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  2. Oracle Environmental and Social Impact Report


Modern and forward leaning

Like our business, our philanthropy is modern and ambitious. We support nonprofit organizations that achieve transformational impact in the areas of education, health, community, and the environment. Our own nonprofit foundations focus on children and young people.


Our philanthropy initiatives

  • Oracle Giving

    Oracle Giving

    Our philanthropy spans more than three decades of global impact in the areas of education, health, community, and the environment. Our modern, forward-leaning investments support social impact organizations that demonstrate strategic foresight, visionary leadership, and transformative practices.

  • Oracle Health Foundation

    Oracle Health Foundation

    Oracle Health Foundation, a nonprofit funded by Oracle and staffed by Oracle employees, delivers pediatric grants, care kits, and school-based wellness programs to remove barriers to healthcare for youth.

  • Oracle Education Foundation

    Oracle Education Foundation

    Oracle Education Foundation, a nonprofit funded by Oracle and staffed by Oracle employees, teaches young people how to innovate, solve problems with technology, and shape a better future.

  • Design Tech High School

    Design Tech High School

    Design Tech High School (d.tech) is a California public charter school located on our Redwood Shores campus. The school's revolutionary educational model helps prepare students not just for the next four years of college, but for the next forty years of their lives and careers.

Oracle Giving

Giving for the greater good

Our philanthropy spans more than three decades of global impact in the areas of education, health, community, and the environment. Our modern, forward-leaning investments support social impact organizations that demonstrate strategic foresight, visionary leadership, and transformative practices. Together, we’re building a world in which ecosystems are healthy and thriving, students are confident and career-ready, everyone has access to essential health services, and communities flourish through support and connection.

seal swimming in ocean

FY24 impact at a glance

  • donation


  • nonprofits

    4,500+nonprofits supported

  • globe

    56 countrieswhere we support causes

Our focus areas

Advancing education

Our education grants fund transformative learning experiences. We help students develop strong foundations in technology and build the skills they need to succeed in school, careers, and beyond. We support programs that teach students coding and physical computing with Raspberry Pi, Alice, Greenfoot, and BlueJ. We help advance STEAM education for girls with Going to School, Technovation, Akili Dada, Girlstart, and Latinitas. And, with Junior Achievement, The King’s Trust, and Instituto PROA, we’re making sure young people receive the training and industry mentorship they need to become career-ready.

Advancing education

Promoting healthcare worldwide

Our health grants promote well-being globally, funding organizations that expand access to care, deliver critical equipment and medication, and advance health literacy. Through support for World Telehealth Initiative, Project C.U.R.E., and Riders for Health, we bring treatment to under-resourced communities and healthcare facilities—from lifesaving vaccines to technology that enables remote access to medical expertise when and where it’s needed most. We’re also working to expand access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene services for children and families. Our grants to Sambhav Foundation, Swades Foundation, and Society for All Round Development enable the construction of restrooms, handwashing facilities, and clean water supply systems for hundreds of schools and households in India.

Promoting healthcare

Protecting the natural world and wildlife

For more than 30 years, our environment grants have advanced biodiversity protection, ecological research, environmental literacy, and much more. Support for critical work by National Geographic Pristine Seas is helping establish marine protected areas around the world, and our grants to The Marine Mammal Center enable the care and rescue of marine wildlife. On land, we’re protecting and restoring California’s ancient forests through our support of Save the Redwoods League and conserving and studying endangered gorilla populations with the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund. To connect young people with nature and inspire the next generation of conservationists, we also fund environmental education programs, including Keep Austin Beautiful and NatureBridge.

woman walking among redwoods

Building stronger communities

Our community grants provide food, shelter, and comfort to people experiencing vulnerability and create long-term pathways to stability. Through support for Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee, Voedselbank Amsterdam, Child in Need India, and many more, we’re delivering nutritious meals to children, families, and individuals. We’re also changing the way communities eat and learn—teaching youth how to grow crops with Urban Roots and providing convenient access to fresh produce through Kanbe’s Markets. Our support for LifeMoves, LifeWorks, and Foundation Communities brings affordable housing to people experiencing instability, and our grants to the Military Family Advisory Network and the Elizabeth Dole Foundation enable supportive services for veterans and military families.

woman at Second Harvest Food Bank
students working on project

Grant portfolio

When it comes to philanthropy, we don't wait for the right people to find us. We actively seek out nonprofit and social impact organizations that are advancing bold, modern solutions to some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity today.

