Android |
8.x |
Any device running Android 8.0 or above with Minimum 1 GHz processor / 1 GHz Dual Core or better (Recommended) and at least 1 GB of total RAM. |
Android |
7.x |
Any device running Android 7.0 or above with Minimum 1 GHz processor / 1 GHz Dual Core or better (Recommended) and at least 1 GB of total RAM |
Android |
6.x |
Any device running Android 6.0 or above with Minimum 1 GHz processor / 1 GHz Dual Core or better (Recommended) and at least 1 GB of total RAM |
iOS |
12.x |
All devices |
iOS |
11.x |
All devices |
Windows |
10 |
Any tablet or desktop running Windows 10 Version 1511 (November 2015 release) or later, with Intel processor Note: Only side-loading is supported, MAF apps cannot be uploaded to the Windows Store. |