The following notes correspond to a migration from 2.5.1 to 2.6.0. If you are migrating from an earlier release, please also refer to previous migration notes.
- This release of MAF requires Xcode 10.x to build and deploy your MAF applications to the iOS platform. Also, beginning with Xcode 10.2 Apple has changed how Swift based applications are built. For more information, see Migrating an Application to MAF 2.6.0.
- On Android, for push notifications in MAF applications, MAF now uses Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to replace Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), which has been deprecated by Google. To migrate to FCM see Migrating an Application to MAF 2.6.0.
- You are required to install Android API Level 27 to build and deploy MAF applications to the Android platform. Ensure that you install the Android SDK Platform API Level 27 into the Android SDK Location that you have specified in your MAF preferences, as described in Setting Up Development Tools for the Android Platform.
- Updated the Cordova engine versions that MAF uses (Android: 7.0.0 and iOS: 4.5.4). See Migrating Cordova Plugins from Earlier Releases to MAF 2.6.0.