ishtaria”, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure was the best balance between performance and cost. During migration, we received a good level of support from Oracle Japan, enabling the project to proceed smoothly and go into service in about a month and a half after the decision to take it onboard. We look forward to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure helping us provide a better gameplay space in the future.”
Mynet made the decision to adopt Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in July 2019, then started migrating 40 servers, and service onto the new infrastructure from the end of August. Since its set up, the new infrastructure has delivered a stable environment, and a 65% cost reduction has been achieved compared to the previous public cloud. In regards to processing performance, batch processing, which previously required about 1 hour, now finishes in about 10 minutes, dramatically reducing the waiting time for applying changes on game title, and improving operational efficiency.
The company has highly evaluated the ease-of-use of the cloud console, which can be used to make changes to various settings, especially the compartments feature of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure that allows fine-grained control around access management and billing.
By reducing the infrastructure costs of “Age of Ishtaria” as a result of using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Mynet is now better able to focus on managing the title to ensure that it is a game that can be enjoyed by its many users for a long time, putting in place measures to improve the user experience such as adding new events and campaigns.
Mynet has indicated its intention to use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in the future, and has already decided to use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in the global version of “Age of Ishtaria”. The company is also actively considering using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for other titles depending on the situation and requirements.
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