Oracle Health Foundation

Building healthier tomorrows

At Oracle Health Foundation, a nonprofit funded by Oracle and staffed by Oracle employees, we believe that all young people deserve access to the healthcare they need, no matter their life circumstances. The Foundation makes pediatric case grants globally for medicine, surgeries, travel, and equipment. It also provides wellness screenings for elementary school students in greater Kansas City, along with referrals for care and funding as needed.

Oracle Health Foundation

FY24 impact at a glance

  • donation

    US$2.6Mdonated for pediatric case grants

  • care kits

    13,250care kits delivered to children in need

  • students

    29,372students served by school wellness programs

Our programs and impact

Life-changing and lifesaving grants

Our pediatric case grants provide funding for children to receive the healthcare they need. From lifesaving organ transplants to wheelchairs, hearing aids, and eyeglasses, our grants help children access essential care and resources so they can reach their full health potential.

couple with their young child

Elementary school wellness programs

Healthy students are better learners. Our free wellness screenings include hearing, vision, and vital sign screenings. We also provide complete head-to-toe assessments, with parental consent, for elementary school students in the greater Kansas City area. A registered nurse can identify potential issues and recommend referrals for follow-up monitoring and care.

school classroom

Resources and security for children in need

For children who are living in poverty, unhoused, or navigating the foster care system, everyday essentials and comfort items can be hard to come by. Oracle Health Foundation provides care kits containing clothing, books, hygiene essentials, and other items for young people experiencing hardship. We deliver these kits to schools, nonprofits, and social service agencies in the greater Kansas City area.

kids receiving care kits

Integral pieces of care: Addie’s story

When Addie was only one week old, she developed a brain bleed that led to hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. To support her surgeries, medications, and ongoing treatment needs, Oracle Health Foundation provided a medical grant to Addie’s family. This enabled Addie to receive integral parts of the care she needed, plus a service dog, communications technology to help her connect with the world, and a wheelchair ramp for the family minivan so they can all go places together.

Oracle Education Foundation

The future in progress

Oracle Education Foundation, a nonprofit funded by Oracle and staffed by Oracle employees, teaches young people how to innovate, solve problems with technology, and shape a better future. The Foundation delivers classes at the intersection of design thinking, futures thinking, coding, and physical computing, led by Foundation instructors and coached by Oracle Volunteers.

FY24 impact at a glance

  • student classes

    573student innovators enrolled in Foundation classes

  • students

    13,207student hours spent learning to design, code, and create

  • volunteer hours

    4,431Oracle Volunteer hours donated to help students learn

FY14–FY24 impact

  • students

    4,000student innovators enrolled in Foundation classes

  • student hours

    80,000student hours spent learning to design, code, and create

  • volunteer hours

    33,000Oracle Volunteer hours donated to help students learn

Our classes

Neural Networks for sustainable seafood choices

According to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, 90% of fish populations are currently fished at, or beyond, their sustainable limits. So how might a consumer browsing a fishmonger’s offerings make a sustainable choice? It can be hard. To help, two d.tech students in an Oracle Education Foundation class about neural networks created Fishfindr, an easy-to-use phone app that helps consumers make sustainable seafood selections by taking or uploading a photo of a fish they’re considering buying. Using data from Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch Program, the app’s neural network returns an identification of the species alongside sustainability information, including recommendations for more-sustainable species with a similar taste and texture if the original species is unsustainable.

two d.tech students who created Fishfindr

Creative Coding to connect through art

Emotional well-being is critical to mental and physical health. By enhancing our ability to communicate our feelings, we can strengthen our social connections. Heartful Hues is a web app that uses speech recognition and sentiment analysis to translate emotion into color and motion. Users answer questions, based on which the app creates and displays a visual representation of their feelings. The app also lets users collaborate—enabling them to share more than they might be able to verbally. This Creative Coding project provides a space for two people to express their emotions visually and use technology to lead more connected lives.

creators of Heartful Hues

Physical Computing for catch and release

In addition to making our lives more convenient, technology can also help us be more humane. Using open hardware and coding, students in the Physical Computing class created a nonharmful spider-trapping device for safe and gentle catch and release. Built on an Arduino microcontroller board, the tool lets users scoop spiders into an enclosure box using a gentle retractable claw. Next, the user need only open a window or head outdoors, where touching a button triggers a built-in fan that softly wafts spiders back into the wild. This practical solution teaches respect for the many ecological benefits that arachnids provide and makes it easy to humanely transport them outside.

