What's new in Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM)

Explore the latest innovations


Gartner® names Oracle a Leader in cloud HCM for the ninth year in a row

Find out why Oracle was named a Leader in the 2024 Magic Quadrant for Cloud HCM Suites for 1,000+ Employee Enterprises, placing furthest right in Completeness of Vision for the seventh year.*

Access the Gartner report

Get started on your skills journey, no matter where you are

Learn how the new open skills architecture within Oracle Dynamic Skills helps organizations develop, curate, and execute an enterprisewide skills-based talent strategy.

Explore Oracle Dynamic Skills

AI agents in Oracle Cloud HCM

Learn how specialized AI agents embedded in Oracle Cloud HCM help organizations reimagine how work is done.

Explore Oracle AI agents for HCM

Announcing Oracle Activity Centers

See how persona-based user experiences focus employees on tasks that matter most to their role, helping drive better efficiencies and results.

Explore Activity Centers

Introducing Oracle Grow for business leaders

Learn how the new AI-powered upskilling solution in Oracle Grow connects all talent information from across Oracle Cloud HCM to provide leaders with a unified solution that helps effectively support skills development, maximize employee growth, and improve business success.

Explore Oracle Grow

Oracle announces latest innovation to Oracle ME platform

Bring unsung heroes to the forefront and drive cultural change with Oracle Celebrate.

Explore Oracle Celebrate

Oracle delivers scheduling and labor optimization for all industries

Skillfully balance business, employee, and customer demands in a single cloud solution.

Explore Oracle Workforce Scheduling

Recruiting Booster

From promoting hiring events and supporting two-way messaging to providing a digital assistant and driving interview efficiency, Oracle Fusion Cloud Recruiting Booster is Oracle’s new talent acquisition offering that expands Oracle Recruiting’s capabilities to help you accelerate hiring and enhance relationship building.

Explore Oracle Recruiting
Наръчник на Oracle за успех в ЧР

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Find what you're looking for

We support HR's top business challenges with continuous innovations. Explore these trending topics and see why we're a proven leader committed to the success of every organization.

From employee experience to automation to security—platform capabilities infused throughout Oracle Cloud empower every HR process and beyond.

* Gartner, Magic Quadrant за пакети Cloud HCM за предприятия с над 1000 служители, публикуван на 24 октомври 2024 г. Анализатори: Ранадип Чандра (Ranadip Chandra), Крис Панг (Chris Pang), Рон Хенском (Ron Hanscome), Сам Гринтър (Sam Grinter), Джоси Ксинг (Josie Xing), Хайтън Шет (Hiten Sheth), Травис Уиксбърг (Travis Wickesberg), Харш Кундули (Harsh Kundulli), Ананд Чукси (Anand Chouksey), Дейвид Бобо (David Bobo), Лора Гардинър (Laura Gardiner), Еми Чиба (Emi Chiba), Мишел Шапиро (Michelle Shapiro).

GARTNER е регистрирана търговска марка и марка за услуга, PEER INSIGHTS и MAGIC QUADRANT са регистрирани търговски марки на Gartner, Inc. и/или нейните свързани лица в САЩ и по света и се използват тук с разрешение. Всички права запазени. Gartner не препоръчва никакъв доставчик, продукт или услуга, описани в тези публикации за проучвания, и не съветва потребителите на технологии да избират само тези доставчици с най-висока оценка или друго обозначение. Публикациите за проучвания на Gartner се състоят от мненията на организацията за проучвания на Gartner и не трябва да се тълкуват като изявления на факти. Gartner отхвърля всякакви гаранции, преки или косвени, по отношение на това проучване, включително всякакви гаранции за продаваемост или пригодност за определена цел.

Тази диаграма е публикувана от Gartner, Inc. като част от по-голям документ за проучване и трябва да бъде оценена в контекста на целия документ. Документът на Gartner е достъпен по заявка от Oracle на адрес https://www.oracle.com/human-capital-management/gartner-magic-quadrant/

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