Oracle JDeveloper 12c ( Known Issues


This document contains a list of known issues (and, where applicable workarounds for those issues) for the following products:

  • Oracle JDeveloper 12c (
  • Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) 12c (
  • Oracle Team Productivity Center (TPC) 12c (
  • Oracle ADF Essentials 12c (

For a list of new features in this release, see the What's New document on OTN.

This document describes known issues with the release. If and when new issues are discovered they will be added to this document. Please also use the JDeveloper community discussion forum and other community resources for questions and answers and to let us know what you think!


Please read the installation guide for details on system requirements and specific installation instructions for various platforms. error message

If you ran the script in Unix/Linux and received "syntax error" and/or "command not found" errors, you need to run the dos2unix command on After you have done this, should run without those errors.

Applying Patches to Integrated WLS

When you install JDeveloper, a complete WebLogic Server environment is also installed for development, testing, and debugging purposes, also referred to as the JDeveloper Integrated WLS. In the event that it is necessary to apply patches to Integrated WLS, you can use either the SmartUpdate feature of WLS or Oracle Opatch depending on how the patch is provided from Oracle.



Linux workstations may have a process called SCIM running. This process may prevent entering a password in the Oracle Fusion Domain wizard or anywhere a JPasswordField occurs.

SCIM can also have an interaction when used in conjunction with VNC and VNCConfig which makes the keyboard temporarily unresponsive.

SCIM can also interfere with code insight as SCIM and code insight may share the same hot key (control+space).

Systems that have SCIM running will show SCIM processes when 'ps -A | grep scim' (without quotes) is typed in a terminal.

How to remove or disable SCIM is dependent on the version of Linux being used, possible ways include:


type: 'sudo yum remove scim' (without quotes) in a terminal, then log out/log-in


type: 'im-chooser' (without quotes) on the command line, select the Never use input methods option on the pop-up window, then click the Log out button. SCIM will be disabled at the next login.

Alternatively look for an 'Input Methods' item in preferences.

Remote X11 Performance

If JDeveloper is displayed on a remote X11 server, offscreen pixmaps should be disabled.

Either add the following to your command line:


or add the following to <Oracle Home>/jdeveloper/ide/bin/ide.conf

AddVMOption -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false

For further details about offscreen pixmaps, see the Java 2D troubleshooting guide at

Check for updates

The OPatch bundles will continue to show in the update center even after they have been installed. Trying to install them again will not cause any harm. OPatch will simply ignore the install since the patch already exists.

Spring extension fails to load (19064935)

The Spring extension bundle included on the JDeveloper DVD fails to load properly after installation. The error message is

SEVERE: Extension oracle.jdeveloper.spring.runner did not resolve properly and will not be loaded by the IDE.

The workaround is to install the Spring extension from the online Update Center using Help > Check for Updates.

EJB and JPA Components

The Entity and Entities from Tables wizards do not execute the DDL and DML for configuring ID generators(14679071)

When running the "Entity" or "Entities from Tables" wizard, if you elect to attach an ID generator to each generated entity, you will need to manually configure the ID generator for the @SequenceGenerator or @TableGenerator options, depending on which one you select. For instructions, refer to the Javadoc generated into each entity class to obtain the SQL (DML and DDL) statements to execute.

CDI not working with JSF applications other than ADF Faces (16934790)

Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) in Java EE 6 is not compatible with JavaServer Faces 2.1 (JSF 2.1). CDI with JSF currently only works with ADF Faces apps.

Database Development

JDBC-ODBC Bridge Database Connections (16800853)

The JDBC-ODBC Bridge connection type is not recommended for making database connections, and Oracle does not support use of the JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver. For more information, see

Connecting to Oracle Database Using OCI8 (19941515)

To connect to Oracle Database using OCI8 (thick connection), define the jar location using the system property jdbc.library. For example:

jdev -J-Djdbc.library=/jdev_install/jdeveloper/ojdbc6.jar


Domain Creation May Be Slow on Linux Machines With Inadequate Entropy

Creating a domain may take a long time on Linux machines with inadequate entropy.  For more information, see Release Notes for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Using Forced Shutdown to Shut Down IntegratedWebLogicServer (16355918)

Shutting down IntegratedWebLogicServer may take more than 1 minute to ensure datasources have been written out. If you need to shut down the server fast you can use forced shutdown, but be aware that it kills the WebLogic domain process, running the risk of interrupting an active datasource and corrupting the data.

