Energize your deskless workforce

Oracle helps companies like yours address the challenges of deploying a deskless workforce by providing capabilities in the flow of work that deliver what managers and employees value most. Oracle Workforce Management offers an employee experience that helps you retain your best workers while giving you the agility to keep up with dynamic union, labor, and regulatory compliance rules.

How to energize and retain your frontline workforce

See our solutions in action.

Break through the frontline worker disconnect

90% of all companies rely on deskless workers in some way, and the retention of frontline workers is a critical aspect of human resource management, particularly in industries where employees are directly involved in providing services, engaging with customers, or producing goods. Today’s workers expect more from their employers, and companies in frontline industries face a revolving door of dissatisfied employees amid labor shortages.

Give workers more control and flexibility
Meet the needs of your whole workforce, including contingent and frontline workers, by providing easy controls and flexibility to support their success.

Unlock your workforce’s potential
Meet the needs of your frontline leaders and give them tools to help them engage their workforce, reduce costs, and deliver high-quality goods and customer experiences, in any industry, including regulated, unionized, and product-focused industries.

Prioritize health and safety
Manage environmental health and safety effectively with easy-to-use tools, and instill a culture of safety across your organization to help reduce workplace accidents.

A complete and connected cloud solution for frontline success

Oracle Workforce Management helps energize your deskless workforce by giving your employees tools that create community, make everyday tasks easier, and help them meet business needs.

Employee self-service Oracle provides an automated intelligent solution with embedded generative AI that empowers workers to create their own schedules, communicate their shift preferences and feedback, collaborate with each other, and access extra shifts with incentives.


Shift coverage Oracle enables managers to boost collaboration and align the skills of their workforce with the work to be done so no shift is left uncovered, even in industries such as manufacturing, retail, and healthcare, where complex regulations and union rules create additional compliance challenges.


Workforce safety Oracle offers a connected and complete intuitive user experience that helps leaders foster a culture of workplace safety, with tools that simplify reporting and compliance and allow managers to use powerful analytics to improve health and safety outcomes, build resilience, and reduce overall risk across the enterprise.


  • Gartner® names Oracle a Leader in cloud HCM for the ninth year in a row

    Find out why Oracle was named a Leader in the 2024 Magic Quadrant for Cloud HCM Suites for 1,000+ Employee Enterprises, placing furthest right in Completeness of Vision for the seventh year.*

  • Constellation Research: Cloud HCM market overview and industry leaders

    Learn how HR investments in innovation and AI are shaping the future of work and helping organizations gain the agility needed to elevate employee experiences and business success.

“We participated in the early adopter program for Oracle Workforce Scheduling. It’s fairly easy to implement because we have all our core HR data already there, since it’s part of Oracle HCM. Most organizations have spent a lot of time integrating their HR and scheduling systems. Having that integration already done saves implementation time and improves the accuracy of decisions in scheduling because it has up-to-date employment and talent data.”

Hubert Winter Senior Director, HR Technology and Systems, Quest Diagnostics

Discover more about Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM

Announcing Oracle Workforce Scheduling

Balance business, employee, and customer demands with Oracle Workforce Scheduling.

Give employees generative AI assistance to boost productivity

Learn how generative AI in Oracle Cloud HCM streamlines processes and elevates employee experiences.

Announcing new specialized AI agents embedded in Oracle Cloud HCM

Learn how Oracle AI agents help employees achieve new levels of productivity and growth.

Compliance and information management agents

Discover how AI agents are used in Oracle Workforce Scheduling to help you maintain compliance.

Deskless workforce resources

* Gartner, Magic Quadrant за пакети Cloud HCM за предприятия с над 1000 служители, публикуван на 24 октомври 2024 г. Анализатори: Ранадип Чандра (Ranadip Chandra), Крис Панг (Chris Pang), Рон Хенском (Ron Hanscome), Сам Гринтър (Sam Grinter), Джоси Ксинг (Josie Xing), Хайтън Шет (Hiten Sheth), Травис Уиксбърг (Travis Wickesberg), Харш Кундули (Harsh Kundulli), Ананд Чукси (Anand Chouksey), Дейвид Бобо (David Bobo), Лора Гардинър (Laura Gardiner), Еми Чиба (Emi Chiba), Мишел Шапиро (Michelle Shapiro).

GARTNER е регистрирана търговска марка и марка за услуга, PEER INSIGHTS и MAGIC QUADRANT са регистрирани търговски марки на Gartner, Inc. и/или нейните свързани лица в САЩ и по света и се използват тук с разрешение. Всички права запазени. Gartner не препоръчва никакъв доставчик, продукт или услуга, описани в тези публикации за проучвания, и не съветва потребителите на технологии да избират само тези доставчици с най-висока оценка или друго обозначение. Публикациите за проучвания на Gartner се състоят от мненията на организацията за проучвания на Gartner и не трябва да се тълкуват като изявления на факти. Gartner отхвърля всякакви гаранции, преки или косвени, по отношение на това проучване, включително всякакви гаранции за продаваемост или пригодност за определена цел.

Тази диаграма е публикувана от Gartner, Inc. като част от по-голям документ за проучване и трябва да бъде оценена в контекста на целия документ. Документът на Gartner е достъпен по заявка от Oracle на адрес https://www.oracle.com/human-capital-management/gartner-magic-quadrant/

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