Mobile Analytics

Don’t leave data behind when on the go. Stay connected and take action fast from a mobile device. The new Oracle Analytics mobile app gives business leaders, analysts, and IT a one-stop shop to find, open, and interact with high-quality, curated data analytics. Get smart alerts, and take action immediately. Analyze any data, anytime, anywhere.

Mobile analytics app - January 2023 (0:48)

Find favorite content fast with the unified and familiar homepage—no training required.

Locate analytics workbooks with advanced search or browse content with the catalog explorer.

View analytics workbooks in a stacked layout for single-handed interactivity or in workbook layout that displays workbooks as they appear on the desktop.

Create new analytics workbooks by uploading datasets directly from the mobile device.

Play a podcast with a simple tap from the workbook dashboard for a hands-free consumption experience.

Mobile analytics overview

Unified homepage

Find insights—quickly and easily. A consistent user experience from Oracle Analytics Cloud to Oracle Analytics Mobile helps get to shared or personal data faster.

Visualize projects

Interact with data visualization projects intuitively. Change chart type, apply filters, pivot data, find insights and share with other individuals or teams.

Explore dashboards

Launch dashboards and reports to interact with analytical content.

Collaborate and share

Discover answers to business questions, share findings within the team, and collaborate to find new insights and make better, data-driven decisions.

Listen to data analytics podcasts

Stay connected with analytics when on the go. Listen to natural-language–generated audio narratives of the most salient points from reports, dashboards, and visualizations.

Upload datasets

Open or create a dataset from the mobile app, and start discovering insights right away.

Get started with Oracle Analytics

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