To use forced shutdown, go to Window > Application Servers > IntegratedWebLogicServer > Properties > Shutdown and choose "Shut Down Forcefully Always."

Custom ADF application Deployment requirements

If you have created a custom ADF application using JDeveloper, (not a Fusion Web Application, which has a predefined template), check to see if you have the following properties and files in your application:

  • A weblogic-application.xml file that includes an entry for ADFApplicationStateListener

<listener> <listener-class>oracle.adf.share.weblogic.listeners.ADFApplicationStateListener</listener-class> </listener>

  • A web.xml file that includes an ADFbindingFilter

    <filter> <filter-name>adfBindings</filter-name> <filter-class>oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter</filter-class> </filter>

    • Note that JDeveloper will automatically add the ADFBindingFilter only if a page definition file has been created during design time. If you do not see the ADFBindingFilter, you can add it manually.
  • An adf-config.xml file
    • Note that adf-config.xml is only created when ADF Page Flow features are added to the project in JDeveloper during design time. For instance, when you add a task flow or connection to the application, JDeveloper will create an adf-config.xml file. Adding ADF Business Components, ADF Model, or ADF Faces features do not generate an adf-config.xml file.

If any of these items are missing, you may receive an "Error 500: Internal Server Error" when you run the application. The first time you run this application, it may run correctly. But if you re-deploy and run this application again, you may get the error.

Multiple Audit Events ... are defined for component "ADF" (16473676)

If you encounter log messages such as the following in an environment with two or more managed servers, make sure that the classpath does not contain JAR files named adf-pageflow-impl-1.0.jar or adf-pageflow-impl-n-n.jar. The classpath should only contain adf-pageflow-impl.jar.

<Mar 11, 2014 1:08:53 PM PDT> <Warning> <oracle.mds> <BEA-000000> <Multiple audit events named "addTaskFlowDefinition" are defined for component "ADF".>
<Mar 11, 2014 1:08:53 PM PDT> <Warning> <oracle.mds> <BEA-000000> <Multiple audit events named "setPageName" are defined for component "ADF".>
<Mar 11, 2014 1:08:53 PM PDT> <Warning> <oracle.mds> <BEA-000000> <Multiple audit events named "addControlFlowCase" are defined for component "ADF".>
<Mar 11, 2014 1:08:53 PM PDT> <Warning> <oracle.mds> <BEA-000000> <Multiple audit events named "addActivity" are defined for component "ADF".>

Web Services Development

Incorrect Sample Code in Documentation

The sample code illustrated in Example 23-7, "Attaching Policies to RESTful Web Service Clients Using Feature Classes," in "Developing and Securing Web Services," incorrectly uses the

com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client class. Instead, it must use the weblogic.jaxrs.api.client.Client class in order to support OWSM client policy attachment.

Error When Generating RESTful Client from a Remote WADL That References a JSON Schema (16715951)

You cannot generate a RESTful client from a remote WADL that references a JSON schema due to the version of library that is distributed with this JDeveloper release. The jsonschema2pojo library, on which it has a dependency, contains a bug that will cause a failure when attempting to generate a RESTful client if the WADL is not available on the local file system. The workaround is to copy the WADL and its resources locally and then generate the RESTful client from the local WADL.

Policy Not Enforced on a Provider Service Without a WSDL

For a web service provider with no WSDL associated with it, any policy attachments on it are not enforced by the server. To prevent users from deploying a Provider service without a WSDL, JDeveloper displays a warning in the code editor when this scenario is detected. The workaround for this problem is to maintain a WSDL for the Provider service and attach it to the service using the wsdlLocation annotation parameter.

