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Oracle Global Pricing and Licensing
Price Lists

Price Lists

Price Lists

The downloadable price list will help you familiarize yourself with Oracle's product offerings and pricing.

Oracle Technology

Download this price list if you are a Commercial, non Government agency.

Oracle eBusiness Suite

Download this price list if you are a Commercial, non Government agency.

Oracle Fusion Applications

Download this price list if you are a Commercial, non Government agency.

Oracle Engineered Systems

Download this price list if you are a Commercial, non Government agency.

Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

Download this price list if you are a Commercial, non Government agency.


The downloadable price list will help you familiarize yourself with Siebel’s product offerings and pricing. Reference this Price List if you are a Commercial, non Government agency.


The downloadable price list will help you familiarize yourself with PeopleSoft's product offerings and pricing. Reference this Price List if you are a Commercial, non Government agency.

JD Edwards

The downloadable price list will help you familiarize yourself with JD Edwards’ product offerings and pricing. Reference this Price List if you are a Commercial, non Government agency.

Oracle Linux Support and Oracle VM Support

The downloadable price list will help you familiarize yourself with Oracle Linux Support and Oracle VM Support offerings and pricing.


The downloadable price list will help you familiarize yourself with MySQL offerings and pricing.

Oracle Java SE Universal Subscription

The downloadable price list will help you familiarize yourself with Oracle Java SE Universal Subscription for On Premise, Enterprise, Desktop, Server, and Cloud Workloads.

Java Embedded

This downloadable price list will familiarize Java developers with Java Embedded offerings and pricing.

U.S. Public Sector Part Number Detail

The downloadable part number detail file is for US Public Sector reference only.

Managed Services for US/DoD Government