students who developed a nonharmful spider-trapping device

Artificial Intelligence for collaborative interviews and user-centric feedback

In an era marked by the need for accurate, representative data, traditional methods of gathering user feedback often fall short. OpenForm is an interactive, AI-powered feedback tool that combines dynamic surveys and interviews to engage respondents in an adaptive way. Using a synchronous format, it asks participants personalized questions, and their answers generate tailored follow-up inquiries—mimicking a real-life conversation. Features such as talk-to-text also help overcome the shortcomings of static, one-size-fits-all surveys. The result: more valuable, high-quality data that enables designers to better understand their end users.

students who coded OpenForm

Experiential Game Design for bee conservation

Pollination is vital to the health of our ecosystems. However, bees and other pollinators, such as butterflies, bats, and hummingbirds, are under threat from human activities. Hive Defense is an interactive computer game set in a future where the lives of bees have been disrupted by invasive species and pesticide misuse. Tasked with defending their hive, players must strategize to protect their colony, eradicate pests, and ensure the survival of their home. As players experience the world from the bee’s perspective, they gain a deeper understanding of the impact of human actions on the natural world. This immersive experience not only educates players about sustainable practices, but also builds empathy for our precious pollinators.

students who coded Hive Defense

TinyML for color-blind accessibility

Students at the Ann Richards School for Young Women designed a way to help color-blind individuals distinguish among different types and pieces of produce while grocery shopping. By leveraging a combination of AI-powered image recognition systems and Arduino microcontrollers, their prototype lets users take a photo using their phone or other device and receive an accurate color label. The students aim to further develop the prototype’s capabilities—implementing the technology into eyeglasses to provide seamless assistance in identifying the ripeness of fruits and the freshness of meats.

students at the Ann Richards School for Young Women

Design Tech High School

Developing people who make the world a better place

Design Tech High School (d.tech) is a California public charter school located on our Redwood Shores campus. The school's revolutionary educational model helps prepare students not just for the next four years of college, but for the next forty years of their lives and careers. When we began engaging with d.tech in 2014, the one thing the school didn't have was the stability of a permanent home. Recognizing d.tech's enormous potential, we built a facility for the school on our Silicon Valley campus.

Design Tech High School

FY24 impact at a glance

  • award

    98%graduation rate

  • certificate

    90%college admission rate

  • graduation cap

    97%college persistence rate

Why d.tech at Oracle?

Redefining the purpose of school

Design Tech High School’s model goes far beyond test scores and mastery of academic subjects. It emphasizes design thinking, creative problem-solving, and experiential learning so students can be self-directed. A defining element of the d.tech model is the Intersession program, which brings the community into the students’ educational experience. Three times a year, for 60 hours each time, students explore new disciplines and industries through classes offered by nonprofits, businesses, and professionals. Oracle Education Foundation participates in this program, offering classes on technologies such as neural networks, web applications, data science, and much more.

self-directed students

Creativity is a life skill

More than 70% of employers report that creative thinking is the most in-demand skill—and demand is likely to increase. d.tech has long recognized creativity as a critical tool for both personal development and lifelong success. By embedding creative problem-solving into its curriculum, d.tech helps students create their own path, rather than simply finding one. Students explore emerging technologies such as AI, nurture empathy and the other qualities that make us human, learn to embrace the journey of education, and prepare for the undefined.

student writing on sticky notes

The ultimate incubator

Since its founding 10 years ago, d.tech has produced amazing results—and the impact is evidenced by its graduates. Today, some of them are conducting groundbreaking research, others are developing technology solutions across industries, all are engaging in creation and innovation, and to our delight, some of them are Oracle employees.

student wearing graduation gown

Follow us on social media

Photo credits: Philanthropy hero image: TechBridge Girls; Oracle Giving hero image: The Marine Mammal Center; Our focus areas: 1. Raspberry Pi; 2. World Telehealth Initiative; 3. Save the Redwoods League; 4. Second Harvest of Middle Tennessee; Grant portfolio hero image: Girl Scouts of North America; Oracle Education Foundation class images: Rory Earnshaw; Jim Stone.