Avoid Creating Multiple Top-down Web Services in the Same Project/Package (7165531)

Unless operating on the same schema, avoid creating multiple top-down web services in the same project as each successive top-down service may overwrite the ObjectFactory class created by the previous one if generated into the same package.

Deployment Fails When Deploying a JAX-WS RI Web Service to a Glassfish Server (14629256)

If you attempt to deploy a JAX-WS RI web service EAR or WAR file created using JDeveloper to Glassfish server, the deployment will fail.

To work around this issue, perform one of the following steps:

  • If your web service requires the web.xml file to support advanced capabilities, such as securing with basic authentication, then:
    • Edit the web.xml file to delete the oracle.adf.share.glassfish.listener.ADFGlassFishAppLifeCycleListener lifecycle listener entry, which is not required.
    • Delete the sun-jaxws.xml file.
  • Delete the web.xml file (if it is not required to support advanced capabilities).

ADF Business Components

Deprecated Usage of ClobDomain and GenericClob class methods (18345646)

When working with CLOB domain attributes in your ViewImpl class, you must not use methods that have become deprecated due to changes in JDK 8 that resulted in removal of the class. When this class in JDK 8 was deprecated, it resulted in the following deprecated methods in classes of the oracle.jbo.domain and oracle.jbo.domain.generic packages.


(deprecated) public byte[] getStorageByteArray()


(deprecated) public byte[] getStorageByteArray()

When you need to work with Clob contents, instead use the following method from the above classes:

char[] getStorageCharArray()

ADF Business Components Runtime Parameter jbo.ampool.writecookietoclient Must Not be Modified (16846118)

The runtime ADF Business Components application module pooling parameter jbo.ampool.writecookietoclient is no longer required by ADF Business Components. Do not change the default value (false). The default is not to create a browser cookie. This parameter was formerly used to write the SessionCookie value to the client browser. This parameter also appears in the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control as AmpoolWritecookietoclient where its default value must not be changed.

Deprecated Usage of Method notifyUpdatedRow(ViewRowSetImpl, Row[], int[]) (15955245)

When overriding methods in the ViewImpl class of an ADF Business Components project, you must not override the "notify row updated" method with this signature:

(deprecated) protected void notifyRowUpdated(ViewRowSetImpl vrs, Row[]  viewRows, int[] attrIndices)

In JDeveloper the audit rule "notifyRowUpdated Method Parameters" will update all occurrences of this deprecated method to use the method with this signature instead:

(valid) protected void notifyRowUpdated(ViewRowSetImpl vrs, Row[]viewRows, int[] attrIndices, UpdateEvent updateEvent)

Note that it is important to check for code that calls the deprecated method and to change to the valid method (shown above). Specifically, make sure that the updateEvent parameter is added to the calling method.

Using the method with the updateEvent parameter ensures that the RowInconsistentException is thrown when two users attempt to change a row referenced by the same primary key from independent application module sessions.

Application Module Do Failover setting stays enabled even when adf-config.xml property was set otherwise

The application's adf-config.xml Do Failover option is set to true and in JDeveloper this option is set to disable for each Application Module. But when you deploy the application and use Enterprise Manager to configure the Business Components Application Module, the Failove State and checkbox is still enabled and unchecked. It should be disabled as indicated by adf-config.xml.

The reason is that after deployment, Enterprise Manager does not retrieve this value that was set in the application's adf-config.xml.

No documentation for groovy expression trustmode (19254503)

JDeveloper 12.1.3 and ADF has introduced a tightening security model for ADF BC Groovy expressions as a stepping stone for upcoming Oracle products. Oracle is progressively introducing this feature to reduce the burden on customers.

For any new ADF application, customers must set via the property inspector trustMode="true" for any ADF BC attributes or similar using a Groovy expression. Otherwise at runtime JBO-25152 will be raised.

For customers porting applications from previous releases of JDeveloper the trustMode will be set to true for existing Groovy expressions, though any new expressions still require developers explicitly set the trustMode.

