Oracle Mobile Application Framework 2.6.0 Certification Matrix

Build Time Support (SDK & build tool versions)

Mobile Platform Mobile SDK Version Native Development Tools Version
Android Android 8.0 (API 26) Minimum versions: Android SDK Tools 23, Platform-tools 26, Build-tools 26
iOS iOS SDK 12.x Xcode 10.x
Windows Windows 10 SDK (10.0.10586.0) and Windows 10 SDK 10.0.14393 Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2017 (Enterprise, Professional or Community version)

Runtime Support and Certification Matrix

Mobile Operating System Version Supported Devices
Android 8.x Any device running Android 8.0 or above with Minimum 1 GHz processor / 1 GHz Dual Core or better (Recommended) and at least 1 GB of total RAM.
Android 7.x Any device running Android 7.0 or above with Minimum 1 GHz processor / 1 GHz Dual Core or better (Recommended) and at least 1 GB of total RAM
Android 6.x Any device running Android 6.0 or above with Minimum 1 GHz processor / 1 GHz Dual Core or better (Recommended) and at least 1 GB of total RAM
iOS 12.x All devices
iOS 11.x All devices
Windows 10 Any tablet or desktop running Windows 10 Version 1511 (November 2015 release) or later, with Intel processor

Note: Only side-loading is supported, MAF apps cannot be uploaded to the Windows Store.

Desktop OS Requirements

Desktop OS Version
Windows Refer to JDev/OEPE support
macOS macOS Mojave (10.14) and high sierra (10.13)
Linux Refer to JDev/OEPE support