ADF Security

ADF Security feature "Enable Identity Governance Framework" (IGF) is Currently Disabled (16852797)

The Configure ADF Security wizard displays a checkbox to enable Identity Governance Framework (IGF). The wizard displays this feature as unselected by default. However, when you select the checkbox no additional functionality is currently provided. The feature will be supported in a future release. For details about IGF, see the document Developing Applications with Identity Governance Framework in the Oracle 12c documentation library.

ADF Model

Deprecated Usage of invokeAction in the Binding Editor Dialog (16245889)

The invokeAction executable has been deprecated in Oracle ADF release Oracle recommends that developer use a method activity in a task flow to call an action binding (or any backing bean method) to perform some application behavior before the page is rendered. For example, for a page used to create an object, you might have a task flow that begins with a method activity that calls the CreateInsert operation. The task flow then proceeds to the view activity for the page where the user inputs data. Modeling this behavior as discrete method call activities provides a much cleaner separation of application logic and data bindings, making applications both self-documenting and easier to maintain.

Deprecated Use of JMX Data Control (18649174)

The Java Management Extensions (JMX) data control is deprecated for Oracle ADF release 12.1.3, and the associated design-time tools will be removed from JDeveloper in a subsequent release.

Shared Data Controls and Task Flow Transactions - joinNewFrameTransaction property in adf-config.xml File (18349282)

In Releases and onwards, commit and rollback operations on shared data controls created outside a task flow transaction must be performed using ADF Model's commit and rollback binding actions.

ADF Model allows the creation of a "local" transaction context on data controls outside a transaction context started by a task flow. However, ADF Model does not allow a local transaction context to join the task flow's transaction. A task flow transaction will not commit or rollback changes on shared data controls created before the task flow transaction started.

For backward compatibility, the new default behavior in Releases and can be changed through configuration in Release That is, you can enable the 11g R1 policy to allow the data control to join the new task flow transaction by setting the configuration property joinNewFrameTransaction to true. You set this property in the application's adf-config.xml file as shown in the following example:

<adf-adfm-config xmlns="">
            <defaults ...joinNewFrameTransaction="true"/>

With this configuration property, data controls that were created prior to the task flow transaction and have a local transaction context will join the transaction that the task flow starts. The local transaction contexts will be committed at the same time as the task flow transaction context. If you migrate an application from Releases 11g R1 to, the migration process makes the above configuration change in the adf-config.xml file for you.

ADF Desktop Integration

Known issues related to displaying web pages using the Dialog action (13440853)

  • If the end user displays a web page from a Dialog action and then allows the web app session to timeout, there may be a loss of necessary context if the server renews the session automatically. In such cases, Table.RowDownSync may not produce the expected result. (bug 9718945, bug 13440853) Workaround: enhance the web page's bean code to detect a change in the current row and cancel the dialog.

Known issues at design-time (9737702, 16073171)

  • Deleting cells. If the developer deletes a cell adjacent to the cell containing an ADF component and shifts that cell into the position of the deleted cell, ADFdi offers to delete the component. (bug 9737702)
  • Excel's "Track changes while editing". ADFdi is not compatible with Excel's feature known as "Track changes while editing". Using this feature may result in unexpected exceptions. Avoid using this feature with ADFdi-integrated workbooks. (bug 16073171)

Known issue with table action UploadAllOrNothing (18355117)

In certain circumstances, re-executing this method may produced unexpected results. Workaround: perform a table download between invocations of UploadAllOrNothing.

Versions of Microsoft .NET Framework

Microsoft has announced that it will end support for .NET 4 (on Windows 7 and Windows 8) starting in January 2016. Microsoft recommends upgrading to version 4.5.2.


ADF Desktop Integration is compatible with .NET 4.5.2. Users may install it at any time. Future versions of ADF Desktop Integration may check for and install this version of the Microsoft .NET Framework.

ADF Faces, Controller and Data Visualization Runtime

ADF Faces General

  • Browser sometime minimizes with af|table on IE (18457945) - On IE10, clicking on the last row in a non editable table causes the browser to minimize.  This is reproducible, but not consistently.
  • Calendar Month View, activities overlap in IE (18409581) - In IE, "+n more" link does not work and so the activities appear overlapping each other.
  • ChooseDate icon trucated in Firefox 24 (18115613) - In Japanese Locale, the chooseDate icon is truncated in Firefox 24.
  • Client Side At Rules (18117648) - Because the style properties inside client-side at-rules get passed directly to the user agent, you cannot use ADF skin properties or global selector aliases inside client-side at-rules. A known issue is that if you define an ADF skin property inside a client-side at-rule, it causes the ADF skinning framework to ignore the definition of the same ADF skin property in a valid context in the ADF skin (outside a client-side at-rule). To avoid this issue, make sure that you do not specify ADF skin properties or global selector aliases inside client-side at-rules (@media etc).
  • Code Editor (17366269) - If you attempt to nest clientAttribute or clientListener within the codeEditor, the IDE Audit marks this as an error saying these are not valid children when in fact they are.  Use the ignore option in the editor to remove this instance of the warning from the page
  • Dialog Ok and Cancel buttons misaligned (17768775) - Buttons in the footer of dialogs (ie. Ok and Cancel) have vertically misaligned labels.  A workaround is to inhibit the height attribute of buttons inside dialog footers in a skin that extends skyros skin.
    af|dialog::footer-content af|button {
                    -tr-inhibit: height;
  • Input Text wrapping not working on IE11 (18777339) - On IE11 entering text without spaces into an inputtext text area with wrap='soft', results in a scrollbar when the text reaches the right hand edge of the text area instead of wrapping.  Other browsers wrap properly.
  • Input Date with min/max values (17065971) - If max and min values set on inputDate, be aware that the user could hit validation errors if the date value is null and they click ok on the choose date.  The reason is clicking ok on the chooseDate, sets the current date-time on the input component. There is currently no check to figure out if the current time is out of min/max bounds. This can cause validation errors whenever the maxDate is less than current date-time or when the minDate is greater than the current date-time. 
  • Output Text styling(17735032) - Applying more than one styleClass on an outputText causes skin compression to be skipped; which causes the styles defined in those style classes not to be applied to the component. The workaround is to combine the styles into a single style class that can be applied to the component.
  • Reordering Fields in a Query (18433495,18708628,18643513) - Reordering fields in a query doesn't work with more than 10 fields in the dialog.  In addition, the drag and drop intermittently does not work do to timing issues.  Lastly, the -tr-button-type skin property of af|query must be set to unified (default) in order for the reorder buttons to work properly.
  • Required workaround for Java Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) users (17962392) - JSF team has provided a workaround so that we can support  Java Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) with our packaged version of JSF with ADF.  Manfred and Ed, have released and published this CDI workaround (called cdi-enabler) on Maven Central:\|ga|1|cdi-enabler
  • SelectOneChoice error when No selection option configured (18941720) - When No selection option is configured in the VO, the selectonechoice component produces an error when the form is submitted after selecting the no

    selection item.  Workaround is to use unselectedLabel attribute and don't configure the No selection option in the VO.

  • Slider values not shown in IE11 (18144722) - InputRangeSlider and InputRangeNumber not shown well in Arabic locale because the slider values are not shown.  Other browsers and other versions of IE work fine.
  • Table disappears after scrolling (17698203)  - If a table is inside of a gridCell of a panelGridLayout and the gridCell's halign attribute is not set to stretch, then the table disappears after scrolling.  Setting the halign attribute = stretch fixes the issue.  Note this situation only occurs if the '' context-parameter is set to 'auto', which is the default for all new applications.
  • Tablet First Template (18764235,18924776,17684633).  The new tablet first template three issues that need to be fixed.  The template is using DIV tags which are not good practice in ADF.  These div tags need to be replaced with panelGroupLayout=vertical.  In addition, the .contentContainer styleclass specified in the tabletFirstTemplate.css has text-align property that needs to be removed. This is causing problems when components which do not have the text-align overridden are used as content (ie. tabs).  Remove the text-align:

    center from ContentContainer. Alternatively, if the first component in the center facet is a decorativeBox, than there will not be a problem.  Lastly, the footer is not adhering to max width of the template.  Need to change the layout for the footer to be panelgrouplayout=vertical so it renders as a div instead of a span and the width will be applied.

ADF Controller  (15873522)

  • Task Flow template permission - If a region taskflow is based on a task flow template and the user does not have permission to view the template, then the page is rendered blank. We are not checking the permission on the template until we actually try to enter the region taskflow. Ensure privileges are assigned to the task flow template and the region task flow.

ADF Data Visualizations General

New Chart and Gauge charting solution is now available. The new charting components are purely client-side, offering superior performance and user experience. They are already used by ADF Mobile and are now exposed in ADF.

As part of the new design time in 12.1.3 the old Graph and Gauge tags have been deprecated in cases where the new tags offer an equivalent Chart or Gauge type. As a result, we will not expose Data-First nor UI-First creation of the deprecated tags -- instead, the design time will generate the new tags. Editing existing data-bound instances of deprecated tags is still supported.

The following table shows the mapping between the deprecated Graph tags and the new Charts tags:

Old Tag (Deprecated) New Tag
dvt:areaGraph dvt:areaChart
dvt:barGraph dvt:barChart
dvt:bubbleGraph dvt:bubbleChart
dvt:comboGraph dvt:comboChart
  • dvt:dialGauge
  • dvt:ledGauge
  • dvt:statusMeterGauge
  • dvt:ratingGauge
dvt:horizontalBarGraph dvt:horizontalBarChart
dvt:lineGraph dvt:lineChart
dvt:pieGraph dvt:pieChart
dvt:scatterGraph dvt:scatterChart

ADF Data Visualization Chart  (18556697)

In Chrome browser versions 34 and 35, the X Axis labels in chart are misaligned. This issue will be fixed in Chrome 36.

ADF Data Visualization Diagram

Diagram is a new DVt component that can be used to visualize different sets of data by displaying nodes and relationships between them. Diagram is currently available as a runtime-only component, and provides a pluggable framework for the application developers to define custom layouts in javascript. The design time for Diagram is coming in a future release.

ADF Data Visualization Gantt Chart

  • Label alignment does not shift when impossible to show label as defined. I.e. task with left-aligned label placed all the way to the left (8914616)
  • Time value in tooltip of DataChangeListener incorrectly calculated (9868647)
  • Gantt Chart support for RTL (right to left) languages, such as Arabic or Hebrew, is only available with Internet Explorer 7, 8, and 9. (18322136)

ADF Data Visualization Graph and Gauge

  • Flash rendering for DVT Graph and Gauge is no longer supported. DVT Graph and Gauge components are now rendered in HTML5 instead of Flash, and there is no functional difference between the output formats.

ADF Data Visualization Hierarchy Viewer  (18889337)

  • Hierarchy Viewer now renders in HTML5 on mobile platforms.
  • In certain situations, configuring a Hierarchy Viewer to use same-level navigation with the levelFetchSize attribute against a BC4J data control may result in an infinite loop between the client and the server. This issue can be worked around by not specifying the levelFetchSize attribute. 

ADF Data Visualization Pivot Table

  • In order to store edits, the PivotTable needs to be bound to a DataControl/Model that supports writeback operations. A Rowset based DataControl, like the BC4J based DataControl, is transformed into a cube and, due to the transformation, cannot support writebacks (8895660)
  • Leading zeros are not carried from the pivot table to exported Excel (9927815)
  • For row-based data sets with more than 1000 rows, pre-calculate the summary data in the database to limit the number of rows sent to the Pivot Table, and thereby reduce resources necessary for data aggregation. You can also tune your view object to set how data is retrieved from the database. Use the default setting of All Rows in batches of 1. For more information, see "Consider the Appropriate Tuning Setting for Every View Object" in Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework. Finally, specify the number of columns and rows in a data fetch block by setting the columnFetchSize and rowFetchSize attributes of the dvt:pivotTable component.
  • Pivot Table support for RTL (right to left) languages, such as Arabic or Hebrew, is only available with Internet Explorer 7, 8, and 9. (15948117)

ADF Data Visualizations Design Time (18907082)

  • Data-First creation of Charts bound to collections from an EJB Data Control generates an incorrect tag structure and binding.
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